You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
558 lines
20 KiB
558 lines
20 KiB
// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*-
/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <>
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Thorsten Zachmann <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef kpobject_h
#define kpobject_h
#include <qbrush.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "KPrGradient.h"
#include "KoPointArray.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <KoPoint.h>
#include <KoSize.h>
#include <KoRect.h>
#include <KoStyleStack.h>
#include <KoOasisStyles.h>
#include <KoXmlWriter.h>
#include <KoGenStyles.h>
#include "KPrLoadingInfo.h"
#include "KPrBrush.h"
#include <KoPen.h>
class KoSavingContext;
class QPainter;
class DCOPObject;
class QDomDocumentFragment;
class QDomDocument;
class QDomElement;
class KoTextZoomHandler;
class KPrDocument;
class KPrTextObject;
class KoTextObject;
class KoOasisContext;
#define RAD_FACTOR 180.0 / M_PI
#define MIN_SIZE 10
class KPrObject
virtual ~KPrObject();
virtual DCOPObject* dcopObject();
virtual void setSelected( bool _selected )
{ selected = _selected; }
virtual void rotate( float _angle )
{ angle = _angle; }
virtual void setSize( const KoSize & _size )
{ setSize( _size.width(), _size.height() ); }
virtual void setSize(double _width, double _height )
{ ext = KoSize( QMAX( MIN_SIZE, _width ), QMAX( MIN_SIZE, _height ) ); } // no object is smaller than 10x10
virtual void setOrig( const KoPoint & _point )
{ orig = _point; }
virtual void setOrig( double _x, double _y )
{ orig = KoPoint( _x, _y ); }
virtual void moveBy( const KoPoint &_point )
{ orig = orig + _point; }
virtual void moveBy( double _dx, double _dy )
{ orig = orig + KoPoint( _dx, _dy ); }
virtual void resizeBy( const KoSize & _size )
{ resizeBy( _size.width(), _size.height() ); }
virtual void resizeBy( double _dx, double _dy )
{ setSize( ext.width() + _dx, ext.height() + _dy ); } // call (possibly reimplemented) setSize
virtual void setShadowParameter(int _distance,ShadowDirection _direction,const QColor &_color)
shadowDistance = _distance;
shadowDirection = _direction;
shadowColor = _color;
virtual void setShadowDistance( int _distance )
{ shadowDistance = _distance; }
virtual void setShadowDirection( ShadowDirection _direction )
{ shadowDirection = _direction; }
virtual void setShadowColor( const QColor & _color )
{ shadowColor = _color; }
virtual void setEffect( Effect _effect )
{ effect = _effect; }
virtual void setEffect2( Effect2 _effect2 )
{ effect2 = _effect2; }
virtual void setAppearStep( int _appearStep )
{ appearStep = _appearStep; }
virtual void setDisappear( bool b )
{ disappear = b; }
virtual void setDisappearStep( int num )
{ disappearStep = num; }
virtual void setEffect3( Effect3 _effect3)
{ effect3 = _effect3; }
virtual void setAppearSpeed( EffectSpeed _speed )
{ m_appearSpeed = _speed; }
virtual void setDisappearSpeed( EffectSpeed _speed )
{ m_disappearSpeed = _speed; }
virtual void setAppearTimer( int _appearTimer )
{ appearTimer = _appearTimer; }
virtual void setDisappearTimer( int _disappearTimer )
{ disappearTimer = _disappearTimer; }
virtual void setAppearSoundEffect( bool b )
{ appearSoundEffect = b; }
virtual void setDisappearSoundEffect( bool b )
{ disappearSoundEffect = b; }
virtual void setAppearSoundEffectFileName( const QString & _a_fileName )
{ a_fileName = _a_fileName; }
virtual void setDisappearSoundEffectFileName( const QString &_d_fileName )
{ d_fileName = _d_fileName; }
virtual void setObjectName( const QString &_objectName )
{ objectName = _objectName; }
virtual QString getObjectName() const
{ return objectName; }
virtual QDomDocumentFragment save( QDomDocument& doc, double offset );
virtual double load(const QDomElement &element);
virtual void loadOasis(const QDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info);
struct KPOasisSaveContext
KPOasisSaveContext( KoXmlWriter &_xmlWriter, KoSavingContext &_context,
int &_indexObj, int &_partIndexObj, bool _onMaster )
: xmlWriter( _xmlWriter )
, context( _context )
, indexObj( _indexObj )
, partIndexObj( _partIndexObj )
, onMaster( _onMaster ) {};
KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter;
KoSavingContext &context;
int &indexObj;
int &partIndexObj;
bool onMaster;
virtual bool saveOasisObject( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const;
//return true if we have a animation into object
bool saveOasisObjectStyleShowAnimation( KoXmlWriter &animation, int objectId );
bool saveOasisObjectStyleHideAnimation( KoXmlWriter &animation, int objectId );
virtual void flip(bool horizontal );
virtual ObjType getType() const
{ return OT_UNDEFINED; }
virtual QString getTypeString() const
{ return QString(); }
virtual bool isSelected() const
{ return selected; }
virtual float getAngle() const
{ return angle; }
virtual int getShadowDistance() const
{ return shadowDistance; }
virtual ShadowDirection getShadowDirection() const
{ return shadowDirection; }
virtual QColor getShadowColor() const
{ return shadowColor; }
virtual KoSize getSize() const
{ return ext; }
virtual KoPoint getOrig() const
{ return orig; }
KoRect getRect() const
{ return KoRect( getOrig(), getSize() ); }
virtual KoSize getRealSize() const;
virtual KoPoint getRealOrig() const;
KoRect getRealRect() const;
* @brief Get the rect which has to be repainted
* This also contains the shadow.
