You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

6265 lines
176 KiB

# Korondi Márk <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KDE 3.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-14 07:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-10 17:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Tamas Szanto <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: kplayer.cpp:411 kplayerplaylist.cpp:70 kplayerplaylist.cpp:76
msgid "Playlist"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayer.cpp:412 kplayerengine.cpp:528 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:70
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Folyamatjelző"
#: kplayer.cpp:413 kplayerengine.cpp:535 kplayerengine.cpp:539
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:74
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Hangerő"
#: kplayer.cpp:414 kplayerengine.cpp:657 kplayerengine.cpp:670
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:78
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Kontraszt"
#: kplayer.cpp:415 kplayerengine.cpp:660 kplayerengine.cpp:673
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:82
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Fényerő"
#: kplayer.cpp:416 kplayerengine.cpp:663 kplayerengine.cpp:676
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:86
msgid "Hue"
msgstr "Árnyalat"
#: kplayer.cpp:417 kplayerengine.cpp:666 kplayerengine.cpp:679
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:90
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Telítettség"
#: kplayer.cpp:428
msgid ""
"Main toolbar contains buttons for commonly used operations. Left clicking an "
"icon will activate the corresponding action. Some of the buttons will pop up "
"slider controls when clicked. The sliders let you change various player "
"controls: sound volume, video contrast, brightness, hue and saturation. The "
"video controls will only be available for video files."
msgstr ""
"A fő eszköztáron az alapvető műveletekhez tartozó nyomógombok találhatók. A "
"művelet végrehajtásához kattintson az ikonra a bal egérgombbal. Néhány esetben "
"a kattintás hatására egy vagy több csúszka jelenik meg. A csúszkákkal lehet "
"számértékeket beállítani: a hangerőt, a videókontrasztot, a fényerőt, az "
"árnyalatot és a telítettséget. A videóvezérlő elemek csak videófájlok esetén "
"érhetők el."
#: kplayer.cpp:429
msgid ""
"Playlist toolbar shows the multimedia title currently loaded or being played, "
"offers commands to go to the next or previous items on the playlist, and also "
"lets you see the entire playlist that consists of items that are currently "
"being played or have been played recently. If you select a different item from "
"the list, KPlayer will load and start playing it. The toolbar also contains "
"options to loop and shuffle the playlist."
msgstr ""
"A lejátszólista eszköztár megjeleníti a betöltött vagy éppen lejátszás alatt "
"levő multimédia-anyag nevét, lehetővé teszi a lejátszólistában az előző vagy a "
"következő elemre lépést, és áttekintést ad a lejátszólista tartalmáról, mely a "
"nemrég lejátszott és a lejátszásra kijelölt elemeket tartalmazza. Ha kiválaszt "
"egy másik elemet a listában, a KPlayer betölti azt és elkezdi a lejátszást. Az "
"eszköztáron a végtelenített lejátszás beállítására és a lista összekeverésére "
"is mód van."
#: kplayer.cpp:430
msgid ""
"Progress and seeking toolbar is shown when the time length of a media file is "
"known. It displays the playback progress and also allows seeking, that is, "
"moving the playback point back and forth within the file. To seek to a specific "
"position, drag the slider thumb to that position with the left mouse button, or "
"simply click at that position with the middle mouse button. To move forward or "
"backward in steps, left click the slider to the left or right of the thumb, or "
"click the Forward and Backward buttons."
msgstr ""
"A folyamatjelző és pozícionálási eszköztár akkor jelenik meg, ha az aktuális "
"multimédia-anyag hossza ismert. Megjeleníti, hol tart éppen a lejátszás, és "
"lehetővé teszi a pozícionálást, azaz a lejátszási pont megadását. ha egy adott "
"pozícióra szeretne állni, húzza el a csúszkát a bal egérgombbal a kívánt "
"helyre, vagy egyszerűen kattintson oda a középső egérgombbal. Ha előre vagy "
"hátra szeretne lépni egy egységgel, kattintson a csúszkára a csúszka "
"fogantyújától balra vagy jobbra, vagy kattintson az Előre ill. Vissza gombra."
#: kplayer.cpp:431
msgid ""
"Volume toolbar has a volume slider that shows the current sound volume and "
"allows you to change it. This is the same slider you get from the volume pop-up "
"slider button on the main toolbar, but it will not disappear when you click "
"elsewhere. You can show or hide the toolbar using the Show Volume Toolbar "
"option on the Settings menu. Clicking the Volume button on this toolbar will "
"also hide it. In addition the toolbar has a Mute button that turns the sound "
"off and back on."
msgstr ""
"A Hangerő eszköztár egy csúszkát tartalmaz. Ez megmutatja az aktuális "
"hangerőértéket és lehetővé teszi annak megváltoztatását. Ugyanez a Fő "
"eszköztárról is elérhető (felbukkanó ablakban), de ennél akkor is látható "
"marad, ha máshová kattint. Ez az eszköztár ki-be kapcsolható a Beállítások menü "
"A Hangerő eszköztár megjelenítése opciójával. Ha rákattint ezen az eszköztáron "
"a Hangerő gombra, akkor is eltűnik az eszköztár. Továbbá található még egy "
"Elnémítás gomb is, mellyel a hang ki-be kapcsolható."
#: kplayer.cpp:432
msgid ""
"Contrast toolbar has a contrast slider that shows the current video contrast "
"and allows you to change it. This is the same slider you get from the contrast "
"pop-up slider button on the main toolbar, but it will not disappear when you "
"click elsewhere. You can show or hide the toolbar using the Show Contrast "
"Toolbar option on the Settings menu. Clicking the Contrast button on this "
"toolbar will also hide it."
msgstr ""
"A Kontraszt eszköztár egy csúszkát tartalmaz, mely megjeleníti a videóanyag "
"kontrasztjának értékét és lehetővé teszi annak megváltoztatását. Ugyanez a Fő "
"eszköztárról is elérhető (felbukkanó ablakban), de ennél akkor is látható "
"marad, ha máshová kattint. Ez az eszköztár ki-be kapcsolható a Beállítások menü "
"A Kontraszt eszköztár megjelenítése opciójával. Ha rákattint ezen az "
"eszköztáron a Kontraszt gombra, akkor is eltűnik az eszköztár."
#: kplayer.cpp:433
msgid ""
"Brightness toolbar has a brightness slider that shows the current video "
"brightness and allows you to change it. This is the same slider you get from "
"the brightness pop-up slider button on the main toolbar, but it will not "
"disappear when you click elsewhere. You can show or hide the toolbar using the "
"Show Brightness Toolbar option on the Settings menu. Clicking the Brightness "
"button on this toolbar will also hide it."
msgstr ""
"A Fényerő eszköztár egy csúszkát tartalmaz, mely megjeleníti a videóanyag "
"fényerejének értékét és lehetővé teszi annak megváltoztatását. Ugyanez a Fő "
"eszköztárról is elérhető (felbukkanó ablakban), de ennél akkor is látható "
"marad, ha máshová kattint. Ez az eszköztár ki-be kapcsolható a Beállítások menü "
"A Fényerő eszköztár megjelenítése opciójával. Ha rákattint ezen az eszköztáron "
"a Fényerő gombra, akkor is eltűnik az eszköztár."
#: kplayer.cpp:434
msgid ""
"Hue toolbar has a hue slider that shows the current video hue and allows you to "
"change it. This is the same slider you get from the hue pop-up slider button on "
"the main toolbar, but it will not disappear when you click elsewhere. You can "
"show or hide the toolbar using the Show Hue Toolbar option on the Settings "
"menu. Clicking the Hue button on this toolbar will also hide it."
msgstr ""
"Az Árnyalat eszköztár egy csúszkát tartalmaz, mely megjeleníti a videóanyag "
"árnyalatának értékét és lehetővé teszi annak megváltoztatását. Ugyanez a Fő "
"eszköztárról is elérhető (felbukkanó ablakban), de ennél akkor is látható "
"marad, ha máshová kattint. Ez az eszköztár ki-be kapcsolható a Beállítások menü "
"Az Árnyalat eszköztár megjelenítése opciójával. Ha rákattint ezen az "
"eszköztáron az Árnyalat gombra, akkor is eltűnik az eszköztár."
#: kplayer.cpp:435
msgid ""
"Saturation toolbar has a saturation slider that shows the current video "
"saturation and allows you to change it. This is the same slider you get from "
"the saturation pop-up slider button on the main toolbar, but it will not "
"disappear when you click elsewhere. You can show or hide the toolbar using the "
"Show Saturation Toolbar option on the Settings menu. Clicking the Saturation "
"button on this toolbar will also hide it."
msgstr ""
"A Telítettség eszköztár egy csúszkát tartalmaz, mely megjeleníti a videóanyag "
"telítettségének értékét és lehetővé teszi annak megváltoztatását. Ugyanez a Fő "
"eszköztárról is elérhető (felbukkanó ablakban), de ennél akkor is látható "
"marad, ha máshová kattint. Ez az eszköztár ki-be kapcsolható a Beállítások menü "
"A Telítettség eszköztár megjelenítése opciójával. Ha rákattint ezen az "
"eszköztáron a Telítettség gombra, akkor is eltűnik az eszköztár."
#: kplayer.cpp:543
msgid ""
"Menu bar contains names of drop-down menus. Left click a name to alternately "
"show and hide that menu, or use Alt + the underlined letter in the name as a "
"hot key, for example Alt+F to show the File menu."
msgstr ""
"A menüsáv a lenyíló menük neveit tartalmazza. Bal kattintással lehet a menüket "
"lenyitni és becsukni, ill. ugyanez az Alt + az aláhúzott betű billentyűjének "
"lenyomásával is elérhető (pl. Alt + F a Fájl menüt nyitja le)."
#: kplayer.cpp:544
msgid ""
"Status bar shows general information about the player status and progress."
msgstr ""
"Az állapotsorban a lejátszó aktuális állapotának bizonyos értékei láthatók."
#: kplayer.cpp:545
msgid ""
"Multimedia library is a window where that lets you organize your files, "
"streams, devices, manage your playlists, and choose items for playing. It shows "
"various information about your media files and allows you to search and group "
"them and change their properties."
msgstr ""
#: kplayer.cpp:546
msgid ""
"Message log is a window where KPlayer shows messages it receives from MPlayer. "
"KPlayer can show it automatically when it detects an MPlayer error if that "
"option is selected in KPlayer settings."
msgstr ""
"Az Üzenetnapló ablakban írja ki a KPlayer az MPlayer lejátszómagtól kapott "
"üzeneteket. A megfelelő opció beállítása esetén a KPlayer hibaüzenet érzékelése "
"esetén automatikusan előhozza ezt az ablakot."
#: kplayer.cpp:574
msgid "Quits KPlayer"
msgstr "Kilépés a KPlayerből"
#: kplayer.cpp:575
msgid ""
"Quit command saves the playlist and all settings, stops playing and closes "
msgstr ""
"A Kilépés parancs hatására a program elmenti a lejátszási listát és az összes "
"beállítást, leállítja a lejátszást, majd kilép."
#: kplayer.cpp:577 kplayer.cpp:625 kplayer.cpp:1298
msgid "Shows/hides the menu bar"
msgstr "A menü ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:578 kplayer.cpp:626
msgid "Show Menubar command shows or hides the menu bar."
msgstr "A menü megjelenítése paranccsal a menü kapcsolható ki-be."
#: kplayer.cpp:580 kplayer.cpp:631 kplayer.cpp:1322
msgid "Shows/hides the status bar"
msgstr "Az állapotsáv ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:581 kplayer.cpp:632
msgid "Show Statusbar command shows or hides the status bar."
msgstr ""
"Az állapotsáv megjelenítése paranccsal az állapotsáv kapcsolható ki-be."
#: kplayer.cpp:582
msgid "&Show Playlist"
msgstr "A lejátszóli&sta megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:583
msgid "Shows/hides the playlist"
msgstr "A lejátszólista ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:584
msgid "Show Playlist command shows or hides the playlist toolbar."
msgstr ""
"A lejátszólista megjelenítése paranccsal a Lejátszólista eszköztár kapcsolható "
#: kplayer.cpp:585
msgid "Sho&w Library"
msgstr ""
#: kplayer.cpp:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shows/hides the multimedia library"
msgstr "A menü ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:587
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Library command shows or hides the multimedia library."
msgstr "A menü megjelenítése paranccsal a menü kapcsolható ki-be."
#: kplayer.cpp:588
msgid "Show Message &Log"
msgstr "Az ü&zenetek megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:589
msgid "Shows/hides the message log"
msgstr "Az üzenetek ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:590
msgid "Show Message Log command shows or hides the message log."
msgstr "Az üzenetek megjelenítése paranccsal az üzenetablak kapcsolható ki-be."
#: kplayer.cpp:591
msgid "Show Main &Toolbar"
msgstr "A Fő eszköz&tár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:592
msgid "Shows/hides the main toolbar"
msgstr "A Fő eszköztár ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:593
msgid "Show Main Toolbar command shows or hides the main toolbar."
msgstr ""
"A Fő eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a Fő eszköztár kapcsolható ki-be."
#: kplayer.cpp:594
msgid "Show &Progress Toolbar"
msgstr "A F&olyamatjelző eszköztár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:595
msgid "Shows/hides the progress toolbar"
msgstr "A Folyamatjelző eszköztár ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayer.cpp:596
msgid ""
"Show Progress Toolbar command shows or hides the progress toolbar. This command "
"is available when the time length of the current file is known."
msgstr ""
"A Folyamatjelző eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a Folyamatjelző eszköztár "
"kapcsolható ki-be. Ez a parancs csak akkor érhető el, ha az aktuális fájl "
"anyagának időtartama ismert."
#: kplayer.cpp:597
msgid "Show &Volume Toolbar"
msgstr "A &Hangerő eszköztár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:598
msgid "Shows/hides the volume toolbar"
msgstr "A Hangerő eszköztárat kapcsolja ki-be"
#: kplayer.cpp:599
msgid "Show Volume Toolbar command shows or hides the volume toolbar."
msgstr ""
"A Hangerő eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a Hangerő eszköztár kapcsolható "
#: kplayer.cpp:600
msgid "Show C&ontrast Toolbar"
msgstr "A &Kontraszt eszköztár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:601
msgid "Shows/hides the contrast toolbar"
msgstr "A Kontraszt eszköztárat kapcsolja ki-be"
#: kplayer.cpp:602
msgid ""
"Show Contrast Toolbar command shows or hides the contrast toolbar. This command "
"is available for video files."
msgstr ""
"A Kontraszt eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a Kontraszt eszköztár "
"kapcsolható ki-be. Ez a parancs csak videófájloknál érhető el."
#: kplayer.cpp:603
msgid "Show &Brightness Toolbar"
msgstr "A Fén&yerő eszköztár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:604
msgid "Shows/hides the brightness toolbar"
msgstr "Fényerőszabályzó elrejtése"
#: kplayer.cpp:605
msgid ""
"Show Brightness Toolbar command shows or hides the brightness toolbar. This "
"command is available for video files."
msgstr ""
"A Fényerő eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a Fényerő eszköztár kapcsolható "
"ki-be. Ez a parancs csak videófájloknál érhető el."
#: kplayer.cpp:606
msgid "Show H&ue Toolbar"
msgstr "Az &Árnyalat eszköztár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:607
msgid "Shows/hides the hue toolbar"
msgstr "Az Árnyalat eszköztárat kapcsolja ki-be"
#: kplayer.cpp:608
msgid ""
"Show Hue Toolbar command shows or hides the hue toolbar. This command is "
"available for video files."
msgstr ""
"Az Árnyalat eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal az Árnyalat eszköztár "
"kapcsolható ki-be. Ez a parancs csak videófájloknál érhető el."
#: kplayer.cpp:609
msgid "Show &Saturation Toolbar"
msgstr "A Te&lítettség eszköztár megjelenítése"
#: kplayer.cpp:610
msgid "Shows/hides the saturation toolbar"
msgstr "A Telítettség eszköztárat kapcsolja ki-be"
#: kplayer.cpp:611
msgid ""
"Show Saturation Toolbar command shows or hides the saturation toolbar. This "
"command is available for video files."
msgstr ""
"A Telítettség eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a Telítettség eszköztár "
"kapcsolható ki-be. Ez a parancs csak videófájloknál érhető el."
#: kplayer.cpp:613
msgid "Opens the KPlayer key bindings dialog"
msgstr "Megnyitja a KPlayerben használható billentyűparancsok beállítóablakát"
#: kplayer.cpp:614
msgid ""
"Configure Shortcuts command opens a dialog that lets you see and change "
"KPlayer's shortcut key bindings, or associations between actions and the "
"corresponding keys or combinations of keys that activate them. If you change "
"the bindings, make sure not to duplicate an existing shortcut and also not to "
"use the Shift key for your new shortcuts, because the Shift key has a special "
"function in KPlayer."
msgstr ""
"Ezzel a paranccsal nyitható meg a billentyűparancsok beállítóablaka, ahol "
"megadható, hogy a különféle KPlayer-es parancsok mely billentyűkombinációk "
"megadásával érhetők el. Ha megváltoztatja az összerendeléseket, figyeljen arra, "
"hogy a parancsok egyediek legyenek és ne használják a Shift billentyűt, mert "
"annak a KPlayerben speciális szerepe van."
