<!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such
as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->
<title>The &kpicosim; Handbook</title>
<surname>Mark Six</surname>
<holder>Mark Six</holder>
<!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->
<!-- Put here the FDL notice. Read the explanation in fdl-notice.docbook
and in the FDL itself on how to use it. -->
<!-- Date and version information of the documentation
Don't forget to include this last date and this last revision number, we
need them for translation coordination !
Please respect the format of the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and of the version
(V.MM.LL), it could be used by automation scripts.
Do NOT change these in the translation. -->
<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
&kpicosim; is an IDE for the picoBlaze microcontroller. The documentation is very minimalistic, sorry...
<!-- This is a set of Keywords for indexing by search engines.
Please at least include KDE, the KDE package it is in, the name
of your application, and a few relevant keywords. -->
<keyword>nothing else</keyword>
<!-- The contents of the documentation begin here. Label
each chapter so with the id attribute. This is necessary for two reasons: it
allows you to easily reference the chapter from other chapters of your
document, and if there is no ID, the name of the generated HTML files will vary
from time to time making it hard to manage for maintainers and for the CVS
system. Any chapter labelled (OPTIONAL) may be left out at the author's
discretion. Other chapters should not be left out in order to maintain a
consistent documentation style across all KDE apps. -->
<chapter id="introduction">
<!-- The introduction chapter contains a brief introduction for the
application that explains what it does and where to report
problems. Basically a long version of the abstract. Don't include a
revision history. (see installation appendix comment) -->
&kpicosim; is a development environment for the Xilinx PicoBlaze-3 soft-core processor for the KDE Desktop (Linux). The environment has an editor with syntax highlighting, compiler, simulator and export functions to VHDL, HEX and MEM files.
<chapter id="using-kpicosim">
<title>Using &kpicosim;</title>
<!-- This chapter should tell the user how to use your app. You should use as
many sections (Chapter, Sect1, Sect3, etc...) as is necessary to fully document
your application. -->
<!-- Note that all graphics should be in .png format. Use no gifs because of
patent issues. -->
<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &kpicosim;</screeninfo>