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ksquirrel.h - description
begin : Dec 10 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Baryshev Dmitry
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <dcopobject.h>
#include <kfileitem.h>
#include <kurl.h>
// forward declarations
template <class T> class TQValueVector;
class TQLabel;
class TQWidgetStack;
class TQHBox;
class TQVBox;
class TQTimer;
class TQSplitter;
namespace KIO { class Job; }
class KMenuBar;
class KToolBar;
class KStatusBar;
class KSystemTray;
class KAction;
class KRadioAction;
class KActionMenu;
class KHistoryCombo;
class KToggleAction;
class KBookmarkMenu;
class SQ_SplashScreen;
class SQ_WidgetStack;
class SQ_LibraryHandler;
class SQ_Config;
class SQ_ExternalTool;
class SQ_TreeView;
class SQ_ThumbnailSize;
class SQ_PixmapCache;
class SQ_GLView;
class SQ_GLWidget;
class SQ_ArchiveHandler;
class SQ_MultiBar;
class SQ_KIPIManager;
class SQ_Progress;
class SQ_Dir;
class SQ_Downloader;
class SQ_SlideShowListing;
* Main widget, which can accept DCOP messages
class KSquirrel : public KMainWindow, public DCOPObject
* Constructor & destructor
KSquirrel(TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name);
SQ_Progress* diskProgress();
void printDCOP();
* "history combo"
KHistoryCombo* historyCombo();
bool demo() const;
* Activate main window.
void activate();
* Close (hide) SQ_GLWidget.
void closeGLWidget();
* Do some actions before exit - show final splash (if needed),
* save parameters to config file,
* write config file to disk, write cached thumbnails, etc.
void finalActions();
* Enable/disable popup menu with thumnail sizes. Called
* from SQ_WidgetStack, when user changed current view
* type (for example Thumbnail view -> Icon view).
void enableThumbsMenu(bool);
* Set caption. When SQ_GLView is separated, the caption
* will be set to it, and to KSquirrel's main window
* otherwise. Called from SQ_GLWidget.
void setCaption(const TQString &cap);
void saveLayout();
* Check if slideshow is running.
bool slideShowRunning() const;
* Return popup menu with filters for filemanager.
KPopupMenu* menuFilters();
* Return popup menu with view types -
* Icon view, Detail view ...
KPopupMenu* menuViews();
* Get pointer to a widget, located in status bar.
* All pointers to statusbar widgets are saved in
* 'sbarwidgets' object (TQMap).
TQLabel* sbarWidget(const TQString &name);
* DCOP methods
* Return a list of available functions
QCStringList functions();
* Process incoming DCOP message
bool process(const TQCString &fun, const TQByteArray &data, TQCString& replyType, TQByteArray &replyData);
bool separateImageWindow() const;
* Names and extensions of name filters for
* file manager.
TQStringList* filtersNames() const;
TQStringList* filtersExtensions() const;
static KSquirrel* app() { return m_instance; }
* Catch some events and do specific actions.
virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject *o, TQEvent *e);
virtual void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *e);
virtual void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *e);
* Internal methods
// create or delete animated logo
void configAnime(bool init = true);
void continueLoading();
* Create a final splash. It will be shown only if SQ_PixmapCache
* is not empty.
void createPostSplash();
* Create location toolbar and store a pointer to
* it in passed argument.
void createLocationToolbar(KToolBar *);
* Create statusbar.
void createStatusBar(KStatusBar*);
* Create main toolbar.
void createToolbar(KToolBar *);
* Create main menu.
void createMenu(KMenuBar *);
* Create all KActions
void createActions();
* Create all needed objects
void preCreate();
* Create TQStrinLists, containing filters and filters' names (if needed)
* and fill popup menu with new filters.
void initFilterMenu();
* Do the same for external tools.
void initExternalTools();
* Init bookmarks and create popup menu for them.
void initBookmarks();
* Create all widgets (filemanager, file tree, toolbar, etc.)
void createWidgets(int);
* Restore saved position & size
void handlePositionSize();
* If user-depended config file doesn't exist (~/.kde/share/config/ksquirrelrc),
* create it and write default entries. Called before SQ_Config object is being
* created
void writeDefaultEntries();
* Fill all parameters with its default values (form config
* file). Affects to clicking policy in SQ_WidgetStack,
* cache limit in SQ_PixmapCache etc.
void applyDefaultSettings();
* Save all parameters to config file before exit.
void saveValues();
* Open image and/or change current directory
* to its URL. Called when user clicks "Open file" and
* "Open file #2" in main menu.
void openFile(bool parseURL = false);
* Run slideshow
void slideShowPrivate();
* Set filter for a filemanager to 'f' and check
* appropriate menu item
void setFilter(const TQString &f, const int id);
* Fill 'messages' map with values. 'messages' map is used
* to determine which key sequence should KSquirrel pass to SQ_GLWidget
* to perform an action, needed by DCOP client.
void fillMessages();
* DCOP helper methods
* Determine the incoming DCOP message, create appropriate
* key sequence and send this sequence to SQ_GLWidget.
