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sq_glwidget.h - description
begin : Mon Mar 15 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Baryshev Dmitry
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqrect.h>
#include <tqpair.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <vector>
#include "sq_glparts.h"
#include "sq_glview.h"
class SQ_GLSelectionPainter;
struct SQ_ImageFilterOptions;
struct SQ_ImageBCGOptions;
struct RGBA;
// parameters in GL matrix
#define MATRIX_C1 tab->matrix[0]
#define MATRIX_S1 tab->matrix[1]
#define MATRIX_X tab->matrix[3]
#define MATRIX_S2 tab->matrix[4]
#define MATRIX_C2 tab->matrix[5]
#define MATRIX_Y tab->matrix[7]
#define MATRIX_Z tab->matrix[11]
class KAction;
class KActionCollection;
class KToggleAction;
class KPopupMenu;
class KRadioAction;
class KTempFile;
namespace KIO { class Job; }
class TQTimer;
class TQPopupMenu;
class TQSlider;
class TQLabel;
class SQ_ToolButtonPopup;
class SQ_ToolButton;
class SQ_ToolBar;
/* *************************************************************** */
* SQ_GLWidget represents a widget, which loads, shows and manipulates
* an image.
* It contains complex decoding method. Since OpenGL can show textures
* only with dimensions of power of 2 (32x62, 512, 256 etc.), we should divide
* decoded image into quads and only then generate textures.
* It means, that the image you see consists of several parts:
* |----------------------------------
* | | |
* | tex N1 | tex N2 |
* | | |
* ----------------------------------- <= Entire image
* | | |
* | tex N3 | tex N4 |
* | | |
* -----------------------------------
* The main class member is 'parts'. It's an array of decoded images
* and appropriate memory buffers and textures. Here comes an explanation:
* [ use monotype fonts :) ]
* textures & coordinates Part
* +-----------------------------------+ ##################### ##################
* | parts[2] | # # #===> # #
* | +-------------------------------------+ # # # # texture id #
* | | parts[1] | |======> ##################### # texture coords #
* | | +-------------------------------------+ | # # # # ... #
* | | | m_parts parts[0] | | # # # ##################
* | | | ##### | | #####################
* | | | # # | |
* | | | # #===============================|
* | | | # # |
* | | | ##### |
* | | | | memory buffers
* | | | m32 | ###############################
* | | | ##### | #RGBA.#.....#.....#.....#.....#
* | | | # # | #RGBA.#.....#.....#.....#.....#
* | | | # #==================================> ###############################
* +-| | # # | #RGBA.#.....#.....#.....#.....#
* +-| ##### | #RGBA.#.....#.....#.....#.....#
* +-------------------------------------+ ###############################
* \ /
* \ /
* parts
class SQ_GLWidget : public TQGLWidget
SQ_GLWidget(TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
void setDownloadPercents(int);
void removeNonCurrentTabs(int);
void setExpectedURL(const KURL &u);
TQString originalURL() const;
* Start decoding given image. We can call it from anywhere.
void startDecoding(const TQString &file);
void startDecoding(const KURL &url);
void zoom(GLfloat);
* Set zoom, move and rotate factors from config.
void updateFactors();
* Set clear color for context.
void setClearColor();
void setOriginalURL(const KURL &);
* Get zoom value, e.g. 1.5, 2.2 ...
GLfloat getZoom() const;
* Get zoom value in percents, e.g. 150, 220 ...
GLfloat getZoomPercents() const;
KActionCollection* actionCollection() const;
* Are we in fullscreen state ?
bool fullscreen() const;
* Toggle fullscreen state.
void toggleFullScreen();
* Direct call to updateGL().
void updateGLA() { updateGL(); }
* Type of zoom: fit width, fit height...
int zoomType();
* Filter is GL_LINEAR ?
bool isnice();
* Direct call to glInit();
void glInitA() { TQGLWidget::glInit(); }
* Start animation, if loaded image is animated.
void startAnimation();
* Stop animation, if loaded image is animated.
void stopAnimation();
* Is animation stopped by user ?
