You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
641 lines
25 KiB
641 lines
25 KiB
/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002 Till Busch <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Molkentin <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Wenninger <>
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and,or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Original Author: Till Busch <>
Original Project: buX (
#include <tqscrollview.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "kexitableviewdata.h"
#include "kexitableedit.h"
#include <kexiutils/tristate.h>
#include <widget/utils/kexirecordnavigator.h>
#include <widget/utils/kexisharedactionclient.h>
#include "kexidataawareobjectiface.h"
class KPopupMenu;
class KPrinter;
class KAction;
class KexiTableHeader;
class KexiTableItem;
class KexiTableView;
class KexiTableEdit;
class KexiTableViewPrivate;
class KActionCollection;
namespace KexiDB {
class RowEditBuffer;
//! minimum column width in pixels
//! @short KexiTableView class provides a widget for displaying data in a tabular view.
/*! @see KexiFormScrollView
public TQScrollView,
public KexiRecordNavigatorHandler,
public KexiSharedActionClient,
public KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
/*! Defines table view's detailed appearance settings. */
Appearance(TQWidget *widget = 0);
/*! base color for cells, default is "Base" color for application's
current active palette */
TQColor baseColor;
/*! text color for cells, default is "Text" color for application's
current active palette */
TQColor textColor;
/*! border color for cells, default is TQColor(200,200,200) */
TQColor borderColor;
/*! empty area color, default is "Base" color for application's
current active palette */
TQColor emptyAreaColor;
/*! alternate background color, default is TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor() */
TQColor alternateBackgroundColor;
/*! true if background altering should be enabled, true by default */
bool backgroundAltering : 1;
/*! true if full-row-selection mode is set,
what means that all cells of the current row are always selected, instead of single cell.
This mode is usable for read-only table views, when we're interested only in navigating
by rows. False by default, even for read-only table views.
bool fullRowSelection : 1;
/*! true if fullgrid is enabled. True by default.
It is set to false for comboboxpopup table, to mimic original
combobox look and feel. */
bool gridEnabled : 1;
/*! \if the navigation panel is enabled (visible) for the view.
True by default. */
bool navigatorEnabled : 1;
/*! true if "row highlight" behaviour is enabled. False by default. */
bool rowHighlightingEnabled : 1;
/*! true if "row highlight over " behaviour is enabled. False by default. */
bool rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled : 1;
/*! true if selection of a row should be kept when a user moved mouse
pointer over other rows. Makes only sense when rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled is true.
True by default. It is set to false for comboboxpopup table, to mimic original
combobox look and feel. */
bool persistentSelections : 1;
/*! color for row highlight, default is intermediate (33%/60%) between
active highlight and base color. */
TQColor rowHighlightingColor;
/*! color for text under row highlight, default is the same as textColor.
Used when rowHighlightingEnabled is true; */
TQColor rowHighlightingTextColor;
/*! color for row highlight for mouseover, default is intermediate (20%/80%) between
active highlight and base color. Used when rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled is true. */
TQColor rowMouseOverHighlightingColor;
/*! color for text under row highlight for mouseover, default is the same as textColor.
Used when rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled is true; */
TQColor rowMouseOverHighlightingTextColor;
/*! Like rowMouseOverHighlightingColor but for areas painted with alternate color.
This is computed using active highlight color and alternateBackgroundColor. */
TQColor rowMouseOverAlternateHighlightingColor;
KexiTableView(KexiTableViewData* data=0, TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
virtual ~KexiTableView();
/*! \return current appearance settings */
const Appearance& appearance() const;
/*! Sets appearance settings. Table view is updated automatically. */
void setAppearance(const Appearance& a);
/*! \return string displayed for column's header \a colNum */
TQString columnCaption(int colNum) const;
/*! Convenience function.