* The main idea is that KSquirrel will find needed key sequence
* by its name (in 'messages' map), costruct TQKeyEvent and send to
* SQ_GLWidget. SQ_GLWidget already has keyEvent() handler, so it will
* do what DCOP client wants.
* For example,
* $ dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel control image_next
* will call KSquirrel::control("image_next"), which will
* construct TQKeyEvent(TQEvent::KeyPress, TQt::Key_PageDown,
* TQt::Key_PageDown, Qt::NoButton)
* and send it to SQ_GLWidget. SQ_GLWidget will catch keypress event,
* and load next image in the current directory.
void control(const TQString &command);
* Send a message to navigator from incoming DCOP message
void navigatorSend(const TQString &command);
* Get TQString argument from incoming TQByteArray.
TQString getArg(const TQByteArray &data);
* emitted, when user chages thumbails' size (from menu).
void thumbSizeChanged(const TQString&);
void resetToolTip();
public slots:
* Show SQ_GLWidget.
void raiseGLWidget();
* Switch fullscreen state of SQ_GLView.
void slotFullScreen(bool full);
* Stop slideshow, if running.
void slotStopSlideShow();
* Pause or unpause slideshow, if running.
void slotPauseSlideShow();
* Load next or previuos file in slideshow sequence
* without waiting. (coming from SQ_SlideshowWidget's toolbar)
void slotNextSlideShow();
void slotPreviousSlideShow();
private slots:
void slotStatResult(KIO::Job *job);
void slotDCOPStatResult(KIO::Job *job);
void slotPreviewWidgetNext();
void slotPreviewWidgetPrevious();
void slotPreviewWidgetExecute();
void slotSaveYourself();
void slotRename();
void slotRenameResult(KIO::Job *);
void slotExtendedToggled(bool);
void slotTrayQuit();
void slotClose();
void slotRepeat();
* Reload disk usage information
void slotFireDisk();
* Deetrmine next supported image in slideshow
void slideShowDetermine();
* Non-local file downloaded (for slideshow)
void slotDownloaderResult(const KURL &);
* Got new urls while listing directory for slideshow
void slotSlideShowEntries(KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList &);
* Directory listed for slideshow
void slotSlideShowJobResult(KIO::Job *);
void slotSlideShowListingKill();
* Invoke 'Options' dialog.
void slotOptions();
* Invoke 'Filters' dialog.
void slotFilters();
* Invoke 'External tools' dialog.
void slotExtTools();
* Raise list view in filemanager.
void slotRaiseListView();
* Raise icon view in filemanager.
void slotRaiseIconView();
* Raise detail view in filemanager.
void slotRaiseDetailView();
* Raise thumbnail view in filemanager.
void slotRaiseThumbView();
* Invoked, when user clicked "Go" button in location toolbar.
void slotGo();
* Invoked, when user selected to filter for filemanager.
void slotSetFilter(int);
* Invoked, when user clicked "Go to tray".
void slotGotoTray();
* Next four slots will be called, when user selected
* subitem in 'Thumbnail size' menu.
void slotThumbsMedium();
void slotThumbsLarge();
void slotThumbsHuge();
* Invoked, when user clicked "Open file" button.
void slotOpenFile();
* Invoked, when user clicked "Open file #2" button.
* This slot will decode selected image, and change
* current directory.
void slotOpenFileAndSet();
* Invoked, when user clicked an animated logo in toolbar.
* This slot will open KSquirrel's homepage with default browser.
void slotAnimatedClicked();
* Invokes a dialog with specific thumbnails actions:
* delete thumbnails on disk, show thumbnails on disk, ...
void slotTCMaster();
* Invoked, when user clicked "Slideshow through dialog".
* Creates SQ_SlideShow dialog.
void slotSlideShowDialog();
* Determine the next image, which should be shown in slideshow.
void slotSlideShowNextImage();
* Invoked, when user presses slideshow button.
* Will stop or run slideshow.
void slotSlideShowStart();
* Invoked, when user clicked "Plugins information" button.
* Creates a dialog with information on all found libraries
void slotPluginsInfo();
void slotPluginsDel();
* Invoked, when user clicked "OpenGL information" button.
void slotGLInfo();
* Convinience slot.
* Reload libraries from disk.
void slotRescan();
static KSquirrel *m_instance;
bool m_demo;
KToggleAction *pAThumbsE;
// main toolbar
KToolBar *tools;
//main menu
KMenuBar *menubar;
// different views (Icon view, List view ...)
KRadioAction *pARaiseListView, *pARaiseIconView, *pARaiseDetailView, *pARaiseThumbView;
// popup menu with thumbnail sizes
KActionMenu *pAThumbs;
// thumbnail sizes (small, normal, ...)
