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884 lines
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<chapter id="properties">
<title>File properties</title>
<sect1 id="properties-overview">
<para>The <guilabel>File Properties</guilabel> dialog allows you to choose
various options that will apply only to a particular file, stream, device,
track, title, or channel. Many of the options are the same or similar to the
ones that can be chosen globally in the <link linkend="settings">&kplayer;
Settings</link> dialog. The options set in file properties will override the
global ones. Additionally, options set for a track, title or channel will
override options set for the disk or device it comes from. The file properties
give you full control of how the file is played, including options that are
passed to &mplayer;. Other properties display information that &kplayer; found
out about the file or stream, like time length, video size, and audio and video
<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the dialog
box for the currently loaded file or <acronym>URL</acronym>. You can also open
the properties for any item in the <link linkend="parts-library">multimedia
library</link> by <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> clicking the item and
selecting <guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem> from the
<link linkend="popup-library">library popup menu</link> or by selecting
<para>The dialog contains several sections which are selected by
<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> clicking one of the items on the
left side of the dialog box.</para>
<term><link linkend="properties-general">General</link> section</term>
<listitem><para>Shows general information about the multimedia item and lets you
set a few essential properties.</para></listitem>
<term><link linkend="properties-size">Size</link> section</term>
<listitem><para>If the file or stream contains video, tells you the video
resolution and lets you control the video area size when playing
<term><link linkend="properties-video">Video</link> section</term>
<listitem><para>Contains properties that show technical information about
the video and let you control video output when playing the file, if it has
a video component.</para></listitem>
<term><link linkend="properties-audio">Audio</link> section</term>
<listitem><para>Contains properties that show technical information about
the audio and let you control audio output when playing the file, if it has
an audio component.</para></listitem>
<term><link linkend="properties-subtitles">Subtitles</link> section</term>
<listitem><para>Contains properties that control subtitle loading and
display, if the file is played with subtitles.</para></listitem>
<term><link linkend="properties-advanced">Advanced</link> section</term>
<listitem><para>Contains various properties that affect advanced command
line parameters passed to &mplayer;, as well as interaction with the &kde;
I/O Slave if it is used to transfer the file.</para></listitem>
<para>The buttons at the bottom of the dialog let you make choices
about the contents of all sections of the dialog.</para>
<term><guibutton>OK</guibutton> button</term>
<listitem><para>Accepts your changes and closes the dialog.</para></listitem>
<term><guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button</term>
<listitem><para>Closes the dialog without saving the changes.</para></listitem>
<term><guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button</term>
<listitem><para>Applies the changes without closing the dialog.</para></listitem>
<term><guibutton>Defaults</guibutton> button</term>
<listitem><para>Restores all settings to their original, predefined values
and applies them.</para></listitem>
<term><guibutton>Close</guibutton> button</term>
<listitem><para>After you choose <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> or
<guibutton>Defaults</guibutton>, the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button
changes to <guibutton>Close</guibutton>. Clicking it closes the dialog
and discards changes you made since the last time changes were
<term><guibutton>Help</guibutton> button</term>
<listitem><para>Opens this user manual and displays the section that describes
the currently selected section of the dialog.</para></listitem>
<note><para>You can also click the small <guibutton>What's This</guibutton>
button with a question mark at the top right of the dialog and then click a
property to get a brief explanation of it.</para></note>
<para>Clicking the rightmost button at the top of the dialog closes the dialog
discarding any unapplied changes.</para>
<sect1 id="properties-general">
<title><guilabel>General</guilabel> section</title>
<para>This section shows general information about the multimedia item and lets
you set a few essential properties.</para>
<imagedata fileref="properties-general.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property shows and lets you change the name of the item
that is displayed in the <link linkend="parts-toolbar-playlist">playlist drop
down box</link>, the <link linkend="parts-library">multimedia library</link>,
and also in the &kplayer; title bar when the item is loaded for
<term><guilabel>Path or URL</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property shows the file path for local files or the full
<acronym>URL</acronym> for all other files. The <acronym>URL</acronym>
identifies the file or stream, and all other properties are attached to it.
