@ -2945,7 +2945,7 @@ int LDAPManager::writeLDAPConfFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, LDAPMachineRole mac
// Create symbolic link to secondary LDAP configuration file
if (fileExists(LDAP_SECONDARY_FILE)) {
if (unlink(LDAP_SECONDARY_FILE) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%s\"").arg(LDAP_SECONDARY_FILE);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(LDAP_SECONDARY_FILE);
return -1;
@ -2958,7 +2958,7 @@ int LDAPManager::writeLDAPConfFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, LDAPMachineRole mac
// Create symbolic link to tertiary LDAP configuration file
if (fileExists(LDAP_TERTIARY_FILE)) {
if (unlink(LDAP_TERTIARY_FILE) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%s\"").arg(LDAP_TERTIARY_FILE);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(LDAP_TERTIARY_FILE);
return -1;
@ -3643,15 +3643,15 @@ int LDAPManager::setLDAPMasterReplicationSettings(LDAPMasterReplicationInfo repl
return -1;
int LDAPManager::getTDECertificate(TQString certificateName, TQFile *fileHandle, TQString *errstr) {
int LDAPManager::getTDECertificate(TQString certificateName, TQByteArray *certificate, TQString *errstr) {
int retcode;
int returncode;
LDAPTDEBuiltinsInfo builtininfo;
TQString dn = TQString("cn=certificate store,o=tde,cn=tde realm data,ou=master services,ou=core,ou=realm,%1").arg(m_basedc);
if (!fileHandle) {
if (errstr) *errstr = i18n("Invalid file handle passed by host application");
if (!certificate) {
if (errstr) *errstr = i18n("Invalid certificate handle passed by host application");
return -1;
@ -3685,9 +3685,7 @@ int LDAPManager::getTDECertificate(TQString certificateName, TQFile *fileHandle,
TQString ldap_field = attr;
if (ldap_field == certificateName) {
TQByteArray ba;
ba.duplicate(vals[i]->bv_val, vals[i]->bv_len);
certificate->duplicate(vals[i]->bv_val, vals[i]->bv_len);
returncode = 0;
@ -3713,6 +3711,23 @@ int LDAPManager::getTDECertificate(TQString certificateName, TQFile *fileHandle,
return -1;
int LDAPManager::getTDECertificate(TQString certificateName, TQFile *fileHandle, TQString *errstr) {
int returncode;
if (!fileHandle) {
if (errstr) *errstr = i18n("Invalid file handle passed by host application");
return -1;
TQByteArray ba;
returncode = getTDECertificate(certificateName, &ba, errstr);
if (returncode == 0) {
return returncode;
int LDAPManager::getTDECertificate(TQString certificateName, TQString fileName, TQString *errstr) {
TQFile file(fileName);
if (file.open(IO_WriteOnly)) {
@ -3916,6 +3931,25 @@ int LDAPManager::writeTDERealmList(LDAPRealmConfigList realms, KSimpleConfig* co
return 0;
TQDateTime LDAPManager::getCertificateExpiration(TQByteArray certfileContents) {
TQDateTime ret;
TQCString ssldata(certfileContents);
ssldata[certfileContents.size()] = 0;
ssldata.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "");
ssldata.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "");
ssldata.replace("-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----", "");
ssldata.replace("-----END X509 CRL-----", "");
ssldata.replace("\n", "");
KSSLCertificate* cert = KSSLCertificate::fromString(ssldata);
if (cert) {
ret = cert->getQDTNotAfter();
delete cert;
return ret;
TQDateTime LDAPManager::getCertificateExpiration(TQString certfile) {
TQDateTime ret;
@ -3924,16 +3958,7 @@ TQDateTime LDAPManager::getCertificateExpiration(TQString certfile) {
TQByteArray ba = file.readAll();
TQCString ssldata(ba);
ssldata[ba.size()] = 0;
ssldata.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "");
ssldata.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "");
ssldata.replace("\n", "");
KSSLCertificate* cert = KSSLCertificate::fromString(ssldata);
if (cert) {
ret = cert->getQDTNotAfter();
delete cert;
ret = getCertificateExpiration(ba);
return ret;
@ -4088,7 +4113,7 @@ int LDAPManager::generateClientCertificatePrivateKey(LDAPUserInfo user, LDAPReal
TQString client_cfgfile = privateKeyFile + ".cfg";
unsigned int client_key_bit_length = 2048;
if (writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, user, client_cfgfile, errstr) != 0) {
if (writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, user, client_cfgfile, TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, errstr) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -4101,18 +4126,18 @@ int LDAPManager::generateClientCertificatePrivateKey(LDAPUserInfo user, LDAPReal
// Secure keyfile
