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dcraw.c -- Dave Coffin's raw photo decoder
Copyright 1997-2007 by Dave Coffin, dcoffin a cybercom o net
This is a command-line ANSI C program to convert raw photos from
any digital camera on any computer running any operating system.
No license is required to download and use dcraw.c. However,
to lawfully redistribute dcraw, you must either (a) offer, at
no extra charge, full source code* for all executable files
containing RESTRICTED functions, (b) distribute this code under
the GPL Version 2 or later, (c) remove all RESTRICTED functions,
re-implement them, or copy them from an earlier, unrestricted
Revision of dcraw.c, or (d) purchase a license from the author.
The functions that process Foveon images have been RESTRICTED
since Revision 1.237. All other code remains free for all uses.
*If you have not modified dcraw.c in any way, a link to my
homepage qualifies as "full source code".
$Revision: 1.394 $
$Date: 2007/11/04 02:18:54 $
#define VERSION "8.79"
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
NO_JPEG disables decoding of compressed Kodak DC120 files.
NO_LCMS disables the "-p" option.
#ifndef NO_JPEG
#include <jpeglib.h>
#ifndef NO_LCMS
#include <lcms.h>
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(String) gettext(String)
#define _(String) (String)
#define fgetc getc_unlocked
#ifdef DJGPP
#define fseeko fseek
#define ftello ftell
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
#include <io.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#define snprintf _snprintf
#define strcasecmp stricmp
#define strncasecmp strnicmp
typedef __int64 INT64;
typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64;
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
typedef long long INT64;
typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
#error Please compile dcraw.c by itself.
#error Do not link it with ljpeg_decode.
#ifndef LONG_BIT
#define LONG_BIT (8 * sizeof (long))
#define ushort UshORt
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
All global variables are defined here, and all functions that
access them are prefixed with "CLASS". Note that a thread-safe
C++ class cannot have non-const static local variables.
FILE *ifp;
short order;
char *ifname, *meta_data;
char cdesc[5], desc[512], make[64], model[64], model2[64], artist[64];
float flash_used, canon_ev, iso_speed, shutter, aperture, focal_len;
time_t timestamp;
unsigned shot_order, kodak_cbpp, filters, exif_cfa, unique_id;
off_t strip_offset, data_offset;
off_t thumb_offset, meta_offset, profile_offset;
unsigned thumb_length, meta_length, profile_length;
unsigned thumb_misc, *oprof, fuji_layout, shot_select=0, multi_out=0;
unsigned tiff_nifds, tiff_samples, tiff_bps, tiff_compress;
unsigned black, maximum, mix_green, raw_color, use_gamma, zero_is_bad;
unsigned zero_after_ff, is_raw, dng_version, is_foveon, data_error;
unsigned tile_width, tile_length;
ushort raw_height, raw_width, height, width, top_margin, left_margin;
ushort shrink, iheight, iwidth, fuji_width, thumb_width, thumb_height;
int flip, tiff_flip, colors;
double pixel_aspect, aber[4]={1,1,1,1};
ushort (*image)[4], white[8][8], curve[0x4001], cr2_slice[3], sraw_mul[4];
float bright=1, user_mul[4]={0,0,0,0}, threshold=0;
int half_size=0, four_color_rgb=0, document_mode=0, highlight=0;
int verbose=0, use_auto_wb=0, use_camera_wb=0, use_camera_matrix=-1;
int output_color=1, output_bps=8, output_tiff=0, med_passes=0;
unsigned greybox[4] = { 0, 0, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX };
float cam_mul[4], pre_mul[4], cmatrix[3][4], rgb_cam[3][4];
const double xyz_rgb[3][3] = { /* XYZ from RGB */
{ 0.412453, 0.357580, 0.180423 },
{ 0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169 },
{ 0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227 } };
const float d65_white[3] = { 0.950456, 1, 1.088754 };
int histogram[4][0x2000];
void (*write_thumb)(FILE *), (*write_fun)(FILE *);
void (*load_raw)(), (*thumb_load_raw)();
jmp_buf failure;
struct decode {
struct decode *branch[2];
int leaf;
} first_decode[2048], *second_decode, *free_decode;
struct {
int width, height, bps, comp, phint, offset, flip, samples, bytes;
} tiff_ifd[10];
struct {
int format, key_off, black, black_off, split_col, tag_21a;
float tag_210;
} ph1;
#define CLASS
#define FORC3 for (c=0; c < 3; c++)
#define FORC4 for (c=0; c < 4; c++)
#define FORCC for (c=0; c < colors; c++)
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
#define ABS(x) (((int)(x) ^ ((int)(x) >> 31)) - ((int)(x) >> 31))
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define LIM(x,min,max) MAX(min,MIN(x,max))
#define ULIM(x,y,z) ((y) < (z) ? LIM(x,y,z) : LIM(x,z,y))
#define CLIP(x) LIM(x,0,65535)
#define SWAP(a,b) { a ^= b; a ^= (b ^= a); }
In order to inline this calculation, I make the risky
assumption that all filter patterns can be described
by a repeating pattern of eight rows and two columns
Do not use the FC or BAYER macros with the Leaf CatchLight,
because its pattern is 16x16, not 2x8.
Return values are either 0/1/2/3 = G/M/C/Y or 0/1/2/3 = R/G1/B/G2
PowerShot 600 PowerShot A50 PowerShot Pro70 Pro90 & G1
0xe1e4e1e4: 0x1b4e4b1e: 0x1e4b4e1b: 0xb4b4b4b4:
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 G M G M G M 0 C Y C Y C Y 0 Y C Y C Y C 0 G M G M G M
1 C Y C Y C Y 1 M G M G M G 1 M G M G M G 1 Y C Y C Y C
2 M G M G M G 2 Y C Y C Y C 2 C Y C Y C Y
3 C Y C Y C Y 3 G M G M G M 3 G M G M G M
4 C Y C Y C Y 4 Y C Y C Y C
PowerShot A5 5 G M G M G M 5 G M G M G M
0x1e4e1e4e: 6 Y C Y C Y C 6 C Y C Y C Y
7 M G M G M G 7 M G M G M G
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 C Y C Y C Y
1 G M G M G M
2 C Y C Y C Y
3 M G M G M G
All RGB cameras use one of these Bayer grids:
0x16161616: 0x61616161: 0x49494949: 0x94949494:
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 B G B G B G 0 G R G R G R 0 G B G B G B 0 R G R G R G
1 G R G R G R 1 B G B G B G 1 R G R G R G 1 G B G B G B
2 B G B G B G 2 G R G R G R 2 G B G B G B 2 R G R G R G
3 G R G R G R 3 B G B G B G 3 R G R G R G 3 G B G B G B
#define FC(row,col) \
(filters >> ((((row) << 1 & 14) + ((col) & 1)) << 1) & 3)
#define BAYER(row,col) \
image[((row) >> shrink)*iwidth + ((col) >> shrink)][FC(row,col)]
#define BAYER2(row,col) \
image[((row) >> shrink)*iwidth + ((col) >> shrink)][fc(row,col)]
int CLASS fc (int row, int col)
static const char filter[16][16] =
{ { 2,1,1,3,2,3,2,0,3,2,3,0,1,2,1,0 },
{ 0,3,0,2,0,1,3,1,0,1,1,2,0,3,3,2 },
{ 2,3,3,2,3,1,1,3,3,1,2,1,2,0,0,3 },
{ 0,1,0,1,0,2,0,2,2,0,3,0,1,3,2,1 },
{ 3,1,1,2,0,1,0,2,1,3,1,3,0,1,3,0 },
{ 2,0,0,3,3,2,3,1,2,0,2,0,3,2,2,1 },
{ 2,3,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,0,0,1 },
{ 1,0,0,2,3,0,0,3,0,3,0,3,2,1,2,3 },
{ 2,3,3,1,1,2,1,0,3,2,3,0,2,3,1,3 },
{ 1,0,2,0,3,0,3,2,0,1,1,2,0,1,0,2 },
{ 0,1,1,3,3,2,2,1,1,3,3,0,2,1,3,2 },
{ 2,3,2,0,0,1,3,0,2,0,1,2,3,0,1,0 },
{ 1,3,1,2,3,2,3,2,0,2,0,1,1,0,3,0 },
{ 0,2,0,3,1,0,0,1,1,3,3,2,3,2,2,1 },
{ 2,1,3,2,3,1,2,1,0,3,0,2,0,2,0,2 },
{ 0,3,1,0,0,2,0,3,2,1,3,1,1,3,1,3 } };
if (filters != 1) return FC(row,col);
return filter[(row+top_margin) & 15][(col+left_margin) & 15];
#ifndef __GLIBC__
char *my_memmem (char *haystack, size_t haystacklen,
char *needle, size_t needlelen)
char *c;
for (c = haystack; c <= haystack + haystacklen - needlelen; c++)
if (!memcmp (c, needle, needlelen))
return c;
return 0;
#define memmem my_memmem
void CLASS merror (void *ptr, char *where)
if (ptr) return;
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: Out of memory in %s\n"), ifname, where);
longjmp (failure, 1);
void CLASS derror()
if (!data_error) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", ifname);
if (feof(ifp))
fprintf (stderr,_("Unexpected end of file\n"));
fprintf (stderr,_("Corrupt data near 0x%llx\n"), (INT64) ftello(ifp));
data_error = 1;
ushort CLASS sget2 (uchar *s)
if (order == 0x4949) /* "II" means little-endian */
return s[0] | s[1] << 8;
else /* "MM" means big-endian */
return s[0] << 8 | s[1];
ushort CLASS get2()
uchar str[2] = { 0xff,0xff };
fread (str, 1, 2, ifp);
return sget2(str);
unsigned CLASS sget4 (uchar *s)
if (order == 0x4949)
return s[0] | s[1] << 8 | s[2] << 16 | s[3] << 24;
return s[0] << 24 | s[1] << 16 | s[2] << 8 | s[3];
#define sget4(s) sget4((uchar *)s)
unsigned CLASS get4()
uchar str[4] = { 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff };
fread (str, 1, 4, ifp);
return sget4(str);
unsigned CLASS getint (int type)
return type == 3 ? get2() : get4();
float CLASS int_to_float (int i)
union { int i; float f; } u;
u.i = i;
return u.f;
double CLASS getreal (int type)
union { char c[8]; double d; } u;
int i, rev;
switch (type) {
case 3: return (unsigned short) get2();
case 4: return (unsigned int) get4();
case 5: u.d = (unsigned int) get4();
return u.d / (unsigned int) get4();
case 8: return (signed short) get2();
case 9: return (signed int) get4();
case 10: u.d = (signed int) get4();
return u.d / (signed int) get4();
case 11: return int_to_float (get4());
case 12:
rev = 7 * ((order == 0x4949) == (ntohs(0x1234) == 0x1234));
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
u.c[i ^ rev] = fgetc(ifp);
return u.d;
default: return fgetc(ifp);
#define getrat() getreal(10)
void CLASS read_shorts (ushort *pixel, int count)
if (fread (pixel, 2, count, ifp) < count) derror();
if ((order == 0x4949) == (ntohs(0x1234) == 0x1234))
swab (pixel, pixel, count*2);
void CLASS canon_600_fixed_wb (int temp)
static const short mul[4][5] = {
{ 667, 358,397,565,452 },
{ 731, 390,367,499,517 },
{ 1119, 396,348,448,537 },
{ 1399, 485,431,508,688 } };
int lo, hi, i;
float frac=0;
for (lo=4; --lo; )
if (*mul[lo] <= temp) break;
for (hi=0; hi < 3; hi++)
if (*mul[hi] >= temp) break;
if (lo != hi)
frac = (float) (temp - *mul[lo]) / (*mul[hi] - *mul[lo]);
for (i=1; i < 5; i++)
pre_mul[i-1] = 1 / (frac * mul[hi][i] + (1-frac) * mul[lo][i]);
/* Return values: 0 = white 1 = near white 2 = not white */
int CLASS canon_600_color (int ratio[2], int mar)
int clipped=0, target, miss;
if (flash_used) {
if (ratio[1] < -104)
{ ratio[1] = -104; clipped = 1; }
if (ratio[1] > 12)
{ ratio[1] = 12; clipped = 1; }
} else {
if (ratio[1] < -264 || ratio[1] > 461) return 2;
if (ratio[1] < -50)
{ ratio[1] = -50; clipped = 1; }
if (ratio[1] > 307)
{ ratio[1] = 307; clipped = 1; }
target = flash_used || ratio[1] < 197
? -38 - (398 * ratio[1] >> 10)
: -123 + (48 * ratio[1] >> 10);
if (target - mar <= ratio[0] &&
target + 20 >= ratio[0] && !clipped) return 0;
miss = target - ratio[0];
if (abs(miss) >= mar*4) return 2;
if (miss < -20) miss = -20;
if (miss > mar) miss = mar;
ratio[0] = target - miss;
return 1;
void CLASS canon_600_auto_wb()
int mar, row, col, i, j, st, count[] = { 0,0 };
int test[8], total[2][8], ratio[2][2], stat[2];
memset (&total, 0, sizeof total);
i = canon_ev + 0.5;
if (i < 10) mar = 150;
else if (i > 12) mar = 20;
else mar = 280 - 20 * i;
if (flash_used) mar = 80;
for (row=14; row < height-14; row+=4)
for (col=10; col < width; col+=2) {
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
test[(i & 4) + FC(row+(i >> 1),col+(i & 1))] =
BAYER(row+(i >> 1),col+(i & 1));
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
if (test[i] < 150 || test[i] > 1500) goto next;
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
if (abs(test[i] - test[i+4]) > 50) goto next;
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j=0; j < 4; j+=2)
ratio[i][j >> 1] = ((test[i*4+j+1]-test[i*4+j]) << 10) / test[i*4+j];
stat[i] = canon_600_color (ratio[i], mar);
if ((st = stat[0] | stat[1]) > 1) goto next;
for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
if (stat[i])
for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
test[i*4+j*2+1] = test[i*4+j*2] * (0x400 + ratio[i][j]) >> 10;
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
total[st][i] += test[i];
next: ;
if (count[0] | count[1]) {
st = count[0]*200 < count[1];
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
pre_mul[i] = 1.0 / (total[st][i] + total[st][i+4]);
void CLASS canon_600_coeff()
static const short table[6][12] = {
{ -190,702,-1878,2390, 1861,-1349,905,-393, -432,944,2617,-2105 },
{ -1203,1715,-1136,1648, 1388,-876,267,245, -1641,2153,3921,-3409 },
{ -615,1127,-1563,2075, 1437,-925,509,3, -756,1268,2519,-2007 },
{ -190,702,-1886,2398, 2153,-1641,763,-251, -452,964,3040,-2528 },
{ -190,702,-1878,2390, 1861,-1349,905,-393, -432,944,2617,-2105 },
{ -807,1319,-1785,2297, 1388,-876,769,-257, -230,742,2067,-1555 } };
int t=0, i, c;
float mc, yc;
mc = pre_mul[1] / pre_mul[2];
yc = pre_mul[3] / pre_mul[2];
if (mc > 1 && mc <= 1.28 && yc < 0.8789) t=1;
if (mc > 1.28 && mc <= 2) {
if (yc < 0.8789) t=3;
else if (yc <= 2) t=4;
if (flash_used) t=5;
for (raw_color = i=0; i < 3; i++)
FORCC rgb_cam[i][c] = table[t][i*4 + c] / 1024.0;
void CLASS canon_600_load_raw()
uchar data[1120], *dp;
ushort pixel[896], *pix;
int irow, row, col, val;
static const short mul[4][2] =
{ { 1141,1145 }, { 1128,1109 }, { 1178,1149 }, { 1128,1109 } };
for (irow=row=0; irow < height; irow++) {
if (fread (data, 1, raw_width*5/4, ifp) < raw_width*5/4) derror();
for (dp=data, pix=pixel; dp < data+1120; dp+=10, pix+=8) {
pix[0] = (dp[0] << 2) + (dp[1] >> 6 );
pix[1] = (dp[2] << 2) + (dp[1] >> 4 & 3);
pix[2] = (dp[3] << 2) + (dp[1] >> 2 & 3);
pix[3] = (dp[4] << 2) + (dp[1] & 3);
pix[4] = (dp[5] << 2) + (dp[9] & 3);
pix[5] = (dp[6] << 2) + (dp[9] >> 2 & 3);
pix[6] = (dp[7] << 2) + (dp[9] >> 4 & 3);
pix[7] = (dp[8] << 2) + (dp[9] >> 6 );
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col];
for (col=width; col < raw_width; col++)
black += pixel[col];
if ((row+=2) > height) row = 1;
if (raw_width > width)
black = black / ((raw_width - width) * height) - 4;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
if ((val = BAYER(row,col) - black) < 0) val = 0;
val = val * mul[row & 3][col & 1] >> 9;
BAYER(row,col) = val;
maximum = (0x3ff - black) * 1109 >> 9;
black = 0;
void CLASS remove_zeroes()
unsigned row, col, tot, n, r, c;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
if (BAYER(row,col) == 0) {
tot = n = 0;
for (r = row-2; r <= row+2; r++)
for (c = col-2; c <= col+2; c++)
if (r < height && c < width &&
FC(r,c) == FC(row,col) && BAYER(r,c))
tot += (n++,BAYER(r,c));
if (n) BAYER(row,col) = tot/n;
int CLASS canon_s2is()
unsigned row;
for (row=0; row < 100; row++) {
fseek (ifp, row*3340 + 3284, SEEK_SET);
if (getc(ifp) > 15) return 1;
return 0;
void CLASS canon_a5_load_raw()
ushort data[2335], *dp, pixel;
int vbits=0, buf=0, row, col, bc=0;
order = 0x4949;
for (row=-top_margin; row < raw_height-top_margin; row++) {
read_shorts (dp=data, raw_width * 10 / 16);
for (col=-left_margin; col < raw_width-left_margin; col++) {
if (vbits < 10)
buf = (vbits += 16, (buf << 16) + *dp++);
pixel = buf >> (vbits -= 10) & 0x3ff;
if ((unsigned) row < height && (unsigned) col < width)
BAYER(row,col) = pixel;
else if (col > 1-left_margin && col != width)
black += (bc++,pixel);
if (bc) black /= bc;
maximum = 0x3ff;
if (raw_width > 1600) remove_zeroes();
getbits(-1) initializes the buffer
getbits(n) where 0 <= n <= 25 returns an n-bit integer
unsigned CLASS getbits (int nbits)
static unsigned bitbuf=0;
static int vbits=0, reset=0;
unsigned c;
if (nbits == -1)
return bitbuf = vbits = reset = 0;
if (nbits == 0 || reset) return 0;
while (vbits < nbits) {
if ((c = fgetc(ifp)) == EOF) derror();
if ((reset = zero_after_ff && c == 0xff && fgetc(ifp))) return 0;
bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) + (uchar) c;
vbits += 8;
vbits -= nbits;
return bitbuf << (32-nbits-vbits) >> (32-nbits);
void CLASS init_decoder()
memset (first_decode, 0, sizeof first_decode);
free_decode = first_decode;
Construct a decode tree according the specification in *source.
The first 16 bytes specify how many codes should be 1-bit, 2-bit
3-bit, etc. Bytes after that are the leaf values.
For example, if the source is
{ 0,1,4,2,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0x04,0x03,0x05,0x06,0x02,0x07,0x01,0x08,0x09,0x00,0x0a,0x0b,0xff },
then the code is
00 0x04
010 0x03
011 0x05
100 0x06
101 0x02
1100 0x07
1101 0x01
11100 0x08
11101 0x09
11110 0x00
111110 0x0a
1111110 0x0b
1111111 0xff
uchar * CLASS make_decoder (const uchar *source, int level)
struct decode *cur;
static int leaf;
int i, next;
if (level==0) leaf=0;
cur = free_decode++;
if (free_decode > first_decode+2048) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: decoder table overflow\n"), ifname);
longjmp (failure, 2);
for (i=next=0; i <= leaf && next < 16; )
i += source[next++];
if (i > leaf) {
if (level < next) {
cur->branch[0] = free_decode;
make_decoder (source, level+1);
cur->branch[1] = free_decode;
make_decoder (source, level+1);
} else
cur->leaf = source[16 + leaf++];
return (uchar *) source + 16 + leaf;
void CLASS crw_init_tables (unsigned table)
static const uchar first_tree[3][29] = {
{ 0,1,4,2,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0x04,0x03,0x05,0x06,0x02,0x07,0x01,0x08,0x09,0x00,0x0a,0x0b,0xff },
{ 0,2,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0x03,0x02,0x04,0x01,0x05,0x00,0x06,0x07,0x09,0x08,0x0a,0x0b,0xff },
{ 0,0,6,3,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0x06,0x05,0x07,0x04,0x08,0x03,0x09,0x02,0x00,0x0a,0x01,0x0b,0xff },
static const uchar second_tree[3][180] = {
{ 0,2,2,2,1,4,2,1,2,5,1,1,0,0,0,139,
0xf2,0xca,0x83,0xa3,0xa2,0xc3,0xea,0xc2,0xe2,0xe3,0xff,0xff },
{ 0,2,2,1,4,1,4,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,140,
0xf3,0xf6,0xa9,0xb2,0xb3,0xf2,0xd2,0x83,0xba,0xd3,0xff,0xff },
{ 0,0,6,2,1,3,3,2,5,1,2,2,8,10,0,117,
0xe2,0x82,0xf1,0xa3,0xc2,0xa1,0xc1,0xe3,0xa2,0xe1,0xff,0xff }
if (table > 2) table = 2;
make_decoder ( first_tree[table], 0);
second_decode = free_decode;
make_decoder (second_tree[table], 0);
Return 0 if the image starts with compressed data,
1 if it starts with uncompressed low-order bits.
In Canon compressed data, 0xff is always followed by 0x00.
int CLASS canon_has_lowbits()
uchar test[0x4000];
int ret=1, i;
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread (test, 1, sizeof test, ifp);
for (i=540; i < sizeof test - 1; i++)
if (test[i] == 0xff) {
if (test[i+1]) return 1;
return ret;
void CLASS canon_compressed_load_raw()
ushort *pixel, *prow;
int nblocks, lowbits, i, row, r, col, save, val;
unsigned irow, icol;
struct decode *decode, *dindex;
int block, diffbuf[64], leaf, len, diff, carry=0, pnum=0, base[2];
uchar c;
crw_init_tables (tiff_compress);
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width*8, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "canon_compressed_load_raw()");
lowbits = canon_has_lowbits();
if (!lowbits) maximum = 0x3ff;
fseek (ifp, 540 + lowbits*raw_height*raw_width/4, SEEK_SET);
zero_after_ff = 1;
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row+=8) {
nblocks = MIN (8, raw_height-row) * raw_width >> 6;
for (block=0; block < nblocks; block++) {
memset (diffbuf, 0, sizeof diffbuf);
decode = first_decode;
for (i=0; i < 64; i++ ) {
for (dindex=decode; dindex->branch[0]; )
dindex = dindex->branch[getbits(1)];
leaf = dindex->leaf;
decode = second_decode;
if (leaf == 0 && i) break;
if (leaf == 0xff) continue;
i += leaf >> 4;
len = leaf & 15;
if (len == 0) continue;
diff = getbits(len);
if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
diff -= (1 << len) - 1;
if (i < 64) diffbuf[i] = diff;
diffbuf[0] += carry;
carry = diffbuf[0];
for (i=0; i < 64; i++ ) {
if (pnum++ % raw_width == 0)
base[0] = base[1] = 512;
if ((pixel[(block << 6) + i] = base[i & 1] += diffbuf[i]) >> 10)
if (lowbits) {
save = ftell(ifp);
fseek (ifp, 26 + row*raw_width/4, SEEK_SET);
for (prow=pixel, i=0; i < raw_width*2; i++) {
c = fgetc(ifp);
for (r=0; r < 8; r+=2, prow++) {
val = (*prow << 2) + ((c >> r) & 3);
if (raw_width == 2672 && val < 512) val += 2;
*prow = val;
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
for (r=0; r < 8; r++) {
irow = row - top_margin + r;
if (irow >= height) continue;
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
icol = col - left_margin;
if (icol < width)
BAYER(irow,icol) = pixel[r*raw_width+col];
black += pixel[r*raw_width+col];
free (pixel);
if (raw_width > width)
black /= (raw_width - width) * height;
Not a full implementation of Lossless JPEG, just
enough to decode Canon, Kodak and Adobe DNG images.
struct jhead {
int bits, high, wide, clrs, psv, restart, vpred[4];
struct decode *huff[4];
ushort *row;
int CLASS ljpeg_start (struct jhead *jh, int info_only)
int i, tag, len;
uchar data[0x10000], *dp;
memset (jh, 0, sizeof *jh);
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
jh->huff[i] = free_decode;
jh->restart = INT_MAX;
fread (data, 2, 1, ifp);
if (data[1] != 0xd8) return 0;
do {
fread (data, 2, 2, ifp);
tag = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
len = (data[2] << 8 | data[3]) - 2;
if (tag <= 0xff00) return 0;
fread (data, 1, len, ifp);
switch (tag) {
case 0xffc0: data[7] = 0;
case 0xffc3:
jh->bits = data[0];
jh->high = data[1] << 8 | data[2];
jh->wide = data[3] << 8 | data[4];
jh->clrs = data[5] + (data[7] == 0x21);
if (len == 9 && !dng_version) getc(ifp);
case 0xffc4:
if (info_only) break;
for (dp = data; dp < data+len && *dp < 4; ) {
jh->huff[*dp] = free_decode;
dp = make_decoder (++dp, 0);
case 0xffda:
jh->psv = data[1+data[0]*2];
case 0xffdd:
jh->restart = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
} while (tag != 0xffda);
if (info_only) return 1;
if (jh->clrs == 4) {
jh->huff[3] = jh->huff[2] = jh->huff[1];
jh->huff[1] = jh->huff[0];
jh->row = (ushort *) calloc (jh->wide*jh->clrs, 4);
merror (jh->row, "ljpeg_start()");
return zero_after_ff = 1;
int CLASS ljpeg_diff (struct decode *dindex)
int len, diff;
while (dindex->branch[0])
dindex = dindex->branch[getbits(1)];
len = dindex->leaf;
if (len == 16 && (!dng_version || dng_version >= 0x1010000))
return -32768;
diff = getbits(len);
if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
diff -= (1 << len) - 1;
return diff;
ushort * CLASS ljpeg_row (int jrow, struct jhead *jh)
int col, c, diff, pred;
ushort mark=0, *row[3];
if (jrow * jh->wide % jh->restart == 0) {
FORC4 jh->vpred[c] = 1 << (jh->bits-1);
if (jrow)
do mark = (mark << 8) + (c = fgetc(ifp));
while (c != EOF && mark >> 4 != 0xffd);
FORC3 row[c] = jh->row + jh->wide*jh->clrs*((jrow+c) & 1);
for (col=0; col < jh->wide; col++)
for (c=0; c < jh->clrs; c++) {
diff = ljpeg_diff (jh->huff[c]);
if (jh->clrs == 4 && c < 2 && (col | c))
pred = row[0][(c << 1)-3];
else if (col) pred = row[0][-jh->clrs];
else pred = (jh->vpred[c] += diff) - diff;
if (jrow && col) switch (jh->psv) {
case 1: break;
case 2: pred = row[1][0]; break;
case 3: pred = row[1][-jh->clrs]; break;
case 4: pred = pred + row[1][0] - row[1][-jh->clrs]; break;
case 5: pred = pred + ((row[1][0] - row[1][-jh->clrs]) >> 1); break;
case 6: pred = row[1][0] + ((pred - row[1][-jh->clrs]) >> 1); break;
case 7: pred = (pred + row[1][0]) >> 1; break;
default: pred = 0;
if ((**row = pred + diff) >> jh->bits) derror();
row[0]++; row[1]++;
return row[2];
void CLASS lossless_jpeg_load_raw()
int jwide, jrow, jcol, val, jidx, i, j, row=0, col=0;
struct jhead jh;
int min=INT_MAX;
ushort *rp;
if (!ljpeg_start (&jh, 0)) return;
jwide = jh.wide * jh.clrs;
for (jrow=0; jrow < jh.high; jrow++) {
rp = ljpeg_row (jrow, &jh);
for (jcol=0; jcol < jwide; jcol++) {
val = *rp++;
if (jh.bits <= 12)
val = curve[val];
if (cr2_slice[0]) {
jidx = jrow*jwide + jcol;
i = jidx / (cr2_slice[1]*jh.high);
if ((j = i >= cr2_slice[0]))
i = cr2_slice[0];
jidx -= i * (cr2_slice[1]*jh.high);
row = jidx / cr2_slice[1+j];
col = jidx % cr2_slice[1+j] + i*cr2_slice[1];
if (raw_width == 3984 && (col -= 2) < 0)
col += (row--,raw_width);
if ((unsigned) (row-top_margin) < height) {
if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) < width) {
BAYER(row-top_margin,col-left_margin) = val;
if (min > val) min = val;
} else black += val;
if (++col >= raw_width)
col = (row++,0);
free (jh.row);
if (raw_width > width)
black /= (raw_width - width) * height;
if (!strcasecmp(make,"KODAK"))
black = min;
void CLASS canon_sraw_load_raw()
struct jhead jh;
short *rp=0, *ip;
int jwide, slice, scol, ecol, row, col, jrow=0, jcol=0, pix[3], c;
if (!ljpeg_start (&jh, 0)) return;
jwide = (jh.wide >>= 1) * 4;
for (ecol=slice=0; slice <= cr2_slice[0]; slice++) {
scol = ecol;
ecol += cr2_slice[1] >> 1;
if (!cr2_slice[0] || ecol > width-1) ecol = width & -2;
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
ip = (short *) image[row*width+scol];
for (col=scol; col < ecol; col+=2, jcol+=4, ip+=8) {
if ((jcol %= jwide) == 0)
rp = (short *) ljpeg_row (jrow++, &jh);
ip[0] = rp[jcol];
ip[4] = rp[jcol+1];
ip[1] = (short) (rp[jcol+2] << 2) >> 2;
ip[2] = (short) (rp[jcol+3] << 2) >> 2;
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
ip = (short *) image[row*width+1];
for (col=1; col < width-1; col+=2, ip+=8) {
ip[1] = (ip[-3] + ip[5] + 1) >> 1;
ip[2] = (ip[-2] + ip[6] + 1) >> 1;
if (col < width) { ip[1] = ip[-3]; ip[2] = ip[-2]; }
ip = (short *) image[row*width];
for (col=0; col < width; col++, ip+=4) {
pix[0] = ip[2] + ip[0];
pix[2] = ip[1] + ip[0];
pix[1] = ((ip[0] << 12) - ip[1]*778 - (ip[2] << 11)) >> 12;
FORC3 ip[c] = CLIP((pix[c] - 512) * sraw_mul[c] >> 10);
free (jh.row);
maximum = 0x3fff;
void CLASS adobe_copy_pixel (int row, int col, ushort **rp)
unsigned r, c;
r = row -= top_margin;
c = col -= left_margin;
if (is_raw == 2 && shot_select) (*rp)++;
if (filters) {
if (fuji_width) {
r = row + fuji_width - 1 - (col >> 1);
c = row + ((col+1) >> 1);
if (r < height && c < width)
BAYER(r,c) = **rp < 0x1000 ? curve[**rp] : **rp;
*rp += is_raw;
} else {
if (r < height && c < width)
for (c=0; c < tiff_samples; c++)
image[row*width+col][c] = (*rp)[c] < 0x1000 ? curve[(*rp)[c]]:(*rp)[c];
*rp += tiff_samples;
if (is_raw == 2 && shot_select) (*rp)--;
void CLASS adobe_dng_load_raw_lj()
unsigned save, trow=0, tcol=0, jwide, jrow, jcol, row, col;
struct jhead jh;
ushort *rp;
while (trow < raw_height) {
save = ftell(ifp);
if (tile_length < INT_MAX)
fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET);
if (!ljpeg_start (&jh, 0)) break;
jwide = jh.wide;
if (filters) jwide *= jh.clrs;
jwide /= is_raw;
for (row=col=jrow=0; jrow < jh.high; jrow++) {
rp = ljpeg_row (jrow, &jh);
for (jcol=0; jcol < jwide; jcol++) {
adobe_copy_pixel (trow+row, tcol+col, &rp);
if (++col >= tile_width || col >= raw_width)
row += 1 + (col = 0);
fseek (ifp, save+4, SEEK_SET);
if ((tcol += tile_width) >= raw_width)
trow += tile_length + (tcol = 0);
free (jh.row);
void CLASS adobe_dng_load_raw_nc()
ushort *pixel, *rp;
int row, col;
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width * tiff_samples, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "adobe_dng_load_raw_nc()");
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++) {
if (tiff_bps == 16)
read_shorts (pixel, raw_width * tiff_samples);
else {
for (col=0; col < raw_width * tiff_samples; col++)
pixel[col] = getbits(tiff_bps);
for (rp=pixel, col=0; col < raw_width; col++)
adobe_copy_pixel (row, col, &rp);
free (pixel);
void CLASS pentax_k10_load_raw()
static const uchar pentax_tree[] =
{ 0,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,
3,4,2,5,1,6,0,7,8,9,10,11,12 };
int row, col, diff;
ushort vpred[2][2] = {{0,0},{0,0}}, hpred[2];
make_decoder (pentax_tree, 0);
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
diff = ljpeg_diff (first_decode);
if (col < 2) hpred[col] = vpred[row & 1][col] += diff;
else hpred[col & 1] += diff;
if (col < width)
BAYER(row,col) = hpred[col & 1];
if (hpred[col & 1] >> 12) derror();
void CLASS nikon_compressed_load_raw()
static const uchar nikon_tree[][32] = {
{ 0,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 12-bit lossy */
5,4,3,6,2,7,1,0,8,9,11,10,12 },
{ 0,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 12-bit lossy after split */
0x39,0x5a,0x38,0x27,0x16,5,4,3,2,1,0,11,12,12 },
{ 0,1,4,2,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 12-bit lossless */
5,4,6,3,7,2,8,1,9,0,10,11,12 },
{ 0,1,4,3,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 14-bit lossy */
5,6,4,7,8,3,9,2,1,0,10,11,12,13,14 },
{ 0,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0, /* 14-bit lossy after split */
8,0x5c,0x4b,0x3a,0x29,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,13,14 },
{ 0,1,4,2,2,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 14-bit lossless */
7,6,8,5,9,4,10,3,11,12,2,0,1,13,14 } };
struct decode *dindex;
ushort ver0, ver1, vpred[2][2], hpred[2], csize;
int i, max, step=0, huff=0, split=0, row, col, len, shl, diff;
fseek (ifp, meta_offset, SEEK_SET);
ver0 = fgetc(ifp);
ver1 = fgetc(ifp);
if (ver0 == 0x49 || ver1 == 0x58)
fseek (ifp, 2110, SEEK_CUR);
if (ver0 == 0x46) huff = 2;
if (tiff_bps == 14) huff += 3;
read_shorts (vpred[0], 4);
max = 1 << tiff_bps & 0x7fff;
if ((csize = get2()) > 1)
step = max / (csize-1);
if (ver0 == 0x44 && ver1 == 0x20 && step > 0) {
for (i=0; i < csize; i++)
curve[i*step] = get2();
for (i=0; i < max; i++)
curve[i] = ( curve[i-i%step]*(step-i%step) +
curve[i-i%step+step]*(i%step) ) / step;
fseek (ifp, meta_offset+562, SEEK_SET);
split = get2();
} else if (ver0 != 0x46 && csize <= 0x4001)
read_shorts (curve, max=csize);
make_decoder (nikon_tree[huff], 0);
fseek (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
if (split && row == split) {
make_decoder (nikon_tree[huff+1], 0);
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
for (dindex=first_decode; dindex->branch[0]; )
dindex = dindex->branch[getbits(1)];
len = dindex->leaf & 15;
shl = dindex->leaf >> 4;
diff = ((getbits(len-shl) << 1) + 1) << shl >> 1;
if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
diff -= (1 << len) - !shl;
if (col < 2) hpred[col] = vpred[row & 1][col] += diff;
else hpred[col & 1] += diff;
if (hpred[col & 1] >= max) derror();
if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) < width)
BAYER(row,col-left_margin) = curve[hpred[col & 1] & 0x3fff];
void CLASS nikon_load_raw()
int irow, row, col, i;
for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
row = irow;
if (make[0] == 'O' || model[0] == 'E') {
row = irow * 2 % height + irow / (height/2);
if (row == 1 && data_offset == 0) {
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
fseek (ifp, ftell(ifp)/2, SEEK_SET);
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
i = getbits(12);
if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) < width)
BAYER(row,col-left_margin) = i;
if (tiff_compress > 32768 && (col % 10) == 9)
if (getbits(8)) derror();
Figure out if a NEF file is compressed. These fancy heuristics
are only needed for the D100, thanks to a bug in some cameras
that tags all images as "compressed".
