You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

553 lines
24 KiB

#ifndef _KVI_STRING_H_
#define _KVI_STRING_H_
// File : kvi_string.h
// Creation date : Fri Mar 19 1999 03:06:26 by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <strings.h> // useless ?
#include <qglobal.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include "kvi_qcstring.h"
#include "kvi_inttypes.h"
#include "kvi_heapobject.h"
#include "kvi_stdarg.h"
// sigh...
// IRC is not UNICODE ...(yet) :(
#undef __KVI_EXTERN
#define __KVI_EXTERN
#define __KVI_EXTERN extern
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_qstringEqualCI(const QString &s1,const QString &s2);
// Include inlined assembly implementations if required
#ifdef COMPILE_ix86_ASM
#include "kvi_strasm.h"
// Returns true if the string str1 is equal to str2. case sensitive.
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_strEqualCS(const char *str1,const char *str2);
// Returns true if the forst len characters of string str1 are equal to str2.
// case sensitive.
// Note that if str1 or str2 are shorter than len characters then are considered as NOT equal!
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_strEqualCSN(const char *str1,const char *str2,int len);
// no such tricks in non-asm
#define kvi_strEqualNoLocaleCI(str1,str2) kvi_strEqualCI(str1,str2)
#define kvi_strEqualNoLocaleCIN(str1,str2,len) kvi_strEqualCIN(str1,str2,len)
#define kvi_strLen(str) strlen(str)
// Returns true if the string str1 is equal to str2.
// case insensitive.
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_strEqualCI(const char *str1,const char *str2);
// Returns true if the forst len characters of string str1 are equal to str2.
// case insensitive.
// Note that if str1 or str2 are shorter than len characters then are considered as NOT equal!
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_strEqualCIN(const char *str1,const char *str2,int len);
// My own implementations of strcmp and strncasecmp
// Once I wrote it , I KNOW what they do : ALWAYS :)
// Note that greater here means that comes AFTER in the alphabetic order.
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_strcmpCI(const char *str1,const char *str2);
//__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_strcmpCIN(const char *str1,const char *str2,int len);
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_strcmpCS(const char *str1,const char *str2);
// some wide char stuff
typedef kvi_u16_t kvi_wchar_t;
typedef kvi_u32_t kvi_wslen_t;
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API kvi_wslen_t kvi_wstrlen(const kvi_wchar_t * str);
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_wvsnprintcf(kvi_wchar_t * buffer,kvi_wslen_t len,const char *fmt,kvi_va_list list);
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_wvsnprintf(kvi_wchar_t * buffer,kvi_wslen_t len,const kvi_wchar_t *fmt,kvi_va_list list);
// A simple string class.<br>
// -No data sharing.<br>
// -Not UNICODE.<br>
// -(Maybe)Unsafe :)<br>
// WARNING : Handle with care and use at own risk :)<br>
class KVILIB_API KviStr : public KviHeapObject
// No particular reason for these two names...
// It is just because I like it :)
enum KviFormatConstructorTag { Format , Sprintf };
// Constructors
// Empty string == "", len = 0, 1 byte allocated
// Deep copy of the NULL TERMINATED string (NULL str SAFE)
KviStr(const char *str);
// Copy len characters from string str (NOT NULL str SAFE, str MUST be at least len chars long)
KviStr(const char *str,int len);
// bg and end are pointers to a SINGLE string.<br>
// A string is extracted starting from bg and ending at end (not included).<br>
KviStr(const char *bg,const char *end);
// Format constructor.<br>
// tag is....yes....a dummy number used to resolve ambiguities.<br>
// It is SAFE: will fail only if we run out of memory,<br>
// but can handle only %s %d %u and %c.
KviStr(KviFormatConstructorTag tag,const char *fmt,...);
// Carbon copy :)
KviStr(const KviStr &str);
// Compat with QT...<br>
// WARNING : With QT2.x it WILL loose UNICODE data.<br>
// Safe even if the QString is null.
KviStr(const QString &str);
KviStr(const KviQCString &str);
// Fill sonstructor.