KRadioAction *pAThumb0, *pAThumb1, *pAThumb2, *pAThumb3;
// show/hide url box
KToggleAction *pAURL;
// popup menus: "File", "View" ...
KPopupMenu *pop_file, *pop_view, *pop_action, *pop_nav;
// filters and views
KPopupMenu *actionFilterMenu, *actionViews;
// menus with bookmarks
KActionMenu *bookmarks;
KBookmarkMenu *bookmarkMenu;
// "Open file", "open file #2"
KAction *pAOpen, *pAOpenAndSet,
// Open "SQ_ThumbnailCacheMaster"
// Show image window
// Exit
// Reload libraries from disk (from /usr/lib/ksquirrel-libs)
// External tool and filters
*pAExtTools, *pAFilters,
// Goto tray
// Dialog for advanced slideshow
// OpenGL information
// Plugins information
// Main statusbar
KStatusBar *sbar;
// contains paths of found libraries
TQStringList strlibFound;
// sizes for mainSplitter
TQValueList<int> mainSizes;
// libraries' filters
TQStringList libFilters;
// TQMap, which contains pointers to statusbar widgets.
// I can get a pointer by widget's name.
// For example:
// KSquirrel::app()->sbarWidget("fileName")->setText("Filename.txt");
TQMap<TQString, TQLabel*> sbarwidgets;
// TQLabels for statusbar
TQLabel *dirInfo, *fileIcon, *fileName, *diskSpace;
// TQMap, which contains available DCOP
// parameters (such as "image_next", "image_prev")
// and its appropriate key sequences.
// For example, "image_next" is mapped to TQt::Key_PageDown
// "image_prev" - to "TQt::Key_PageUp"
TQMap<TQString, int> messages;
// combobox with history urls
KHistoryCombo *pCurrentURL;
// filters' names and extensions
TQStringList *sqFiltersName, *sqFiltersExt;
// "Configure KSquirrel"
KAction *pAConfigure,
// "Select group", "Deselect group", "Select all", "Deselect"
// actions for filemanager
*pASelectGroup, *pADeselectGroup, *pASelectAll, *pADeselectAll;
// "Slideshow"
KAction *pASlideShow;
* Slideshow-specififc members.
* Is slideshow paused by user (with 'Pause') ?
bool slideShowPaused;
KIO::Job *listing;
SQ_SlideShowListing *listingDialog;
// Directory for slideshow.
// KSquirrel will use it to load file names.
TQString slideShowDir;
bool slideShowInit;
KFileItem *slideShowFile;
// Contains found files
KFileItemList slideShowItems;
// Delay, total files in selected directory and
// current file index
int slideShowIndex, slideShowDelay, slideShowTotal, slideShowRepeat;
// current file name
KURL slideShowName;
// timers for slideshow
TQTimer *slideShowTimer, *timerShowListing;
// is slideshow stopped ?
bool slideShowStop;
// url box
KToolBar *pTLocation;
// our config file
SQ_Config *kconf;
// widget stack containing different views (Icon view, List view ...)
SQ_WidgetStack *pWidgetStack;
// our library handler
SQ_LibraryHandler *libhandler;
// ou tray instance
KSystemTray *tray;
// external tools
SQ_ExternalTool *extool;
TQSplitter *mainView;
// file tree
SQ_TreeView *ptree;
// widget containing SQ_GLWidget and statusbar
SQ_GLView *gl_view;
// archive handler, can unpack different archives
SQ_ArchiveHandler *ar;
// object containing different useful information
// on thumbnails (size, margin ...)
SQ_ThumbnailSize *thumbSize;
// thumbnails' memory cache
SQ_PixmapCache *cache;
// sidebar
SQ_MultiBar *sideBar;
SQ_SplashScreen *splash_to_delete;
SQ_Progress *diskProg;
// KIPI plugins loader
SQ_KIPIManager *kipiManager;
enum SSD { MBack, Default } slideShowDirection;
// not interesting ;)
KURL renameSrcURL, renameDestURL;
int old_id;
bool old_disable, m_urlbox, old_marks, old_calc, m_intray, waitForShow;
SQ_Downloader *down;
TQVBox *mainPage;
bool statStage;
// Is slideshow running ?
bool KSquirrel::slideShowRunning() const
return !slideShowStop;
KHistoryCombo* KSquirrel::historyCombo()
return pCurrentURL;
TQStringList* KSquirrel::filtersNames() const
return sqFiltersName;
TQStringList* KSquirrel::filtersExtensions() const
return sqFiltersExt;
KPopupMenu* KSquirrel::menuFilters()
return actionFilterMenu;
KPopupMenu* KSquirrel::menuViews()
return actionViews;
SQ_Progress* KSquirrel::diskProgress()
return diskProg;
bool KSquirrel::demo() const
return m_demo;