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// File : kvi_ircsocket.h
// Creation date : Tue Jul 30 19:25:17 2002 GMT by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_string.h"
#include "kvi_sockettype.h"
#include "kvi_time.h"
#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
#include <qobject.h>
class KviIrcServer;
class KviProxy;
class KviIrcConnection;
class KviIrcConnectionTarget;
class KviIrcLink;
class KviSSL;
class KviConsole;
class KviDataBuffer;
class QTimer;
class QSocketNotifier;
// This class is the lowest level of the KVIrc networking stack
// it sends and receives raw data packets from the underlying system
// socket.
// It should output only verbose "progress" messages.
typedef struct _KviIrcSocketMsgEntry
KviDataBuffer * pData;
struct _KviIrcSocketMsgEntry * next_ptr;
} KviIrcSocketMsgEntry;
class KVIRC_API KviIrcSocket : public QObject
KviIrcSocket(KviIrcLink * pLink);
enum SocketState {
Idle ,
Connecting ,
ProxyLogin ,
Connected ,
ProxyFinalV4 ,
ProxyFinalV5 ,
ProxySelectAuthMethodV5 ,
ProxyUserPassV5 ,
ProxyFinalHttp ,
unsigned int m_uId;
KviIrcLink * m_pLink;
KviConsole * m_pConsole;
kvi_socket_t m_sock;
SocketState m_state;
QSocketNotifier * m_pWsn;
QSocketNotifier * m_pRsn;
KviIrcServer * m_pIrcServer;
KviProxy * m_pProxy;
QTimer * m_pTimeoutTimer;
unsigned int m_uReadBytes;
unsigned int m_uSentBytes;
int m_iLastError;
unsigned int m_uSentPackets;
KviIrcSocketMsgEntry * m_pSendQueueHead;
KviIrcSocketMsgEntry * m_pSendQueueTail;
QTimer * m_pFlushTimer;
struct timeval m_tAntiFloodLastMessageTime;
bool m_bInProcessData;
KviSSL * m_pSSL;
int lastError(){ return m_iLastError; };
unsigned int id(){ return m_uId; };
KviConsole * console(){ return m_pConsole; };
KviIrcLink * link(){ return m_pLink; };
bool usingSSL(){ return m_pSSL; };
bool usingSSL(){ return false; };
unsigned int readBytes(){ return m_uReadBytes; };
unsigned int sentBytes(){ return m_uSentBytes; };
//unsigned int readPackets(){ return m_uReadPackets; };
unsigned int sentPackets(){ return m_uSentPackets; };
SocketState state(){ return m_state; };
bool isConnected(){ return m_state == Connected; };
int startConnection(KviIrcServer * srv,KviProxy * prx = 0,const char * bindAddress = 0);
//bool sendData(const char *buffer,int buflen = -1) KVI_DEPRECATED;
//bool sendFmtData(const char *fmt,...) KVI_DEPRECATED;
bool sendPacket(KviDataBuffer * pData);
void abort();
bool getLocalHostIp(QString &szIp,bool bIpV6);
protected slots:
void connectionTimedOut();
void writeNotifierFired(int);
void readData(int);
void readProxyData(int);
void readHttpProxyErrorData(int);
void flushSendQueue();
void doSSLHandshake(int);
void raiseSSLError();
void printSSLPeerCertificate();
void printSSLCipherInfo();
bool sendRawData(const char *buffer,int buflen);
void raiseError(int iError);
void connectionEstabilished();
void connectedToProxy();
void connectedToIrcServer();
void proxyLoginHttp();
void proxyLoginV4();
void proxyLoginV5();
void proxyAuthUserPassV5();
void proxySendTargetDataV5();
void proxyHandleV5AuthReply(unsigned char reply);
void proxyHandleV5MethodReply(unsigned char reply);
void proxyHandleV5FinalReply(unsigned char reply);
void proxyHandleV4FinalReply(unsigned char reply);
void proxyHandleHttpFinalReply(const char * buffer,int bufLen);
void linkUp();
void handleInvalidSocketRead(int readedLength);
virtual void reset();
void free_msgEntry(KviIrcSocketMsgEntry * e);
bool queue_removeMessage();
void queue_removeAllMessages();
virtual void queue_insertMessage(KviIrcSocketMsgEntry *msg_ptr);
virtual void setState(SocketState st);
void outputSSLMessage(const QString &szMsg);
void outputSSLError(const QString &szMsg);
void outputProxyMessage(const QString &szMsg);
void outputProxyError(const QString &szMsg);
void outputSocketMessage(const QString &szMsg);
void outputSocketWarning(const QString &szMsg);
void outputSocketError(const QString &szMsg);
#endif //_KVI_IRCSOCKET_H_