#: kplayer.cpp:616
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens the KPlayer toolbar configuration dialog"
msgstr "Megnyitja a KPlayer beállítóablakát"
#: kplayer.cpp:617
msgid ""
"Configure Toolbars command opens a dialog that lets you see and change "
"KPlayer's toolbars and controls assigned to them."
msgstr ""
#: kplayer.cpp:619
msgid "Opens the KPlayer configuration dialog"
msgstr "Megnyitja a KPlayer beállítóablakát"
#: kplayer.cpp:620
msgid ""
"Configure KPlayer command opens a dialog that lets you configure the program, "
"modifying various aspects of its functionality, user interface and interaction "
"with MPlayer. For more information see the Configuration dialog chapter and the "
"Advanced configuration micro-HOWTO in the user manual."
msgstr ""
"A KPlayer beállításai paranccsal nyitható meg a program beállítóablaka, melyben "
"sokféle, a KPlayer működését, a felhasználói felületet és az MPlayert érintő "
"beállítás található. További információ található a Beállítóablak fejezetben és "
"a Speciális beállítások nevű mikro-HOWTO-ban, a felhasználói kézikönyvben."
#: kplayer.cpp:637
msgid "Opens the KPlayer user manual"
msgstr "Megnyitja a KPlayer felhasználói kézikönyvét"
#: kplayer.cpp:638
msgid "KPlayer Handbook command opens and displays the KPlayer user manual."
msgstr ""
"A KPlayer-kézikönyv parancs megnyitja és megjeleníti a KPlayer felhasználói "
#: kplayer.cpp:643
msgid "Lets you click any part of KPlayer to get its description"
msgstr "Kattintással lehet információt kapni a KPlayer felületének elemeiről"
#: kplayer.cpp:644
msgid ""
"What's This command changes the mouse pointer to a question mark and lets you "
"click a KPlayer interface element to get a quick description of its purpose and "
msgstr ""
"A Mi ez? parancs hatására az egérmutató kérdőjellé változik. Ha ezután "
"rákattint a KPlayer felületének valamelyik elemére, megjelenik annak az elemnek "
"a rövid leírása."
#: kplayer.cpp:651
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens the manual section on bug reporting"
msgstr "Megnyitja a hibabejelentő ablakot"
#: kplayer.cpp:652
msgid ""
"Report Bug command opens the section of KPlayer user manual that explains how "
"to report a bug in KPlayer, including all the information that may be helpful "
"in finding and fixing the bug."
msgstr ""
#: kplayer.cpp:657
msgid "Shows information about this version of KPlayer"
msgstr "Megjeleníti a program verziószámát és néhány egyéb jellemzőjét"
#: kplayer.cpp:658
msgid ""
"About KPlayer command displays some brief information about KPlayer's version "
"number, authors and license agreement."
msgstr ""
"A Névjegy: KPlayer paranccsal kiírható a KPlayer verziószáma, a közreműködők "
"neve és a licencegyezmény."
#: kplayer.cpp:663
msgid "Shows information about your KDE version"
msgstr "Megjeleníti a KDE verziószámát és néhány egyéb jellemzőjét"
#: kplayer.cpp:664
msgid ""
"About KDE command shows some information about the version of KDE that you are "
msgstr ""
"A Névjegy: KDE paranccsal kiíratható a KDE grafikus környezet verziószáma és "
"néhány egyéb jellemzője."
#: kplayer.cpp:670 kplayer.cpp:680 kplayer.cpp:1183 kplayer.cpp:1237
#: kplayer.cpp:1360
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Kész"
#: kplayer.cpp:671 kplayer.cpp:682 kplayer.cpp:1473
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "Üresjárat"
#: kplayer.cpp:692
msgid ""
"Status area of the status bar tells you if there have been playback errors."
msgstr ""
"Az állapotsáv állapotjelző mezőjében látható, történt-e lejátszási hiba."
#: kplayer.cpp:695
msgid "State area of the status bar displays the current player state."
msgstr ""
"Az állapotsáv állapotjelző mezője mutatja a lejátszó aktuális állapotát."
#: kplayer.cpp:697
msgid ""
"Progress area of the status bar shows playback progress and the total length if "
msgstr ""
"Az állapotsáv folyamatjelző mezőjében látható az aktuális pozíció és a teljes "
"hossz aránya, ha ez utóbbi ismert."
#: kplayer.cpp:1473
msgid "Running"
msgstr "Fut"
#: kplayer.cpp:1473
msgid "Playing"
msgstr "Lejátszás"
#: kplayer.cpp:1473
msgid "Paused"
msgstr "Szünet"
#: kplayer.cpp:1504
msgid "Cache fill: %1%"
msgstr "Gyorsítótár: %1%"
#: kplayer.cpp:1505
msgid "Generating index: %1%"
msgstr "Index készítése: %1%"
#: kplayer.cpp:1506
msgid "Transferring file: %1%"
msgstr "Fájlmásolás: %1%"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Play..."
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plays an existing file"
msgstr "Fájl megnyitása"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:51
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Play command displays the standard Open File dialog and lets you choose a file "
"or several files to put on the playlist and start playing."
msgstr ""
"A Megnyitás paranccsal hívható elő a fájlmegnyitási párbeszédablak, ahol "
"kijelölhető egy vagy több fájl, melyeket a program hozzáad a lejátszólistához "
"és elkezd lejátszani."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "Play &URL..."
msgstr "&URL megnyitása..."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plays a URL"
msgstr "Megnyit egy URL-t"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:54
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Play URL command displays the standard URL dialog and lets you type or paste in "
"a URL to put on the playlist and start playing. The URL can be a remote network "
"location, a local file path, or a KDE I/O Slave URL."
msgstr ""
"Az URL megnyitása paranccsal előhívható egy URL-megnyitási ablak, ahol beírható "
"vagy a vágólapról beilleszthető egy URL, melyet a program hozzáad a "
"lejátszólistához és elkezd lejátszani. Az URL lehet hálózati helyé, helyi "
"fájlé, KDE-s protokollé vagy más eszköz speciális címe, pl. DVD, VideoCD, "
"hang-CD, TV vagy DVB."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plays the %1 list"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:56
msgid "Play List %1 starts playing the list."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:58
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Plays %1"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:59
msgid "Play Recent %1 starts playing the recently played item."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:62
#, c-format
msgid "Shows commands and options available for %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:63
#, c-format
msgid "Submenu that shows commands and options available for %1."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:64
msgid "&Next"
msgstr "&Következő"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:65
msgid "Plays the next item on the playlist"
msgstr "A következő fájl lejátszása a lejátszólistából"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:66
msgid "Next command starts playing the next item on the current playlist."
msgstr ""
"A Következő parancs elkezdi lejátszani az aktuális lejátszólistából a következő "
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:67
msgid "P&revious"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:68
msgid "Plays the previous item on the playlist"
msgstr "Az előző fájl lejátszása a lejátszólistából"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:69
msgid ""
"Previous command starts playing the previous item on the current playlist."
msgstr ""
"Az Előző parancs elkezdi lejátszani az aktuális lejátszólistából az előző "
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:73
msgid "Shows playlist items and allows you to select an item to play"
msgstr ""
"Mutatja a lejátszólista elemeit, és megengedi, hogy onnan jelölj ki fájlt "
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Playlist combo box in the closed state displays the current playlist item. You "
"can drop down the combo box to see the entire list and select a different item "
"to load and play."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:77
msgid "&Loop"
msgstr "&Folyamatos ismétlés"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:78
msgid "Turns the option to loop through the list on/off"
msgstr "A lista végéről mindig az elejére ugrik"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:79
msgid ""
"Loop command toggles the option to start playing items from the beginning of "
"the playlist after playing the last item on the playlist."
msgstr ""
"A Folyamatos ismétlés opció bejelölése esetén ha a program a lejátszólista "
"végére ér, újrakezdi a lejátszást a lista elejéről."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:82
msgid "S&huffle"
msgstr "&Véletlenszerű lejátszás"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Turns the option to play items in random order on or off"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű sorrendben játsza le a fájlokat"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shuffle command toggles the option to play items in a random order."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű lejátszáskor a program véletlenszerűen megválasztott sorrendben "
"játssza le a számokat."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3331 kplayerplaylist.cpp:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Files..."
msgstr "&Tulajdonságok..."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds files to the playlist"
msgstr "A lejátszólista ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add files command displays the standard Open File dialog and lets you choose a "
"file or several files to add to the playlist."
msgstr ""
"A Megnyitás paranccsal hívható elő a fájlmegnyitási párbeszédablak, ahol "
"kijelölhető egy vagy több fájl, melyeket a program hozzáad a lejátszólistához "
"és elkezd lejátszani."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3334 kplayerplaylist.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "&URL..."
msgstr "&URL megnyitása..."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds a URL to the playlist"
msgstr "A következő fájl lejátszása a lejátszólistából"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:92
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add URL command displays the standard Open URL dialog and lets you type or "
"paste in a URL to add to the playlist."
msgstr ""
"A Megnyitás paranccsal hívható elő a fájlmegnyitási párbeszédablak, ahol "
"kijelölhető egy vagy több fájl, melyeket a program hozzáad a lejátszólistához "
"és elkezd lejátszani."
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Playlists..."
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:94
msgid "Saves the playlist under a new name"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:95
msgid ""
"Add to new playlist command prompts for a new playlist name and saves the "
"playlist under the new name."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds playlist items to %1 playlist"
msgstr "Törli a lejátszólista tartalmát"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to playlist command adds the playlist items to the %1 playlist."
msgstr ""
"A lejátszólista megjelenítése paranccsal a Lejátszólista eszköztár kapcsolható "
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:99
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Collection..."
msgstr "&Elhelyezés"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Saves the playlist in the collection"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Add to collection command prompts for a new folder name and saves the playlist "
"under the new name in the multimedia collection."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:470
#, fuzzy
msgid "Play files"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "Play URL"
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1788 kplayerplaylist.cpp:682
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add files"
msgstr "fájl"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1796 kplayerplaylist.cpp:690
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to playlists"
msgstr "A lejátszóli&sta megjelenítése"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1815 kplayernodeview.cpp:1861 kplayerplaylist.cpp:702
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playlist name"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1863 kplayerplaylist.cpp:704
msgid ""
"Playlist name field allows you to enter a name for a new playlist. OK button "
"will be enabled when you enter a unique and valid name."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerplaylist.cpp:734
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to collection"
msgstr "Felbontás"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1815 kplayerplaylist.cpp:734
msgid "Folder name"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1817 kplayerplaylist.cpp:736
msgid ""
"Folder name field allows you to enter a name for a new folder. OK button will "
"be enabled when you enter a unique and valid name."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeaction.cpp:375 kplayernodeaction.cpp:420
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Play %1"
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: kplayernodeaction.cpp:438
msgid "&Load Disk"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeaction.cpp:439 kplayernodeaction.cpp:473
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Play Disk"
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: kplayernodeaction.cpp:473
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "&Play %1"
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Szántó Tamás,Korondi Márk"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:38 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:38
msgid "%1 (%2)"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:53
msgid "File Properties"
msgstr "Fájl tulajdonságai"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:85 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:46
msgid "General"
msgstr "Általános"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 16
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:85 rc.cpp:739
#, no-c-format
msgid "General Properties"
msgstr "Általános tulajdonságok"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:90
msgid "Size"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 16
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:90 rc.cpp:906
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Size Properties"
msgstr "Fájl tulajdonságai"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:95 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:54
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Videó"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 16
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:95 rc.cpp:1216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video Properties"
msgstr "A videó tulajdonságai"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:100 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:58
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Hang"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 16
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:100 rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio Properties"
msgstr "A hang tulajdonságai"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:105 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:62
msgid "Subtitles"
msgstr "Felirat"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 16
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:105 rc.cpp:1056
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle Properties"
msgstr "A felirat tulajdonságai"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:110 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:66
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Speciális"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 24
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:110 rc.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced Properties"
msgstr "Speciális tulajdonságok"
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:159
msgid ""
"All file properties will be reset.\n"
"Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Minden fájllal kapcsolatos beállítás el fog veszni. \n"
"Bizots, hogy ezt akarod?"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 92
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1121 kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1123
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1423 kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1425
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1770 kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1772
#: rc.cpp:138 rc.cpp:184 rc.cpp:211 rc.cpp:254 rc.cpp:305 rc.cpp:400
#: rc.cpp:433 rc.cpp:993 rc.cpp:1017 rc.cpp:1041 rc.cpp:1138 rc.cpp:1162
#: rc.cpp:1189 rc.cpp:1255 rc.cpp:1289 rc.cpp:1322 rc.cpp:1355
#, no-c-format
msgid "default"
msgstr "alapértelmezett"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 265
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1124 kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1426
#: kplayerpropertiesdialog.cpp:1773 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:333
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:428 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:435
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:880 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:887 rc.cpp:214
#: rc.cpp:281 rc.cpp:373 rc.cpp:532 rc.cpp:562 rc.cpp:837 rc.cpp:948
#: rc.cpp:1114 rc.cpp:1228 rc.cpp:1451 rc.cpp:1478 rc.cpp:1496 rc.cpp:1630
#, no-c-format
msgid "auto"
msgstr "automatikus"
#: main.cpp:23
msgid "KPlayer, a KDE media player based on MPlayer"
msgstr "KPlayer: MPlayeren alapuló KDE-s médialejátszó"
#: main.cpp:27
msgid "Play the files immediately (default)"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:28
msgid "Queue the files for playing"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:29
#, fuzzy
msgid "Play the files after the currently played file finishes"
msgstr "Az éppen betöltött fájlt játsza le"
#: main.cpp:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "Queue the files for playing after the currently played file"
msgstr "Az éppen betöltött fájlt játsza le"
#: main.cpp:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add the files to a new playlist"
msgstr "A következő fájl lejátszása a lejátszólistából"
#: main.cpp:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add the files to the list of playlists"
msgstr "A következő fájl lejátszása a lejátszólistából"
#: main.cpp:33
msgid "Add the files to the multimedia collection"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:34
msgid "File(s), directory/ies, or URL(s)"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerwidget.cpp:65 kplayerwidget.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Video area is the central part of KPlayer. When playing a file that has video, "
"it will display the video and optionally subtitles. Normally it will be hidden "
"when playing an audio only file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:1658
#, fuzzy
msgid "Now Playing"
msgstr "Lejátszás"
#: kplayernode.cpp:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playlists"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayernode.cpp:1666
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collection"
msgstr "Felbontás"
#: kplayernode.cpp:1670
#, fuzzy
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:1674
#, fuzzy
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "százalék"
#: kplayernode.cpp:1679
msgid "Searches"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:1684
msgid "Root Directory"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:1689
msgid "Home Directory"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:1962
#, fuzzy
msgid "My Playlist"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2327 kplayernode.cpp:2865
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 in %2"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2333
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 and %2"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2334
msgid "%1 and %2 more"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 168
#: kplayernode.cpp:2484 rc.cpp:667
#, no-c-format
msgid "CD"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 173
#: kplayernode.cpp:2484 rc.cpp:670
#, no-c-format
msgid "DVD"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 178
#: kplayernode.cpp:2484 rc.cpp:673
#, no-c-format
msgid "TV"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 183
#: kplayernode.cpp:2484 rc.cpp:676
#, no-c-format
msgid "DVB"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:2585
#, fuzzy
msgid "CD Device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2585
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "CD Device %1"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2586
#, fuzzy
msgid "DVD Device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2586
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DVD Device %1"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2587
#, fuzzy
msgid "TV Device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2587
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "TV Device %1"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2588
#, fuzzy
msgid "DVB Device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2588
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DVB Device %1"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2668
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio CD"
msgstr "Hang"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2670
#, fuzzy
msgid "Video CD"
msgstr "Videó"
#: kplayernode.cpp:2671
msgid "Data DVD"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:2671
msgid "Data CD"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernode.cpp:2926
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Disk in %2"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"
#: kplayernode.cpp:3234
#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Disk"
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: kplayersource.cpp:899 kplayersource.cpp:1179
msgid "unknown"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpartui.rc line 4
#: rc.cpp:3 rc.cpp:27
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Player"
msgstr "&Lejátszó"
#. i18n: file kplayerpartui.rc line 35
#: rc.cpp:9 rc.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "Volume Toolbar"
msgstr "Hangerőszabályzó-eszköztár"
#. i18n: file kplayerpartui.rc line 41
#: rc.cpp:12 rc.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress Toolbar"
msgstr "Keresőeszköztár"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 7
#: rc.cpp:18 rc.cpp:90 rc.cpp:114
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Play &List"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 10
#: rc.cpp:21 rc.cpp:93 rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Play &Recent"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 49
#: rc.cpp:30
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "P&osition"
msgstr "&Elhelyezés"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 57
#: rc.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Audio"
msgstr "H&ang"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 66
#: rc.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Video"
msgstr "&Kép"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 80
#: rc.cpp:39
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "S&ubtitles"
msgstr "Felirat"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 88
#: rc.cpp:42
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "A&dvanced"
