You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
11 KiB

begin : Thu May 4 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
e-mail :
web site :
db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D
88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY'
88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b
88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88.
YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD
H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tdeglobalsettings.h>
/////////////////////// [Startup]
// UI Save Settings
#define _UiSave false
// Show Cmd Line
#define _ShowCmdline true
// Show status bar
#define _ShowStatusBar true
// Show tool bar
#define _ShowToolBar true
// Show FN Keys
#define _ShowFNkeys true
// Show Terminal Emulator
#define _ShowTerminalEmulator false
// Remember Position
#define _RememberPos true
// Start to tray
#define _StartToTray false
// Left Tab Bar
// Right Tab Bar
// Left Panel Popup
#define _LeftPanelPopup 0
// Right Panel Popup
#define _RightPanelPopup 0
// Filelist Font ///////
#define _FilelistFont new TQFont(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont())
// Warn On Exit ////////
#define _WarnOnExit false
// Minimize To Tray ////
#define _MinimizeToTray false
// Mark Dirs ///////////
#define _MarkDirs false
// Show Hidden /////////
#define _ShowHidden true
// Sort By Extention ///
#define _SortByExt false
// Case Sensative Sort /
#define _CaseSensativeSort false
// Html Min Font Size //
#define _HtmlMinFontSize 12
// Filelist Icon Size //
#define _FilelistIconSize TQString("22")
// Mouse Selection /////
#define _MouseSelection 0 // 0 - normal (shift+click, ctrl+click), 1 - left click, 2 - right click
// Use fullpath tab names /////
#define _FullPathTabNames false
// Panel Toolbar Checkboxes
// Panel Toolbar Visible checkbox turned off
#define _PanelToolBar true
// cd / is turned on
#define _cdRoot true
// cd ~ is turned on
#define _cdHome false
// cd .. is turned on
#define _cdUp true
// cd other panel is turned on
#define _cdOther false
// Open directory is turned on
#define _Open false
// syncBrowseButton is turned on
#define _syncBrowseButton false
// Clear Location Bar Visible
#define _ClearLocation true
// Use the default colors of KDE
#define _KDEDefaultColors true
// Enable Alternate Background colors
#define _AlternateBackground true
// Show current item even if not focussed
#define _ShowCurrentItemAlways false
// Dim the colors of the inactive panel
#define _DimInactiveColors false
// Human Readable Size
#define _HumanReadableSize true
// With Icons
#define _WithIcons true
// Single Click Selects
#define _SingleClickSelects false
// Numeric Permissions
#define _NumericPermissions false
// Number of Columns in the Brief View
#define _NumberOfBriefColumns 3
// Create brief mode panels
#define _DefaultPanelType "Detailed"
// Show splashscreen
#define _ShowSplashScreen true
// Single instance mode
#define _SingleInstanceMode false
/////////////////////// [General]
// Mimetype Magic /////
#define _MimetypeMagic true
// Move To Trash //////
#define _MoveToTrash false
// Terminal ///////////
#define _Terminal "konsole"
// Send CDs ///////////
#define _SendCDs true
// Editor /////////////
#define _Editor "internal editor"
// Temp Directory /////
#define _TempDirectory "/tmp/krusader.tmp"
// Classic Quicksearch
#define _NewStyleQuicksearch true
// Case Sensitive quick search, if _NewStyleQuicksearch is true
#define _CaseSensitiveQuicksearch false
// View In Separate Window
#define _ViewInSeparateWindow false
/////////////////////// [Advanced]
// Permission Check ///
//#define _PermCheck true
// AutoMount //////////
#define _AutoMount false
// Preserving date //////////
#define _PreserveAttributes false
// Nonmount Points ////
#define _NonMountPoints "/, "
// Confirm Unempty Dir // (for delete)
#define _ConfirmUnemptyDir true
// Confirm Delete ///// (for deleting files)
#define _ConfirmDelete true
// Confirm Copy /////// (for copying files)
#define _ConfirmCopy true
// Confirm Move /////// (for moving files)
#define _ConfirmMove true
// Icon Cache Size ////
#define _IconCacheSize 2048
/////////////////////// [Archives]
// Do Tar /////////////
#define _DoTar true
// Do GZip ////////////
#define _DoGZip true
// Do Zip /////////////
#define _DoZip true
// Do UnZip ///////////
#define _DoUnZip true
// Do BZip2 ///////////
#define _DoBZip2 true
// Do Rar /////////////
#define _DoRar true
// Do UnRar ///////////
#define _DoUnRar true
// Do UnAce ///////////
#define _DoUnAce true
// Do Arj /////////////
#define _DoArj true
// Do UnArj ///////////
#define _DoUnarj true
// Do RPM /////////////
#define _DoRPM true