// Creates a string long fillLen characters filled with character c.<br>
KviStr(char c,int fillLen = 1);
KviStr(const kvi_wchar_t * unicode);
KviStr(const kvi_wchar_t * unicode,int len);
// just free(m_ptr)
//yes...public..but think it as private...:)
char *m_ptr; // pointer to allocated buffer , do not change this!
int m_len; // string data length not including the terminator
// Basic const interface (read stuff)
// Internal data buffer
char * ptr() const { return m_ptr; };
// Length: fast, cached
int len() const { return m_len; };
// I hate this operator...but sometimes it is really useful
// especially in macros (kvi_options.cpp)
operator const char * () const { return m_ptr; };
bool isEmpty() const { return (m_len == 0); };
bool hasData() const { return (m_len != 0); };
// this is better than string = "", it does not call strlen
void clear();
// forces the length of this string to be iLen (iLen does NOT include the trailing null : it is automatically added)
void setLength(int iLen);
// Returns true if there is something "readable" inside the string
bool hasNonWhiteSpaceData() const;
// Character at zero-based index : always safe!
char & at(int idx) const { return ((idx < m_len) ? m_ptr[idx] : m_ptr[m_len]); };
// character checks
bool lastCharIs(char ch) const { return (m_len > 0) ? (*(m_ptr + m_len - 1) == ch) : false; };
bool firstCharIs(char ch) const { return (*m_ptr == ch); };
// upper and lower case copies
KviStr upper() const;
KviStr lower() const;
KviStr upperISO88591() const;
KviStr lowerISO88591() const;
// left , right & co.
// all parameters are safety-checked
KviStr left(int maxLen) const;
KviStr right(int maxLen) const ;
KviStr middle(int idx,int maxLen) const;
KviStr leftToFirst(char c,bool bIncluded = false) const;
KviStr leftToLast(char c,bool bIncluded = false) const;
// KviStr leftToFirst(const char * str); const;
// Non-const interface (write stuff)
// Null terminator is NOT included in len
KviStr & setLen(int len);
// str must not be 0, but len can be anything (it is checked)
KviStr & setStr(const char *str,int len = -1);
// Like the special constructor that gets the same args.
void extractFromString(const char *begin,const char *end);
// Safe sprintf. This one will never write past the end of the string
// It can handle only %s %d %u and %c format flags.
KviStr & sprintf(const char *fmt,...);
// append functions
void append(const KviStr &str);
void append(const QString &str);
void append(char c);
void append(const char *str); // str CAN be 0
void append(const char *str,int len); // str CAN NOT be 0, and MUST be at least len chars long
void append(KviFormatConstructorTag dummy,const char *fmt,...);
// prepend stuff , same as above
void prepend(const KviStr &str);
void prepend(const char *str); // str CAN be 0
void prepend(const char *str,int len); // str CAN NOT be 0, and MUST be at least len chars long
// if lastCharIs ch does nothing otherwise appends it
void ensureLastCharIs(char ch) { if(!lastCharIs(ch))append(ch); };
// Change THIS string to uppercase or lowercase
void toUpperISO88591();
void toUpper(); // this is LOCALE AWARE (in Turkish it maps i to Ý!)
void toLowerISO88591();
void toLower();
// Assignment
KviStr & operator=(const KviStr &str); // deep copy
KviStr & operator=(const char *str); // str can be NULL here
KviStr & operator=(char c); // 2 bytes allocated ,m_len = 1
KviStr & operator=(const QString &str);
KviStr & operator=(const KviQCString &str);
// Append operators
KviStr & operator+=(const KviStr &str) { append(str); return (*this); };
KviStr & operator+=(const char *str) { append(str); return (*this); };
KviStr & operator+=(char c) { append(c); return (*this); };
KviStr & operator+=(const QString &str) { append(str); return (*this); };
// Comparison
bool equalsCI(const KviStr &other) const { if(m_len != other.m_len)return false; return kvi_strEqualCI(m_ptr,other.m_ptr); };
bool equalsCS(const KviStr &other) const { if(m_len != other.m_len)return false; return kvi_strEqualCS(m_ptr,other.m_ptr); };
bool equalsCI(const char * other) const { return kvi_strEqualCI(m_ptr,other); };
bool equalsCS(const char * other) const { return kvi_strEqualCS(m_ptr,other); };
bool equalsCIN(const char * other,int len) const { return kvi_strEqualCIN(m_ptr,other,len); };
bool equalsCSN(const char * other,int len) const { return kvi_strEqualCSN(m_ptr,other,len); };
// HEX and Base64 stuff
// HEX transforms functions
void bufferToHex(const char *buffer,int len);
// Allocates the needed buffer and returns the allocated length,
// returns -1 in case of error (and allocates nothing)
// The string MUST contain only hex digits, and the digits MUST be in couples. (len % 2) must equal 0!