This property is read only. It is not applicable and not shown for
<acronym>CD</acronym> tracks, <acronym>DVD</acronym> titles and tuner device
<listitem><para>This property shows the type of the multimedia item. For a
device, track, title or channel it is the device type. For other items it is the
<acronym>MIME</acronym> type if it is known. This property is read
<listitem><para>This property shows and lets you choose whether this item
is a playlist file. &mplayer; cannot automatically detect and play a playlist
file, so &kplayer; has to explicitly tell it to parse a file as a playlist.
<guilabel>Auto</guilabel> lets &kplayer; use the file extension to guess
if it is a playlist file. The playlist extensions KPlayer recognizes are ram,
rpm, smi, smil, asx, m3u, pls and strm. If a file that is not a playlist has
one of these extensions, or a playlist file has a different extension, you
will need to correctly set this property in order to be able to play the file
or stream.</para>
<para>This property is not applicable and not shown for devices, disks, titles,
tracks and channels.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows the time length of the file.
&kplayer; tries to detect it with precision of one tenth of a second,
and usually it gets it pretty close to the real length. This property
is read only. It is not applicable and not shown for devices and
<para>Tuner <link linkend="howto-devices">devices</link> like
<acronym>DVB</acronym>, <acronym>PVR</acronym> and <acronym>TV</acronym> and
channels available on them have some specific properties that are not applicable
to other items.</para>
<imagedata fileref="device-properties-general.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property shows and lets you change the frequency in
<acronym>MHz</acronym> of a <acronym>DVB</acronym>, <acronym>PVR</acronym> or
<acronym>TV</acronym> channel. For other items this property is not applicable
and not shown.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows and lets you choose the list of channels
available on a <acronym>TV</acronym> or <acronym>PVR</acronym> device. For other
items this property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows and lets you choose the input driver for a
<acronym>TV</acronym> or <acronym>PVR</acronym> device. For other items this
property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Channel file</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property shows and lets you change the path to a file
listing the available channels on a <acronym>DVB</acronym> device and their
properties. For other items this property is not applicable and not
<sect1 id="properties-size">
<title><guilabel>Size</guilabel> section</title>
<para>This section shows the video resolution and lets you control the
<link linkend="parts-video-area">video area</link> size when playing this file,
if it has video.</para>
<imagedata fileref="properties-size.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property shows the resolution of the video in pixels.
It is read only, and it is empty for audio only files.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Original size</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property shows the original size of the video in pixels.
Original video size is the video resolution adjusted to the correct aspect
ratio. It is read only, and it is empty for audio only files.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Current size</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property shows the current size of the video in pixels.
Current video size is the video size after application of any filters. It is
read only, and it is empty for audio only files.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Display size</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the initial video size &kplayer;
will use when it starts playing the file, unless you turned off the option to
<guilabel>Resize main window automatically</guilabel> on the
<link linkend="settings-general"><guilabel>General</guilabel> page</link> in
<guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> setting
will use the <guilabel>Minimum initial video width</guilabel> option from the
<guilabel>General</guilabel> settings. The <guilabel>set size</guilabel> setting
will use the fixed initial size you specify. The <guilabel>set aspect</guilabel>
setting will again use the <guilabel>Minimum initial video width</guilabel>
option, but will apply the fixed initial aspect you specify.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Full screen</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the full screen mode when playing
this file. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting will keep the full screen
mode of the previous file.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the maximized window state when
this file is not played full screen. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting
will keep the maximized state of the previous file.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Maintain aspect</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the <guilabel>Maintain
Aspect</guilabel> option specifically for this file. The
<guilabel>default</guilabel> setting will keep the <guilabel>Maintain
Aspect</guilabel> setting you choose globally.</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="properties-video">
<title><guilabel>Video</guilabel> section</title>
<para>This section contains properties that show technical information about
the video and let you control video output when playing the file, if it has
a video component.</para>
<imagedata fileref="properties-video.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the video track to use when
playing this file or stream. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option lets &mplayer;
