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Kexi Development TODO Document
From jstaniek's Point of View
Also includes: win32 porting and multiplatform
features, planning, improving ideas, details
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek js at / OpenOffice Polska
Kexi home page:
TODO: rename KexiTabBrowser to KexiProjectWindow
TODO: rename KexiBrowser to KexiProjectListView
TODO: rename KexiBrowserItem to KexiProjectListViewItem
TODO: rename KexiDialogBase to KexiWindowBase
TODO: Kexi can use database as only medium for storing _all_ project's data
and then can treat .kexi files as:
-just export/import format for Kexi projects
-medium for storing projects that use sqlite driver
-simply: shortcut to project stored in database
HINT: DO NOT USE signals/slots for lowlevel data manipulation (e.g. loading data for tableviews)!
TODO: add kexiinclude_HEADERS and kexiincludedir to Makefile.ams to install headers, see:
TODO: after kexi main window is activated again (from minimized state),
always 1st opened subwindow is activated
TODO: when editor in table cell is active: after click outside of it, editor should be closed (accepted)
TODO: FIX: QMetaObject::findSignal:KexiQueryPart: Conflict
with KexiProjectHandler::itemListChanged(KexiProjectHandler*) in KexiView
TODO: FIX vertical alignment in table view's cells based on corrent QFontMetrics (make tests for
different font sizes and names)
TODO: change texts in projectwizard to more descriptive:
"Authentication" --> "Database server's user authentication"
"Database Location" --> "Database Server Location"
TODO: [complexity=big] add command line kexi tools
TODO: install kexi-specific icons in apps/kexi/icons not as global
-add "Change data source" button in project wizard
-after pressing this button, show "connections selection dialog"
-create "connections selection dialog" instead of project wizard:
--add "Always show me this advanced dialog" checkbox to connections selection dialog
--add "Set selected connection as default" checkbox to connections selection dialog
-old project wizard is now "connection wizard" (for creating new connection);
"connection" created by user stores full info needed to get databases list
-connection data is a mime type of local xml file, so it can be used to create shortcuts
-kexi project is just connection extended with providing database name and user (local)
settings for this given database
-on startup: by default offer:
--creating empty temporary db on startup with name "New database"
--creating new database using database wizard
--opening existing Kexi projects
--importing existing non-kexi databases
FIX: corrupted database can be created sometimes (eg. for tests/newapi sqlite dbcreation)
--reason: maybe file was not flushed and app too early exited?
"Although SQLite parses named transactions, the names are ignored.
SQLite does not support nested transactions. If you split the SQL statements in a transaction
over several sqlite_exec() calls, you must be prepared to handle failure in each of these calls.
If a failure occurs SQLite will return a non-zero value. After that, SQLite will revert to the
default behavior of giving each SQL statement its own transaction until a new transaction is started."
---so: check if any sqlite_exec() failed and if so - update connection state as if rollback has been done.
TODO: use callbacks for fetching data (to avoid data copying)
TODO: "The SQLite library includes functions sqlite_encode_binary() and sqlite_decode_binary()
in "encode.c". They can be used to safely encode binary data in a string form suitable for storing
in SQLite, and safe for use in SQL queries. These functions are an "addition" to the SQLite library.
They are not compiled into the library by default, and are not present in the precompiled binaries
distributed on the download page."
TODO: add possibility in cursor: "Operating in-place on data returned by sqlite_get_table()"
TODO: add custom collation using sqlite3_create_collation() for:
- non-latin1 characters
- non-latin1 characters with NOCASE option
TODO: add option for use ":memory:" special file.
- Allow to use it also e.g. for migration, etc.
- Allow to attach it as special portion of db
TODO: Use hints coming from "Understanding The Architecture Of SQLite" slides
(optimization, etc.),
TODO: table merge automaton:
Imagine you have a simple database with two tables, and a third to join them as a
many-to-many relationship. Someone sends me an SQLite database as a file which has the
same structure, but the data is different. I want to merge these two databases
together keeping all of the relationships intact, without duplicating data.
For example, if the tables were "customers" and "products" and the one in between
"orders", there is the possibility that some customers and/or products might be the
same, but with different primary keys. The problem is that since the databases were
independently created, a simple union will break the relationships since the primary
keys will overlap.
I can think of brute force ways to do this, but I was wondering if anyone might have a
good algorithm or technique to accomplish this efficiently.
TODO: add support for PRAGMA page_size on new db creation,
and e.g. propose default values for win32
(see also other optimization mentioned here)
TODO: In Memory database/tables: how to load an sqlite file to be entirely fit in the memory?
clever solution: "You could set the cache size as big as your database file (via pragma).
This should load all (used) data into memory. This is probably not a good solution
if your application does not run for a longer time. "
TODO: add autovacuum support on SQLite db creation?
TODO: use sqlite3_set_authorizer() to get fine-grained access control support
TODO: use SQLite's > 3.3.6 ability to load new SQL functions and collating sequences from shared libraries and DLLs
TODO: use Virtual Tables to get external virtual data like CSV live queries
TODO: use triggers to get undo/redo:
TODO: implement autoincrement for any field (also multiple fields) using the triggers; example:
CREATE TABLE test (a integer, b integer, txt text);
CREATE TRIGGER test_a_seq_trigger AFTER INSERT ON test FOR EACH ROW BEGIN update test set a=(ifnull((select max(a)+1 from test), 1)) where rowid=new.rowid and new.a isnull; END;
CREATE TRIGGER test_b_seq_trigger AFTER INSERT ON test FOR EACH ROW BEGIN update test set b=(ifnull((select max(b)+1 from test), 1)) where rowid=new.rowid and new.b isnull; END;
insert into test values (null, null, 'foo');
insert into test values (null, 7, 'bar');
insert into test values (null, null, 'text');
Then, support the following grammar in KEXISQL:
CREATE TABLE test (a integer autoincrement, b integer autoincrement, txt text);
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ALSO TODO: move all simple widget classes (e.g. KexiSettings, KexiTabBrowser)
from core, to more detailed dirs,
and projectWizard/ to wizards/ (there will be more wizards soon)
- add kexi__parts (p_id integer, p_type) table and appropriate part objects in kexi__objects
- reuse recent project tab as separate window for "More projects..." menu action [difficulty: 1]
- implement contents update for "recentprojects" menu action [difficulty: 2]
- implement: drag-and-drop of the project file to the outside of Kexi, [difficulty: 2]
- saveas== saving another shortcut to a project if it is server-based [difficulty: 2]
TODO: improve security for password information in .kexis files
TODO: for .kexis files' conenction data - if password attr. is not present - ask for password
IDEA: integrate password information in .kexis files with KWallet
TODO: Put Connection::dropTable() and Conenction::dropQuery() INSIDE TRANSACTION!!!!!!!