// Do DEB ///////////// ====> new
#define _DoDEB true
// Do Lha /////////////
#define _DoLha true
// Do 7z ////////////// ====> new
#define _Do7z true
// Do Xz //////////////
#define _DoXz true
// Allow Move Into Archive //
#define _MoveIntoArchive false
// Test Archives //////
#define _TestArchives false
// Test Before Unpack ////
#define _TestBeforeUnpack true
// Supported Packers // ====> a TQStringList of SYSTEM supported archives ( also new )
/////////////////////// [UserActions]
// Terminal for UserActions ///////////
#define _UserActions_Terminal "konsole --noclose -e"
// Normal font for output collection ///////
#define _UserActions_NormalFont new TQFont(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont())
// Font for output collection with fixed width ///////
#define _UserActions_FixedFont new TQFont(TDEGlobalSettings::fixedFont())
// Use for output collection fixed width font as default ///////
#define _UserActions_UseFixedFont false
/////////////////////// [Private]
// Start Position /////
#define _StartPosition new TQPoint(TQApplication::desktop()->width()/2 - mainView->sizeHint().width()/2,TQApplication::desktop()->height()/2 - 250)
// Start Size /////////
#define _StartSize new TQSize(mainView->sizeHint().width(),500)
// Panel Size /////////
#define _PanelSize 0
// Terminal Size //////
#define _TerminalSize 0
// Left Name Size - size of the left panel's name column
// Left Size Size - size of the left panel's size column
// Left Date Size - size of the left panel's date column
// Right Name Size - size of the right panel's name column
// Right Size Size - size of the left panel's size column
// Right Date Size - size of the left panel's date column
// Splitter Sizes - sizes of the splitter
/////////////////////// [RemoteMan]
// Connections ////////
// the basic connections are defined internally
/////////////////////// [Search]
// Saved Searches /////
// holds an index of saved searches
// Confirm Feed to Listbox ///// (costum-name on feed ti listbox)
#define _ConfirmFeedToListbox true
/////////// here are additional variables used internally by Krusader ////////////
// BookmarkArchives - The infobox about not allowing bookmarks inside archives
// BackArchiveWarning - The infobox about not allowing to back up into archives
// SupermountWarning - Warning about mounting/unmounting supermount filesystems
// lastHomeRight - Save the last place the right list panel was showing
// lastHomeLeft - Save the last place the left list panel was showing
// lastUsedPacker - used by packGUI to remember the last used packer
/////////////////////// [Popular Urls]
// PopularUrls - a string list containing the top urls
// PopularUrlsRank - an int list contains the urls' ranking
/////////////////////// [Synchronize directories]
// Don't overwrite automatically /////////////
#define _ConfirmOverWrites false
// Recursive search in the subdirectories /////////////
#define _RecurseSubdirs true
// The searcher follows symlinks /////////////
#define _FollowSymlinks false
// Files with similar size are compared by content /////////////
#define _CompareByContent false
// The date information is ignored at synchronization /////////////
#define _IgnoreDate false
// Asymmetric Client-File Server compare mode /////////////
#define _Asymmetric false
// Case insensitive compare in synchronizer /////////////
#define _IgnoreCase false
// Scrolls the results of the synchronization /////////////
#define _ScrollResults false
// The right arrow button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnLeftToRight true
// The equals button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnEquals true
// The not equals button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnDifferents true
// The left arrow button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnRightToLeft true
// The trash button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnDeletable true
// The duplicates button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnDuplicates true
// The singles button is turned on /////////////
#define _BtnSingles true
/////////////////////// [Custom Selection Mode]
// TQt Selection
#define _TQtSelection false
// Left Selects
#define _LeftSelects true
// Left Preserves
#define _LeftPreserves false
// ShiftCtrl Left Selects
#define _ShiftCtrlLeft false
// Right Selects
#define _RightSelects true
// Right Preserves
#define _RightPreserves false
// ShiftCtrl Right Selects
#define _ShiftCtrlRight false
// Space Moves Down
#define _SpaceMovesDown true
// Space Calc Space
#define _SpaceCalcSpace true
// Insert Moves Down
#define _InsertMovesDown true
// Immediate Context Menu
#define _ImmediateContextMenu true