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// C++ Implementation: encryption
// Description:
// Author: Ulrich Weigelt <>, (C) 2007
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "encryption.h"
//used in crypt() and decrypt()
static const char scramble1 [50] = "C6FDC7A1EDFBB6FEE3DBF5BEBAEFDDF7ABC6FDC7A1EDFBB6";
static const char hexstr [17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
int Encryption::hexbyt( const char c )
if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
return c - '0';
return c - 'A' + 10;
const QString Encryption::crypt( const KURL& url )
char result[50];
char scramble2[50];
QString hexresult;
memset (result, 0, 50);
memset (scramble2, 0, 50);
int pos = url.pass().length () + 1;
unsigned int free = 50 - pos;
if( url.user().length() <= free )
strcpy( &scramble2[pos], url.user() );
pos += url.user().length();
free -= url.user().length();
memcpy( &scramble2[pos], url.user().latin1(), free );
free = 0;
if( <= free )
strcpy( &scramble2[pos], );
pos +=;
free -=;
memcpy( &scramble2[pos],, free );
free = 0;
memcpy( result, url.pass().latin1(), url.pass().length() );
for (int i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
result[i] = (char)( result[i] ^ ( scramble1[i] ^ scramble2[i] ) );
hexresult += hexstr[ result[i] / 16 ];
hexresult += hexstr[ result[i] % 16 ];
return hexresult;
const QString Encryption::decrypt( const QString& pass )
char result[50];
memset( result, 0, 50 );
int i;
for( i = 0; i <= 31; i++ )
result[i] = (char)hexbyt( pass[ i * 2 ] ) * 16 + hexbyt( pass[ i * 2 + 1 ] );
result[i] = (char)( result[i] ^ scramble1[i] );
return result;