You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
6.7 KiB

// File : kvi_irccontext.h
// Created on Sun 09 May 2004 20:37:46 by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVIrc IRC client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2004 Szymon Stefanek <pragma at kvirc dot net>
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
#include <tqobject.h>
class KviChannel;
class KviQuery;
class KviQuery;
class KviFrame;
class KviIrcConnection;
class KviExternalServerDataParser;
class KviAsynchronousConnectionData;
class KviIrcDataStreamMonitor;
class KviWindow;
class TQTimer;
class KviConsole;
class KviIrcNetwork;
class KviIrcServer;
KviIrcContext is the structure that groups the objects and resources
usable for a single irc connection: a console, a set of channels and queries,
and a KviIrcConnection object.
The objects grouped here are mostly permanent across connections.
Each irc context has its own unique numeric identifier. The identifiers start
from 1 so 0 is an invalid irc context id (this is useful in the scripting engine).
The irc context is created in the KviConsole constructor and destroyed
in the KviConsole destructor. No other class can allocate KviIrcContext objects.
class KVIRC_API KviIrcContext : public TQObject
friend class KviConsole;
friend class KviChannel;
friend class KviQuery;
friend class KviIrcConnection;
friend class KviIrcContextToolBar;
KviIrcContext(KviConsole * pConsole); // only KviConsole can create this
enum State
Idle, // connection() == 0
Connecting, // connection() != 0
LoggingIn, // connection() != 0
Connected // connection() != 0
KviConsole * m_pConsole; // shallow, never null
KviIrcConnection * m_pConnection;
unsigned int m_uId; // this irc context id
State m_eState; // this context state
// helper pointers
KviFrame * m_pFrame; // the owning frame, shallow, never null
// permanent links and list window
KviExternalServerDataParser * m_pLinksWindow;
KviExternalServerDataParser * m_pListWindow;
KviAsynchronousConnectionData * m_pAsynchronousConnectionData; // owned, may be null
KviAsynchronousConnectionData * m_pSavedAsynchronousConnectionData; // owned, may be null, this is used to reconnect to the last server in this context
unsigned int m_uConnectAttemptCount;
TQTimer * m_pReconnectTimer;
KviPointerList<KviIrcDataStreamMonitor> * m_pMonitorList; // owned, may be null
// dead channels and queries
KviPointerList<KviChannel> * m_pDeadChannels;
KviPointerList<KviQuery> * m_pDeadQueries;
// other context bound windows
KviPointerList<KviWindow> * m_pContextWindows;
int m_iHeartbeatTimerId;
unsigned int id(){ return m_uId; };
// never null and always the same!
KviConsole * console(){ return m_pConsole; };
// never null and always the same
KviFrame * frame(){ return m_pFrame; };
// may be null and may change!
KviIrcConnection * connection(){ return m_pConnection; };
// state
State state(){ return m_eState; };
bool isConnected(){ return m_eState == Connected; };
bool isLoggingIn(){ return m_eState == LoggingIn; };
// dead channels and queries
void closeAllDeadChannels();
void closeAllDeadQueries();
bool unregisterDeadChannel(KviChannel * c);
bool unregisterDeadQuery(KviQuery * q);
void registerDeadChannel(KviChannel * c);
void registerDeadQuery(KviQuery * q);
KviChannel * findDeadChannel(const TQString &name);
KviQuery * findDeadQuery(const TQString &nick);
KviQuery * firstDeadQuery();
// other windows bound to the context
void closeAllContextWindows();
void registerContextWindow(KviWindow * pWnd);
bool unregisterContextWindow(KviWindow * pWnd);
KviPointerList<KviIrcDataStreamMonitor> * monitorList(){ return m_pMonitorList; };
// links window
void createLinksWindow();
void setLinksWindowPointer(KviExternalServerDataParser * l){ m_pLinksWindow = l; };
KviExternalServerDataParser * linksWindow(){ return m_pLinksWindow; };
// list window
void createListWindow();
void setListWindowPointer(KviExternalServerDataParser * l){ m_pListWindow = l; };
KviExternalServerDataParser * listWindow(){ return m_pListWindow; };
void setAsynchronousConnectionData(KviAsynchronousConnectionData * d);
KviAsynchronousConnectionData * asynchronousConnectionData(){ return m_pAsynchronousConnectionData; };
void destroyAsynchronousConnectionData();
// used by KviConsole (for now) and KviUserParser
void connectToCurrentServer();
void beginAsynchronousConnect(unsigned int uDelayInMSecs);
void registerDataStreamMonitor(KviIrcDataStreamMonitor * m);
void unregisterDataStreamMonitor(KviIrcDataStreamMonitor *m);
void terminateConnectionRequest(bool bForce,const TQString &szQuitMessage = TQString(),bool bSimulateUnexpectedDisconnect = false);
// called by KviIrcContextToolBar: this will DIE in favor of connectOrDisconnect()
void connectButtonClicked();
// used by KviConsole (for now)
void destroyConnection();
// for KviConsole (for now) . later will be used only internally
void setState(State eState);
// called by KviIrcConnection
void loginComplete();
// our heartbeat timer event
virtual void timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e);
void connectOrDisconnect(){ connectButtonClicked(); };
// KviIrcConnection interface
void connectionFailed(int iError);
void connectionEstabilished();
void connectionTerminated();
void stateChanged();
protected slots:
void asynchronousConnect();
void unhighlightAllWindows();
#endif //!_KVI_IRCCONTEXT_H_