- ODBC driver (hello mattr!)
- Access -> Kexi migration tool (done)
- scripting
=== Kexi Parts TODO ===
- kexipart.h: add KexiPart::AboutData : public KAboutData
#define KEXIPART_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libname, partClass, aboutData ) \
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libname, KGenericFactory<partClass>(aboutData) )
- add gui for viewing full part information
=== General TODO ===
- avoid using veryvery long names for objects
- IDEA: Learning module. A special optional pane which shows what commands are sent to server
for learning purposes.
- IDEA: Server-side wrapper for db connections (very simple) that allows anonymous [1]
(or any predefined group of users [2])
-- wrapper handles connections by validating *virtual* usernames and passwords for [1] case,
or providing unique virtual user names and passwords for [2] case
-- on the server side, wrapper connects to database server (it can be available locally or remotely)
using it's private user name and password. Thus, we only need one *physical* user name and password
for multiple users. Virtual names/passwords are mapped to physical one.
This is a solution for hosted database servers where it's hard to create as many users
as actually needed.
-- Priviledges are mapped as well, and translated. By default, user A could be able to create his/her
own database and drop it. He/she couldn't be able to do the same with user's B databases,
until user B allow this. The same for creating tables, and writing data.
-- wrapper secures server from too large data sets being sent to server
(parameters need to be configurable)
-- it's all dedicated for Kexi; so it's NOT a generic wrapper for any database client.
- add "ADVANCED" find dialog: like in Mozilla Advanced Address Book Search window
-add "Simple/Advanced Usage" global option
--for simple usage:
--use captions everywhere possible, instead of names (tables, fiels, etc.); names should be autogenerated
=== i18n ===
- plugins/forms/kexiformpart.cpp "Best Fit" instead of "To Fit" (pl=Najlepsze dopasowanie)
- KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::initTableColumns(): i18n("Visible") --> i18n("Column visible", "Visible")
- add comment for translators: i18n("'empty' is an adjective here", "Empty database")
-"Could rename table \"%1\" using the same name."
--> "Could NOT rename table \"%1\" using the same name."
I am using update_kexi_po to recreate kexi.po file. THis will run cd koffice/ && make -f admin/Makefile.common package-messages
=== Import/Export Framework TODO ===
-KEXIDB: add lower level functions like: "getting table names list", "getting table schema",
"getting index schema"
=== Combo box editor TODO ====
-new layout: a lineedit + dropdown button + popup tableview, when needed
-use (and add few) methods for tableview to enable adjusting it for use it as dropdown tv
--add scrolling for mouse dragging
-dropdown tv has to contain:
--QSizeGrip at the bottom corner
-in kexidb: implement combobox settings for the foreign field:
--ordered set of fields that are visible in popup tableview (ie. just query that is bound with the column)
-use multi-key relations from kexidb
- copy should handle "displayed" value, not the real one
(maybe let's use a custom clipboard mimetype? (containing a bound value) -- otherwise
it will be not posible to paste the copied value)
- fix support for query as the row source
- (forms combo) repaint (remove focus rectangle) when other widget is focused using a mouse click
=== Table View TODO ====
- do not accept when enterind "-" for unsigned numeric types
- add a functions for moving/cutting/copying/pasting rows
- extended support for enums (combo boxes)
- add top-left button that allow select all rows
- enable clicked vheader button to select given row
- enable column dragging
- add action "restore original column order"
- add possibility of renaming column by 1) dbl-clicking header 2) "rename column" action
- more actions (as in Format and Insert menus of MSA2k3)
- add own impl. (based on Qt) for date/time editor because:
-- no focusSection(), etc. is available in current impl.
-- frames cannot be easily removed
-store last sorting column (and type) and load it on KexiTableView::setData()
(not it's only cleared)
- replace KexiDB::RowData usage in KexiTableItem with something faster
- signal on situation when user e.g. pressed alpha key when only numeric chars is allowed
- signal when null/empty value forcell isn't permitted
- signal when repeated value isn't permitted
- add support for cut, copy & paste of cell's contents (get shortcuts from KStdAccel)
HINT: removing Qt::WStaticContents from KexiTableView ctor fixed repaint problem
the problem was with repainting when hscrollbar disapperars....
- KexiTableView loads all data from the table: very slow and consumes a lot of memory:
(e.g. for each record with 3 fields: 1 integer, 1 text and 1 float consumed ~350B)
- ctors and dtors are WAY TOO SLOW!
- add an option: for bigger tables load only part of the table data
- optimize MySQL record size
- add focus rectangles for cells:
- add more cell types & options:
--including: red corner with a note; sliders; radio buttons
- highlight sorted column's cells slightly darker, like in current KListView's impl.
- clicking on a header section (to sort), it ensures current cell is visible, but
only y-position should be changed, not x
- add support for crossed out rows - that can be used for results of DELETE queries
- add combo boxes for fields filtering in column headers,
as in
- display autonumber indicator in autonumbered column(s)
- reimplement header widget to better show sorting indicators
- display tooltip over cells that are to small to display entire contents
- Add icons for conditional formatting:
(displaying icons is already possible using custom properties, BTW)
- display [null] values in boolean fields, e.g. as [?]