\return field object that define column \a colNum or NULL if there is no such column */
KexiDB::Field* field(int colNum) const;
/*! Reimplementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual void setSpreadSheetMode();
/*! \return true if vertical scrollbar's tooltips are enabled (true by default). */
//moved bool scrollbarToolTipsEnabled() const;
/*! Enables or disables vertical scrollbar's. */
//moved void setScrollbarToolTipsEnabled(bool set);
/*! \return maximum number of rows that can be displayed per one "page"
for current table view's size. */
virtual int rowsPerPage() const;
TQRect cellGeometry(int row, int col) const;
int columnWidth(int col) const;
int rowHeight() const;
int columnPos(int col) const;
int rowPos(int row) const;
int columnAt(int pos) const;
int rowAt(int pos, bool ignoreEnd=false) const;
/*! \return last row visible on the screen (counting from 0).
The returned value is guaranteed to be smaller or equal to currentRow() or -1
if there are no rows. */
virtual int lastVisibleRow() const;
/*! Redraws specified cell. */
virtual void updateCell(int row, int col);
/*! Redraws the current cell. Implemented after KexiDataAwareObjectInterface. */
virtual void updateCurrentCell();
/*! Redraws all cells of specified row. */
virtual void updateRow(int row);
bool editableOnDoubleClick() const;
void setEditableOnDoubleClick(bool set);
//! \return true if the vertical header is visible
bool verticalHeaderVisible() const;
//! Sets vertical header's visibility
void setVerticalHeaderVisible(bool set);
//! \return true if the horizontal header is visible
bool horizontalHeaderVisible() const;
//! Sets horizontal header's visibility
void setHorizontalHeaderVisible(bool set);
// printing
// void setupPrinter(KPrinter &printer);
void print(KPrinter &printer);
// reimplemented for internal reasons
virtual TQSizePolicy sizePolicy() const;
virtual TQSize sizeHint() const;
virtual TQSize minimumSizeHint() const;
/*! Reimplemented to update cached fonts and row sizes for the painter. */
void setFont(const TQFont &f);
virtual TQSize tableSize() const;
void emitSelected();
//! single shot after 1ms for contents updatinh
void triggerUpdate();
typedef enum ScrollDirection
virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e );
//! Initializes standard editor cell editor factories. This is called internally, once.
static void initCellEditorFactories();
/*! \return highlighted row number or -1 if no row is highlighted.
Makes sense if row highlighting is enabled.
@see Appearance::rowHighlightingEnabled setHighlightedRow() */
int highlightedRow() const;
KexiTableItem *highlightedItem() const;
/*! \return vertical scrollbar. Implemented for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface. */
virtual TQScrollBar* verticalScrollBar() const { return TQScrollView::verticalScrollBar(); }
public slots:
virtual void setData( KexiTableViewData *data, bool owner = true )
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setData( data, owner ); }
virtual void clearColumnsInternal(bool repaint);
/*! Adjusts \a colNum column's width to its (current) contents.
If \a colNum == -1, all columns' width is adjusted. */
void adjustColumnWidthToContents(int colNum = -1);
//! Sets width of column width to \a width.
void setColumnWidth(int col, int width);
/*! If \a set is true, \a colNum column is resized to take full possible width.
If \a set is false, no automatic resize will be performed.
If \a colNum is -1, all columns are equally resized, when needed, to take full possible width.
This method behaves like TQHeader::setStretchEnabled ( bool b, int section ). */
void setColumnStretchEnabled( bool set, int colNum );
/*! Maximizes widths of columns selected by \a columnList, so the horizontal
header has maximum overall width. Each selected column's width will be increased
by the same value. Does nothing if \a columnList is empty or there is no free space
to resize columns. If this table view is not visible, resizing will be performed on showing. */
void maximizeColumnsWidth( const TQValueList<int> &columnList );
/*! Adjusts the size of the sections to fit the size of the horizontal header
as completely as possible. Only sections for which column stretch is enabled will be resized.
\sa setColumnStretchEnabled() TQHeader::adjustHeaderSize() */
void adjustHorizontalHeaderSize();
/*! Sets highlighted row number or -1 if no row has to be highlighted.
Makes sense if row highlighting is enabled.