// So this will fail also if there are leading or trailing spaces!
int hexToBuffer(char ** buffer,bool bNullToNewlines = false);
// BASE64 stuff
void bufferToBase64(const char * buffer,int len);
// same as hexToBuffer but obviously transforms base64 notation to binary data (len % 4) must equal 0!
int base64ToBuffer(char ** buffer,bool bNullToNewlines = false);
// frees a buffer allocated by hexToBuffer or base64ToBuffer
static void freeBuffer(char * buffer);
// Splitters
// cut
KviStr & cutLeft(int len); // kills the first len characters
KviStr & cutRight(int len); // kills the last len characters
KviStr & cut(int idx,int len);
KviStr & cutToFirst(char c,bool bIncluded = true); // cuts the left part of the string up to the first character c or does nothing if the char c is not in the string
KviStr & cutToLast(char c,bool bIncluded = true);
KviStr & cutFromFirst(char c,bool bIncluded = true);
KviStr & cutFromLast(char c,bool bIncluded = true);
KviStr & cutToFirst(const char *c,bool bIncluded = true); // cuts the left part of the string up to the first character c or does nothing if the char c is not in the string
KviStr & cutToLast(const char *c,bool bIncluded = true);
KviStr & cutFromFirst(const char *c,bool bIncluded = true);
KviStr & cutFromLast(const char *c,bool bIncluded = true);
// & paste
KviStr & insert(int idx,const char *data);
KviStr & insert(int idx,char c);
//Replaces all occurences of char c with the string str
KviStr & replaceAll(char c,const char *str);
//same as above but with a string
KviStr & replaceAll(char *toFind,const char *str,bool bCaseS = true);
KviStr & transliterate(const char * szToFind,const char * szReplacement);
// Strips whitespace characters from beginning of this string.
KviStr & stripLeftWhiteSpace();
KviStr & stripRightWhiteSpace();
// Stips inital and final WHITESPACE characters (see man isspace),<br>
// and returns a reference to this string.
KviStr & stripWhiteSpace();
// Strips spaces and tabs only
KviStr & stripSpace();
// Strips all occurences of the character c from the beginning of the string.<br>
// Note that c can not be '\0' :)
KviStr & stripLeft(char c);
KviStr & stripRight(char c);
// Tokenize
// Extracts (copy to str and remove) a token from this string ,<br>
// and returns true if there are more tokens to extract<br>
// Does not strip initial separators!!<br>
// str can NOT be this string.
bool getToken(KviStr &str,char sep);
// Does not strip initial separators!<br>
// Can assign also to this string.
KviStr getToken(char sep);
// Extracts a line from the string.<br>
// Returns false if there was no data to extract
bool getLine(KviStr &str);
// splits this string in a null-terminated array of strings
// separated by sep.