- allow to select entire rows, columns and grids as in a spreadsheet;
offer copy/cut/paste/copy-to-file/clear for such selections
- tooltips:
-- implement tooltip manager (this will allow to create custom tooltips)
-- use if ( QApplication::isEffectEnabled( UI_AnimateTooltip ) == FALSE ||....
as in qtooltip.cpp:564
-- implement custom tooltip for large texts and BLOB, add "zoom" option at the bottom of the tooltip
(zooming should not show a modal dialog but rather a widget inside the TV)
-- add the same zoom option to the context menu
-- also show tooltips when the content is only partially visible
- fix horizontal scrollbar's width updating: large tables like 'tabkodypocztowe1' hide the 'last' and 'new' buttons
- display default values for BLOB types
- add "None" option for editors supporting 3rdState, e.g. int, string (needed for "default"
property of the Table Designer)
- fix repainting cells when moving down/up arrow at the window boundaries
(weird, win32 is not affected)
- (e.g. in table designer): in an empty row 1. drop down a type combo. 2. do not select enything an click outside
of it. 3.
- do not autoscroll vertically the contents if the current column is wider than the view
(my example: 'microsoft_terminology' table's 1st column) because the text us unreadable
valid even when we use arow keys only
- KexiComboBoxTableEdit::createInternalEditor():
set d->internalEditor visible and use it to enable data entering by hand
(for now only types based that use KexiInputTableEdit (Text, Integer..) allows data entry using keyboard
- display error message on top of table view if data fetching failed
==== ALTER TABLE TODO: =============
-add a function for editing indices (including multi-field indices)
2 methods: 1) in additional dock 2) in property editor
-add all missing properties (even when most are not working)
-add "index" information icon @ the left hand of line with key(s) that is/are indexed
-in propeditor: auto-sync pkey, unique, required & indexed properties on changing;
add message boxes if needed
-for 'column width' property: add 'default' value at the beginning
-propose index key (ask for name) on saving tables without index (allow to bypass this message)
- re-add "tablepart_toggle_pkey" action after shared toggle actions fix:
--when propeditor is focused, there's a problem with syncing on/off state of toolbar button
of "tablepart_toggle_pkey" action
--> altertable view doesn't receive the signal about toggling (because it's not focused)
==== Forms TODO ====
-add "datasheet view" to db-aware forms
-add [NewFormDefaults] option group and:
--add "autoTabStop" (bool)
^^^ implement above so Form::autoAssignTabStops() will be called before form saving
and before switching to data mode (this is already performed in FormIO::saveFormToDom().
- add setting expressions for data-aware widget's dataSource
- add setting anonymous (not stored) queries as form's dataSource
- display "Autonumber" string for data-aware widgets
- implement shared action categories to filter out them in 'assigning actions to push buttons'
- implement "restore default properties" action for widgets
- allow form's surface resizing when there's global layout defined
- fix repainting form's surface boundaries repainting when its size is changed by entering
value in the propeditor
- fix spring behaviour: it cannot be shrinked if its inside a layout
- KTextEdit doesn't allow to set custom cursor (also in Qt Designer)
- support for multiple widgets selection in the property editor (requires changes to kexiproperty)
- handle older and newer formats in FormIO::loadFormFromDom()
- KAcceleratorManager::setNoAccel(QWidget*) - use it in data mode,
define "auto accels" form's property and if it's false
- find a way to create more meaningfull default names for widgets than button1, button2.
Maybe convert widget text (if available) using string2Identifier()?
Maybe ask user to enter meaningfull name (+"do not ask this question again" checkbox)?
See also
- For newer widget types, add information for compatible widgets that
can be used instead of them. For best flexibility save this information in a form XML.
Example use: We have Kexi version N and N+1. In N+1 there's KexiFrame widget introduced that
extends QFrame with more features. Kexi N has no KexiFrame implemented but only QFrame.
When KexiFrame witget type has been encountered in the form's XML string,
Kexi N it is able to insert QFrame instead of KexiFrame (unsupported properties will be just ignored).
The result of substitution may be not accurate, so thing twice before adding such information
for a given widget type.
- add "buttonStyle" property for pushbutton widget with following values:
-- Button - the deafult
-- Hiperlink - clickable hiperlink will be displayed instead of button itself
-- Image - an clickable image will be displayed instead of button itself
For this value, aditional properties will make sense:
--- image, mouseOverImage, mouseDownImage
-- Thus, we'll have more consistent solution than MSA, which allows to
mess the form by setting hiperlinks directly also in Image box and Label widgets
- add "icon" property for pushbutton
- For "OnCLick" property:
-- allow to set hiperlink (and anchor) as value (i.e. so called "target location")
(see MSA's hiperlinkaddress, hiperlinksubaddress properties)
- frame widget:
-- add such fancy frame:
- tab widget: add color property for setting particular tab
- add a Scratchpad as in QtDesigner4, allows to drag&drop widgets between forms...
- Use RESET clause for Q_PROPERTY, eg. RESET unsetPalette for paletteBackgroundColor.
Then, use bool QMetaProperty::reset ( QObject * o ) const to reset property value in the propeditor.
- Autoforms: allow to define groups of fields so the fileds can be displayed with nice groupo boxes.
This definition shgould be made during table design, so we can reuse groupping information also in
autoreports and auto web forms. Especially usable for tables with lots of fields.
We could even define the groupping levels so top-level groups can be splitted using Tab Wigget.
- fix support for blob visible values for the combo box widget
==== Property Editor TODO: =========
- text does not fit well inside combobox editor
- double editor should be klineedit with doublevalidator, not spinbox
- add a hint for propertybuffer to allow properties to be displayed side-by-side
e.g. width, height properties ca be displayed this way. See also property editor
-KexiProperty: make it really shared (using QShared?)