choose a video track automatically. The <guilabel>set ID</guilabel> option
allows you to enter a video track ID to play. The other options choose a video
track from the list of detected tracks. An easy way to set this property for a
file or stream that has more than one video track is by selecting a video track
from the <link linkend="submenu-video"><guisubmenu>Video</guisubmenu>
submenu</link> of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls the video contrast for this file.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the same contrast as for other
files. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option sets the specified initial
contrast when loading the file. The <guilabel>add</guilabel> and
<guilabel>subtract</guilabel> settings will adjust the contrast relative
to the default setting.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls the video brightness for this file.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the same brightness as for other
files. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option sets the specified initial
brightness when loading the file. The <guilabel>add</guilabel> and
<guilabel>subtract</guilabel> settings will adjust the brightness relative
to the default setting.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls the video hue for this file.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the same hue as for other
files. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option sets the specified initial
hue when loading the file. The <guilabel>add</guilabel> and
<guilabel>subtract</guilabel> settings will adjust the hue relative
to the default setting.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls the video saturation for this file.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the same saturation as for other
files. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option sets the specified initial
saturation when loading the file. The <guilabel>add</guilabel> and
<guilabel>subtract</guilabel> settings will adjust the saturation relative
to the default setting.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property specifies the video codec to use when playing this
file. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting will use the codec chosen on the
<link linkend="settings-video"><guilabel>Video</guilabel> page</link> in
<guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>, normally <guilabel>auto</guilabel>. The
<guilabel>auto</guilabel> setting will tell &mplayer; to choose the codec it
thinks is the best for playing this file.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows the video bitrate of this file.
It is read only, and it is empty for audio only files.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows the video framerate of this file.
It is read only, and it is empty for audio only files.</para></listitem>
<para>Tuner <link linkend="howto-devices">devices</link> like
<acronym>DVB</acronym>, <acronym>PVR</acronym> and <acronym>TV</acronym> have
some specific properties that are not applicable to other items.</para>
<imagedata fileref="device-properties-video.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the video input to use when
playing from the tuner device. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option tells
&mplayer; to choose a <acronym>TV</acronym> or <acronym>DVB</acronym> input
automatically. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option allows you to enter an
input ID to be used. For other items this property is not applicable and not
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the video format to use when
playing from the <acronym>PVR</acronym> or <acronym>TV</acronym> device. The
<guilabel>auto</guilabel> option tells &mplayer; to choose a video output format
automatically. The other options let you specify a particular video format.
For other items this property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the video norm to use when
playing from the <acronym>PVR</acronym> or <acronym>TV</acronym> device.
The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option tells &mplayer; to choose a video norm
automatically. The <guilabel>set ID</guilabel> option allows you to enter a norm
ID to be used. The other options let you choose a particular video norm. For
other items this property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="properties-audio">
<title><guilabel>Audio</guilabel> section</title>
<para>This section contains properties that show technical information about
the audio and let you control audio output when playing the file, if it has
an audio component.</para>
<imagedata fileref="properties-audio.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the audio track to use when
playing this file or stream. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option lets &mplayer;
choose an audio track automatically. The <guilabel>set ID</guilabel> option
allows you to enter a audio track ID to play. The other options choose an audio
track from the list of detected tracks. An easy way to set this property for a
file or stream that has more than one audio track is by selecting an audio track
from the <link linkend="submenu-audio"><guisubmenu>Audio</guisubmenu>
submenu</link> of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls the sound volume for this file.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the same volume as for other
files. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option sets the specified initial
volume when loading the file. The <guilabel>add</guilabel> and
<guilabel>subtract</guilabel> settings will adjust the volume relative
to the default setting.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls delay of the sound relative to video.
