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kshowmail.h - description
begin : Sat May 6 12:13:57 MEST 2000
copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Eggert Ehmke
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
// include files for KDE
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdemainwindow.h>
#include <kuniqueapplication.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kpassdlg.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kedittoolbar.h>
#include <kcmultidialog.h>
//include files for KShowMail
#include "configlist.h"
#include "alertdialog.h"
#include "showrecord.h"
#include "showlistviewitem.h"
#include "kshowmaildock.h"
#include "kfeedback.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "kshowmailview.h"
#include "kshowmaildoc.h"
#include "serverdialog.h"
#include "filterlog.h"
#include "filterlogview.h"
// forward declaration of the Kshowmail classes
class KshowmailDoc;
class KshowmailView;
using namespace Types;
* The base class for Kshowmail application windows. It sets up the main
* window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
* and statusbar. An instance of KshowmailView creates your center view, which is connected
* to the window's Doc object.
* KShowMailApp reimplements the methods that TDEMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports
* full session management as well as keyboard accelerator configuration by using TDEAccel.
* @see TDEMainWindow
* @see TDEApplication
* @see TDEConfig
* @see TDEAccel
* @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
* @version KDevelop version 0.4 code generation
class KShowMailApp : public TDEMainWindow
friend class KshowmailView;
friend class KshowmailDock;
friend class UniqueApp;
* The central document of our application. Just contains the view (m_pView).
KshowmailDoc* m_pDoc;
* Contains the account and messages list views.
KshowmailView *m_pView;
* The setup dialog. Created and used by slotSetup().
KCMultiDialog* SetupDialog;
* refresh messages action; connected with slotRefresh()
TDEAction* m_actionRefresh;
* Contains the application and account settings. The account
* settings are stored in ConfigElem objects.
ConfigList m_ConfigList;
* Message box which will be shown, when new mail has arrived.
AlertDialog* m_pAlertDialog;
* The window into the system tray.
KShowMailDock* m_pDockWindow;
* The refresh timer. Its timeout signal is connected with slotRefresh().
TQTimer* m_pTimer;
* Application state during the run time. Shows what KShowMail is doing :-) .
Types::State_Type m_state;
* Number of seconds until the next refresh
unsigned long m_nSecondsToGo;
* The filter log.
FilterLog fLog;
* Constructor of KShowMailApp, calls all init functions to create the application.
* @see initMenuBar initToolBar
* Destructor
* Contains information about KShowMail, including author, license, version etc.
* This is accessed in main() when calling KShowMailApp::initMenuBar() to create the help menu.
static TDEAboutData* m_pAbout;
* Delays the next refresh for one minute.
void delayNextRefresh();
* sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel.
void initStatusBar();
* sets up the actions.
void initActions();
* initializes the document object of the main window that is connected to the view in initView().
* @see initView();
void initDocument();
* creates the centerwidget of the TDEMainWindow instance and sets it as the view
void initView();
* queryClose is called by TDEMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the
* default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask
* if the document should be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected.
* @see TDEMainWindow#queryClose
* @see TDEMainWindow#closeEvent
virtual bool queryClose();
* queryExit is called by TDEMainWindow when the last window of the app is going to be closed during the closeEvent().
* Against the default implementation that just returns true, this calls saveOptions() to save the settings of
* the last window's properties.
* @see TDEMainWindow#queryExit
* @see TDEMainWindow#closeEvent
virtual bool queryExit();
* overwrite method of TQObject; will be invoked by the internal TQObject-Timer
* the timer is set to 1 second in the construtor;
* this method sets the time to the next refresh in the statusbar and
* animates the "?" in the traybar, when the refresh is working
virtual void timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * );
* overwrite method of TQWidget;
* to hide the taskbar button
virtual bool event(TQEvent *e);
* Starts the first refresh or starts the refresh timer
* with the configured init time.
void initFirstRefresh();
* Stops the refresh timer.
void stopRefreshTimer();
* Starts the refresh timer for the next refresh.
void initNextRefresh();
* Refreshes the status bar filter field.
void refreshFilterStatusBar();
protected slots:
* Changes the status message of the whole statusbar for two seconds,
* then restores the last status. This is used to display
* statusbar messages that give information about actions for toolbar
* icons and menu entries.
