You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

966 lines
29 KiB

/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of kipi-plugins project
* Date : 2006-12-09
* Description : a tread-safe dcraw program interface
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Marcel Wiesweg <marcel dot wiesweg at gmx dot de>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Guillaume Castagnino <casta at xwing dot info>
* NOTE: Do not use kdDebug() in this implementation because
* it will be multithreaded. Use qDebug() instead.
* See B.K.O #133026 for details.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
extern "C"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
// C++ includes.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
// Qt Includes.
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qwaitcondition.h>
// KDE includes.
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
// Local includes.
#include "version.h"
#include "dcrawbinary.h"
#include "kdcraw.h"
#include "kdcraw.moc"
namespace KDcrawIface
class KDcrawPriv
running = false;
normalExit = false;
process = 0;
queryTimer = 0;
data = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
rgbmax = 0;
dataPos = 0;
bool running;
bool normalExit;
uchar *data;
int dataPos;
int width;
int height;
int rgbmax;
QString filePath;
QMutex mutex;
QWaitCondition condVar;
QTimer *queryTimer;
KProcess *process;
d = new KDcrawPriv;
m_cancel = false;
delete d;
QString KDcraw::version()
return QString(kdcraw_version);
void KDcraw::cancel()
m_cancel = true;
bool KDcraw::loadDcrawPreview(QImage& image, const QString& path)
// In first, try to extrcat the embedded JPEG preview. Very fast.
bool ret = loadEmbeddedPreview(image, path);
if (ret) return true;
// In second, decode and half size of RAW picture. More slow.
return (loadHalfPreview(image, path));
bool KDcraw::loadEmbeddedPreview(QImage& image, const QString& path)
QByteArray imgData;
const int MAX_IPC_SIZE = (1024*32);
char buffer[MAX_IPC_SIZE];
QFile file;
Q_LONG len;
QCString command;
QFileInfo fileInfo(path);
QString rawFilesExt(KDcrawIface::DcrawBinary::instance()->rawFiles());
QString ext = fileInfo.extension(false).upper();
if (!fileInfo.exists() || ext.isEmpty() || !rawFilesExt.upper().contains(ext))
return false;
// Try to extract embedded thumbnail using dcraw with options:
// -c : write to stdout
// -e : Extract the camera-generated thumbnail, not the raw image (JPEG or a PPM file).
// Note : this code require at least dcraw version 8.x
command = DcrawBinary::path();
command += " -c -e ";
command += QFile::encodeName( KProcess::quote( path ) );
qDebug("Running RAW decoding command: %s", (const char*)command);
f = popen(, "r" );
if ( f == NULL )
return false; IO_ReadOnly, f );
while ((len = file.readBlock(buffer, MAX_IPC_SIZE)) != 0)
if ( len == -1 )
return false;
int oldSize = imgData.size();
imgData.resize( imgData.size() + len );
memcpy(, buffer, len);
pclose( f );
if ( !imgData.isEmpty() )
if (image.loadFromData( imgData ))
qDebug("Using embedded RAW preview extraction");
return true;
return false;
bool KDcraw::loadHalfPreview(QImage& image, const QString& path)
QByteArray imgData;
const int MAX_IPC_SIZE = (1024*32);
char buffer[MAX_IPC_SIZE];
QFile file;
Q_LONG len;
QCString command;
QFileInfo fileInfo(path);
QString rawFilesExt(KDcrawIface::DcrawBinary::instance()->rawFiles());
QString ext = fileInfo.extension(false).upper();
if (!fileInfo.exists() || ext.isEmpty() || !rawFilesExt.upper().contains(ext))
return false;
// Try to use simple RAW extraction method in 8 bits ppm output.
// -c : write to stdout
// -h : Half-size color image (3x faster than -q)
// -a : Use automatic white balance
// -w : Use camera white balance, if possible
command = DcrawBinary::path();
command += " -c -h -w -a ";
command += QFile::encodeName( KProcess::quote( path ) );
qDebug("Running RAW decoding command: %s", (const char*)command);
f = popen(, "r" );
if ( f == NULL )
return false; IO_ReadOnly, f );
while ((len = file.readBlock(buffer, MAX_IPC_SIZE)) != 0)
if ( len == -1 )
return false;
int oldSize = imgData.size();
imgData.resize( imgData.size() + len );
memcpy(, buffer, len);
pclose( f );
if ( !imgData.isEmpty() )
if (image.loadFromData( imgData ))
qDebug("Using reduced RAW picture extraction");
return true;
return false;
bool KDcraw::rawFileIdentify(DcrawInfoContainer& identify, const QString& path)
QByteArray txtData;
const int MAX_IPC_SIZE = (1024*32);
char buffer[MAX_IPC_SIZE];
QFile file;
Q_LONG len;
QCString command;
QFileInfo fileInfo(path);
QString rawFilesExt(KDcrawIface::DcrawBinary::instance()->rawFiles());
QString ext = fileInfo.extension(false).upper();
if (!fileInfo.exists() || ext.isEmpty() || !rawFilesExt.upper().contains(ext))
return false;
// Try to get camera maker/model using dcraw with options:
// -i : identify files without decoding them.