-for each row (property) allow to define double-click-action dependent on property type,
* e.g. bool editor: toggle true/false,
* enum editor: select next value (circularly),
* fire selection dialog for filename editor, color editor, pixmap editor, etc.
* expand children for cells of type like "Rect"
* other types- by default: just move cursor to editor
- add support for "set" types (e.g. AlignTop|AlignBottom) and port form's objpropertybuffer to this
- add "description" label on the bottom of the property editor;
it should reuse Property::description() text
- support Variant type (needs update in Editor) so Property::setValue() won't show a "INCOMPATIBLE TYPES!" warning
(needed e.g. by KexiTableDesignerView for "defaultValue" property)
==== Query Designer TODO: ======
- add tables dropping from the browser
- add a dialog for inserting multiple tables at a time
- fix connections drawing
- make "1" and "inf" signs a bit larger (scalable)
- 'totals' are unused yet
- update query after change in Connection cache
- for queries like 'select * from a, b, c' allow to enter * in 'table' column
--this should also work when we're recreating field rows on switching from SQL view to design view
- query part: react on KexiProject::aboutItemDelete() and KexiProject::aboutItemRename() signals
- query parameters:
-- use a special dialog with validators compatible with the field type for getting query parameters
(currently KInputDialog is used)
-- use dialog like KInputDialog::getItemList() for supporting multiple values as query parameters
- support add "PARAMETERS [prompt1] datatype1, [prompt2] datatype2;" syntax to the parser,
and add query "Query parameters" dialog/pane, allowing to order parameters that user should
provide (Ks. eksp., p. 73)
- ADDINs: a tree dialog showing query dependencies, and query templates like these
==== SQL Editor TODO: =====
- intergrate editor's (KPart) actions with KexiMainWindow's Actions
- win32: katepart on win32: void KateSyntaxDocument::setupModeList (bool force)
Works slowly for the 1st time because there is no cache.
Workaround: removed most of apps/katepart/syntax/*.xml files
- win32: fix freeze on 1st char entering
- win32: fix mmap for win9x (InterlockedCompareExchange() replacement is needed
-> see kdelibs/win/mmap.c)
- call qApp->processEvents() on highlighting schema loading,
so 'wait' cursor can be visible on 1st loading.
- allow saving invalid queries (KexiQueryDesignerSQLView::storeNewData())
(for invelid queries, after opening SQL view should be shown automatically)
- allow to copy error message (e.g. using a copy button)
+ allow to select message text (use active label?)
==== Main window TODO ====
- propeditor dock window is hidden when a window in data view mode is active
(or no window is present). This feature is partially disabled
--REENABLE when blinking and dock width changes will be removed in KMDI
- add sorting projects information using KexiProjectData::lastOpened
- also add this info as "Database>Open Recent" menu subentry
- display errors when plugin library could not be instantiated due to a broken lib
- Project Navigator: display multiline item names is needed
- display progress bar (in the statusbar?) to indicate there're pending jobs
- enlarge the default main window size, currently it's ~50% ofthe desktop size
- not convenient as user is forced to enlarge the window by hand (settings are stored though)
- add "File->Save All" action
- add settings dialog, KConfigXT based simple version
+ about:config-like using kconfigeditor
(possible reuse of koproperty)
TODO: add SharedAction::setVisible() and use QMenuData::setItemVisible() where needed
-perhaps we'd reuse KDE Menu editor GUI?
=== KexiDB TODO ===
- add to field's properties list: input mask, validation rule, column width
- improve Expression class, add code for generating expression
strings in Connection::queryStatement()
- add dynamic resize for dict members like Connection::m_tables
- make KexiDB really ASYNC, multithreaded!
- implement relationships (foreign key information) between tables + storage
-- Support tree standard types of integrity rules as described at
plus: Cascade to Null Relations
- implement GROUP BY clause + storage
- add schema to kexi__* tables on createTable()
- add support for creation temporary databases
- look at Connection::isReadOnly() to see if we can perform certain operations
requiring write access (create db, update db props, etc.)
- reuse ConnectionData::useLocalSocketFile for connections using socket file
- Connection::alterTableName():
--alter table name for server DB backends!
--what about objects (queries/forms) that use old name?
- PGSQL: use setval(sequence) to allow setting autonumber values by hand
- optionally, introduce EDITABLE_AUTONUMBER_FIELDS driver flag
PiggZ_ js: and to ensure you always have id 1 and 2, well.....they would be anyway at db creation time as sequence = 0
js PiggZ_: but users ofter want to enter it anyway
js eg. sqlite increments its autonumber to 1001 if you enter 1000
js we want nothing more that that
js s/than that
PiggZ_ personally, i never want to enter a value into autonumber.....autonumber usually = pkey, so its best to let the db handle it
js If use want strict sequences to be used, he can:
js 1) hide autonumber column at all
js 2) set it not-editable
js 3) or just do not touch this column
PiggZ_ well then, its probably best to set the value of the sequence if a value is manually entered...if possible
- add an QAsciiDict of (reserved) SQL keywords and use it in Driver::escapeIdentifier()
- add FieldType and move things like typeGroupString() there
- CRASH: removing tables when a query still uses it.
HOW TO FIX: Add TableSchema::Ptr, QuerySchema::Ptr, etc.
-- related to above: add a possibility to return all objects (and optionally all opened objects)
thad depend on a given table
-- we could also add a GUI tree to show these dependencies
- add permissions information to connection : and - for sqlite - check if file is RO
and then set RO flag
- add kexi__toremove table, and use it to remove objects on begin connection
- [Kexi 0.2?] sometimes a user has got only one database availaliable on a server
(eg. when server is commercially hosted). Somethime user isn't just able
to create database because of insuffficient privileges.
