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// File : kvi_moduleextension.h
// Creation date : Tue Sep 10 01:16:24 2002 GMT by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2002 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_string.h"
#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
#include "kvi_heapobject.h"
#include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h"
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h"
class KviWindow;
class KviModule;
class KviModuleExtension;
class KviModuleExtensionDescriptor;
typedef struct _KviModuleExtensionAllocStructTag
KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * pDescriptor; // module extension that this alloc routine refers to
KviWindow * pWindow; // may be 0!
KviPointerHashTable<TQString,TQVariant> * pParams; // parameter dict (may be 0!)
void * pSpecial; // special parameter passed to the alloc routine, may be 0
} KviModuleExtensionAllocStruct;
typedef KviModuleExtension * (*KviModuleExtensionAllocRoutine)(KviModuleExtensionAllocStruct *);
class KVIRC_API KviModuleExtensionDescriptor
friend class KviModuleExtension;
friend class KviModuleExtensionManager; // only the manager allocates and deallocates these structures
KviModuleExtensionDescriptor(KviModule * m,const KviStr &szType,const KviStr &szName,const TQString &szVisibleName,KviModuleExtensionAllocRoutine r,const TQPixmap &pix);
public: // this has to be public because of TQPtrList... but should be protected
int m_iId; // unique id assigned at creation time
KviStr m_szType; // name of the service (toolbar , crypt engine...)
KviStr m_szName; // name of the extension
TQString m_szVisibleName; // name that is VISIBLE and possibly translated
KviStr m_szAuthor; // Author (visible)
KviStr m_szDescription; // Description (visible!)
int m_iFlags; // Flags (0 if not applicable)
TQPixmap * m_pIcon; // Icon (may be null!)
KviModuleExtensionAllocRoutine m_allocRoutine;
KviPointerList<KviModuleExtension> * m_pObjectList;
KviModule * m_pModule; // module pointer
// pParams ownership is NOT taken
KviModuleExtension * allocate(KviWindow * pWnd = 0,KviPointerHashTable<TQString,TQVariant> * pParams = 0,void * pSpecial = 0);
int id(){ return m_iId; };
KviModule * module(){ return m_pModule; };
const KviStr &type(){ return m_szType; };
const KviStr &name(){ return m_szName; };
const TQString &visibleName(){ return m_szVisibleName; };
const KviStr &author(){ return m_szAuthor; };
const KviStr &description(){ return m_szDescription; };
const TQPixmap * icon(){ return m_pIcon; };
int flags(){ return m_iFlags; };
void setAuthor(const KviStr &szAuthor){ m_szAuthor = szAuthor; };
void setDescription(const KviStr &szDescription){ m_szDescription = szDescription; };
void setVisibleName(const KviStr &szVisibleName){ m_szVisibleName = szVisibleName; };
void setFlags(int iFlags){ m_iFlags = iFlags; };
void setIcon(const TQPixmap &pix);
void registerObject(KviModuleExtension * e);
void unregisterObject(KviModuleExtension * e);
typedef KviPointerList<KviModuleExtensionDescriptor> KviModuleExtensionDescriptorList;
class KviModuleExtensionManager;
extern KVIRC_API KviModuleExtensionManager * g_pModuleExtensionManager;
class KVIRC_API KviModuleExtensionManager
friend class KviModule;
friend class KviApp;
KviModuleExtensionManager(); // KviApp calls this
~KviModuleExtensionManager(); // and this
KviPointerHashTable<const char *,KviModuleExtensionDescriptorList> * m_pExtensionDict;
// Only KviModule can call this
KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * registerExtension(KviModule * m,const KviStr &szType,const KviStr &szName,const TQString &szVisibleName,KviModuleExtensionAllocRoutine r,const TQPixmap &icon);
void unregisterExtensionsByModule(KviModule * m);
KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * findExtensionDescriptor(const KviStr &szType,const KviStr &szName);
static KviModuleExtensionManager * instance(){ return g_pModuleExtensionManager; };
KviModuleExtensionDescriptorList * getExtensionList(const KviStr &szType);
KviModuleExtension * allocateExtension(const KviStr &szType,const KviStr &szName,KviWindow * pWnd = 0,KviPointerHashTable<TQString,TQVariant> * pParams = 0,void * pSpecial = 0,const char * preloadModule = 0);
KviModuleExtension * allocateExtension(const KviStr &szType,int id,KviWindow * pWnd = 0,KviPointerHashTable<TQString,TQVariant> * pParams = 0,void * pSpecial = 0,const char * preloadModule = 0);
KviModuleExtensionDescriptorList * allocateExtensionGetDescriptorList(const KviStr &szType,const char * preloadModule);
class KVIRC_API KviModuleExtension : public KviHeapObject
KviModuleExtension(KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * d);
virtual ~KviModuleExtension();
KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * m_pDescriptor;
static KviModuleExtensionManager * manager(){ return g_pModuleExtensionManager; };
KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * descriptor(){ return m_pDescriptor; };
// A module extension MUST implement die() as "delete this" <-- FIXME: this should be no longer necessary with KviHeapObject
virtual void die() = 0;