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#ifndef _KVI_THEME_H_
#define _KVI_THEME_H_
// File : kvi_theme.h
// Creation date : Mon Jan 08 2007 03:23:00 CEST by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2007 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_qstring.h"
#include "kvi_heapobject.h"
#include "kvi_fileextensions.h"
#include <qpixmap.h>
/// The current theme engine version: bump up if you make INCOMPATIBLE
/// changes in the method of saving the theme.
/// \class KviThemeInfo
/// \brief A set of informations about a KVIrc theme
/// This object contains a set of informations about
/// a theme that can be read and stored to a standard
/// KVIrc configuration file (which is usually named
/// themeinfo.kvc but this is not strictly necessary).
class KVIRC_API KviThemeInfo : public KviHeapObject
QString m_szName; //< name of the theme
QString m_szVersion; //< version of the theme
QString m_szSubdirectory; //< subdirectory of $LOCALKVIRCDIR/themes where the theme is saved to (not always used)
QString m_szAbsoluteDirectory; //< absolute directory where the theme should be saved to (or is loaded from)
QString m_szAuthor; //< author of the theme
QString m_szDescription; //< description of the theme
QString m_szDate; //< theme creation date
QString m_szApplication; //< theme creation (KVIrc) version
QString m_szThemeEngineVersion; //< the theme engine version that saved this theme
QString m_szLastError; //< reported when some function fails
QPixmap m_pixScreenshotLarge; //< the large screenshot pixmap
QPixmap m_pixScreenshotMedium; //< the medium screenshot pixmap
QPixmap m_pixScreenshotSmall; //< the small screenshot pixmap
/// load data from a specified theme config file
bool load(const QString &szThemeFileName);
/// save the currently defined theme configuration in the specified file
bool save(const QString &szThemeFileName);
const QString & lastError(){ return m_szLastError; };
void setLastError(const QString &szLastError){ m_szLastError = szLastError; };
const QString & name(){ return m_szName; };
void setName(const QString &szName){ m_szName = szName; };
const QString & version(){ return m_szVersion; };
void setVersion(const QString &szVersion){ m_szVersion = szVersion; };
const QString & subdirectory(){ return m_szSubdirectory; };
void setSubdirectory(const QString &szSubdirectory){ m_szSubdirectory = szSubdirectory; };
const QString & absoluteDirectory(){ return m_szAbsoluteDirectory; };
void setAbsoluteDirectory(const QString &szAbsoluteDirectory){ m_szAbsoluteDirectory = szAbsoluteDirectory; }
const QString & author(){ return m_szAuthor; };
void setAuthor(const QString &szAuthor){ m_szAuthor = szAuthor; };
const QString & description(){ return m_szDescription; };
void setDescription(const QString &szDescription){ m_szDescription = szDescription; };
const QString & date(){ return m_szDate; };
void setDate(const QString &szDate){ m_szDate = szDate; };
const QString & application(){ return m_szApplication; };
void setApplication(const QString &szApplication){ m_szApplication = szApplication; };
const QString & themeEngineVersion(){ return m_szThemeEngineVersion; };
void setThemeEngineVersion(const QString &szThemeEngineVersion){ m_szThemeEngineVersion = szThemeEngineVersion; };
/// Attempt to load a themeinfo.kvc file present in the specified directory.
/// This function will fail if the directory contains a valid themeinfo.kvc
/// file but no themedata.kvc file unless bIgnoreThemeData is set to true
bool loadFromDirectory(const QString &szThemeDirectory,bool bIgnoreThemeData = false);
/// Attempt to load the theme screenshot from THEMEDIR/screenshot_*.png
/// This function will work only if the absoluteDirectory() of the theme
/// has been set, otherwise the returned pixmap will be null.
const QPixmap & smallScreenshot();
/// Attempt to load the theme screenshot from THEMEDIR/screenshot_*.png
/// This function will work only if the absoluteDirectory() of the theme
/// has been set, otherwise the returned pixmap will be null.
const QPixmap & mediumScreenshot();
/// Attempt to load the theme screenshot from THEMEDIR/screenshot_*.png
/// This function will work only if the absoluteDirectory() of the theme
/// has been set, otherwise the returned pixmap will be null.
const QPixmap & largeScreenshot();
/// Attempt to load the theme screenshot from THEMEDIR/screenshot_*.png
/// This function will work only if the absoluteDirectory() of the theme
/// has been set, otherwise the returned pixmap will be null.
QString smallScreenshotPath();
namespace KviTheme
/// Attempt to load (apply) a theme in the specified directory
/// Will return true on success and false on failure.
/// On success this function will return the theme informations in the buffer.
/// On failure this function will also set buffer.lastError() to a meaningful value
/// Note that for convenience this function is implemented in kvi_options.cpp
bool KVIRC_API load(const QString &szThemeDir,KviThemeInfo &buffer);
/// Save a theme given the specified options.
/// Will return true on success and false on failure.
/// On failure this function will also set options.lastError() to a meaningful value
/// This function requires both absoluteDirectory() and subdirectory() to be
/// set to the right values. In theory this function could save a theme
/// in a directory different than $KVIRC_LOCAL_DIR/themes/subdirectory
/// but this feature is actually unused.
/// Note that for convenience this function is implemented in kvi_options.cpp
bool KVIRC_API save(KviThemeInfo &options);
/// Save the theme screenshots in the given EXISTING directory and given
/// an existing screenshot on disk (usually in the tmp directory).
bool KVIRC_API saveScreenshots(KviThemeInfo &options,const QString &szOriginalScreenshotPath);
#endif //_KVI_THEME_H_