int CLASS nikon_is_compressed()
uchar test[256];
int i;
fseek (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
fread (test, 1, 256, ifp);
for (i=15; i < 256; i+=16)
if (test[i]) return 1;
return 0;
Returns 1 for a Coolpix 995, 0 for anything else.
int CLASS nikon_e995()
int i, histo[256];
const uchar often[] = { 0x00, 0x55, 0xaa, 0xff };
memset (histo, 0, sizeof histo);
fseek (ifp, -2000, SEEK_END);
for (i=0; i < 2000; i++)
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
if (histo[often[i]] < 200)
return 0;
return 1;
Returns 1 for a Coolpix 2100, 0 for anything else.
int CLASS nikon_e2100()
uchar t[12];
int i;
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
for (i=0; i < 1024; i++) {
fread (t, 1, 12, ifp);
if (((t[2] & t[4] & t[7] & t[9]) >> 4
& t[1] & t[6] & t[8] & t[11] & 3) != 3)
return 0;
return 1;
void CLASS nikon_3700()
int bits, i;
uchar dp[24];
static const struct {
int bits;
char make[12], model[15];
} table[] = {
{ 0x00, "PENTAX", "Optio 33WR" },
{ 0x03, "NIKON", "E3200" },
{ 0x32, "NIKON", "E3700" },
{ 0x33, "OLYMPUS", "C740UZ" } };
fseek (ifp, 3072, SEEK_SET);
fread (dp, 1, 24, ifp);
bits = (dp[8] & 3) << 4 | (dp[20] & 3);
for (i=0; i < sizeof table / sizeof *table; i++)
if (bits == table[i].bits) {
strcpy (make, table[i].make );
strcpy (model, table[i].model);
Separates a Minolta DiMAGE Z2 from a Nikon E4300.
int CLASS minolta_z2()
int i;
char tail[424];
fseek (ifp, -sizeof tail, SEEK_END);
fread (tail, 1, sizeof tail, ifp);
for (i=0; i < sizeof tail; i++)
if (tail[i]) return 1;
return 0;
/* Here raw_width is in bytes, not pixels. */
void CLASS nikon_e900_load_raw()
int offset=0, irow, row, col;
for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
row = irow * 2 % height;
if (row == 1)
offset = - (-offset & -4096);
fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
offset += raw_width;
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = getbits(10);
void CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw()
uchar data[4608], *dp;
ushort pixel[3072], *pix;
int row, col;
for (row=0; row <= height; row+=2) {
if (row == height) {
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
fseek (ifp, ftell(ifp)/2, SEEK_SET);
row = 1;
fread (data, 1, width*3/2, ifp);
for (dp=data, pix=pixel; pix < pixel+width; dp+=12, pix+=8) {
pix[0] = (dp[2] >> 4) + (dp[ 3] << 4);
pix[1] = (dp[2] << 8) + dp[ 1];
pix[2] = (dp[7] >> 4) + (dp[ 0] << 4);
pix[3] = (dp[7] << 8) + dp[ 6];
pix[4] = (dp[4] >> 4) + (dp[ 5] << 4);
pix[5] = (dp[4] << 8) + dp[11];
pix[6] = (dp[9] >> 4) + (dp[10] << 4);
pix[7] = (dp[9] << 8) + dp[ 8];
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = (pixel[col] & 0xfff);
The Fuji Super CCD is just a Bayer grid rotated 45 degrees.
void CLASS fuji_load_raw()
ushort *pixel;
int wide, row, col, r, c;
fseek (ifp, (top_margin*raw_width + left_margin) * 2, SEEK_CUR);
wide = fuji_width << !fuji_layout;
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (wide, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "fuji_load_raw()");
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++) {
read_shorts (pixel, wide);
fseek (ifp, 2*(raw_width - wide), SEEK_CUR);
for (col=0; col < wide; col++) {
if (fuji_layout) {
r = fuji_width - 1 - col + (row >> 1);
c = col + ((row+1) >> 1);
} else {
r = fuji_width - 1 + row - (col >> 1);
c = row + ((col+1) >> 1);
BAYER(r,c) = pixel[col];
free (pixel);
void CLASS jpeg_thumb (FILE *tfp);
void CLASS ppm_thumb (FILE *tfp)
char *thumb;
thumb_length = thumb_width*thumb_height*3;
thumb = (char *) malloc (thumb_length);
merror (thumb, "ppm_thumb()");
fprintf (tfp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", thumb_width, thumb_height);
fread (thumb, 1, thumb_length, ifp);
fwrite (thumb, 1, thumb_length, tfp);
free (thumb);
void CLASS layer_thumb (FILE *tfp)
int i, c;
char *thumb, map[][4] = { "012","102" };
colors = thumb_misc >> 5 & 7;
thumb_length = thumb_width*thumb_height;
thumb = (char *) calloc (colors, thumb_length);
merror (thumb, "layer_thumb()");
fprintf (tfp, "P%d\n%d %d\n255\n",
5 + (colors >> 1), thumb_width, thumb_height);
fread (thumb, thumb_length, colors, ifp);
for (i=0; i < thumb_length; i++)
FORCC putc (thumb[i+thumb_length*(map[thumb_misc >> 8][c]-'0')], tfp);
free (thumb);
void CLASS rollei_thumb (FILE *tfp)
unsigned i;
ushort *thumb;
thumb_length = thumb_width * thumb_height;
thumb = (ushort *) calloc (thumb_length, 2);
merror (thumb, "rollei_thumb()");
fprintf (tfp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", thumb_width, thumb_height);
read_shorts (thumb, thumb_length);
for (i=0; i < thumb_length; i++) {
putc (thumb[i] << 3, tfp);
putc (thumb[i] >> 5 << 2, tfp);
putc (thumb[i] >> 11 << 3, tfp);
free (thumb);
void CLASS rollei_load_raw()
uchar pixel[10];
unsigned iten=0, isix, i, buffer=0, row, col, todo[16];
isix = raw_width * raw_height * 5 / 8;
while (fread (pixel, 1, 10, ifp) == 10) {
for (i=0; i < 10; i+=2) {
todo[i] = iten++;
todo[i+1] = pixel[i] << 8 | pixel[i+1];
buffer = pixel[i] >> 2 | buffer << 6;
for ( ; i < 16; i+=2) {
todo[i] = isix++;
todo[i+1] = buffer >> (14-i)*5;
for (i=0; i < 16; i+=2) {
row = todo[i] / raw_width - top_margin;
col = todo[i] % raw_width - left_margin;
if (row < height && col < width)
BAYER(row,col) = (todo[i+1] & 0x3ff);
maximum = 0x3ff;
int CLASS bayer (unsigned row, unsigned col)
return (row < height && col < width) ? BAYER(row,col) : 0;
void CLASS phase_one_flat_field (int is_float, int nc)
ushort head[8];
unsigned wide, y, x, c, rend, cend, row, col;
float *mrow, num, mult[4];
read_shorts (head, 8);
wide = head[2] / head[4];
mrow = (float *) calloc (nc*wide, sizeof *mrow);
merror (mrow, "phase_one_flat_field()");
for (y=0; y < head[3] / head[5]; y++) {
for (x=0; x < wide; x++)
for (c=0; c < nc; c+=2) {
num = is_float ? getreal(11) : get2()/32768.0;
if (y==0) mrow[c*wide+x] = num;
else mrow[(c+1)*wide+x] = (num - mrow[c*wide+x]) / head[5];
if (y==0) continue;
rend = head[1]-top_margin + y*head[5];
for (row = rend-head[5]; row < height && row < rend; row++) {
for (x=1; x < wide; x++) {
for (c=0; c < nc; c+=2) {
mult[c] = mrow[c*wide+x-1];
mult[c+1] = (mrow[c*wide+x] - mult[c]) / head[4];
cend = head[0]-left_margin + x*head[4];
for (col = cend-head[4]; col < width && col < cend; col++) {
c = nc > 2 ? FC(row,col) : 0;
if (!(c & 1)) {
c = BAYER(row,col) * mult[c];
BAYER(row,col) = LIM(c,0,65535);
for (c=0; c < nc; c+=2)
mult[c] += mult[c+1];
for (x=0; x < wide; x++)
for (c=0; c < nc; c+=2)
mrow[c*wide+x] += mrow[(c+1)*wide+x];
free (mrow);
void CLASS phase_one_correct()
unsigned entries, tag, data, save, col, row, type;
int len, i, j, k, cip, val[4], dev[4], sum, max;
int head[9], diff, mindiff=INT_MAX, off_412=0;
static const signed char dir[12][2] =
{ {-1,-1}, {-1,1}, {1,-1}, {1,1}, {-2,0}, {0,-2}, {0,2}, {2,0},
{-2,-2}, {-2,2}, {2,-2}, {2,2} };
float poly[8], num, cfrac, frac, mult[2], *yval[2];
ushort curve[0x10000], *xval[2];
if (half_size || !meta_length) return;
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("Phase One correction...\n"));
fseek (ifp, meta_offset, SEEK_SET);
order = get2();
fseek (ifp, 6, SEEK_CUR);
fseek (ifp, meta_offset+get4(), SEEK_SET);
entries = get4(); get4();
while (entries--) {
tag = get4();
len = get4();
data = get4();
save = ftell(ifp);
fseek (ifp, meta_offset+data, SEEK_SET);
if (tag == 0x419) { /* Polynomial curve */
for (get4(), i=0; i < 8; i++)
poly[i] = getreal(11);
poly[3] += (ph1.tag_210 - poly[7]) * poly[6] + 1;
for (i=0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
num = (poly[5]*i + poly[3])*i + poly[1];
curve[i] = LIM(num,0,65535);
} goto apply; /* apply to right half */
} else if (tag == 0x41a) { /* Polynomial curve */
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
poly[i] = getreal(11);
for (i=0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
for (num=0, j=4; j--; )
num = num * i + poly[j];
curve[i] = LIM(num+i,0,65535);
} apply: /* apply to whole image */
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col = (tag & 1)*ph1.split_col; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = curve[BAYER(row,col)];
} else if (tag == 0x400) { /* Sensor defects */
while ((len -= 8) >= 0) {
col = get2() - left_margin;
row = get2() - top_margin;
type = get2(); get2();
if (col >= width) continue;
if (type == 131) /* Bad column */
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
if (FC(row,col) == 1) {
for (sum=i=0; i < 4; i++)
sum += val[i] = bayer (row+dir[i][0], col+dir[i][1]);
for (max=i=0; i < 4; i++) {
dev[i] = abs((val[i] << 2) - sum);
if (dev[max] < dev[i]) max = i;
BAYER(row,col) = (sum - val[max])/3.0 + 0.5;
} else {
for (sum=0, i=8; i < 12; i++)
sum += bayer (row+dir[i][0], col+dir[i][1]);
BAYER(row,col) = 0.5 + sum * 0.0732233 +
(bayer(row,col-2) + bayer(row,col+2)) * 0.3535534;
else if (type == 129) { /* Bad pixel */
if (row >= height) continue;
j = (FC(row,col) != 1) * 4;
for (sum=0, i=j; i < j+8; i++)
sum += bayer (row+dir[i][0], col+dir[i][1]);
BAYER(row,col) = (sum + 4) >> 3;
} else if (tag == 0x401) { /* All-color flat fields */
phase_one_flat_field (1, 2);
} else if (tag == 0x416 || tag == 0x410) {
phase_one_flat_field (0, 2);
} else if (tag == 0x40b) { /* Red+blue flat field */
phase_one_flat_field (0, 4);
} else if (tag == 0x412) {
fseek (ifp, 36, SEEK_CUR);
diff = abs (get2() - ph1.tag_21a);
if (mindiff > diff) {
mindiff = diff;
off_412 = ftell(ifp) - 38;
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
if (off_412) {
fseek (ifp, off_412, SEEK_SET);
for (i=0; i < 9; i++) head[i] = get4() & 0x7fff;
yval[0] = (float *) calloc (head[1]*head[3] + head[2]*head[4], 6);
merror (yval[0], "phase_one_correct()");
yval[1] = (float *) (yval[0] + head[1]*head[3]);
xval[0] = (ushort *) (yval[1] + head[2]*head[4]);
xval[1] = (ushort *) (xval[0] + head[1]*head[3]);
for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
for (j=0; j < head[i+1]*head[i+3]; j++)
yval[i][j] = getreal(11);
for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
for (j=0; j < head[i+1]*head[i+3]; j++)
xval[i][j] = get2();
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
cfrac = (float) col * head[3] / raw_width;
cfrac -= cip = cfrac;
num = BAYER(row,col) * 0.5;
for (i=cip; i < cip+2; i++) {
for (k=j=0; j < head[1]; j++)
if (num < xval[0][k = head[1]*i+j]) break;
frac = (j == 0 || j == head[1]) ? 0 :
(xval[0][k] - num) / (xval[0][k] - xval[0][k-1]);
mult[i-cip] = yval[0][k-1] * frac + yval[0][k] * (1-frac);
i = ((mult[0] * (1-cfrac) + mult[1] * cfrac)
* (row + top_margin) + num) * 2;
BAYER(row,col) = LIM(i,0,65535);
free (yval[0]);
void CLASS phase_one_load_raw()
int row, col, a, b;
ushort *pixel, akey, bkey, mask;
fseek (ifp, ph1.key_off, SEEK_SET);
akey = get2();
bkey = get2();
mask = ph1.format == 1 ? 0x5555:0x1354;
fseek (ifp, data_offset + top_margin*raw_width*2, SEEK_SET);
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "phase_one_load_raw()");
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
read_shorts (pixel, raw_width);
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col+=2) {
a = pixel[col+0] ^ akey;
b = pixel[col+1] ^ bkey;
pixel[col+0] = (a & mask) | (b & ~mask);
pixel[col+1] = (b & mask) | (a & ~mask);
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col+left_margin];
free (pixel);
unsigned CLASS ph1_bits (int nbits)
static UINT64 bitbuf=0;
static int vbits=0;
if (nbits == -1)
return bitbuf = vbits = 0;
if (nbits == 0) return 0;
if (vbits < nbits) {
bitbuf = bitbuf << 32 | get4();
vbits += 32;
vbits -= nbits;
return bitbuf << (64-nbits-vbits) >> (64-nbits);
void CLASS phase_one_load_raw_c()
static const int length[] = { 8,7,6,9,11,10,5,12,14,13 };
int *offset, len[2], pred[2], row, col, i, j;
ushort *pixel;
short (*black)[2];
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width + raw_height*4, 2);
merror (pixel, "phase_one_load_raw_c()");
offset = (int *) (pixel + raw_width);
fseek (ifp, strip_offset, SEEK_SET);
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++)
offset[row] = get4();
black = (short (*)[2]) offset + raw_height;
fseek (ifp, ph1.black_off, SEEK_SET);
if (ph1.black_off)
read_shorts ((ushort *) black[0], raw_height*2);
for (i=0; i < 256; i++)
curve[i] = i*i / 3.969 + 0.5;
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++) {
fseek (ifp, data_offset + offset[row], SEEK_SET);
pred[0] = pred[1] = 0;
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
if (col >= (raw_width & -8))
len[0] = len[1] = 14;
else if ((col & 7) == 0)
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j=0; j < 5 && !ph1_bits(1); j++);
if (j--) len[i] = length[j*2 + ph1_bits(1)];
if ((i = len[col & 1]) == 14)
pixel[col] = pred[col & 1] = ph1_bits(16);
pixel[col] = pred[col & 1] += ph1_bits(i) + 1 - (1 << (i - 1));
if (pred[col & 1] >> 16) derror();
if (ph1.format == 5 && pixel[col] < 256)
pixel[col] = curve[pixel[col]];
if ((unsigned) (row-top_margin) < height)
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
i = (pixel[col+left_margin] << 2)
- + black[row][col >= ph1.split_col];
if (i > 0) BAYER(row-top_margin,col) = i;
free (pixel);
maximum = 0xfffc -;
void CLASS hasselblad_load_raw()
struct jhead jh;
struct decode *dindex;
int row, col, pred[2], len[2], diff, i;
if (!ljpeg_start (&jh, 0)) return;
free (jh.row);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
pred[0] = pred[1] = 0x8000;
for (col=0; col < width; col+=2) {
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
for (dindex=jh.huff[0]; dindex->branch[0]; )
dindex = dindex->branch[ph1_bits(1)];
len[i] = dindex->leaf;
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
diff = ph1_bits(len[i]);
if ((diff & (1 << (len[i]-1))) == 0)
diff -= (1 << len[i]) - 1;
BAYER(row,col+i) = pred[i] += diff;
maximum = 0xffff;
void CLASS leaf_hdr_load_raw()
ushort *pixel;
unsigned tile=0, r, c, row, col;
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "leaf_hdr_load_raw()");
for (c=0; c < tiff_samples; c++) {
for (r=0; r < raw_height; r++) {
if (r % tile_length == 0) {
fseek (ifp, data_offset + 4*tile++, SEEK_SET);
fseek (ifp, get4() + 2*left_margin, SEEK_SET);
if (filters && c != shot_select) continue;
read_shorts (pixel, raw_width);
if ((row = r - top_margin) >= height) continue;
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
if (filters) BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col];
else image[row*width+col][c] = pixel[col];
free (pixel);
if (!filters) {
maximum = 0xffff;
raw_color = 1;
void CLASS unpacked_load_raw();
void CLASS sinar_4shot_load_raw()
ushort *pixel;
unsigned shot, row, col, r, c;
if ((shot = shot_select) || half_size) {
if (shot) shot--;
if (shot > 3) shot = 3;
fseek (ifp, data_offset + shot*4, SEEK_SET);
fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET);
free (image);
image = (ushort (*)[4])
calloc ((iheight=height)*(iwidth=width), sizeof *image);
merror (image, "sinar_4shot_load_raw()");
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "sinar_4shot_load_raw()");
for (shot=0; shot < 4; shot++) {
fseek (ifp, data_offset + shot*4, SEEK_SET);
fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET);
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++) {
read_shorts (pixel, raw_width);
if ((r = row-top_margin - (shot >> 1 & 1)) >= height) continue;
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
if ((c = col-left_margin - (shot & 1)) >= width) continue;
image[r*width+c][FC(row,col)] = pixel[col];
free (pixel);
shrink = filters = 0;
void CLASS imacon_full_load_raw()
int row, col;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
read_shorts (image[row*width+col], 3);
void CLASS packed_12_load_raw()
int row, col;
if (raw_width * 2 < width * 3)
raw_width = raw_width * 3 / 2; /* Convert raw_width to bytes */
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
for (col=0; col < left_margin; col++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = getbits(12);
for (col = (width+left_margin)*3/2; col < raw_width; col++)
if (getbits(8) && raw_width-col < 35 && width != 3896) derror();
void CLASS unpacked_load_raw()
ushort *pixel;
int row, col, bits=0;
while (1 << ++bits < maximum);
fseek (ifp, (top_margin*raw_width + left_margin) * 2, SEEK_CUR);
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "unpacked_load_raw()");
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
read_shorts (pixel, width);
fseek (ifp, 2*(raw_width - width), SEEK_CUR);
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
if ((BAYER2(row,col) = pixel[col]) >> bits) derror();
free (pixel);
void CLASS olympus_e300_load_raw()
uchar *data, *dp;
ushort *pixel, *pix;
int dwide, row, col;
dwide = raw_width * 16 / 10;
fseek (ifp, dwide*top_margin, SEEK_CUR);
data = (uchar *) malloc (dwide + raw_width*2);
merror (data, "olympus_e300_load_raw()");
pixel = (ushort *) (data + dwide);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
if (fread (data, 1, dwide, ifp) < dwide) derror();
for (dp=data, pix=pixel; pix < pixel+raw_width; dp+=3, pix+=2) {
if (((dp-data) & 15) == 15)
if (*dp++ && pix < pixel+width+left_margin) derror();
pix[0] = dp[1] << 8 | dp[0];
pix[1] = dp[2] << 4 | dp[1] >> 4;
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = (pixel[col+left_margin] & 0xfff);
free (data);
maximum >>= 4;
black >>= 4;
void CLASS olympus_e410_load_raw()
int row, col, nbits, sign, low, high, i, w, n, nw;
int acarry[2][3], *carry, pred, diff;
fseek (ifp, 7, SEEK_CUR);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
memset (acarry, 0, sizeof acarry);
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
carry = acarry[col & 1];
i = 2 * (carry[2] < 3);
for (nbits=2+i; (ushort) carry[0] >> (nbits+i); nbits++);
sign = getbits(1) * -1;
low = getbits(2);
for (high=0; high < 12; high++)
if (getbits(1)) break;
if (high == 12)
high = getbits(16-nbits) >> 1;
carry[0] = (high << nbits) | getbits(nbits);
diff = (carry[0] ^ sign) + carry[1];
carry[1] = (diff*3 + carry[1]) >> 5;
carry[2] = carry[0] > 16 ? 0 : carry[2]+1;
if (row < 2 && col < 2) pred = 0;
else if (row < 2) pred = BAYER(row,col-2);
else if (col < 2) pred = BAYER(row-2,col);
else {
w = BAYER(row,col-2);
n = BAYER(row-2,col);
nw = BAYER(row-2,col-2);
if ((w < nw && nw < n) || (n < nw && nw < w)) {
if (ABS(w-nw) > 32 || ABS(n-nw) > 32)
pred = w + n - nw;
else pred = (w + n) >> 1;
} else pred = ABS(w-nw) > ABS(n-nw) ? w : n;
if ((BAYER(row,col) = pred + ((diff << 2) | low)) >> 12) derror();
void CLASS olympus_cseries_load_raw()
int irow, row, col;
for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
row = irow * 2 % height + irow / (height/2);
if (row < 2) {
fseek (ifp, data_offset - row*(-width*height*3/4 & -2048), SEEK_SET);
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = getbits(12);
black >>= 4;
void CLASS minolta_rd175_load_raw()
uchar pixel[768];
unsigned irow, box, row, col;
for (irow=0; irow < 1481; irow++) {
if (fread (pixel, 1, 768, ifp) < 768) derror();
box = irow / 82;
row = irow % 82 * 12 + ((box < 12) ? box | 1 : (box-12)*2);
switch (irow) {
case 1477: case 1479: continue;
case 1476: row = 984; break;
case 1480: row = 985; break;
case 1478: row = 985; box = 1;
if ((box < 12) && (box & 1)) {
for (col=0; col < 1533; col++, row ^= 1)
if (col != 1) BAYER(row,col) = (col+1) & 2 ?
pixel[col/2-1] + pixel[col/2+1] : pixel[col/2] << 1;
BAYER(row,1) = pixel[1] << 1;
BAYER(row,1533) = pixel[765] << 1;
} else
for (col=row & 1; col < 1534; col+=2)
BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col/2] << 1;
maximum = 0xff << 1;
void CLASS casio_qv5700_load_raw()
uchar data[3232], *dp;
ushort pixel[2576], *pix;
int row, col;
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
fread (data, 1, 3232, ifp);
for (dp=data, pix=pixel; dp < data+3220; dp+=5, pix+=4) {
pix[0] = (dp[0] << 2) + (dp[1] >> 6);
pix[1] = (dp[1] << 4) + (dp[2] >> 4);
pix[2] = (dp[2] << 6) + (dp[3] >> 2);
pix[3] = (dp[3] << 8) + (dp[4] );
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = (pixel[col] & 0x3ff);
maximum = 0x3fc;
void CLASS quicktake_100_load_raw()
uchar pixel[484][644];
static const short gstep[16] =
{ -89,-60,-44,-32,-22,-15,-8,-2,2,8,15,22,32,44,60,89 };
static const short rstep[6][4] =
{ { -3,-1,1,3 }, { -5,-1,1,5 }, { -8,-2,2,8 },
{ -13,-3,3,13 }, { -19,-4,4,19 }, { -28,-6,6,28 } };
static const short curve[256] =
{ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,
855,866,878,889,900,911,922,933,945,956,967,978,989,1001,1012,1023 };
int rb, row, col, sharp, val=0;
memset (pixel, 0x80, sizeof pixel);
for (row=2; row < height+2; row++) {
for (col=2+(row & 1); col < width+2; col+=2) {
val = ((pixel[row-1][col-1] + 2*pixel[row-1][col+1] +
pixel[row][col-2]) >> 2) + gstep[getbits(4)];
pixel[row][col] = val = LIM(val,0,255);
if (col < 4)
pixel[row][col-2] = pixel[row+1][~row & 1] = val;
if (row == 2)
pixel[row-1][col+1] = pixel[row-1][col+3] = val;
pixel[row][col] = val;
for (rb=0; rb < 2; rb++)
for (row=2+rb; row < height+2; row+=2)
for (col=3-(row & 1); col < width+2; col+=2) {
if (row < 4 || col < 4) sharp = 2;
else {
val = ABS(pixel[row-2][col] - pixel[row][col-2])
+ ABS(pixel[row-2][col] - pixel[row-2][col-2])
+ ABS(pixel[row][col-2] - pixel[row-2][col-2]);
sharp = val < 4 ? 0 : val < 8 ? 1 : val < 16 ? 2 :
val < 32 ? 3 : val < 48 ? 4 : 5;
val = ((pixel[row-2][col] + pixel[row][col-2]) >> 1)
+ rstep[sharp][getbits(2)];
pixel[row][col] = val = LIM(val,0,255);
if (row < 4) pixel[row-2][col+2] = val;
if (col < 4) pixel[row+2][col-2] = val;
for (row=2; row < height+2; row++)
for (col=3-(row & 1); col < width+2; col+=2) {
val = ((pixel[row][col-1] + (pixel[row][col] << 2) +
pixel[row][col+1]) >> 1) - 0x100;
pixel[row][col] = LIM(val,0,255);
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = curve[pixel[row+2][col+2]];
maximum = 0x3ff;
const int * CLASS make_decoder_int (const int *source, int level)
struct decode *cur;
cur = free_decode++;
if (level < source[0]) {
cur->branch[0] = free_decode;
source = make_decoder_int (source, level+1);
cur->branch[1] = free_decode;
source = make_decoder_int (source, level+1);
} else {
cur->leaf = source[1];
source += 2;
return source;
int CLASS radc_token (int tree)
int t;
static struct decode *dstart[18], *dindex;
static const int *s, source[] = {
1,1, 2,3, 3,4, 4,2, 5,7, 6,5, 7,6, 7,8,
1,0, 2,1, 3,3, 4,4, 5,2, 6,7, 7,6, 8,5, 8,8,
2,1, 2,3, 3,0, 3,2, 3,4, 4,6, 5,5, 6,7, 6,8,
2,0, 2,1, 2,3, 3,2, 4,4, 5,6, 6,7, 7,5, 7,8,
2,1, 2,4, 3,0, 3,2, 3,3, 4,7, 5,5, 6,6, 6,8,
2,3, 3,1, 3,2, 3,4, 3,5, 3,6, 4,7, 5,0, 5,8,
2,3, 2,6, 3,0, 3,1, 4,4, 4,5, 4,7, 5,2, 5,8,
2,4, 2,7, 3,3, 3,6, 4,1, 4,2, 4,5, 5,0, 5,8,
2,6, 3,1, 3,3, 3,5, 3,7, 3,8, 4,0, 5,2, 5,4,
2,0, 2,1, 3,2, 3,3, 4,4, 4,5, 5,6, 5,7, 4,8,
1,0, 2,2, 2,-2,
1,-3, 1,3,
2,-17, 2,-5, 2,5, 2,17,
2,-7, 2,2, 2,9, 2,18,
2,-18, 2,-9, 2,-2, 2,7,
2,-28, 2,28, 3,-49, 3,-9, 3,9, 4,49, 5,-79, 5,79,
2,-1, 2,13, 2,26, 3,39, 4,-16, 5,55, 6,-37, 6,76,
2,-26, 2,-13, 2,1, 3,-39, 4,16, 5,-55, 6,-76, 6,37
if (free_decode == first_decode)
for (s=source, t=0; t < 18; t++) {
dstart[t] = free_decode;
s = make_decoder_int (s, 0);
if (tree == 18) {
if (kodak_cbpp == 243)
return (getbits(6) << 2) + 2; /* most DC50 photos */
return (getbits(5) << 3) + 4; /* DC40, Fotoman Pixtura */
for (dindex = dstart[tree]; dindex->branch[0]; )
dindex = dindex->branch[getbits(1)];
return dindex->leaf;
#define FORYX for (y=1; y < 3; y++) for (x=col+1; x >= col; x--)
#define PREDICTOR (c ? (buf[c][y-1][x] + buf[c][y][x+1]) / 2 \
: (buf[c][y-1][x+1] + 2*buf[c][y-1][x] + buf[c][y][x+1]) / 4)
void CLASS kodak_radc_load_raw()
int row, col, tree, nreps, rep, step, i, c, s, r, x, y, val;
short last[3] = { 16,16,16 }, mul[3], buf[3][3][386];
for (i=0; i < sizeof(buf)/sizeof(short); i++)
buf[0][0][i] = 2048;
for (row=0; row < height; row+=4) {
FORC3 mul[c] = getbits(6);
val = ((0x1000000/last[c] + 0x7ff) >> 12) * mul[c];
s = val > 65564 ? 10:12;
x = ~(-1 << (s-1));
val <<= 12-s;
for (i=0; i < sizeof(buf[0])/sizeof(short); i++)
buf[c][0][i] = (buf[c][0][i] * val + x) >> s;
last[c] = mul[c];
for (r=0; r <= !c; r++) {
buf[c][1][width/2] = buf[c][2][width/2] = mul[c] << 7;
for (tree=1, col=width/2; col > 0; ) {
if ((tree = radc_token(tree))) {
col -= 2;
if (tree == 8)
FORYX buf[c][y][x] = radc_token(tree+10) * mul[c];
FORYX buf[c][y][x] = radc_token(tree+10) * 16 + PREDICTOR;
} else
do {
nreps = (col > 2) ? radc_token(9) + 1 : 1;
for (rep=0; rep < 8 && rep < nreps && col > 0; rep++) {
col -= 2;
FORYX buf[c][y][x] = PREDICTOR;
if (rep & 1) {
step = radc_token(10) << 4;
FORYX buf[c][y][x] += step;
} while (nreps == 9);
for (y=0; y < 2; y++)
for (x=0; x < width/2; x++) {
val = (buf[c][y+1][x] << 4) / mul[c];
if (val < 0) val = 0;
if (c) BAYER(row+y*2+c-1,x*2+2-c) = val;
else BAYER(row+r*2+y,x*2+y) = val;
memcpy (buf[c][0]+!c, buf[c][2], sizeof buf[c][0]-2*!c);
for (y=row; y < row+4; y++)
for (x=0; x < width; x++)
if ((x+y) & 1) {
r = x ? x-1 : x+1;
s = x+1 < width ? x+1 : x-1;
val = (BAYER(y,x)-2048)*2 + (BAYER(y,r)+BAYER(y,s))/2;
if (val < 0) val = 0;
BAYER(y,x) = val;
maximum = 0xfff;
use_gamma = 0;
#undef FORYX
#ifdef NO_JPEG
void CLASS kodak_jpeg_load_raw() {}
fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
static uchar jpeg_buffer[4096];
size_t nbytes;
nbytes = fread (jpeg_buffer, 1, 4096, ifp);
swab (jpeg_buffer, jpeg_buffer, nbytes);
cinfo->src->next_input_byte = jpeg_buffer;
cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = nbytes;
return TRUE;
void CLASS kodak_jpeg_load_raw()
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
JSAMPLE (*pixel)[3];
int row, col;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jerr);
jpeg_create_decompress (&cinfo);
jpeg_stdio_src (&cinfo, ifp);
cinfo.src->fill_input_buffer = fill_input_buffer;
jpeg_read_header (&cinfo, TRUE);
jpeg_start_decompress (&cinfo);
if ((cinfo.output_width != width ) ||
(cinfo.output_height*2 != height ) ||
(cinfo.output_components != 3 )) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: incorrect JPEG dimensions\n"), ifname);
jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo);