msgstr "Speciális"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 93
#: rc.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Library"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 99
#: rc.cpp:48 rc.cpp:99 rc.cpp:123
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Add &to"
msgstr "ennyire:"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 106
#: rc.cpp:51 rc.cpp:102 rc.cpp:120
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "H&ang"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 122
#: rc.cpp:57 rc.cpp:108
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Columns"
msgstr "&Hangerő"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 125
#: rc.cpp:60 rc.cpp:111
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Go"
msgstr "ennyire:"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 177
#: rc.cpp:69
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Playlist Toolbar"
msgstr "Lejátszólista-szerkesztő"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 194
#: rc.cpp:78
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Contrast Toolbar"
msgstr "A &Kontraszt eszköztár megjelenítése"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 198
#: rc.cpp:81
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Brightness Toolbar"
msgstr "A Fén&yerő eszköztár megjelenítése"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 202
#: rc.cpp:84
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Hue Toolbar"
msgstr "Hangerőszabályzó-eszköztár"
#. i18n: file kplayerui.rc line 206
#: rc.cpp:87
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Saturation Toolbar"
msgstr "A Te&lítettség eszköztár megjelenítése"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:129 rc.cpp:1566
#, no-c-format
msgid "Additional command &line arguments"
msgstr "További parancssori kapcso&lók"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 83
#: rc.cpp:132 rc.cpp:154 rc.cpp:1569 rc.cpp:1576
#, no-c-format
msgid "Additional options to be passed to MPlayer"
msgstr "Az MPlayernek átadni kívánt egyéb argumentumok"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 86
#: rc.cpp:135 rc.cpp:157
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Additional options that will be passed to MPlayer on the command line. See "
"mplayer(1) manpage for a complete list of possible options."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:141 rc.cpp:403 rc.cpp:436 rc.cpp:565 rc.cpp:1165 rc.cpp:1192
#: rc.cpp:1258 rc.cpp:1292 rc.cpp:1325 rc.cpp:1358 rc.cpp:1454
#, no-c-format
msgid "set to"
msgstr "ennyi:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 102
#: rc.cpp:144
#, no-c-format
msgid "append"
msgstr "hozzáfűzés"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 109
#: rc.cpp:147
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose how to combine your options with the defaults"
msgstr ""
"Válassza ki, hogyan legyenek az opciók kombinálva az alapértelmezésekkel"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 112
#: rc.cpp:150
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Choose how to combine the options you specify here with the defaults set in "
"KPlayer Settings. Default uses options from KPlayer Settings, Set To replaces "
"them with the options set here, and Append adds these options to the defaults."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Demuxer"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 161
#: rc.cpp:163 rc.cpp:169
#, no-c-format
msgid "Demultiplexer used for the file or stream"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 164
#: rc.cpp:166 rc.cpp:172
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Property that shows and allows you to change the demultiplexer used for the "
"file or stream. If the chosen demuxer fails, another one may be used."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 191
#: rc.cpp:175 rc.cpp:1597
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Frame drop"
msgstr "Képkocka&eldobás"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 200
#: rc.cpp:178 rc.cpp:196 rc.cpp:1600 rc.cpp:1615
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether and how MPlayer should drop frames"
msgstr "Azt lehet megadni, hogyan dobja el az MPlayer a felesleges képkockákat"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 203
#: rc.cpp:181 rc.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If your system is too slow to play this file, MPlayer can drop some frames so "
"playback does not slow down. Default uses the default from KPlayer Settings, "
"None disables dropping, Soft drops fewer frames, and Hard drops more frames and "
"may sometimes break decoding. If you select a frame dropping option from Player "
"menu while holding Shift key, KPlayer will remember that choice in this "
"property for the currently loaded file."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 214
#: rc.cpp:187 rc.cpp:217 rc.cpp:1068 rc.cpp:1606 rc.cpp:1633
#, no-c-format
msgid "none"
msgstr "nincs"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 219
#: rc.cpp:190 rc.cpp:1609
#, no-c-format
msgid "soft"
msgstr "finom"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 224
#: rc.cpp:193 rc.cpp:1612
#, no-c-format
msgid "hard"
msgstr "durva"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 242
#: rc.cpp:202 rc.cpp:1621
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cac&he"
msgstr "Gyorsító&tár"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 251
#: rc.cpp:205 rc.cpp:223 rc.cpp:230 rc.cpp:239 rc.cpp:1624 rc.cpp:1639
#: rc.cpp:1646 rc.cpp:1655
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use cache and set its size"
msgstr "Gyorstár használata és annak mérete"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 254
#: rc.cpp:208 rc.cpp:226 rc.cpp:233 rc.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use cache and set its size. Default uses the option "
"set in KPlayer Settings, Auto lets MPlayer use the its own configuration, None "
"tells MPlayer to use no cache, and Set Size lets you set a specific size."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 275
#: rc.cpp:220 rc.cpp:951 rc.cpp:1636
#, no-c-format
msgid "set size"
msgstr "mérete:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 329
#: rc.cpp:236 rc.cpp:1652
#, no-c-format
msgid "kilobytes"
msgstr "KB"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 346
#: rc.cpp:245 rc.cpp:1661
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Build new index"
msgstr "&Új index készítése"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 355
#: rc.cpp:248 rc.cpp:266 rc.cpp:1664 rc.cpp:1679
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to build new index for seeking"
msgstr "Új keresési indexet készítsen-e a program"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 358
#: rc.cpp:251 rc.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to build new index for seeking. Default uses the "
"option from KPlayer Settings, Yes builds an index if the file does not have it, "
"No tells MPlayer not to build index, and Force makes it always build an index."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 369
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:457 rc.cpp:257 rc.cpp:284 rc.cpp:308 rc.cpp:840
#: rc.cpp:996 rc.cpp:1020 rc.cpp:1044 rc.cpp:1141 rc.cpp:1670
#, no-c-format
msgid "yes"
msgstr "igen"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 374
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:457 rc.cpp:260 rc.cpp:287 rc.cpp:311 rc.cpp:843
#: rc.cpp:999 rc.cpp:1023 rc.cpp:1047 rc.cpp:1144 rc.cpp:1673
#, no-c-format
msgid "no"
msgstr "nem"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 379
#: rc.cpp:263 rc.cpp:1676
#, no-c-format
msgid "force"
msgstr "erőltetett"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 397
#: rc.cpp:272
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use &KIOSlave"
msgstr "&KIOSlave használata"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 406
#: rc.cpp:275 rc.cpp:290
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play this file"
msgstr ""
"Jelölje be, ha a fájl lejá&tszásához KDE-protokollt (KIOSlave-et) szeretne "
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 409
#: rc.cpp:278 rc.cpp:293
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play this file. Auto decides "
"it automatically using options set in KPlayer Settings."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 443
#: rc.cpp:296
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use &temporary file"
msgstr "I&deiglenes fájl használata"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 452
#: rc.cpp:299 rc.cpp:314 rc.cpp:1688
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use a temporary file for playing from KDE I/O Slave"
msgstr ""
"Adja meg, használjon-e ideiglenes fájlt a program KDE-protokollal való "
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 455
#: rc.cpp:302 rc.cpp:317
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a temporary file for playing from KDE I/O "
"Slave. Default uses the option from KPlayer Settings. This option has no effect "
"for URLs passed directly to MPlayer."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 499
#: rc.cpp:320
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hardware &compression"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 502
#: rc.cpp:323 rc.cpp:338 rc.cpp:347 rc.cpp:354
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Choose whether to use hardware compression and set image size and quality"
msgstr "Gyorstár használata és annak mérete"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 505
#: rc.cpp:326 rc.cpp:341 rc.cpp:350 rc.cpp:357
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use hardware compression and set image size and "
msgstr "Gyorstár használata és annak mérete"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 511
#: rc.cpp:329
#, no-c-format
msgid "full size"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 516
#: rc.cpp:332
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "medium size"
msgstr "mérete:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 521
#: rc.cpp:335
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "small size"
msgstr "mérete:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesadvanced.ui line 539
#: rc.cpp:344
#, no-c-format
msgid "&quality"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:364 rc.cpp:1059 rc.cpp:1219
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Track"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:379 rc.cpp:385
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Audio track to play"
msgstr "Audió bitráta"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:382 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to choose the audio track to play."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:376 rc.cpp:1074 rc.cpp:1231 rc.cpp:1532
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "set ID"
msgstr "ennyi:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 140
#: rc.cpp:391 rc.cpp:2185
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Volume"
msgstr "&Hangerő"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:394 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:418
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sound volume level for this file"
msgstr "A fájl hangereje"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:397 rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:421
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to adjust sound volume level for this file. Default uses the same volume "
"as for other files, Set To adjusts volume to the given level, Add and Subtract "
"turn volume up and down respectively by the given amount. It is easier to set "
"this option by moving volume slider while having Shift key pressed."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 168
#: rc.cpp:406 rc.cpp:1261 rc.cpp:1295 rc.cpp:1328 rc.cpp:1361
#, no-c-format
msgid "add"
msgstr "ennyivel magasabb:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:1264 rc.cpp:1298 rc.cpp:1331 rc.cpp:1364
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtract"
msgstr "ennyivel alacsonyabb:"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 224
#: rc.cpp:424
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dela&y"
msgstr "Kés&leltetés"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 233
#: rc.cpp:427
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay of audio relative to video"
msgstr "A videó és a hang közötti késleltetési idő"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 236
#: rc.cpp:430 rc.cpp:442 rc.cpp:448 rc.cpp:457
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to set delay of sound relative to video for this file. By default sound "
"is played without delay. An easier way to set this option is by using keyboard "
"shortcuts for Audio Delay commands on Player/Audio menu. In the default "
"configuration KPlayer will automatically store those changes in this property."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 262
#: rc.cpp:439 rc.cpp:445 rc.cpp:454
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio delay for this file"
msgstr "Hangkésleltetési idő ennél a fájlnál"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 306
#: rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:1207 rc.cpp:1883 rc.cpp:2520 rc.cpp:2548 rc.cpp:2790
#, no-c-format
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "s"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 323
#: rc.cpp:460 rc.cpp:1379 rc.cpp:1853 rc.cpp:2931
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cod&ec"
msgstr "Kod&ek"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 332
#: rc.cpp:463 rc.cpp:469
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio codec to use for this file"
msgstr "A fájlhoz használandó hangkodek"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 335
#: rc.cpp:466 rc.cpp:472 rc.cpp:1385 rc.cpp:1391
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that lists available codecs and lets you choose the one to be used for "
"this file. Default uses the option from KPlayer Settings, Auto lets MPlayer "
"decide which codec to use automatically."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 362
#: rc.cpp:475 rc.cpp:1394
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Bitrate"
msgstr "&Bitráta"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 371
#: rc.cpp:478 rc.cpp:484 rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio bitrate of this file"
msgstr "A fájl hangjának bitrátája"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 374
#: rc.cpp:481 rc.cpp:487 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows audio bitrate of this file."
msgstr "Ez az érték a fájl hangjának bitrátáját mutatja meg."
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 412
#: rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:1409
#, no-c-format
msgid "kbps"
msgstr "kb/s"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 429
#: rc.cpp:499
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Samplerate"
msgstr "&Képkockaráta"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 438
#: rc.cpp:502 rc.cpp:508 rc.cpp:517
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Audio sample rate of this file"
msgstr "A fájl hangjának bitrátája"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 441
#: rc.cpp:505 rc.cpp:511 rc.cpp:520
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows audio sample rate of this file."
msgstr "Ez az érték a fájl hangjának bitrátáját mutatja meg."
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 479
#: rc.cpp:514
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hz"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 496
#: rc.cpp:523
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Mode"
msgstr "&Néma"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 505
#: rc.cpp:526 rc.cpp:547
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Audio mode to request from the device"
msgstr "A fájlhoz használandó hangkodek"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 508
#: rc.cpp:529 rc.cpp:550
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to choose the audio mode to request from the device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 519
#: rc.cpp:535
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "mono"
msgstr "nem"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 524
#: rc.cpp:538
#, no-c-format
msgid "stereo"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 529
#: rc.cpp:541
#, no-c-format
msgid "language 1"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 534
#: rc.cpp:544
#, no-c-format
msgid "language 2"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 560
#: rc.cpp:553 rc.cpp:1442
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Input"
msgstr "&utf"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 569
#: rc.cpp:556 rc.cpp:568 rc.cpp:574
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio card input ID"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 572
#: rc.cpp:559 rc.cpp:571 rc.cpp:577
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify the audio card input ID to use for capturing audio."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 634
#: rc.cpp:580
#, no-c-format
msgid "immediate m&ode"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 637
#: rc.cpp:583
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Choose whether audio comes through a sound card connected to the TV card"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 640
#: rc.cpp:586
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose specify where audio comes from. Select this option if your TV "
"card is connected with a cable to a sound card. When this option is not "
"selected, audio comes along with video from the TV card."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 648
#: rc.cpp:589
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Capture"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 657
#: rc.cpp:592 rc.cpp:604 rc.cpp:613 rc.cpp:619
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio capture system and device"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 660
#: rc.cpp:595 rc.cpp:607 rc.cpp:616 rc.cpp:622
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify the audio capture system and device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 666
#: rc.cpp:598
#, no-c-format
msgid "ALSA"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 671
#: rc.cpp:601
#, no-c-format
msgid "OSS"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesaudio.ui line 705
#: rc.cpp:610
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 16
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:182 rc.cpp:625
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Add device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:628
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Device &name"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:631 rc.cpp:637
#, no-c-format
msgid "Descriptive name for the device"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:634 rc.cpp:640
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to give a descriptive name for the device. The name will be displayed in "
"the multimedia library and on the menu."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 105
#: rc.cpp:643
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Path to device node"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 114
#: rc.cpp:646 rc.cpp:652
#, no-c-format
msgid "Path to the device node"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 117
#: rc.cpp:649 rc.cpp:655
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify the path to the device node."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 147
#: rc.cpp:658
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Device &type"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 156
#: rc.cpp:661 rc.cpp:679 rc.cpp:777 rc.cpp:783
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type of the device"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 159
#: rc.cpp:664 rc.cpp:682
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option that lets you choose the type of the device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 206
#: rc.cpp:685
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel &list"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 215
#: rc.cpp:688 rc.cpp:694 rc.cpp:855 rc.cpp:861
#, no-c-format
msgid "List of available channels"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 218
#: rc.cpp:691 rc.cpp:697 rc.cpp:858 rc.cpp:864
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to choose the available channels according to your location."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 245
#: rc.cpp:700 rc.cpp:867
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Driver"
msgstr "&Meghajtó"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 254
#: rc.cpp:703 rc.cpp:718 rc.cpp:870 rc.cpp:885
#, no-c-format
msgid "Driver to use for input"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 257
#: rc.cpp:706 rc.cpp:721 rc.cpp:873 rc.cpp:888
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to choose the input driver."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 263
#: rc.cpp:709 rc.cpp:876
#, no-c-format
msgid "BSD Bt848"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 268
#: rc.cpp:712 rc.cpp:879
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Video4Linux"
msgstr "Videó"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 273
#: rc.cpp:715 rc.cpp:882
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video4Linux 2"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:724 rc.cpp:891
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Channel file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 308
#: rc.cpp:727 rc.cpp:733 rc.cpp:894 rc.cpp:900
#, no-c-format
msgid "Path to the file containing the list of available channels"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesdevice.ui line 311
#: rc.cpp:730 rc.cpp:736 rc.cpp:897 rc.cpp:903
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the path to the file containing the list of available "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:742
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Name"
msgstr "Né&v"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:745 rc.cpp:752
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name of the file or stream"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:748 rc.cpp:755
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Property that shows and allows you to change the name that KPlayer will display "
"for this file or stream."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 116
#: rc.cpp:758
#, no-c-format
msgid "Path or &URL"
msgstr "Elérési út vagy &URL"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 125
#: rc.cpp:761 rc.cpp:768
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remote URL or local file path"
msgstr "Távoli URL vagy helyi fájl elérési útja"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 128
#: rc.cpp:764 rc.cpp:771
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Property that shows remote URL or local file path of this file or stream."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 191
#: rc.cpp:774
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Type"
msgstr "Típus"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 203
#: rc.cpp:780 rc.cpp:786
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows the type of the device."
msgstr "Ez az érték a fájl hangjának bitrátáját mutatja meg."
