You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// C++ Interface: configfilter
// Description:
// Author: Ulrich Weigelt <>, (C) 2007
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
//QT headers
#include <ntqlayout.h>
#include <ntqgroupbox.h>
#include <ntqtooltip.h>
#include <ntqcheckbox.h>
//KDE headers
#include <tdecmodule.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdelistview.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
//Kshowmail headers
#include "../constants.h"
#include "senderlistdialog.h"
#include "filtersetupdialog.h"
#include "mailboxwizard.h"
//radio button IDs
* @brief Part of the setup dialog (KShowMailApp::SetupDialog) to configure the filter.
* @author Ulrich Weigelt <>
class ConfigFilter : public TDECModule
* Generic constructor
ConfigFilter( TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const TQStringList &args = TQStringList() );
* Destructor
* Overloaded method of TDECModule.
* Sets the user interface elements to reflect the current settings stored in the
* config file.
virtual void load();
* Overloaded method of TDECModule.
* Sets the user interface elements to default values.
* This method is called when the user clicks the "Default" button.
virtual void defaults();
* Overloaded method of TDECModule.
* Stores the config information as shown in the user interface in the
* config file.
* Is called when the user clicks "Apply" or "Ok".
virtual void save();
* Connector to the configuration file
TDEConfig* config;
* Check box to activate the filter
TQCheckBox* chkActivateFilter;
* Group box for sender lists.
TQGroupBox* gboxSenderLists;
* Group box for filter items.
TQGroupBox* gboxFilters;
* Group box for other action.
TQGroupBox* gboxOthers;
* Button to open the Blacklist.
KPushButton* btnOpenBlacklist;
* Button to open the Whitelist.
KPushButton* btnOpenWhitelist;
* List of filters
TDEListView* listFilters;
* Button to move a filter at top.
KPushButton* btnMoveTop;
* Button to move a filter at bottom.
KPushButton* btnMoveBottom;
* Button to move a filter up.
KPushButton* btnMoveUp;
* Button to move a filter down.
KPushButton* btnMoveDown;
* Button to add a new filter.
KPushButton* btnAdd;
* Button to edit a filter.
KPushButton* btnEdit;
* Button to remove a filter.
KPushButton* btnRemove;
* Combobox to select the action for the rest of mails.
KComboBox* cmbActionOthers;
* If selected, the other mails will be moved to the mailbox which is written in this edit line.
KLineEdit* txtMailbox;
* This button opens a wizard which will help to get the right mailbox
KPushButton* btnMailboxWizard;
* The last assigned number of a filter setup item.
* It is set to zero by the constructor. Therefore the first filter number is 1.
uint lastFilterNumber;
private slots:
* Connected with the configuration items.
* Calls the slot changed() of TDECModule to notify the dialog about the change.
void slotChanged();
* Connected with the button btnOpenWhitelist.
* Creates and opens a dialog to edit the whitelist.
void slotOpenWhitelist();
* Connected with the button btnOpenBlacklist.
* Creates and opens a dialog to edit the blacklist.
void slotOpenBlacklist();
* Connected with button btnAdd.
* Opens the account setup dialog with an account item pointer of NULL.
* If the user has clicked OK, the dialog will create a new account item with
* the entered values and adds it to the list view.
void slotAdd();
* Connected with button btnEdit.
* Opens the account setup with the selected account item.
void slotEdit();
* Connected with button btnRemove.
* Removes the selected item.
void slotRemove();
* Connected with combobox cmbActionOthers.
* Enables or disables additional widgets for action configuration.
* @param index position (index) of the selected action
void slotOtherActionChanged( int index );
* Connected with button btnMoveTop.
* Moves the selected filter item at the top of the list, i.e. the number of this item will be the least one.
void slotMoveTop();
* Connected with button btnMoveBottom.
* Moves the selected filter item at the bottom of the list, i.e. the number of this item will be the greatest one.
void slotMoveBottom();
* Connected with button btnMoveUp.
* Moves the selected filter item up, i.e. the number of this item will be decreased.
void slotMoveUp();
* Connected with button btnMoveDown.
* Moves the selected filter item down, i.e. the number of this item will be increased.
void slotMoveDown();
* Connected with chkActivateFilter, signal toggled().
* Enabled or disabled the other widget of this GUI.
* @param filterOn TRUE - filter is active; FALSE - filter is not active
void slotFilterActiveToggled( bool filterOn );
* Connected with button btnMailboxWizard.
* Opens a wizard to configure the mailbox
void slotOpenMailBoxWizard();
* Decrease the numbers of these filter setup items whose number is greater than or equals num.
* @param number start number of renumbering
void decreaseNumbers( uint number );
* Returns the pointer to the filter setup item with number num. Returns 0 if no item found.
* @param num number of the searched filter item
* @return pointer to the found item
FilterSetupItem* getFilterItem( uint num );