longjmp (failure, 3);
buf = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, width*3, 1);
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
row = cinfo.output_scanline * 2;
jpeg_read_scanlines (&cinfo, buf, 1);
pixel = (JSAMPLE (*)[3]) buf[0];
for (col=0; col < width; col+=2) {
BAYER(row+0,col+0) = pixel[col+0][1] << 1;
BAYER(row+1,col+1) = pixel[col+1][1] << 1;
BAYER(row+0,col+1) = pixel[col][0] + pixel[col+1][0];
BAYER(row+1,col+0) = pixel[col][2] + pixel[col+1][2];
jpeg_finish_decompress (&cinfo);
jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo);
maximum = 0xff << 1;
void CLASS kodak_dc120_load_raw()
static const int mul[4] = { 162, 192, 187, 92 };
static const int add[4] = { 0, 636, 424, 212 };
uchar pixel[848];
int row, shift, col;
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
if (fread (pixel, 1, 848, ifp) < 848) derror();
shift = row * mul[row & 3] + add[row & 3];
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = (ushort) pixel[(col + shift) % 848];
maximum = 0xff;
void CLASS eight_bit_load_raw()
uchar *pixel;
unsigned row, col, val, lblack=0;
pixel = (uchar *) calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "eight_bit_load_raw()");
fseek (ifp, top_margin*raw_width, SEEK_CUR);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
if (fread (pixel, 1, raw_width, ifp) < raw_width) derror();
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
val = curve[pixel[col]];
if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) < width)
BAYER(row,col-left_margin) = val;
else lblack += val;
free (pixel);
if (raw_width > width+1)
black = lblack / ((raw_width - width) * height);
if (!strncmp(model,"DC2",3))
black = 0;
maximum = curve[0xff];
void CLASS kodak_262_load_raw()
static const uchar kodak_tree[2][26] =
{ { 0,1,5,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 },
{ 0,3,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 } };
struct decode *decode[2];
uchar *pixel;
int *strip, ns, i, row, col, chess, pi=0, pi1, pi2, pred, val;
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
decode[i] = free_decode;
make_decoder (kodak_tree[i], 0);
ns = (raw_height+63) >> 5;
pixel = (uchar *) malloc (raw_width*32 + ns*4);
merror (pixel, "kodak_262_load_raw()");
strip = (int *) (pixel + raw_width*32);
order = 0x4d4d;
for (i=0; i < ns; i++)
strip[i] = get4();
for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++) {
if ((row & 31) == 0) {
fseek (ifp, strip[row >> 5], SEEK_SET);
pi = 0;
for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
chess = (row + col) & 1;
pi1 = chess ? pi-2 : pi-raw_width-1;
pi2 = chess ? pi-2*raw_width : pi-raw_width+1;
if (col <= chess) pi1 = -1;
if (pi1 < 0) pi1 = pi2;
if (pi2 < 0) pi2 = pi1;
if (pi1 < 0 && col > 1) pi1 = pi2 = pi-2;
pred = (pi1 < 0) ? 0 : (pixel[pi1] + pixel[pi2]) >> 1;
pixel[pi] = val = pred + ljpeg_diff (decode[chess]);
if (val >> 8) derror();
val = curve[pixel[pi++]];
if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) < width)
BAYER(row,col-left_margin) = val;
else black += val;
free (pixel);
if (raw_width > width)
black /= (raw_width - width) * height;
int CLASS kodak_65000_decode (short *out, int bsize)
uchar c, blen[768];
ushort raw[6];
INT64 bitbuf=0;
int save, bits=0, i, j, len, diff;
save = ftell(ifp);
bsize = (bsize + 3) & -4;
for (i=0; i < bsize; i+=2) {
c = fgetc(ifp);
if ((blen[i ] = c & 15) > 12 ||
(blen[i+1] = c >> 4) > 12 ) {
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
for (i=0; i < bsize; i+=8) {
read_shorts (raw, 6);
out[i ] = raw[0] >> 12 << 8 | raw[2] >> 12 << 4 | raw[4] >> 12;
out[i+1] = raw[1] >> 12 << 8 | raw[3] >> 12 << 4 | raw[5] >> 12;
for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
out[i+2+j] = raw[j] & 0xfff;
return 1;
if ((bsize & 7) == 4) {
bitbuf = fgetc(ifp) << 8;
bitbuf += fgetc(ifp);
bits = 16;
for (i=0; i < bsize; i++) {
len = blen[i];
if (bits < len) {
for (j=0; j < 32; j+=8)
bitbuf += (INT64) fgetc(ifp) << (bits+(j^8));
bits += 32;
diff = bitbuf & (0xffff >> (16-len));
bitbuf >>= len;
bits -= len;
if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
diff -= (1 << len) - 1;
out[i] = diff;
return 0;
void CLASS kodak_65000_load_raw()
short buf[256];
int row, col, len, pred[2], ret, i;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col+=256) {
pred[0] = pred[1] = 0;
len = MIN (256, width-col);
ret = kodak_65000_decode (buf, len);
for (i=0; i < len; i++)
if ((BAYER(row,col+i) = curve[ret ? buf[i] :
(pred[i & 1] += buf[i])]) >> 12) derror();
void CLASS kodak_ycbcr_load_raw()
short buf[384], *bp;
int row, col, len, c, i, j, k, y[2][2], cb, cr, rgb[3];
ushort *ip;
for (row=0; row < height; row+=2)
for (col=0; col < width; col+=128) {
len = MIN (128, width-col);
kodak_65000_decode (buf, len*3);
y[0][1] = y[1][1] = cb = cr = 0;
for (bp=buf, i=0; i < len; i+=2, bp+=2) {
cb += bp[4];
cr += bp[5];
rgb[1] = -((cb + cr + 2) >> 2);
rgb[2] = rgb[1] + cb;
rgb[0] = rgb[1] + cr;
for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
for (k=0; k < 2; k++) {
if ((y[j][k] = y[j][k^1] + *bp++) >> 10) derror();
ip = image[(row+j)*width + col+i+k];
FORC3 ip[c] = curve[LIM(y[j][k]+rgb[c], 0, 0xfff)];
void CLASS kodak_rgb_load_raw()
short buf[768], *bp;
int row, col, len, c, i, rgb[3];
ushort *ip=image[0];
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col+=256) {
len = MIN (256, width-col);
kodak_65000_decode (buf, len*3);
memset (rgb, 0, sizeof rgb);
for (bp=buf, i=0; i < len; i++, ip+=4)
FORC3 if ((ip[c] = rgb[c] += *bp++) >> 12) derror();
void CLASS kodak_thumb_load_raw()
int row, col;
colors = thumb_misc >> 5;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
read_shorts (image[row*width+col], colors);
maximum = (1 << (thumb_misc & 31)) - 1;
void CLASS sony_decrypt (unsigned *data, int len, int start, int key)
static unsigned pad[128], p;
if (start) {
for (p=0; p < 4; p++)
pad[p] = key = key * 48828125 + 1;
pad[3] = pad[3] << 1 | (pad[0]^pad[2]) >> 31;
for (p=4; p < 127; p++)
pad[p] = (pad[p-4]^pad[p-2]) << 1 | (pad[p-3]^pad[p-1]) >> 31;
for (p=0; p < 127; p++)
pad[p] = htonl(pad[p]);
while (len--)
*data++ ^= pad[p++ & 127] = pad[(p+1) & 127] ^ pad[(p+65) & 127];
void CLASS sony_load_raw()
uchar head[40];
ushort *pixel;
unsigned i, key, row, col;
fseek (ifp, 200896, SEEK_SET);
fseek (ifp, (unsigned) fgetc(ifp)*4 - 1, SEEK_CUR);
order = 0x4d4d;
key = get4();
fseek (ifp, 164600, SEEK_SET);
fread (head, 1, 40, ifp);
sony_decrypt ((unsigned int *) head, 10, 1, key);
for (i=26; i-- > 22; )
key = key << 8 | head[i];
fseek (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "sony_load_raw()");
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
if (fread (pixel, 2, raw_width, ifp) < raw_width) derror();
sony_decrypt ((unsigned int *) pixel, raw_width/2, !row, key);
for (col=9; col < left_margin; col++)
black += ntohs(pixel[col]);
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
if ((BAYER(row,col) = ntohs(pixel[col+left_margin])) >> 14)
free (pixel);
if (left_margin > 9)
black /= (left_margin-9) * height;
maximum = 0x3ff0;
void CLASS sony_arw_load_raw()
int col, row, len, diff, sum=0;
for (col = raw_width; col--; )
for (row=0; row < raw_height+1; row+=2) {
if (row == raw_height) row = 1;
len = 4 - getbits(2);
if (len == 3 && getbits(1)) len = 0;
if (len == 4)
while (len < 17 && !getbits(1)) len++;
diff = getbits(len);
if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
diff -= (1 << len) - 1;
if ((sum += diff) >> 12) derror();
if (row < height) BAYER(row,col) = sum;
void CLASS sony_arw2_load_raw()
uchar *data, *dp;
ushort pix[16];
int row, col, val, max, min, imax, imin, sh, bit, i;
data = (uchar *) malloc (raw_width*tiff_bps >> 3);
merror (data, "sony_arw2_load_raw()");
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
fread (data, 1, raw_width*tiff_bps >> 3, ifp);
if (tiff_bps == 8) {
for (dp=data, col=0; col < width-30; dp+=16) {
max = 0x7ff & (val = sget4(dp));
min = 0x7ff & val >> 11;
imax = 0x0f & val >> 22;
imin = 0x0f & val >> 26;
for (sh=0; sh < 4 && 0x80 << sh <= max-min; sh++);
for (bit=30, i=0; i < 16; i++)
if (i == imax) pix[i] = max;
else if (i == imin) pix[i] = min;
else {
pix[i] = ((sget2(dp+(bit >> 3)) >> (bit & 7) & 0x7f) << sh) + min;
if (pix[i] > 0x7ff) pix[i] = 0x7ff;
bit += 7;
for (i=0; i < 16; i++, col+=2)
BAYER(row,col) = curve[pix[i] << 1] >> 1;
col -= col & 1 ? 1:31;
} else if (tiff_bps == 12)
for (dp=data, col=0; col < width; dp+=3, col+=2) {
BAYER(row,col) = ((dp[1] << 8 | dp[0]) & 0xfff) << 1;
BAYER(row,col+1) = (dp[2] << 4 | dp[1] >> 4) << 1;
free (data);
maximum = 0x1fff;
#define HOLE(row) ((holes >> (((row) - raw_height) & 7)) & 1)
/* Kudos to Rich Taylor for figuring out SMaL's compression algorithm. */
void CLASS smal_decode_segment (unsigned seg[2][2], int holes)
uchar hist[3][13] = {
{ 7, 7, 0, 0, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0 },
{ 7, 7, 0, 0, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0 },
{ 3, 3, 0, 0, 63, 47, 31, 15, 0 } };
int low, high=0xff, carry=0, nbits=8;
int s, count, bin, next, i, sym[3];
uchar diff, pred[]={0,0};
ushort data=0, range=0;
unsigned pix, row, col;
fseek (ifp, seg[0][1]+1, SEEK_SET);
for (pix=seg[0][0]; pix < seg[1][0]; pix++) {
for (s=0; s < 3; s++) {
data = data << nbits | getbits(nbits);
if (carry < 0)
carry = (nbits += carry+1) < 1 ? nbits-1 : 0;
while (--nbits >= 0)
if ((data >> nbits & 0xff) == 0xff) break;
if (nbits > 0)
data = ((data & ((1 << (nbits-1)) - 1)) << 1) |
((data + (((data & (1 << (nbits-1)))) << 1)) & (-1 << nbits));
if (nbits >= 0) {
data += getbits(1);
carry = nbits - 8;
count = ((((data-range+1) & 0xffff) << 2) - 1) / (high >> 4);
for (bin=0; hist[s][bin+5] > count; bin++);
low = hist[s][bin+5] * (high >> 4) >> 2;
if (bin) high = hist[s][bin+4] * (high >> 4) >> 2;
high -= low;
for (nbits=0; high << nbits < 128; nbits++);
range = (range+low) << nbits;
high <<= nbits;
next = hist[s][1];
if (++hist[s][2] > hist[s][3]) {
next = (next+1) & hist[s][0];
hist[s][3] = (hist[s][next+4] - hist[s][next+5]) >> 2;
hist[s][2] = 1;
if (hist[s][hist[s][1]+4] - hist[s][hist[s][1]+5] > 1) {
if (bin < hist[s][1])
for (i=bin; i < hist[s][1]; i++) hist[s][i+5]--;
else if (next <= bin)
for (i=hist[s][1]; i < bin; i++) hist[s][i+5]++;
hist[s][1] = next;
sym[s] = bin;
diff = sym[2] << 5 | sym[1] << 2 | (sym[0] & 3);
if (sym[0] & 4)
diff = diff ? -diff : 0x80;
if (ftell(ifp) + 12 >= seg[1][1])
diff = 0;
pred[pix & 1] += diff;
row = pix / raw_width - top_margin;
col = pix % raw_width - left_margin;
if (row < height && col < width)
BAYER(row,col) = pred[pix & 1];
if (!(pix & 1) && HOLE(row)) pix += 2;
maximum = 0xff;
void CLASS smal_v6_load_raw()
unsigned seg[2][2];
fseek (ifp, 16, SEEK_SET);
seg[0][0] = 0;
seg[0][1] = get2();
seg[1][0] = raw_width * raw_height;
seg[1][1] = INT_MAX;
smal_decode_segment (seg, 0);
use_gamma = 0;
int CLASS median4 (int *p)
int min, max, sum, i;
min = max = sum = p[0];
for (i=1; i < 4; i++) {
sum += p[i];
if (min > p[i]) min = p[i];
if (max < p[i]) max = p[i];
return (sum - min - max) >> 1;
void CLASS fill_holes (int holes)
int row, col, val[4];
for (row=2; row < height-2; row++) {
if (!HOLE(row)) continue;
for (col=1; col < width-1; col+=4) {
val[0] = BAYER(row-1,col-1);
val[1] = BAYER(row-1,col+1);
val[2] = BAYER(row+1,col-1);
val[3] = BAYER(row+1,col+1);
BAYER(row,col) = median4(val);
for (col=2; col < width-2; col+=4)
if (HOLE(row-2) || HOLE(row+2))
BAYER(row,col) = (BAYER(row,col-2) + BAYER(row,col+2)) >> 1;
else {
val[0] = BAYER(row,col-2);
val[1] = BAYER(row,col+2);
val[2] = BAYER(row-2,col);
val[3] = BAYER(row+2,col);
BAYER(row,col) = median4(val);
void CLASS smal_v9_load_raw()
unsigned seg[256][2], offset, nseg, holes, i;
fseek (ifp, 67, SEEK_SET);
offset = get4();
nseg = fgetc(ifp);
fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
for (i=0; i < nseg*2; i++)
seg[0][i] = get4() + data_offset*(i & 1);
fseek (ifp, 78, SEEK_SET);
holes = fgetc(ifp);
fseek (ifp, 88, SEEK_SET);
seg[nseg][0] = raw_height * raw_width;
seg[nseg][1] = get4() + data_offset;
for (i=0; i < nseg; i++)
smal_decode_segment (seg+i, holes);
if (holes) fill_holes (holes);
/* RESTRICTED code starts here */
void CLASS foveon_decoder (unsigned size, unsigned code)
static unsigned huff[1024];
struct decode *cur;
int i, len;
if (!code) {
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
huff[i] = get4();
cur = free_decode++;
if (free_decode > first_decode+2048) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: decoder table overflow\n"), ifname);
longjmp (failure, 2);
if (code)
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
if (huff[i] == code) {
cur->leaf = i;
if ((len = code >> 27) > 26) return;
code = (len+1) << 27 | (code & 0x3ffffff) << 1;
cur->branch[0] = free_decode;
foveon_decoder (size, code);
cur->branch[1] = free_decode;
foveon_decoder (size, code+1);
void CLASS foveon_thumb (FILE *tfp)
unsigned bwide, row, col, bitbuf=0, bit=1, c, i;
char *buf;
struct decode *dindex;
short pred[3];
bwide = get4();
fprintf (tfp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", thumb_width, thumb_height);
if (bwide > 0) {
if (bwide < thumb_width*3) return;
buf = (char *) malloc (bwide);
merror (buf, "foveon_thumb()");
for (row=0; row < thumb_height; row++) {
fread (buf, 1, bwide, ifp);
fwrite (buf, 3, thumb_width, tfp);
free (buf);
foveon_decoder (256, 0);
for (row=0; row < thumb_height; row++) {
memset (pred, 0, sizeof pred);
if (!bit) get4();
for (bit=col=0; col < thumb_width; col++)
for (dindex=first_decode; dindex->branch[0]; ) {
if ((bit = (bit-1) & 31) == 31)
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) + fgetc(ifp);
dindex = dindex->branch[bitbuf >> bit & 1];
pred[c] += dindex->leaf;
fputc (pred[c], tfp);
void CLASS foveon_load_camf()
unsigned key, i, val;
fseek (ifp, meta_offset, SEEK_SET);
key = get4();
fread (meta_data, 1, meta_length, ifp);
for (i=0; i < meta_length; i++) {
key = (key * 1597 + 51749) % 244944;
val = key * (INT64) 301593171 >> 24;
meta_data[i] ^= ((((key << 8) - val) >> 1) + val) >> 17;
void CLASS foveon_load_raw()
struct decode *dindex;
short diff[1024];
unsigned bitbuf=0;
int pred[3], fixed, row, col, bit=-1, c, i;
fixed = get4();
read_shorts ((ushort *) diff, 1024);
if (!fixed) foveon_decoder (1024, 0);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
memset (pred, 0, sizeof pred);
if (!bit && !fixed && atoi(model+2) < 14) get4();
for (col=bit=0; col < width; col++) {
if (fixed) {
bitbuf = get4();
FORC3 pred[2-c] += diff[bitbuf >> c*10 & 0x3ff];
else FORC3 {
for (dindex=first_decode; dindex->branch[0]; ) {
if ((bit = (bit-1) & 31) == 31)
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) + fgetc(ifp);
dindex = dindex->branch[bitbuf >> bit & 1];
pred[c] += diff[dindex->leaf];
if (pred[c] >> 16 && ~pred[c] >> 16) derror();
FORC3 image[row*width+col][c] = pred[c];
if (document_mode)
for (i=0; i < height*width*4; i++)
if ((short) image[0][i] < 0) image[0][i] = 0;
const char * CLASS foveon_camf_param (const char *block, const char *param)
unsigned idx, num;
char *pos, *cp, *dp;
for (idx=0; idx < meta_length; idx += sget4(pos+8)) {
pos = meta_data + idx;
if (strncmp (pos, "CMb", 3)) break;
if (pos[3] != 'P') continue;
if (strcmp (block, pos+sget4(pos+12))) continue;
cp = pos + sget4(pos+16);
num = sget4(cp);
dp = pos + sget4(cp+4);
while (num--) {
cp += 8;
if (!strcmp (param, dp+sget4(cp)))
return dp+sget4(cp+4);
return 0;
void * CLASS foveon_camf_matrix (unsigned dim[3], const char *name)
unsigned i, idx, type, ndim, size, *mat;
char *pos, *cp, *dp;
double dsize;
for (idx=0; idx < meta_length; idx += sget4(pos+8)) {
pos = meta_data + idx;
if (strncmp (pos, "CMb", 3)) break;
if (pos[3] != 'M') continue;
if (strcmp (name, pos+sget4(pos+12))) continue;
dim[0] = dim[1] = dim[2] = 1;
cp = pos + sget4(pos+16);
type = sget4(cp);
if ((ndim = sget4(cp+4)) > 3) break;
dp = pos + sget4(cp+8);
for (i=ndim; i--; ) {
cp += 12;
dim[i] = sget4(cp);
if ((dsize = (double) dim[0]*dim[1]*dim[2]) > meta_length/4) break;
mat = (unsigned *) malloc ((size = dsize) * 4);
merror (mat, "foveon_camf_matrix()");
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
if (type && type != 6)
mat[i] = sget4(dp + i*4);
mat[i] = sget4(dp + i*2) & 0xffff;
return mat;
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: \"%s\" matrix not found!\n"), ifname, name);
return 0;
int CLASS foveon_fixed (void *ptr, int size, const char *name)
void *dp;
unsigned dim[3];
dp = foveon_camf_matrix (dim, name);
if (!dp) return 0;
memcpy (ptr, dp, size*4);
free (dp);
return 1;
float CLASS foveon_avg (short *pix, int range[2], float cfilt)
int i;
float val, min=FLT_MAX, max=-FLT_MAX, sum=0;
for (i=range[0]; i <= range[1]; i++) {
sum += val = pix[i*4] + (pix[i*4]-pix[(i-1)*4]) * cfilt;
if (min > val) min = val;
if (max < val) max = val;
if (range[1] - range[0] == 1) return sum/2;
return (sum - min - max) / (range[1] - range[0] - 1);
short * CLASS foveon_make_curve (double max, double mul, double filt)
short *curve;
unsigned i, size;
double x;
if (!filt) filt = 0.8;
size = 4*M_PI*max / filt;
if (size == UINT_MAX) size--;
curve = (short *) calloc (size+1, sizeof *curve);
merror (curve, "foveon_make_curve()");
curve[0] = size;
for (i=0; i < size; i++) {
x = i*filt/max/4;
curve[i+1] = (cos(x)+1)/2 * tanh(i*filt/mul) * mul + 0.5;
return curve;
void CLASS foveon_make_curves
(short **curvep, float dq[3], float div[3], float filt)
double mul[3], max=0;
int c;
FORC3 mul[c] = dq[c]/div[c];
FORC3 if (max < mul[c]) max = mul[c];
FORC3 curvep[c] = foveon_make_curve (max, mul[c], filt);
int CLASS foveon_apply_curve (short *curve, int i)
if (abs(i) >= curve[0]) return 0;
return i < 0 ? -curve[1-i] : curve[1+i];
#define image ((short (*)[4]) image)
void CLASS foveon_interpolate()
static const short hood[] = { -1,-1, -1,0, -1,1, 0,-1, 0,1, 1,-1, 1,0, 1,1 };
short *pix, prev[3], *curve[8], (*shrink)[3];
float cfilt=0, ddft[3][3][2], ppm[3][3][3];
float cam_xyz[3][3], correct[3][3], last[3][3], trans[3][3];
float chroma_dq[3], color_dq[3], diag[3][3], div[3];
float (*black)[3], (*sgain)[3], (*sgrow)[3];
float fsum[3], val, frow, num;
int row, col, c, i, j, diff, sgx, irow, sum, min, max, limit;
int dscr[2][2], dstb[4], (*smrow[7])[3], total[4], ipix[3];
int work[3][3], smlast, smred, smred_p=0, dev[3];
int satlev[3], keep[4], active[4];
unsigned dim[3], *badpix;
double dsum=0, trsum[3];
char str[128];
const char* cp;
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Foveon interpolation...\n"));
foveon_fixed (dscr, 4, "DarkShieldColRange");
foveon_fixed (ppm[0][0], 27, "PostPolyMatrix");
foveon_fixed (satlev, 3, "SaturationLevel");
foveon_fixed (keep, 4, "KeepImageArea");
foveon_fixed (active, 4, "ActiveImageArea");
foveon_fixed (chroma_dq, 3, "ChromaDQ");
foveon_fixed (color_dq, 3,
foveon_camf_param ("IncludeBlocks", "ColorDQ") ?
"ColorDQ" : "ColorDQCamRGB");
if (foveon_camf_param ("IncludeBlocks", "ColumnFilter"))
foveon_fixed (&cfilt, 1, "ColumnFilter");
memset (ddft, 0, sizeof ddft);
if (!foveon_camf_param ("IncludeBlocks", "DarkDrift")
|| !foveon_fixed (ddft[1][0], 12, "DarkDrift"))
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
foveon_fixed (dstb, 4, i ? "DarkShieldBottom":"DarkShieldTop");
for (row = dstb[1]; row <= dstb[3]; row++)
for (col = dstb[0]; col <= dstb[2]; col++)
FORC3 ddft[i+1][c][1] += (short) image[row*width+col][c];
FORC3 ddft[i+1][c][1] /= (dstb[3]-dstb[1]+1) * (dstb[2]-dstb[0]+1);
if (!(cp = foveon_camf_param ("WhiteBalanceIlluminants", model2)))
{ fprintf (stderr,_("%s: Invalid white balance \"%s\"\n"), ifname, model2);
return; }
foveon_fixed (cam_xyz, 9, cp);
foveon_fixed (correct, 9,
foveon_camf_param ("WhiteBalanceCorrections", model2));
memset (last, 0, sizeof last);
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
FORC3 last[i][j] += correct[i][c] * cam_xyz[c][j];
#define LAST(x,y) last[(i+x)%3][(c+y)%3]
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
FORC3 diag[c][i] = LAST(1,1)*LAST(2,2) - LAST(1,2)*LAST(2,1);
#undef LAST
FORC3 div[c] = diag[c][0]*0.3127 + diag[c][1]*0.329 + diag[c][2]*0.3583;
sprintf (str, "%sRGBNeutral", model2);
if (foveon_camf_param ("IncludeBlocks", str))
foveon_fixed (div, 3, str);
num = 0;
FORC3 if (num < div[c]) num = div[c];
FORC3 div[c] /= num;
memset (trans, 0, sizeof trans);
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
FORC3 trans[i][j] += rgb_cam[i][c] * last[c][j] * div[j];
FORC3 trsum[c] = trans[c][0] + trans[c][1] + trans[c][2];
dsum = (6*trsum[0] + 11*trsum[1] + 3*trsum[2]) / 20;
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
FORC3 last[i][c] = trans[i][c] * dsum / trsum[i];
memset (trans, 0, sizeof trans);
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
FORC3 trans[i][j] += (i==c ? 32 : -1) * last[c][j] / 30;
foveon_make_curves (curve, color_dq, div, cfilt);
FORC3 chroma_dq[c] /= 3;
foveon_make_curves (curve+3, chroma_dq, div, cfilt);
FORC3 dsum += chroma_dq[c] / div[c];
curve[6] = foveon_make_curve (dsum, dsum, cfilt);
curve[7] = foveon_make_curve (dsum*2, dsum*2, cfilt);
sgain = (float (*)[3]) foveon_camf_matrix (dim, "SpatialGain");
if (!sgain) return;
sgrow = (float (*)[3]) calloc (dim[1], sizeof *sgrow);
sgx = (width + dim[1]-2) / (dim[1]-1);
black = (float (*)[3]) calloc (height, sizeof *black);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
ddft[0][0][i] = ddft[1][0][i] +
row / (height-1.0) * (ddft[2][0][i] - ddft[1][0][i]);
FORC3 black[row][c] =
( foveon_avg (image[row*width]+c, dscr[0], cfilt) +
foveon_avg (image[row*width]+c, dscr[1], cfilt) * 3
- ddft[0][c][0] ) / 4 - ddft[0][c][1];
memcpy (black, black+8, sizeof *black*8);
memcpy (black+height-11, black+height-22, 11*sizeof *black);
memcpy (last, black, sizeof last);
for (row=1; row < height-1; row++) {
FORC3 if (last[1][c] > last[0][c]) {
if (last[1][c] > last[2][c])
black[row][c] = (last[0][c] > last[2][c]) ? last[0][c]:last[2][c];
} else
if (last[1][c] < last[2][c])
black[row][c] = (last[0][c] < last[2][c]) ? last[0][c]:last[2][c];
memmove (last, last+1, 2*sizeof last[0]);
memcpy (last[2], black[row+1], sizeof last[2]);
FORC3 black[row][c] = (last[0][c] + last[1][c])/2;
FORC3 black[0][c] = (black[1][c] + black[3][c])/2;
val = 1 - exp(-1/24.0);
memcpy (fsum, black, sizeof fsum);
for (row=1; row < height; row++)
FORC3 fsum[c] += black[row][c] =
(black[row][c] - black[row-1][c])*val + black[row-1][c];
memcpy (last[0], black[height-1], sizeof last[0]);
FORC3 fsum[c] /= height;
for (row = height; row--; )
FORC3 last[0][c] = black[row][c] =
(black[row][c] - fsum[c] - last[0][c])*val + last[0][c];
memset (total, 0, sizeof total);
for (row=2; row < height; row+=4)
for (col=2; col < width; col+=4) {
FORC3 total[c] += (short) image[row*width+col][c];
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
FORC3 black[row][c] += fsum[c]/2 + total[c]/(total[3]*100.0);
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
ddft[0][0][i] = ddft[1][0][i] +
row / (height-1.0) * (ddft[2][0][i] - ddft[1][0][i]);
pix = image[row*width];
memcpy (prev, pix, sizeof prev);
frow = row / (height-1.0) * (dim[2]-1);
if ((irow = frow) == dim[2]-1) irow--;
frow -= irow;
for (i=0; i < dim[1]; i++)
FORC3 sgrow[i][c] = sgain[ irow *dim[1]+i][c] * (1-frow) +
sgain[(irow+1)*dim[1]+i][c] * frow;
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
diff = pix[c] - prev[c];
prev[c] = pix[c];
ipix[c] = pix[c] + floor ((diff + (diff*diff >> 14)) * cfilt
- ddft[0][c][1] - ddft[0][c][0] * ((float) col/width - 0.5)
- black[row][c] );
work[0][c] = ipix[c] * ipix[c] >> 14;
work[2][c] = ipix[c] * work[0][c] >> 14;
work[1][2-c] = ipix[(c+1) % 3] * ipix[(c+2) % 3] >> 14;
for (val=i=0; i < 3; i++)
for ( j=0; j < 3; j++)
val += ppm[c][i][j] * work[i][j];
ipix[c] = floor ((ipix[c] + floor(val)) *
( sgrow[col/sgx ][c] * (sgx - col%sgx) +
sgrow[col/sgx+1][c] * (col%sgx) ) / sgx / div[c]);
if (ipix[c] > 32000) ipix[c] = 32000;
pix[c] = ipix[c];
pix += 4;
free (black);
free (sgrow);
free (sgain);
if ((badpix = (unsigned int *) foveon_camf_matrix (dim, "BadPixels"))) {
for (i=0; i < dim[0]; i++) {
col = (badpix[i] >> 8 & 0xfff) - keep[0];
row = (badpix[i] >> 20 ) - keep[1];
if ((unsigned)(row-1) > height-3 || (unsigned)(col-1) > width-3)
memset (fsum, 0, sizeof fsum);
for (sum=j=0; j < 8; j++)
if (badpix[i] & (1 << j)) {
FORC3 fsum[c] += (short)
if (sum) FORC3 image[row*width+col][c] = fsum[c]/sum;
free (badpix);
/* Array for 5x5 Gaussian averaging of red values */
smrow[6] = (int (*)[3]) calloc (width*5, sizeof **smrow);
merror (smrow[6], "foveon_interpolate()");
for (i=0; i < 5; i++)
smrow[i] = smrow[6] + i*width;
/* Sharpen the reds against these Gaussian averages */
for (smlast=-1, row=2; row < height-2; row++) {
while (smlast < row+2) {
for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
smrow[(i+5) % 6] = smrow[i];
pix = image[++smlast*width+2];
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
smrow[4][col][0] =
(pix[0]*6 + (pix[-4]+pix[4])*4 + pix[-8]+pix[8] + 8) >> 4;
pix += 4;
pix = image[row*width+2];
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
smred = ( 6 * smrow[2][col][0]
+ 4 * (smrow[1][col][0] + smrow[3][col][0])
+ smrow[0][col][0] + smrow[4][col][0] + 8 ) >> 4;
if (col == 2)
smred_p = smred;
i = pix[0] + ((pix[0] - ((smred*7 + smred_p) >> 3)) >> 3);
if (i > 32000) i = 32000;
pix[0] = i;
smred_p = smred;
pix += 4;
/* Adjust the brighter pixels for better linearity */
min = 0xffff;
i = satlev[c] / div[c];
if (min > i) min = i;
limit = min * 9 >> 4;
for (pix=image[0]; pix < image[height*width]; pix+=4) {
if (pix[0] <= limit || pix[1] <= limit || pix[2] <= limit)
min = max = pix[0];
for (c=1; c < 3; c++) {
if (min > pix[c]) min = pix[c];
if (max < pix[c]) max = pix[c];
if (min >= limit*2) {
pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = max;
} else {
i = 0x4000 - ((min - limit) << 14) / limit;
i = 0x4000 - (i*i >> 14);
i = i*i >> 14;
FORC3 pix[c] += (max - pix[c]) * i >> 14;
Because photons that miss one detector often hit another,
the sum R+G+B is much less noisy than the individual colors.