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 233
#: rc.cpp:789
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Frequency"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 242
#: rc.cpp:792 rc.cpp:798 rc.cpp:807
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frequency of the channel"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 245
#: rc.cpp:795 rc.cpp:801 rc.cpp:810
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Property that shows and allows you to change the frequency used to tune in to "
"the channel."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 280
#: rc.cpp:804
#, no-c-format
msgid "MHz"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 297
#: rc.cpp:813
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Length"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 306
#: rc.cpp:816 rc.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "Time length of the file or stream"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 309
#: rc.cpp:819 rc.cpp:825
#, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows the time length of the file or stream."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 339
#: rc.cpp:828
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Playlist"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 348
#: rc.cpp:831 rc.cpp:846
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether this is a playlist file or not"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 351
#: rc.cpp:834 rc.cpp:849
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether this is a playlist file or not. Auto determines that "
"automatically based on extension. If autodetection gets it wrong, MPlayer will "
"fail to play the file, and you will then have to set this option correctly."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesgeneral.ui line 393
#: rc.cpp:852
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Channels"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:909
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Original size"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:912 rc.cpp:918 rc.cpp:927 rc.cpp:933
#, no-c-format
msgid "Original video size in pixels"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:915 rc.cpp:921 rc.cpp:930 rc.cpp:936
#, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows the original video size in pixels."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 106
#: rc.cpp:924 rc.cpp:969
#, no-c-format
msgid "&by"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 146
#: rc.cpp:939
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Display size"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 155
#: rc.cpp:942 rc.cpp:957 rc.cpp:963 rc.cpp:972 rc.cpp:978
#, no-c-format
msgid "Initial video display size or aspect"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:945 rc.cpp:960 rc.cpp:966 rc.cpp:975 rc.cpp:981
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to set initial video display size or aspect. Auto will choose the "
"initial display size based on the Minimum Initial Video Width option in KPlayer "
"Settings. Set Size allows you to set a specific size, and Set Aspect lets you "
"set a specific aspect. It is easier to set this property by resizing KPlayer "
"window or choosing a size or aspect option from View menu while holding Shift "
"key down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 174
#: rc.cpp:954
#, no-c-format
msgid "set aspect"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 246
#: rc.cpp:984 rc.cpp:2158
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Full screen"
msgstr "&Teljesképernyő"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 255
#: rc.cpp:987 rc.cpp:1002
#, no-c-format
msgid "Initial full screen window state"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 258
#: rc.cpp:990 rc.cpp:1005
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to start playing this file in a full screen window. "
"Default does not change the window state for this file. It is easier to set "
"this property by switching to full screen or restoring KPlayer window while "
"holding Shift key down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 292
#: rc.cpp:1008
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Maximized"
msgstr "Ma&ximalizált"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 301
#: rc.cpp:1011 rc.cpp:1026
#, no-c-format
msgid "Initial maximized window state"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 304
#: rc.cpp:1014 rc.cpp:1029
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to start playing this file in a maximized or normal "
"window. Default does not change the window state for this file. If the full "
"screen option is also set, it will take precedence. It is easier to set this "
"property by maximizing or restoring KPlayer window while holding Shift key "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 338
#: rc.cpp:1032 rc.cpp:2176
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Maintain aspect"
msgstr "&Képarány megtartása"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 347
#: rc.cpp:1035 rc.cpp:1050
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maintain video aspect when resizing window"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessize.ui line 350
#: rc.cpp:1038 rc.cpp:1053
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to maintain video aspect when resizing KPlayer window. Default leaves "
"the maintain aspect option unchanged for this file. It is easier to set this "
"property by clicking Maintain Aspect button on the main KPlayer toolbar while "
"holding Shift key down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:1062 rc.cpp:1077 rc.cpp:1083
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle track to play"
msgstr "Felirat &késleltetése"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:1065 rc.cpp:1080 rc.cpp:1086
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to choose the subtitle track to play."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:1071
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "external"
msgstr "kísérleti"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 145
#: rc.cpp:1089
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&External path"
msgstr "&Útvonal"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 154
#: rc.cpp:1092 rc.cpp:1099
#, no-c-format
msgid "Path to external subtitles"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 157
#: rc.cpp:1095 rc.cpp:1102
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Property that shows and allows you to change the path to external subtitle "
"file. KPlayer will store subtitles you load with Load Subtitles command on File "
"menu in this property."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:1105
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&xternal type"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 196
#: rc.cpp:1108 rc.cpp:1123
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Type of external subtitles"
msgstr "Feliratok megnyitása"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 199
#: rc.cpp:1111 rc.cpp:1126
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the type of the external subtitle file. Usually you can let "
"KPlayer determine the type automatically. One exception is when you specify a "
"VobSub .sub file in the external path field. In that case you have to select "
"the VobSub option here."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 210
#: rc.cpp:1117
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "vobsub"
msgstr "su&b"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 215
#: rc.cpp:1120
#, no-c-format
msgid "normal"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 233
#: rc.cpp:1129
#, no-c-format
msgid "A&utoload"
msgstr "A&utomatikus betöltés"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 242
#: rc.cpp:1132 rc.cpp:1147
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load subtitles for this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 245
#: rc.cpp:1135 rc.cpp:1150
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load subtitles for this file. Default uses options from "
"Subtitles page in KPlayer Settings."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 279
#: rc.cpp:1153
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Position"
msgstr "&Elhelyezés"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 288
#: rc.cpp:1156 rc.cpp:1168 rc.cpp:1174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vertical position of subtitles"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 291
#: rc.cpp:1159 rc.cpp:1171 rc.cpp:1177
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to set vertical position of subtitles. Default will use the same "
"subtitle position as for other files. An easy way to set this property is by "
"using keyboard shortcuts for subtitle position commands on Player/Subtitles "
"menu while holding Shift down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 337
#: rc.cpp:1180
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Delay"
msgstr "&Késleltetés"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 346
#: rc.cpp:1183 rc.cpp:1195 rc.cpp:1201 rc.cpp:1210
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay of subtitles relative to video"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiessubtitles.ui line 349
#: rc.cpp:1186 rc.cpp:1198 rc.cpp:1204 rc.cpp:1213
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to set delay of subtitles relative to video. By default subtitles are "
"played without delay. An easier way to set this option is by using keyboard "
"shortcuts for subtitle delay commands on Player/Subtitles menu. In the default "
"configuration KPlayer will automatically store those changes in this property."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:1222 rc.cpp:1234 rc.cpp:1240
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Video track to play"
msgstr "Videó bitráta"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:1225 rc.cpp:1237 rc.cpp:1243
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to choose the video track to play."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 140
#: rc.cpp:1246
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Contrast"
msgstr "&Kontraszt"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:1249 rc.cpp:1267 rc.cpp:1273
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video contrast level for this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:1252 rc.cpp:1270 rc.cpp:1276
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to adjust video contrast level for this file. Default uses the same "
"contrast as for other files, Set To adjusts contrast to the given level, Add "
"and Subtract turn contrast up and down respectively by the given amount. It is "
"easier to set this option by moving contrast slider while holding Shift key "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 232
#: rc.cpp:1280
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bri&ghtness"
msgstr "&Fényerő"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 241
#: rc.cpp:1283 rc.cpp:1301 rc.cpp:1307
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video brightness level for this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 244
#: rc.cpp:1286 rc.cpp:1304 rc.cpp:1310
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to adjust video brightness level for this file. Default uses the same "
"brightness as for other files, Set To adjusts brightness to the given level, "
"Add and Subtract turn brightness up and down respectively by the given amount. "
"It is easier to set this option by moving brightness slider while holding Shift "
"key down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 308
#: rc.cpp:1313 rc.cpp:2221
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Hue"
msgstr "&Árnyalat"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 317
#: rc.cpp:1316 rc.cpp:1334 rc.cpp:1340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video hue for this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 320
#: rc.cpp:1319 rc.cpp:1337 rc.cpp:1343
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to adjust video hue for this file. Default uses the same hue as for "
"other files, Set To adjusts hue to the given level, Add and Subtract turn hue "
"up and down respectively by the given amount. It is easier to set this option "
"by moving hue slider while holding Shift key down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 384
#: rc.cpp:1346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saturatio&n"
msgstr "&Telítettség"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 393
#: rc.cpp:1349 rc.cpp:1367 rc.cpp:1373
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video saturation level for this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 396
#: rc.cpp:1352 rc.cpp:1370 rc.cpp:1376
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to adjust video saturation level for this file. Default uses the same "
"saturation as for other files, Set To adjusts saturation to the given level, "
"Add and Subtract turn saturation up and down respectively by the given amount. "
"It is easier to set this option by moving saturation slider while holding Shift "
"key down."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 469
#: rc.cpp:1382 rc.cpp:1388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video codec to use for this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 508
#: rc.cpp:1397 rc.cpp:1403 rc.cpp:1412
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video bitrate of this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 511
#: rc.cpp:1400 rc.cpp:1406 rc.cpp:1415
#, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows video bitrate of this file."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 558
#: rc.cpp:1418
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Framerate"
msgstr "&Képkockaráta"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 567
#: rc.cpp:1421 rc.cpp:1427 rc.cpp:1436
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video frame rate of this file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 570
#: rc.cpp:1424 rc.cpp:1430 rc.cpp:1439
#, no-c-format
msgid "Property that shows video frame rate of this file."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 600
#: rc.cpp:1433
#, no-c-format
msgid "fps"
msgstr "képkocka/s"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 626
#: rc.cpp:1445 rc.cpp:1457 rc.cpp:1463
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video card input ID"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 629
#: rc.cpp:1448 rc.cpp:1460 rc.cpp:1466
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify the video card input ID to use for capturing video."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 683
#: rc.cpp:1469
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "F&ormat"
msgstr "&Kontraszt"
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 692
#: rc.cpp:1472 rc.cpp:1481
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output format to request from the device"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 695
#: rc.cpp:1475 rc.cpp:1484
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify the output format to request from the device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 907
#: rc.cpp:1487
#, no-c-format
msgid "No&rm"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 916
#: rc.cpp:1490 rc.cpp:1535 rc.cpp:1541
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video norm to request from the device"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 919
#: rc.cpp:1493 rc.cpp:1538 rc.cpp:1544
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify the video norm to request from the device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 930
#: rc.cpp:1499
#, no-c-format
msgid "NTSC"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 935
#: rc.cpp:1502
#, no-c-format
msgid "NTSC-JP"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 940
#: rc.cpp:1505
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 945
#: rc.cpp:1508
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-60"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 950
#: rc.cpp:1511
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-BG"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 955
#: rc.cpp:1514
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-DK"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 960
#: rc.cpp:1517
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-I"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 965
#: rc.cpp:1520
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-M"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 970
#: rc.cpp:1523
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-N"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 975
#: rc.cpp:1526
#, no-c-format
msgid "PAL-NC"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayerpropertiesvideo.ui line 980
#: rc.cpp:1529
#, no-c-format
msgid "SECAM"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 24
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:66 rc.cpp:1547
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Speciális beállítások"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:1550
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Executable path"
msgstr "&Útvonal"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:1553 rc.cpp:1560
#, no-c-format
msgid "Path to MPlayer executable"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:1556 rc.cpp:1563
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Path to MPlayer executable, either absolute path or a name to look for in the "
"current environment path."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 120
#: rc.cpp:1572 rc.cpp:1579
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Additional options that will be passed to MPlayer on the command line. See "
"mplayer(1) manpage for a complete list of possible options. You can also choose "
"this option for individual file or URL in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:1582
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Preferred &demuxer"
msgstr "&Kívánt hossz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 167
#: rc.cpp:1585 rc.cpp:1591
#, no-c-format
msgid "Preferred demultiplexer for handling file formats"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 170
#: rc.cpp:1588 rc.cpp:1594
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Property that shows and allows you to change the demultiplexer that should be "
"used to handle file formats. If the chosen demuxer fails on a particular file, "
"another one may be used."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 209
#: rc.cpp:1603 rc.cpp:1618
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If your system is too slow to play a file, MPlayer can drop some frames so "
"playback does not slow down. None disables dropping, Soft drops less frames, "
"and Hard drops more frames and may sometimes break decoding. You can also "
"choose this option for individual file or URL in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 255
#: rc.cpp:1627 rc.cpp:1642 rc.cpp:1649 rc.cpp:1658
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use cache and set its size. Auto lets MPlayer use "
"the its own configuration, None tells MPlayer to use no cache, and Set Size "
"lets you set a specific size. You can also choose this option for individual "
"file or URL in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 354
#: rc.cpp:1667 rc.cpp:1682
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to build new index for seeking. Yes builds an index if "
"the file does not have it, No tells MPlayer not to build index, and Force makes "
"it always build an index. You can also choose this option for individual file "
"or URL in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 390
#: rc.cpp:1685
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Use temporary file for playing from KIOSlave"
msgstr "&Átmeneti tár használata KIOSlave-ből való lejátszáskor"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 396
#: rc.cpp:1691
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a temporary file for playing from KDE I/O "
"Slave. This option has no effect for URLs passed directly to MPlayer. You can "
"also choose it for individual file or URL in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 412
#: rc.cpp:1694
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use KIOSlave for"
msgstr "KIOSlave használata ehhez"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 418
#: rc.cpp:1697
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play selected URL types"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 421
#: rc.cpp:1700
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play selected URL types. You "
"can also choose this option for individual file or stream in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 429
#: rc.cpp:1703
#, no-c-format
msgid "H&TTP"
msgstr "H&TTP"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 432
#: rc.cpp:1706
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play HTTP URLs"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 435
#: rc.cpp:1709
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play HTTP URLs. You can also "
"choose this option for individual file or stream in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 443
#: rc.cpp:1712
#, no-c-format
msgid "FT&P"
msgstr "FT&P"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 446
#: rc.cpp:1715
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play FTP URLs"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 449
#: rc.cpp:1718
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play FTP URLs. You can also "
"choose this option for individual file in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 457
#: rc.cpp:1721
#, no-c-format
msgid "&SMB"
msgstr "&SMB"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 468
#: rc.cpp:1724
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play Samba URLs"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 471
#: rc.cpp:1727
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to use a KDE I/O Slave to play Samba URLs. You can "
"also choose this option for individual file in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 489
#: rc.cpp:1730
#, no-c-format
msgid "OSD le&vel"
msgstr "OSD &szint"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 498
#: rc.cpp:1733 rc.cpp:1751
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose what to display inside the video area"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 501
#: rc.cpp:1736 rc.cpp:1754
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose what to include in On Screen Display inside the video area. "
"Since KPlayer can display almost everything outside the video area, the "
"recommended choice is Subtitles Only."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 507
#: rc.cpp:1739
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtitles only"
msgstr "csak feliratok"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 512
#: rc.cpp:1742
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtitles, volume and seek"
msgstr "feliratok, hangerő és kereső"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 517
#: rc.cpp:1745
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtitles, volume, seek, timer and percentage"
msgstr "feliratok, hangerő, kereső, eltelt idő és százalék"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsadvanced.ui line 522
#: rc.cpp:1748
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtitles, volume, seek, timer, percentage and total time"
msgstr ""
"feliratok, hangerő, kereső, eltelt idő és százalék, valamint teljes idő"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:58 rc.cpp:1757
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio Settings"
msgstr "Hang beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:1760
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output d&river"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:1763 rc.cpp:1769
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio output to use for playing sound"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:1766 rc.cpp:1772
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that lists available audio outputs and lets you choose the one to use "
"for playing sound. Recommended choices are OSS (the default) and ALSA "
"(recommended when available). ARTS and SDL are not recommended. Auto will let "
"MPlayer choose an audio output according to its own configuration. If you need "
"to specify more than one output separated by comma, set this option to Auto and "
"put them in Additional Command Line Arguments on Advanced page."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 105
#: rc.cpp:1775
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output dev&ice"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 114
#: rc.cpp:1778 rc.cpp:1784
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio device to use for the chosen output"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 117
#: rc.cpp:1781 rc.cpp:1787
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify audio device to use for the chosen audio output. Leave blank "
"to use the default device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 144
#: rc.cpp:1790
#, no-c-format
msgid "Control &volume independently of other programs"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 147
#: rc.cpp:1793
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Choose whether to control volume in software independently of other programs"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 150
#: rc.cpp:1796
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to control volume in software independently of other "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:1799
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum vo&lume"
msgstr "Leg&felljebb"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 167
#: rc.cpp:1802 rc.cpp:1808 rc.cpp:1817
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum volume in percents of the normal level"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 170
#: rc.cpp:1805 rc.cpp:1811 rc.cpp:1820
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the maximum sound volume in percents of the normal volume "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 203
#: rc.cpp:1814 rc.cpp:2517 rc.cpp:2545 rc.cpp:2573 rc.cpp:2766
#, no-c-format
msgid "percent"
msgstr "százalék"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 220
#: rc.cpp:1823
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Mi&xer device"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 229
#: rc.cpp:1826 rc.cpp:1832
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Mixer device to be used to control volume"
msgstr "A választott kimenethez rendelt videoeszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 232
#: rc.cpp:1829 rc.cpp:1835
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the mixer device to be used to control audio output volume. "
"Leave blank to use the default device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 259
#: rc.cpp:1838
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mixer cha&nnel"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 268
#: rc.cpp:1841 rc.cpp:1847
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mixer channel to be used to control volume"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 271
#: rc.cpp:1844 rc.cpp:1850
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the mixer channel to be used to control audio output volume. "
"Leave blank to use the default channel."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 310
#: rc.cpp:1856 rc.cpp:1862
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec to use for decoding audio (Auto is recommended)"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 313
#: rc.cpp:1859 rc.cpp:1865
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that lists available codecs and lets you choose the one to be used for "
"decoding audio. Auto is the recommended choice, it lets MPlayer decide which "
"codec to use automatically. If you need to tell MPlayer to use a particular "
"codec for a given file or stream, set this option in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 350
#: rc.cpp:1868 rc.cpp:2775
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay adjustment a&mount"
msgstr "Késleltetés mértéke"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 359
#: rc.cpp:1871 rc.cpp:1877 rc.cpp:1886
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to audio delay when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsaudio.ui line 362
#: rc.cpp:1874 rc.cpp:1880 rc.cpp:1889
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount in seconds by which to change audio delay when "
"using Increase/Decrease Delay commands on Player/Audio menu or the "
"corresponding keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:82 rc.cpp:1892
#, no-c-format
msgid "Brightness Control Settings"
