You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
6.3 KiB

// File : kvi_ircviewprivate.h
// Creation date : Sat Oct 9 2004 16:29:01 by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include <tqstring.h>
// Internal data structures
// Force the structs to be packed...
#pragma pack(push,old_packing,1)
#define _KVI_PACKED
// this works only on gcc
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define _KVI_PACKED __attribute__((__packed__))
#define _KVI_PACKED
// The LineChunk structure contains informations about
// an attribute change, an icon or a link
// type can be one of:
// the uIconId member is the icon to be shown
// szPayload contains the text that triggered this icon was triggered by
// the text block after an icon
// szPayload contains the encoded escape command
// colors.fore contains the new text color
// the text block after an escape
// the colors.back and colors.fore members indicate the color change
// toggles the bold flag
// toggles the underline flag
// inverts the current fore and back colors
// resets the color, bold and underline flags
typedef struct _KviIrcViewLineChunk
unsigned char type; // chunk type
int iTextStart; // index in the szText string of the beginning of the block
int iTextLen; // length in chars of the block (excluding the terminator)
kvi_wchar_t * szPayload; // KVI_TEXT_ESCAPE attribute command buffer and KVI_TEXT_ICON icon name (non zeroed for other attributes!!!)
kvi_wchar_t * szSmileId;
struct {
unsigned char back; // optional background color for KVI_TEXT_COLOR attribute
unsigned char fore; // optional foreground color for KVI_TEXT_COLOR attribute (used also for KVI_TEXT_ESCAPE!!!)
} _KVI_PACKED colors; // anonymous
// TQColor customBack;
TQColor customFore;
} /*_KVI_PACKED*/ KviIrcViewLineChunk;
// The wrapped paintable data block
typedef struct _KviIrcViewWrappedBlock
KviIrcViewLineChunk * pChunk; // pointer to real line chunk or 0 for word wraps
int block_start; // this is generally different than pAttribute->block_idx!
int block_len; // length if the block in characters
int block_width; // width of the block in pixels
} _KVI_PACKED KviIrcViewWrappedBlock;
typedef struct _KviIrcViewLine
// this is a text line in the IrcView's memory
unsigned int uIndex; // index of the text line (needed for find and splitting)
TQString szText; // data string without color codes nor escapes...
int iMsgType; // type of the line (defines icon and colors)
// At line instert time the szData text is splitted in parts which
// signal attribute changes (or icons)
unsigned int uChunkCount; // number of allocated chunks
KviIrcViewLineChunk * pChunks; // pointer to the allocated structures
// At paint time the data is re-splitted in drawable chunks which
// are either real data chunks or line wraps.
// The algorightm that does this is lazy and computes it
// only once for a given widget width (iMaxLineWidth)
unsigned int uLineWraps; // number of line wraps (lines - 1)
int iMaxLineWidth; // width that the blocks were calculated for (lazy calculation)
int iBlockCount; // number of allocated paintable blocks
KviIrcViewWrappedBlock * pBlocks; // pointer to the re-splitted paintable blocks
// next and previous line
struct _KviIrcViewLine * pPrev;
struct _KviIrcViewLine * pNext;
} KviIrcViewLine;
typedef struct _KviIrcViewWrappedBlockSelectionInfoTag
int selection_type;
/*struct {
int length;
int width;
} part[3];*/
int part_1_length;
int part_1_width;
int part_2_length;
int part_2_width;
int part_3_length;
int part_3_width;
} KviIrcViewWrappedBlockSelectionInfo;
#pragma pack(pop,old_packing)
#undef _KVI_PACKED
// Screen tqlayout
//FIRST LINE (prev_line = 0) <---m_pFirstLine
//LINE <-------------------------m_pCurLine
//LAST LINE (next_line = 0) <----m_pLastLine