bool manualBlocked();
* Change statusbar info according with
* current matrix (it shows current zoom & angle values).
void matrixChanged();
* Check or uncheck 'Slideshow' button in toolbar.
void updateSlideShowButton(bool toggled);
void closeAllTabsFull();
static SQ_GLWidget* window() { return m_instance; }
* Next three methods should be reimplemented in
* every TQGLWidget's subclass.
void initializeGL();
void paintGL();
void resizeGL(int,int);
* Mouse wheel event. Let's load next/previous image, or
* zoom in/zoom out (depends on settings).
void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *);
* Palette changed. Let's update tickmarks and background color.
void paletteChange(const TQPalette &oldPalette);
* Accept drag-and-drop events. We can drop some images
* on this widget, SQ_GLWidget will try to decode first file.
* TODO: find first supported image and decode it ?
void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *);
void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *);
* Mouse events.
void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
void copyURL();
TQImage generatePreview();
bool calcSelection();
void changeSlider(GLfloat z = -1.0);
void hackMatrix();
void enableActions(bool U);
void initAccelsAndMenu();
void crop();
void bcg();
void filter();
void editUpdate();
* Save current image page to clipboard
void toClipboard();
* Save current image page to file
void saveAs();
void enableSettingsButton(bool enab);
* Remove currently loaded textures and memory buffers.
void removeCurrentParts();
void removeCurrentTabs();
void closeAllTabs();
* Since 0.6.0-final KSquirrel doesn't show error messages,
* if the image is broken or not supported. It uses "broken" image
* instead. This method does all needed init.
void initBrokenImage();
* Force using broken image + update context.
* Show appropriate error message in statusbar.
void useBrokenImage(const int err_index);
* Update filter. If 'nice' is true, use GL_LINEAR
* and GL_NEAREST otherwise.
void updateFilter(bool nice);
* Cleanup method.
void decodeFailedOn0(const int err_code);
* Create KActions.
void createActions();
* Create toolbars.
void createToolbar();
* Fill a w x h region with texture. Generate texture if needed.
void draw_background(void *bits, unsigned int *tex, int dim, GLfloat w, GLfloat h, bool &bind, bool deleteOld);
void setupBits(Parts *p, RGBA *buffer, int y, int x);
* Jump to first or last image in animated sequence.
void jumpToImage(bool);
* Next image in animated sequence. Called by user (with F3).
void nextImage();
* Previous image in animated sequence. Called by user (with F2).
void prevImage();
* Draw (or not) image's background.
void toggleDrawingBackground();
* Show popup menu with external tools.
void showExternalTools();
* Generate textures for tickmarks and bind them.
void initMarks();
* Load and check tickmarks from disk.
void createMarks();
* Wrapper for 'delete' key. Called from keyPressEvent().
void deleteWrapper();
* Show current image's width, height and bpp in statusbar.
void updateCurrentFileInfo();
* Show/hide tickmarks.
void toogleTickmarks();
* Show current page number in multipaged images.
* For example: "3/11" means that current page is the third in current image,
* which has 11 pages.
void frameChanged();
void calcFrameLabelWidth();
* Set current zoom to 'z'.
void internalZoom(const GLfloat &z);
* Find best tile's width and height for given width and height.
static void findCloserTiles(int w, int h, std::vector<int> &x, std::vector<int> &y);
static TQPair<int, int> calcRealDimensions(Parts &, int y = -1, int x = -1);
* Prepare decoding. It will find proper library for decoding,
* clear old memory buffers, etc.
bool prepare();
* Zoom to 'r'. Will be called after somebody used mouse button
* to select zoom region. Return true, if zoomed.
bool zoomRect(const TQRect &r);
* Bind textures, draw them and create GL lists.