@see Appearance::rowHighlightingEnabled */
void setHighlightedRow(int row);
/*! Sets no row that will be highlighted. Equivalent to setHighlightedRow(-1). */
inline void clearHighlightedRow() { setHighlightedRow(-1); }
/*! Ensures that cell at \a row and \a col is visible.
If \a col is -1, current column number is used. \a row and \a col (if not -1) must
be between 0 and rows() (or cols() accordingly). */
virtual void ensureCellVisible(int row, int col/*=-1*/);
// void gotoNext();
//js int findString(const TQString &string);
/*! Deletes currently selected record; does nothing if no record
is currently selected. If record is in edit mode, editing
is cancelled before deleting. */
virtual void deleteCurrentRow() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::deleteCurrentRow(); }
/*! Inserts one empty row above row \a row. If \a row is -1 (the default),
new row is inserted above the current row (or above 1st row if there is no current).
A new item becomes current if row is -1 or if row is equal currentRow().
This method does nothing if:
-inserting flag is disabled (see isInsertingEnabled())
-read-only flag is set (see isReadOnly())
\ return inserted row's data
virtual KexiTableItem *insertEmptyRow(int row = -1)
{ return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::insertEmptyRow(row); }
/*! Used when Return key is pressed on cell or "+" nav. button is clicked.
Also used when we want to continue editing a cell after "invalid value" message
was displayed (in this case, \a setText is usually not empty, what means
that text will be set in the cell replacing previous value).
virtual void startEditCurrentCell(const TQString& setText = TQString())
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::startEditCurrentCell(setText); }
/*! Deletes currently selected cell's contents, if allowed.
In most cases delete is not accepted immediately but "row editing" mode is just started. */
virtual void deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell()
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell(); }
/*! Cancels row editing All changes made to the editing
row during this current session will be undone.
\return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist) */
virtual bool cancelRowEdit() { return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::cancelRowEdit(); }
/*! Accepts row editing. All changes made to the editing
row during this current session will be accepted (saved).
\return true if accepting was successful, false otherwise
(e.g. when current row contain data that does not meet given constraints). */
virtual bool acceptRowEdit() { return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptRowEdit(); }
/*! Specifies, if this table view automatically accepts
row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit
(i.e. after acceptEditor()). \sa acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting() */
virtual void setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting(bool set)
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting(set); }
/*! Specifies, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows.
If enabled:
- dragging over row is indicated by drawing a line at bottom side of this row
- dragOverRow() signal will be emitted on dragging,
-droppedAtRow() will be emitted on dropping
By default this flag is set to false. */
virtual void setDropsAtRowEnabled(bool set) { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setDropsAtRowEnabled(set); }
virtual bool cancelEditor() { return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::cancelEditor(); }
virtual bool acceptEditor() { return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(); }
virtual void dataSet( KexiTableViewData *data );
virtual void itemSelected(KexiTableItem *);
virtual void cellSelected(int col, int row);
void itemReturnPressed(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col);
void itemDblClicked(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col);
void itemMouseReleased(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col);
void dragOverRow(KexiTableItem *item, int row, TQDragMoveEvent* e);
void droppedAtRow(KexiTableItem *item, int row, TQDropEvent *e, KexiTableItem*& newItem);
/*! Data has been refreshed on-screen - emitted from initDataContents(). */
virtual void dataRefreshed();
virtual void itemChanged(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col);
virtual void itemChanged(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col, TQVariant oldValue);
virtual void itemDeleteRequest(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col);
virtual void currentItemDeleteRequest();
//! Emitted for spreadsheet mode when an item was deleted and a new item has been appended
virtual void newItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode();
// void addRecordRequest();
// void contextMenuRequested(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col, const TQPoint &);
void sortedColumnChanged(int col);
//! emmited when row editing is started (for updating or inserting)
void rowEditStarted(int row);
//! emmited when row editing is terminated (for updating or inserting)
//! no matter if accepted or not
void rowEditTerminated(int row);
//! Emitted in initActions() to force reload actions
//! You should remove existing actions and add them again.