KviStr ** splitToArray(char sep,int max,int * realCount) const;
//KviStr ** splitToArray(const char * sep,int max,int * realCount) const;
static void freeArray(KviStr ** strings);
// joins the array to this string
// if sep is not 0 , it is inserted between the strings
// if bLastSep is true and sep is non 0 , then sep is also appended at the end
// of the buffer (after the last string)
void joinFromArray(KviStr ** strings,const char * sep = 0,bool bLastSep = false);
// Utils
// encodes chars that have nonzero in the jumptable
// into %HH equivalents
KviStr & hexEncodeWithTable(const unsigned char table[256]);
KviStr & hexEncodeWhiteSpace();
KviStr & hexDecode(const char * pFrom);
KviStr & hexDecode(){ return hexDecode(m_ptr); };
// Contains / occurence count
// Returns true if at least one occurence of str is found
bool contains(const char *str,bool caseS=true) const;
// Returns true if at least one occurence of character c is found in this string
bool contains(char c,bool caseS=true) const;
// Returns the number of occurences of string str in this string.<br>
// Overlapped matches are counted.
int occurences(const char *str,bool caseS=true) const;
// Returns the number of occurences of character c in this string
int occurences(char c,bool caseS=true) const;
// Find
// Finds the first occurence of the character c in this string,<br>
// and returns its zero-based index or -1 if c can not be found.<br>
// c can NOT be '\0' here.
int findFirstIdx(char c) const;
// Finds the first occurence of the sub-string str in this string,<br>
// and returns its zero-based index or -1 if the sub-string can not be found.<br>
// str can NOT be 0 here.
int findFirstIdx(const char *str,bool caseS = true) const;
// Finds the last occurence of the character c in this string,<br>
// and returns its zero-based index or -1 if the character can not be found.
int findLastIdx(char c) const;
// Finds the last occurence of the sub-string str in this string,<br>
// and returns its zero-based index or -1 if the sub-string can not be found.<br>
// str can NOT be 0 here.
int findLastIdx(const char *str,bool caseS = true) const;
int find(char c,int startIdx) const;
int find(const char * str,int startIdx,bool caseS = true) const;
int findRev(const char * str,int startIdx,bool caseS = true) const;
// Numbers
// everything in base 10.... no overflow checks here
long toLong(bool *bOk=0) const;
unsigned long toULong(bool *bOk=0) const;
char toChar(bool *bOk=0) const { return (char)toLong(bOk); };
unsigned char toUChar(bool *bOk=0) const { return (unsigned char)toULong(bOk); };
int toInt(bool *bOk=0) const { return (int)toLong(bOk); };
unsigned int toUInt(bool *bOk=0) const { return (unsigned int)toULong(bOk); };
short toShort(bool *bOk=0) const { return (short)toLong(bOk); };
unsigned short toUShort(bool *bOk=0) const { return (unsigned short)toLong(bOk); };
KviStr & setNum(long num);
KviStr & setNum(unsigned long num);
KviStr & setNum(int num) { return setNum((long)num); };
KviStr & setNum(unsigned int num) { return setNum((unsigned long)num); };
KviStr & setNum(short num) { return setNum((long)num); };
KviStr & setNum(unsigned short num) { return setNum((unsigned long)num); };
KviStr & setNum(char num) { return setNum((long)num); };
KviStr & setNum(unsigned char num) { return setNum((unsigned long)num); };
// Retuns true if the string contains only digits and an optional '-' character
// at the beginning.<be>
// Space characters are allowed at the begginning and the end.<br>
// There is no overflow check!
bool isNum() const;
bool isUnsignedNum() const;
// special functions for multiple bases
long toLongExt(bool *bOk = 0,int base = 0);
// unsigned long toULongExt(bool *bOk = 0,int base = 0); //never used
// returns an empty string...
// this if often useful!
static KviStr & emptyString();
// Dead interface
// Transform a pointer to a string with all 0 and 1
// void pointerToBitString(const void * ptr);
// Get a pointer from a string all of 0 and 1 : return 0 if invalid
// void * bitStringToPointer();
// "External string" helper functions
// FIXME: Should it be KviStrExt::contains namespace ?
static bool ext_contains(register const char * data,const char * item,bool caseS = true);
// FIXME: the functions below should end in the KviStr namespace ???
// Cool string parsing function.
// It will extract the first found token from the string aux_ptr , and return
// a pointer to the beginning of the next token , or end of the string.
// It skips the initial sep characters!
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API const char * kvi_extractToken(KviStr &str,const char *aux_ptr,char sep =' ');
// Does not skip the beginning separators!
// Extracts data from the string up to the next separator character or the end of the string.
// and returns a pointer to that separator (or string end).