// -v : verbose mode.
command = DcrawBinary::path();
command += " -i -v ";
command += QFile::encodeName( KProcess::quote( path ) );
qDebug("Running RAW decoding command: %s", (const char*)command);
f = popen(, "r" );
if ( f == NULL )
identify = DcrawInfoContainer();
return false;
} IO_ReadOnly, f );
while ((len = file.readBlock(buffer, MAX_IPC_SIZE)) != 0)
if ( len == -1 )
identify = DcrawInfoContainer();
return false;
int oldSize = txtData.size();
txtData.resize( txtData.size() + len );
memcpy(, buffer, len);
pclose( f );
QString dcrawInfo(txtData);
if ( dcrawInfo.isEmpty() )
identify = DcrawInfoContainer();
return false;
int pos;
// Extract Time Stamp.
QString timeStampHeader("Timestamp: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(timeStampHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString timeStamp = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
timeStamp.remove(0, timeStampHeader.length());
identify.dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(timeStamp);
// Extract Camera Maker.
QString makeHeader("Camera: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(makeHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString make = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
make.remove(0, makeHeader.length());
identify.make = make;
// Extract Camera Model.
QString modelHeader("Model: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(modelHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString model = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
model.remove(0, modelHeader.length());
identify.model = model;
// Extract Picture Owner.
QString ownerHeader("Owner: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(ownerHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString owner = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
owner.remove(0, ownerHeader.length());
identify.owner = owner;
// Extract DNG Version.
QString DNGVersionHeader("DNG Version: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(DNGVersionHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString DNGVersion = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
DNGVersion.remove(0, DNGVersionHeader.length());
identify.DNGVersion = DNGVersion;
// Extract ISO Speed.
QString isoSpeedHeader("ISO speed: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(isoSpeedHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString isoSpeed = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
isoSpeed.remove(0, isoSpeedHeader.length());
identify.sensitivity = isoSpeed.toLong();
// Extract Shutter Speed.
QString shutterSpeedHeader("Shutter: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(shutterSpeedHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString shutterSpeed = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
shutterSpeed.remove(0, shutterSpeedHeader.length());
if (shutterSpeed.startsWith("1/"))
shutterSpeed.remove(0, 2); // remove "1/" at start of string.
shutterSpeed.remove(shutterSpeed.length()-4, 4); // remove " sec" at end of string.
identify.exposureTime = shutterSpeed.toFloat();
// Extract Aperture.
QString apertureHeader("Aperture: f/");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(apertureHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString aperture = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
aperture.remove(0, apertureHeader.length());
identify.aperture = aperture.toFloat();
// Extract Focal Length.
QString focalLengthHeader("Focal Length: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(focalLengthHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString focalLength = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
focalLength.remove(0, focalLengthHeader.length());
focalLength.remove(focalLength.length()-3, 3); // remove " mm" at end of string.
identify.focalLength = focalLength.toFloat();
// Extract Image Size.
QString imageSizeHeader("Image size: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(imageSizeHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString imageSize = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
imageSize.remove(0, imageSizeHeader.length());
int width = imageSize.section(" x ", 0, 0).toInt();
int height = imageSize.section(" x ", 1, 1).toInt();
identify.imageSize = QSize(width, height);
// Extract "Has an embedded ICC profile" flag.
QString hasIccProfileHeader("Embedded ICC profile: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(hasIccProfileHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString hasIccProfile = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
hasIccProfile.remove(0, hasIccProfileHeader.length());
if (hasIccProfile.contains("yes"))
identify.hasIccProfile = true;
identify.hasIccProfile = false;
// Check if picture is decodable.
identify.isDecodable = true;
pos = dcrawInfo.find("Cannot decode file");
if (pos != -1)
identify.isDecodable = false;
// Extract "Has Secondary Pixel" flag.
QString hasSecondaryPixelHeader("Secondary pixels: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(hasSecondaryPixelHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString hasSecondaryPixel = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
hasSecondaryPixel.remove(0, hasSecondaryPixelHeader.length());
if (hasSecondaryPixel.contains("yes"))
identify.hasSecondaryPixel = true;
identify.hasSecondaryPixel = false;
// Extract Pixel Aspect Ratio.