msgstr "Fényerőszabályzó beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:1895 rc.cpp:2008 rc.cpp:2388 rc.cpp:2585 rc.cpp:3015
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mi&nimum"
msgstr "Leg&alább"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:1898 rc.cpp:1905
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lower limit on the video brightness"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:1901 rc.cpp:1908
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify a lower limit on the video brightness setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:1911 rc.cpp:2024 rc.cpp:2404 rc.cpp:2601 rc.cpp:3031
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ma&ximum"
msgstr "Leg&felljebb"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 131
#: rc.cpp:1914 rc.cpp:1921
#, no-c-format
msgid "Upper limit on the video brightness"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:1917 rc.cpp:1924
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify an upper limit on the video brightness setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 178
#: rc.cpp:1927 rc.cpp:2040 rc.cpp:2420 rc.cpp:2557 rc.cpp:2617 rc.cpp:3047
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between slider &marks"
msgstr "Csúszkák beosztásai közti távolság"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:1930 rc.cpp:1937
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between brightness slider tick marks as a percentage"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 190
#: rc.cpp:1933 rc.cpp:1940
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the distance between tick marks on the brightness slider, in "
"percents of slider length."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 234
#: rc.cpp:1943 rc.cpp:2056 rc.cpp:2436 rc.cpp:2633 rc.cpp:3063
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adjustment a&mount"
msgstr "&Lépésköz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:1946 rc.cpp:1953
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to video brightness when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 246
#: rc.cpp:1949 rc.cpp:1956
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which to change video brightness when using "
"Increase/Decrease Brightness commands on Player/Video menu or the corresponding "
"keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 293
#: rc.cpp:1959 rc.cpp:2072 rc.cpp:2452 rc.cpp:2649 rc.cpp:3079
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Reset"
msgstr "&Beállítás"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 296
#: rc.cpp:1962 rc.cpp:1971 rc.cpp:1978 rc.cpp:1987 rc.cpp:1999
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Reset brightness to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer session"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:1965 rc.cpp:1974 rc.cpp:1981 rc.cpp:1990 rc.cpp:2002
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to reset video brightness to a specific setting for each new file or "
"KPlayer session."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 315
#: rc.cpp:1968 rc.cpp:2081 rc.cpp:2461 rc.cpp:2658 rc.cpp:3088
#, no-c-format
msgid "&to"
msgstr "ennyire:"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 371
#: rc.cpp:1984 rc.cpp:2097 rc.cpp:2477 rc.cpp:2674 rc.cpp:3104
#, no-c-format
msgid "for &every"
msgstr "a &következőnél:"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 389
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:979 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:1032
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:1085 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:1138
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:1191 rc.cpp:1993 rc.cpp:2106 rc.cpp:2486
#: rc.cpp:2683 rc.cpp:3113
#, no-c-format
msgid "file"
msgstr "fájl"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsbrightness.ui line 394
#: rc.cpp:1996 rc.cpp:2109 rc.cpp:2489 rc.cpp:2686 rc.cpp:3116
#, no-c-format
msgid "session"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:78 rc.cpp:2005
#, no-c-format
msgid "Contrast Control Settings"
msgstr "Kontrasztszabályzó beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:2011 rc.cpp:2018
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lower limit on the video contrast"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:2014 rc.cpp:2021
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify a lower limit on the video contrast setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 131
#: rc.cpp:2027 rc.cpp:2034
#, no-c-format
msgid "Upper limit on the video contrast"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:2030 rc.cpp:2037
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify an upper limit on the video contrast setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:2043 rc.cpp:2050
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between contrast slider tick marks as a percentage"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 190
#: rc.cpp:2046 rc.cpp:2053
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the distance between tick marks on the contrast slider, in "
"percents of slider length."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:2059 rc.cpp:2066
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to video contrast when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 246
#: rc.cpp:2062 rc.cpp:2069
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which to change video contrast when using "
"Increase/Decrease Contrast commands on Player/Video menu or the corresponding "
"keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 296
#: rc.cpp:2075 rc.cpp:2084 rc.cpp:2091 rc.cpp:2100 rc.cpp:2112
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Reset contrast to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer session"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrast.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:2078 rc.cpp:2087 rc.cpp:2094 rc.cpp:2103 rc.cpp:2115
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to reset video contrast to a specific setting for each new file or "
"KPlayer session."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:50 rc.cpp:2118 rc.cpp:2695
#, no-c-format
msgid "Control Settings"
msgstr "Szabályozók beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 58
#: rc.cpp:2121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remember for current file any changes made with Shift"
msgstr "&Emlékezzen ennél a fájlnál az összes változtatásra"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:2124
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember changes made while holding the Shift key down in the file properties "
"for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 64
#: rc.cpp:2127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember any changes and adjustments "
"made while holding the Shift key down in the file properties for the currently "
"loaded file. This is particularly useful with volume, contrast, brightness and "
"aspect settings, but also works with other options listed (but not checked) "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 96
#: rc.cpp:2130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always remember the following settings for each file"
msgstr "Emlékezzen az összes fájlnál a következő változtatásokra"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 99
#: rc.cpp:2133
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Always remember any changes made to the settings selected below in the file "
"properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 102
#: rc.cpp:2136
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember any changes and adjustments "
"made to the settings you select below in the file properties for the currently "
"loaded file. The selected settings will be stored even if you do not hold "
"Shift. This is most useful for settings that are almost always file specific, "
"like subtitle URL, subtitle delay, and audio delay."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:2140
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display si&ze"
msgstr "Képernyő &mérete"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 141
#: rc.cpp:2143
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember the display size you choose by resizing KPlayer window in the file "
"properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 144
#: rc.cpp:2146
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the video display size you "
"choose by resizing the KPlayer window in the file properties for the currently "
"loaded file. If this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer "
"remember the display size by holding down Shift key before and while you resize "
"the window."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 152
#: rc.cpp:2149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Displa&y aspect"
msgstr "Kép&arány"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 155
#: rc.cpp:2152
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember the chosen video aspect in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:2155
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the video aspect you choose "
"by using commands on View menu in the file properties for the currently loaded "
"file. If this option is selected, KPlayer will remember the video aspect in the "
"current file's properties, then automatically reset it to the previous setting "
"when another file is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make "
"KPlayer remember the video aspect by holding down the Shift key when choosing "
"an aspect command."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 169
#: rc.cpp:2161
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember the full screen display option in the file properties for the current "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 172
#: rc.cpp:2164
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the setting for the full "
"screen option you choose on the View menu in the file properties for the "
"currently loaded file. If this option is selected, KPlayer will remember the "
"full screen option in the current file's properties, then automatically reset "
"it to the previous setting when another file is loaded. If this option is not "
"selected, you can still make KPlayer remember the full screen option by holding "
"down the Shift key when choosing it."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 180
#: rc.cpp:2167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ma&ximized"
msgstr "Ma&ximalizált"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 183
#: rc.cpp:2170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember maximized window state in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 186
#: rc.cpp:2173
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember whether the window is "
"maximized in the file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option "
"is selected, KPlayer will remember the maximized state in the current file's "
"properties, then automatically reset it to the previous setting when another "
"file is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer "
"remember the maximized state by holding down the Shift key when maximizing the "
"KPlayer window."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 197
#: rc.cpp:2179
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember the maintain aspect option in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 200
#: rc.cpp:2182
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the setting for the maintain "
"aspect option in the file properties for the currently loaded file. If this "
"option is selected, KPlayer will remember the maintain aspect option in the "
"current file's properties, then automatically reset it to the previous setting "
"when another file is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make "
"KPlayer remember the maintain aspect option by holding down the Shift key when "
"clicking the maintain aspect toolbar button or choosing an aspect option from "
"View menu."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 211
#: rc.cpp:2188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remember volume adjustments in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 214
#: rc.cpp:2191
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember volume adjustments in file "
"properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, KPlayer "
"will remember volume adjustments in the current file's properties, then "
"automatically reset the volume to the previous setting when another file is "
"loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember "
"volume adjustments by holding down the Shift key when making them."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 222
#: rc.cpp:2194
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio d&elay"
msgstr "Hang&késleltetés"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 225
#: rc.cpp:2197
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember audio delay setting in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 228
#: rc.cpp:2200
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the audio delay setting in "
"file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, "
"KPlayer will remember the audio delay in the current file's properties, then "
"automatically reset the audio delay when another file is loaded. If this option "
"is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember the audio delay by holding "
"down the Shift key when changing it."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 236
#: rc.cpp:2203
#, no-c-format
msgid "Co&ntrast"
msgstr "&Kontraszt"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 239
#: rc.cpp:2206
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember contrast adjustments in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 242
#: rc.cpp:2209
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember contrast adjustments in the "
"file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, "
"KPlayer will remember contrast adjustments in the current file's properties, "
"then automatically reset contrast to the previous setting when another file is "
"loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember "
"contrast adjustments by holding down the Shift key when making them."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 250
#: rc.cpp:2212
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Brightness"
msgstr "&Fényerő"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 253
#: rc.cpp:2215
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember brightness adjustments in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 256
#: rc.cpp:2218
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember brightness adjustments in "
"the file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, "
"KPlayer will remember brightness adjustments in the current file's properties, "
"then automatically reset brightness to the previous setting when another file "
"is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember "
"brightness adjustments by holding down the Shift key when making them."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 267
#: rc.cpp:2224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remember hue adjustments in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 270
#: rc.cpp:2227
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember hue adjustments in the file "
"properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, KPlayer "
"will remember hue adjustments in the current file's properties, then "
"automatically reset hue to the previous setting when another file is loaded. If "
"this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember hue "
"adjustments by holding down the Shift key when making them."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 278
#: rc.cpp:2230
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sa&turation"
msgstr "&Telítettség"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 281
#: rc.cpp:2233
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember saturation adjustments in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 284
#: rc.cpp:2236
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember saturation adjustments in "
"the file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, "
"KPlayer will remember saturation adjustments in the current file's properties, "
"then automatically reset saturation to the previous setting when another file "
"is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember "
"saturation adjustments by holding down the Shift key when making them."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 292
#: rc.cpp:2239
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle po&sition"
msgstr "Felirat &elhelyezése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 295
#: rc.cpp:2242
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember subtitles' vertical position in the file properties for the current "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 298
#: rc.cpp:2245
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the subtitles' vertical "
"position in the file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option "
"is selected, KPlayer will remember the subtitles' position in the current "
"file's properties, then automatically reset the subtitles' position when "
"another file is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make "
"KPlayer remember the subtitles' position by holding down the Shift key when "
"changing it."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 306
#: rc.cpp:2248
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle de&lay"
msgstr "Felirat &késleltetése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 309
#: rc.cpp:2251
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remember the subtitle delay in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 312
#: rc.cpp:2254
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the subtitle delay in the "
"file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, "
"KPlayer will remember the subtitle delay in the current file's properties, then "
"automatically reset the subtitle delay when another file is loaded. If this "
"option is not selected, you can still make KPlayer remember the subtitle delay "
"by holding down the Shift key when changing it."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 320
#: rc.cpp:2257
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame dro&p"
msgstr "Képkocka&eldobás"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 323
#: rc.cpp:2260
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Remember frame dropping option in the file properties for the current file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingscontrols.ui line 326
#: rc.cpp:2263
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically remember the frame dropping option in "
"the file properties for the currently loaded file. If this option is selected, "
"KPlayer will remember the frame dropping option in the current file's "
"properties, then automatically reset frame dropping to the previous setting "
"when another file is loaded. If this option is not selected, you can still make "
"KPlayer remember frame dropping option by holding down the Shift key when "
"choosing it from the Player menu."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:46 rc.cpp:2266
#, no-c-format
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Általános beállítások"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 58
#: rc.cpp:2269
#, no-c-format
msgid "R&esize main window automatically"
msgstr "Főabblak &méretezése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:2272
#, no-c-format
msgid "Resize main window automatically to make video area the correct size"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 64
#: rc.cpp:2275
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to automatically resize main KPlayer window so that "
"the video area is of the desired size."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 88
#: rc.cpp:2278
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Minimum initial video width"
msgstr "&Minimális videószélesség"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:2281 rc.cpp:2288 rc.cpp:2297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum width of the video area when starting to play a new file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 100
#: rc.cpp:2284 rc.cpp:2291 rc.cpp:2300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose the minimum horizontal size that the video area should be when "
"loading and starting to play a new file. KPlayer will take the original video "
"size and enlarge it in 50% increments until it is at least this size."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 144
#: rc.cpp:2294 rc.cpp:2714 rc.cpp:2739
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "képpont"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 169
#: rc.cpp:2303
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Ma&ximum entries on playlist menus"
msgstr "A Legutóbbi fájlok menü bejegyzéseinek max. száma"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 178
#: rc.cpp:2306 rc.cpp:2313
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum number of entries on Play List and Add To Playlist menus"
msgstr "A Legutóbbi fájlok menü bejegyzéseinek max. száma"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:2309 rc.cpp:2316
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the maximum number of entries on Play List and Add To "
"Playlist menus."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 225
#: rc.cpp:2319
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum entries on &Play Recent menu"
msgstr "A Legutóbbi fájlok menü bejegyzéseinek max. száma"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 234
#: rc.cpp:2322 rc.cpp:2329
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum number of entries on the Play Recent menu"
msgstr "A Legutóbbi fájlok menü bejegyzéseinek max. száma"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 237
#: rc.cpp:2325 rc.cpp:2332
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the maximum number of entries on the Play Recent menu. If "
"this number is exceeded, the oldest entries will be removed."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 281
#: rc.cpp:2335
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum &Recent entries in the library"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 290
#: rc.cpp:2338 rc.cpp:2345
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum number of entries on the Recent list in the multimedia library"
msgstr "A Legutóbbi fájlok menü bejegyzéseinek max. száma"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 293
#: rc.cpp:2341 rc.cpp:2348
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the maximum number of entries on the Recent list in the "
"multimedia library. If this number is exceeded, the oldest entries will be "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 337
#: rc.cpp:2351
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Meta information cache size &limit"
msgstr "&Gyorsítótár maximális mérete"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 346
#: rc.cpp:2354 rc.cpp:2361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum number of entries for which KPlayer remembers properties"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 349
#: rc.cpp:2357 rc.cpp:2364
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that shows and allows you to change the maximum number of entries for "
"which KPlayer remembers properties, even if they are no longer on playlist. If "
"the limit is exceeded, the oldest existing entries are removed from cache."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 387
#: rc.cpp:2367
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Allo&w duplicate entries on playlists"
msgstr "Duplikált bejegyzések &engedélyezése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 390
#: rc.cpp:2370
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allow multiple entries with the same URL on playlists"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 393
#: rc.cpp:2373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to allow multiple entries having the exact same URL on "
"playlist. Duplicate entries will have the same set of file properties. If this "
"option is not selected, and you put a new entry with the same URL as an "
"existing one on a playlist, the old entry will be removed."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 401
#: rc.cpp:2376
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Show messages if a file fails to play"
msgstr "&Mutassa, ha nem lehet a fájlt lejátszani"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 404
#: rc.cpp:2379
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Show message log if KPlayer encounters an error when trying to play a file"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsgeneral.ui line 407
#: rc.cpp:2382
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether to show message log if KPlayer encounters an error "
"when trying to play a file, so you can look at the end of the log to see what "
"the error was."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:86 rc.cpp:2385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hue Control Settings"
msgstr "Árnyalatszabályzó beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:2391 rc.cpp:2398
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lower limit on the video hue"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:2394 rc.cpp:2401
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify a lower limit on the video hue setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 131
#: rc.cpp:2407 rc.cpp:2414
#, no-c-format
msgid "Upper limit on the video hue"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:2410 rc.cpp:2417
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify an upper limit on the video hue setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:2423 rc.cpp:2430
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between hue slider tick marks as a percentage"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 190
#: rc.cpp:2426 rc.cpp:2433
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the distance between tick marks on the hue slider, in "
"percents of slider length."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:2439 rc.cpp:2446
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of adjustment to video hue when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 246
#: rc.cpp:2442 rc.cpp:2449
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which to change video hue when using "
"Increase/Decrease Hue commands on Player/Video menu or the corresponding "
"keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 296
#: rc.cpp:2455 rc.cpp:2464 rc.cpp:2471 rc.cpp:2480 rc.cpp:2492
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reset hue to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer session"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingshue.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:2458 rc.cpp:2467 rc.cpp:2474 rc.cpp:2483 rc.cpp:2495
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to reset video hue to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:2498
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress and Seek Control Settings"
msgstr "Kereső beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:2501
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Normal seek amount"
msgstr "&Normál keresés"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 83
#: rc.cpp:2504 rc.cpp:2511 rc.cpp:2523
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount by which to move playback when using Forward/Backward commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 86
#: rc.cpp:2507 rc.cpp:2514 rc.cpp:2526
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or "
"backward when using Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds "
"or in percents of time length of the file if it is known."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 151
#: rc.cpp:2529
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Fast seek amount"
msgstr "&Gyorskeresési egység"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 160
#: rc.cpp:2532 rc.cpp:2539 rc.cpp:2551
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount by which to move playback when using Fast Forward/Backward commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 163
#: rc.cpp:2535 rc.cpp:2542 rc.cpp:2554
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or "
"backward when using Fast Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in "
"seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 237
#: rc.cpp:2560 rc.cpp:2567 rc.cpp:2576
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between progress slider tick marks as a percentage"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsprogress.ui line 240