void reloadActions();
protected slots:
void slotSettingsChanged(int category);
virtual void slotDataDestroying() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotDataDestroying(); }
virtual void slotRowsDeleted( const TQValueList<int> & );
//! updates display after many rows deletion
void slotColumnWidthChanged( int col, int os, int ns );
void slotSectionHandleDoubleClicked( int section );
void slotUpdate();
//! implemented because we needed this as slot
virtual void sortColumnInternal(int col, int order = 0)
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::sortColumnInternal(col, order); }
void slotAutoScroll();
//! internal, used when top header's size changed
void slotTopHeaderSizeChange( int section, int oldSize, int newSize );
//! receives a signal from cell editors
void slotEditRequested();
/*! Reloads data for this widget.
Handles KexiTableViewData::reloadRequested() signal. */
virtual void reloadData();
//! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowRepaintRequested() signal
virtual void slotRowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem& item);
//! Handles KexiTableViewData::aboutToDeleteRow() signal. Prepares info for slotRowDeleted().
virtual void slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result, bool repaint)
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotAboutToDeleteRow(item, result, repaint); }
//! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowDeleted() signal to repaint when needed.
virtual void slotRowDeleted() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowDeleted(); }
//! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowInserted() signal to repaint when needed.
virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool repaint)
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowInserted(item, repaint); }
//! Like above, not db-aware version
virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, uint row, bool repaint)
{ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowInserted(item, row, repaint); }
/*! Handles verticalScrollBar()'s valueChanged(int) signal.
Called when vscrollbar's value has been changed. */
virtual void vScrollBarValueChanged(int v) { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::vScrollBarValueChanged(v); }
/*! Handles sliderReleased() signal of the verticalScrollBar(). Used to hide the "row number" tooltip. */
virtual void vScrollBarSliderReleased() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::vScrollBarSliderReleased(); }
/*! Handles timeout() signal of the m_scrollBarTipTimer. If the tooltip is visible,
m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is set to 0 and m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is restarted;
else the m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is just set to 0.*/
virtual void scrollBarTipTimeout() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::scrollBarTipTimeout(); }
/*! Reimplementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
Initializes data contents (resizes it, sets cursor at 1st row).
Called on setData(). Also called once on show event after
reloadRequested() signal was received from KexiTableViewData object. */
virtual void initDataContents();
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface.
Updates widget's contents size using TQScrollView::resizeContents()
depending on tableSize(). */
virtual void updateWidgetContentsSize();
/*! Reimplementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual void clearVariables();
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual int currentLocalSortingOrder() const;
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual int currentLocalSortColumn() const;
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual void setLocalSortingOrder(int col, int order);
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual void updateGUIAfterSorting();
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual void updateWidgetScrollBars() { updateScrollBars(); }
// /*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
// virtual void emitSortedColumnChanged(int col) { emit sortedColumnChanged(col); }
// /*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
// virtual void emitRowEditTerminated(int row) { emit rowEditTerminated(row); }
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface.
Adds another section within the horizontal header. */
virtual void addHeaderColumn(const TQString& caption, const TQString& description,
const TQIconSet& icon, int size);
/*! @internal \return true if the row defined by \a item has default
value at column \a col. If this is the case and \a value is not NULL,
*value is set to the default value. */
bool isDefaultValueDisplayed(KexiTableItem *item, int col, TQVariant* value = 0);
//! painting and layout
void drawContents(TQPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void createBuffer(int width, int height);
void paintCell(TQPainter* p, KexiTableItem *item, int col, int row, const TQRect &cr, bool print=false);
void paintEmptyArea(TQPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void updateGeometries();
TQPoint contentsToViewport2( const TQPoint &p );
void contentsToViewport2( int x, int y, int& vx, int& vy );
TQPoint viewportToContents2( const TQPoint& vp );
// event handling
virtual void contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent* e);
virtual void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent* e);
//! @internal called by contentsMouseOrEvent() contentsMouseReleaseEvent() to move cursor
bool handleContentsMousePressOrRelease(TQMouseEvent* e, bool release);
virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent* e);
virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent* e);
virtual void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent* e);
virtual void focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent* e);
virtual void focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent* e);
virtual void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* e);
virtual void viewportResizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *e);
virtual void showEvent(TQShowEvent *e);
virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent *e);
virtual void contentsDropEvent(TQDropEvent *e);
virtual void viewportDragLeaveEvent(TQDragLeaveEvent *e);
virtual void paletteChange( const TQPalette &oldPalette );
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual KexiDataItemInterface *editor( int col, bool ignoreMissingEditor = false );
inline KexiTableEdit *tableEditorWidget( int col, bool ignoreMissingEditor = false )
{ return dynamic_cast<KexiTableEdit*>( editor( col, ignoreMissingEditor ) ); }
/*! Implementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface */
virtual void editorShowFocus( int row, int col );
//! Creates editors and shows it, what usually means the beginning of a cell editing
virtual void createEditor(int row, int col, const TQString& addText = TQString(),
bool removeOld = false);
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next);
/*! Used in key event: \return true if event \a e should execute action \a action_name.