KoRect getRepaintRect() const;
virtual Effect getEffect() const
{ return effect; }
virtual Effect2 getEffect2() const
{ return effect2; }
virtual Effect3 getEffect3() const
{ return effect3; }
virtual EffectSpeed getAppearSpeed() const
{ return m_appearSpeed; }
virtual EffectSpeed getDisappearSpeed() const
{ return m_disappearSpeed; }
virtual int getAppearTimer() const
{ return appearTimer; }
virtual int getDisappearTimer() const
{ return disappearTimer; }
virtual bool getAppearSoundEffect() const
{ return appearSoundEffect; }
virtual bool getDisappearSoundEffect() const
{ return disappearSoundEffect; }
virtual QString getAppearSoundEffectFileName() const
{ return a_fileName; }
virtual QString getDisappearSoundEffectFileName() const
{ return d_fileName; }
* get the step when the object appears on the site
virtual int getAppearStep() const
{ return appearStep; }
virtual int getSubPresSteps() const
{ return 0; }
virtual bool getDisappear() const
{ return disappear; }
* get the step when the object disappears from the site
virtual int getDisappearStep() const
{ return disappearStep; }
virtual void setOwnClipping( bool _ownClipping )
{ ownClipping = _ownClipping; }
virtual void setSubPresStep( int _subPresStep )
{ subPresStep = _subPresStep; }
virtual void doSpecificEffects( bool _specEffects, bool _onlyCurrStep = true )
{ specEffects = _specEffects; onlyCurrStep = _onlyCurrStep; }
// the main drawing method.
virtual void draw( QPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler,
int /*pageNum*/, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour = FALSE );
* @brief Check if point lies in rect of object
* @param point to check
* @return true if point lies in rect of object
* @return false otherwise
virtual bool contains( const KoPoint &point ) const;
* @brief Check if rect intersects with rect of object
* @param rect to check
* @return true if rect interesct with rect of object
* @return false otherwise
virtual bool intersects( const KoRect & rect ) const;
virtual QCursor getCursor( const KoPoint &_point, ModifyType &_modType, KPrDocument *doc ) const;
KoRect rotateRectObject() const;
void rotateObject(QPainter *paint,KoTextZoomHandler *_zoomHandler);
virtual void removeFromObjList()
{ inObjList = false; }
virtual void addToObjList()
{ inObjList = true; }
virtual void incCmdRef()
{ cmds++; }
virtual void decCmdRef()
{ cmds--; doDelete(); }
virtual void setProtect( bool b ) { protect = b; }
bool isProtect() const { return protect; }
virtual void setKeepRatio( bool b ) { keepRatio = b; }
bool isKeepRatio() const { return keepRatio; }
static void setupClipRegion( QPainter *painter, const QRegion &clipRegion );
void paintSelection( QPainter *_painter,KoTextZoomHandler *_zoomHandler,
SelectionMode selectionMode );
* Collect all textobjects.
