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begin : Thu May 4 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
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H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef VFS_H
#define VFS_H
// QT includes
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqdict.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kio/jobclasses.h>
// Krusader includes
#include "vfile.h"
#include "preservingcopyjob.h"
#include "krquery.h"
* The vfs class is an extendable class which by itself does (almost)
* nothing. other VFSs like the normal_vfs inherits from this class and
* make it possible to use a consistent API for all types of VFSs.
class vfs: public TQObject{
typedef TQDict<vfile> vfileDict;
* Creates a vfs.
* @param panel the panel father. the VFS will connect it's signals to this object.
* @param quiet if true, the VFS will not display error messages
vfs(TQObject* panel, bool quiet=false);
virtual ~vfs();
/// Copy a file to the vfs (physical).
virtual void vfs_addFiles(KURL::List *fileUrls,KIO::CopyJob::CopyMode mode,TQObject* toNotify,TQString dir = "", PreserveMode pmode = PM_DEFAULT)=0;
/// Remove a file from the vfs (physical)
virtual void vfs_delFiles(TQStringList *fileNames)=0;
/// Return a list of URLs for multiple files
virtual KURL::List* vfs_getFiles(TQStringList* names)=0;
/// Return a URL to a single file
virtual KURL vfs_getFile(const TQString& name)=0;
/// Create a new directory
virtual void vfs_mkdir(const TQString& name)=0;
/// Rename file
virtual void vfs_rename(const TQString& fileName,const TQString& newName)=0;
/// Calculate the amount of space occupied by a file or directory (recursive).
virtual void vfs_calcSpace(TQString name ,KIO::filesize_t *totalSize,unsigned long *totalFiles,unsigned long *totalDirs, bool * stop);
/// Calculate the amount of space occupied by a local file or directory (recursive).
virtual void vfs_calcSpaceLocal(TQString name ,KIO::filesize_t *totalSize,unsigned long *totalFiles,unsigned long *totalDirs, bool * stop);
/// Return the VFS working dir
virtual TQString vfs_workingDir()=0;
/// Return true if the VFS url is writable
virtual bool vfs_isWritable() { return isWritable; }
/// Return vfile* or 0 if not found
inline vfile* vfs_search(const TQString& name){ return (*vfs_filesP)[name]; }
/// Return an empty vfile* list if not found
TQValueList<vfile*> vfs_search(const KRQuery& filter);
/// The total size of all the files in the VFS,
KIO::filesize_t vfs_totalSize();
/// The number of files in the VFS
inline unsigned long vfs_noOfFiles() { return vfs_filesP->count(); }
/// Returns the VFS url.
inline KURL vfs_getOrigin() { return vfs_origin; }
/// Return the VFS type.
inline VFS_TYPE vfs_getType() { return vfs_type; }
/// Returns true if vfs is busy
inline bool vfs_isBusy() { return vfs_busy; }
/// Return the first file in the VFS and set the internal iterator to the beginning of the list.
inline vfile* vfs_getFirstFile(){ return (vfileIterator ? vfileIterator->toFirst() : 0); }
/// Return the the next file in the list and advance the iterator.
inline vfile* vfs_getNextFile() { return (vfileIterator ? ++(*vfileIterator) : 0); }
/// returns true if the vfs can be deleted without crash
virtual bool vfs_canDelete() { return deletePossible; }
/// process the application events
virtual bool vfs_processEvents();
/// process the application events
virtual void vfs_requestDelete();
/// process the application events
virtual bool vfs_isDeleting() { return deleteRequested; }
// KDE FTP proxy bug correction
static KURL fromPathOrURL( const TQString &originIn );
static TQString pathOrURL( const KURL &originIn, int trailingSlash = 0 );
public slots:
/// Re-reads files and stats and fills the vfile list
bool vfs_refresh(const KURL& origin);
/// Used to refresh the VFS when a job finishs. it calls the refresh() slot
/// or display a error message if the job fails
bool vfs_refresh(KIO::Job* job);
bool vfs_refresh();
void vfs_setQuiet(bool beQuiet){ quietMode=beQuiet; }
void vfs_enableRefresh(bool enable);
void vfs_invalidate() { invalidated = true; }
void startUpdate(); //< emitted when the VFS starts to refresh its list of vfiles.
void startJob(KIO::Job* job);
void incrementalRefreshFinished( const KURL& ); //< emitted when the incremental refresh was finished
void addedVfile(vfile* vf);
void deletedVfile(const TQString& name);
void updatedVfile(vfile* vf);
void cleared();
void deleteAllowed();
/// Feel the vfs dictionary with vfiles, must be implemented for each vfs
virtual bool populateVfsList(const KURL& origin, bool showHidden) = 0;
/// Called by populateVfsList for each file
void foundVfile( vfile *vf ) { vfs_tempFilesP->insert(vf->vfile_getName(),vf); }
/// Set the vfile list pointer
void setVfsFilesP(vfileDict* dict);
/// clear and delete all current vfiles
inline void clear();
/// Add a new vfile to the list.
inline void addToList(vfile *data){ vfs_filesP->insert(data->vfile_getName(),data); }
/// Deletes a vfile from the list.
inline void removeFromList(TQString name){ vfs_filesP->remove(name); }
/// Deletes a vfile from the list.
void calculateURLSize(KURL url,KIO::filesize_t *totalSize,unsigned long *totalFiles,unsigned long *totalDirs, bool * stop);
VFS_TYPE vfs_type; //< the vfs type.
KURL vfs_origin; //< the path or file the VFS originates from.
bool vfs_busy; //< true if vfs is busy with refreshing
bool quietMode; //< if true the vfs won't display error messages or emit signals
bool disableRefresh; //< true if refresh is disabled
bool isWritable; //< true if it's writable
KURL postponedRefreshURL; //< true if vfs_refresh() was called when refresh is disabled.
bool invalidated; //< the content of the cache is invalidated
bool panelConnected; //< indicates that there's a panel connected. Important for disabling the dir watcher
protected slots:
/// The slot for the KDirSize job
void slotKdsResult(KIO::Job *job);
void slotStatResultArrived(KIO::Job *job);
vfileDict* vfs_filesP; //< Point to a lists of virtual files (vfile).
vfileDict* vfs_tempFilesP;//< Temporary files are stored here
TQDictIterator<vfile>* vfileIterator; //< Point to a dictionary of virtual files (vfile).
// used in the calcSpace function
bool* kds_busy;
bool stat_busy;
bool deletePossible;
bool deleteRequested;
KIO::UDSEntry entry;
KIO::filesize_t* kds_totalSize;
unsigned long* kds_totalFiles;
unsigned long* kds_totalDirs;