QString aspectRatioHeader("Pixel Aspect Ratio: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(aspectRatioHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString aspectRatio = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
aspectRatio.remove(0, aspectRatioHeader.length());
identify.pixelAspectRatio = aspectRatio.toFloat();
// Extract Raw Colors.
QString rawColorsHeader("Raw colors: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(rawColorsHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString rawColors = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
rawColors.remove(0, rawColorsHeader.length());
identify.rawColors = rawColors.toInt();
// Extract Filter Pattern.
QString filterHeader("Filter pattern: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(filterHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString filter = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
filter.remove(0, filterHeader.length());
identify.filterPattern = filter;
// Extract Daylight Multipliers.
QString daylightMultHeader("Daylight multipliers: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(daylightMultHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString daylightMult = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
daylightMult.remove(0, daylightMultHeader.length());
identify.daylightMult[0] = daylightMult.section(" ", 0, 0).toDouble();
identify.daylightMult[1] = daylightMult.section(" ", 1, 1).toDouble();
identify.daylightMult[2] = daylightMult.section(" ", 2, 2).toDouble();
// Extract Camera Multipliers.
QString cameraMultHeader("Camera multipliers: ");
pos = dcrawInfo.find(cameraMultHeader);
if (pos != -1)
QString cameraMult = dcrawInfo.mid(pos).section('\n', 0, 0);
cameraMult.remove(0, cameraMultHeader.length());
identify.cameraMult[0] = cameraMult.section(" ", 0, 0).toDouble();
identify.cameraMult[1] = cameraMult.section(" ", 1, 1).toDouble();
identify.cameraMult[2] = cameraMult.section(" ", 2, 2).toDouble();
identify.cameraMult[3] = cameraMult.section(" ", 3, 3).toDouble();
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool KDcraw::decodeHalfRAWImage(const QString& filePath, RawDecodingSettings rawDecodingSettings,
QByteArray &imageData, int &width, int &height, int &rgbmax)
m_rawDecodingSettings = rawDecodingSettings;
m_rawDecodingSettings.halfSizeColorImage = true;
return (loadFromDcraw(filePath, imageData, width, height, rgbmax));
bool KDcraw::decodeRAWImage(const QString& filePath, RawDecodingSettings rawDecodingSettings,
QByteArray &imageData, int &width, int &height, int &rgbmax)
m_rawDecodingSettings = rawDecodingSettings;
return (loadFromDcraw(filePath, imageData, width, height, rgbmax));
bool KDcraw::checkToCancelWaitingData()
return m_cancel;
bool KDcraw::checkToCancelRecievingData()
return m_cancel;
void KDcraw::setWaitingDataProgress(double)
void KDcraw::setRecievingDataProgress(double)
bool KDcraw::loadFromDcraw(const QString& filePath, QByteArray &imageData,
int &width, int &height, int &rgbmax)
m_cancel = false;
d->dataPos = 0;
d->filePath = filePath;
d->running = true;
d->normalExit = false;
d->process = 0;
d->data = 0;
d->width = 0;
d->height = 0;
d->rgbmax = 0;
// trigger startProcess and loop to wait dcraw decoding
QApplication::postEvent(this, new QCustomEvent(QEvent::User));
// The time from starting dcraw to when it first outputs something takes
// much longer than the time while it outputs the data and the time while
// we process the data.
// We do not have progress information for this, but it is much more promising to the user
// if there is progress which does not stay at a fixed value.
// So we make up some progress (0% - 40%), using the file size as an indicator how long it might take.
QTime dcrawStartTime = QTime::currentTime();
int fileSize = QFileInfo(filePath).size();
// This is the magic number that describes how fast the function grows
// It _should_ be dependent on how fast the computer is, but we do not have this piece of information
// So this is a number that works well on my computer.
double K50 = 3000.0*fileSize;
double part = 0;
int checkpointTime = 0;
int checkpoint = 0;
// The shuttingDown is a hack needed to prevent hanging when this KProcess-based loader
// is waiting for the process to finish, but the main thread is waiting
// for the thread to finish and no KProcess events are delivered.
// Remove when porting to Qt4.
while (d->running && !checkToCancelRecievingData())
if (d->dataPos == 0)
int elapsedMsecs = dcrawStartTime.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime());
if (elapsedMsecs > checkpointTime)
checkpointTime += 300;
// What we do here is a sigmoidal curve, it starts slowly,
// then grows more rapidly, slows down again and
// get asymptotically closer to the maximum.