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API const char * kvi_extractUpTo(KviStr &str,const char *aux_ptr,char sep=' ');
// Reduced vsnprintf...
// Handles %s,%c,%d,%u (%% are TWO percents here and not one.)
// Returns -1 if the formatted string exceeded the buffer length.
// Otherwise returns the length of the formatted buffer...(not including '\0')
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_vsnprintf(char *buffer,int len,const char *fmt,kvi_va_list list);
// Reduced vsnprintf: special version for irc.
// Handles %s,%c,%d,%u (%% are TWO percents here and not one.)
// Writes up to 510 characters and terminates the string with a CRLF
// Sets bTruncated if the requested format string was too large to fit in 512 bytes
// otherwise sets it to false; The buffer MUST be at least 512 bytes long.
// Always returns the length of the formatted buffer...(max 512 - min 2=CRLF)
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_irc_vsnprintf(char *buffer,const char *fmt,kvi_va_list list,bool *bTruncated);
// Returns true if the two regular expressions with wildcards matches
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_matchWildExpr(register const char *m1,register const char *m2);
// Returns true if the two regular expressions with wildcards matches, case sensitive
//__KVI_EXTERN bool kvi_matchWildExprCS(register const char *m1,register const char *m2); // actually unused
// Same as kvi_matchWildExpr but with an additional char that acts as string terminator
// If there is a match this function returns true and puts the pointers where it stopped in r1 and r2
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_matchWildExprWithTerminator(register const char *m1,register const char *m2,char terminator,
const char ** r1,const char ** r2);
// Returns true if the wildcard expression exp matches the string str
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_matchStringCI(register const char * exp,register const char * str);
#define kvi_matchString kvi_matchStringCI
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_matchStringCS(register const char * exp,register const char * str);
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API bool kvi_matchStringWithTerminator(register const char * exp,register const char * str,char terminator,const char ** r1,const char ** r2);
// This function works like a particular case of strncmp.
// It evaluates if str2 is the terminal part of str1.
// example: if str1 is "this is an experiment" and str2 is "xperiment"
// return 0.
// With the index parameter, the match start on str1 from the specified
// index. For example:
// if str1 is "this is an experiment" and str2 is "an" we have return !0
// but "this is an experiment"
// 012345678901234567890
// if we call kvi_strsubRevCS("this is an experiment","an", 9) we got a match.
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API int kvi_strMatchRevCS(const char *str1, const char *str2, int index=-1);
// KviStr comparison non-member operators
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline bool operator==(const KviStr &left,const KviStr &right)
{ return (left.m_len == right.m_len) ? kvi_strEqualCS(left.m_ptr,right.m_ptr) : false; }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline bool operator==(const KviStr &left,const char *right)
{ return kvi_strEqualCS(left.m_ptr,right); }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline bool operator==(const char *left,const KviStr &right)
{ return kvi_strEqualCS(left,right.m_ptr); }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline bool operator!=(const KviStr &left,const KviStr &right)
{ return !kvi_strEqualCS(left.m_ptr,right.m_ptr); }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline bool operator!=(const KviStr &left,const char *right)
{ return !kvi_strEqualCS(left.m_ptr,right); }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline bool operator!=(const char *left,const KviStr &right)
{ return !kvi_strEqualCS(left,right.m_ptr); }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline KviStr operator+(const KviStr &left,const KviStr &right)
{ KviStr ret(left); ret += right; return ret; }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline KviStr operator+(const KviStr &left,const char *right)
{ KviStr ret(left); ret += right; return ret; }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline KviStr operator+(const char *left,const KviStr &right)
{ KviStr ret(left); ret += right; return ret; }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline KviStr operator+(const KviStr &left,char right)
{ KviStr ret(left); ret += right; return ret; }
__KVI_EXTERN KVILIB_API inline KviStr operator+(char left,const KviStr &right)
{ KviStr ret(left); ret += right; return ret; }
inline int kvi_compare(const KviStr * p1,const KviStr * p2)
return kvi_strcmpCI(p1->ptr(),p2->ptr());
#endif //_KVI_STRING_H_