* (KPrTextObject returns the object it contains,
* a KPrGroupObject returns all the text objects it contains)
virtual void addTextObjects( QPtrList<KoTextObject> & ) const {}
virtual KPrTextObject *nextTextObject() { return 0L;} // deprecated
virtual void getAllObjectSelectedList(QPtrList<KPrObject> &lst, bool force = false )
{ if (selected || force ) lst.append( this );}
virtual KoPen getPen() const;
bool hasAnimation() const;
* Adds its edges to the KoGuides objectCollect all textobjects.
void addSelfToGuides( QValueList<double> &horizontalPos, QValueList<double> &verticalPos );
* Helper function to caluclate the size and the orig of a point object
* that might be also rotated.
* The size and orig will be changed to the real size and orig in the
* method.
static void getRealSizeAndOrigFromPoints( KoPointArray &points, float angle,
KoSize &size, KoPoint &orig );
* Modifies x and y to add the shadow offsets
void getShadowCoords( double& _x, double& _y ) const;
virtual void doDelete();
QDomElement createValueElement(const QString &tag, int value, QDomDocument &doc);
QDomElement createGradientElement(const QString &tag, const QColor &c1, const QColor &c2,
int type, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor, QDomDocument &doc);
QDomElement createPenElement(const QString &tag, const KoPen &pen, QDomDocument &doc);
KoPen toPen(const QDomElement &element) const;
QDomElement createBrushElement(const QString &tag, const QBrush &brush, QDomDocument &doc);
QBrush toBrush(const QDomElement &element) const;
QColor retrieveColor(const QDomElement &element, const QString &cattr="color",
const QString &rattr="red", const QString &gattr="green",
const QString &battr="blue") const;
void saveOasisObjectProtectStyle( KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const;
void saveOasisShadowElement( KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const;
QString getStyle( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const;
virtual void fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const;
* Get the element name for saving the object
virtual const char * getOasisElementName() const = 0;
//virtual bool saveOasisObjectAttributes( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const = 0;
virtual bool saveOasisObjectAttributes( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const;
virtual void saveOasisPosObject( KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter, int indexObj ) const;
float angle;
KoPoint orig;
KoSize ext;
int shadowDistance;
ShadowDirection shadowDirection;
QColor shadowColor;
Effect effect;
Effect2 effect2;
Effect3 effect3;
EffectSpeed m_appearSpeed;
EffectSpeed m_disappearSpeed;
int appearTimer, disappearTimer;
QString a_fileName, d_fileName;
QString objectName;
// step when objects appears/disappears
int appearStep, disappearStep;
bool disappear:1;
bool appearSoundEffect:1;
bool disappearSoundEffect:1;
bool selected:1;
bool specEffects:1;
bool onlyCurrStep:1;
bool ownClipping:1;
bool inObjList:1;
bool resize:1;
bool protect:1;
bool keepRatio:1;
int subPresStep;
int cmds;
DCOPObject *dcop;
static const QString &tagORIG, &attrX, &attrY,
&tagSIZE, &attrWidth, &attrHeight, &tagSHADOW,
&attrDistance, &attrDirection, &attrColor, &attrC1,
&attrC2, &attrType, &attrUnbalanced, &attrXFactor,
&attrYFactor, &attrStyle, &tagEFFECTS, &attrEffect,
&attrEffect2, &tagPRESNUM, &tagANGLE,
&tagDISAPPEAR, &attrDoit, &attrNum, &tagFILLTYPE,
&tagGRADIENT, &tagPEN, &tagBRUSH, &attrValue;
// Don't copy or assign it
KPrObject(const KPrObject &rhs);
KPrObject &operator=(const KPrObject &rhs);
* Base class for objects with a pen and a brush,
* and which takes care of painting the shadow in draw()
* (by calling paint() twice)
class KPrShadowObject : public KPrObject
KPrShadowObject( const KoPen &_pen );
KPrShadowObject &operator=( const KPrShadowObject & );
virtual void setPen( const KoPen &_pen )
{ pen = _pen; }
virtual KoPen getPen() const
{ return pen; }
virtual QDomDocumentFragment save( QDomDocument& doc, double offset );
virtual double load(const QDomElement &element);
virtual void loadOasis(const QDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info);
virtual void draw( QPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler,
int pageNum, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour = FALSE );
virtual void saveOasisStrokeElement( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const;
QString saveOasisStrokeStyle( KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const;
* Helper method for saving draw:points. The svg:viewBox is also saved.
static bool saveOasisDrawPoints( const KoPointArray &points, KPOasisSaveContext &sc );
* Helper method for loading draw:points. The svg:viewBox is taken into account.
bool loadOasisDrawPoints( KoPointArray &points, const QDomElement &element,
KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info );
* @brief Apply the svg:viewBox attribute to the points.