Solutions --> add a possibility of sharing multiple projects within the same database
* kexi__* tables will be shared
* prefixes can be needed for table names (add option to set or unset this)
* prefixes will be hidden (stripped out) by KexiDB from real names, eg. 'mydb_mytable' -> 'mytable'
* let's set default prefix equal to database name
* within a group of "projects sharing the same databse" it will be easier to:
** mount (attach) external projects to an opened Kexi project
** run queries using tables from many projects
* disadvantages:
** decreased modularity and data encapsulation
** possible problems with transactions and user access rights
** custom table names can look weird outside Kexi
** the feature adds another level of complexity to KexiDB
-define "login timeout" setting (in seconds) so connecting can rely on this value.
The setting could be assigned to a given connection data,
but could be also defined globally for the application.
(note: db:login-timeout is defined by opendocument spec.)
- take a look at agrep: -- looks loke it manages to convert
non latin1 characters to latin1, eg. '' to 'a':
"* option -ia searches case-insensitive
ISO characters are mapped to the nearest lower ASCII equivalent."
- support for COMPOUND KEYS, ie. keys with 2+ fields;
- OPTIMIZATION: use PREPARE and EXECUTE statements for some backends, eg. for pgsql:
(excerpt from
1. Create a prepared query for an INSERT statement, and then execute it:
PREPARE fooplan (int, text, bool, numeric) AS
INSERT INTO foo VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4);
EXECUTE fooplan(1, 'Hunter Valley', 't', 200.00);
2. Create a prepared query for a SELECT statement, and then execute it:
PREPARE usrrptplan (int, date) AS
SELECT * FROM users u, logs l WHERE u.usrid=$1 AND u.usrid=l.usrid
AND = $2;
EXECUTE usrrptplan(1, current_date);
3. For completnedd, provide KexiDB API for "DEALLOCATE" as well
- Implement "copy table" feature.
To copy table t1 as t2 with data use: "create table t2 as select * from t1"
To copy table t1 as t2 without data use: "create table t2 as select * from t1 limit 0"
NOTE: pkeys, triggers, default values are not copied?
- BLOBs in MySQL: max_allowed_packet is 1MiB; read
-- "MySQL protocol (it does not send 'chunked streams'
for blobs...The client has to read the _entire_ blob into memory."; use:
"select substring(document, 1, 10240) from documents where docid='3'" this to get chunks:
"select substring(document, 10241, 10240) from documents where docid='3'"
-- Other approach: store binary data using two tables 1st for metainfo about the data,
2nd for data chunks (e.g. 64KiB each):
????? is it possible to just use a database and store the kexi stuff in a .kexi file?
jstaniek ruurd: you just dont want to create kexi__* tables on your database?
ruurd yes, and use an existing database.
jstaniek ruurd: that's planned but note:
jstaniek this option doesn't offer you atomic changes to database schema, by definition, because two database conenctions are started concurrently.
jstaniek So we'll need to behave with care...
jstaniek ruurd: of course this is easier to do with read only databases or even databases where you don't plan to change schema (but just process db records)
- add Connection::ping() or so, using
and use it after being idle for a while (eg. call it every minute; also add an option for the delay)
- Move ObjectStatus to kexidb. Merge with Object.
- Support for opening .sql files: just import it on opening to in-memory database and dump it back into
.sql text on exisitng. Add optional compressing.
- Add support for compressed kexi files (better keep the same .kexi extension instead of .kexiz)
- Implement tree structures using idea #5 described here
(does pgsql require this hack?)
- double values are still rounded: consider storing them in memory as a decimal type
(e.g. using a special Q_LLONG+decimalplace class); needed e.g. in KexiQueryParameters::getParameters()
- handle input mask using a special KexiDB::FieldInputMask class
--needed in forms (KexiDBLineEdit::setColumnInfo()) and table views
- add setValue() to cursors: this will REQUIRE a buffered cursor, since we cannot run sql
before fetching is done... See,Thu&sel=229#l225
- use ThreadWeaver library for threaded KexiDB version
- tables can use queries as a row source for lookup fields, what can lead to infinite recursion;
FIX this by either: 1) not allowing to use such table in a query (see kexi/to_fix/Ksiazka_adresowa2_recursive_query_deadlock.kexi)
or 2) delayed loading of query column
=== KexiDB Parser TODO ===
- add a method for replacing a single given table name in the statement (useful on table renames)
- add clever query relatins parsing
(needed for switching back to GUI editor from text mode)
- add flexible support for date/time constants
- store text position information (line, column) for every token so it can be used
in SQL editor to place cursor in case of errors
- add translation method for SQL operators to driver,
so SQLite can return "CONCAT" and mysql return "||" for concatenation oeprator, and so on
- improvement in terms of data recovery:
assume you're entering a long record and db connection is dead before saving...
the record could be buffered locally before closing Kexi application... and on next startup, re-sent.
This can work in simple cases (when complex transactions are not involved).
- report "ambiguous field name 'id'" error for ambiguous queries like "SELECT, FROM a, b ORDER BY id"
- add types checking to **Expr::validate()
- consider switching from bison/flex to
- make parser reentrant (for now we've used a workaround)
=== KexiDB MySQL Driver TODO ===
- use InnoDB instead of MyISAM tables because of transactions support
Kexi's MySQL driver uses MyISAM engine, but transaction support needs InnoDB
(there should be also an option available to set on CREATE TABLE, and on an default for CREATE DATABASE)
=== KexiDB PostgreSQL Driver TODO ===
- port to libpq
- set version information in drv_useDatabase()
There's connection_base::server_version() in libpqxx trunk -
- add tests for DatabaseProperties
- add tests for PreparedStatement
- add tests for migration
=== Startup TODO ===
- reuse KexiNameWidget in KexiNewProjectWizard!
- use KPasswordDialog::disableCoreDumps() for security reasons
- IDEA for connection shortcuts:
Mysql Query Browser has a simple xml file defined:
- allow to choose if the file should be locked (opened in EXCLUSIVE mode) or not
- (linux) remove stupid message 'Please select the file to open'
when opening exisiting server project and clicking 'OK'
- database files accessed remotely: make it work without copying a file to temp. dir.
