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// File : kvi_time.cpp
// Creation date : Tue Sep 25 17:35:13 2001 GMT by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#define __KVILIB__
#include "kvi_time.h"
#include "kvi_qstring.h"
#include "kvi_locale.h"
#include <windows.h> // GetSystemTime
// Call SystemTimeToFileTime to copy the system time to a FILETIME structure.
// Call GetSystemTime to get the current system time to pass to SystemTimeToFileTime.
// Copy the contents of the FILETIME structure to a ULARGE_INTEGER structure.
// Initialize a SYSTEMTIME structure with the date and time of the first second of January 1, 1970.
// Call SystemTimeToFileTime, passing the SYSTEMTIME structure initialized in Step 3 to the call.
// Copy the contents of the FILETIME structure returned by SystemTimeToFileTime in Step 4 to
// a second ULARGE_INTEGER. The copied value should be greater than or equal to the value copied
// in Step 2. Subtract the 64-bit value in the ULARGE_INTEGER structure initialized in Step 2
// from the 64-bit value of the ULARGE_INTEGER structure initialized in Step 5.
// This produces a value in 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1970.
// To convert this value to seconds, divide by 10,000,000.
// buah buah buahhhh lol ghgh :DDDDDDDDD
void kvi_gettimeofday(struct timeval * tmv,struct timezone *)
// this is simply fucked up..
// to minimize the possibility of wrapping we use also the day field.
// we actually give something that is near the number of seconds from the beginning
// of the current month...
// We cannot use the wMonth field since the months have variable length :/
tmv->tv_sec = (st.wDay * 86400) + (st.wHour * 3600) + (st.wMinute * 60) + (st.wSecond);
tmv->tv_usec = st.wMilliseconds * 1000;
m_uReferenceSecs = 0;
m_uReferenceUSecs = 0;
unsigned long KviMSecTimeInterval::mark()
struct timeval tmv;
unsigned long uDiff = ((((unsigned long)(tmv.tv_sec)) - m_uReferenceSecs) * 1000);
if(((unsigned long)(tmv.tv_usec)) > m_uReferenceUSecs)uDiff += (((unsigned long)(tmv.tv_usec) - m_uReferenceUSecs) / 1000);
else uDiff -= ((m_uReferenceUSecs - (unsigned long)(tmv.tv_usec)) / 1000);
m_uReferenceSecs = (unsigned long)tmv.tv_sec;
m_uReferenceUSecs = (unsigned long)tmv.tv_usec;
return uDiff;
namespace KviTimeUtils
void secondsToDaysHoursMinsSecs(unsigned int uSecs,
unsigned int * uD,unsigned int * uH,unsigned int * uM,unsigned int * uS)
*uD = uSecs / 86400;
uSecs = uSecs % 86400;
*uH = uSecs / 3600;
uSecs = uSecs % 3600;
*uM = uSecs / 60;
*uS = uSecs % 60;
QString formatTimeInterval(unsigned int uSeconds,int iFlags)
unsigned int d,h,m,s;
QString ret;
// the following tricks maybe will help translators a bit...
if(iFlags & FillWithHypens)
ret = __tr2qs("- d -- h -- m -- s");
} else {
if((iFlags & NoLeadingEmptyIntervals) && (d == 0))
if(h > 0)
if(iFlags & NoLeadingZeroes)
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u h %u m %u s"),h,m,s);
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u h %u%u m %u%u s"),h,m / 10,m % 10,s / 10,s % 10);
} else {
if(m > 0)
if(iFlags & NoLeadingZeroes)
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u m %u s"),m,s);
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u m %u%u s"),m,s / 10,s % 10);
} else {
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u s"),s);
} else {
if(iFlags & NoLeadingZeroes)
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u d %u h %u m %u s"),d,h,m,s);
KviQString::sprintf(ret,__tr2qs("%u d %u%u h %u%u m %u%u s"),d,h / 10,h % 10,m / 10,m % 10,s / 10,s % 10);
return ret;