So smooth the hues without smoothing the total.
for (smlast=-1, row=2; row < height-2; row++) {
while (smlast < row+2) {
for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
smrow[(i+5) % 6] = smrow[i];
pix = image[++smlast*width+2];
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
FORC3 smrow[4][col][c] = (pix[c-4]+2*pix[c]+pix[c+4]+2) >> 2;
pix += 4;
pix = image[row*width+2];
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
FORC3 dev[c] = -foveon_apply_curve (curve[7], pix[c] -
((smrow[1][col][c] + 2*smrow[2][col][c] + smrow[3][col][c]) >> 2));
sum = (dev[0] + dev[1] + dev[2]) >> 3;
FORC3 pix[c] += dev[c] - sum;
pix += 4;
for (smlast=-1, row=2; row < height-2; row++) {
while (smlast < row+2) {
for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
smrow[(i+5) % 6] = smrow[i];
pix = image[++smlast*width+2];
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
FORC3 smrow[4][col][c] =
(pix[c-8]+pix[c-4]+pix[c]+pix[c+4]+pix[c+8]+2) >> 2;
pix += 4;
pix = image[row*width+2];
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
for (total[3]=375, sum=60, c=0; c < 3; c++) {
for (total[c]=i=0; i < 5; i++)
total[c] += smrow[i][col][c];
total[3] += total[c];
sum += pix[c];
if (sum < 0) sum = 0;
j = total[3] > 375 ? (sum << 16) / total[3] : sum * 174;
FORC3 pix[c] += foveon_apply_curve (curve[6],
((j*total[c] + 0x8000) >> 16) - pix[c]);
pix += 4;
/* Transform the image to a different colorspace */
for (pix=image[0]; pix < image[height*width]; pix+=4) {
FORC3 pix[c] -= foveon_apply_curve (curve[c], pix[c]);
sum = (pix[0]+pix[1]+pix[1]+pix[2]) >> 2;
FORC3 pix[c] -= foveon_apply_curve (curve[c], pix[c]-sum);
for (dsum=i=0; i < 3; i++)
dsum += trans[c][i] * pix[i];
if (dsum < 0) dsum = 0;
if (dsum > 24000) dsum = 24000;
ipix[c] = dsum + 0.5;
FORC3 pix[c] = ipix[c];
/* Smooth the image bottom-to-top and save at 1/4 scale */
shrink = (short (*)[3]) calloc ((width/4) * (height/4), sizeof *shrink);
merror (shrink, "foveon_interpolate()");
for (row = height/4; row--; )
for (col=0; col < width/4; col++) {
ipix[0] = ipix[1] = ipix[2] = 0;
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
for (j=0; j < 4; j++)
FORC3 ipix[c] += image[(row*4+i)*width+col*4+j][c];
if (row+2 > height/4)
shrink[row*(width/4)+col][c] = ipix[c] >> 4;
shrink[row*(width/4)+col][c] =
(shrink[(row+1)*(width/4)+col][c]*1840 + ipix[c]*141 + 2048) >> 12;
/* From the 1/4-scale image, smooth right-to-left */
for (row=0; row < (height & ~3); row++) {
ipix[0] = ipix[1] = ipix[2] = 0;
if ((row & 3) == 0)
for (col = width & ~3 ; col--; )
FORC3 smrow[0][col][c] = ipix[c] =
(shrink[(row/4)*(width/4)+col/4][c]*1485 + ipix[c]*6707 + 4096) >> 13;
/* Then smooth left-to-right */
ipix[0] = ipix[1] = ipix[2] = 0;
for (col=0; col < (width & ~3); col++)
FORC3 smrow[1][col][c] = ipix[c] =
(smrow[0][col][c]*1485 + ipix[c]*6707 + 4096) >> 13;
/* Smooth top-to-bottom */
if (row == 0)
memcpy (smrow[2], smrow[1], sizeof **smrow * width);
for (col=0; col < (width & ~3); col++)
FORC3 smrow[2][col][c] =
(smrow[2][col][c]*6707 + smrow[1][col][c]*1485 + 4096) >> 13;
/* Adjust the chroma toward the smooth values */
for (col=0; col < (width & ~3); col++) {
for (i=j=30, c=0; c < 3; c++) {
i += smrow[2][col][c];
j += image[row*width+col][c];
j = (j << 16) / i;
for (sum=c=0; c < 3; c++) {
ipix[c] = foveon_apply_curve (curve[c+3],
((smrow[2][col][c] * j + 0x8000) >> 16) - image[row*width+col][c]);
sum += ipix[c];
sum >>= 3;
i = image[row*width+col][c] + ipix[c] - sum;
if (i < 0) i = 0;
image[row*width+col][c] = i;
free (shrink);
free (smrow[6]);
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
free (curve[i]);
/* Trim off the black border */
active[1] -= keep[1];
active[3] -= 2;
i = active[2] - active[0];
for (row=0; row < active[3]-active[1]; row++)
memcpy (image[row*i], image[(row+active[1])*width+active[0]],
i * sizeof *image);
width = i;
height = row;
#undef image
/* RESTRICTED code ends here */
Seach from the current directory up to the root looking for
a ".badpixels" file, and fix those pixels now.
void CLASS bad_pixels()
FILE *fp=0;
char *fname, *cp, line[128];
int len, time, row, col, r, c, rad, tot, n, fixed=0;
if (!filters) return;
for (len=32 ; ; len *= 2) {
fname = (char *) malloc (len);
if (!fname) return;
if (getcwd (fname, len-16)) break;
free (fname);
if (errno != ERANGE) return;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(DJGPP)
if (fname[1] == ':')
memmove (fname, fname+2, len-2);
for (cp=fname; *cp; cp++)
if (*cp == '\\') *cp = '/';
cp = fname + strlen(fname);
if (cp[-1] == '/') cp--;
while (*fname == '/') {
strcpy (cp, "/.badpixels");
if ((fp = fopen (fname, "r"))) break;
if (cp == fname) break;
while (*--cp != '/');
free (fname);
if (!fp) return;
while (fgets (line, 128, fp)) {
cp = strchr (line, '#');
if (cp) *cp = 0;
if (sscanf (line, "%d %d %d", &col, &row, &time) != 3) continue;
if ((unsigned) col >= width || (unsigned) row >= height) continue;
if (time > timestamp) continue;
for (tot=n=0, rad=1; rad < 3 && n==0; rad++)
for (r = row-rad; r <= row+rad; r++)
for (c = col-rad; c <= col+rad; c++)
if ((unsigned) r < height && (unsigned) c < width &&
(r != row || c != col) && fc(r,c) == fc(row,col)) {
tot += BAYER2(r,c);
BAYER2(row,col) = tot/n;
if (verbose) {
if (!fixed++)
fprintf (stderr,_("Fixed bad pixels at:"));
fprintf (stderr, " %d,%d", col, row);
if (fixed) fputc ('\n', stderr);
fclose (fp);
void CLASS subtract (char *fname)
FILE *fp;
int dim[3]={0,0,0}, comment=0, number=0, error=0, nd=0, c, row, col;
ushort *pixel;
if (!(fp = fopen (fname, "rb"))) {
perror (fname); return;
if (fgetc(fp) != 'P' || fgetc(fp) != '5') error = 1;
while (!error && nd < 3 && (c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
if (c == '#') comment = 1;
if (c == '\n') comment = 0;
if (comment) continue;
if (isdigit(c)) number = 1;
if (number) {
if (isdigit(c)) dim[nd] = dim[nd]*10 + c -'0';
else if (isspace(c)) {
number = 0; nd++;
} else error = 1;
if (error || nd < 3) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s is not a valid PGM file!\n"), fname);
fclose (fp); return;
} else if (dim[0] != width || dim[1] != height || dim[2] != 65535) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s has the wrong dimensions!\n"), fname);
fclose (fp); return;
pixel = (ushort *) calloc (width, sizeof *pixel);
merror (pixel, "subtract()");
for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
fread (pixel, 2, width, fp);
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
BAYER(row,col) = MAX (BAYER(row,col) - ntohs(pixel[col]), 0);
free (pixel);
black = 0;
void CLASS pseudoinverse (double (*in)[3], double (*out)[3], int size)
double work[3][6], num;
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
work[i][j] = j == i+3;
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (k=0; k < size; k++)
work[i][j] += in[k][i] * in[k][j];
for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
num = work[i][i];
for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
work[i][j] /= num;
for (k=0; k < 3; k++) {
if (k==i) continue;
num = work[k][i];
for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
work[k][j] -= work[i][j] * num;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (out[i][j]=k=0; k < 3; k++)
out[i][j] += work[j][k+3] * in[i][k];
void CLASS cam_xyz_coeff (double cam_xyz[4][3])
double cam_rgb[4][3], inverse[4][3], num;
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i < colors; i++) /* Multiply out XYZ colorspace */
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (cam_rgb[i][j] = k=0; k < 3; k++)
cam_rgb[i][j] += cam_xyz[i][k] * xyz_rgb[k][j];
for (i=0; i < colors; i++) { /* Normalize cam_rgb so that */
for (num=j=0; j < 3; j++) /* cam_rgb * (1,1,1) is (1,1,1,1) */
num += cam_rgb[i][j];
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
cam_rgb[i][j] /= num;
pre_mul[i] = 1 / num;
pseudoinverse (cam_rgb, inverse, colors);
for (raw_color = i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < colors; j++)
rgb_cam[i][j] = inverse[j][i];
void CLASS colorcheck()
#define NSQ 24
// Coordinates of the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker squares
// width, height, 1st_column, 1st_row
static const int cut[NSQ][4] = {
{ 241, 231, 234, 274 },
{ 251, 235, 534, 274 },
{ 255, 239, 838, 272 },
{ 255, 240, 1146, 274 },
{ 251, 237, 1452, 278 },
{ 243, 238, 1758, 288 },
{ 253, 253, 218, 558 },
{ 255, 249, 524, 562 },
{ 261, 253, 830, 562 },
{ 260, 255, 1144, 564 },
{ 261, 255, 1450, 566 },
{ 247, 247, 1764, 576 },
{ 255, 251, 212, 862 },
{ 259, 259, 518, 862 },
{ 263, 261, 826, 864 },
{ 265, 263, 1138, 866 },
{ 265, 257, 1450, 872 },
{ 257, 255, 1762, 874 },
{ 257, 253, 212, 1164 },
{ 262, 251, 516, 1172 },
{ 263, 257, 826, 1172 },
{ 263, 255, 1136, 1176 },
{ 255, 252, 1452, 1182 },
{ 257, 253, 1760, 1180 } };
// ColorChecker Chart under 6500-kelvin illumination
static const double gmb_xyY[NSQ][3] = {
{ 0.400, 0.350, 10.1 }, // Dark Skin
{ 0.377, 0.345, 35.8 }, // Light Skin
{ 0.247, 0.251, 19.3 }, // Blue Sky
{ 0.337, 0.422, 13.3 }, // Foliage
{ 0.265, 0.240, 24.3 }, // Blue Flower
{ 0.261, 0.343, 43.1 }, // Bluish Green
{ 0.506, 0.407, 30.1 }, // Orange
{ 0.211, 0.175, 12.0 }, // Purplish Blue
{ 0.453, 0.306, 19.8 }, // Moderate Red
{ 0.285, 0.202, 6.6 }, // Purple
{ 0.380, 0.489, 44.3 }, // Yellow Green
{ 0.473, 0.438, 43.1 }, // Orange Yellow
{ 0.187, 0.129, 6.1 }, // Blue
{ 0.305, 0.478, 23.4 }, // Green
{ 0.539, 0.313, 12.0 }, // Red
{ 0.448, 0.470, 59.1 }, // Yellow
{ 0.364, 0.233, 19.8 }, // Magenta
{ 0.196, 0.252, 19.8 }, // Cyan
{ 0.310, 0.316, 90.0 }, // White
{ 0.310, 0.316, 59.1 }, // Neutral 8
{ 0.310, 0.316, 36.2 }, // Neutral 6.5
{ 0.310, 0.316, 19.8 }, // Neutral 5
{ 0.310, 0.316, 9.0 }, // Neutral 3.5
{ 0.310, 0.316, 3.1 } }; // Black
double gmb_cam[NSQ][4], gmb_xyz[NSQ][3];
double inverse[NSQ][3], cam_xyz[4][3], num;
int c, i, j, k, sq, row, col, count[4];
memset (gmb_cam, 0, sizeof gmb_cam);
for (sq=0; sq < NSQ; sq++) {
FORCC count[c] = 0;
for (row=cut[sq][3]; row < cut[sq][3]+cut[sq][1]; row++)
for (col=cut[sq][2]; col < cut[sq][2]+cut[sq][0]; col++) {
c = FC(row,col);
if (c >= colors) c -= 2;
gmb_cam[sq][c] += BAYER(row,col);
FORCC gmb_cam[sq][c] = gmb_cam[sq][c]/count[c] - black;
gmb_xyz[sq][0] = gmb_xyY[sq][2] * gmb_xyY[sq][0] / gmb_xyY[sq][1];
gmb_xyz[sq][1] = gmb_xyY[sq][2];
gmb_xyz[sq][2] = gmb_xyY[sq][2] *
(1 - gmb_xyY[sq][0] - gmb_xyY[sq][1]) / gmb_xyY[sq][1];
pseudoinverse (gmb_xyz, inverse, NSQ);
for (i=0; i < colors; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (cam_xyz[i][j] = k=0; k < NSQ; k++)
cam_xyz[i][j] += gmb_cam[k][i] * inverse[k][j];
cam_xyz_coeff (cam_xyz);
if (verbose) {
printf (" { \"%s %s\", %d,\n\t{", make, model, black);
num = 10000 / (cam_xyz[1][0] + cam_xyz[1][1] + cam_xyz[1][2]);
FORCC for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
printf ("%c%d", (c | j) ? ',':' ', (int) (cam_xyz[c][j] * num + 0.5));
puts (" } },");
#undef NSQ
void CLASS hat_transform (float *temp, float *base, int st, int size, int sc)
int i;
for (i=0; i < sc; i++)
temp[i] = 2*base[st*i] + base[st*(sc-i)] + base[st*(i+sc)];
for (; i+sc < size; i++)
temp[i] = 2*base[st*i] + base[st*(i-sc)] + base[st*(i+sc)];
for (; i < size; i++)
temp[i] = 2*base[st*i] + base[st*(i-sc)] + base[st*(2*size-2-(i+sc))];
void CLASS wavelet_denoise()
float *fimg=0, *temp, thold, mul[2], avg, diff;
int scale=1, size, lev, hpass, lpass, row, col, nc, c, i, wlast;
ushort *window[4];
static const float noise[] =
{ 0.8002,0.2735,0.1202,0.0585,0.0291,0.0152,0.0080,0.0044 };
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("Wavelet denoising...\n"));
while (maximum << scale < 0x10000) scale++;
maximum <<= --scale;
black <<= scale;
if ((size = iheight*iwidth) < 0x15550000)
fimg = (float *) malloc ((size*3 + iheight + iwidth) * sizeof *fimg);
merror (fimg, "wavelet_denoise()");
temp = fimg + size*3;
if ((nc = colors) == 3 && filters) nc++;
for (c=0; c < nc; c++) { /* denoise R,G1,B,G3 individually */
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
fimg[i] = sqrt((unsigned) (image[i][c] << (scale+16)));
for (hpass=lev=0; lev < 5; lev++) {
lpass = size*((lev & 1)+1);
for (row=0; row < iheight; row++) {
hat_transform (temp, fimg+hpass+row*iwidth, 1, iwidth, 1 << lev);
for (col=0; col < iwidth; col++)
fimg[lpass + row*iwidth + col] = temp[col] * 0.25;
for (col=0; col < iwidth; col++) {
hat_transform (temp, fimg+lpass+col, iwidth, iheight, 1 << lev);
for (row=0; row < iheight; row++)
fimg[lpass + row*iwidth + col] = temp[row] * 0.25;
thold = threshold * noise[lev];
for (i=0; i < size; i++) {
fimg[hpass+i] -= fimg[lpass+i];
if (fimg[hpass+i] < -thold) fimg[hpass+i] += thold;
else if (fimg[hpass+i] > thold) fimg[hpass+i] -= thold;
else fimg[hpass+i] = 0;
if (hpass) fimg[i] += fimg[hpass+i];
hpass = lpass;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
image[i][c] = CLIP(SQR(fimg[i]+fimg[lpass+i])/0x10000);
if (filters && colors == 3) { /* pull G1 and G3 closer together */
for (row=0; row < 2; row++)
mul[row] = 0.125 * pre_mul[FC(row+1,0) | 1] / pre_mul[FC(row,0) | 1];
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
window[i] = (ushort *) fimg + width*i;
for (wlast=-1, row=1; row < height-1; row++) {
while (wlast < row+1) {
for (wlast++, i=0; i < 4; i++)
window[(i+3) & 3] = window[i];
for (col = FC(wlast,1) & 1; col < width; col+=2)
window[2][col] = BAYER(wlast,col);
thold = threshold/512;
for (col = (FC(row,0) & 1)+1; col < width-1; col+=2) {
avg = ( window[0][col-1] + window[0][col+1] +
window[2][col-1] + window[2][col+1] - black*4 )
* mul[row & 1] + (window[1][col] - black) * 0.5 + black;
avg = avg < 0 ? 0 : sqrt(avg);
diff = sqrt(BAYER(row,col)) - avg;
if (diff < -thold) diff += thold;
else if (diff > thold) diff -= thold;
else diff = 0;
BAYER(row,col) = CLIP(SQR(avg+diff) + 0.5);
free (fimg);
void CLASS scale_colors()
unsigned bottom, right, size, row, col, ur, uc, i, x, y, c, sum[8];
int val, dblack;
double dsum[8], dmin, dmax;
float scale_mul[4], fr, fc;
ushort *img=0, *pix;
if (user_mul[0])
memcpy (pre_mul, user_mul, sizeof pre_mul);
if (use_auto_wb || (use_camera_wb && cam_mul[0] == -1)) {
memset (dsum, 0, sizeof dsum);
bottom = MIN (greybox[1]+greybox[3], height);
right = MIN (greybox[0]+greybox[2], width);
for (row=greybox[1]; row < bottom; row += 8)
for (col=greybox[0]; col < right; col += 8) {
memset (sum, 0, sizeof sum);
for (y=row; y < row+8 && y < bottom; y++)
for (x=col; x < col+8 && x < right; x++)
if (filters) {
c = FC(y,x);
val = BAYER(y,x);
} else
val = image[y*width+x][c];
if (val > maximum-25) goto skip_block;
if ((val -= black) < 0) val = 0;
sum[c] += val;
if (filters) break;
for (c=0; c < 8; c++) dsum[c] += sum[c];
skip_block: ;
FORC4 if (dsum[c]) pre_mul[c] = dsum[c+4] / dsum[c];
if (use_camera_wb && cam_mul[0] != -1) {
memset (sum, 0, sizeof sum);
for (row=0; row < 8; row++)
for (col=0; col < 8; col++) {
c = FC(row,col);
if ((val = white[row][col] - black) > 0)
sum[c] += val;
if (sum[0] && sum[1] && sum[2] && sum[3])
FORC4 pre_mul[c] = (float) sum[c+4] / sum[c];
else if (cam_mul[0] && cam_mul[2])
memcpy (pre_mul, cam_mul, sizeof pre_mul);
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: Cannot use camera white balance.\n"), ifname);
if (pre_mul[3] == 0) pre_mul[3] = colors < 4 ? pre_mul[1] : 1;
dblack = black;
if (threshold) wavelet_denoise();
maximum -= black;
for (dmin=DBL_MAX, dmax=c=0; c < 4; c++) {
if (dmin > pre_mul[c])
dmin = pre_mul[c];
if (dmax < pre_mul[c])
dmax = pre_mul[c];
if (!highlight) dmax = dmin;
FORC4 scale_mul[c] = (pre_mul[c] /= dmax) * 65535.0 / maximum;
if (verbose) {
fprintf (stderr,_("Scaling with black %d, multipliers"), dblack);
FORC4 fprintf (stderr, " %f", pre_mul[c]);
fputc ('\n', stderr);
size = iheight*iwidth;
for (i=0; i < size*4; i++) {
val = image[0][i];
if (!val) continue;
val -= black;
val *= scale_mul[i & 3];
image[0][i] = CLIP(val);
if ((aber[0] != 1 || aber[2] != 1) && colors == 3) {
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Correcting chromatic aberration...\n"));
for (c=0; c < 4; c+=2) {
if (aber[c] == 1) continue;
img = (ushort *) malloc (size * sizeof *img);
merror (img, "scale_colors()");
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
img[i] = image[i][c];
for (row=0; row < iheight; row++) {
ur = fr = (row - iheight*0.5) * aber[c] + iheight*0.5;
if (ur > iheight-2) continue;
fr -= ur;
for (col=0; col < iwidth; col++) {
uc = fc = (col - iwidth*0.5) * aber[c] + iwidth*0.5;
if (uc > iwidth-2) continue;
fc -= uc;
pix = img + ur*iwidth + uc;
image[row*iwidth+col][c] =
(pix[ 0]*(1-fc) + pix[ 1]*fc) * (1-fr) +
(pix[iwidth]*(1-fc) + pix[iwidth+1]*fc) * fr;
void CLASS pre_interpolate()
ushort (*img)[4];
int row, col, c;
if (shrink) {
if (half_size) {
height = iheight;
width = iwidth;
} else {
img = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (height*width, sizeof *img);
merror (img, "unshrink()");
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
c = fc(row,col);
img[row*width+col][c] = image[(row >> 1)*iwidth+(col >> 1)][c];
free (image);
image = img;
shrink = 0;
if (filters && colors == 3) {
if ((mix_green = four_color_rgb)) colors++;
else {
for (row = FC(1,0) >> 1; row < height; row+=2)
for (col = FC(row,1) & 1; col < width; col+=2)
image[row*width+col][1] = image[row*width+col][3];
filters &= ~((filters & 0x55555555) << 1);
if (half_size) filters = 0;
void CLASS border_interpolate (int border)
unsigned row, col, y, x, f, c, sum[8];
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
if (col==border && row >= border && row < height-border)
col = width-border;
memset (sum, 0, sizeof sum);
for (y=row-1; y != row+2; y++)
for (x=col-1; x != col+2; x++)
if (y < height && x < width) {
f = fc(y,x);
sum[f] += image[y*width+x][f];
f = fc(row,col);
FORCC if (c != f && sum[c+4])
image[row*width+col][c] = sum[c] / sum[c+4];
void CLASS lin_interpolate()
int code[16][16][32], *ip, sum[4];
int c, i, x, y, row, col, shift, color;
ushort *pix;
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("Bilinear interpolation...\n"));
for (row=0; row < 16; row++)
for (col=0; col < 16; col++) {
ip = code[row][col];
memset (sum, 0, sizeof sum);
for (y=-1; y <= 1; y++)
for (x=-1; x <= 1; x++) {
shift = (y==0) + (x==0);
if (shift == 2) continue;
color = fc(row+y,col+x);
*ip++ = (width*y + x)*4 + color;
*ip++ = shift;
*ip++ = color;
sum[color] += 1 << shift;
if (c != fc(row,col)) {
*ip++ = c;
*ip++ = 256 / sum[c];
for (row=1; row < height-1; row++)
for (col=1; col < width-1; col++) {
pix = image[row*width+col];
ip = code[row & 15][col & 15];
memset (sum, 0, sizeof sum);
for (i=8; i--; ip+=3)
sum[ip[2]] += pix[ip[0]] << ip[1];
for (i=colors; --i; ip+=2)
pix[ip[0]] = sum[ip[0]] * ip[1] >> 8;
This algorithm is officially called:
"Interpolation using a Threshold-based variable number of gradients"
described in
I've extended the basic idea to work with non-Bayer filter arrays.
Gradients are numbered clockwise from NW=0 to W=7.
void CLASS vng_interpolate()
static const signed char *cp, terms[] = {
-2,-2,+0,-1,0,0x01, -2,-2,+0,+0,1,0x01, -2,-1,-1,+0,0,0x01,
-2,-1,+0,-1,0,0x02, -2,-1,+0,+0,0,0x03, -2,-1,+0,+1,1,0x01,
-2,+0,+0,-1,0,0x06, -2,+0,+0,+0,1,0x02, -2,+0,+0,+1,0,0x03,
-2,+1,-1,+0,0,0x04, -2,+1,+0,-1,1,0x04, -2,+1,+0,+0,0,0x06,
-2,+1,+0,+1,0,0x02, -2,+2,+0,+0,1,0x04, -2,+2,+0,+1,0,0x04,
-1,-2,-1,+0,0,0x80, -1,-2,+0,-1,0,0x01, -1,-2,+1,-1,0,0x01,
-1,-2,+1,+0,1,0x01, -1,-1,-1,+1,0,0x88, -1,-1,+1,-2,0,0x40,
-1,-1,+1,-1,0,0x22, -1,-1,+1,+0,0,0x33, -1,-1,+1,+1,1,0x11,
-1,+0,-1,+2,0,0x08, -1,+0,+0,-1,0,0x44, -1,+0,+0,+1,0,0x11,
-1,+0,+1,-2,1,0x40, -1,+0,+1,-1,0,0x66, -1,+0,+1,+0,1,0x22,
-1,+0,+1,+1,0,0x33, -1,+0,+1,+2,1,0x10, -1,+1,+1,-1,1,0x44,
-1,+1,+1,+0,0,0x66, -1,+1,+1,+1,0,0x22, -1,+1,+1,+2,0,0x10,
-1,+2,+0,+1,0,0x04, -1,+2,+1,+0,1,0x04, -1,+2,+1,+1,0,0x04,
+0,-2,+0,+0,1,0x80, +0,-1,+0,+1,1,0x88, +0,-1,+1,-2,0,0x40,
+0,-1,+1,+0,0,0x11, +0,-1,+2,-2,0,0x40, +0,-1,+2,-1,0,0x20,
+0,-1,+2,+0,0,0x30, +0,-1,+2,+1,1,0x10, +0,+0,+0,+2,1,0x08,
+0,+0,+2,-2,1,0x40, +0,+0,+2,-1,0,0x60, +0,+0,+2,+0,1,0x20,
+0,+0,+2,+1,0,0x30, +0,+0,+2,+2,1,0x10, +0,+1,+1,+0,0,0x44,
+0,+1,+1,+2,0,0x10, +0,+1,+2,-1,1,0x40, +0,+1,+2,+0,0,0x60,
+0,+1,+2,+1,0,0x20, +0,+1,+2,+2,0,0x10, +1,-2,+1,+0,0,0x80,
+1,-1,+1,+1,0,0x88, +1,+0,+1,+2,0,0x08, +1,+0,+2,-1,0,0x40,
}, chood[] = { -1,-1, -1,0, -1,+1, 0,+1, +1,+1, +1,0, +1,-1, 0,-1 };
ushort (*brow[5])[4], *pix;
int prow=7, pcol=1, *ip, *code[16][16], gval[8], gmin, gmax, sum[4];
int row, col, x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, t, weight, grads, color, diag;
int g, diff, thold, num, c;
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("VNG interpolation...\n"));
if (filters == 1) prow = pcol = 15;
ip = (int *) calloc ((prow+1)*(pcol+1), 1280);
merror (ip, "vng_interpolate()");
for (row=0; row <= prow; row++) /* Precalculate for VNG */
for (col=0; col <= pcol; col++) {
code[row][col] = ip;
for (cp=terms, t=0; t < 64; t++) {
y1 = *cp++; x1 = *cp++;
y2 = *cp++; x2 = *cp++;
weight = *cp++;
grads = *cp++;
color = fc(row+y1,col+x1);
if (fc(row+y2,col+x2) != color) continue;
diag = (fc(row,col+1) == color && fc(row+1,col) == color) ? 2:1;
if (abs(y1-y2) == diag && abs(x1-x2) == diag) continue;
*ip++ = (y1*width + x1)*4 + color;
*ip++ = (y2*width + x2)*4 + color;
*ip++ = weight;
for (g=0; g < 8; g++)
if (grads & 1<<g) *ip++ = g;
*ip++ = -1;
*ip++ = INT_MAX;
for (cp=chood, g=0; g < 8; g++) {
y = *cp++; x = *cp++;
*ip++ = (y*width + x) * 4;
color = fc(row,col);
if (fc(row+y,col+x) != color && fc(row+y*2,col+x*2) == color)
*ip++ = (y*width + x) * 8 + color;
*ip++ = 0;
brow[4] = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (width*3, sizeof **brow);
merror (brow[4], "vng_interpolate()");
for (row=0; row < 3; row++)
brow[row] = brow[4] + row*width;
for (row=2; row < height-2; row++) { /* Do VNG interpolation */
for (col=2; col < width-2; col++) {
pix = image[row*width+col];
ip = code[row & prow][col & pcol];
memset (gval, 0, sizeof gval);
while ((g = ip[0]) != INT_MAX) { /* Calculate gradients */
diff = ABS(pix[g] - pix[ip[1]]) << ip[2];
gval[ip[3]] += diff;
ip += 5;
if ((g = ip[-1]) == -1) continue;
gval[g] += diff;
while ((g = *ip++) != -1)
gval[g] += diff;
gmin = gmax = gval[0]; /* Choose a threshold */
for (g=1; g < 8; g++) {
if (gmin > gval[g]) gmin = gval[g];
if (gmax < gval[g]) gmax = gval[g];
if (gmax == 0) {
memcpy (brow[2][col], pix, sizeof *image);
thold = gmin + (gmax >> 1);
memset (sum, 0, sizeof sum);
color = fc(row,col);
for (num=g=0; g < 8; g++,ip+=2) { /* Average the neighbors */
if (gval[g] <= thold) {
if (c == color && ip[1])
sum[c] += (pix[c] + pix[ip[1]]) >> 1;
sum[c] += pix[ip[0] + c];
FORCC { /* Save to buffer */
t = pix[color];
if (c != color)
t += (sum[c] - sum[color]) / num;
brow[2][col][c] = CLIP(t);
if (row > 3) /* Write buffer to image */
memcpy (image[(row-2)*width+2], brow[0]+2, (width-4)*sizeof *image);
for (g=0; g < 4; g++)
brow[(g-1) & 3] = brow[g];
memcpy (image[(row-2)*width+2], brow[0]+2, (width-4)*sizeof *image);
memcpy (image[(row-1)*width+2], brow[1]+2, (width-4)*sizeof *image);
free (brow[4]);
free (code[0][0]);
Patterned Pixel Grouping Interpolation by Alain Desbiolles
void CLASS ppg_interpolate()
int gr[4], dir[5] = { 1, width, -1, -width, 1 };
int row, col, avg, diff[2], guess[2], c, d, i;
static const short sort[] = { 0,2,1,3,0,1,2,3 };
ushort (*pix)[4];
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("PPG interpolation...\n"));
/* Fill in the green layer with gradients and pattern recognition: */
for (row=3; row < height-3; row++)
for (col=3+(FC(row,3) & 1), c=FC(row,col); col < width-3; col+=2) {
pix = image + row*width+col;
for (avg=i=0; i < 4; i++)
avg += gr[i] = pix[dir[i]][1] << 2;
avg >>= 2;
for (i=0; i < 8; i+=2)
if (gr[sort[i]] > gr[sort[i+1]])
for (d=0; d < 4; d++) {
for (i=-2; i < 2; i++)
if (pix[i*dir[d] + (i+1)*dir[d+1]][1] <= avg) break;
if (i == 2) {
pix[0][1] = (gr[1]+gr[2]) >> 3;
goto next_pixel;
for (i=0; (d=dir[i]) > 0; i++) {
guess[i] = (pix[-d][1] + pix[0][c] + pix[d][1]) * 2
- pix[-2*d][c] - pix[2*d][c];
diff[i] = ( ABS(pix[-2*d][c] - pix[ 0][c]) +
ABS(pix[ 2*d][c] - pix[ 0][c]) +
ABS(pix[ -d][1] - pix[ d][1]) ) * 3 +
( ABS(pix[ 3*d][1] - pix[ d][1]) +
ABS(pix[-3*d][1] - pix[-d][1]) ) * 2;
d = dir[i = diff[0] > diff[1]];
pix[0][1] = ULIM(guess[i] >> 2, pix[d][1], pix[-d][1]);
next_pixel: ;
/* Calculate red and blue for each green pixel: */
for (row=1; row < height-1; row++)
for (col=1+(FC(row,2) & 1), c=FC(row,col+1); col < width-1; col+=2) {
pix = image + row*width+col;
for (i=0; (d=dir[i]) > 0; c=2-c, i++)
pix[0][c] = CLIP((pix[-d][c] + pix[d][c] + 2*pix[0][1]
- pix[-d][1] - pix[d][1]) >> 1);
/* Calculate blue for red pixels and vice versa: */
for (row=1; row < height-1; row++)
for (col=1+(FC(row,1) & 1), c=2-FC(row,col); col < width-1; col+=2) {
pix = image + row*width+col;
for (i=0; (d=dir[i]+dir[i+1]) > 0; i++) {
diff[i] = ABS(pix[-d][c] - pix[d][c]) +
ABS(pix[-d][1] - pix[0][1]) +
ABS(pix[ d][1] - pix[0][1]);
guess[i] = pix[-d][c] + pix[d][c] + 2*pix[0][1]
- pix[-d][1] - pix[d][1];
if (diff[0] != diff[1])
pix[0][c] = CLIP(guess[diff[0] > diff[1]] >> 1);
pix[0][c] = CLIP((guess[0]+guess[1]) >> 2);
Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed interpolation is based on
the work of Keigo Hirakawa, Thomas Parks, and Paul Lee.