* @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar
void slotStatusHelpMsg(const TQString &text);
* Changes the contents in the left status bar item permanently,
* used to indicate current actions. And sets the current time
* in the right item.
* @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar
void slotStatusMsg(const TQString &text);
* Connected with the setup dialog.
* Reloads the configuration, if it was changed from the dialog.
void slotConfChanged();
* Connected with action m_actionDelete.
* Deletes all selected mails.
void slotDelete();
* Connected with signal sigDeleteReady of m_ConfigList.
* This signal will be emitted when one or many accounts have
* ended a deletion.
* This slot refreshes the view, sets the state to idle and sets
* a normal cursor.
void slotDeletionReady();
* Connected with action m_actionShowMessage.
* Shows all selected mails.
void slotShowMessage();
* Connected with signal sigShowBodiesReady of m_ConfigList.
* This signal will be emitted when all accounts have downloaded
* and shown the selected messages.
* This slot sets the state to idle and sets a normal cursor.
void slotShowMessageReady();
* Connected with signal sigMessageWindowOpened of m_ConfigList.
* This signal will be emitted when a window to show a mail body
* was opened.
* Switches the cursor to normal view.
void slotNormalCursor();
* Connected with signal sigAllMessageWindowsClosed of m_ConfigList.
* This signal will be emitted when all windows to show a mail body
* have been closed.
* Switches the cursor to waiting view.
void slotWaitingCursor();
* Connected with m_actionRefresh.
* Refreshes the mail list.
void slotRefresh();
* Connected with signal sigRefreshReady of m_ConfigList.
* This signal will be emitted when all accounts have refreshed
* their mail list.
* This slot refreshes the mail view.
void slotRefreshReady();
* Connected with signal destroyed of the alert message dialog.
* Sets m_pAlertDialog to NULL, if the dialog was destroyed.
* If m_pAlertDialog == NULL, slotRefreshReady will create a new instance of it.
* @see m_pAlertDialog
* @see slotRefreshReady()
void slotAlertDestroyed();
* Connected with signal signalOk of the alert message dialog.
* Switches the main window to normal view.
* @see m_pAlertDialog;
void slotAlertOk ();
* Refreshes the account and messages list view.
void slotRefreshView ();
* If the application state is not "idle" it will stop all current running POP3 jobs.
* Connected with m_actionStop().
void slotStop ();
* Shows the headers of all selected mails.
* Connected with action m_actionShowHeader.
void slotShowHeader();
* Connected with standard action configureToolbars.
* Opens a dialog to configure the icons of the toolbar.
void slotEditToolbars();
* Saves GUI options, account and filter settings to the configuration file.
void slotSaveOptions();
* Calls the close() method of KShowMailApp to exit the application. Uses askCloseConfirmation() to ask
* the user (if configured). Sets m_bForceClose to TRUE, therefore queryClose() will be passed without
* anything to do. After that in queryExit() slotSaveOptions() will be invoked.
void slotFileQuit();
* Opens the setup dialog for the highlighted account. Connected with m_actionSetupAccount.
void slotSetupAccount();
* Connected with the standard setup action.
* If the application state is "idle" (m_state == idle) it will open the configuration dialog.
void slotSetup();
* Shows the filter log.
void slotShowFilterLog();
* Adds the sender of the selected mails to the whitelist
void slotAddToWhitelist();
* Adds the sender of the selected mails to the blacklist
void slotAddToBlacklist();
void slotAccountActivated(TQListViewItem*);
void slotSendFeedbackMail();
void slotForceClose();
bool m_bForceClose;
void addFeatureList(KFeedbackQuestion * question);
bool askCloseConfirmation();
#endif // KSHOWMAIL_H