* This calculates the points of the object. It uses the size of the object and the
* viewBox attribute to calculate the object points.
* When no svg:viewBox is specified it is calculated form the supplied
* points.
* @param element the xml element from which the viewBox attribute should be read.
* @param points which should be updated.
bool loadOasisApplyViewBox( const QDomElement &element, KoPointArray &points );
virtual void fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const;
* save() only saves if the pen is different from the default pen.
* The default pen can vary depending on the subclass of KPrShadowObject
* (e.g. it's a black solidline for lines and rects, but it's NoPen
* for text objects
virtual KoPen defaultPen() const;
* This method is to be implemented by all KPShadowObjects, to draw themselves.
* draw() took care of the shadow and of preparing @p painter for rotation.
* paint() must take care of the gradient itself!
* @param drawingShadow true if called to draw the shadow of the object. Usually
* objects will want to draw a simpler version of themselves in that case.
* This method isn't pure virtual because some objects implement draw() directly.
virtual void paint( QPainter* /* painter */, KoTextZoomHandler* /* zoomHandler */,
int /* pageNum */, bool drawingShadow, bool /* drawContour */ = FALSE );
KoPen pen;
class KPr2DObject : public KPrShadowObject
KPr2DObject( const KoPen &_pen, const QBrush &_brush, FillType _fillType,
const QColor &_gColor1, const QColor &_gColor2, BCType _gType,
bool _unbalanced, int _xfactor, int _yfactor );
virtual ~KPr2DObject() { delete gradient; }
virtual void setFillType( FillType fillType );
virtual void setBrush( const QBrush &brush )
{ m_brush.setBrush( brush ); }
virtual void setGColor1( const QColor &gColor1 )
{ if ( gradient ) gradient->setColor1( gColor1 ); m_brush.setGColor1( gColor1 ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; }
virtual void setGColor2( const QColor &gColor2 )
{ if ( gradient ) gradient->setColor2( gColor2 ); m_brush.setGColor2( gColor2 ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; }
virtual void setGType( BCType gType )
{ if ( gradient ) gradient->setBackColorType( gType ); m_brush.setGType( gType ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; }
virtual void setGUnbalanced( bool b )
{ if ( gradient ) gradient->setUnbalanced( b ); m_brush.setGUnbalanced( b ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; }
virtual void setGXFactor( int xfactor )
{ if ( gradient ) gradient->setXFactor( xfactor ); m_brush.setGXFactor( xfactor ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; }
virtual void setGYFactor( int yfactor )
{ if ( gradient ) gradient->setYFactor( yfactor ); m_brush.setGYFactor( yfactor ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; }
virtual FillType getFillType() const
{ return m_brush.getFillType(); }
virtual QBrush getBrush() const
{ return m_brush.getBrush(); }
virtual QColor getGColor1() const
{ return m_brush.getGColor1(); }
virtual QColor getGColor2() const
{ return m_brush.getGColor2(); }
virtual BCType getGType() const
{ return m_brush.getGType(); }
virtual bool getGUnbalanced() const
{ return m_brush.getGUnbalanced(); }
virtual int getGXFactor() const
{ return m_brush.getGXFactor(); }
virtual int getGYFactor() const
{ return m_brush.getGYFactor(); }
virtual QDomDocumentFragment save( QDomDocument& doc, double offset );
virtual double load(const QDomElement &element);
virtual void loadOasis(const QDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info);
virtual void draw( QPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler,
int pageNum, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour = FALSE );
virtual void flip(bool horizontal );
virtual void fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const;
KPrBrush m_brush;
KPrGradient *gradient;
/// holds the painted gradient
QPixmap m_gradientPix;
bool m_redrawGradientPix;
class KPrStartEndLine
KPrStartEndLine( LineEnd _start, LineEnd _end );
void save( QDomDocumentFragment &fragment, QDomDocument& doc );
void load( const QDomElement &element );
void saveOasisMarkerElement( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const;
QString saveOasisMarkerStyle( KoGenStyles &mainStyles, const LineEnd &_element ) const;
void loadOasisMarkerElement( KoOasisContext & context, const QString & attr, LineEnd &_element );
//duplicate from kpobject
QDomElement createValueElement(const QString &tag, int value, QDomDocument &doc);
LineEnd lineBegin, lineEnd;