#define TS 256 /* Tile Size */
void CLASS ahd_interpolate()
int i, j, k, top, left, row, col, tr, tc, c, d, val, hm[2];
ushort (*pix)[4], (*rix)[3];
static const int dir[4] = { -1, 1, -TS, TS };
unsigned ldiff[2][4], abdiff[2][4], leps, abeps;
float r, cbrt[0x10000], xyz[3], xyz_cam[3][4];
ushort (*rgb)[TS][TS][3];
short (*lab)[TS][TS][3], (*lix)[3];
char (*homo)[TS][TS], *buffer;
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("AHD interpolation...\n"));
for (i=0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
r = i / 65535.0;
cbrt[i] = r > 0.008856 ? pow(r,1/3.0) : 7.787*r + 16/116.0;
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < colors; j++)
for (xyz_cam[i][j] = k=0; k < 3; k++)
xyz_cam[i][j] += xyz_rgb[i][k] * rgb_cam[k][j] / d65_white[i];
buffer = (char *) malloc (26*TS*TS); /* 1664 kB */
merror (buffer, "ahd_interpolate()");
rgb = (ushort(*)[TS][TS][3]) buffer;
lab = (short (*)[TS][TS][3])(buffer + 12*TS*TS);
homo = (char (*)[TS][TS]) (buffer + 24*TS*TS);
for (top=2; top < height-5; top += TS-6)
for (left=2; left < width-5; left += TS-6) {
/* Interpolate green horizontally and vertically: */
for (row = top; row < top+TS && row < height-2; row++) {
col = left + (FC(row,left) & 1);
for (c = FC(row,col); col < left+TS && col < width-2; col+=2) {
pix = image + row*width+col;
val = ((pix[-1][1] + pix[0][c] + pix[1][1]) * 2
- pix[-2][c] - pix[2][c]) >> 2;
rgb[0][row-top][col-left][1] = ULIM(val,pix[-1][1],pix[1][1]);
val = ((pix[-width][1] + pix[0][c] + pix[width][1]) * 2
- pix[-2*width][c] - pix[2*width][c]) >> 2;
rgb[1][row-top][col-left][1] = ULIM(val,pix[-width][1],pix[width][1]);
/* Interpolate red and blue, and convert to CIELab: */
for (d=0; d < 2; d++)
for (row=top+1; row < top+TS-1 && row < height-3; row++)
for (col=left+1; col < left+TS-1 && col < width-3; col++) {
pix = image + row*width+col;
rix = &rgb[d][row-top][col-left];
lix = &lab[d][row-top][col-left];
if ((c = 2 - FC(row,col)) == 1) {
c = FC(row+1,col);
val = pix[0][1] + (( pix[-1][2-c] + pix[1][2-c]
- rix[-1][1] - rix[1][1] ) >> 1);
rix[0][2-c] = CLIP(val);
val = pix[0][1] + (( pix[-width][c] + pix[width][c]
- rix[-TS][1] - rix[TS][1] ) >> 1);
} else
val = rix[0][1] + (( pix[-width-1][c] + pix[-width+1][c]
+ pix[+width-1][c] + pix[+width+1][c]
- rix[-TS-1][1] - rix[-TS+1][1]
- rix[+TS-1][1] - rix[+TS+1][1] + 1) >> 2);
rix[0][c] = CLIP(val);
c = FC(row,col);
rix[0][c] = pix[0][c];
xyz[0] = xyz[1] = xyz[2] = 0.5;
xyz[0] += xyz_cam[0][c] * rix[0][c];
xyz[1] += xyz_cam[1][c] * rix[0][c];
xyz[2] += xyz_cam[2][c] * rix[0][c];
xyz[0] = cbrt[CLIP((int) xyz[0])];
xyz[1] = cbrt[CLIP((int) xyz[1])];
xyz[2] = cbrt[CLIP((int) xyz[2])];
lix[0][0] = 64 * (116 * xyz[1] - 16);
lix[0][1] = 64 * 500 * (xyz[0] - xyz[1]);
lix[0][2] = 64 * 200 * (xyz[1] - xyz[2]);
/* Build homogeneity maps from the CIELab images: */
memset (homo, 0, 2*TS*TS);
for (row=top+2; row < top+TS-2 && row < height-4; row++) {
tr = row-top;
for (col=left+2; col < left+TS-2 && col < width-4; col++) {
tc = col-left;
for (d=0; d < 2; d++) {
lix = &lab[d][tr][tc];
for (i=0; i < 4; i++) {
ldiff[d][i] = ABS(lix[0][0]-lix[dir[i]][0]);
abdiff[d][i] = SQR(lix[0][1]-lix[dir[i]][1])
+ SQR(lix[0][2]-lix[dir[i]][2]);
leps = MIN(MAX(ldiff[0][0],ldiff[0][1]),
abeps = MIN(MAX(abdiff[0][0],abdiff[0][1]),
for (d=0; d < 2; d++)
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
if (ldiff[d][i] <= leps && abdiff[d][i] <= abeps)
/* Combine the most homogenous pixels for the final result: */
for (row=top+3; row < top+TS-3 && row < height-5; row++) {
tr = row-top;
for (col=left+3; col < left+TS-3 && col < width-5; col++) {
tc = col-left;
for (d=0; d < 2; d++)
for (hm[d]=0, i=tr-1; i <= tr+1; i++)
for (j=tc-1; j <= tc+1; j++)
hm[d] += homo[d][i][j];
if (hm[0] != hm[1])
FORC3 image[row*width+col][c] = rgb[hm[1] > hm[0]][tr][tc][c];
FORC3 image[row*width+col][c] =
(rgb[0][tr][tc][c] + rgb[1][tr][tc][c]) >> 1;
free (buffer);
#undef TS
void CLASS median_filter ()
ushort (*pix)[4];
int pass, c, i, j, k, med[9];
static const uchar opt[] = /* Optimal 9-element median search */
{ 1,2, 4,5, 7,8, 0,1, 3,4, 6,7, 1,2, 4,5, 7,8,
0,3, 5,8, 4,7, 3,6, 1,4, 2,5, 4,7, 4,2, 6,4, 4,2 };
for (pass=1; pass <= med_passes; pass++) {
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Median filter pass %d...\n"), pass);
for (c=0; c < 3; c+=2) {
for (pix = image; pix < image+width*height; pix++)
pix[0][3] = pix[0][c];
for (pix = image+width; pix < image+width*(height-1); pix++) {
if ((pix-image+1) % width < 2) continue;
for (k=0, i = -width; i <= width; i += width)
for (j = i-1; j <= i+1; j++)
med[k++] = pix[j][3] - pix[j][1];
for (i=0; i < sizeof opt; i+=2)
if (med[opt[i]] > med[opt[i+1]])
SWAP (med[opt[i]] , med[opt[i+1]]);
pix[0][c] = CLIP(med[4] + pix[0][1]);
void CLASS blend_highlights()
int clip=INT_MAX, row, col, c, i, j;
static const float trans[2][4][4] =
{ { { 1,1,1 }, { 1.7320508,-1.7320508,0 }, { -1,-1,2 } },
{ { 1,1,1,1 }, { 1,-1,1,-1 }, { 1,1,-1,-1 }, { 1,-1,-1,1 } } };
static const float itrans[2][4][4] =
{ { { 1,0.8660254,-0.5 }, { 1,-0.8660254,-0.5 }, { 1,0,1 } },
{ { 1,1,1,1 }, { 1,-1,1,-1 }, { 1,1,-1,-1 }, { 1,-1,-1,1 } } };
float cam[2][4], lab[2][4], sum[2], chratio;
if ((unsigned) (colors-3) > 1) return;
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("Blending highlights...\n"));
FORCC if (clip > (i = 65535*pre_mul[c])) clip = i;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++) {
FORCC if (image[row*width+col][c] > clip) break;
if (c == colors) continue;
cam[0][c] = image[row*width+col][c];
cam[1][c] = MIN(cam[0][c],clip);
for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
FORCC for (lab[i][c]=j=0; j < colors; j++)
lab[i][c] += trans[colors-3][c][j] * cam[i][j];
for (sum[i]=0,c=1; c < colors; c++)
sum[i] += SQR(lab[i][c]);
chratio = sqrt(sum[1]/sum[0]);
for (c=1; c < colors; c++)
lab[0][c] *= chratio;
FORCC for (cam[0][c]=j=0; j < colors; j++)
cam[0][c] += itrans[colors-3][c][j] * lab[0][j];
FORCC image[row*width+col][c] = cam[0][c] / colors;
#define SCALE (4 >> shrink)
void CLASS recover_highlights()
float *map, sum, wgt, grow;
int hsat[4], count, spread, change, val, i;
unsigned high, wide, mrow, mcol, row, col, kc, c, d, y, x;
ushort *pixel;
static const signed char dir[8][2] =
{ {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {1,0}, {1,-1}, {0,-1} };
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("Rebuilding highlights...\n"));
grow = pow (2, 4-highlight);
FORCC hsat[c] = 32000 * pre_mul[c];
for (kc=0, c=1; c < colors; c++)
if (pre_mul[kc] < pre_mul[c]) kc = c;
high = height / SCALE;
wide = width / SCALE;
map = (float *) calloc (high*wide, sizeof *map);
merror (map, "recover_highlights()");
FORCC if (c != kc) {
memset (map, 0, high*wide*sizeof *map);
for (mrow=0; mrow < high; mrow++)
for (mcol=0; mcol < wide; mcol++) {
sum = wgt = count = 0;
for (row = mrow*SCALE; row < (mrow+1)*SCALE; row++)
for (col = mcol*SCALE; col < (mcol+1)*SCALE; col++) {
pixel = image[row*width+col];
if (pixel[c] / hsat[c] == 1 && pixel[kc] > 24000) {
sum += pixel[c];
wgt += pixel[kc];
if (count == SCALE*SCALE)
map[mrow*wide+mcol] = sum / wgt;
for (spread = 32/grow; spread--; ) {
for (mrow=0; mrow < high; mrow++)
for (mcol=0; mcol < wide; mcol++) {
if (map[mrow*wide+mcol]) continue;
sum = count = 0;
for (d=0; d < 8; d++) {
y = mrow + dir[d][0];
x = mcol + dir[d][1];
if (y < high && x < wide && map[y*wide+x] > 0) {
sum += (1 + (d & 1)) * map[y*wide+x];
count += 1 + (d & 1);
if (count > 3)
map[mrow*wide+mcol] = - (sum+grow) / (count+grow);
for (change=i=0; i < high*wide; i++)
if (map[i] < 0) {
map[i] = -map[i];
change = 1;
if (!change) break;
for (i=0; i < high*wide; i++)
if (map[i] == 0) map[i] = 1;
for (mrow=0; mrow < high; mrow++)
for (mcol=0; mcol < wide; mcol++) {
for (row = mrow*SCALE; row < (mrow+1)*SCALE; row++)
for (col = mcol*SCALE; col < (mcol+1)*SCALE; col++) {
pixel = image[row*width+col];
if (pixel[c] / hsat[c] > 1) {
val = pixel[kc] * map[mrow*wide+mcol];
if (pixel[c] < val) pixel[c] = CLIP(val);
free (map);
#undef SCALE
void CLASS tiff_get (unsigned base,
unsigned *tag, unsigned *type, unsigned *len, unsigned *save)
*tag = get2();
*type = get2();
*len = get4();
*save = ftell(ifp) + 4;
if (*len * ("11124811248488"[*type < 14 ? *type:0]-'0') > 4)
fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET);
void CLASS parse_thumb_note (int base, unsigned toff, unsigned tlen)
unsigned entries, tag, type, len, save;
entries = get2();
while (entries--) {
tiff_get (base, &tag, &type, &len, &save);
if (tag == toff) thumb_offset = get4()+base;
if (tag == tlen) thumb_length = get4();
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
int CLASS parse_tiff_ifd (int base);
void CLASS parse_makernote (int base, int uptag)
static const uchar xlat[2][256] = {
{ 0xc1,0xbf,0x6d,0x0d,0x59,0xc5,0x13,0x9d,0x83,0x61,0x6b,0x4f,0xc7,0x7f,0x3d,0x3d,
0xc5,0xb5,0x8b,0xef,0x2f,0xd3,0x07,0x6b,0x25,0x49,0x95,0x25,0x49,0x6d,0x71,0xc7 },
{ 0xa7,0xbc,0xc9,0xad,0x91,0xdf,0x85,0xe5,0xd4,0x78,0xd5,0x17,0x46,0x7c,0x29,0x4c,
0xc6,0x67,0x4a,0xf5,0xa5,0x12,0x65,0x7e,0xb0,0xdf,0xaf,0x4e,0xb3,0x61,0x7f,0x2f } };
unsigned offset=0, entries, tag, type, len, save, c;
unsigned ver97=0, serial=0, i, wbi=0, wb[4]={0,0,0,0};
uchar buf97[324], ci, cj, ck;
short sorder=order;
char buf[10];
The MakerNote might have its own TIFF header (possibly with
its own byte-order!), or it might just be a table.
fread (buf, 1, 10, ifp);
if (!strncmp (buf,"KDK" ,3) || /* these aren't TIFF tables */
!strncmp (buf,"VER" ,3) ||
!strncmp (buf,"IIII",4) ||
!strncmp (buf,"MMMM",4)) return;
if (!strncmp (buf,"KC" ,2) || /* Konica KD-400Z, KD-510Z */
!strncmp (buf,"MLY" ,3)) { /* Minolta DiMAGE G series */
order = 0x4d4d;
while ((i=ftell(ifp)) < data_offset && i < 16384) {
wb[0] = wb[2]; wb[2] = wb[1]; wb[1] = wb[3];
wb[3] = get2();
if (wb[1] == 256 && wb[3] == 256 &&
wb[0] > 256 && wb[0] < 640 && wb[2] > 256 && wb[2] < 640)
FORC4 cam_mul[c] = wb[c];
goto quit;
if (!strcmp (buf,"Nikon")) {
base = ftell(ifp);
order = get2();
if (get2() != 42) goto quit;
offset = get4();
fseek (ifp, offset-8, SEEK_CUR);
} else if (!strcmp (buf,"OLYMPUS")) {
base = ftell(ifp)-10;
fseek (ifp, -2, SEEK_CUR);
order = get2(); get2();
} else if (!strncmp (buf,"FUJIFILM",8) ||
!strncmp (buf,"SONY",4) ||
!strcmp (buf,"Panasonic")) {
order = 0x4949;
fseek (ifp, 2, SEEK_CUR);
} else if (!strcmp (buf,"OLYMP") ||
!strcmp (buf,"LEICA") ||
!strcmp (buf,"Ricoh") ||
!strcmp (buf,"EPSON"))
fseek (ifp, -2, SEEK_CUR);
else if (!strcmp (buf,"AOC") ||
!strcmp (buf,"QVC"))
fseek (ifp, -4, SEEK_CUR);
else fseek (ifp, -10, SEEK_CUR);
entries = get2();
if (entries > 1000) return;
while (entries--) {
tiff_get (base, &tag, &type, &len, &save);
tag |= uptag << 16;
if (tag == 2 && strstr(make,"NIKON"))
iso_speed = (get2(),get2());
if (tag == 4 && len > 26 && len < 35) {
iso_speed = 50 * pow (2, (get4(),get2())/32.0 - 4);
if ((i=(get2(),get2())) != 0x7fff)
aperture = pow (2, i/64.0);
if ((i=get2()) != 0xffff)
shutter = pow (2, (short) i/-32.0);
wbi = (get2(),get2());
shot_order = (get2(),get2());
if (tag == 8 && type == 4)
shot_order = get4();
if (tag == 9 && !strcmp(make,"Canon"))
fread (artist, 64, 1, ifp);
if (tag == 0xc && len == 4) {
cam_mul[0] = getrat();
cam_mul[2] = getrat();
if (tag == 0x10 && type == 4)
unique_id = get4();
if (tag == 0x11 && is_raw && !strncmp(make,"NIKON",5)) {
fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET);
parse_tiff_ifd (base);
if (tag == 0x14 && len == 2560 && type == 7) {
fseek (ifp, 1248, SEEK_CUR);
goto get2_256;
if (tag == 0x15 && type == 2 && is_raw)
fread (model, 64, 1, ifp);
if (strstr(make,"PENTAX")) {
if (tag == 0x1b) tag = 0x1018;
if (tag == 0x1c) tag = 0x1017;
if (tag == 0x1d)
while ((c = fgetc(ifp)) && c != EOF)
serial = serial*10 + (isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : c % 10);
if (tag == 0x81 && type == 4) {
data_offset = get4();
fseek (ifp, data_offset + 41, SEEK_SET);
raw_height = get2() * 2;
raw_width = get2();
filters = 0x61616161;
if (tag == 0x29 && type == 1) {
c = wbi < 18 ? "012347800000005896"[wbi]-'0' : 0;
fseek (ifp, 8 + c*32, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1) ^ 1] = get4();
if ((tag == 0x81 && type == 7) ||
(tag == 0x100 && type == 7) ||
(tag == 0x280 && type == 1)) {
thumb_offset = ftell(ifp);
thumb_length = len;
if (tag == 0x88 && type == 4 && (thumb_offset = get4()))
thumb_offset += base;
if (tag == 0x89 && type == 4)
thumb_length = get4();
if (tag == 0x8c || tag == 0x96)
meta_offset = ftell(ifp);
if (tag == 0x97) {
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
ver97 = (ver97 << 4) + fgetc(ifp)-'0';
switch (ver97) {
case 0x100:
fseek (ifp, 68, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[(c >> 1) | ((c & 1) << 1)] = get2();
case 0x102:
fseek (ifp, 6, SEEK_CUR);
goto get2_rggb;
case 0x103:
fseek (ifp, 16, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c] = get2();
if (ver97 >> 8 == 2) {
if (ver97 != 0x205) fseek (ifp, 280, SEEK_CUR);
fread (buf97, 324, 1, ifp);
if (tag == 0xa4 && type == 3) {
fseek (ifp, wbi*48, SEEK_CUR);
FORC3 cam_mul[c] = get2();
if (tag == 0xa7 && ver97 >> 8 == 2) {
ci = xlat[0][serial & 0xff];
cj = xlat[1][fgetc(ifp)^fgetc(ifp)^fgetc(ifp)^fgetc(ifp)];
ck = 0x60;
for (i=0; i < 324; i++)
buf97[i] ^= (cj += ci * ck++);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1)] =
sget2 (buf97 + (ver97 == 0x205 ? 14:6) + c*2);
if (ver97 == 0x209)
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1) ^ 1] =
sget2 (buf97 + 10 + c*2);
if (tag == 0x200 && len == 3)
shot_order = (get4(),get4());
if (tag == 0x200 && len == 4)
black = (get2()+get2()+get2()+get2())/4;
if (tag == 0x201 && len == 4)
goto get2_rggb;
if (tag == 0x401 && len == 4) {
black = (get4()+get4()+get4()+get4())/4;
if (tag == 0xe01) { /* Nikon Capture Note */
type = order;
order = 0x4949;
fseek (ifp, 22, SEEK_CUR);
for (offset=22; offset+22 < len; offset += 22+i) {
tag = get4();
fseek (ifp, 14, SEEK_CUR);
i = get4()-4;
if (tag == 0x76a43207) flip = get2();
else fseek (ifp, i, SEEK_CUR);
order = type;
if (tag == 0xe80 && len == 256 && type == 7) {
fseek (ifp, 48, SEEK_CUR);
cam_mul[0] = get2() * 508 * 1.078 / 0x10000;
cam_mul[2] = get2() * 382 * 1.173 / 0x10000;
if (tag == 0xf00 && type == 7) {
if (len == 614)
fseek (ifp, 176, SEEK_CUR);
else if (len == 734 || len == 1502)
fseek (ifp, 148, SEEK_CUR);
else goto next;
goto get2_256;
if ((tag == 0x1011 && len == 9) || tag == 0x20400200)
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
FORC3 cmatrix[i][c] = ((short) get2()) / 256.0;
if ((tag == 0x1012 || tag == 0x20400600) && len == 4)
for (black = i=0; i < 4; i++)
black += get2() << 2;
if (tag == 0x1017 || tag == 0x20400100)
cam_mul[0] = get2() / 256.0;
if (tag == 0x1018 || tag == 0x20400100)
cam_mul[2] = get2() / 256.0;
if (tag == 0x2011 && len == 2) {
order = 0x4d4d;
cam_mul[0] = get2() / 256.0;
cam_mul[2] = get2() / 256.0;
if (tag == 0x2020)
parse_thumb_note (base, 257, 258);
if (tag == 0x2040)
parse_makernote (base, 0x2040);
if (tag == 0xb028) {
fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET);
parse_thumb_note (base, 136, 137);
if (tag == 0x4001 && type == 3) {
i = len == 582 ? 50 : len == 653 ? 68 : 126;
fseek (ifp, i, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1)] = get2();
fseek (ifp, 22, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 sraw_mul[c ^ (c >> 1)] = get2();
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
order = sorder;
Since the TIFF DateTime string has no timezone information,
assume that the camera's clock was set to Universal Time.
void CLASS get_timestamp (int reversed)
struct tm t;
char str[20];
int i;
str[19] = 0;
if (reversed)
for (i=19; i--; ) str[i] = fgetc(ifp);
fread (str, 19, 1, ifp);
memset (&t, 0, sizeof t);
if (sscanf (str, "%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d", &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon,
&t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &t.tm_sec) != 6)
t.tm_year -= 1900;
t.tm_mon -= 1;
if (mktime(&t) > 0)
timestamp = mktime(&t);
void CLASS parse_exif (int base)
unsigned kodak, entries, tag, type, len, save, c;
double expo;
kodak = !strncmp(make,"EASTMAN",7);
entries = get2();
while (entries--) {
tiff_get (base, &tag, &type, &len, &save);
switch (tag) {
case 33434: shutter = getrat(); break;
case 33437: aperture = getrat(); break;
case 34855: iso_speed = get2(); break;
case 36867:
case 36868: get_timestamp(0); break;
case 37377: if ((expo = -getrat()) < 128)
shutter = pow (2, expo); break;
case 37378: aperture = pow (2, getrat()/2); break;
case 37386: focal_len = getrat(); break;
case 37500: parse_makernote (base, 0); break;
case 40962: if (kodak) raw_width = get4(); break;
case 40963: if (kodak) raw_height = get4(); break;
case 41730:
if (get4() == 0x20002)
for (exif_cfa=c=0; c < 8; c+=2)
exif_cfa |= fgetc(ifp) * 0x01010101 << c;
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
void CLASS romm_coeff (float romm_cam[3][3])
static const float rgb_romm[3][3] = /* ROMM == Kodak ProPhoto */
{ { 2.034193, -0.727420, -0.306766 },
{ -0.228811, 1.231729, -0.002922 },
{ -0.008565, -0.153273, 1.161839 } };
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (cmatrix[i][j] = k=0; k < 3; k++)
cmatrix[i][j] += rgb_romm[i][k] * romm_cam[k][j];
void CLASS parse_mos (int offset)
char data[40];
int skip, from, i, c, neut[4], planes=0, frot=0;
static const char *mod[] =
{ "","DCB2","Volare","Cantare","CMost","Valeo 6","Valeo 11","Valeo 22",
"Valeo 11p","Valeo 17","","Aptus 17","Aptus 22","Aptus 75","Aptus 65",
"Aptus 54S","Aptus 65S","Aptus 75S" };
float romm_cam[3][3];
fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
while (1) {
if (get4() != 0x504b5453) break;
fread (data, 1, 40, ifp);
skip = get4();
from = ftell(ifp);
if (!strcmp(data,"JPEG_preview_data")) {
thumb_offset = from;
thumb_length = skip;
if (!strcmp(data,"icc_camera_profile")) {
profile_offset = from;
profile_length = skip;
if (!strcmp(data,"ShootObj_back_type")) {
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &i);
if ((unsigned) i < sizeof mod / sizeof (*mod))
strcpy (model, mod[i]);
if (!strcmp(data,"icc_camera_to_tone_matrix")) {
for (i=0; i < 9; i++)
romm_cam[0][i] = int_to_float(get4());
romm_coeff (romm_cam);
if (!strcmp(data,"CaptProf_color_matrix")) {
for (i=0; i < 9; i++)
fscanf (ifp, "%f", &romm_cam[0][i]);
romm_coeff (romm_cam);
if (!strcmp(data,"CaptProf_number_of_planes"))
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &planes);
if (!strcmp(data,"CaptProf_raw_data_rotation"))
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &flip);
if (!strcmp(data,"CaptProf_mosaic_pattern"))
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &i);
if (i == 1) frot = c ^ (c >> 1);
if (!strcmp(data,"ImgProf_rotation_angle")) {
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &i);
flip = i - flip;
if (!strcmp(data,"NeutObj_neutrals") && !cam_mul[0]) {
FORC4 fscanf (ifp, "%d", neut+c);
FORC3 cam_mul[c] = (float) neut[0] / neut[c+1];
parse_mos (from);
fseek (ifp, skip+from, SEEK_SET);
if (planes)
filters = (planes == 1) * 0x01010101 *
(uchar) "\x94\x61\x16\x49"[(flip/90 + frot) & 3];
void CLASS linear_table (unsigned len)
int i;
if (len > 0x1000) len = 0x1000;
read_shorts (curve, len);
for (i=len; i < 0x1000; i++)
curve[i] = curve[i-1];
maximum = curve[0xfff];
void CLASS parse_kodak_ifd (int base)
unsigned entries, tag, type, len, save;
int i, c, wbi=-2, wbtemp=6500;
float mul[3], num;
entries = get2();
if (entries > 1024) return;
while (entries--) {
tiff_get (base, &tag, &type, &len, &save);
if (tag == 1020) wbi = getint(type);
if (tag == 1021 && len == 72) { /* WB set in software */
fseek (ifp, 40, SEEK_CUR);
FORC3 cam_mul[c] = 2048.0 / get2();
wbi = -2;
if (tag == 2118) wbtemp = getint(type);
if (tag == 2130 + wbi)
FORC3 mul[c] = getreal(type);
if (tag == 2140 + wbi && wbi >= 0)
for (num=i=0; i < 4; i++)
num += getreal(type) * pow (wbtemp/100.0, i);
cam_mul[c] = 2048 / (num * mul[c]);
if (tag == 2317) linear_table (len);
if (tag == 6020) iso_speed = getint(type);
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
void CLASS parse_minolta (int base);
int CLASS parse_tiff_ifd (int base)
unsigned entries, tag, type, len, plen=16, save;
int ifd, use_cm=0, cfa, i, j, c, ima_len=0;
char software[64], *cbuf, *cp;
uchar cfa_pat[16], cfa_pc[] = { 0,1,2,3 }, tab[256];
double dblack, cc[4][4], cm[4][3], cam_xyz[4][3], num;
double ab[]={ 1,1,1,1 }, asn[] = { 0,0,0,0 }, xyz[] = { 1,1,1 };
unsigned sony_curve[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,4095 };
unsigned *buf, sony_offset=0, sony_length=0, sony_key=0;
struct jhead jh;
FILE *sfp;
if (tiff_nifds >= sizeof tiff_ifd / sizeof tiff_ifd[0])
return 1;
ifd = tiff_nifds++;
for (j=0; j < 4; j++)
for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
cc[j][i] = i == j;
entries = get2();
if (entries > 512) return 1;
while (entries--) {
tiff_get (base, &tag, &type, &len, &save);
switch (tag) {
case 17: case 18:
if (type == 3 && len == 1)
cam_mul[(tag-17)*2] = get2() / 256.0;
case 23:
if (type == 3) iso_speed = get2();
case 36: case 37: case 38:
cam_mul[tag-0x24] = get2();
case 39:
if (len < 50 || cam_mul[0]) break;
fseek (ifp, 12, SEEK_CUR);
FORC3 cam_mul[c] = get2();
case 46:
if (type != 7 || fgetc(ifp) != 0xff || fgetc(ifp) != 0xd8) break;
thumb_offset = ftell(ifp) - 2;
thumb_length = len;
case 2: case 256: /* ImageWidth */
tiff_ifd[ifd].width = getint(type);
case 3: case 257: /* ImageHeight */
tiff_ifd[ifd].height = getint(type);
case 258: /* BitsPerSample */
tiff_ifd[ifd].samples = len & 7;
tiff_ifd[ifd].bps = get2();
case 259: /* Compression */
tiff_ifd[ifd].comp = get2();
case 262: /* PhotometricInterpretation */
tiff_ifd[ifd].phint = get2();
case 270: /* ImageDescription */
fread (desc, 512, 1, ifp);
case 271: /* Make */
fgets (make, 64, ifp);
case 272: /* Model */
fgets (model, 64, ifp);
case 273: /* StripOffset */
case 513:
tiff_ifd[ifd].offset = get4()+base;
if (!tiff_ifd[ifd].bps) {
fseek (ifp, tiff_ifd[ifd].offset, SEEK_SET);
if (ljpeg_start (&jh, 1)) {
tiff_ifd[ifd].comp = 6;
tiff_ifd[ifd].width = jh.wide << (jh.clrs == 2);
tiff_ifd[ifd].height = jh.high;
tiff_ifd[ifd].bps = jh.bits;
tiff_ifd[ifd].samples = jh.clrs;
case 274: /* Orientation */
tiff_ifd[ifd].flip = "50132467"[get2() & 7]-'0';
case 277: /* SamplesPerPixel */
tiff_ifd[ifd].samples = getint(type) & 7;
case 279: /* StripByteCounts */
case 514:
tiff_ifd[ifd].bytes = get4();
case 305: /* Software */
fgets (software, 64, ifp);
if (!strncmp(software,"Adobe",5) ||
!strncmp(software,"dcraw",5) ||
!strncmp(software,"Bibble",6) ||
!strncmp(software,"Nikon Scan",10) ||
!strcmp (software,"Digital Photo Professional"))
is_raw = 0;
case 306: /* DateTime */
case 315: /* Artist */
fread (artist, 64, 1, ifp);
case 322: /* TileWidth */
tile_width = getint(type);
case 323: /* TileLength */
tile_length = getint(type);
case 324: /* TileOffsets */
tiff_ifd[ifd].offset = len > 1 ? ftell(ifp) : get4();
if (len == 4) {
load_raw = &CLASS sinar_4shot_load_raw;
is_raw = 5;
case 330: /* SubIFDs */
if (!strcmp(model,"DSLR-A100") && tiff_ifd[ifd].width == 3872) {
data_offset = get4()+base;
ifd++; break;
while (len--) {
i = ftell(ifp);
fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET);
if (parse_tiff_ifd (base)) break;
fseek (ifp, i+4, SEEK_SET);
case 400:
strcpy (make, "Sarnoff");
maximum = 0xfff;
case 28688:
FORC4 sony_curve[c+1] = get2() >> 2 & 0xfff;
for (i=0; i < 5; i++)
for (j = sony_curve[i]+1; j <= sony_curve[i+1]; j++)
curve[j] = curve[j-1] + (1 << i);
case 29184: sony_offset = get4(); break;
case 29185: sony_length = get4(); break;
case 29217: sony_key = get4(); break;
case 29264:
parse_minolta (ftell(ifp));
raw_width = 0;
case 29443:
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c < 2)] = get2();
case 33405: /* Model2 */
fgets (model2, 64, ifp);
case 33422: /* CFAPattern */
case 64777: /* Kodak P-series */
if ((plen=len) > 16) plen = 16;
fread (cfa_pat, 1, plen, ifp);
for (colors=cfa=i=0; i < plen; i++) {
colors += !(cfa & (1 << cfa_pat[i]));
cfa |= 1 << cfa_pat[i];
if (cfa == 070) memcpy (cfa_pc,"\003\004\005",3); /* CMY */
if (cfa == 072) memcpy (cfa_pc,"\005\003\004\001",4); /* GMCY */
goto guess_cfa_pc;
case 33424:
fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET);
parse_kodak_ifd (base);
case 33434: /* ExposureTime */
shutter = getrat();
case 33437: /* FNumber */
aperture = getrat();
case 34306: /* Leaf white balance */
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ 1] = 4096.0 / get2();
case 34307: /* Leaf CatchLight color matrix */
fread (software, 1, 7, ifp);
if (strncmp(software,"MATRIX",6)) break;
colors = 4;
for (raw_color = i=0; i < 3; i++) {
FORC4 fscanf (ifp, "%f", &rgb_cam[i][c^1]);
if (!use_camera_wb) continue;
num = 0;
FORC4 num += rgb_cam[i][c];
FORC4 rgb_cam[i][c] /= num;
case 34310: /* Leaf metadata */
parse_mos (ftell(ifp));
case 34303:
strcpy (make, "Leaf");
case 34665: /* EXIF tag */
fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET);
parse_exif (base);
case 34675: /* InterColorProfile */
case 50831: /* AsShotICCProfile */
profile_offset = ftell(ifp);
profile_length = len;
case 37122: /* CompressedBitsPerPixel */
kodak_cbpp = get4();
case 37386: /* FocalLength */
focal_len = getrat();
case 37393: /* ImageNumber */
shot_order = getint(type);
case 37400: /* old Kodak KDC tag */
for (raw_color = i=0; i < 3; i++) {
FORC3 rgb_cam[i][c] = getrat();
case 46275: /* Imacon tags */
strcpy (make, "Imacon");
data_offset = ftell(ifp);
ima_len = len;
case 46279:
fseek (ifp, 78, SEEK_CUR);
raw_width = get4();
raw_height = get4();
left_margin = get4() & 7;
width = raw_width - left_margin - (get4() & 7);
top_margin = get4() & 7;
height = raw_height - top_margin - (get4() & 7);
if (raw_width == 7262) {
height = 5444;
width = 7244;
left_margin = 7;
fseek (ifp, 52, SEEK_CUR);
FORC3 cam_mul[c] = getreal(11);
fseek (ifp, 114, SEEK_CUR);
flip = (get2() >> 7) * 90;
if (width * height * 6 == ima_len) {
if (flip % 180 == 90) SWAP(width,height);
filters = flip = 0;
sprintf (model, "Ixpress %d-Mp", height*width/1000000);
load_raw = &CLASS imacon_full_load_raw;
if (filters) {
if (left_margin & 1) filters = 0x61616161;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0xffff;
case 50454: /* Sinar tag */
case 50455:
if (!(cbuf = (char *) malloc(len))) break;
fread (cbuf, 1, len, ifp);
for (cp = cbuf-1; cp && cp < cbuf+len; cp = strchr(cp,'\n'))
if (!strncmp (++cp,"Neutral ",8))
sscanf (cp+8, "%f %f %f", cam_mul, cam_mul+1, cam_mul+2);
free (cbuf);
case 50459: /* Hasselblad tag */
i = order;
j = ftell(ifp);
c = tiff_nifds;
order = get2();
fseek (ifp, j+(get2(),get4()), SEEK_SET);
parse_tiff_ifd (j);
maximum = 0xffff;
tiff_nifds = c;
order = i;
case 50706: /* DNGVersion */
FORC4 dng_version = (dng_version << 8) + fgetc(ifp);
case 50710: /* CFAPlaneColor */
if (len > 4) len = 4;
colors = len;
fread (cfa_pc, 1, colors, ifp);
FORCC tab[cfa_pc[c]] = c;
cdesc[c] = 0;
for (i=16; i--; )
filters = filters << 2 | tab[cfa_pat[i % plen]];
case 50711: /* CFALayout */
if (get2() == 2) {
fuji_width = 1;
filters = 0x49494949;
case 291:
case 50712: /* LinearizationTable */
linear_table (len);
case 50714: /* BlackLevel */
case 50715: /* BlackLevelDeltaH */
case 50716: /* BlackLevelDeltaV */
for (dblack=i=0; i < len; i++)
dblack += getreal(type);
black += dblack/len + 0.5;
case 50717: /* WhiteLevel */
maximum = getint(type);
case 50718: /* DefaultScale */
pixel_aspect = getrat();
pixel_aspect /= getrat();
case 50721: /* ColorMatrix1 */
case 50722: /* ColorMatrix2 */
FORCC for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
cm[c][j] = getrat();
use_cm = 1;
case 50723: /* CameraCalibration1 */
case 50724: /* CameraCalibration2 */
for (i=0; i < colors; i++)
FORCC cc[i][c] = getrat();
case 50727: /* AnalogBalance */
FORCC ab[c] = getrat();
case 50728: /* AsShotNeutral */
FORCC asn[c] = getreal(type);
case 50729: /* AsShotWhiteXY */
xyz[0] = getrat();
xyz[1] = getrat();
xyz[2] = 1 - xyz[0] - xyz[1];
FORC3 xyz[c] /= d65_white[c];
case 50740: /* DNGPrivateData */
if (dng_version) break;
parse_minolta (j = get4()+base);
fseek (ifp, j, SEEK_SET);
parse_tiff_ifd (base);
case 50752:
read_shorts (cr2_slice, 3);
case 50829: /* ActiveArea */
top_margin = getint(type);
left_margin = getint(type);
height = getint(type) - top_margin;
width = getint(type) - left_margin;
case 64772: /* Kodak P-series */
fseek (ifp, 16, SEEK_CUR);
data_offset = get4();
fseek (ifp, 28, SEEK_CUR);
data_offset += get4();
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
if (sony_length && (buf = (unsigned *) malloc(sony_length))) {
fseek (ifp, sony_offset, SEEK_SET);
fread (buf, sony_length, 1, ifp);
sony_decrypt (buf, sony_length/4, 1, sony_key);
sfp = ifp;
if ((ifp = tmpfile())) {
fwrite (buf, sony_length, 1, ifp);
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
parse_tiff_ifd (-sony_offset);
fclose (ifp);
ifp = sfp;
free (buf);
for (i=0; i < colors; i++)
FORCC cc[i][c] *= ab[i];
if (use_cm) {
FORCC for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (cam_xyz[c][i]=j=0; j < colors; j++)
cam_xyz[c][i] += cc[c][j] * cm[j][i] * xyz[i];
cam_xyz_coeff (cam_xyz);
if (asn[0]) {
cam_mul[3] = 0;
FORCC cam_mul[c] = 1 / asn[c];
if (!use_cm)
FORCC pre_mul[c] /= cc[c][c];
return 0;
void CLASS parse_tiff (int base)
int doff, max_samp=0, raw=-1, thm=-1, i;
struct jhead jh;
fseek (ifp, base, SEEK_SET);
order = get2();
if (order != 0x4949 && order != 0x4d4d) return;
memset (tiff_ifd, 0, sizeof tiff_ifd);
tiff_nifds = 0;
while ((doff = get4())) {
fseek (ifp, doff+base, SEEK_SET);
if (parse_tiff_ifd (base)) break;
thumb_misc = 16;
if (thumb_offset) {
fseek (ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (ljpeg_start (&jh, 1)) {
thumb_misc = jh.bits;
thumb_width = jh.wide;
thumb_height = jh.high;
for (i=0; i < tiff_nifds; i++) {
if (max_samp < tiff_ifd[i].samples)
max_samp = tiff_ifd[i].samples;
if (max_samp > 3) max_samp = 3;
if ((tiff_ifd[i].comp != 6 || tiff_ifd[i].samples != 3) &&
tiff_ifd[i].width*tiff_ifd[i].height > raw_width*raw_height) {
raw_width = tiff_ifd[i].width;
raw_height = tiff_ifd[i].height;
tiff_bps = tiff_ifd[i].bps;
tiff_compress = tiff_ifd[i].comp;
data_offset = tiff_ifd[i].offset;
tiff_flip = tiff_ifd[i].flip;
tiff_samples = tiff_ifd[i].samples;
raw = i;
fuji_width *= (raw_width+1)/2;
if (tiff_ifd[0].flip) tiff_flip = tiff_ifd[0].flip;
if (raw >= 0 && !load_raw)
switch (tiff_compress) {
case 0: case 1:
switch (tiff_bps) {
case 8: load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw; break;
case 12: load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
if (!strncmp(make,"NIKON",5))
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_load_raw;
if (strncmp(make,"PENTAX",6)) break;
case 14:
case 16: load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw; break;
if (tiff_ifd[raw].bytes * 5 == raw_width * raw_height * 8)
load_raw = &CLASS olympus_e300_load_raw;
if (tiff_bps == 12 && tiff_ifd[raw].phint == 2)
load_raw = &CLASS olympus_cseries_load_raw;
case 6: case 7: case 99:
load_raw = &CLASS lossless_jpeg_load_raw; break;
case 262:
load_raw = &CLASS kodak_262_load_raw; break;
case 32767:
load_raw = &CLASS sony_arw2_load_raw; break;
case 32769:
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_load_raw; break;
case 32773:
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw; break;
case 34713:
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_compressed_load_raw; break;
case 65535:
load_raw = &CLASS pentax_k10_load_raw; break;
case 65000:
switch (tiff_ifd[raw].phint) {
case 2: load_raw = &CLASS kodak_rgb_load_raw; filters = 0; break;
case 6: load_raw = &CLASS kodak_ycbcr_load_raw; filters = 0; break;
case 32803: load_raw = &CLASS kodak_65000_load_raw;
case 32867: break;
default: is_raw = 0;
if (!dng_version && tiff_samples == 3)
if (tiff_ifd[raw].bytes && tiff_bps != 14 && tiff_bps != 2048)
is_raw = 0;
if (!dng_version && tiff_bps == 8 && tiff_compress == 1 &&
tiff_ifd[raw].phint == 1) is_raw = 0;
for (i=0; i < tiff_nifds; i++)
if (i != raw && tiff_ifd[i].samples == max_samp &&
tiff_ifd[i].width * tiff_ifd[i].height / SQR(tiff_ifd[i].bps+1) >
thumb_width * thumb_height / SQR(thumb_misc+1)) {
thumb_width = tiff_ifd[i].width;
thumb_height = tiff_ifd[i].height;
thumb_offset = tiff_ifd[i].offset;
thumb_length = tiff_ifd[i].bytes;
thumb_misc = tiff_ifd[i].bps;
thm = i;
if (thm >= 0) {
thumb_misc |= tiff_ifd[thm].samples << 5;
switch (tiff_ifd[thm].comp) {
case 0:
write_thumb = &CLASS layer_thumb;
case 1:
if (tiff_ifd[thm].bps > 8)
thumb_load_raw = &CLASS kodak_thumb_load_raw;
write_thumb = &CLASS ppm_thumb;
case 65000:
thumb_load_raw = tiff_ifd[thm].phint == 6 ?
