You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "icndocument.h"
class Circuit;
class Component;
class Connector;
class ECNode;
class Element;
class ICNDocument;
class KTechlab;
class Pin;
class QTimer;
class Switch;
class Wire;
class KActionMenu;
typedef QValueList<Circuit*> CircuitList;
typedef QValueList<Component*> ComponentList;
typedef QValueList<QGuardedPtr<Connector> > ConnectorList;
typedef QValueList<ECNode*> ECNodeList;
typedef QValueList<Element*> ElementList;
typedef QValueList<QGuardedPtr<Pin> > PinList;
typedef QValueList<Switch*> SwitchList;
typedef QValueList<QGuardedPtr<Wire> > WireList;
class Circuitoid
bool contains( Pin *node ) { return pinList.contains(node); }
bool contains( Wire *con ) { return wireList.contains(con); }
bool contains( Element *ele ) { return elementList.contains(ele); }
void addPin( Pin *node ) { if (node && !contains(node)) pinList += node; }
void addWire( Wire *con ) { if (con && !contains(con)) wireList += con; }
void addElement( Element *ele ) { if (ele && !contains(ele)) elementList += ele; }
WireList wireList;
PinList pinList;
ElementList elementList;
CircuitDocument handles allocation of the components displayed in the ICNDocument
to various Circuits, where the simulation can be performed, and displays the
information from those simulations back on the ICNDocument
@short Circuit view
@author David Saxton
class CircuitDocument : public ICNDocument
CircuitDocument( const QString &caption, KTechlab *ktechlab, const char *name = 0L );
virtual View *createView( ViewContainer *viewContainer, uint viewAreaId, const char *name = 0l );
void calculateConnectorCurrents();
* Count the number of ExternalConnection components in the CNItemList
int countExtCon( const ItemList &cnItemList ) const;
virtual void update();
public slots:
* Creates a subcircuit from the currently selected components
void createSubcircuit();
void displayEquations();
void setOrientation0();
void setOrientation90();
void setOrientation180();
void setOrientation270();
void rotateCounterClockwise();
void rotateClockwise();
void itemFlip();
* Enables / disables / selects various actions depending on what is
* selected or not.
* @param plugContextMenu If true, then will insert actions into contextmenu
virtual void slotInitItemActions( Item *item = 0L );
void requestAssignCircuits();
void componentAdded( Item * item );
void componentRemoved( Item * item );
void connectorAdded( Connector * connector );
virtual void slotUpdateConfiguration();
virtual void itemAdded( Item * item );
virtual void fillContextMenu( const QPoint &pos );
virtual bool isValidItem( Item *item );
virtual bool isValidItem( const QString &itemId );
KActionMenu * m_pOrientationAction;
private slots:
void assignCircuits();
* If the given circuitoid can be a LogicCircuit, then it will be added to
* m_logicCircuits, and return true. Else returns false.
bool tryAsLogicCircuit( Circuitoid *circuitoid );
* Creates a circuit from the circuitoid
Circuit *createCircuit( Circuitoid *circuitoid );
* @param node Current node (will be added, then tested for further
* connections).
* @param nodeList List of nodes in current partition.
* @param unassignedNodes The pool of all nodes in the CircuitDocument
* waiting for assignment.
* @param onlyGroundDependent if true, then the partition will not use
* circuit-dependent pins to include new pins while growing the
* partition.
void getPartition( Pin * pin, PinList * pinList, PinList * unassignedPins, bool onlyGroundDependent = false );
* Takes the nodeList (generated by getPartition), splits it at ground nodes,
* and creates circuits from each split.
void splitIntoCircuits( PinList * pinList );
* Construct a circuit from the given node, stopping at the groundnodes
void recursivePinAdd( Pin * pin, Circuitoid *circuitoid, PinList * unassignedPins );
void deleteCircuits();
QTimer *m_updateCircuitsTmr;
CircuitList m_circuitList;
ComponentList m_toSimulateList;
ComponentList m_componentList; // List is built up during call to assignCircuits
PinList m_pinList;
WireList m_wireList;
SwitchList m_switchList;