if (chmod(client_keyfile.ascii(), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change permissions of \"%s\"").arg(client_keyfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change permissions of \"%1\"").arg(client_keyfile);
return -1;
if (chown(client_keyfile.ascii(), 0, 0) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change owner of \"%s\"").arg(client_keyfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change owner of \"%1\"").arg(client_keyfile);
return -1;
// Clean up
if (fileExists(client_cfgfile.ascii())) {
if (unlink(client_cfgfile.ascii()) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%s\"").arg(client_keyfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(client_cfgfile);
return -1;
@ -4136,7 +4161,7 @@ int LDAPManager::generateClientCertificatePublicCertificate(int expirydays, LDAP
signing_public_certfile = KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE;
if (writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, user, client_cfgfile, errstr) != 0) {
if (writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, user, client_cfgfile, TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, errstr) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -4159,24 +4184,24 @@ int LDAPManager::generateClientCertificatePublicCertificate(int expirydays, LDAP
// Secure certificate
if (chmod(client_certfile.ascii(), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change permissions of \"%s\"").arg(client_certfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change permissions of \"%1\"").arg(client_certfile);
return -1;
if (chown(client_certfile.ascii(), 0, 0) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change owner of \"%s\"").arg(client_certfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to change owner of \"%1\"").arg(client_certfile);
return -1;
// Clean up
if (fileExists(client_cfgfile.ascii())) {
if (unlink(client_cfgfile.ascii()) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%s\"").arg(client_certfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(client_cfgfile);
return -1;
if (fileExists(client_reqfile.ascii())) {
if (unlink(client_reqfile.ascii()) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%s\"").arg(client_reqfile);
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(client_reqfile);
return -1;
@ -4184,6 +4209,116 @@ int LDAPManager::generateClientCertificatePublicCertificate(int expirydays, LDAP
return 0;
int LDAPManager::generatePKICRL(int expirydays, LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, TQString signingPrivateKeyFile, TQString revocationDatabaseFile, TQString *errstr) {
int retcode;
TQString command;
LDAPUserInfoList userList = this->users(&retcode, errstr);
if (retcode == 0) {
// Generate base CRL
TQString crl_certfile = KERBEROS_PKI_CRL_FILE ".new";
TQString revoked_certfile = KERBEROS_PKI_CRL_FILE ".rev";
// The public certificate location varies based on the machine role
// Prefer the bonded realm's certificate if available
TQString signing_public_certfile = KERBEROS_PKI_PUBLICDIR + realmcfg.admin_server + ".ldap.crt";
if (!TQFile(signing_public_certfile).exists()) {
signing_public_certfile = KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE;
// Set up OpenSSL environment
if (writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, LDAPUserInfo(), OPENSSL_EXTENSIONS_FILE, signingPrivateKeyFile, signing_public_certfile, revocationDatabaseFile, errstr) != 0) {
return -1;
command = TQString("rm -f %1").arg(revocationDatabaseFile);
if (system(command) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Execution of \"%s\" failed").arg(command);
return -1;
command = TQString("touch %1").arg(revocationDatabaseFile);
if (system(command) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Execution of \"%s\" failed").arg(command);
return -1;
command = TQString("openssl ca -days %1 -crldays %2 -crlhours 0 -gencrl -out %3 -config %4").arg(expirydays).arg(expirydays).arg(crl_certfile).arg(OPENSSL_EXTENSIONS_FILE);
if (system(command) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Execution of \"%s\" failed").arg(command);
return -1;
LDAPUserInfoList::Iterator it;
for (it = userList.begin(); it != userList.end(); ++it) {
LDAPUserInfo user = *it;
PKICertificateEntryList::Iterator it;
for (it = user.pkiCertificates.begin(); it != user.pkiCertificates.end(); ++it) {
PKICertificateEntry certificateData = *it;
TQCString ssldata(certificateData.second);
ssldata[certificateData.second.size()] = 0;