By default this property is remembered automatically when you use the
<guimenuitem>Increase Delay</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Decrease
Delay</guimenuitem> commands from the
<link linkend="submenu-audio"><guisubmenu>Audio</guisubmenu> submenu</link>
of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu. The <guilabel>default</guilabel>
setting always resets audio delay to zero when the file is
<listitem><para>This property specifies the audio codec to use when playing this
file. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting will use the codec chosen on the
<link linkend="settings-audio"><guilabel>Audio</guilabel> page</link> in
<guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>, normally <guilabel>auto</guilabel>. The
<guilabel>auto</guilabel> setting will tell &mplayer; to choose the codec it
thinks is the best for playing this file.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows the audio bitrate of this file. It is
read only, and it is empty for files without an audio track.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property shows the audio samplerate of this file. It is
read only, and it is empty for files without an audio track.</para></listitem>
<para>Tuner <link linkend="howto-devices">devices</link> like
<acronym>DVB</acronym>, <acronym>PVR</acronym> and <acronym>TV</acronym> have
some specific properties that are not applicable to other items.</para>
<imagedata fileref="device-properties-audio.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the audio mode to use when
playing from the <acronym>PVR</acronym> or <acronym>TV</acronym> device.
The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option tells &mplayer; to choose an audio mode
automatically. The other options let you specify a particular audio mode.
For other items this property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the audio input to use when
playing from the tuner device. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option tells
&mplayer; to choose a <acronym>TV</acronym> or <acronym>DVB</acronym> audio
input automatically. The <guilabel>set to</guilabel> option allows you to enter
an input ID to be used. For other items this property is not applicable and not
<term><guilabel>Immediate mode</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the immediate mode for playing
from the <acronym>PVR</acronym> or <acronym>TV</acronym> device. When disabled,
&mplayer; will capture audio from the same device as video. When enabled, tells
&mplayer; to capture audio through a cable going from the <acronym>TV</acronym>
card to the sound card. For other items this property is not applicable and not
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the audio capture system, either
<acronym>ALSA</acronym> or <acronym>OSS</acronym>, for playing from the
<acronym>PVR</acronym> or <acronym>TV</acronym> device. For other items this
property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Capture device</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you specify the audio capture device for
playing from the <acronym>PVR</acronym> or <acronym>TV</acronym> device. For
other items this property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="properties-subtitles">
<title><guilabel>Subtitles</guilabel> section</title>
<para>This section contains properties that control subtitle loading and
display, if the file is played with subtitles.</para>
<imagedata fileref="properties-subtitles.png" format="PNG"/>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose the subtitles to use when playing
this file or stream. The <guilabel>none</guilabel> option disables subtitle
display. The <guilabel>external</guilabel> option tells &mplayer; to display
subtitles loaded from an external file given by the <guilabel>External
path</guilabel> property below. The <guilabel>set ID</guilabel> option allows
you to enter an internal subtitle track ID to play. The other options choose an
internal subtitle track from the list of detected tracks. An easy way to set
this property is by selecting a subtitle track or file or the
<guimenuitem>None</guimenuitem> option from the
<link linkend="submenu-subtitles"><guisubmenu>Subtitles</guisubmenu>
submenu</link> of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>External path</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property specifies the path to the external subtitle file
to be used for this file. This property is set automatically when you use the
<guimenuitem>Load Subtitles...</guimenuitem> command from the
<guimenu>File</guimenu> menu or drag and drop subtitle files onto the &kplayer;
window, and the <guilabel>Track</guilabel> property above is set to
<term><guilabel>External type</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property allows you to specify the type of the external
subtitles. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option tells &kplayer; to determine
the type based on the subtitle file extension.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property lets you specify the encoding of text in the
external subtitle file. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option tells &kplayer;
to use the encoding specified in
<link linkend="settings-subtitles"><guilabel>&kplayer;
<listitem><para>This property lets you specify the frame rate of the external
subtitle file. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> option uses the frame rate of the
video file.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>If this is a local file, this property tells &kplayer; whether
to try to autoload subtitles for it. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting
uses the <guilabel>Autoload</guilabel> settings from the
<link linkend="settings-subtitles"><guilabel>Subtitles</guilabel> page</link>
in <guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property lets you set vertical position of subtitles.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting will use the same subtitle position
as for other files. An easy way to set this property is by using keyboard
shortcuts for subtitle position commands on the
<link linkend="submenu-subtitles"><guisubmenu>Subtitles</guisubmenu>