#: rc.cpp:2563 rc.cpp:2570 rc.cpp:2579
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the distance between tick marks on the progress slider, in "
"percents of slider length."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:90 rc.cpp:2582
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saturation Control Settings"
msgstr "Telítettség-szabályzó beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:2588 rc.cpp:2595
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lower limit on the video saturation"
msgstr "A videó telítettségének alsó korlátja"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:2591 rc.cpp:2598
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify a lower limit on the video saturation setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 131
#: rc.cpp:2604 rc.cpp:2611
#, no-c-format
msgid "Upper limit on the video saturation"
msgstr "A videó telítettségének felső korlátja"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:2607 rc.cpp:2614
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify an upper limit on the video saturation setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:2620 rc.cpp:2627
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between saturation slider tick marks as a percentage"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 190
#: rc.cpp:2623 rc.cpp:2630
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the distance between tick marks on the saturation slider, in "
"percents of slider length."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:2636 rc.cpp:2643
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to video saturation when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 246
#: rc.cpp:2639 rc.cpp:2646
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which to change video saturation when using "
"Increase/Decrease Saturation commands on Player/Video menu or the corresponding "
"keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 296
#: rc.cpp:2652 rc.cpp:2661 rc.cpp:2668 rc.cpp:2677 rc.cpp:2689
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Reset saturation to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer session"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssaturation.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:2655 rc.cpp:2664 rc.cpp:2671 rc.cpp:2680 rc.cpp:2692
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to reset video saturation to a specific setting for each new file or "
"KPlayer session."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssliders.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:2698
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Minimum slider length"
msgstr "Csúszka &minimális hossza"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssliders.ui line 83
#: rc.cpp:2701 rc.cpp:2708 rc.cpp:2717
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum length of slider control"
msgstr "A vezérlőcsúszka minimális hossza"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssliders.ui line 86
#: rc.cpp:2704 rc.cpp:2711 rc.cpp:2720
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that shows and allows you to change minimum length of slider control. It "
"affects sliders embedded in toolbars."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssliders.ui line 155
#: rc.cpp:2723
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Preferred slider length"
msgstr "&Kívánt hossz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssliders.ui line 164
#: rc.cpp:2726 rc.cpp:2733 rc.cpp:2742
#, no-c-format
msgid "Preferred length of slider control"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssliders.ui line 167
#: rc.cpp:2729 rc.cpp:2736 rc.cpp:2745
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that shows and allows you to change preferred length of slider control. "
"It affects both popup sliders and sliders embedded in toolbars."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:62 rc.cpp:2748
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle Settings"
msgstr "Feliratok beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 58
#: rc.cpp:2751
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position adjustment a&mount"
msgstr "&Elhelyezkedés (???)"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 67
#: rc.cpp:2754 rc.cpp:2760 rc.cpp:2769
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to subtitle vertical position when using Move Up/Down "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 70
#: rc.cpp:2757 rc.cpp:2763 rc.cpp:2772
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount in percents of video height by which to move "
"subtitles when using Move Up/Down commands on Player/Subtitles menu or the "
"corresponding keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 121
#: rc.cpp:2778 rc.cpp:2784 rc.cpp:2793
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to subtitle delay when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:2781 rc.cpp:2787 rc.cpp:2796
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount in seconds by which to change subtitle delay when "
"using Increase/Decrease Delay commands on Player/Subtitles menu or the "
"corresponding keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 190
#: rc.cpp:2799
#, no-c-format
msgid "Auto&load subtitles"
msgstr "Feliratok &automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 193
#: rc.cpp:2802
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load subtitle types selected below"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 196
#: rc.cpp:2805
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load subtitle types selected below by looking for "
"subtitle files with the same name as the currently loaded file and the "
"corresponding subtitle extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 241
#: rc.cpp:2809
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load AQT subtitles"
msgstr "AQT-s feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 244
#: rc.cpp:2812
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load AQT subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and AQT or aqt extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 261
#: rc.cpp:2815
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load ASS subtitles"
msgstr "JSS-es feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 264
#: rc.cpp:2818
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load ASS subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and ASS or ass extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 281
#: rc.cpp:2821
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load JS subtitles"
msgstr "JSS-es feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 284
#: rc.cpp:2824
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load JS subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and JS or js extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 301
#: rc.cpp:2827
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load JSS subtitles"
msgstr "JSS-es feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 304
#: rc.cpp:2830
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load JSS subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and JSS or jss extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 315
#: rc.cpp:2833
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load RT subtitles"
msgstr "RT-s feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 318
#: rc.cpp:2836
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load RT subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and RT or rt extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 335
#: rc.cpp:2839
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load SMI subtitles"
msgstr "SMI-s feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 338
#: rc.cpp:2842
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load SMI subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and SMI or smi extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 355
#: rc.cpp:2845
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load SRT subtitles"
msgstr "SRT-s feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 358
#: rc.cpp:2848
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load SRT subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and SRT or srt extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 369
#: rc.cpp:2851
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load SSA subtitles"
msgstr "SSA-s feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 372
#: rc.cpp:2854
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load SSA subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and SSA or ssa extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 389
#: rc.cpp:2857
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load SUB subtitles"
msgstr "SUB-os feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 392
#: rc.cpp:2860
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load SUB subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and SUB or sub extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 409
#: rc.cpp:2863
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load TXT subtitles"
msgstr "TXT-s feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 412
#: rc.cpp:2866
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load TXT subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and TXT or txt extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 423
#: rc.cpp:2869
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load UTF subtitles"
msgstr "UTF-es feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 426
#: rc.cpp:2872
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load UTF subtitles by looking for subtitle files with "
"the same name as the currently loaded file and a UTF, utf, UTF8, utf8, UTF-8, "
"or utf-8 extension."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 437
#: rc.cpp:2875
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load VobSub subtitles"
msgstr "JSS-es feliratok automatikus betöltése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 440
#: rc.cpp:2878
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load VobSub subtitles by looking for subtitle files "
"with the same name as the currently loaded file and an IDX, idx, IFO, or ifo "
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 454
#: rc.cpp:2881
#, no-c-format
msgid "ot&her"
msgstr "&más"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 457
#: rc.cpp:2884
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically load subtitle files with extensions you enter below"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 460
#: rc.cpp:2887
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to automatically load subtitle files with extensions you enter in text "
"field below, separated by commas, semicolons, colons, periods or spaces."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 510
#: rc.cpp:2891
#, no-c-format
msgid "List of extensions to use for automatically loading subtitles"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingssubtitles.ui line 513
#: rc.cpp:2894
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that lets you give a list of extensions that will be used to "
"automatically load subtitles. If you enter multiple extensions, separate them "
"by commas, semicolons, colons, periods or spaces. Extensions you give will be "
"converted to lower and upper case when looking for files. Subtitles with mixed "
"case extensions cannot be autoloaded at this time."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:54 rc.cpp:2897
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video Settings"
msgstr "Videókép beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:2900
#, no-c-format
msgid "D&river"
msgstr "&Meghajtó"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:2903 rc.cpp:2909
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video output to use for playing video"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:2906 rc.cpp:2912
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that lists available video outputs and lets you choose the one to use "
"for playing video. Recommended choice depends on the video card you have. For "
"Matrox card try XMGA, for other cards either XVidix (if supported) or XVideo "
"provide the best quality. With NVidia drivers you can also try XVMC output. If "
"after trying hard you cannot make any of these work, you can use X11 output as "
"the last resort. Video outputs that open a separate window instead of using "
"KPlayer video area are not recommended. Auto will let MPlayer choose a video "
"output according to its own configuration. If you need to specify more than one "
"output separated by comma, set this option to Auto and put them in Additional "
"Command Line Arguments on Advanced page."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 105
#: rc.cpp:2915
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dev&ice"
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 114
#: rc.cpp:2918 rc.cpp:2925
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video device to use for the chosen output"
msgstr "A választott kimenethez rendelt videoeszköz"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 117
#: rc.cpp:2921 rc.cpp:2928
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify video device to use for the chosen video output. Leave blank "
"to use the default device."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 162
#: rc.cpp:2934 rc.cpp:2940
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec to use for decoding video (Auto is recommended)"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 165
#: rc.cpp:2937 rc.cpp:2943
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option that lists available codecs and lets you choose the one to be used for "
"decoding video. Auto is the recommended choice, it lets MPlayer decide which "
"codec to use automatically. If you need to tell MPlayer to use a particular "
"codec for a given file or stream, set this option in File Properties."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 192
#: rc.cpp:2946
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Scaler"
msgstr "&Méretezés"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 201
#: rc.cpp:2949 rc.cpp:2988
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video scaler to use when doing software scaling"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 204
#: rc.cpp:2952 rc.cpp:2991
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the video scaler to be used when doing software scaling. "
"Software scaling consumes considerable amount of system resources, so unless "
"you have plenty of them and software scaling gives you better image quality, "
"you should choose a video output above that uses hardware scaling."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 213
#: rc.cpp:2955
#, no-c-format
msgid "fast bilinear"
msgstr "gyors bilineáris"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 218
#: rc.cpp:2958
#, no-c-format
msgid "bilinear"
msgstr "bilineáris"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 223
#: rc.cpp:2961
#, no-c-format
msgid "bicubic (good quality)"
msgstr "bikubikus (jó minőségű)"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 228
#: rc.cpp:2964
#, no-c-format
msgid "experimental"
msgstr "kísérleti"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 233
#: rc.cpp:2967
#, no-c-format
msgid "nearest neighbour (bad quality)"
msgstr "legközelebbi szomszéd (rossz minőség)"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 238
#: rc.cpp:2970
#, no-c-format
msgid "area"
msgstr "terület"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:2973
#, no-c-format
msgid "luma bicubic / chroma bilinear"
msgstr "luma bikubikus / chroma, bilineáris"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 248
#: rc.cpp:2976
#, no-c-format
msgid "gauss"
msgstr "gauss"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 253
#: rc.cpp:2979
#, no-c-format
msgid "sincR"
msgstr "sincR"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 258
#: rc.cpp:2982
#, no-c-format
msgid "lanczos"
msgstr "lanczos"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 263
#: rc.cpp:2985
#, no-c-format
msgid "bicubic spline"
msgstr "bikubikus spline"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 288
#: rc.cpp:2994
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable do&uble buffering"
msgstr "&Dupla pufferelés engedélyezése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 291
#: rc.cpp:2997
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable double buffering for video output"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 294
#: rc.cpp:3000
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether double buffering should be used for video output. This "
"option is recommended, it gives smoother display in many cases."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 302
#: rc.cpp:3003
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable direc&t rendering"
msgstr "&Direct rendering engedélyezése"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 305
#: rc.cpp:3006
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable direct rendering for video output"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvideo.ui line 308
#: rc.cpp:3009
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to choose whether direct rendering should be used for video output. This "
"option may give performance improvement, but may also cause video display "
"problems, for example when used along with double buffering option or when "
"playing with subtitles."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 16
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:74 rc.cpp:3012
#, no-c-format
msgid "Volume Control Settings"
msgstr "Hangerőszabályzó beállításai"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:3018 rc.cpp:3025
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lower limit on the sound volume"
msgstr "A hangerő alsó korlátja"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:3021 rc.cpp:3028
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify a lower limit on the sound volume setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 131
#: rc.cpp:3034 rc.cpp:3041
#, no-c-format
msgid "Upper limit on the sound volume"
msgstr "A hangerő felső korlátja"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:3037 rc.cpp:3044
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option to specify an upper limit on the sound volume setting."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:3050 rc.cpp:3057
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distance between volume slider tick marks as a percentage"
msgstr "A hangerőszabályozó csúszka beosztásai közötti távolság, százalékban"
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 190
#: rc.cpp:3053 rc.cpp:3060
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the distance between tick marks on the volume slider, in "
"percents of slider length."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:3066 rc.cpp:3073
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Amount of adjustment to sound volume when using Increase/Decrease commands"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 246
#: rc.cpp:3069 rc.cpp:3076
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to specify the amount by which to change sound volume when using "
"Increase/Decrease Volume commands on Player/Audio menu or the corresponding "
"keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 296
#: rc.cpp:3082 rc.cpp:3091 rc.cpp:3098 rc.cpp:3107 rc.cpp:3119
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reset volume to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer session"
msgstr ""
#. i18n: file kplayersettingsvolume.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:3085 rc.cpp:3094 rc.cpp:3101 rc.cpp:3110 rc.cpp:3122
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Option to reset sound volume to a specific setting for each new file or KPlayer "
msgstr ""
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:42
msgid "KPlayer Preferences"
msgstr "A KPlayer beállításai"
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:50 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:70
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:74 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:78
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:82 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:86
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:90 kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:94
msgid "Controls"
msgstr "Szabályozók"
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:70
msgid "Progress Control Settings"
msgstr "Kereső beállításai"
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:94
msgid "Sliders"
msgstr "Csúszkák"
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:94
msgid "Slider Control Settings"
msgstr "Csúszkák beállításai"
#: kplayersettingsdialog.cpp:227
msgid ""
"All configuration settings will be reset.\n"
"Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Minden beállítás el fog veszni. \n"
"Bizots, hogy ezt akarod?"
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:36
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Üzenetek"
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:80 kplayernodeview.cpp:3358
msgid "&Select All"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selects all messages in the message log"
msgstr "Minden üzenetet töröl az üzenetnaplóból"
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select All command selects all messages in the message log."
msgstr "Minden üzenet el lesz távolítva a naplóból."
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copies the text selected in the message log to the clipboard"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:85
msgid ""
"Copy command copies the text selected in the message log to the clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "C&lear"
msgstr "&Lejátszólista kiürítése"
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:87
msgid "Clears all messages from the message log"
msgstr "Minden üzenetet töröl az üzenetnaplóból"
#: kplayerlogwindow.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear command removes all messages from the message log."
msgstr "Minden üzenet el lesz távolítva a naplóból."
#: kplayeractionlist.cpp:327 kplayerengine.cpp:705 kplayerengine.cpp:708
#: kplayerengine.cpp:711 kplayerproperties.cpp:3679
#, c-format
msgid "Track %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayeractionlist.cpp:354
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr ""
#: kplayeractionlist.cpp:436
#, fuzzy
msgid "&None"
msgstr "nincs"
#: kplayeractionlist.cpp:437
#, fuzzy
msgid "Turns off subtitle display"
msgstr "Feliratok be-/kikapcsolása"
#: kplayeractionlist.cpp:438
msgid "Subtitles None command turns off subtitle display."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:480
msgid "Opens the File Properties dialog"
msgstr "\"Fájl tulajdonságai\" ablak megnyitása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:481
msgid ""
"Properties command opens the File Properties dialog that lets you choose many "
"options specific to the currently loaded file. See the File properties "
"micro-HOWTO for details."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:483 kplayernodeview.cpp:3319
msgid "&Play"
msgstr "&Lejátszás"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:484
msgid "Plays the currently loaded file"
msgstr "Az éppen betöltött fájlt játsza le"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:485
msgid ""
"Play command starts playback of the current file. If the player has been "
"paused, this command resumes playback. This command is available when a file is "
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:486
msgid "Paus&e"
msgstr "&Szünet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:487
msgid "Pauses the player"
msgstr "Szünetelteti a lejátszást"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:488
msgid ""
"Pause command pauses or resumes playback of the current file. This command is "
"available when the player is not idle."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:489
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Megállít"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:490
msgid "Stops the player"
msgstr "Megállítja a lejátszást"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:491
msgid ""
"Stop command stops playback of the current file. This command is available when "
"the player is not idle."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:493 kplayernodeview.cpp:3376
msgid "&Forward"
msgstr "&Előre"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:494
msgid "Moves playback forward"
msgstr "Előretekerés"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:495
msgid ""
"Forward command moves playback forward by one percent of the time length of the "
"current file. This command is available when playing a file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:496
msgid "F&ast Forward"
msgstr "&Gyors előretekerés"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:497
msgid "Moves playback forward fast"
msgstr "Gyorsan teker előre"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:498
msgid ""
"Fast Forward command moves playback forward by ten percent of the time length "
"of the current file. This command is available when playing a file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:499
msgid "&Backward"
msgstr "&Vissza"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:500
msgid "Moves playback backward"
msgstr "Visszatekerés"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:501
msgid ""
"Backward command moves playback backward by one percent of the time length of "
"the current file. This command is available when playing a file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:502
msgid "Fast Back&ward"
msgstr "&Gyors visszatekerés"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:503
msgid "Moves playback backward fast"
msgstr "Gyorsan teker vissza"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:504
msgid ""
"Fast Backward command moves playback backward by ten percent of the time length "
"of the current file. This command is available when playing a file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:505
msgid "Back &to Start"
msgstr "Vissza az &elejére"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:506
msgid "Moves playback to the beginning"
msgstr "Visszatekeri az elejére"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:507
msgid ""
"Back to Start command moves playback to the beginning of the current file. This "
"command is available when playing a file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:509
msgid "&Increase Volume"
msgstr "Hang&osítás"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:510
msgid "Increases the volume"
msgstr "Emeli a hangerőt"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:511
msgid "Increase Volume command increases the sound volume."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:512
msgid "&Decrease Volume"
msgstr "&Halkítás"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:513
msgid "Decreases the volume"
msgstr "Csökkenti a hangerőt"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:514
msgid "Decrease Volume command decreases the sound volume."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:515
msgid "&Mute"
msgstr "&Néma"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:516
msgid "Turns the sound on/off"
msgstr "Be-/kikapcsolja a hangot"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:517
msgid "Mute command turns the sound on or off."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:521
msgid "Maintain &Aspect"
msgstr "Képarány &megtartása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:522
msgid "Maintains the video aspect ratio"
msgstr "Megtartja a kép eredeti méretarányait"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:523
msgid ""
"Maintain Aspect command toggles the option to maintain the video aspect ratio."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:531
msgid "Shows player progress and allows seeking"
msgstr "Mutatja a lejátszás pozícióját és engedélyezi a keresést"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:532
msgid "Progress slider shows playback progress and allows seeking."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:536
msgid "Changes volume level"
msgstr "Hangerő változtatása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:537
msgid ""
"Volume slider shows the current sound volume level and allows you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:540
msgid "Shows the volume popup slider"
msgstr "Bekapcsolja a hangerőállító csúszkát"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:541
msgid ""
"Volume button displays a slider that shows the current sound volume level and "
"allows you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:551
msgid "&Load Subtitles..."
msgstr "Feliratok &betöltése..."