ssldata.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "");
ssldata.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "");
ssldata.replace("\n", "");
KSSLCertificate* cert = KSSLCertificate::fromString(ssldata);
if (cert) {
bool expired = false;
if (TQDate::currentDate().daysTo(cert->getQDTNotAfter().date()) < 0) {
expired = true;
if ((certificateData.first == PKICertificateStatus::Revoked) || expired) {
// Revoke this certificate
TQFile revokedCertFile(revoked_certfile);
if (revokedCertFile.open(IO_WriteOnly)) {
command = TQString("openssl ca -revoke %1 -config %2").arg(revoked_certfile).arg(OPENSSL_EXTENSIONS_FILE);
if (system(command) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Execution of \"%s\" failed").arg(command);
return -1;
// Regenerate CRL certificate
command = TQString("openssl ca -days %1 -crldays %2 -crlhours 0 -gencrl -out %3 -config %4").arg(expirydays).arg(expirydays).arg(crl_certfile).arg(OPENSSL_EXTENSIONS_FILE);
if (system(command) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Execution of \"%s\" failed").arg(command);
return -1;
// Upload certificate to LDAP
TQFile crlfile(crl_certfile);
if (crlfile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
TQByteArray crlfiledata = crlfile.readAll();
if (this->writeCertificateFileIntoDirectory(crlfiledata, "publicRootCertificateRevocationList", errstr) != 0) {
return -1;
// Clean up
if (fileExists(crl_certfile.ascii())) {
if (unlink(crl_certfile.ascii()) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(crl_certfile);
return -1;
if (fileExists(revoked_certfile.ascii())) {
if (unlink(revoked_certfile.ascii()) < 0) {
if (errstr) *errstr = TQString("Unable to unlink \"%1\"").arg(revoked_certfile);
return -1;
return retcode;
TQString LDAPManager::getMachineFQDN() {
struct addrinfo hints, *info, *p;
int gai_result;
@ -4443,16 +4578,28 @@ int LDAPManager::writePAMFiles(LDAPPamConfig pamConfig, TQString *errstr) {
int LDAPManager::writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, TQString *errstr) {
return writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, LDAPUserInfo(), TQString::fromLatin1(OPENSSL_EXTENSIONS_FILE), errstr);
return writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(realmcfg, LDAPUserInfo(), TQString::fromLatin1(OPENSSL_EXTENSIONS_FILE), TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, errstr);
int LDAPManager::writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, LDAPUserInfo user, TQString opensslConfigFile, TQString *errstr) {
int LDAPManager::writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, LDAPUserInfo user, TQString opensslConfigFile, TQString caRootKeyFile, TQString caRootCertFile, TQString caRootDatabaseFile, TQString *errstr) {
TQString crl_url = realmcfg.certificate_revocation_list_url;
if (crl_url == "") {
// Use a default to preserve certificate validity
// crl_url = TQString("http://%1/%2.crl").arg(realmcfg.name).arg(realmcfg.kdc);
if (caRootKeyFile == "") {
if (caRootCertFile == "") {
if (caRootDatabaseFile == "") {
TQString krb_principal = TQString::null;
if (user.informationValid) {
krb_principal = user.name + "@" + realmcfg.name.upper();
@ -4478,7 +4625,7 @@ int LDAPManager::writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, LDAPUse
stream << "# All changes will be lost!\n";
stream << "\n";
stream << "[ca]" << "\n";
stream << "default_ca = user" << "\n";
stream << "default_ca = certificate_authority" << "\n";
stream << "\n";
stream << "[usr]" << "\n";
// stream << "database = index.txt" << "\n";
@ -4489,6 +4636,16 @@ int LDAPManager::writeOpenSSLConfigurationFile(LDAPRealmConfig realmcfg, LDAPUse
stream << "email_in_dn = no" << "\n";
stream << "certs = ." << "\n";
stream << "\n";
stream << "[certificate_authority]" << "\n";
stream << TQString("database = %1\n").arg(caRootDatabaseFile) << "\n";
stream << TQString("certificate = %1\n").arg(caRootCertFile) << "\n";
stream << TQString("private_key = %1\n").arg(caRootKeyFile) << "\n";
// stream << TQString("crl = %1\n").arg(KERBEROS_PKI_CRL_FILE) << "\n";
stream << "default_md = sha1" << "\n";
stream << "policy = policy_match" << "\n";
stream << "email_in_dn = no" << "\n";
stream << "certs = ." << "\n";
stream << "\n";
stream << "[ocsp]" << "\n";
// stream << "database = index.txt" << "\n";
// stream << "serial = serial" << "\n";
@ -5016,6 +5173,7 @@ KerberosTicketInfo::~KerberosTicketInfo() {
LDAPCertConfig::LDAPCertConfig() {