&CLASS kodak_ycbcr_load_raw : &CLASS kodak_rgb_load_raw;
void CLASS parse_minolta (int base)
int save, tag, len, offset, high=0, wide=0, i, c;
short sorder=order;
fseek (ifp, base, SEEK_SET);
if (fgetc(ifp) || fgetc(ifp)-'M' || fgetc(ifp)-'R') return;
order = fgetc(ifp) * 0x101;
offset = base + get4() + 8;
while ((save=ftell(ifp)) < offset) {
for (tag=i=0; i < 4; i++)
tag = tag << 8 | fgetc(ifp);
len = get4();
switch (tag) {
case 0x505244: /* PRD */
fseek (ifp, 8, SEEK_CUR);
high = get2();
wide = get2();
case 0x574247: /* WBG */
i = strstr(model,"A200") ? 3:0;
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1) ^ i] = get2();
case 0x545457: /* TTW */
parse_tiff (ftell(ifp));
data_offset = offset;
fseek (ifp, save+len+8, SEEK_SET);
raw_height = high;
raw_width = wide;
order = sorder;
Many cameras have a "debug mode" that writes JPEG and raw
at the same time. The raw file has no header, so try to
to open the matching JPEG file and read its metadata.
void CLASS parse_external_jpeg()
char *file, *ext, *jname, *jfile, *jext;
FILE *save=ifp;
ext = strrchr (ifname, '.');
file = strrchr (ifname, '/');
if (!file) file = strrchr (ifname, '\\');
if (!file) file = ifname-1;
if (!ext || strlen(ext) != 4 || ext-file != 8) return;
jname = (char *) malloc (strlen(ifname) + 1);
merror (jname, "parse_external()");
strcpy (jname, ifname);
jfile = file - ifname + jname;
jext = ext - ifname + jname;
if (strcasecmp (ext, ".jpg")) {
strcpy (jext, isupper(ext[1]) ? ".JPG":".jpg");
memcpy (jfile, file+4, 4);
memcpy (jfile+4, file, 4);
} else
while (isdigit(*--jext)) {
if (*jext != '9') {
*jext = '0';
if (strcmp (jname, ifname)) {
if ((ifp = fopen (jname, "rb"))) {
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Reading metadata from %s ...\n"), jname);
parse_tiff (12);
thumb_offset = 0;
is_raw = 1;
fclose (ifp);
if (!timestamp)
fprintf (stderr,_("Failed to read metadata from %s\n"), jname);
free (jname);
ifp = save;
CIFF block 0x1030 contains an 8x8 white sample.
Load this into white[][] for use in scale_colors().
void CLASS ciff_block_1030()
static const ushort key[] = { 0x410, 0x45f3 };
int i, bpp, row, col, vbits=0;
unsigned long bitbuf=0;
if ((get2(),get4()) != 0x80008 || !get4()) return;
bpp = get2();
if (bpp != 10 && bpp != 12) return;
for (i=row=0; row < 8; row++)
for (col=0; col < 8; col++) {
if (vbits < bpp) {
bitbuf = bitbuf << 16 | (get2() ^ key[i++ & 1]);
vbits += 16;
white[row][col] =
bitbuf << (LONG_BIT - vbits) >> (LONG_BIT - bpp);
vbits -= bpp;
Parse a CIFF file, better known as Canon CRW format.
void CLASS parse_ciff (int offset, int length)
int tboff, nrecs, c, type, len, save, wbi=-1;
ushort key[] = { 0x410, 0x45f3 };
fseek (ifp, offset+length-4, SEEK_SET);
tboff = get4() + offset;
fseek (ifp, tboff, SEEK_SET);
nrecs = get2();
if (nrecs > 100) return;
while (nrecs--) {
type = get2();
len = get4();
save = ftell(ifp) + 4;
fseek (ifp, offset+get4(), SEEK_SET);
if ((((type >> 8) + 8) | 8) == 0x38)
parse_ciff (ftell(ifp), len); /* Parse a sub-table */
if (type == 0x0810)
fread (artist, 64, 1, ifp);
if (type == 0x080a) {
fread (make, 64, 1, ifp);
fseek (ifp, strlen(make) - 63, SEEK_CUR);
fread (model, 64, 1, ifp);
if (type == 0x1810) {
fseek (ifp, 12, SEEK_CUR);
flip = get4();
if (type == 0x1835) /* Get the decoder table */
tiff_compress = get4();
if (type == 0x2007) {
thumb_offset = ftell(ifp);
thumb_length = len;
if (type == 0x1818) {
shutter = pow (2, -int_to_float((get4(),get4())));
aperture = pow (2, int_to_float(get4())/2);
if (type == 0x102a) {
iso_speed = pow (2, (get4(),get2())/32.0 - 4) * 50;
aperture = pow (2, (get2(),(short)get2())/64.0);
shutter = pow (2,-((short)get2())/32.0);
wbi = (get2(),get2());
if (wbi > 17) wbi = 0;
fseek (ifp, 32, SEEK_CUR);
if (shutter > 1e6) shutter = get2()/10.0;
if (type == 0x102c) {
if (get2() > 512) { /* Pro90, G1 */
fseek (ifp, 118, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ 2] = get2();
} else { /* G2, S30, S40 */
fseek (ifp, 98, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1) ^ 1] = get2();
if (type == 0x0032) {
if (len == 768) { /* EOS D30 */
fseek (ifp, 72, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1)] = 1024.0 / get2();
if (!wbi) cam_mul[0] = -1; /* use my auto white balance */
} else if (!cam_mul[0]) {
if (get2() == key[0]) /* Pro1, G6, S60, S70 */
c = (strstr(model,"Pro1") ?
"012346000000000000":"01345:000000006008")[wbi]-'0'+ 2;
else { /* G3, G5, S45, S50 */
c = "023457000000006000"[wbi]-'0';
key[0] = key[1] = 0;
fseek (ifp, 78 + c*8, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1) ^ 1] = get2() ^ key[c & 1];
if (!wbi) cam_mul[0] = -1;
if (type == 0x10a9) { /* D60, 10D, 300D, and clones */
if (len > 66) wbi = "0134567028"[wbi]-'0';
fseek (ifp, 2 + wbi*8, SEEK_CUR);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1)] = get2();
if (type == 0x1030 && (0x18040 >> wbi & 1))
ciff_block_1030(); /* all that don't have 0x10a9 */
if (type == 0x1031) {
raw_width = (get2(),get2());
raw_height = get2();
if (type == 0x5029) {
focal_len = len >> 16;
if ((len & 0xffff) == 2) focal_len /= 32;
if (type == 0x5813) flash_used = int_to_float(len);
if (type == 0x5814) canon_ev = int_to_float(len);
if (type == 0x5817) shot_order = len;
if (type == 0x5834) unique_id = len;
if (type == 0x580e) timestamp = len;
if (type == 0x180e) timestamp = get4();
if ((type | 0x4000) == 0x580e)
timestamp = mktime (gmtime (&timestamp));
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
void CLASS parse_rollei()
char line[128], *val;
struct tm t;
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
memset (&t, 0, sizeof t);
do {
fgets (line, 128, ifp);
if ((val = strchr(line,'=')))
*val++ = 0;
val = line + strlen(line);
if (!strcmp(line,"DAT"))
sscanf (val, "%d.%d.%d", &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_year);
if (!strcmp(line,"TIM"))
sscanf (val, "%d:%d:%d", &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &t.tm_sec);
if (!strcmp(line,"HDR"))
thumb_offset = atoi(val);
if (!strcmp(line,"X "))
raw_width = atoi(val);
if (!strcmp(line,"Y "))
raw_height = atoi(val);
if (!strcmp(line,"TX "))
thumb_width = atoi(val);
if (!strcmp(line,"TY "))
thumb_height = atoi(val);
} while (strncmp(line,"EOHD",4));
data_offset = thumb_offset + thumb_width * thumb_height * 2;
t.tm_year -= 1900;
t.tm_mon -= 1;
if (mktime(&t) > 0)
timestamp = mktime(&t);
strcpy (make, "Rollei");
strcpy (model,"d530flex");
write_thumb = &CLASS rollei_thumb;
void CLASS parse_sinar_ia()
int entries, off;
char str[8], *cp;
order = 0x4949;
fseek (ifp, 4, SEEK_SET);
entries = get4();
fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET);
while (entries--) {
off = get4(); get4();
fread (str, 8, 1, ifp);
if (!strcmp(str,"META")) meta_offset = off;
if (!strcmp(str,"THUMB")) thumb_offset = off;
if (!strcmp(str,"RAW0")) data_offset = off;
fseek (ifp, meta_offset+20, SEEK_SET);
fread (make, 64, 1, ifp);
make[63] = 0;
if ((cp = strchr(make,' '))) {
strcpy (model, cp+1);
*cp = 0;
raw_width = get2();
raw_height = get2();
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
thumb_width = (get4(),get2());
thumb_height = get2();
write_thumb = &CLASS ppm_thumb;
maximum = 0x3fff;
void CLASS parse_phase_one (int base)
unsigned entries, tag, type, len, data, save, i, c;
float romm_cam[3][3];
char *cp;
memset (&ph1, 0, sizeof ph1);
fseek (ifp, base, SEEK_SET);
order = get4() & 0xffff;
if (get4() >> 8 != 0x526177) return; /* "Raw" */
fseek (ifp, base+get4(), SEEK_SET);
entries = get4();
while (entries--) {
tag = get4();
type = get4();
len = get4();
data = get4();
save = ftell(ifp);
fseek (ifp, base+data, SEEK_SET);
switch (tag) {
case 0x100: flip = "0653"[data & 3]-'0'; break;
case 0x106:
for (i=0; i < 9; i++)
romm_cam[0][i] = getreal(11);
romm_coeff (romm_cam);
case 0x107:
FORC3 cam_mul[c] = getreal(11);
case 0x108: raw_width = data; break;
case 0x109: raw_height = data; break;
case 0x10a: left_margin = data; break;
case 0x10b: top_margin = data; break;
case 0x10c: width = data; break;
case 0x10d: height = data; break;
case 0x10e: ph1.format = data; break;
case 0x10f: data_offset = data+base; break;
case 0x110: meta_offset = data+base;
meta_length = len; break;
case 0x112: ph1.key_off = save - 4; break;
case 0x210: ph1.tag_210 = int_to_float(data); break;
case 0x21a: ph1.tag_21a = data; break;
case 0x21c: strip_offset = data+base; break;
case 0x21d: = data; break;
case 0x222: ph1.split_col = data - left_margin; break;
case 0x223: ph1.black_off = data+base; break;
case 0x301:
model[63] = 0;
fread (model, 1, 63, ifp);
if ((cp = strstr(model," camera"))) *cp = 0;
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
load_raw = ph1.format < 3 ?
&CLASS phase_one_load_raw : &CLASS phase_one_load_raw_c;
maximum = 0xffff;
strcpy (make, "Phase One");
if (model[0]) return;
switch (raw_height) {
case 2060: strcpy (model,"LightPhase"); break;
case 2682: strcpy (model,"H 10"); break;
case 4128: strcpy (model,"H 20"); break;
case 5488: strcpy (model,"H 25"); break;
void CLASS parse_fuji (int offset)
unsigned entries, tag, len, save, c;
fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
entries = get4();
if (entries > 255) return;
while (entries--) {
tag = get2();
len = get2();
save = ftell(ifp);
if (tag == 0x100) {
raw_height = get2();
raw_width = get2();
} else if (tag == 0x121) {
height = get2();
if ((width = get2()) == 4284) width += 3;
} else if (tag == 0x130)
fuji_layout = fgetc(ifp) >> 7;
if (tag == 0x2ff0)
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ 1] = get2();
fseek (ifp, save+len, SEEK_SET);
height <<= fuji_layout;
width >>= fuji_layout;
int CLASS parse_jpeg (int offset)
int len, save, hlen, mark;
fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
if (fgetc(ifp) != 0xff || fgetc(ifp) != 0xd8) return 0;
while (fgetc(ifp) == 0xff && (mark = fgetc(ifp)) != 0xda) {
order = 0x4d4d;
len = get2() - 2;
save = ftell(ifp);
if (mark == 0xc0 || mark == 0xc3) {
raw_height = get2();
raw_width = get2();
order = get2();
hlen = get4();
if (get4() == 0x48454150) /* "HEAP" */
parse_ciff (save+hlen, len-hlen);
parse_tiff (save+6);
fseek (ifp, save+len, SEEK_SET);
return 1;
void CLASS parse_riff()
unsigned i, size, end;
char tag[4], date[64], month[64];
static const char mon[12][4] =
{ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" };
struct tm t;
order = 0x4949;
fread (tag, 4, 1, ifp);
size = get4();
if (!memcmp(tag,"RIFF",4) || !memcmp(tag,"LIST",4)) {
end = ftell(ifp) + size;
while (ftell(ifp) < end)
} else if (!memcmp(tag,"IDIT",4) && size < 64) {
fread (date, 64, 1, ifp);
date[size] = 0;
memset (&t, 0, sizeof t);
if (sscanf (date, "%*s %s %d %d:%d:%d %d", month, &t.tm_mday,
&t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &t.tm_sec, &t.tm_year) == 6) {
for (i=0; i < 12 && strcmp(mon[i],month); i++);
t.tm_mon = i;
t.tm_year -= 1900;
if (mktime(&t) > 0)
timestamp = mktime(&t);
} else
fseek (ifp, size, SEEK_CUR);
void CLASS parse_smal (int offset, int fsize)
int ver;
fseek (ifp, offset+2, SEEK_SET);
order = 0x4949;
ver = fgetc(ifp);
if (ver == 6)
fseek (ifp, 5, SEEK_CUR);
if (get4() != fsize) return;
if (ver > 6) data_offset = get4();
raw_height = height = get2();
raw_width = width = get2();
strcpy (make, "SMaL");
sprintf (model, "v%d %dx%d", ver, width, height);
if (ver == 6) load_raw = &CLASS smal_v6_load_raw;
if (ver == 9) load_raw = &CLASS smal_v9_load_raw;
void CLASS parse_cine()
unsigned off_head, off_setup, off_image, i;
order = 0x4949;
fseek (ifp, 4, SEEK_SET);
is_raw = get2() == 2;
fseek (ifp, 14, SEEK_CUR);
is_raw *= get4();
off_head = get4();
off_setup = get4();
off_image = get4();
timestamp = get4();
if ((i = get4())) timestamp = i;
fseek (ifp, off_head+4, SEEK_SET);
raw_width = get4();
raw_height = get4();
switch (get2(),get2()) {
case 8: load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw; break;
case 16: load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
fseek (ifp, off_setup+792, SEEK_SET);
strcpy (make, "CINE");
sprintf (model, "%d", get4());
fseek (ifp, 12, SEEK_CUR);
switch ((i=get4()) & 0xffffff) {
case 3: filters = 0x94949494; break;
case 4: filters = 0x49494949; break;
default: is_raw = 0;
fseek (ifp, 72, SEEK_CUR);
switch ((get4()+3600) % 360) {
case 270: flip = 4; break;
case 180: flip = 1; break;
case 90: flip = 7; break;
case 0: flip = 2;
cam_mul[0] = getreal(11);
cam_mul[2] = getreal(11);
maximum = ~(-1 << get4());
fseek (ifp, 668, SEEK_CUR);
shutter = get4()/1000000000.0;
fseek (ifp, off_image, SEEK_SET);
if (shot_select < is_raw)
fseek (ifp, shot_select*8, SEEK_CUR);
data_offset = (INT64) get4() + 8;
data_offset += (INT64) get4() << 32;
char * CLASS foveon_gets (int offset, char *str, int len)
int i;
fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
for (i=0; i < len-1; i++)
if ((str[i] = get2()) == 0) break;
str[i] = 0;
return str;
void CLASS parse_foveon()
int entries, img=0, off, len, tag, save, i, wide, high, pent, poff[256][2];
char name[64], value[64];
order = 0x4949; /* Little-endian */
fseek (ifp, 36, SEEK_SET);
flip = get4();
fseek (ifp, -4, SEEK_END);
fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET);
if (get4() != 0x64434553) return; /* SECd */
entries = (get4(),get4());
while (entries--) {
off = get4();
len = get4();
tag = get4();
save = ftell(ifp);
fseek (ifp, off, SEEK_SET);
if (get4() != (0x20434553 | (tag << 24))) return;
switch (tag) {
case 0x47414d49: /* IMAG */
case 0x32414d49: /* IMA2 */
fseek (ifp, 12, SEEK_CUR);
wide = get4();
high = get4();
if (wide > raw_width && high > raw_height) {
raw_width = wide;
raw_height = high;
data_offset = off+24;
fseek (ifp, off+28, SEEK_SET);
if (fgetc(ifp) == 0xff && fgetc(ifp) == 0xd8) {
thumb_offset = off+28;
thumb_length = len-28;
write_thumb = &CLASS jpeg_thumb;
if (++img == 2 && !thumb_length) {
thumb_offset = off+24;
thumb_width = wide;
thumb_height = high;
write_thumb = &CLASS foveon_thumb;
case 0x464d4143: /* CAMF */
meta_offset = off+24;
meta_length = len-28;
if (meta_length > 0x20000)
meta_length = 0x20000;
case 0x504f5250: /* PROP */
pent = (get4(),get4());
fseek (ifp, 12, SEEK_CUR);
off += pent*8 + 24;
if ((unsigned) pent > 256) pent=256;
for (i=0; i < pent*2; i++)
poff[0][i] = off + get4()*2;
for (i=0; i < pent; i++) {
foveon_gets (poff[i][0], name, 64);
foveon_gets (poff[i][1], value, 64);
if (!strcmp (name, "ISO"))
iso_speed = atoi(value);
if (!strcmp (name, "CAMMANUF"))
strcpy (make, value);
if (!strcmp (name, "CAMMODEL"))
strcpy (model, value);
if (!strcmp (name, "WB_DESC"))
strcpy (model2, value);
if (!strcmp (name, "TIME"))
timestamp = atoi(value);
if (!strcmp (name, "EXPTIME"))
shutter = atoi(value) / 1000000.0;
if (!strcmp (name, "APERTURE"))
aperture = atof(value);
if (!strcmp (name, "FLENGTH"))
focal_len = atof(value);
timestamp = mktime (gmtime (&timestamp));
fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
is_foveon = 1;
Thanks to Adobe for providing these excellent CAM -> XYZ matrices!
void CLASS adobe_coeff (char *make, char *model)
static const struct {
const char *prefix;
short black, trans[12];
} table[] = {
{ "Apple QuickTake", 0, /* DJC */
{ 17576,-3191,-3318,5210,6733,-1942,9031,1280,-124 } },
{ "Canon EOS D2000", 0,
{ 24542,-10860,-3401,-1490,11370,-297,2858,-605,3225 } },
{ "Canon EOS D6000", 0,
{ 20482,-7172,-3125,-1033,10410,-285,2542,226,3136 } },
{ "Canon EOS D30", 0,
{ 9805,-2689,-1312,-5803,13064,3068,-2438,3075,8775 } },
{ "Canon EOS D60", 0,
{ 6188,-1341,-890,-7168,14489,2937,-2640,3228,8483 } },
{ "Canon EOS 5D", 0,
{ 6347,-479,-972,-8297,15954,2480,-1968,2131,7649 } },
{ "Canon EOS 20Da", 0,
{ 14155,-5065,-1382,-6550,14633,2039,-1623,1824,6561 } },
{ "Canon EOS 20D", 0,
{ 6599,-537,-891,-8071,15783,2424,-1983,2234,7462 } },
{ "Canon EOS 30D", 0,
{ 6257,-303,-1000,-7880,15621,2396,-1714,1904,7046 } },
{ "Canon EOS 40D", 0,
{ 6071,-747,-856,-7653,15365,2441,-2025,2553,7315 } },
{ "Canon EOS 350D", 0,
{ 6018,-617,-965,-8645,15881,2975,-1530,1719,7642 } },
{ "Canon EOS 400D", 0,
{ 7054,-1501,-990,-8156,15544,2812,-1278,1414,7796 } },
{ "Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II", 0,
{ 6517,-602,-867,-8180,15926,2378,-1618,1771,7633 } },
{ "Canon EOS-1D Mark II N", 0,
{ 6240,-466,-822,-8180,15825,2500,-1801,1938,8042 } },
{ "Canon EOS-1D Mark III", 0,
{ 6291,-540,-976,-8350,16145,2311,-1714,1858,7326 } },
{ "Canon EOS-1D Mark II", 0,
{ 6264,-582,-724,-8312,15948,2504,-1744,1919,8664 } },
{ "Canon EOS-1DS", 0,
{ 4374,3631,-1743,-7520,15212,2472,-2892,3632,8161 } },
{ "Canon EOS-1D", 0,
{ 6806,-179,-1020,-8097,16415,1687,-3267,4236,7690 } },
{ "Canon EOS", 0,
{ 8197,-2000,-1118,-6714,14335,2592,-2536,3178,8266 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot A50", 0,
{ -5300,9846,1776,3436,684,3939,-5540,9879,6200,-1404,11175,217 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot A5", 0,
{ -4801,9475,1952,2926,1611,4094,-5259,10164,5947,-1554,10883,547 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot G1", 0,
{ -4778,9467,2172,4743,-1141,4344,-5146,9908,6077,-1566,11051,557 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot G2", 0,
{ 9087,-2693,-1049,-6715,14382,2537,-2291,2819,7790 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot G3", 0,
{ 9212,-2781,-1073,-6573,14189,2605,-2300,2844,7664 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot G5", 0,
{ 9757,-2872,-933,-5972,13861,2301,-1622,2328,7212 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot G6", 0,
{ 9877,-3775,-871,-7613,14807,3072,-1448,1305,7485 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot G9", 0,
{ 10823,-3042,-1842,-4562,13656,900,-1311,1670,3556 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot Pro1", 0,
{ 10062,-3522,-999,-7643,15117,2730,-765,817,7323 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot Pro70", 34,
{ -4155,9818,1529,3939,-25,4522,-5521,9870,6610,-2238,10873,1342 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot Pro90", 0,
{ -4963,9896,2235,4642,-987,4294,-5162,10011,5859,-1770,11230,577 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S30", 0,
{ 10566,-3652,-1129,-6552,14662,2006,-2197,2581,7670 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S40", 0,
{ 8510,-2487,-940,-6869,14231,2900,-2318,2829,9013 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S45", 0,
{ 8163,-2333,-955,-6682,14174,2751,-2077,2597,8041 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S50", 0,
{ 8882,-2571,-863,-6348,14234,2288,-1516,2172,6569 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S60", 0,
{ 8795,-2482,-797,-7804,15403,2573,-1422,1996,7082 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S70", 0,
{ 9976,-3810,-832,-7115,14463,2906,-901,989,7889 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot A610", 0, /* DJC */
{ 15591,-6402,-1592,-5365,13198,2168,-1300,1824,5075 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot A620", 0, /* DJC */
{ 15265,-6193,-1558,-4125,12116,2010,-888,1639,5220 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot A640", 0, /* DJC */
{ 13124,-5329,-1390,-3602,11658,1944,-1612,2863,4885 } },
{ "Canon PowerShot S3 IS", 0, /* DJC */
{ 14062,-5199,-1446,-4712,12470,2243,-1286,2028,4836 } },
{ "CINE 650", 0,
{ 3390,480,-500,-800,3610,340,-550,2336,1192 } },
{ "CINE 660", 0,
{ 3390,480,-500,-800,3610,340,-550,2336,1192 } },
{ "CINE", 0,
{ 20183,-4295,-423,-3940,15330,3985,-280,4870,9800 } },
{ "Contax N Digital", 0,
{ 7777,1285,-1053,-9280,16543,2916,-3677,5679,7060 } },
{ "EPSON R-D1", 0,
{ 6827,-1878,-732,-8429,16012,2564,-704,592,7145 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix E550", 0,
{ 11044,-3888,-1120,-7248,15168,2208,-1531,2277,8069 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix E900", 0,
{ 9183,-2526,-1078,-7461,15071,2574,-2022,2440,8639 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix F8", 0,
{ 11044,-3888,-1120,-7248,15168,2208,-1531,2277,8069 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix F7", 0,
{ 10004,-3219,-1201,-7036,15047,2107,-1863,2565,7736 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S20Pro", 0,
{ 10004,-3219,-1201,-7036,15047,2107,-1863,2565,7736 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S2Pro", 128,
{ 12492,-4690,-1402,-7033,15423,1647,-1507,2111,7697 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S3Pro", 0,
{ 11807,-4612,-1294,-8927,16968,1988,-2120,2741,8006 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S5Pro", 0,
{ 12300,-5110,-1304,-9117,17143,1998,-1947,2448,8100 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S5000", 0,
{ 8754,-2732,-1019,-7204,15069,2276,-1702,2334,6982 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S5100", 0,
{ 11940,-4431,-1255,-6766,14428,2542,-993,1165,7421 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S5500", 0,
{ 11940,-4431,-1255,-6766,14428,2542,-993,1165,7421 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S5200", 0,
{ 9636,-2804,-988,-7442,15040,2589,-1803,2311,8621 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S5600", 0,
{ 9636,-2804,-988,-7442,15040,2589,-1803,2311,8621 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S6", 0,
{ 12628,-4887,-1401,-6861,14996,1962,-2198,2782,7091 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S7000", 0,
{ 10190,-3506,-1312,-7153,15051,2238,-2003,2399,7505 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S9000", 0,
{ 10491,-3423,-1145,-7385,15027,2538,-1809,2275,8692 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S9500", 0,
{ 10491,-3423,-1145,-7385,15027,2538,-1809,2275,8692 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S9100", 0,
{ 12343,-4515,-1285,-7165,14899,2435,-1895,2496,8800 } },
{ "FUJIFILM FinePix S9600", 0,
{ 12343,-4515,-1285,-7165,14899,2435,-1895,2496,8800 } },
{ "Imacon Ixpress", 0, /* DJC */
{ 7025,-1415,-704,-5188,13765,1424,-1248,2742,6038 } },
{ "KODAK NC2000", 0, /* DJC */
{ 16475,-6903,-1218,-851,10375,477,2505,-7,1020 } },
{ "Kodak DCS315C", 8,
{ 17523,-4827,-2510,756,8546,-137,6113,1649,2250 } },
{ "Kodak DCS330C", 8,
{ 20620,-7572,-2801,-103,10073,-396,3551,-233,2220 } },
{ "KODAK DCS420", 0,
{ 10868,-1852,-644,-1537,11083,484,2343,628,2216 } },
{ "KODAK DCS460", 0,
{ 10592,-2206,-967,-1944,11685,230,2206,670,1273 } },
{ 10592,-2206,-967,-1944,11685,230,2206,670,1273 } },
{ 9898,-2700,-940,-2478,12219,206,1985,634,1031 } },
{ "Kodak DCS520C", 180,
{ 24542,-10860,-3401,-1490,11370,-297,2858,-605,3225 } },
{ "Kodak DCS560C", 188,
{ 20482,-7172,-3125,-1033,10410,-285,2542,226,3136 } },
{ "Kodak DCS620C", 180,
{ 23617,-10175,-3149,-2054,11749,-272,2586,-489,3453 } },
{ "Kodak DCS620X", 185,
{ 13095,-6231,154,12221,-21,-2137,895,4602,2258 } },
{ "Kodak DCS660C", 214,
{ 18244,-6351,-2739,-791,11193,-521,3711,-129,2802 } },
{ "Kodak DCS720X", 0,
{ 11775,-5884,950,9556,1846,-1286,-1019,6221,2728 } },
{ "Kodak DCS760C", 0,
{ 16623,-6309,-1411,-4344,13923,323,2285,274,2926 } },
{ "Kodak DCS Pro SLR", 0,
{ 5494,2393,-232,-6427,13850,2846,-1876,3997,5445 } },
{ "Kodak DCS Pro 14nx", 0,
{ 5494,2393,-232,-6427,13850,2846,-1876,3997,5445 } },
{ "Kodak DCS Pro 14", 0,
{ 7791,3128,-776,-8588,16458,2039,-2455,4006,6198 } },
{ "Kodak ProBack645", 0,
{ 16414,-6060,-1470,-3555,13037,473,2545,122,4948 } },
{ "Kodak ProBack", 0,
{ 21179,-8316,-2918,-915,11019,-165,3477,-180,4210 } },
{ "KODAK P712", 0,
{ 9658,-3314,-823,-5163,12695,2768,-1342,1843,6044 } },
{ "KODAK P850", 0,
{ 10511,-3836,-1102,-6946,14587,2558,-1481,1792,6246 } },
{ "KODAK P880", 0,
{ 12805,-4662,-1376,-7480,15267,2360,-1626,2194,7904 } },
{ "Leaf CMost", 0,
{ 3952,2189,449,-6701,14585,2275,-4536,7349,6536 } },
{ "Leaf Valeo 6", 0,
{ 3952,2189,449,-6701,14585,2275,-4536,7349,6536 } },
{ "Leaf Aptus 54S", 0,
{ 8236,1746,-1314,-8251,15953,2428,-3673,5786,5771 } },
{ "Leaf Aptus 65", 0,
{ 7914,1414,-1190,-8777,16582,2280,-2811,4605,5562 } },
{ "Leaf Aptus 75", 0,
{ 7914,1414,-1190,-8777,16582,2280,-2811,4605,5562 } },
{ "Leaf", 0,
{ 8236,1746,-1314,-8251,15953,2428,-3673,5786,5771 } },
{ "Mamiya ZD", 0,
{ 7645,2579,-1363,-8689,16717,2015,-3712,5941,5961 } },
{ "Micron 2010", 110, /* DJC */
{ 16695,-3761,-2151,155,9682,163,3433,951,4904 } },
{ "Minolta DiMAGE 5", 0,
{ 8983,-2942,-963,-6556,14476,2237,-2426,2887,8014 } },
{ "Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi", 0,
{ 11368,-3894,-1242,-6521,14358,2339,-2475,3056,7285 } },
{ "Minolta DiMAGE 7", 0,
{ 9144,-2777,-998,-6676,14556,2281,-2470,3019,7744 } },
{ "Minolta DiMAGE A1", 0,
{ 9274,-2547,-1167,-8220,16323,1943,-2273,2720,8340 } },
{ "MINOLTA DiMAGE A200", 0,
{ 8560,-2487,-986,-8112,15535,2771,-1209,1324,7743 } },
{ "Minolta DiMAGE A2", 0,
{ 9097,-2726,-1053,-8073,15506,2762,-966,981,7763 } },
{ "Minolta DiMAGE Z2", 0, /* DJC */
{ 11280,-3564,-1370,-4655,12374,2282,-1423,2168,5396 } },
{ 10284,-3283,-1086,-7957,15762,2316,-829,882,6644 } },
{ 10239,-3104,-1099,-8037,15727,2451,-927,925,6871 } },
{ "NIKON D100", 0,
{ 5902,-933,-782,-8983,16719,2354,-1402,1455,6464 } },
{ "NIKON D1H", 0,
{ 7577,-2166,-926,-7454,15592,1934,-2377,2808,8606 } },
{ "NIKON D1X", 0,
{ 7702,-2245,-975,-9114,17242,1875,-2679,3055,8521 } },
{ "NIKON D1", 0, /* multiplied by 2.218750, 1.0, 1.148438 */
{ 16772,-4726,-2141,-7611,15713,1972,-2846,3494,9521 } },
{ "NIKON D2H", 0,
{ 5710,-901,-615,-8594,16617,2024,-2975,4120,6830 } },
{ "NIKON D2X", 0,
{ 10231,-2769,-1255,-8301,15900,2552,-797,680,7148 } },
{ "NIKON D40X", 0,
{ 8819,-2543,-911,-9025,16928,2151,-1329,1213,8449 } },
{ "NIKON D40", 0,
{ 6992,-1668,-806,-8138,15748,2543,-874,850,7897 } },
{ "NIKON D50", 0,
{ 7732,-2422,-789,-8238,15884,2498,-859,783,7330 } },
{ "NIKON D70", 0,
{ 7732,-2422,-789,-8238,15884,2498,-859,783,7330 } },
{ "NIKON D80", 0,
{ 8629,-2410,-883,-9055,16940,2171,-1490,1363,8520 } },
{ "NIKON D200", 0,
{ 8367,-2248,-763,-8758,16447,2422,-1527,1550,8053 } },
{ "NIKON D300", 0,
{ 9030,-1992,-715,-8465,16302,2255,-2689,3217,8069 } },
{ "NIKON D3", 0,
{ 8139,-2171,-663,-8747,16541,2295,-1925,2008,8093 } },
{ "NIKON E950", 0, /* DJC */
{ -3746,10611,1665,9621,-1734,2114,-2389,7082,3064,3406,6116,-244 } },
{ "NIKON E995", 0, /* copied from E5000 */
{ -5547,11762,2189,5814,-558,3342,-4924,9840,5949,688,9083,96 } },
{ "NIKON E2500", 0,
{ -5547,11762,2189,5814,-558,3342,-4924,9840,5949,688,9083,96 } },
{ "NIKON E4300", 0, /* copied from Minolta DiMAGE Z2 */
{ 11280,-3564,-1370,-4655,12374,2282,-1423,2168,5396 } },
{ "NIKON E4500", 0,
{ -5547,11762,2189,5814,-558,3342,-4924,9840,5949,688,9083,96 } },
{ "NIKON E5000", 0,
{ -5547,11762,2189,5814,-558,3342,-4924,9840,5949,688,9083,96 } },
{ "NIKON E5400", 0,
{ 9349,-2987,-1001,-7919,15766,2266,-2098,2680,6839 } },
{ "NIKON E5700", 0,
{ -5368,11478,2368,5537,-113,3148,-4969,10021,5782,778,9028,211 } },
{ "NIKON E8400", 0,
{ 7842,-2320,-992,-8154,15718,2599,-1098,1342,7560 } },
{ "NIKON E8700", 0,
{ 8489,-2583,-1036,-8051,15583,2643,-1307,1407,7354 } },
{ "NIKON E8800", 0,
{ 7971,-2314,-913,-8451,15762,2894,-1442,1520,7610 } },
{ "OLYMPUS C5050", 0,
{ 10508,-3124,-1273,-6079,14294,1901,-1653,2306,6237 } },
{ "OLYMPUS C5060", 0,
{ 10445,-3362,-1307,-7662,15690,2058,-1135,1176,7602 } },
{ "OLYMPUS C7070", 0,
{ 10252,-3531,-1095,-7114,14850,2436,-1451,1723,6365 } },
{ "OLYMPUS C70", 0,
{ 10793,-3791,-1146,-7498,15177,2488,-1390,1577,7321 } },
{ "OLYMPUS C80", 0,
{ 8606,-2509,-1014,-8238,15714,2703,-942,979,7760 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-10", 0,
{ 12745,-4500,-1416,-6062,14542,1580,-1934,2256,6603 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-1", 0,
{ 11846,-4767,-945,-7027,15878,1089,-2699,4122,8311 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-20", 0,
{ 13173,-4732,-1499,-5807,14036,1895,-2045,2452,7142 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-300", 0,
{ 7828,-1761,-348,-5788,14071,1830,-2853,4518,6557 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-330", 0,
{ 8961,-2473,-1084,-7979,15990,2067,-2319,3035,8249 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-3", 0,
{ 9487,-2875,-1115,-7533,15606,2010,-1618,2100,7389 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-400", 0,
{ 6169,-1483,-21,-7107,14761,2536,-2904,3580,8568 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-410", 0,
{ 8856,-2582,-1026,-7761,15766,2082,-2009,2575,7469 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-500", 0,
{ 8136,-1968,-299,-5481,13742,1871,-2556,4205,6630 } },
{ "OLYMPUS E-510", 0,
{ 8785,-2529,-1033,-7639,15624,2112,-1783,2300,7817 } },
{ "OLYMPUS SP350", 0,
{ 12078,-4836,-1069,-6671,14306,2578,-786,939,7418 } },
{ "OLYMPUS SP3", 0,
{ 11766,-4445,-1067,-6901,14421,2707,-1029,1217,7572 } },
{ "OLYMPUS SP500UZ", 0,
{ 9493,-3415,-666,-5211,12334,3260,-1548,2262,6482 } },
{ "OLYMPUS SP510UZ", 0,
{ 10593,-3607,-1010,-5881,13127,3084,-1200,1805,6721 } },
{ "OLYMPUS SP550UZ", 0,
{ 11597,-4006,-1049,-5432,12799,2957,-1029,1750,6516 } },
{ "PENTAX *ist DL2", 0,
{ 10504,-2438,-1189,-8603,16207,2531,-1022,863,12242 } },
{ "PENTAX *ist DL", 0,
{ 10829,-2838,-1115,-8339,15817,2696,-837,680,11939 } },
{ "PENTAX *ist DS2", 0,
{ 10504,-2438,-1189,-8603,16207,2531,-1022,863,12242 } },
{ "PENTAX *ist DS", 0,
{ 10371,-2333,-1206,-8688,16231,2602,-1230,1116,11282 } },
{ "PENTAX *ist D", 0,
{ 9651,-2059,-1189,-8881,16512,2487,-1460,1345,10687 } },
{ "PENTAX K10D", 0,
{ 9566,-2863,-803,-7170,15172,2112,-818,803,9705 } },
{ "PENTAX K1", 0,
{ 11095,-3157,-1324,-8377,15834,2720,-1108,947,11688 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-FZ8", 0,
{ 8986,-2755,-802,-6341,13575,3077,-1476,2144,6379 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-FZ18", 0,
{ 9932,-3060,-935,-5809,13331,2753,-1267,2155,5575 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-FZ30", 0,
{ 10976,-4029,-1141,-7918,15491,2600,-1670,2071,8246 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-FZ50", 0, /* aka "LEICA V-LUX1" */
{ 7906,-2709,-594,-6231,13351,3220,-1922,2631,6537 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-L1", 0, /* aka "LEICA DIGILUX 3" */
{ 8054,-1885,-1025,-8349,16367,2040,-2805,3542,7629 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-LC1", 0, /* aka "LEICA DIGILUX 2" */