* If 'swap' it true, swap buffers.
bool showFrames(int y, Parts *, bool swap);
* OpenGL-related methods, not interesting :-)
* Move, zoom, reset, flip and rotate current matrix.
void matrix_move(GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
void matrix_move_z(GLfloat z);
bool matrix_zoom(GLfloat ratio);
void matrix_reset(bool = true);
void matrix_pure_reset();
void matrix_push();
void matrix_pop();
void write_gl_matrix();
void matrix_rotate(GLfloat angle, bool = true);
void matrix_rotate2(GLfloat angle);
void flip(int, bool = true);
void flip_h();
void flip_v();
void exifRotate(bool);
void tabCountChanged();
void message(const TQString &);
public slots:
void slotPrint();
void slotSelectionEllipse();
void slotSelectionRect();
void slotSelectionClear();
private slots:
void decode();
void slotAccelActivated();
void slotChangeTab(int);
void slotCloseRequest(int);
void slotCopyJobResult(KIO::Job *job);
* Slots for toolbar's actions:
* fit width, fit height, zoom+, zoom-, rotate, flip,
* first file, last file, reset...
void slotShowNav();
void slotSetZoomPercents(int);
void slotZoomW();
void slotZoomH();
void slotZoomWH();
void slotZoomPlus();
void slotZoom100();
void slotZoomLast();
void slotZoomMinus();
void slotZoomIfLess();
void slotRotateLeft();
void slotRotateRight();
void slotFlipV();
void slotFlipH();
void slotMatrixReset();
void slotProperties(); // show image properties
void slotFirst();
void slotLast();
void slotNext();
void slotPrev();
void slotZoomMenu();
void slotAnimateNext();
void slotToggleAnimate(); // start/stop animation
void slotSetCurrentImage(int);
void slotShowImages();
void slotImagesHidden();
void slotImagesShown();
void slotShowHelp();
void slotShowCodecSettings();
void slotApplyCodecSettings();
void slotBCG(SQ_ImageBCGOptions *);
void slotFilter(SQ_ImageFilterOptions *fltopt);
void slotCopyResult(KIO::Job *);
KAction *pASelectionClear;
KToggleAction *pAFull, *pAIfLess, *pAZoomW,
*pAZoomH, *pAZoomWH, *pAZoom100,
*pASelectionEllipse, *pASelectionRect;
SQ_ToolButton *pAToolQuick, *pAToolFull, *pAToolProp, *pAToolPrint;
SQ_ToolButtonPopup *pAToolZoom, *pAToolImages;
KActionCollection *ac, *acMain;
TQPopupMenu *menu, *menuFile, *menuImage;
int id_saveas, id_settings,
id_f5, id_f6, id_f7, id_f8, id_del,
// popup menu with zoom types (fit width, fit height, zoom 100%...)
KPopupMenu *zoomMenu, *selectionMenu,
// popup menu with image pages
TQImage BGpixmap, BGquads;
TQTimer *timer_prev, *timer_next;
TQTimer *timer_anim;
TQImage mm[4];
fmt_image image_broken;
SQ_GLSelectionPainter *gls;
Parts *parts_broken;
GLfloat saved[12], zoomfactor, movefactor, rotatefactor;
unsigned int texQuads, texPixmap, mark[4];
int xmoveold, ymoveold, xmove, ymove,
zoom_type, old_id, total, errors, movetype;
bool reset_mode, decoded, blocked,
changed, marks, linear;
float zoomFactor, oldZoom;
RGBA *buffer;
TQSlider *slider_zoom;
KTempFile *tmp;
KURL lastCopy, m_expected, m_original;
TQTime clickTime, started;
std::vector<Tab> tabs;
Tab *tab, *tabold;
Tab tmptab, taborig;
bool hackResizeGL, bindChecker;
TQLabel *percentsLabel;
SQ_GLView t_glv;
static SQ_GLWidget *m_instance;
int SQ_GLWidget::zoomType()
return zoom_type;
bool SQ_GLWidget::isnice()
return linear;
KActionCollection* SQ_GLWidget::actionCollection() const
return ac;
void SQ_GLWidget::setOriginalURL(const KURL &u)
m_original = u;
TQString SQ_GLWidget::originalURL() const
return tab->m_original.isLocalFile() ? tab->m_original.path() : tab->m_original.prettyURL();
void SQ_GLWidget::setExpectedURL(const KURL &u)
m_expected = u;