// (this is the Hill Equation, 2.8 the Hill Coefficient, to pour some blood in this)
double elapsedMsecsPow = pow(elapsedMsecs, 2.8);
part = (elapsedMsecsPow) / (K50 + elapsedMsecsPow);
// While we waiting to receive data, progress from 0% to 40%
else if (d->dataPos > checkpoint)
// While receiving data, progress from 40% to 70%
double delta = 0.3 + 0.4 - 0.4*part;
int imageSize = d->width * d->height * (m_rawDecodingSettings.sixteenBitsImage ? 6 : 3);
checkpoint += (int)(imageSize / (20 * delta));
setRecievingDataProgress(0.4*part + delta * (((float)d->dataPos)/((float)imageSize)));
QMutexLocker lock(&d->mutex);
d->condVar.wait(&d->mutex, 10);
if (!d->normalExit || m_cancel)
delete [] d->data;
d->data = 0;
return false;
// Copy decoded image data to byte array.
width = d->width;
height = d->height;
rgbmax = d->rgbmax;
imageData = QByteArray(d->width * d->height * (m_rawDecodingSettings.sixteenBitsImage ? 6 : 3));
memcpy(, d->data, imageData.size());
delete [] d->data;
d->data = 0;
return true;
void KDcraw::customEvent(QCustomEvent *)
// KProcess (because of QSocketNotifier) is not reentrant.
// We must only use it from the main thread.
// set up timer to call continueQuery at regular intervals
if (d->running)
d->queryTimer = new QTimer;
connect(d->queryTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(slotContinueQuery()));
void KDcraw::slotContinueQuery()
// this is called from the timer
if (checkToCancelWaitingData())
void KDcraw::startProcess()
if (m_cancel)
d->running = false;
d->normalExit = false;
// create KProcess and build argument list
d->process = new KProcess;
connect(d->process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)),
this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess *)));
connect(d->process, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotReceivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)));
connect(d->process, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)));
// run dcraw with options:
// -c : write to stdout
// -v : verboze mode.
// -4 : 16bit ppm output
// -f : Interpolate RGB as four colors. This blurs the image a little, but it eliminates false 2x2 mesh patterns.
// -a : Use automatic white balance
// -w : Use camera white balance, if possible
// -n : Use wavelets to erase noise while preserving real detail.
// -j : Do not stretch the image to its correct aspect ratio.
// -q : Use an interpolation method.
// -p : Use the input ICC profiles to define the camera's raw colorspace.
// -o : Use ICC profiles to define the output colorspace.
// -h : Output a half-size color image. Twice as fast as -q 0.
// -b : set Brightness value.
// -k : set Black Point value.
// -r : set Raw Color Balance Multipliers.
// -C : set Correct chromatic aberration correction.
*d->process << DcrawBinary::path();
*d->process << "-c";
*d->process << "-v";
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.sixteenBitsImage)
*d->process << "-4";
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.halfSizeColorImage)
*d->process << "-h";
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.RGBInterpolate4Colors)
*d->process << "-f";
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.DontStretchPixels)
*d->process << "-j";
*d->process << "-H";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.unclipColors);
*d->process << "-b";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.brightness);
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.enableBlackPoint)
*d->process << "-k";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.blackPoint);
switch (m_rawDecodingSettings.whiteBalance)
case RawDecodingSettings::NONE:
case RawDecodingSettings::CAMERA:
*d->process << "-w";
case RawDecodingSettings::AUTO:
*d->process << "-a";
case RawDecodingSettings::CUSTOM:
/* Convert between Temperature and RGB.
double T;
double RGB[3];
double xD, yD, X, Y, Z;
DcrawInfoContainer identify;
T = m_rawDecodingSettings.customWhiteBalance;
/* Here starts the code picked and adapted from ufraw (0.12.1)
to convert Temperature + green multiplier to RGB multipliers
/* Convert between Temperature and RGB.
* Base on information from
* The fit for D-illuminant between 4000K and 12000K are from CIE
* The generalization to 2000K < T < 4000K and the blackbody fits
* are my own and should be taken with a grain of salt.