#: kplayerengine.cpp:552
msgid "Opens a subtitle file"
msgstr "Megnyit egy feliratfájlt"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:553
msgid ""
"Load Subtitles command displays the standard Open File dialog and lets you "
"choose a subtitle file to use with the current file or URL. If you load "
"subtitles when video is playing, KPlayer will display the subtitles "
"immediately. By default it will also remember the subtitles you choose in the "
"current file properties. This command is available for video files."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:561
msgid "&Full Screen"
msgstr "&Teljesképernyő"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:562
msgid "Switches to full screen mode"
msgstr "Teljesképernyős módra vált"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:563
msgid ""
"Full Screen command switches to full screen video display and back to normal "
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:565
msgid "Enlarges the video"
msgstr "Növeli a képméretet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:566
msgid ""
"Zoom In command enlarges the video area by one half of the original video size "
"of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:568
msgid "Shrinks the video"
msgstr "Csökkenti a képméretet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:569
msgid ""
"Zoom Out command reduces the video area by one half of the original video size "
"of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:570
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom to 5&0%"
msgstr "5&0%-ra zoomol"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:572
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scales video to 50% of the original size"
msgstr "Az eredeti felére csökkenti a kép méretét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:574
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Zoom to 50% command resizes the video area to one half of the original video "
"size of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:576
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom to &100%"
msgstr "Nagyítás (&100%)"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:577
msgid "Scales video to its original size"
msgstr "Beállítja az eredeti képméretet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:579
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Zoom to 100% command resizes the video area to the original video size of the "
"current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:581
#, c-format
msgid "Zoo&m to 150%"
msgstr "Na&gyítás (150%)"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:583
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scales video to 150% of the original size"
msgstr "Az eredeti másfélszeresére növeli a kép méretét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:585
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Zoom to 150% command resizes the video area to 150% of the original video size "
"of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:587
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom to &200%"
msgstr "Nagyítás (&200%)"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:589
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scales video to 200% of the original size"
msgstr "Az eredeti kétszeresére növeli a kép méretét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:591
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Zoom to 200% command resizes the video area to twice the original video size of "
"the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:593
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom &to 250%"
msgstr "2&50%-ra zoomol"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:595
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scales video to 250% of the original size"
msgstr "Az eredeti két és félszeresére növeli a kép méretét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:597
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Zoom to 250% command resizes the video area to 250% of the original video size "
"of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:599
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom to &300%"
msgstr "300%-ra zoomol"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:601
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scales video to 300% of the original size"
msgstr "Az eredeti háromszorosára növeli a kép méretét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:603
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Zoom to 300% command resizes the video area to thrice the original video size "
"of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:606
msgid "Maintain Original &Aspect"
msgstr "&Eredeti képarány megtartása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:607
msgid "Maintains the original video aspect ratio"
msgstr "Megtartja a kép eredeti méretarányait"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:608
msgid ""
"Maintain Original Aspect command toggles the option to maintain the original "
"video aspect ratio of the current file."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:612
msgid "Maintain &Current Aspect"
msgstr "&Jelenlegi képarány megtartása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:613
msgid "Maintains the current video aspect ratio"
msgstr "Megtartja a kép jelenlegi méretarányait"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:614
msgid ""
"Maintain Current Aspect command toggles the option to maintain the current "
"video aspect ratio."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:616
msgid "Force &4 to 3 Aspect"
msgstr "&4:3 arányra"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:617
msgid "Sets 4 to 3 video aspect ratio"
msgstr "A képet 4:3 alakúra állítja"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:618
msgid ""
"Force 4 to 3 Aspect command toggles the option to maintain four to three video "
"aspect ratio."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:620
msgid "Force 1&6 to 9 Aspect"
msgstr "&16:9 arányra"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:621
msgid "Sets 16 to 9 video aspect ratio"
msgstr "A képet 16:9 alakúra állítja"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:622
msgid ""
"Force 16 to 9 Aspect command toggles the option to maintain sixteen to nine "
"video aspect ratio."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:625 kplayerengine.cpp:701
msgid "I&ncrease Delay"
msgstr "Késleltetés &növelése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:626
msgid "Increases audio delay"
msgstr "Növeli a hang késleltetését"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:627
msgid "Increase Delay command increases the delay of sound relative to video."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:628 kplayerengine.cpp:698
msgid "D&ecrease Delay"
msgstr "Késleltetés &csökkentése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:629
msgid "Decreases audio delay"
msgstr "Csökkenti a hag késleltetését"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:630
msgid "Decrease Delay command decreases the delay of sound relative to video."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:632
msgid "Decrease C&ontrast"
msgstr "Kontraszt &csökkentése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:633
msgid "Decreases video contrast"
msgstr "Homályosítja a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:634
msgid "Decrease Contrast command decreases the video contrast."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:635
msgid "Increase &Contrast"
msgstr "Kontraszt &növelése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:636
msgid "Increases video contrast"
msgstr "Élesíti a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:637
msgid "Increase Contrast command increases the video contrast."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:638
msgid "Decrease B&rightness"
msgstr "Fényerő &csökkentése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:639
msgid "Decreases video brightness"
msgstr "Sötétíti a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:640
msgid "Decrease Brightness command decreases the video brightness."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:641
msgid "Increase &Brightness"
msgstr "Fényerő &növelése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:642
msgid "Increases video brightness"
msgstr "Világosítja a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:643
msgid "Increase Brightness command increases the video brightness."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:644
msgid "Decrease H&ue"
msgstr "Színárnyalat &csökkentése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:645
msgid "Decreases video hue"
msgstr "Átszínezi a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:646
msgid "Decrease Hue command decreases the video hue."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:647
msgid "Increase &Hue"
msgstr "Színárnyalat &növelése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:648
msgid "Increases video hue"
msgstr "Átszínezi a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:649
msgid "Increase Hue command increases the video hue."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:650
msgid "Decrease S&aturation"
msgstr "Telítettség &csökkentése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:651
msgid "Decreases video saturation"
msgstr "Fakítja a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:652
msgid "Decrease Saturation command decreases the video saturation."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:653
msgid "Increase &Saturation"
msgstr "Telítettség &növelése"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:654
msgid "Increases video saturation"
msgstr "Élénkíti a képet"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:655
msgid "Increase Saturation command increases the video saturation."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:658
msgid "Changes contrast level"
msgstr "Átállítja a kontraszt szintjét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:659
msgid ""
"Contrast slider shows the current video contrast level and allows you to change "
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:661
msgid "Changes brightness level"
msgstr "Átállítja a fényerőt szintjét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:662
msgid ""
"Brightness slider shows the current video brightness level and allows you to "
"change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:664
msgid "Changes hue level"
msgstr "Átállítja a színárnyalat szintjét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:665
msgid ""
"Hue slider shows the current video hue level and allows you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:667
msgid "Changes saturation level"
msgstr "Átállítja a telítettség szintjét"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:668
msgid ""
"Saturation slider shows the current video saturation level and allows you to "
"change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:671
msgid "Shows the contrast popup slider"
msgstr "Bekapcsolja a kontrasztszabályzó csúszkát"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:672
msgid ""
"Contrast button displays a slider that shows the current video contrast level "
"and allows you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:674
msgid "Shows the brightness popup slider"
msgstr "Bekapcsolja a fényerőszabályzó csúszkát"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:675
msgid ""
"Brightness button displays a slider that shows the current video brightness "
"level and allows you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:677
msgid "Shows the hue popup slider"
msgstr "Bekapcsolja a színárnyalatszabályzó csúszkát"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:678
msgid ""
"Hue button displays a slider that shows the current video hue level and allows "
"you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:680
msgid "Shows the saturation popup slider"
msgstr "Bekapcsolja a telítettségszabályzó csúszkát"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:681
msgid ""
"Saturation button displays a slider that shows the current video saturation "
"level and allows you to change it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:683
msgid "S&oft Frame Dropping"
msgstr "&Finom képkockaeldobás"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:684
msgid "Turns soft frame dropping on/off"
msgstr "Finom képkockaeldobás be-/kikapcsolása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:685
msgid ""
"Soft Frame Dropping command toggles the soft frame dropping option. If your "
"system is too slow to play a file, MPlayer can drop some frames so playback "
"does not slow down. The soft option drops frames less aggressively than the "
"hard one, and should not cause playback problems. The Frame drop option can "
"also be set on the Advanced page either globally in KPlayer Settings or for a "
"particular file in the File Properties."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:687
msgid "&Hard Frame Dropping"
msgstr "&Durva képkockaeldobás"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:688
msgid "Turns hard frame dropping on/off"
msgstr "Durva képkockaeldobás be-/kikapcsolása"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:689
msgid ""
"Hard Frame Dropping command toggles the hard frame dropping option. If your "
"system is too slow to play a file, MPlayer can drop some frames so playback "
"does not slow down. The hard option drops frames more aggressively than the "
"soft one, and may sometimes break decoding. The Frame drop option can also be "
"set on the Advanced page either globally in KPlayer Settings or for a "
"particular file in the File Properties."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:692 kplayernodeview.cpp:3364
msgid "Move &Down"
msgstr "&Le"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:693
msgid "Moves subtitles down"
msgstr "A feliratot lefelé mozgatja"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:694
msgid "Move Down command moves the subtitles down."
msgstr "A Lefelé parancs lefelé mozgatja a feliratot."
#: kplayerengine.cpp:695 kplayernodeview.cpp:3361
msgid "Move &Up"
msgstr "&Fel"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:696
msgid "Moves subtitles up"
msgstr "A feliratot felfelé mozgatja"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:697
msgid "Move Up command moves the subtitles up."
msgstr "A Felfelé parancs felfelé mozgatja a feliratot."
#: kplayerengine.cpp:699
msgid "Decreases subtitle delay"
msgstr "Lecsökkenti a felirat késleltetését"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:700
msgid ""
"Decrease Delay command decreases the delay of subtitles relative to video."
msgstr ""
"A késleltetés csökkentése parancs lecsökkenti a videó és a felirat megjelenése "
"közötti késleltetési időt."
#: kplayerengine.cpp:702
msgid "Increases subtitle delay"
msgstr "Megnöveli a felirat késleltetését"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:703
msgid ""
"Increase Delay command increases the delay of subtitles relative to video."
msgstr ""
"A késleltetés növelése parancs megnöveli a videó és a felirat megjelenése "
"közötti késleltetési időt."
#: kplayerengine.cpp:705
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selects %1 video track"
msgstr "A képet 16:9 alakúra állítja"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:706
msgid "Video %1 command switches to the selected video track."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:708
msgid "Selects %1 audio track"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:709
msgid "Audio %1 command switches to the selected audio track."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:711
msgid "Selects %1 subtitle track"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:712
msgid "Subtitles %1 command switches to the selected subtitle track."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerengine.cpp:1859
msgid ""
"*|All files\n"
"*.avi *.AVI|AVI files\n"
"*.mpg *.mpeg *.MPG *.MPEG|MPEG files\n"
"*.ogg *.OGG|OGG files\n"
"*.mp3 *.MP3|MP3 files"
msgstr ""
"*|Minden fájl\n"
"*.avi *.AVI|AVI fájlok\n"
"*.mpg *.mpeg *.MPG *.MPEG|MPEG fájlok\n"
"*.ogg *.OGG|OGG fájlok\n"
"*.mp3 *.MP3|MP3 fájlok"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:1927
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"*|All files\n"
"*.aqt *.AQT *.ass *.ASS *.js *.JS *.jss *.JSS *.rt *.RT *.smi *.SMI *.srt *.SRT "
"*.ssa *.SSA *.sub *.SUB *.txt *.TXT *.utf *.UTF *.idx *.IDX *.ifo *.IFO|All "
"subtitle files\n"
"*.aqt *.AQT|AQT files\n"
"*.ass *.ASS|ASS files\n"
"*.js *.JS|JS files\n"
"*.jss *.JSS|JSS files\n"
"*.rt *.RT|RT files\n"
"*.smi *.SMI|SMI files\n"
"*.srt *.SRT|SRT files\n"
"*.ssa *.SSA|SSA files\n"
"*.sub *.SUB|SUB files\n"
"*.txt *.TXT|TXT files\n"
"*.utf *.UTF *.utf8 *.UTF8 *.utf-8 *.UTF-8|UTF files\n"
"*.idx *.IDX *.ifo *.IFO|VobSub files"
msgstr ""
"*|Minden fájl\n"
"*.aqt *.AQT *.jss *.JSS *.rt *.RT *.smi *.SMI *.srt *.SRT *.ssa *.SSA *.sub "
"*.SUB *.txt *.TXT *.utf *.UTF|All feliratfájlok\n"
"*.aqt *.AQT|AQT fájlok\n"
"*.jss *.JSS|JSS fájlok\n"
"*.rt *.RT|RT fájlok\n"
"*.smi *.SMI|SMI fájlok\n"
"*.srt *.SRT|SRT fájlok\n"
"*.ssa *.SSA|SSA fájlok\n"
"*.sub *.SUB|SUB fájlok\n"
"*.txt *.TXT|TXT fájlok\n"
"*.utf *.UTF|UTF fájlok"
#: kplayerengine.cpp:1938
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load Subtitles"
msgstr "Feliratok &betöltése..."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1814
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add playlist"
msgstr "A lejátszólista ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1814
msgid "Add folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to new playlist"
msgstr "A lejátszóli&sta megjelenítése"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2305 kplayernodeview.cpp:3136
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Device..."
msgstr "&Eszköz"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2306 kplayernodeview.cpp:3137
msgid "Adds a new device"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2307 kplayernodeview.cpp:3138
msgid ""
"Add device command allows you to add a new device. You will need to give the "
"new device a unique name and specify the device path and type."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2311 kplayernodeview.cpp:3142
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Playlist..."
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2312 kplayernodeview.cpp:3143
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds a new playlist"
msgstr "A lejátszólista ki-be kapcsolása"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2313 kplayernodeview.cpp:3144
msgid ""
"Add playlist command allows you to add a new playlist. You will need to give "
"the new playlist a unique name."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2317 kplayernodeview.cpp:3148 kplayernodeview.cpp:3337
msgid "F&older..."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2318 kplayernodeview.cpp:3149 kplayernodeview.cpp:3338
msgid "Adds a new subfolder to the selected folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2319 kplayernodeview.cpp:3150 kplayernodeview.cpp:3339
msgid ""
"Add folder command allows you to add a new subfolder to the selected folder. "
"You will need to give the new subfolder a unique name."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:2937 kplayerproperties.cpp:1607
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Név"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3320
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plays the selected items"
msgstr "Lejátsza a kijelölt fájlt"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3321
msgid "Play command plays the selected items."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3322
#, fuzzy
msgid "Play &Next"
msgstr "&Következő"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3323
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plays the selected items after the currently played item"
msgstr "Felfelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3324
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Play next command plays the selected items after the currently played item "
"finishes playing."
msgstr ""
"A Következő parancs elkezdi lejátszani az aktuális lejátszólistából a következő "
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3325
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Queue"
msgstr "&Árnyalat"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3326
#, fuzzy
msgid "Queues the selected items"
msgstr "Felfelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Queue command queues the selected items for playing."