(maybe even without copying entire file? - patching sqlite required)
- add "Open read only" checkbox to the file browser
(Driver::ReadOnlyConnection option already allows to open in read only mode)
=== CLI TODO ===
- add kexicmd as a symlink to kexi binary, for totally non-gui usage
- just drop all tables when database already exist
(so recreating database will be available even
if you have only access to one database).
- GRANT privileges for non-root (current?) user for newly created db
=== Mimetypes/icons TODO ===
- new mimetypes:
- remove x-vnd.kexi.desktop in kdelibs
- copy mimetypes and magic def. to kdelibs (keep it within Kexi for compat.)
- remake kexi mime type svg icons
- copy kexi mime icons to kdelibs, remove old one
** Ask SQLite devs for a possibility for adding a field to indicate kexi-sqlite
format without opening database
=== Docs TODO ===
-translate the current content from polish to english
-?? migrate english content to wiki format
-move polish content to .po translation file
-Add this to the preface
-www: mention what features are already available and what is planned in terms of:
-- general features, example:
-- scripting, example:
- add chapters for:
-- simple printouts
-- "assign action" to a button
-- CSV import/export/copy/paste (csv import is explained on ML; 2007-03-23)
=== 2005 PRO TODO ===
-greatly improve sql parser
-greatly improve sql gui designer
--totals (sum, avg)
-more docs
-more widgets for db-aware forms
-add simple reporting
-finish server support
--connection creator
--fix permission problems
=== after-0.9 TODO ===
TODO: add time zones support: 1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00
TODO: update to sqlite3.1 and use it's features
TODO: 0.2: reuse
gfx can be found here:
TODO: look at recent Martin's stuff:
Core TODO:
- update shared actons availability ONLY AFTER we've switched to other kexidialog base,
not just on LOST FOCUS
- for now: clicking on empty menu bar's item (eg. "Format") causes to losing shared actions state
- make core/ non-gui lib. Move data creation code out of KexiDialogBase.
Reports TODO
- reuse most of KexiFormPart code in KexiReportPart (eg. creating shared actions)
- line widget should use special resize handle set -- with only two rectangles (Forms too)
- do not execute KMdiMainFrm::switchOffMaximizeModeForMenu() when true==QApplication::closingDown()
-change form's object caption to "caption" property, when changed and conversely!
1. test dipesh.kexi - ID column is not used on row updating!!!
2. dipesh np, I also found a crasher witch is maybe related.
dipesh just change a value, go to design mode and switch back to dataview...
dipesh [KCrash handler]
dipesh #3 0xb59b156f in KexiFormScrollView::createEditor ()
dipesh from /usr/lib/kde3/
dipesh #4 0xb7e5f502 in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::startEditCurrentCell ()
dipesh from /usr/lib/
dipesh #5 0xb59b276a in KexiFormScrollView::valueChanged ()
dipesh from /usr/lib/kde3/
dipesh I look where the crasher is coming from.
dipesh oh, in KexiFormScrollView::createEditor
dipesh column( col ) returns NULL
jstaniek dipesh: it's only within your example project...
dipesh therefore column( col )->readOnly() crashes...
reuse KWallet
=== Interesting features ===
- Add random names/surnames generator:
Good for generating good-looking random data for a given table.
-- Autodetect 'name' columns or ask user to describe what he wants.
Comply with data validation rules.
-- use famous 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...' test text for longtext types
=== QUICK TODO ===
TODO: in KexiMainWindowImpl::slotProjectOpen() add support for starting new kexi instance for selected conn data
(we need to remember from what filename has been a conndata loaded)
TODO: move ConnectionData::savePassword to QMap<ConnectionData*,bool> KexiDBConnectionSet::savePasswordMap or so
TODO: Forms: fix label width resizing when entering text within inline editor
TODO: Forms copy more properties (like palette) to inline editor from e.g. text label
TODO: Forms: fix: double clicking unselected widget doesn't switch us to inline editing mode
TODO: Forms: object tree: enable sorting by name after clicking "name" header;
enable sorting by class,name by clicking "class" header
Startup TODO:
- when using a startup item, touch the file for better sorting:
- add "Save Special->Shortcut file for this project" action
- add "Save Shortcut file for this connection" action
- FOR SLOW CONNECTIONS: show progress bar on:
-- retrieving a list of projects (in KexiProjectSelectorDialog)
-- opening a project (in status bar?)
- Also, add "cancel" button near the progress bar (reuse the one from KMail?)
TODO: If a form has no focus, FormManager::windowChanged() and KexiFormView::setFocusInternal()
don't work properly (setFocus() is not available...)
-Image Box:
--pasting large images makes chooser button invisible; maybe place it on top of the widget?
--set better default for focusPolicy, implement setFocus()
--add filter property (using KImageEffect)
--make image-related actions undoable/redoable in design time
--add 'print' action
--add for movies/animations support using QMovie to KexiDBImageBox
or (most probably) inherit KexiDBImageBox as KexiDBMovieBox
---KexiBLOBBuffer::pixmap() shouldn't be used but data() should be used to create QMovie object
in each movie widget itself because even if the same QMovie was used in many movie widgets:
a) speeds can vary between movie widgets, b) different forms can be opended in different moments
so playing starts in different moments, c) one or more movies can be stopped while others not
---add following related properties: int playbackSpeed (in frames per second, 0==default),
bool autoStart (true==default), playbackControls (false==default), bool loopPlayback (true==default)
bool pauseAfterEnd (0==nothing==default)
-property pane: shrink widget name displayed at the top by adding "..." to avoid problems
with pane's size when selected widget has very long name
- resize handles are always black: this is bad on black background!