submenu</link> of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu while holding down the
&Shift; key.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property controls delay of the subtitles relative to
video. By default this property is remembered automatically when you use
the <guimenuitem>Increase Delay</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Decrease
Delay</guimenuitem> commands from the
<link linkend="submenu-subtitles"><guisubmenu>Subtitles</guisubmenu>
submenu</link> of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu. The
<guilabel>default</guilabel> setting always resets subtitle delay to zero when
the file is loaded.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Closed caption</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose to display or omit closed caption
subtitles on a specific device or disk or for each individual title on a
<acronym>DVD</acronym>. This property is not available for files or remote
<imagedata fileref="device-properties-subtitles.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="properties-advanced">
<title><guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> section</title>
<para>This section contains various properties that affect advanced command
line parameters passed to &mplayer;, as well as interaction with the &kde;
I/O Slave if it is used to transfer the file.</para>
<imagedata fileref="properties-advanced.png" format="PNG"/>
<term><guilabel>Additional command line arguments</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you specify additional arguments to be
passed to &mplayer;. You can either <guilabel>append</guilabel> the arguments
to the ones given on the
<link linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>Advanced</guilabel></link> page in
<guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel> or use the <guilabel>set to</guilabel>
setting to override them. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the
arguments given in <guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property specifies the demultiplexer to use when playing
this file. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting will use the demuxer chosen
on the <link linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>Advanced</guilabel>
page</link> in <guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>, normally
<guilabel>auto</guilabel>. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> setting will tell
&mplayer; to choose the demuxer it thinks is the best for playing this
<term><guilabel>Frame drop</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property allows you to tell &mplayer; to drop some frames
if your system is too slow to play the file properly.
The <guilabel>soft</guilabel> setting drops less frames than
the <guilabel>hard</guilabel> one, so you should try it first.
The <guilabel>default</guilabel> option uses the <guilabel>Frame drop</guilabel>
setting from the <link linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>Advanced</guilabel>
page</link> in <guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>. You can also change this
option while playing a file using commands on the
<link linkend="submenu-advanced"><guisubmenu>Advanced</guisubmenu>
submenu</link> of the <guimenu>Player</guimenu> menu. If you hold &Shift; when
choosing them, &kplayer; by default will use the setting only for the current
file and remember it in this property.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose whether to use cache for this
file and set its size. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting uses the cache
options from the <link linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>Advanced</guilabel>
page</link> in <guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel>,
<guilabel>auto</guilabel> lets &mplayer; choose an optimal cache size,
<guilabel>none</guilabel> tells &mplayer; to use no cache, and <guilabel>set
size</guilabel> lets you set a specific size.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Build new index</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose whether &mplayer; should build
a new index for seeking. The <guilabel>default</guilabel> setting uses the
option from <link linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>&kplayer;
Settings</guilabel></link>, <guilabel>yes</guilabel> builds an index if the file
does not have it, <guilabel>no</guilabel> tells &mplayer; not to build an index,
and <guilabel>force</guilabel> tells it to always build an
<term><guilabel>Use KIOSlave</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose whether to use a &kde; I/O
Slave to transfer and play this file. The <guilabel>auto</guilabel> setting
tells &kplayer; to decide it automatically using options set in
<link linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>&kplayer;
<term><guilabel>Use temporary file</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose whether to use a temporary
file for playing from &kde; I/O Slave. The <guilabel>default</guilabel>
setting uses the option from <link
linkend="settings-advanced"><guilabel>&kplayer; Settings</guilabel></link>. This
property has no effect for URLs passed directly to &mplayer;.</para></listitem>
<para><acronym>PVR</acronym> and <acronym>TV</acronym>
<link linkend="howto-devices">devices</link> have some specific properties that
are not applicable to other items.</para>
<imagedata fileref="device-properties-advanced.png" format="PNG"/>
<term><guilabel>Hardware compression</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you choose whether to use
<acronym>MJPEG</acronym> hardware compression for a <acronym>PVR</acronym> or
<acronym>TV</acronym> device and lets you specify the decimation or image size.
For other items this property is not applicable and not shown.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Compression quality</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This property lets you specify the compression quality from 0 to
100 when hardware compression is enabled for a <acronym>PVR</acronym> or
<acronym>TV</acronym> device. For other items this property is not applicable
and not shown.</para></listitem>