{ 11340,-4069,-1275,-7555,15266,2448,-2960,3426,7685 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-LX1", 0, /* aka "LEICA D-LUX2" */
{ 10704,-4187,-1230,-8314,15952,2501,-920,945,8927 } },
{ "Panasonic DMC-LX2", 0, /* aka "LEICA D-LUX3" */
{ 8048,-2810,-623,-6450,13519,3272,-1700,2146,7049 } },
{ "Phase One H 20", 0, /* DJC */
{ 1313,1855,-109,-6715,15908,808,-327,1840,6020 } },
{ "Phase One P 2", 0,
{ 2905,732,-237,-8134,16626,1476,-3038,4253,7517 } },
{ "Phase One P 30", 0,
{ 4516,-245,-37,-7020,14976,2173,-3206,4671,7087 } },
{ "Phase One P 45", 0,
{ 5053,-24,-117,-5684,14076,1702,-2619,4492,5849 } },
{ "SAMSUNG GX-1", 0,
{ 10504,-2438,-1189,-8603,16207,2531,-1022,863,12242 } },
{ "Sinar", 0, /* DJC */
{ 16442,-2956,-2422,-2877,12128,750,-1136,6066,4559 } },
{ "SONY DSC-F828", 491,
{ 7924,-1910,-777,-8226,15459,2998,-1517,2199,6818,-7242,11401,3481 } },
{ "SONY DSC-R1", 512,
{ 8512,-2641,-694,-8042,15670,2526,-1821,2117,7414 } },
{ "SONY DSC-V3", 0,
{ 7511,-2571,-692,-7894,15088,3060,-948,1111,8128 } },
{ "SONY DSLR-A100", 0,
{ 9437,-2811,-774,-8405,16215,2290,-710,596,7181 } },
{ "SONY DSLR-A700", 254,
{ 5775,-805,-359,-8574,16295,2391,-1943,2341,7249 } }
double cam_xyz[4][3];
char name[130];
int i, j;
sprintf (name, "%s %s", make, model);
for (i=0; i < sizeof table / sizeof *table; i++)
if (!strncmp (name, table[i].prefix, strlen(table[i].prefix))) {
if (table[i].black)
black = table[i].black;
for (j=0; j < 12; j++)
cam_xyz[0][j] = table[i].trans[j] / 10000.0;
cam_xyz_coeff (cam_xyz);
void CLASS simple_coeff (int index)
static const float table[][12] = {
/* index 0 -- all Foveon cameras */
{ 1.4032,-0.2231,-0.1016,-0.5263,1.4816,0.017,-0.0112,0.0183,0.9113 },
/* index 1 -- Kodak DC20 and DC25 */
{ 2.25,0.75,-1.75,-0.25,-0.25,0.75,0.75,-0.25,-0.25,-1.75,0.75,2.25 },
/* index 2 -- Logitech Fotoman Pixtura */
{ 1.893,-0.418,-0.476,-0.495,1.773,-0.278,-1.017,-0.655,2.672 },
/* index 3 -- Nikon E880, E900, and E990 */
{ -1.936280, 1.800443, -1.448486, 2.584324,
1.405365, -0.524955, -0.289090, 0.408680,
-1.204965, 1.082304, 2.941367, -1.818705 }
int i, c;
for (raw_color = i=0; i < 3; i++)
FORCC rgb_cam[i][c] = table[index][i*colors+c];
short CLASS guess_byte_order (int words)
uchar test[4][2];
int t=2, msb;
double diff, sum[2] = {0,0};
fread (test[0], 2, 2, ifp);
for (words-=2; words--; ) {
fread (test[t], 2, 1, ifp);
for (msb=0; msb < 2; msb++) {
diff = (test[t^2][msb] << 8 | test[t^2][!msb])
- (test[t ][msb] << 8 | test[t ][!msb]);
sum[msb] += diff*diff;
t = (t+1) & 3;
return sum[0] < sum[1] ? 0x4d4d : 0x4949;
Identify which camera created this file, and set global variables
void CLASS identify()
char head[32], *cp;
unsigned hlen, fsize, i, c, is_canon;
struct jhead jh;
static const struct {
int fsize;
char make[12], model[19], withjpeg;
} table[] = {
{ 62464, "Kodak", "DC20" ,0 },
{ 124928, "Kodak", "DC20" ,0 },
{ 1652736, "Kodak", "DCS200" ,0 },
{ 4159302, "Kodak", "C330" ,0 },
{ 4162462, "Kodak", "C330" ,0 },
{ 311696, "ST Micro", "STV680 VGA" ,0 }, /* SPYz */
{ 614400, "Kodak", "KAI-0340" ,0 },
{ 787456, "Creative", "PC-CAM 600" ,0 },
{ 1138688, "Minolta", "RD175" ,0 },
{ 3840000, "Foculus", "531C" ,0 },
{ 786432, "AVT", "F-080C" ,0 },
{ 1447680, "AVT", "F-145C" ,0 },
{ 1920000, "AVT", "F-201C" ,0 },
{ 5067304, "AVT", "F-510C" ,0 },
{ 10134608, "AVT", "F-510C" ,0 },
{ 16157136, "AVT", "F-810C" ,0 },
{ 1409024, "Sony", "XCD-SX910CR",0 },
{ 2818048, "Sony", "XCD-SX910CR",0 },
{ 3884928, "Micron", "2010" ,0 },
{ 6624000, "Pixelink", "A782" ,0 },
{ 13248000, "Pixelink", "A782" ,0 },
{ 6291456, "RoverShot","3320AF" ,0 },
{ 6573120, "Canon", "PowerShot A610",0 },
{ 9219600, "Canon", "PowerShot A620",0 },
{ 10383120, "Canon", "PowerShot A630",0 },
{ 12945240, "Canon", "PowerShot A640",0 },
{ 7710960, "Canon", "PowerShot S3 IS",0 },
{ 5939200, "OLYMPUS", "C770UZ" ,0 },
{ 1581060, "NIKON", "E900" ,1 }, /* or E900s,E910 */
{ 2465792, "NIKON", "E950" ,1 }, /* or E800,E700 */
{ 2940928, "NIKON", "E2100" ,1 }, /* or E2500 */
{ 4771840, "NIKON", "E990" ,1 }, /* or E995, Oly C3030Z */
{ 4775936, "NIKON", "E3700" ,1 }, /* or Optio 33WR */
{ 5869568, "NIKON", "E4300" ,1 }, /* or DiMAGE Z2 */
{ 5865472, "NIKON", "E4500" ,1 },
{ 7438336, "NIKON", "E5000" ,1 }, /* or E5700 */
{ 8998912, "NIKON", "COOLPIX S6" ,1 },
{ 1976352, "CASIO", "QV-2000UX" ,1 },
{ 3217760, "CASIO", "QV-3*00EX" ,1 },
{ 6218368, "CASIO", "QV-5700" ,1 },
{ 6054400, "CASIO", "QV-R41" ,1 },
{ 7530816, "CASIO", "QV-R51" ,1 },
{ 7684000, "CASIO", "QV-4000" ,1 },
{ 4948608, "CASIO", "EX-S100" ,1 },
{ 7542528, "CASIO", "EX-Z50" ,1 },
{ 7753344, "CASIO", "EX-Z55" ,1 },
{ 7426656, "CASIO", "EX-P505" ,1 },
{ 9313536, "CASIO", "EX-P600" ,1 },
{ 10979200, "CASIO", "EX-P700" ,1 },
{ 3178560, "PENTAX", "Optio S" ,1 },
{ 4841984, "PENTAX", "Optio S" ,1 },
{ 6114240, "PENTAX", "Optio S4" ,1 }, /* or S4i, CASIO EX-Z4 */
{ 10702848, "PENTAX", "Optio 750Z" ,1 },
{ 12582980, "Sinar", "" ,0 },
{ 33292868, "Sinar", "" ,0 },
{ 44390468, "Sinar", "" ,0 } };
static const char *corp[] =
{ "Canon", "NIKON", "EPSON", "KODAK", "Kodak", "OLYMPUS", "PENTAX",
"MINOLTA", "Minolta", "Konica", "CASIO", "Sinar", "Phase One",
"SAMSUNG", "Mamiya" };
tiff_flip = flip = filters = -1; /* 0 is valid, so -1 is unknown */
raw_height = raw_width = fuji_width = fuji_layout = cr2_slice[0] = 0;
maximum = height = width = top_margin = left_margin = 0;
cdesc[0] = desc[0] = artist[0] = make[0] = model[0] = model2[0] = 0;
iso_speed = shutter = aperture = focal_len = unique_id = 0;
memset (white, 0, sizeof white);
thumb_offset = thumb_length = thumb_width = thumb_height = 0;
load_raw = thumb_load_raw = 0;
write_thumb = &CLASS jpeg_thumb;
data_offset = meta_length = tiff_bps = tiff_compress = 0;
kodak_cbpp = zero_after_ff = dng_version = 0;
timestamp = shot_order = tiff_samples = black = is_foveon = 0;
mix_green = profile_length = data_error = zero_is_bad = 0;
pixel_aspect = is_raw = raw_color = use_gamma = 1;
tile_width = tile_length = INT_MAX;
for (i=0; i < 4; i++) {
cam_mul[i] = i == 1;
pre_mul[i] = i < 3;
FORC3 cmatrix[c][i] = 0;
FORC3 rgb_cam[c][i] = c == i;
colors = 3;
tiff_bps = 12;
for (i=0; i < 0x4000; i++) curve[i] = i;
order = get2();
hlen = get4();
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread (head, 1, 32, ifp);
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
fsize = ftell(ifp);
if ((cp = (char *) memmem (head, 32, "MMMM", 4)) ||
(cp = (char *) memmem (head, 32, "IIII", 4))) {
parse_phase_one (cp-head);
if (cp-head) parse_tiff(0);
} else if (order == 0x4949 || order == 0x4d4d) {
if (!memcmp (head+6,"HEAPCCDR",8)) {
data_offset = hlen;
parse_ciff (hlen, fsize - hlen);
} else {
} else if (!memcmp (head,"\xff\xd8\xff\xe1",4) &&
!memcmp (head+6,"Exif",4)) {
fseek (ifp, 4, SEEK_SET);
data_offset = 4 + get2();
fseek (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (fgetc(ifp) != 0xff)
thumb_offset = 0;
} else if (!memcmp (head+25,"ARECOYK",7)) {
strcpy (make, "Contax");
strcpy (model,"N Digital");
fseek (ifp, 33, SEEK_SET);
fseek (ifp, 60, SEEK_SET);
FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ (c >> 1)] = get4();
} else if (!strcmp (head, "PXN")) {
strcpy (make, "Logitech");
strcpy (model,"Fotoman Pixtura");
} else if (!strcmp (head, "qktk")) {
strcpy (make, "Apple");
strcpy (model,"QuickTake 100");
} else if (!strcmp (head, "qktn")) {
strcpy (make, "Apple");
strcpy (model,"QuickTake 150");
} else if (!memcmp (head,"FUJIFILM",8)) {
fseek (ifp, 84, SEEK_SET);
thumb_offset = get4();
thumb_length = get4();
fseek (ifp, 92, SEEK_SET);
parse_fuji (get4());
if (thumb_offset > 120) {
fseek (ifp, 120, SEEK_SET);
is_raw += (i = get4()) && 1;
if (is_raw == 2 && shot_select)
parse_fuji (i);
fseek (ifp, 100, SEEK_SET);
data_offset = get4();
parse_tiff (thumb_offset+12);
} else if (!memcmp (head,"RIFF",4)) {
fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
} else if (!memcmp (head,"DSC-Image",9))
else if (!memcmp (head,"PWAD",4))
else if (!memcmp (head,"\0MRM",4))
else if (!memcmp (head,"FOVb",4))
else if (!memcmp (head,"CI",2))
for (i=0; i < sizeof table / sizeof *table; i++)
if (fsize == table[i].fsize) {
strcpy (make, table[i].make );
strcpy (model, table[i].model);
if (table[i].withjpeg)
if (make[0] == 0) parse_smal (0, fsize);
if (make[0] == 0) parse_jpeg (is_raw = 0);
for (i=0; i < sizeof corp / sizeof *corp; i++)
if (strstr (make, corp[i])) /* Simplify company names */
strcpy (make, corp[i]);
if (!strncmp (make,"KODAK",5))
make[16] = model[16] = 0;
cp = make + strlen(make); /* Remove trailing spaces */
while (*--cp == ' ') *cp = 0;
cp = model + strlen(model);
while (*--cp == ' ') *cp = 0;
i = strlen(make); /* Remove make from model */
if (!strncasecmp (model, make, i) && model[i++] == ' ')
memmove (model, model+i, 64-i);
if (!strncmp (model,"Digital Camera ",15))
strcpy (model, model+15);
desc[511] = artist[63] = make[63] = model[63] = model2[63] = 0;
if (!is_raw) goto notraw;
if (!maximum) maximum = (1 << tiff_bps) - 1;
if (!height) height = raw_height;
if (!width) width = raw_width;
if (fuji_width) {
width = height + fuji_width;
height = width - 1;
pixel_aspect = 1;
if (height == 2624 && width == 3936) { /* Pentax K10D and Samsung GX10 */
height = 2616;
width = 3896;
if (dng_version) {
if (filters == UINT_MAX) filters = 0;
if (filters) is_raw = tiff_samples;
else colors = tiff_samples;
if (tiff_compress == 1)
load_raw = &CLASS adobe_dng_load_raw_nc;
if (tiff_compress == 7)
load_raw = &CLASS adobe_dng_load_raw_lj;
goto dng_skip;
if ((is_canon = !strcmp(make,"Canon"))) {
load_raw = memcmp (head+6,"HEAPCCDR",8) ?
&CLASS lossless_jpeg_load_raw : &CLASS canon_compressed_load_raw;
maximum = 0xfff;
if (!strcmp(make,"NIKON") && !load_raw)
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_load_raw;
/* Set parameters based on camera name (for non-DNG files). */
if (is_foveon) {
if (height*2 < width) pixel_aspect = 0.5;
if (height > width) pixel_aspect = 2;
filters = 0;
load_raw = &CLASS foveon_load_raw;
} else if (is_canon && tiff_samples == 4) {
filters = 0;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_sraw_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot 600")) {
height = 613;
width = 854;
raw_width = 896;
pixel_aspect = 607/628.0;
colors = 4;
filters = 0xe1e4e1e4;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_600_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A5") ||
!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A5 Zoom")) {
height = 773;
width = 960;
raw_width = 992;
pixel_aspect = 256/235.0;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x1e4e1e4e;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A50")) {
height = 968;
width = 1290;
raw_width = 1320;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x1b4e4b1e;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot Pro70")) {
height = 1024;
width = 1552;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x1e4b4e1b;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A610")) {
if (canon_s2is()) strcpy (model+10, "S2 IS");
height = 1960;
width = 2616;
raw_height = 1968;
raw_width = 2672;
top_margin = 8;
left_margin = 12;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A620")) {
height = 2328;
width = 3112;
raw_height = 2340;
raw_width = 3152;
top_margin = 12;
left_margin = 36;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A630")) {
height = 2472;
width = 3288;
raw_height = 2484;
raw_width = 3344;
top_margin = 6;
left_margin = 12;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot A640")) {
height = 2760;
width = 3672;
raw_height = 2772;
raw_width = 3736;
top_margin = 6;
left_margin = 12;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot S3 IS")) {
height = 2128;
width = 2840;
raw_height = 2136;
raw_width = 2888;
top_margin = 8;
left_margin = 44;
load_raw = &CLASS canon_a5_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot Pro90 IS")) {
width = 1896;
colors = 4;
filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 2144) {
height = 1550;
width = 2088;
top_margin = 8;
left_margin = 4;
if (!strcmp(model,"PowerShot G1")) {
colors = 4;
filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 2224) {
height = 1448;
width = 2176;
top_margin = 6;
left_margin = 48;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 2376) {
height = 1720;
width = 2312;
top_margin = 6;
left_margin = 12;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 2672) {
height = 1960;
width = 2616;
top_margin = 6;
left_margin = 12;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3152) {
height = 2056;
width = 3088;
top_margin = 12;
left_margin = 64;
if (unique_id == 0x80000170)
adobe_coeff ("Canon","EOS 300D");
maximum = 0xfa0;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3160) {
height = 2328;
width = 3112;
top_margin = 12;
left_margin = 44;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3344) {
height = 2472;
width = 3288;
top_margin = 6;
left_margin = 4;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EOS D2000C")) {
filters = 0x61616161;
black = curve[200];
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3516) {
top_margin = 14;
left_margin = 42;
if (unique_id == 0x80000189)
adobe_coeff ("Canon","EOS 350D");
goto canon_cr2;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3596) {
top_margin = 12;
left_margin = 74;
goto canon_cr2;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3944) {
height = 2602;
width = 3908;
top_margin = 18;
left_margin = 30;
maximum = 0x3f60;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3948) {
top_margin = 18;
left_margin = 42;
height -= 2;
if (unique_id == 0x80000236)
adobe_coeff ("Canon","EOS 400D");
goto canon_cr2;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 3984) {
top_margin = 20;
left_margin = 76;
height -= 2;
maximum = 0x3bb0;
goto canon_cr2;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 4104) {
height = 3024;
width = 4032;
top_margin = 12;
left_margin = 48;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 4476) {
top_margin = 34;
left_margin = 90;
maximum = 0xe6c;
goto canon_cr2;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 5108) {
top_margin = 13;
left_margin = 98;
maximum = 0xe80;
height -= top_margin;
width -= left_margin;
} else if (is_canon && raw_width == 5712) {
height = 3752;
width = 5640;
top_margin = 20;
left_margin = 62;
maximum = 0x3bb0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D1")) {
cam_mul[0] *= 256/527.0;
cam_mul[2] *= 256/317.0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D1X")) {
width -= 4;
pixel_aspect = 0.5;
} else if (!strncmp(model,"D40",3) ||
!strncmp(model,"D50",3) ||
!strncmp(model,"D70",3)) {
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D80")) {
height -= 3;
width -= 4;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D100")) {
if (tiff_compress == 34713 && !nikon_is_compressed()) {
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_load_raw;
raw_width = (width += 3) + 3;
maximum = 0xf44;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D200")) {
left_margin = 1;
width -= 4;
maximum = 0xfbc;
filters = 0x94949494;
} else if (!strncmp(model,"D2H",3)) {
left_margin = 6;
width -= 14;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D2X")) {
width -= 8;
maximum = 0xf35;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"D300")) {
width -= 32;
} else if (fsize == 1581060) {
height = 963;
width = 1287;
raw_width = 1632;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e900_load_raw;
maximum = 0x3f4;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x1e1e1e1e;
pre_mul[0] = 1.2085;
pre_mul[1] = 1.0943;
pre_mul[3] = 1.1103;
} else if (fsize == 2465792) {
height = 1203;
width = 1616;
raw_width = 2048;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e900_load_raw;
maximum = 0x3dd;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x4b4b4b4b;
adobe_coeff ("NIKON","E950");
} else if (fsize == 4771840) {
height = 1540;
width = 2064;
colors = 4;
filters = 0xe1e1e1e1;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_load_raw;
if (!timestamp && nikon_e995())
strcpy (model, "E995");
if (strcmp(model,"E995")) {
filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
pre_mul[0] = 1.196;
pre_mul[1] = 1.246;
pre_mul[2] = 1.018;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E2100")) {
if (!timestamp && !nikon_e2100()) goto cp_e2500;
height = 1206;
width = 1616;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 1.945;
pre_mul[2] = 1.040;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E2500")) {
strcpy (model, "E2500");
height = 1204;
width = 1616;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x4b4b4b4b;
} else if (fsize == 4775936) {
height = 1542;
width = 2064;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 1.818;
pre_mul[2] = 1.618;
if (!timestamp) nikon_3700();
if (model[0] == 'E' && atoi(model+1) < 3700)
filters = 0x49494949;
if (!strcmp(model,"Optio 33WR")) {
flip = 1;
filters = 0x16161616;
pre_mul[0] = 1.331;
pre_mul[2] = 1.820;
} else if (fsize == 5869568) {
height = 1710;
width = 2288;
filters = 0x16161616;
if (!timestamp && minolta_z2()) {
strcpy (make, "Minolta");
strcpy (model,"DiMAGE Z2");
if (make[0] == 'M')
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E4500")) {
height = 1708;
width = 2288;
colors = 4;
filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
} else if (fsize == 7438336) {
height = 1924;
width = 2576;
colors = 4;
filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
} else if (fsize == 8998912) {
height = 2118;
width = 2832;
maximum = 0xf83;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"FinePix S5100") ||
!strcmp(model,"FinePix S5500")) {
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0x3e00;
} else if (!strncmp(model,"FinePix",7)) {
if (!strcmp(model+7,"S2Pro")) {
strcpy (model+7," S2Pro");
height = 2144;
width = 2880;
flip = 6;
} else
maximum = 0x3e00;
if (is_raw == 2 && shot_select)
maximum = 0x2f00;
top_margin = (raw_height - height)/2;
left_margin = (raw_width - width )/2;
if (is_raw == 2)
data_offset += (shot_select > 0) * ( fuji_layout ?
(raw_width *= 2) : raw_height*raw_width*2 );
fuji_width = width >> !fuji_layout;
width = (height >> fuji_layout) + fuji_width;
raw_height = height;
height = width - 1;
load_raw = &CLASS fuji_load_raw;
if (!(fuji_width & 1)) filters = 0x49494949;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"RD175")) {
height = 986;
width = 1534;
data_offset = 513;
filters = 0x61616161;
load_raw = &CLASS minolta_rd175_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"KD-400Z")) {
height = 1712;
width = 2312;
raw_width = 2336;
goto konica_400z;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"KD-510Z")) {
goto konica_510z;
} else if (!strcasecmp(make,"MINOLTA")) {
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7d;
if (!strncmp(model,"DiMAGE A",8)) {
if (!strcmp(model,"DiMAGE A200"))
filters = 0x49494949;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = model[8] == '1' ? 0xf8b : 0xfff;
} else if (!strncmp(model,"ALPHA",5) ||
!strncmp(model,"DYNAX",5) ||
!strncmp(model,"MAXXUM",6)) {
sprintf (model+20, "DYNAX %-10s", model+6+(model[0]=='M'));
adobe_coeff (make, model+20);
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xffb;
} else if (!strncmp(model,"DiMAGE G",8)) {
if (model[8] == '4') {
height = 1716;
width = 2304;
} else if (model[8] == '5') {
height = 1956;
width = 2607;
raw_width = 2624;
} else if (model[8] == '6') {
height = 2136;
width = 2848;
data_offset += 14;
filters = 0x61616161;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0x3df;
order = 0x4d4d;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"*ist DS")) {
height -= 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"Optio S")) {
if (fsize == 3178560) {
height = 1540;
width = 2064;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
cam_mul[0] *= 4;
cam_mul[2] *= 4;
pre_mul[0] = 1.391;
pre_mul[2] = 1.188;
} else {
height = 1544;
width = 2068;
raw_width = 3136;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7c;
pre_mul[0] = 1.137;
pre_mul[2] = 1.453;
} else if (fsize == 6114240) {
height = 1737;
width = 2324;
raw_width = 3520;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7a;
pre_mul[0] = 1.980;
pre_mul[2] = 1.570;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"Optio 750Z")) {
height = 2302;
width = 3072;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"STV680 VGA")) {
height = 484;
width = 644;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
flip = 2;
filters = 0x16161616;
black = 16;
pre_mul[0] = 1.097;
pre_mul[2] = 1.128;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"KAI-0340")) {
height = 477;
width = 640;
order = 0x4949;
data_offset = 3840;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 1.561;
pre_mul[2] = 2.454;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"531C")) {
height = 1200;
width = 1600;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
filters = 0x49494949;
pre_mul[1] = 1.218;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"F-080C")) {
height = 768;
width = 1024;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"F-145C")) {
height = 1040;
width = 1392;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"F-201C")) {
height = 1200;
width = 1600;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"F-510C")) {
height = 1958;
width = 2588;
load_raw = fsize < 7500000 ?
&CLASS eight_bit_load_raw : &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0xfff0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"F-810C")) {
height = 2469;
width = 3272;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0xfff0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"XCD-SX910CR")) {
height = 1024;
width = 1375;
raw_width = 1376;
filters = 0x49494949;
maximum = 0x3ff;
load_raw = fsize < 2000000 ?
&CLASS eight_bit_load_raw : &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"2010")) {
height = 1207;
width = 1608;
order = 0x4949;
filters = 0x16161616;
data_offset = 3212;
maximum = 0x3ff;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"A782")) {
height = 3000;
width = 2208;
filters = 0x61616161;
load_raw = fsize < 10000000 ?
&CLASS eight_bit_load_raw : &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0xffc0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"3320AF")) {
height = 1536;
raw_width = width = 2048;
filters = 0x61616161;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0x3ff;
pre_mul[0] = 1.717;
pre_mul[2] = 1.138;
fseek (ifp, 0x300000, SEEK_SET);
if ((order = guess_byte_order(0x10000)) == 0x4d4d) {
height -= (top_margin = 16);
width -= (left_margin = 28);
maximum = 0xf5c0;
strcpy (make, "ISG");
model[0] = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"Hasselblad")) {
if (load_raw == lossless_jpeg_load_raw)
load_raw = hasselblad_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"Sinar")) {
if (!memcmp(head,"8BPS",4)) {
fseek (ifp, 14, SEEK_SET);
height = get4();
width = get4();
filters = 0x61616161;
data_offset = 68;
if (!load_raw) load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0x3fff;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"Leaf")) {
maximum = 0x3fff;
if (tiff_samples > 1) filters = 0;
if (tiff_samples > 1 || tile_length < raw_height)
load_raw = &CLASS leaf_hdr_load_raw;
if ((width | height) == 2048) {
if (tiff_samples == 1) {
filters = 1;
strcpy (cdesc, "RBTG");
strcpy (model, "CatchLight");
top_margin = 8; left_margin = 18; height = 2032; width = 2016;
} else {
strcpy (model, "DCB2");
top_margin = 10; left_margin = 16; height = 2028; width = 2022;
} else if (width+height == 3144+2060) {
if (!model[0]) strcpy (model, "Cantare");
if (width > height) {
top_margin = 6; left_margin = 32; height = 2048; width = 3072;
filters = 0x61616161;
} else {
left_margin = 6; top_margin = 32; width = 2048; height = 3072;
filters = 0x16161616;
if (!cam_mul[0] || model[0] == 'V') filters = 0;
else is_raw = tiff_samples;
} else if (width == 2116) {
strcpy (model, "Valeo 6");
height -= 2 * (top_margin = 30);
width -= 2 * (left_margin = 55);
filters = 0x49494949;
} else if (width == 3171) {
strcpy (model, "Valeo 6");
height -= 2 * (top_margin = 24);
width -= 2 * (left_margin = 24);
filters = 0x16161616;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"LEICA") || !strcmp(make,"Panasonic")) {
maximum = 0xfff0;
if (!load_raw) load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
switch (width) {
case 2568:
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-LC1"); break;
case 3130:
left_margin = -14;
case 3170:
left_margin += 18;
width = 3096;
if (height > 2326) {
height = 2326;
top_margin = 13;
filters = 0x49494949;
maximum = 0xf7f0;
zero_is_bad = 1;
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-FZ8"); break;
case 3177:
width -= 10;
filters = 0x49494949;
maximum = 0xf7fc;
zero_is_bad = 1;
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-L1"); break;
case 3304:
width -= 16;
maximum = 0xf94c;
zero_is_bad = 1;
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-FZ30"); break;
case 3330:
width = 3291;
left_margin = 9;
maximum = 0xf7f0;
goto fz18;
case 3370:
width = 3288;
left_margin = 15;
fz18: if (height > 2480)
height = 2480 - (top_margin = 10);
filters = 0x49494949;
zero_is_bad = 1;
case 3690:
height += 36;
left_margin = -14;
filters = 0x49494949;
maximum = 0xf7f0;
case 3770:
width = 3672;
if ((height -= 39) == 2760)
top_margin = 15;
left_margin += 17;
zero_is_bad = 1;
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-FZ50"); break;
case 3880:
width -= 22;
left_margin = 6;
maximum = 0xf7f0;
zero_is_bad = 1;
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-LX1"); break;
case 4290:
height += 38;
left_margin = -14;
filters = 0x49494949;
case 4330:
width = 4248;
if ((height -= 39) == 2400)
top_margin = 15;
left_margin += 17;
adobe_coeff ("Panasonic","DMC-LX2"); break;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"C770UZ")) {
height = 1718;
width = 2304;
filters = 0x16161616;
load_raw = &CLASS nikon_e2100_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"OLYMPUS")) {
height += height & 1;
filters = exif_cfa;
if (!strcmp(model,"E-1") ||
!strcmp(model,"E-400")) {
maximum = 0xfff0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E-10") ||
!strncmp(model,"E-20",4)) {
maximum = 0xffc0;
black <<= 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E-300") ||
!strcmp(model,"E-500")) {
width -= 20;
if (load_raw == &CLASS unpacked_load_raw) {
maximum = 0xfc30;
black = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E-330")) {
width -= 30;
if (load_raw == &CLASS unpacked_load_raw)
maximum = 0xf790;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E-3")) {
maximum = 0xf99;
goto e410;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"E-410") ||
!strcmp(model,"E-510")) {
maximum = 0xf6a;
e410: load_raw = &CLASS olympus_e410_load_raw;
black >>= 4;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"SP550UZ")) {
thumb_length = fsize - (thumb_offset = 0xa39800);
thumb_height = 480;
thumb_width = 640;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"N Digital")) {
height = 2047;
width = 3072;
filters = 0x61616161;
data_offset = 0x1a00;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf1e;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DSC-F828")) {
width = 3288;
left_margin = 5;
data_offset = 862144;
load_raw = &CLASS sony_load_raw;
filters = 0x9c9c9c9c;
colors = 4;
strcpy (cdesc, "RGBE");
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DSC-V3")) {
width = 3109;
left_margin = 59;
data_offset = 787392;
load_raw = &CLASS sony_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"SONY") && raw_width == 3984) {
adobe_coeff ("SONY","DSC-R1");
width = 3925;
order = 0x4d4d;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DSLR-A100")) {
load_raw = &CLASS sony_arw_load_raw;
maximum = 0xfeb;
} else if (!strncmp(model,"P850",4)) {
maximum = 0xf7c;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"C330")) {
height = 1744;
width = 2336;
raw_height = 1779;
raw_width = 2338;
top_margin = 33;
left_margin = 1;
order = 0x4949;
if ((data_offset = fsize - raw_height*raw_width)) {
fseek (ifp, 168, SEEK_SET);
read_shorts (curve, 256);
} else use_gamma = 0;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (!strcasecmp(make,"KODAK")) {
if (filters == UINT_MAX) filters = 0x61616161;
if (!strncmp(model,"NC2000",6)) {
width -= 4;
left_margin = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EOSDCS3B")) {
width -= 4;
left_margin = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EOSDCS1")) {
width -= 4;
left_margin = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DCS420")) {
width -= 4;
left_margin = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DCS460")) {
width -= 4;
left_margin = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DCS460A")) {
width -= 4;
left_margin = 2;
colors = 1;
filters = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DCS660M")) {
black = 214;
colors = 1;
filters = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DCS760M")) {
colors = 1;
filters = 0;
if (strstr(model,"DC25")) {
strcpy (model, "DC25");
data_offset = 15424;
if (!strncmp(model,"DC2",3)) {
height = 242;
if (fsize < 100000) {
raw_width = 256; width = 249;
pixel_aspect = (4.0*height) / (3.0*width);
} else {
raw_width = 512; width = 501;
pixel_aspect = (493.0*height) / (373.0*width);
data_offset += raw_width + 1;
colors = 4;
filters = 0x8d8d8d8d;
pre_mul[1] = 1.179;
pre_mul[2] = 1.209;
pre_mul[3] = 1.036;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"40")) {
strcpy (model, "DC40");
height = 512;
width = 768;
data_offset = 1152;
load_raw = &CLASS kodak_radc_load_raw;
} else if (strstr(model,"DC50")) {
strcpy (model, "DC50");
height = 512;
width = 768;
data_offset = 19712;
load_raw = &CLASS kodak_radc_load_raw;
} else if (strstr(model,"DC120")) {
strcpy (model, "DC120");
height = 976;
width = 848;
pixel_aspect = height/0.75/width;
load_raw = tiff_compress == 7 ?