const double XYZ_to_RGB[3][3] = {
{ 3.24071, -0.969258, 0.0556352 },
{-1.53726, 1.87599, -0.203996 },
{-0.498571, 0.0415557, 1.05707 } };
// Fit for CIE Daylight illuminant
if (T <= 4000)
xD = 0.27475e9/(T*T*T) - 0.98598e6/(T*T) + 1.17444e3/T + 0.145986;
else if (T <= 7000)
xD = -4.6070e9/(T*T*T) + 2.9678e6/(T*T) + 0.09911e3/T + 0.244063;
xD = -2.0064e9/(T*T*T) + 1.9018e6/(T*T) + 0.24748e3/T + 0.237040;
yD = -3*xD*xD + 2.87*xD - 0.275;
X = xD/yD;
Y = 1;
Z = (1-xD-yD)/yD;
RGB[0] = X*XYZ_to_RGB[0][0] + Y*XYZ_to_RGB[1][0] + Z*XYZ_to_RGB[2][0];
RGB[1] = X*XYZ_to_RGB[0][1] + Y*XYZ_to_RGB[1][1] + Z*XYZ_to_RGB[2][1];
RGB[2] = X*XYZ_to_RGB[0][2] + Y*XYZ_to_RGB[1][2] + Z*XYZ_to_RGB[2][2];
/* End of the code picked to ufraw
RGB[1] = RGB[1] / m_rawDecodingSettings.customWhiteBalanceGreen;
/* By default, decraw override his default D65 WB
We need to keep it as a basis : if not, colors with some
DSLR will have a high dominant of color that will lead to
a completly wrong WB
if (rawFileIdentify (identify, d->filePath))
RGB[0] = identify.daylightMult[0] / RGB[0];
RGB[1] = identify.daylightMult[1] / RGB[1];
RGB[2] = identify.daylightMult[2] / RGB[2];
RGB[0] = 1.0 / RGB[0];
RGB[1] = 1.0 / RGB[1];
RGB[2] = 1.0 / RGB[2];
qDebug("Warning: cannot get daylight multipliers");
*d->process << "-r";
*d->process << QString::number(RGB[0], 'f', 5);
*d->process << QString::number(RGB[1], 'f', 5);
*d->process << QString::number(RGB[2], 'f', 5);
*d->process << QString::number(RGB[1], 'f', 5);
*d->process << "-q";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.RAWQuality);
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.enableNoiseReduction)
*d->process << "-n";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.NRThreshold);
if (m_rawDecodingSettings.enableCACorrection)
*d->process << "-C";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.caMultiplier[0], 'f', 5);
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.caMultiplier[1], 'f', 5);
*d->process << "-o";
*d->process << QString::number(m_rawDecodingSettings.outputColorSpace);
*d->process << QFile::encodeName(d->filePath);
QString args;
for (uint i = 0 ; i < d->process->args().count(); i++)
args.append(QString(" "));
qDebug("Running RAW decoding command: %s", args.ascii());
// actually start the process
if ( !d->process->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit,
KProcess::Communication(KProcess::Stdout | KProcess::Stderr)) )
qWarning("Failed to start RAW decoding");
delete d->process;
d->process = 0;
d->running = false;
d->normalExit = false;
void KDcraw::slotProcessExited(KProcess *)
// set variables, clean up, wake up loader thread
QMutexLocker lock(&d->mutex);
d->running = false;
d->normalExit = d->process->normalExit() && d->process->exitStatus() == 0;
delete d->process;
d->process = 0;
delete d->queryTimer;
d->queryTimer = 0;
void KDcraw::slotReceivedStdout(KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen)
if (!d->data)
// first data packet:
// Parse PPM header to find out size and allocate buffer
// PPM header is "P6 <width> <height> <maximum rgb value "
// where the blanks are newline characters
QString magic = QString::fromAscii(buffer, 2);
if (magic != "P6")
qWarning("Cannot parse header from RAW decoding: Magic is: %s", magic.ascii());
// Find the third newline that marks the header end in a dcraw generated ppm.
int i = 0;
int counter = 0;
while (i < buflen)
if (counter == 3) break;
if (buffer[i] == '\n')
QStringList splitlist = QStringList::split("\n", QString::fromAscii(buffer, i));
QStringList sizes = QStringList::split(" ", splitlist[1]);
if (splitlist.size() < 3 || sizes.size() < 2)
qWarning("Cannot parse header from RAW decoding: Could not split");
d->width = sizes[0].toInt();
d->height = sizes[1].toInt();
d->rgbmax = splitlist[2].toInt();
qDebug("Parsed PPM header: width %i height %i rgbmax %i", d->width, d->height, d->rgbmax);
// cut header from data for memcpy below
buffer += i;
buflen -= i;
// allocate buffer
d->data = new uchar[d->width * d->height * (m_rawDecodingSettings.sixteenBitsImage ? 6 : 3)];
d->dataPos = 0;
// copy data to buffer
memcpy(d->data + d->dataPos, buffer, buflen);
d->dataPos += buflen;
void KDcraw::slotReceivedStderr(KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen)
QCString message(buffer, buflen);
qDebug("RAW decoding StdErr: %s", (const char*)message);
} // namespace KDcrawIface