sensor.cpp - description
begin : mi<EFBFBD> abr 24 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Miguel Novas
email : michaell@teleline.es
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include "sensor.h"
#include "sensorslist.h"
Sensor::Sensor(SensorsList *parent,const char *name): TQObject(parent,name)
description = "";
compensation = 0;
multiplicator= 1;
monitorize = false;
Sensor::SensorClass Sensor::getClass()
return ((SensorsList *)parent())->getClass();
TQString Sensor::getPrintMask(bool addSufix)
return getSensorPrintMask(type, addSufix, ((SensorsList*)parent())->getTempScale() );
const char *Sensor::getSensorPrintMask(int sensorType, bool addSufix, TempScale temp)
if(addSufix) {
switch(sensorType) {
case Sensor::lmTemp:
switch(temp) {
case dgCelsius : return "%.0lf C";
case dgFahrenheit: return "%.0lf F";
case dgKelvin : return "%.0lf K";
case Sensor::lmFan: return "%.0lf rpm";
case Sensor::lmVoltage: return "%.2lfV";
return sensorType==Sensor::lmVoltage ? ".2lf" : ".0lf";
bool Sensor::monitorized()
return monitorize;
void Sensor::setMonitorized(bool enable)
if( monitorize!=enable ) monitorize= enable;
void Sensor::setValueIdeal(double value, TempScale scale)
valIdeal= toCelsius(value, scale);
void Sensor::setValueMax(double value, TempScale scale)
valMax= toCelsius(value,scale);
void Sensor::setValueMin(double value, TempScale scale)
valMin= toCelsius(value,scale);
void Sensor::setCompensation(double value, TempScale scale)
compensation= toCelsiusDiff(value,scale);
void Sensor::setMultiplicator(double value)
multiplicator= value;
void Sensor::setDescription(const TQString &str)
description= str;
void Sensor::setValue(double newVal, TempScale scale, bool ajust)
newVal= toCelsius(newVal,scale);
if (ajust) newVal= adjustValue(newVal);
if(val!=newVal) {
valPrevious= val;
val = newVal;
emit valueChanged( celsiusTo(val) );
void Sensor::writeConfig()
TDEConfig *ksConfig= TDEGlobal::config();
if(ksConfig) {
ksConfig->setGroup( TQString(name()) );
ksConfig->writeEntry("description" ,description);
ksConfig->writeEntry("valueIdeal" ,valIdeal);
ksConfig->writeEntry("valueMax" ,valMax);
ksConfig->writeEntry("valueMin" ,valMin);
ksConfig->writeEntry("compensation" ,compensation);
ksConfig->writeEntry("monitorize" ,monitorize);
emit configChanged();
void Sensor::readConfig()
TDEConfig *ksConfig= TDEGlobal::config();
if(ksConfig) {
ksConfig->setGroup( TQString(name()) );
valMax = ksConfig->readDoubleNumEntry("valueMax" ,valMax);
valMin = ksConfig->readDoubleNumEntry("valueMin" ,valMin);
compensation = ksConfig->readDoubleNumEntry("compensation" ,compensation);
multiplicator= ksConfig->readDoubleNumEntry("multiplicator",multiplicator);
description = ksConfig->readEntry ("description" ,description);
valIdeal = ksConfig->readDoubleNumEntry("valueIdeal" ,valIdeal);
setMonitorized( ksConfig->readBoolEntry ("monitorize" ,monitorize) );
double Sensor::toCelsius(double val, TempScale scale)
if(type!=lmTemp) return val;
switch( scale == dgDefault ? getTempScale(): scale ) {
case dgCelsius : return val;
case dgFahrenheit: return (5.0/9.0)*(val-32.0);
return val - 273.16; // Kelvin to Celsius
double Sensor::celsiusTo(double val, TempScale scale)
if(type!=lmTemp) return val;
switch( scale==dgDefault ? getTempScale() : scale ) {
case dgCelsius : return val;
case dgFahrenheit: return (9.0/5.0)*val+32.0;
return val + 273.16; // Celsius to Kelvin
double Sensor::toCelsiusDiff(double val, TempScale scale)
if(scale==dgDefault) scale= getTempScale();
if(type!=lmTemp || scale!=dgFahrenheit ) return val;
return val*(5.0/9.0);
double Sensor::celsiusToDiff(double val, TempScale scale)
if(scale==dgDefault) scale= getTempScale();
if(type!=lmTemp || scale!=dgFahrenheit ) return val;
return val*(9.0/5.0);
Sensor::TempScale Sensor::getTempScale()
return ((SensorsList *)parent())->getTempScale();