&CLASS kodak_jpeg_load_raw : &CLASS kodak_dc120_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"DCS200")) {
thumb_height = 128;
thumb_width = 192;
thumb_offset = 6144;
thumb_misc = 360;
write_thumb = &CLASS layer_thumb;
height = 1024;
width = 1536;
data_offset = 79872;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
black = 17;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"Fotoman Pixtura")) {
height = 512;
width = 768;
data_offset = 3632;
load_raw = &CLASS kodak_radc_load_raw;
filters = 0x61616161;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QuickTake 100")) {
data_offset = 736;
load_raw = &CLASS quicktake_100_load_raw;
goto qt_common;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QuickTake 150")) {
data_offset = 738;
load_raw = &CLASS kodak_radc_load_raw;
height = 480;
width = 640;
filters = 0x61616161;
} else if (!strcmp(make,"Rollei") && !load_raw) {
switch (raw_width) {
case 1316:
height = 1030;
width = 1300;
top_margin = 1;
left_margin = 6;
case 2568:
height = 1960;
width = 2560;
top_margin = 2;
left_margin = 8;
filters = 0x16161616;
load_raw = &CLASS rollei_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 1.8;
pre_mul[2] = 1.3;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"PC-CAM 600")) {
height = 768;
data_offset = width = 1024;
filters = 0x49494949;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 1.14;
pre_mul[2] = 2.73;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QV-2000UX")) {
height = 1208;
width = 1632;
data_offset = width * 2;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (fsize == 3217760) {
height = 1546;
width = 2070;
raw_width = 2080;
load_raw = &CLASS eight_bit_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QV-4000")) {
height = 1700;
width = 2260;
load_raw = &CLASS unpacked_load_raw;
maximum = 0xffff;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QV-5700")) {
height = 1924;
width = 2576;
load_raw = &CLASS casio_qv5700_load_raw;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QV-R41")) {
height = 1720;
width = 2312;
raw_width = 3520;
left_margin = 2;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7f;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"QV-R51")) {
height = 1926;
width = 2580;
raw_width = 3904;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7f;
pre_mul[0] = 1.340;
pre_mul[2] = 1.672;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EX-S100")) {
height = 1544;
width = 2058;
raw_width = 3136;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 1.631;
pre_mul[2] = 1.106;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EX-Z50")) {
height = 1931;
width = 2570;
raw_width = 3904;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7f;
pre_mul[0] = 2.529;
pre_mul[2] = 1.185;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EX-Z55")) {
height = 1960;
width = 2570;
raw_width = 3904;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7f;
pre_mul[0] = 1.520;
pre_mul[2] = 1.316;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EX-P505")) {
height = 1928;
width = 2568;
raw_width = 3852;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
pre_mul[0] = 2.07;
pre_mul[2] = 1.88;
} else if (fsize == 9313536) { /* EX-P600 or QV-R61 */
height = 2142;
width = 2844;
raw_width = 4288;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7f;
pre_mul[0] = 1.797;
pre_mul[2] = 1.219;
} else if (!strcmp(model,"EX-P700")) {
height = 2318;
width = 3082;
raw_width = 4672;
load_raw = &CLASS packed_12_load_raw;
maximum = 0xf7f;
pre_mul[0] = 1.758;
pre_mul[2] = 1.504;
if (!model[0])
sprintf (model, "%dx%d", width, height);
if (filters == UINT_MAX) filters = 0x94949494;
if (raw_color) adobe_coeff (make, model);
if (thumb_offset && !thumb_height) {
fseek (ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (ljpeg_start (&jh, 1)) {
thumb_width = jh.wide;
thumb_height = jh.high;
if (!load_raw || height < 22) is_raw = 0;
#ifdef NO_JPEG
if (load_raw == kodak_jpeg_load_raw) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: You must link dcraw with libjpeg!!\n"), ifname);
is_raw = 0;
if (!cdesc[0])
strcpy (cdesc, colors == 3 ? "RGB":"GMCY");
if (!raw_height) raw_height = height;
if (!raw_width ) raw_width = width;
if (filters && colors == 3)
for (i=0; i < 32; i+=4) {
if ((filters >> i & 15) == 9)
filters |= 2 << i;
if ((filters >> i & 15) == 6)
filters |= 8 << i;
if (flip == -1) flip = tiff_flip;
if (flip == -1) flip = 0;
#ifndef NO_LCMS
void CLASS apply_profile (char *input, char *output)
char *prof;
cmsHPROFILE hInProfile=0, hOutProfile=0;
cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform;
FILE *fp;
unsigned size;
cmsErrorAction (LCMS_ERROR_SHOW);
if (strcmp (input, "embed"))
hInProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile (input, "r");
else if (profile_length) {
prof = (char *) malloc (profile_length);
merror (prof, "apply_profile()");
fseek (ifp, profile_offset, SEEK_SET);
fread (prof, 1, profile_length, ifp);
hInProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem (prof, profile_length);
free (prof);
} else
fprintf (stderr,_("%s has no embedded profile.\n"), ifname);
if (!hInProfile) return;
if (!output)
hOutProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
else if ((fp = fopen (output, "rb"))) {
fread (&size, 4, 1, fp);
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
oprof = (unsigned *) malloc (size = ntohl(size));
merror (oprof, "apply_profile()");
fread (oprof, 1, size, fp);
fclose (fp);
if (!(hOutProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem (oprof, size))) {
free (oprof);
oprof = 0;
} else
fprintf (stderr,_("Cannot open file %s!\n"), output);
if (!hOutProfile) goto quit;
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Applying color profile...\n"));
hTransform = cmsCreateTransform (hInProfile, TYPE_RGBA_16,
cmsDoTransform (hTransform, image, image, width*height);
raw_color = 1; /* Don't use rgb_cam with a profile */
cmsDeleteTransform (hTransform);
cmsCloseProfile (hOutProfile);
cmsCloseProfile (hInProfile);
void CLASS convert_to_rgb()
int row, col, c, i, j, k;
ushort *img;
float out[3], out_cam[3][4];
double num, inverse[3][3];
static const double xyzd50_srgb[3][3] =
{ { 0.436083, 0.385083, 0.143055 },
{ 0.222507, 0.716888, 0.060608 },
{ 0.013930, 0.097097, 0.714022 } };
static const double rgb_rgb[3][3] =
{ { 1,0,0 }, { 0,1,0 }, { 0,0,1 } };
static const double adobe_rgb[3][3] =
{ { 0.715146, 0.284856, 0.000000 },
{ 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000 },
{ 0.000000, 0.041166, 0.958839 } };
static const double wide_rgb[3][3] =
{ { 0.593087, 0.404710, 0.002206 },
{ 0.095413, 0.843149, 0.061439 },
{ 0.011621, 0.069091, 0.919288 } };
static const double prophoto_rgb[3][3] =
{ { 0.529317, 0.330092, 0.140588 },
{ 0.098368, 0.873465, 0.028169 },
{ 0.016879, 0.117663, 0.865457 } };
static const double (*out_rgb[])[3] =
{ rgb_rgb, adobe_rgb, wide_rgb, prophoto_rgb, xyz_rgb };
static const char *name[] =
{ "sRGB", "Adobe RGB (1998)", "WideGamut D65", "ProPhoto D65", "XYZ" };
static const unsigned phead[] =
{ 1024, 0, 0x2100000, 0x6d6e7472, 0x52474220, 0x58595a20, 0, 0, 0,
0x61637370, 0, 0, 0x6e6f6e65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf6d6, 0x10000, 0xd32d };
unsigned pbody[] =
{ 10, 0x63707274, 0, 36, /* cprt */
0x64657363, 0, 40, /* desc */
0x77747074, 0, 20, /* wtpt */
0x626b7074, 0, 20, /* bkpt */
0x72545243, 0, 14, /* rTRC */
0x67545243, 0, 14, /* gTRC */
0x62545243, 0, 14, /* bTRC */
0x7258595a, 0, 20, /* rXYZ */
0x6758595a, 0, 20, /* gXYZ */
0x6258595a, 0, 20 }; /* bXYZ */
static const unsigned pwhite[] = { 0xf351, 0x10000, 0x116cc };
unsigned pcurve[] = { 0x63757276, 0, 1, 0x1000000 };
memcpy (out_cam, rgb_cam, sizeof out_cam);
raw_color |= colors == 1 || document_mode ||
output_color < 1 || output_color > 5;
if (!raw_color) {
oprof = (unsigned *) calloc (phead[0], 1);
merror (oprof, "convert_to_rgb()");
memcpy (oprof, phead, sizeof phead);
if (output_color == 5) oprof[4] = oprof[5];
oprof[0] = 132 + 12*pbody[0];
for (i=0; i < pbody[0]; i++) {
oprof[oprof[0]/4] = i ? (i > 1 ? 0x58595a20 : 0x64657363) : 0x74657874;
pbody[i*3+2] = oprof[0];
oprof[0] += (pbody[i*3+3] + 3) & -4;
memcpy (oprof+32, pbody, sizeof pbody);
oprof[pbody[5]/4+2] = strlen(name[output_color-1]) + 1;
memcpy ((char *)oprof+pbody[8]+8, pwhite, sizeof pwhite);
if (output_bps == 8)
pcurve[3] = 0x2330000;
pcurve[3] = 0x1f00000;
for (i=4; i < 7; i++)
memcpy ((char *)oprof+pbody[i*3+2], pcurve, sizeof pcurve);
pseudoinverse ((double (*)[3]) out_rgb[output_color-1], inverse, 3);
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < 3; j++) {
for (num = k=0; k < 3; k++)
num += xyzd50_srgb[i][k] * inverse[j][k];
oprof[pbody[j*3+23]/4+i+2] = num * 0x10000 + 0.5;
for (i=0; i < phead[0]/4; i++)
oprof[i] = htonl(oprof[i]);
strcpy ((char *)oprof+pbody[2]+8, "auto-generated by dcraw");
strcpy ((char *)oprof+pbody[5]+12, name[output_color-1]);
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
for (j=0; j < colors; j++)
for (out_cam[i][j] = k=0; k < 3; k++)
out_cam[i][j] += out_rgb[output_color-1][i][k] * rgb_cam[k][j];
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, raw_color ? _("Building histograms...\n") :
_("Converting to %s colorspace...\n"), name[output_color-1]);
memset (histogram, 0, sizeof histogram);
for (img=image[0], row=0; row < height; row++)
for (col=0; col < width; col++, img+=4) {
if (!raw_color) {
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
out[0] += out_cam[0][c] * img[c];
out[1] += out_cam[1][c] * img[c];
out[2] += out_cam[2][c] * img[c];
FORC3 img[c] = CLIP((int) out[c]);
else if (document_mode)
img[0] = img[FC(row,col)];
FORCC histogram[c][img[c] >> 3]++;
if (colors == 4 && output_color) colors = 3;
if (document_mode && filters) colors = 1;
void CLASS fuji_rotate()
int i, row, col;
double step;
float r, c, fr, fc;
unsigned ur, uc;
ushort wide, high, (*img)[4], (*pix)[4];
if (!fuji_width) return;
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Rotating image 45 degrees...\n"));
fuji_width = (fuji_width - 1 + shrink) >> shrink;
step = sqrt(0.5);
wide = fuji_width / step;
high = (height - fuji_width) / step;
img = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (wide*high, sizeof *img);
merror (img, "fuji_rotate()");
for (row=0; row < high; row++)
for (col=0; col < wide; col++) {
ur = r = fuji_width + (row-col)*step;
uc = c = (row+col)*step;
if (ur > height-2 || uc > width-2) continue;
fr = r - ur;
fc = c - uc;
pix = image + ur*width + uc;
for (i=0; i < colors; i++)
img[row*wide+col][i] =
(pix[ 0][i]*(1-fc) + pix[ 1][i]*fc) * (1-fr) +
(pix[width][i]*(1-fc) + pix[width+1][i]*fc) * fr;
free (image);
width = wide;
height = high;
image = img;
fuji_width = 0;
void CLASS stretch()
ushort newdim, (*img)[4], *pix0, *pix1;
int row, col, c;
double rc, frac;
if (pixel_aspect == 1) return;
if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,_("Stretching the image...\n"));
if (pixel_aspect < 1) {
newdim = height / pixel_aspect + 0.5;
img = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (width*newdim, sizeof *img);
merror (img, "stretch()");
for (rc=row=0; row < newdim; row++, rc+=pixel_aspect) {
frac = rc - (c = rc);
pix0 = pix1 = image[c*width];
if (c+1 < height) pix1 += width*4;
for (col=0; col < width; col++, pix0+=4, pix1+=4)
FORCC img[row*width+col][c] = pix0[c]*(1-frac) + pix1[c]*frac + 0.5;
height = newdim;
} else {
newdim = width * pixel_aspect + 0.5;
img = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (height*newdim, sizeof *img);
merror (img, "stretch()");
for (rc=col=0; col < newdim; col++, rc+=1/pixel_aspect) {
frac = rc - (c = rc);
pix0 = pix1 = image[c];
if (c+1 < width) pix1 += 4;
for (row=0; row < height; row++, pix0+=width*4, pix1+=width*4)
FORCC img[row*newdim+col][c] = pix0[c]*(1-frac) + pix1[c]*frac + 0.5;
width = newdim;
free (image);
image = img;
int CLASS flip_index (int row, int col)
if (flip & 4) SWAP(row,col);
if (flip & 2) row = iheight - 1 - row;
if (flip & 1) col = iwidth - 1 - col;
return row * iwidth + col;
void CLASS gamma_lut (uchar lut[0x10000])
int perc, c, val, total, i;
float white=0, r;
perc = width * height * 0.01; /* 99th percentile white point */
if (fuji_width) perc /= 2;
if (highlight && highlight != 2) perc = -1;
for (val=0x2000, total=0; --val > 32; )
if ((total += histogram[c][val]) > perc) break;
if (white < val) white = val;
white *= 8 / bright;
for (i=0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
r = i / white;
val = 256 * ( !use_gamma ? r :
r <= 0.00304 ? r*12.92 : pow(r,2.5/6)*1.055-0.055 );
r <= 0.018 ? r*4.5 : pow(r,0.45)*1.099-0.099 );
if (val > 255) val = 255;
lut[i] = val;
struct tiff_tag {
ushort tag, type;
int count;
union { short s0, s1; int i0; } val;
struct tiff_hdr {
ushort order, magic;
int ifd;
ushort pad, ntag;
struct tiff_tag tag[22];
int nextifd;
ushort pad2, nexif;
struct tiff_tag exif[4];
short bps[4];
int rat[10];
char desc[512], make[64], model[64], soft[32], date[20], artist[64];
void CLASS tiff_set (ushort *ntag,
ushort tag, ushort type, int count, int val)
struct tiff_tag *tt;
tt = (struct tiff_tag *)(ntag+1) + (*ntag)++;
tt->tag = tag;
tt->type = type;
tt->count = count;
if (type == 3 && count == 1)
tt->val.s0 = val;
else tt->val.i0 = val;
#define TOFF(ptr) ((char *)(&(ptr)) - (char *)th)
void CLASS tiff_head (struct tiff_hdr *th, int full)
int c, psize=0;
struct tm *t;
memset (th, 0, sizeof *th);
th->order = htonl(0x4d4d4949) >> 16;
th->magic = 42;
th->ifd = 10;
if (full) {
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 254, 4, 1, 0);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 256, 4, 1, width);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 257, 4, 1, height);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 258, 3, colors, output_bps);
if (colors > 2)
th->tag[th->ntag-1].val.i0 = TOFF(th->bps);
FORC4 th->bps[c] = output_bps;
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 259, 3, 1, 1);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 262, 3, 1, 1 + (colors > 1));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 270, 2, 512, TOFF(th->desc));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 271, 2, 64, TOFF(th->make));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 272, 2, 64, TOFF(th->model));
if (full) {
if (oprof) psize = ntohl(oprof[0]);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 273, 4, 1, sizeof *th + psize);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 277, 3, 1, colors);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 278, 4, 1, height);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 279, 4, 1, height*width*colors*output_bps/8);
} else
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 274, 3, 1, "12435867"[flip]-'0');
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 282, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[6]));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 283, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[8]));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 284, 3, 1, 1);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 296, 3, 1, 2);
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 305, 2, 32, TOFF(th->soft));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 306, 2, 20, TOFF(th->date));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 315, 2, 64, TOFF(th->artist));
tiff_set (&th->ntag, 34665, 4, 1, TOFF(th->nexif));
if (psize) tiff_set (&th->ntag, 34675, 7, psize, sizeof *th);
tiff_set (&th->nexif, 33434, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[0]));
tiff_set (&th->nexif, 33437, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[2]));
tiff_set (&th->nexif, 34855, 3, 1, iso_speed);
tiff_set (&th->nexif, 37386, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[4]));
for (c=0; c < 6; c++) th->rat[c] = 1000000;
th->rat[0] *= shutter;
th->rat[2] *= aperture;
th->rat[4] *= focal_len;
th->rat[6] = th->rat[8] = 300;
th->rat[7] = th->rat[9] = 1;
strncpy (th->desc, desc, 512);
strncpy (th->make, make, 64);
strncpy (th->model, model, 64);
strcpy (th->soft, "dcraw v"VERSION);
t = gmtime (&timestamp);
sprintf (th->date, "%04d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
strncpy (th->artist, artist, 64);
void CLASS jpeg_thumb (FILE *tfp)
char *thumb;
ushort exif[5];
struct tiff_hdr th;
thumb = (char *) malloc (thumb_length);
merror (thumb, "jpeg_thumb()");
fread (thumb, 1, thumb_length, ifp);
fputc (0xff, tfp);
fputc (0xd8, tfp);
if (strcmp (thumb+6, "Exif")) {
memcpy (exif, "\xff\xe1 Exif\0\0", 10);
exif[1] = htons (8 + sizeof th);
fwrite (exif, 1, sizeof exif, tfp);
tiff_head (&th, 0);
fwrite (&th, 1, sizeof th, tfp);
fwrite (thumb+2, 1, thumb_length-2, tfp);
free (thumb);
void CLASS write_ppm_tiff (FILE *ofp)
struct tiff_hdr th;
uchar *ppm, lut[0x10000];
ushort *ppm2;
int c, row, col, soff, rstep, cstep;
iheight = height;
iwidth = width;
if (flip & 4) SWAP(height,width);
ppm = (uchar *) calloc (width, colors*output_bps/8);
ppm2 = (ushort *) ppm;
merror (ppm, "write_ppm_tiff()");
if (output_tiff) {
tiff_head (&th, 1);
fwrite (&th, sizeof th, 1, ofp);
if (oprof)
fwrite (oprof, ntohl(oprof[0]), 1, ofp);
} else if (colors > 3)
fprintf (ofp,
width, height, colors, (1 << output_bps)-1, cdesc);
fprintf (ofp, "P%d\n%d %d\n%d\n",
colors/2+5, width, height, (1 << output_bps)-1);
if (output_bps == 8) gamma_lut (lut);
soff = flip_index (0, 0);
cstep = flip_index (0, 1) - soff;
rstep = flip_index (1, 0) - flip_index (0, width);
for (row=0; row < height; row++, soff += rstep) {
for (col=0; col < width; col++, soff += cstep)
if (output_bps == 8)
FORCC ppm [col*colors+c] = lut[image[soff][c]];
else FORCC ppm2[col*colors+c] = image[soff][c];
if (output_bps == 16 && !output_tiff && htons(0x55aa) != 0x55aa)
swab (ppm2, ppm2, width*colors*2);
fwrite (ppm, colors*output_bps/8, width, ofp);
free (ppm);
int CLASS main (int argc, char **argv)
int arg, status=0, user_flip=-1, user_black=-1, user_qual=-1;
int timestamp_only=0, thumbnail_only=0, identify_only=0;
int use_fuji_rotate=1, write_to_stdout=0, quality, i, c;
char opm, opt, *ofname, *sp, *cp, *dark_frame=0;
const char *write_ext;
struct utimbuf ut;
FILE *ofp;
#ifndef NO_LCMS
char *cam_profile=0, *out_profile=0;
putenv ("TZ=UTC");
setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "");
setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "");
bindtextdomain ("dcraw", LOCALEDIR);
textdomain ("dcraw");
if (argc == 1) {
printf(_("\nRaw photo decoder \"dcraw\" v%s"), VERSION);
printf(_("\nby Dave Coffin, dcoffin a cybercom o net\n"));
printf(_("\nUsage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n\n"), argv[0]);
puts(_("-v Print verbose messages"));
puts(_("-c Write image data to standard output"));
puts(_("-e Extract embedded thumbnail image"));
puts(_("-i Identify files without decoding them"));
puts(_("-i -v Identify files and show metadata"));
puts(_("-z Change file dates to camera timestamp"));
puts(_("-w Use camera white balance, if possible"));
puts(_("-a Average the whole image for white balance"));
puts(_("-A <x y w h> Average a grey box for white balance"));
puts(_("-r <r g b g> Set custom white balance"));
puts(_("+M/-M Use/don't use an embedded color matrix"));
puts(_("-C <r b> Correct chromatic aberration"));
puts(_("-b <num> Adjust brightness (default = 1.0)"));
puts(_("-n <num> Set threshold for wavelet denoising"));
puts(_("-k <num> Set black point"));
puts(_("-K <file> Subtract dark frame (16-bit raw PGM)"));
puts(_("-H [0-9] Highlight mode (0=clip, 1=unclip, 2=blend, 3+=rebuild)"));
puts(_("-t [0-7] Flip image (0=none, 3=180, 5=90CCW, 6=90CW)"));
puts(_("-o [0-5] Output colorspace (raw,sRGB,Adobe,Wide,ProPhoto,XYZ)"));
#ifndef NO_LCMS
puts(_("-o <file> Apply output ICC profile from file"));
puts(_("-p <file> Apply camera ICC profile from file or \"embed\""));
puts(_("-d Document mode (no color, no interpolation)"));
puts(_("-D Document mode without scaling (totally raw)"));
puts(_("-j Don't stretch or rotate raw pixels"));
puts(_("-q [0-3] Set the interpolation quality"));
puts(_("-h Half-size color image (twice as fast as \"-q 0\")"));
puts(_("-f Interpolate RGGB as four colors"));
puts(_("-m <num> Apply a 3x3 median filter to R-G and B-G"));
puts(_("-s [0..N-1] Select one raw image or \"all\" from each file"));
puts(_("-4 Write 16-bit linear instead of 8-bit with gamma"));
puts(_("-T Write TIFF instead of PPM"));
return 1;
argv[argc] = "";
for (arg=1; (((opm = argv[arg][0]) - 2) | 2) == '+'; ) {
opt = argv[arg++][1];
if ((cp = strchr (sp="nbrktqmHAC", opt)))
for (i=0; i < "1141111142"[cp-sp]-'0'; i++)
if (!isdigit(argv[arg+i][0])) {
fprintf (stderr,_("Non-numeric argument to \"-%c\"\n"), opt);
return 1;
switch (opt) {
case 'n': threshold = atof(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'b': bright = atof(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'r':
FORC4 user_mul[c] = atof(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'C': aber[0] = 1 / atof(argv[arg++]);
aber[2] = 1 / atof(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'k': user_black = atoi(argv[arg++]); break;
case 't': user_flip = atoi(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'q': user_qual = atoi(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'm': med_passes = atoi(argv[arg++]); break;
case 'H': highlight = atoi(argv[arg++]); break;
case 's':
shot_select = abs(atoi(argv[arg]));
multi_out = !strcmp(argv[arg++],"all");
case 'o':
if (isdigit(argv[arg][0]) && !argv[arg][1])
output_color = atoi(argv[arg++]);
#ifndef NO_LCMS
else out_profile = argv[arg++];
case 'p': cam_profile = argv[arg++];
case 'K': dark_frame = argv[arg++];
case 'z': timestamp_only = 1; break;
case 'e': thumbnail_only = 1; break;
case 'i': identify_only = 1; break;
case 'c': write_to_stdout = 1; break;
case 'v': verbose = 1; break;
case 'h': half_size = 1; /* "-h" implies "-f" */
case 'f': four_color_rgb = 1; break;
case 'A': FORC4 greybox[c] = atoi(argv[arg++]);
case 'a': use_auto_wb = 1; break;
case 'w': use_camera_wb = 1; break;
case 'M': use_camera_matrix = (opm == '+'); break;
case 'D':
case 'd': document_mode = 1 + (opt == 'D');
case 'j': use_fuji_rotate = 0; break;
case 'T': output_tiff = 1; break;
case '4': output_bps = 16; break;
fprintf (stderr,_("Unknown option \"-%c\".\n"), opt);
return 1;
if (use_camera_matrix < 0)
use_camera_matrix = use_camera_wb;
if (arg == argc) {
fprintf (stderr,_("No files to process.\n"));
return 1;
if (write_to_stdout) {
if (isatty(1)) {
fprintf (stderr,_("Will not write an image to the terminal!\n"));
return 1;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(DJGPP) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (setmode(1,O_BINARY) < 0) {
perror ("setmode()");
return 1;
for ( ; arg < argc; arg++) {
status = 1;
image = 0;
oprof = 0;
meta_data = ofname = 0;
ofp = stdout;
if (setjmp (failure)) {
if (fileno(ifp) > 2) fclose(ifp);
if (fileno(ofp) > 2) fclose(ofp);
status = 1;
goto cleanup;
ifname = argv[arg];
if (!(ifp = fopen (ifname, "rb"))) {
perror (ifname);
status = (identify(),!is_raw);
if (user_flip >= 0)
flip = user_flip;
switch ((flip+3600) % 360) {
case 270: flip = 5; break;
case 180: flip = 3; break;
case 90: flip = 6;
if (timestamp_only) {
if ((status = !timestamp))
fprintf (stderr,_("%s has no timestamp.\n"), ifname);
else if (identify_only)
printf ("%10ld%10d %s\n", (long) timestamp, shot_order, ifname);
else {
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("%s time set to %d.\n"), ifname, (int) timestamp);
ut.actime = ut.modtime = timestamp;
utime (ifname, &ut);
goto next;
write_fun = &CLASS write_ppm_tiff;
if (thumbnail_only) {
if ((status = !thumb_offset)) {
fprintf (stderr,_("%s has no thumbnail.\n"), ifname);
goto next;
} else if (thumb_load_raw) {
load_raw = thumb_load_raw;
data_offset = thumb_offset;
height = thumb_height;
width = thumb_width;
filters = 0;
} else {
fseek (ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET);
write_fun = write_thumb;
goto thumbnail;
if (load_raw == &CLASS kodak_ycbcr_load_raw) {
height += height & 1;
width += width & 1;
if (identify_only && verbose && make[0]) {
printf (_("\nFilename: %s\n"), ifname);
printf (_("Timestamp: %s"), ctime(&timestamp));
printf (_("Camera: %s %s\n"), make, model);
if (artist[0])
printf (_("Owner: %s\n"), artist);
if (dng_version) {
printf (_("DNG Version: "));
for (i=24; i >= 0; i -= 8)
printf ("%d%c", dng_version >> i & 255, i ? '.':'\n');
printf (_("ISO speed: %d\n"), (int) iso_speed);
printf (_("Shutter: "));
if (shutter > 0 && shutter < 1)
shutter = (printf ("1/"), 1 / shutter);
printf (_("%0.1f sec\n"), shutter);
printf (_("Aperture: f/%0.1f\n"), aperture);
printf (_("Focal length: %0.1f mm\n"), focal_len);
printf (_("Embedded ICC profile: %s\n"), profile_length ? _("yes"):_("no"));
printf (_("Number of raw images: %d\n"), is_raw);
if (pixel_aspect != 1)
printf (_("Pixel Aspect Ratio: %0.6f\n"), pixel_aspect);
if (thumb_offset)
printf (_("Thumb size: %4d x %d\n"), thumb_width, thumb_height);
printf (_("Full size: %4d x %d\n"), raw_width, raw_height);
} else if (!is_raw)
fprintf (stderr,_("Cannot decode file %s\n"), ifname);
if (!is_raw) goto next;
shrink = filters &&
(half_size || threshold || aber[0] != 1 || aber[2] != 1);
iheight = (height + shrink) >> shrink;
iwidth = (width + shrink) >> shrink;
if (identify_only) {
if (verbose) {
if (use_fuji_rotate) {
if (fuji_width) {
fuji_width = (fuji_width - 1 + shrink) >> shrink;
iwidth = fuji_width / sqrt(0.5);
iheight = (iheight - fuji_width) / sqrt(0.5);
} else {
if (pixel_aspect < 1) iheight = iheight / pixel_aspect + 0.5;
if (pixel_aspect > 1) iwidth = iwidth * pixel_aspect + 0.5;
if (flip & 4)
printf (_("Image size: %4d x %d\n"), width, height);
printf (_("Output size: %4d x %d\n"), iwidth, iheight);
printf (_("Raw colors: %d"), colors);
if (filters) {
printf (_("\nFilter pattern: "));
if (!cdesc[3]) cdesc[3] = 'G';
for (i=0; i < 16; i++)
putchar (cdesc[fc(i >> 1,i & 1)]);
printf (_("\nDaylight multipliers:"));
FORCC printf (" %f", pre_mul[c]);
if (cam_mul[0] > 0) {
printf (_("\nCamera multipliers:"));
FORC4 printf (" %f", cam_mul[c]);
putchar ('\n');
} else
printf (_("%s is a %s %s image.\n"), ifname, make, model);
if (use_camera_matrix && cmatrix[0][0] > 0.25) {
memcpy (rgb_cam, cmatrix, sizeof cmatrix);
raw_color = 0;
image = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (iheight*iwidth, sizeof *image);
merror (image, "main()");
if (meta_length) {
meta_data = (char *) malloc (meta_length);
merror (meta_data, "main()");
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Loading %s %s image from %s ...\n"),
make, model, ifname);
if (shot_select >= is_raw)
fprintf (stderr,_("%s: \"-s %d\" requests a nonexistent image!\n"),
ifname, shot_select);
fseeko (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (zero_is_bad) remove_zeroes();
if (dark_frame) subtract (dark_frame);
quality = 2 + !fuji_width;
if (user_qual >= 0) quality = user_qual;
if (user_black >= 0) black = user_black;
if (is_foveon && !document_mode) foveon_interpolate();
if (!is_foveon && document_mode < 2) scale_colors();
if (filters && !document_mode) {
if (quality == 0)
else if (quality == 1 || colors > 3)
else if (quality == 2)
else ahd_interpolate();
if (mix_green)
for (colors=3, i=0; i < height*width; i++)
image[i][1] = (image[i][1] + image[i][3]) >> 1;
if (!is_foveon && colors == 3) median_filter();
if (!is_foveon && highlight == 2) blend_highlights();
if (!is_foveon && highlight > 2) recover_highlights();
if (use_fuji_rotate) fuji_rotate();
#ifndef NO_LCMS
if (cam_profile) apply_profile (cam_profile, out_profile);
if (use_fuji_rotate) stretch();
if (write_fun == &CLASS jpeg_thumb)
write_ext = ".jpg";
else if (output_tiff && write_fun == &CLASS write_ppm_tiff)
write_ext = ".tiff";
write_ext = ".pgm\0.ppm\0.ppm\0.pam" + colors*5-5;
ofname = (char *) malloc (strlen(ifname) + 64);
merror (ofname, "main()");
if (write_to_stdout)
strcpy (ofname,_("standard output"));
else {
strcpy (ofname, ifname);
if ((cp = strrchr (ofname, '.'))) *cp = 0;
if (multi_out)
sprintf (ofname+strlen(ofname), "_%0*d",
snprintf(0,0,"%d",is_raw-1), shot_select);
if (thumbnail_only)
strcat (ofname, ".thumb");
strcat (ofname, write_ext);
ofp = fopen (ofname, "wb");
if (!ofp) {
status = 1;
perror (ofname);
goto cleanup;
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr,_("Writing data to %s ...\n"), ofname);
if (ofp != stdout) fclose(ofp);
if (meta_data) free (meta_data);
if (ofname) free (ofname);
if (oprof) free (oprof);
if (image) free (image);
if (multi_out) {
if (++shot_select < is_raw) arg--;
else shot_select = 0;
return status;