Action shortcuts defined by shortCutPressed() are reused, if present, and if \a e matches
given action's shortcut - false is returned (beause action is already performed at main
window's level).
bool shortCutPressed( TQKeyEvent *e, const TQCString &action_name );
#if 0 //we have now KexiActionProxy
/*! Updates visibility/accesibility of popup menu items,
returns false if no items are visible after update. */
bool updateContextMenu();
/*! Shows context menu at \a pos for selected cell
if menu is configured,
else: contextMenuRequested() signal is emmited.
Method used in contentsMousePressEvent() (for right button)
and keyPressEvent() for TQt::Key_Menu key.
If \a pos is TQPoint(-1,-1) (the default), menu is positioned below the current cell.
void showContextMenu( const TQPoint& pos = TQPoint(-1,-1) );
/*! internal */
inline void paintRow(KexiTableItem *item,
TQPainter *pb, int r, int rowp, int cx, int cy,
int colfirst, int collast, int maxwc);
virtual void setHBarGeometry( TQScrollBar & hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h );
//! Setups navigator widget
void setupNavigator();
//! internal, to determine valid row number when navigator text changed
int validRowNumber(const TQString& text);
/*! Reimplementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
(viewport()->setFocus() is just added) */
virtual void removeEditor();
//! Internal: updated sched fonts for painting.
void updateFonts(bool repaint = false);
/*! @internal Changes bottom margin settings, in pixels.
At this time, it's used by KexiComboBoxPopup to decrease margin for popup's table. */
void setBottomMarginInternal(int pixels);
virtual void updateWidgetContents() { update(); }
//! for navigator
virtual void moveToRecordRequested(uint r);
virtual void moveToLastRecordRequested();
virtual void moveToPreviousRecordRequested();
virtual void moveToNextRecordRequested();
virtual void moveToFirstRecordRequested();
virtual void addNewRecordRequested() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::addNewRecordRequested(); }
//! Copy current selection to a clipboard (e.g. cell)
virtual void copySelection();
//! Cut current selection to a clipboard (e.g. cell)
virtual void cutSelection();
//! Paste current clipboard contents (e.g. to a cell)
virtual void paste();
/*! Used in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowDeleted()
to repaint tow \a row and all visible below. */
virtual void updateAllVisibleRowsBelow(int row);
void updateAfterCancelRowEdit();
void updateAfterAcceptRowEdit();
/*! Sets \a cellValue if there is a lookup value for the cell \a item.
Used in KexiTableView::paintCell() and KexiTableViewCellToolTip::maybeTip()
\return true is \a cellValue has been found. */
bool getVisibleLookupValue(TQVariant& cellValue, KexiTableEdit *edit,
KexiTableItem *item, KexiTableViewColumn *tvcol) const;
// //! Called to repaint contents after a row is deleted.
// void repaintAfterDelete();
KexiTableViewPrivate *d;
class WhatsThis;
friend class KexiTableItem;
friend class WhatsThis;
friend class KexiTableViewCellToolTip;