- use KURLLabel as an option for push button widget
Combo Box Editor
- ADD "restrict to list" OPTION: don't copy 1st row's value if there's no value in the combo
--> needed for 1st column of Query Designer
- ConnectionData: make local sockets default for unix, instead of tcp/ip
- removed conflict between standalone and KOffice version by:
-- inserting "standalone" word into module names,
eg. ->
-- renaming kexi to kexi-standalone
- rename "data view mode" to "browse view mode" (as in Filemaker)
- add "File->Mail..." action (requires closing and copying of the sqlite file, if locked)
- add "Created With Kexi" page and a link to it from and
- when releasing new Kexi version publish: A first look at Kexi x.y" page, like this:
- short reasoning for using db abstraction layers:
ACCESIBILITY - Mouseless Operation Problems (KOffice 1.4.1):
- It is not possible to select the data type of a
field in the table editor. Alt+DownArrow does not work.
- When editing the fields of a table, it is not
obvious how to flag a field as a primary key.
WORKAROUND: Use Popup Context Menu (Menu key) and select Primary Key, OR use Edit | Primary
Key on the main menu, OR use Property Editor.
- In the Property Editor, is not obvious how to
change a boolean property. Alt+DownArrow does not work.
- It is not possible to change the value of a
property in the property editor that has a picklist of possible values, for example,
SubType. Alt+DownArrow does not work.
- When creating a query, it is not possible to add a table to the query.
- Not possible to select a column, table,
totals in Query Columns panel. Alt+DownArrow does not work.
- It is not possible to add a widget to a form.
- Pressing Tab key while focus is in the Form
Editor window, but not on any widgets on the form, crashes Kexi.
- It is not possible to change the size of a
widget in the form editor without the mouse.
- update conn dialog gui
Migration (Import Project Wizard) TODO:
- change drivers comboboxes to KexiDBDriverList
(impl. this one with drv name and description columns)
- close currently opened file-based project if it's the same as imported one
(do not save anything)
- 'select source db type' page: change "sqlite/msa/mysql/pg" to "sqlite/msa/server database"
because type of server db is in fact selected on the next page (source conn selection)
- set the same path for "destination" file browser as for "source" one
- add "do not create system tables" option to the wizard
- reuse the migration framework to support "offline mode" - for instance usable while moving with
out of network with a laptop, by copying the relevant remote tables to a local temp db;
this is already implemnted e.g. in MSA 2k7:
coming back online requeres data merges what is not easy as resolving potential conflict may be needed
MDB Migration:
- add checks for "no space left on device" error (otherwise Kexi will crash)
- fix currency converting
- use MSysRelationdhips table to read MSA db relationships (easy, it's not encoded)
=== Kexi Web Site TODO ===
- move to mediawiki (JJ?)
- Add "Features" page like this
- Extend "Credits" page with Gold Users/Translators, etc. like here:
- copy/paste doesn't preserve caption text (maybe caption should be copied
to from QueryColumnInfo to a property)
- fix highlight for data mode! (very old bug)
- fix: server as destination is broken
CSV Import TODO:
- switch from dialog to wizard; add filedlg widget as the 1st page
- add better detection for CSV data with \t delimiters (needed for pasting from spreadsheets)
- add option for storing import settings
- always test using e.g. this file:*checkout*/wcuniverse/priv/units/units.csv
- change boolean "First row contains column names" to 3-value combo:
"Get column names:" ["None", "From the first row", "From the first imported row"]
- add "skip empty columns" and "skip empty rows" option
- (advanced) there can be a column that is a result of exporting combo box visible values;
in this case add option for normalizing the table using existing (or new) lookup table
- add clear message when :
-- primary key cannot be set because of non-unique values
-- number cannot be set because non-number values
-- etc.
- add "fix non-unique valuesID /add missing ID values" option for PK column
- add option for skipping particular columns
- add option for filtering import results afterwards:
-- to limit number of rows stored in db and
-- to process columns using expressions
CSV Export TODO:
- add progress bar and wizard
- add "Include row count as first column - include row number in the first
column of each row" option
- add "Include column types on top" option
- add "Fixed columns width" option (can be extended to support "fixed width text" format)
- add "Set text to (null) on NULL value - use the string "(null)" to represent
a NULL value in the document" option
- add "Replace empty/Null fields with..." option
- add "Lines terminated with.." option (\n or \r\n or \r)
- add option for compression (gzip, zip, bzip2...)
- MORE TODOs here:
- by default, use delimiter=\t and quote=none for clipboard (needed for copying to spreadsheets)
- add "Strip leading and trailing blanks off of text values" option
- deal with lookup fields: for every such field
-- add option for exporting lookup tables as separate files
-- add option for exporting a) both visible values and indices b) indices only c) visible values only
-for now c) is supported
XML Export TODO:
- consider export to at least these three formats:
(templates/XSLT could be also supported)
General TODO:
- handle KApplication::shutDown()
- on opening detect whether a table exists (empty table view should not be displayed)
- Another Kexi instance started from KexiMainWindow using QProcess freezes after opening
3rd table or so. Move to KProcess on Linux.
- if you place e.g. a label in a container like a tabwidget and doubleclick it to edit the content,
the label jumps around. ccpasteur said he fixed it last year ;)
- only change bg color of tab widget, not its outer area; fix changing tabs bg color
- error "BLOB/TEXT column 'isbn' used in key specification without a key length"
when importing books.mdb into a mysql db
- after setting "auto" tab order, we need to close and open the form to get tab stops to work properly
- use KLineEdit::displayText() to get partially filled date or time values like 20__-__-__;
then use this for checking data validity (?)
TODOs from Jeff Denman:
- add command line option for performing a complete database import, especially for MSA files
- instead of always displaying "object names" in the project navigator:
display "captions" but offer an option to display "names" instead;
AND, optionally: offer a full-width window with the list of database objects
- import bug for MSA: no values for this field after import:
Field Size: Decimal
Precision: 10
Scale: 2
Decimal Places: Auto
TODO Data Types
MS Access: Currency values and numeric data used in mathematical calculations involving data
with one to four decimal places. Accurate to 15 digits on the left side of the decimal separator
and to 4 digits on the right side.