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3328
msgid "Queue Ne&xt"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3329
#, fuzzy
msgid "Queues the selected items for playing after the currently played item"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3330
msgid ""
"Queue next command queues the selected items for playing after the currently "
"played item finishes playing."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3332
msgid "Adds files to the selected folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3333
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add files command displays the standard Open File dialog and lets you choose a "
"file or several files to add to the selected folder."
msgstr ""
"A Megnyitás paranccsal hívható elő a fájlmegnyitási párbeszédablak, ahol "
"kijelölhető egy vagy több fájl, melyeket a program hozzáad a lejátszólistához "
"és elkezd lejátszani."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3335
msgid "Adds a URL to the selected folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3336
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add URL command displays the standard Open URL dialog and lets you type or "
"paste in a URL to add to the selected folder."
msgstr ""
"A Megnyitás paranccsal hívható elő a fájlmegnyitási párbeszédablak, ahol "
"kijelölhető egy vagy több fájl, melyeket a program hozzáad a lejátszólistához "
"és elkezd lejátszani."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3340
#, fuzzy
msgid "&New Playlist..."
msgstr "A lejátszóli&sta megjelenítése"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3341
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds selected items to a new playlist"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3342
msgid ""
"Add to new playlist command prompts for a new playlist name and adds the "
"selected items to the new playlist."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3343
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Playlists"
msgstr "Lejátszólista"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3344
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds selected items to the root playlist"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3345
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to playlists command adds the selected items to the root playlist."
msgstr ""
"A Következő parancs elkezdi lejátszani az aktuális lejátszólistából a következő "
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3346
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds selected items to %1 playlist"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3347
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to playlist command adds the selected items to the %1 playlist."
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3349
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Collection"
msgstr "&Elhelyezés"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3350
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adds selected items to the collection"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3351
msgid ""
"Add to collection command adds the selected items to the multimedia collection."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3352
msgid "&Rename"
msgstr "&Átnevezés"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3353
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lets you rename the selected item"
msgstr "Átnevezi a kijelölt fájlt"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3354
msgid ""
"Rename command starts edit mode for the current item in the multimedia library "
"so you can change the item name."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3355
msgid "Propert&ies..."
msgstr "&Tulajdonságok..."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3356
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens Properties dialog for the selected item"
msgstr "Megnyitja a kijelölt fájl tulajdonságait tartalmazó ablakot"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3357
msgid ""
"Properties command opens File Properties dialog for the current item in the "
"multimedia library. See the File properties micro-HOWTO for details."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3359
msgid "Selects all items in the current folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3360
msgid ""
"Select all command selects all items in the current folder of the multimedia "
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3362
msgid "Moves the selected items up in the playlist"
msgstr "Felfelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3363
msgid ""
"Move Up command moves the selected items up in a playlist. You can also move "
"items around by clicking and dragging them with the left mouse button."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3365
msgid "Moves the selected items down in the playlist"
msgstr "Lefelé mozgatja a kijelölt fájlokat a lejátszólistában"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3366
msgid ""
"Move Down command moves the selected items down in a playlist. You can also "
"move items around by clicking and dragging them with the left mouse button."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3367
msgid "Re&move"
msgstr "Tö&rlés"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3368
#, fuzzy
msgid "Removes the selected items from the multimedia library"
msgstr "Törli a kijelölt elemeket a lejátszólistából"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3369
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove command removes the selected items from the multimedia library."
msgstr "Törli a kijelölt elemeket a lejátszólistából"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3370 kplayernodeview.cpp:3408
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens %1 in the library window"
msgstr "Megnyitja a hibabejelentő ablakot"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3371 kplayernodeview.cpp:3409
msgid "Go to %1 command opens the corresponding folder in the library window."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3373
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Back"
msgstr "&Vissza"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3374
msgid "Opens the previous folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3375
msgid "Go back command opens the previous folder from the history."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3377
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens the next folder"
msgstr "Fájl megnyitása"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3378
msgid "Go forward command opens the next folder from the history."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3379
msgid "&Up"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3380
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens the parent folder"
msgstr "Megnyit egy nemrég nézett fájlt"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3381
msgid "Go up command opens the parent folder of the current folder."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3382
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Down"
msgstr "&Le"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3383
#, fuzzy
msgid "Opens the selected folder"
msgstr "Megnyit egy nemrég nézett fájlt"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3384
#, fuzzy
msgid "Go down command opens the selected folder."
msgstr "A Lefelé parancs lefelé mozgatja a feliratot."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3385
msgid "&To Origin"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3386
msgid "Opens the origin of the current folder"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3387
msgid "Go to origin command opens the origin folder of the current folder."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3389
msgid "Opens the playlist in the multimedia library"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3390
msgid ""
"Edit command opens the playlist in the multimedia library and allows you to "
"edit it."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3403
#, c-format
msgid "Hide %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3403
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Show %1"
msgstr "&Bekapcsolás"
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3403
msgid "Hides %1 column"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3403
msgid "Shows %1 column"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3404
msgid "Hide %1 command hides the column."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3404
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show %1 command shows the column."
msgstr "A menü megjelenítése paranccsal a menü kapcsolható ki-be."
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3405
msgid "Starts edit mode for %1 field"
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3406
msgid "Edit %1 starts edit mode for this field of the current item."
msgstr ""
#: kplayernodeview.cpp:3560
msgid "Multimedia Library"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:692
#, c-format
msgid "size %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:692
#, c-format
msgid "aspect %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:781
#, fuzzy
msgid "AVI Video"
msgstr "Videó"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1602
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Útvonal"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1620
msgid "Demuxer"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Video codec"
msgstr "Videókodek"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio codec"
msgstr "Audiókodek"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1709
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Típus"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1749
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1753
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Hossz"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1760
#, fuzzy
msgid "Video size"
msgstr "Videó bitráta"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1765
#, fuzzy
msgid "Video bit rate"
msgstr "Videó bitráta"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1770
#, fuzzy
msgid "Frame rate"
msgstr "&Képkockaráta"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1780
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio bit rate"
msgstr "Audió bitráta"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1785
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sample rate"
msgstr "Képkockaráta"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1790
msgid "Channels"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1801 kplayerproperties.cpp:1828
msgid "Track"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1811
#, fuzzy
msgid "External Subtitles"
msgstr "Feliratok megnyitása"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1828
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"
msgstr "fájl"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1828
msgid "Album"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1829
msgid "Artist"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1829
#, fuzzy
msgid "Year"
msgstr "&Lejátszólista kiürítése"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:1829
#, fuzzy
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Általános"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2907
msgid "US broadcast"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2908
#, fuzzy
msgid "US cable"
msgstr "&Méretezés"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2909
msgid "US cable HRC"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2910
msgid "Japan broadcast"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2911
msgid "Japan cable"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2912
msgid "Western Europe"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2913
msgid "Eastern Europe"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2914
msgid "Italy"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2915
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2916
msgid "Australia"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2917
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2918
msgid "France"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2919
msgid "China"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2920
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2921
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:2922
#, fuzzy
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "&ssa"
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:3678
#, c-format
msgid "Title %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerproperties.cpp:3763
#, c-format
msgid "Channel %1"
msgstr ""
#: kplayerpart.cpp:33
msgid "KPlayerPart, an embeddable KDE media player based on MPlayer"
msgstr "KPlayerPart: MPlayeren alapuló KDE-s médialejátszó beépülő modulja"
#: kplayerpart.cpp:181
msgid "Start &KPlayer"
msgstr "&KPlayer indítása"
#: kplayerpart.cpp:182
msgid "Stops playback and starts KPlayer with the current URL"
msgstr "Lejátszás megállítása és a KPlayer indítása ezzel az URL-lel"
#: kplayerpart.cpp:183
msgid ""
"Start KPlayer command stops playback, opens the full KPlayer, puts the "
"multimedia file or URL on the playlist and starts playing it. It is always "
"recommended that you choose this command, since it will give you better "
"interface and more options when playing the multimedia."
msgstr ""
#: kplayerprocess.cpp:647
msgid "Could not start MPlayer"
msgstr "Nem tudom indítani az MPlayert"
#~ msgid "a&qt"
#~ msgstr "a&qt"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&ass"
#~ msgstr "&jss"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&js"
#~ msgstr "&jss"
#~ msgid "&jss"
#~ msgstr "&jss"
#~ msgid "r&t"
#~ msgstr "r&t"
#~ msgid "s&mi"
#~ msgstr "s&mi"
#~ msgid "s&rt"
#~ msgstr "s&rt"
#~ msgid "&ssa"
#~ msgstr "&ssa"
#~ msgid "su&b"
#~ msgstr "su&b"
#~ msgid "t&xt"
#~ msgstr "t&xt"
#~ msgid "&utf"
#~ msgstr "&utf"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Adds the playlist items to the root playlist"
#~ msgstr "Az előző fájl lejátszása a lejátszólistából"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add to playlists command adds the playlist items to the root playlist."
#~ msgstr "A Következő parancs elkezdi lejátszani az aktuális lejátszólistából a következő elemet."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Device Properties"
#~ msgstr "Fájl tulajdonságai"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Path"
#~ msgstr "Útvonal"
#~ msgid "Message Settings"
#~ msgstr "Üzenetek beállításai"
#~ msgid "&Show if a file fails to play"
#~ msgstr "&Mutassa, ha nem lehet a fájlt lejátszani"
#~ msgid "Show &before playing"
#~ msgstr "Megjelenítés a lejátszás &előtt"
#~ msgid "Show message log before starting to play a file"
#~ msgstr "Az üzenetek megjelenítése a lejátszás megkezdése előtt"
#~ msgid "Show after &playing"
#~ msgstr "Megjelenítés a lejátszás &végén"
#~ msgid "Show message log after a file finishes playing"
#~ msgstr "Az üzenetek megjelenítése a lejátszás végén"
#~ msgid "C&lear before playing"
#~ msgstr "&Törlés lejátszás előtt"
#~ msgid "Remove all messages before starting to play a file"
#~ msgstr "Az összes üzenet törlése fájl lejátszásának megkezdésekor"
#~ msgid "Playlist Settings"
#~ msgstr "Lejátszólista beállításai"
#~ msgid "&Start playing new entries immediately"
#~ msgstr "&Új fájlok automatikus lejátszása"
#~ msgid "only if player is &idle"
#~ msgstr "csak ha a lejátszó &tétlen"
#~ msgid "Allo&w duplicate entries"
#~ msgstr "Duplikált bejegyzések &engedélyezése"
#~ msgid "&Maximum number of entries"
#~ msgstr "Bejegyzések &maximális száma"
#~ msgid "Cache size &limit"
#~ msgstr "&Gyorsítótár maximális mérete"
#~ msgid "Report Bug command opens a dialog that allows you to send a bug report to the KPlayer developer. However, the recommended way to report a bug is to collect information using this dialog and then submit it following the instructions in the Bug reporting micro-HOWTO."
#~ msgstr "A Hibabejelentő parancs megnyit egy ablakot, melyből hibabejelentést lehet küldeni a KPlayer fejlesztőinek. Az ajánlott bejelentési mód a KPlayer esetében azonban nem ez. A bejelentés elvégzésénél kérjük a 'Bug reporting micro-HOWTO' nevű dokumentumban leírtak alapján járjon el."
#~ msgid "Playlist editor toolbar contains buttons that activate commands that apply to the editor and the items selected in it."
#~ msgstr "A lejátszólista-szerkesztő eszköztár olyan nyomógombokat tartalmaz, melyek a szerkesztőre és az abban kijelölt elemekre hatnak."
#~ msgid "Playlist editor is a window where KPlayer remembers files and URLs you played and shows various pieces of information about them, lets you play existing items, rename them and set their properties, add new entries, move entries around, remove them and choose several options."
#~ msgstr "A Lejátszólista-szerkesztő ablakban jeleníti meg a KPlayer a lejátszott fájlokat és URL-eket, továbbá azok legfontosabb jellemzőit. Az elemek könnyen újra lejátszhatók, átnevezhetők, a tulajdonságaik átállíthatók, ill. új bejegyzések felvehetők, a meglevők pedig módosíthatók vagy törölhetők."
#~ msgid "&Clear Log"
#~ msgstr "Az üzenetek &törlése"
#~ msgid "Show &Editor"
#~ msgstr "Lejátszólista-sz&erkesztő"
#~ msgid "Shows/hides the playlist editor"
#~ msgstr "A lejátszólista-szerkesztő ki-be kapcsolása"
#~ msgid "Show Editor command shows or hides the playlist editor."
#~ msgstr "A lejátszólista-szerkesztő megjelenítése paranccsal a Lejátszólista-szerkesztő eszköztár kapcsolható ki-be."
#~ msgid "Shows/hides the playlist editor toolbar"
#~ msgstr "A lejátszólista-szerkesztő eszköztár ki-be kapcsolása"
#~ msgid "Show Toolbar command shows or hides the playlist editor toolbar."
#~ msgstr "Az eszköztár megjelenítése paranccsal a lejátszólista-szerkesztő eszköztár kapcsolható ki-be."
#~ msgid "Open Recent submenu displays a list of the most recently opened files and URLs and lets you choose one to put on the playlist and start playing."
#~ msgstr "A legutóbbi fájlok menüben a nemrég megnyitott fájlok és URL-ek láthatók. Válassza ki a kívánt fájlt majd kezdje el a lejátszást."
#~ msgid "Tempor&ary List For New Entries"
#~ msgstr "&Ideiglenes lista az új elemeknek"
#~ msgid "Turns the option to use temporary list for new entries on/off"
#~ msgstr "Ideiglenes listát használ az új fájloknak"
#~ msgid "Play Selection &Only"
#~ msgstr "&Csak a kijelöltek lejátszása"
#~ msgid "Toggles the option to play selection only or the entire playlist"
#~ msgstr "Csak a kijelölt fájl / egész lejátszólista lejátszása"
#~ msgid "Play Selection Only command toggles the option to only play items selected in the playlist editor."
#~ msgstr "A Csak a kijelöltek lejátszása parancs a lejátszólistában kijelölt elemeket fogja lejátszani."
#~ msgid "Clear &Before Adding Entries"
#~ msgstr "Törlés új fájlok hozzáadása előtt"
#~ msgid "Turns the option to clear list before adding new entries on/off"
#~ msgstr "Törli a lejátszólista tartalmát új fájlok hozzáadása előtt"
#~ msgid "Play command loads and plays the item you right click in the playlist editor."
#~ msgstr "A Lejátszás parancs betölti és lejátssza azt az elemet, amelyre rákattint a jobb gombbal a listában."
#~ msgid "Play &From Playlist"
#~ msgstr "Lejátszás a &Lejátszólistáról"
#~ msgid "Clear command removes all items from the main playlist in the playlist editor. This command is available when playlist editor is shown and is not empty."
#~ msgstr "A Lejátszólista kiürítése parancs törli az összes bejegyzést a listából. Ez a parancs csak akkor adható ki, ha a listaszerkesztő látható és a lista nem üres."
#~ msgid "File or list of files to play (optional)"
#~ msgstr "Fájllista vagy fájl lejátszása (opcionális)"
#~ msgid "Subt&itles"
#~ msgstr "Fel&iratok"
#~ msgid "P&laylist"
#~ msgstr "&Lejátszólista"
#~ msgid "Fa&llback"
#~ msgstr "Más&odlagos kodek"
#~ msgid "&Path or URL"
#~ msgstr "URL vagy &Elérési út"
#~ msgid "&Fall back on others"
#~ msgstr "&Haználhat mást is, ha kell"
#~ msgid "Fa&ll back on others"
#~ msgstr "&Használhat mást is, ha kell"
#~ msgid "Subtitle &URL"
#~ msgstr "Felirat &URL-je"
#~ msgid "Subtitle v&isibility"
#~ msgstr "Felirat &megjelenítése"
#~ msgid "&Recent file list size"
#~ msgstr "A Legutóbbi fájlok menü m&ax. mérete"
#~ msgid "&Show Open dialog if started without file"
#~ msgstr "Fájlmegnyitás ablak &mutatása, ha fájl nélkül lett indítva"
#~ msgid "Show &full path in window title"
#~ msgstr "Teljes elérési út ki&jelzése a címsorban"
#~ msgid "D&isable screensaver while playing video"
#~ msgstr "Képernyővédő &kikapcsolása lejátszás közben"
#~ msgid "Load Su&btitle URL..."
#~ msgstr "Feliratfájl-URL betöltése... "
#~ msgid "Opens a subtitle URL"
#~ msgstr "Megnyit egy URL-t"
#~ msgid "U&nload Subtitles"
#~ msgstr "Feliratok &kikapcsolása"
#~ msgid "Unloads subtitles"
#~ msgstr "Kikapcsolja a feliratokat"
#~ msgid "Open URL"
#~ msgstr "URL megnyitása"
#~ msgid "Open Subtitle URL"
#~ msgstr "Felirat URL-jének megnyitása"
#~ msgid "Technical Details"
#~ msgstr "Technikai részletek"