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#ifndef _MP_INTERFACE_H_
#define _MP_INTERFACE_H_
// File : mp_interface.h
// Creation date : Fri Mar 25 20:01:25 2005 GMT by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2005 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_qstring.h"
#include "kvi_kvs_types.h"
class KviMediaPlayerInterface
// don't do any initialization in the constructor
// implement lazy initialization in each function instead
virtual ~KviMediaPlayerInterface(){};
QString m_szLastError;
const QString & lastError(){ return m_szLastError; };
// mandatory interface
// This should attempt to detect if the player is available on the user's system
// and returning a score from 0 to 100 depending on how likely the player will work
// and how many of its functions are available. 100 means that the interface
// is absolutely sure that the player will start and play stuff.
// If bStart is true then the function is allowed to explicitly start the player,
// otherwise a startup attempt should not be made and different methods should be used.
// This function is used for auto-detection and is called twice: the first time
// with bStart set to false to determine the players that potentially could run.
// If no player returns a reasonably high value by just guessing, then
// a second loop may be attempted with the "bStart" parameter set to true.
// A level of 0 is considered total failure: in this case detect() should
// also set the last error to a descriptive string.
virtual int detect(bool bStart) = 0;
// play previous media, return false only on communication failure
virtual bool prev() = 0;
// play next media, return false only on communication failure
virtual bool next() = 0;
// start playback now, return false only on communication failure (i.e. return true when already playing)
virtual bool play() = 0;
// stop playback now, return false only on communication failure (i.e. return true when already stopped)
virtual bool stop() = 0;
// pause playback now (do NOT toggle pause, just pause), return false only on communication failure
virtual bool pause() = 0;
// current media related
// currently played media: it should include AT least the title
// but may also include other informations.
// this string MUST be non-empty when the player is playing something.
// If it is empty then either the player is not playing or there are
// communication errors.
virtual QString nowPlaying() = 0;
// currently played media resource locator
// file://<filepath> for local files, dvb:// for dvb media , dvd:// for dvd's
// http:// for audio streams etc...
// empty if player is not playing (or in the tragic case that the player
// can't determine the url).
virtual QString mrl() = 0;
// optional interface
// this should play the specified mrl
// the mrl may be (or may be not) added to the player's playlist
// the function should return false if the player doesn't support
// this function or there is a communication error
virtual bool playMrl(const QString &mrl);
// what is this ? :D
virtual bool amipExec(const QString &cmd);
virtual QString amipEval(const QString &cmd);
// this is functions to hide,show and minimize the player interface
virtual bool hide();
virtual bool show();
virtual bool minimize();
// set the volume of mediaplayer (0-255)
virtual bool setVol(kvs_int_t &iVol);
// get the pvolume value(0-255)
virtual int getVol();
//mute the volume
virtual bool mute();
// should quit the player if it's running
// return false only on communication failure
virtual bool quit();
// return the current player status
enum PlayerStatus { Unknown, Stopped, Playing, Paused };
virtual KviMediaPlayerInterface::PlayerStatus status();
// current position in the media (msecs)
// 0 if the player isn't playing anything and -1 if unknown
virtual int position();
// total length of the media (msecs)
// 0 if the player isn't playing anyting and -1 if unknown (e.g. a stream)
virtual int length();
// jump to position
virtual bool jumpTo(int &iPos);
// interface with a default implementation for certain types of media (read for mp3)
// reimplement only if the player knows better
// currently played media title (it's player choice if the title
// is to be derived from the media file name or from the informations
// stored inside the file like the ID3 tag...)
// If the player is not playing, the returned string should be empty
virtual QString title();
// currently played media artist's name
// If the player is not playing, the returned string should be empty
// If the player can't guess the artist it should return the string "unknown"
virtual QString artist();
// currently plaued media genre
// If the player is not playing, the returned string should be empty
// If the player can't guess the genre it should return the string "unknown"
virtual QString genre();
// currently played media comment.
// Empty string if the player isn't playing anything or there is no comment
virtual QString comment();
// currently played media year
// Empty string if the player isn't playing anything or the year is unknown
virtual QString year();
// currently played media album
// Empty string if the player isn't playing anything
// If the player can't guess the album/collection then this string should be "unknown"
virtual QString album();
// bit rate in bits/sec, 0 if unknown
virtual int bitRate();
// sample rate in samples/sec (Hz), 0 if unknown
virtual int sampleRate();
// number of channels
virtual int channels();
// frequency
// the type of the media (MPEG Layer 3, MPEG Layer 4, OGG Vorbis, AVI Stream etc..)
virtual QString mediaType();
// get the position in the playlist
virtual int getPlayListPos();
// set the position in the playlist
virtual bool setPlayListPos(int &iPos);
// return the list's length
virtual int getListLength();
// return the Eq(number) value
virtual int getEqData(int &i_val);
// set the Eq(iPos) to Eq(iVal) value
virtual bool setEqData(int &iPos, int &iVal);
// get the Repeat bool value
virtual bool getRepeat();
// get the shuffle bool value
virtual bool getShuffle();
// set the Repeat bool value
virtual bool setRepeat(bool &bVal);
// set the shuffle bool value
virtual bool setShuffle(bool &bVal);
void setLastError(const QString &szLastError){ m_szLastError = szLastError; };
void notImplemented();
QString getLocalFile();
class KviMediaPlayerInterfaceDescriptor
virtual ~KviMediaPlayerInterfaceDescriptor(){};
virtual const QString & name() = 0;
virtual const QString & description() = 0;
virtual KviMediaPlayerInterface * instance() = 0;
#define MP_DECLARE_DESCRIPTOR(_interfaceclass) \
class _interfaceclass ## Descriptor : public KviMediaPlayerInterfaceDescriptor \
{ \
public: \
_interfaceclass ## Descriptor(); \
virtual ~_interfaceclass ## Descriptor(); \
protected: \
_interfaceclass * m_pInstance; \
QString m_szName; \
QString m_szDescription; \
public: \
virtual const QString & name(); \
virtual const QString & description(); \
virtual KviMediaPlayerInterface * instance(); \
#define MP_IMPLEMENT_DESCRIPTOR(_interfaceclass,_name,_description) \
_interfaceclass ## Descriptor::_interfaceclass ## Descriptor() \
: KviMediaPlayerInterfaceDescriptor() \
{ \
m_pInstance = 0; \
m_szName = _name; \
m_szDescription = _description; \
} \
_interfaceclass ## Descriptor::~_interfaceclass ## Descriptor() \
{ \
if(m_pInstance)delete m_pInstance; \
} \
const QString & _interfaceclass ## Descriptor::name() \
{ \
return m_szName; \
} \
const QString & _interfaceclass ## Descriptor::description() \
{ \
return m_szDescription; \
} \
KviMediaPlayerInterface * _interfaceclass ## Descriptor::instance() \
{ \
if(!m_pInstance)m_pInstance = new _interfaceclass(); \
return m_pInstance; \
#define MP_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR(_interfaceclass) \
new _interfaceclass ## Descriptor()
#endif //!_MP_INTERFACE_H_