You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
6.4 KiB

// File : kvi_mirccntrl.h
// Creation date : Thu Jun 29 2000 21:06:55 CEST by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// This file contains non-customizable standards
// Better do not touch this :)
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_string.h"
// mIrc color codes
#define KVI_WHITE 0
#define KVI_BLACK 1
#define KVI_DARKBLUE 2
#define KVI_RED 4
#define KVI_DARKRED 5
#define KVI_ORANGE 7
#define KVI_YELLOW 8
#define KVI_LIGHTBLUE 11
#define KVI_BLUE 12
#define KVI_DARKGRAY 14
#define KVI_LIGHTGRAY 15
// Non-standard color codes for KviIrcView
#define KVI_NOCHANGE 101
// Internal control codes for KviIrcView
// (Totally artificial and internal to KviIrcView)
#define KVI_TEXT_ESCAPE 0x04
#define KVI_TEXT_UNESCAPE 0x05
#define KVI_TEXT_UNICON 0x06
//#define KVI_TEXT_EMOTICON 0x07
// ASCII Stuff: the following defines are meant to be escape sequences
// that can go thru an IRC connection
// The following table is a 30-minute analysis of the escape characters commonly used over the IRC protocol...
// created when looking for a good placement for the CRYPT escape char in KVirc.
// I guess that the best chars to be used were FS,GS,RS,US,DC1,DC2,DC3,DC4...they have the "less defined"
// meaning as ASCII control chars.
// mmmh... :)
// ASCII IRC Meaning
// 000 NUL Null (Cannot be assigned)
// 001 SOH Start of heading ( CTCP Escape: only beginning of the message )
// 002 STX Start of text ( Bold text )
// 003 ETX End of text ( Color text escape sequence )
// 004 EOT End of transmission ( Assigned internally (escape) )
// 005 ENQ Enquiry (WRU: Who are you) ( Assigned internally (unescape) )
// 006 ACK Acknowledge (Not so good, but can be used as last resource)
// 007 BEL Bell ( Recognized as bell by terminals and IRCII ) (Used also by some IRC servers)
// 008 BS Backspace (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 009 HT Horizontal tabulation (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 010 LF Line feed (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 011 VT Vertical tabulation (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 012 FF Form feed (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 013 CR Carriage return (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 014 SO Shift out (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 015 SI Shift in ( Resets Bold,Color,Underline and Reverse ) (Conflicting with terminal control)
// 016 DLE Data link escape (Decent , can be assigned)
// 017 DC1 Device control 1 (Good to be assigned)
// 018 DC2 Device control 2 (Good to be assigned)
// 019 DC3 Device control 3 (Good to be assigned)
// 020 DC4 Device control 4 (Good to be assigned)
// 021 NAK Negative acknowledge (Not so good, but could be used as last resource)
// 022 SYN Synchronous idle ( Reverse text )
// 023 ETB End of transmission block (Decent , can be assigned)
// 024 CAN Cancel (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 025 EM End of medium (Decent , can be assigned)
// 026 SUB Substitute (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 027 ESC Escape (Should not be assigned: terminal control)
// 028 FS File separator (Excellent , should be used as first candidate)
// 029 GS Group separator ( ICONS Escape: beginning of a word )
// 030 RS Record separator ( CRYPT Escape: only beginning of the message )
// 031 US Unit separator ( Underline text )
// mIrc control codes
//31 (0001 1111) US (Unit separator)
//2 (0000 0010) STX (Start of text)
#define KVI_TEXT_BOLD 0x02
//15 (0000 1111) SI (Shift in)
#define KVI_TEXT_RESET 0x0f
//22 (0001 0110) SYN (Synchronous idle)
#define KVI_TEXT_REVERSE 0x16
//3 (0000 0011) ETX (End of text)
#define KVI_TEXT_COLOR 0x03
// Irc control codes
//1 (0000 0001) SOH (Start of heading)
#define KVI_TEXT_CTCP 0x01
// KVirc added control codes
//30 (0001 1110) RS (Record separator)
//29 (0001 1101) GS (Group separator)
#define KVI_TEXT_ICON 0x1d
extern KVILIB_API const char * getColorBytes(const char *data_ptr,unsigned char *byte_1,unsigned char *byte_2);
extern KVILIB_API const kvi_wchar_t * getColorBytesW(const kvi_wchar_t *data_ptr,unsigned char *byte_1,unsigned char *byte_2);
extern KVILIB_API unsigned int getUnicodeColorBytes(const QString &szData,unsigned int charIdx,unsigned char *byte_1,unsigned char *byte_2);
inline const QChar * getUnicodeColorBytes(const QChar *pData,unsigned char *byte_1,unsigned char *byte_2)
{ return (QChar *)getColorBytesW((const kvi_wchar_t *)pData,byte_1,byte_2); };
namespace KviMircCntrl
KVILIB_API QString stripControlBytes(const QString &szData);
#endif //_KVI_MIRCCNTRL_H_