-Decimal Number (NUMERIC?)
MS Access: Decimal Stores numbers from -10^381 through 10^381 (.adp),
from -10^281 through 10^281 (.mdb); decimal precision: 28 B, storage size: 12 B
TODO Migration from Native SQLite3
- use sqlite3_column_decltype()
and sqlite3_column_name() to know column names and types.
Add reasonable case-insensitive mappings like "INTEGER|integer|INT|int" -> [integer]
- or: for import data from native-sqlite databases: use "pragma table_info(tablename)"
-- maybe also use "pragma table_info" for sanity checking, or more in kexidb driver??
- use "pragma user_version={32bit int}" ( to set, say, kexidb version.
This information is stored in a fixed place in the sqlite3 header, so it's possible to read it using
KDE Mime Type system (a magic data defined in share/mimelnk/magic).
MDB Import
- FIXME sometimes order of imported fields is invalid: PKEY field jumps to end.. (books2.mdb)
TODO: table view
- for FP numbers: allow to start entering value from "." or ","
Forms TODO
- add "navigationCaption" property to table and form, so "Records:" Label in the record nav. becomes e.g. "Bananas:"
Forms TODO
- Checkbox widget with focus policy set to Tab has problems with KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor()
because m_editor is set to _currently focused_ widget (problem where there are e.g. >1 checkboxes)
Partially fixed by setting StrongFocus policy as default;
FIX THIS for other focus policies too...
KDElibs4 TODO:
- wizard
- do not require .la in libltdl
Kexi 2.0 TODOs:
- decrease # of shared libs, see Clarification at the bottom
== April 1 2007 TODO ==
- show the screenshot of kexi displaying yes/no/maybe-dialogs, as for the "Woman edition"
Kexi >2.0 (probably late 2007): Add SQLite >3.3 driver. Offer exporting similar to the one between 2.8->3.0.
Think about backporting the >3.3 driver to Kexi 1.1.
- for table t1(a,b,c) delete column t1.c:
CREATE TABLE t1_new(a,b);
- for table t1(a,b,c) rename column t1.c to t1.d:
CREATE TABLE t1_new(a,b,d);
INSERT INTO t1_new SELECT a,b,c FROM t1;
== Forms TODO ==
- enable edit->copy, actions, etc. for Data View
- ImageBox: show a tootip with large image and its name if the image was cropped
or only its name if the image is not cropped
- AutoField: highlighting the label when the buddy is focused
- AutoField: handle label editing after double clicking
- AutoField: draw required field in bold (or optionally add (*))
- display default values in other widgets showing text
- new action for button widgets: open table/query
+with query parameters taken from a line edit
- provide "Edit->Clear Table Contents" action in forms too
- autofield: after setting form's data source to a valid value,
"unbound" mark should disappear in design time
- rename "Source field" to "Widget's data source" in the data source pane
- Designer bug: "Click a container widget (or a form surface itself),
where widgets are inserted and select one of the layout
types from the context menu item Layout Widgets. "
"I tried this with the Frame, the Group box and the Tab
widget, the menu item Layout Widgets is not available. You
have to select the widgets inserted in the contrainer widget
to make the menu item available. "
- unhide "Editor type" property for auto fields (it's hidden in 1.1 due to a crash)
- inform Raphael about url, give him the php code
Table Designer TODO
- i18n("Lookup") == Odnosnik (Ks. eksperta, s. 53)
- add setting for default length of the text type
- allow to set default values for BLOB types (requires a change in KoProperty as well)
- 2.0: Add drag-and-drop-to-create-lookup-column to the "lookup column" tab of the property pane.
This should be implemented by displaying a list of fields and allowing to drop one into the
table view. Then, lookup column properties should be autoconfigured.
- lookup column: support these properties of LookupFieldSchema:
columnWidths(), columnHeadersVisible(), maximumListRows(), limitToList(), displayWidget()
- show warning if there are no bound and visible columns defined (for now, this is just ignored
and user cannot select a value from the list in the data view)
=== Simple Printouts TODO ===
- cell contents can be too large for a single page - split it to man pages if needed (true for large texts, blobs..)
- add support for BLOBs
- fix printing and previewing for horizontal arragement
Form/TV Shortcuts:
+To move to the record number box (record number box: A small box that displays the current record number
in the lower-left corner in Datasheet view and Form view. To move to a specific record, you can type
the record number in the box, and press ENTER.); then type the record number and press ENTER
+ Add moving to next record when Tab is pressed at the last field
+ Add moving to prev record when BackTab is pressed at the 1st field
== TODOs for 1.1.2 ==
- support combo box within the autofield widget
(done?): notify and update data source after schema changes
- todo: fix things like SELECT *, cars.owner AS ab, 1.3 AS wyr1, persons.surname FROM cars LEFT OUTER JOIN persons ON WHERE cars.owner > 3
(crash - see Simple_Database.kexi - persons_and_cars query has lookup fields and OUTER JOIN is NOT PARSED
-- we should generate the SQL in a different way for the Query Designer)
- fix horizontal scrollbar hiding in the "Available fields" list box (a problem with layouts?)
- display a message when connection is lost...
- fix crashes when table schema referenced by a combo box changes
- replace QDate{Time}Edit in koproperty with KLineEdit, similar to the one in KexiTableView
TODO: "Database "z3" created but could not be closed after creation." err. on win32 after creating a pgsql db
TODO: PqxxMigrate::drv_copyTable(): we've switched from BLOBs to LongText
==KexiDB::Field::LongText part shoud be removed; add other backward-copatibility code (how?)
if (>field->type()==KexiDB::Field::BLOB ||>field->type()==KexiDB::Field::LongText)
Startup templates
- TODO: : use main/startup/TemplateItem.ui and main/startup/TemplateWidget.h
- TODO look at schemas at
Find/Replace REPLACE
- use this for replace: virtual bool columnEditable(int col);