x11vnc: minor tweaks for x11vnc 0.7 file release

runge 20 years ago
parent 42adf57266
commit 36181297d0

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cd "$(dirname "$0")"

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
2004-12-22 Karl Runge <runge@karlrunge.com>
* final polishing for 0.7 release, tkx11vnc tweaks
* more careful rfbPE in pick_window, start check_user_input4()
2004-12-19 Karl Runge <runge@karlrunge.com>
* cleanup putenv, snprint, other string manip.
* add -sync mode to remote control for better control

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
x11vnc README file Date: Mon Dec 20 11:34:56 EST 2004
x11vnc README file Date: Wed Dec 22 23:18:56 EST 2004
The following information is taken from these URLs:
@ -895,31 +895,15 @@ int srandom(unsigned int seed);
#define SHUT_RDWR 2
typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
#define XConvertCase(sym, lower, upper) \
*(lower) = sym; \
*(upper) = sym; \
if (sym >> 8 == 0) { \
if ((sym >= XK_A) && (sym <= XK_Z)) \
*(lower) += (XK_a - XK_A); \
else if ((sym >= XK_a) && (sym <= XK_z)) \
*(upper) -= (XK_a - XK_A); \
else if ((sym >= XK_Agrave) && (sym <= XK_Odiaeresis)) \
*(lower) += (XK_agrave - XK_Agrave); \
else if ((sym >= XK_agrave) && (sym <= XK_odiaeresis)) \
*(upper) -= (XK_agrave - XK_Agrave); \
else if ((sym >= XK_Ooblique) && (sym <= XK_Thorn)) \
*(lower) += (XK_oslash - XK_Ooblique); \
else if ((sym >= XK_oslash) && (sym <= XK_thorn)) \
*(upper) -= (XK_oslash - XK_Ooblique); \
You will also have to change all the snprint() references to sprintf()
calls x11vnc.c (sorry I don't know how to do this in a macro since
snprint() is varargs).
#ifndef snprintf
#define snprintf(a, n, args...) sprintf((a), ## args)
Then run make with the Solaris build script environment, everything
should compile without problems, and the resulting x11vnc binary
should work OK (but note the above XConvertCase only covers Latin 1).
should work OK (but note the workaround for XConvertCase in x11vnc.c
only covers Latin 1). If some non-x11vnc related programs fail (e.g.
test programs) and the x11vnc binary is not created try "make -k".
Similar sorts of kludges can be done on other older OS (Solaris,
Linux, ...) releases.

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ Actions
=RA update-all
=GA clear-all
=RA stop+quit
=GA Quit
@ -284,6 +285,10 @@ remote commands are not on a menu, but for those few you can
run the command directly this way. Just enter the command into
the Entry box when prompted. Use the prefix \"Q:\" to indicate
a -Q query. Examples: \"zero:20,20,100,100\", \"Q:ext_xfixes\"
set helptext(stop+quit) "
Send the stop command to the x11vnc server, then terminate the tkx11vnc gui.
set helptext(Quit) "
@ -778,10 +783,16 @@ proc menus_state {state} {
proc menus_enable {} {
global menus_disabled
menus_state "normal"
set menus_disabled 0
proc menus_disable {} {
global menus_disabled
set menus_disabled 1
menus_state "disabled"
@ -1183,6 +1194,8 @@ proc see_if_ok {query item expected} {
set query_result_list [split_query $query]
foreach q $query_result_list {
# XXX following will crash if $item is not a good regexp
# need to protect it \Q$item\E style...
# if {[regexp "^$item:" $q]} {
# set found $q
# }
@ -1409,6 +1422,12 @@ proc do_action {item} {
} elseif {$item == "all-settings"} {
} elseif {$item == "stop+quit"} {
push_new_value "stop" "stop" 1 0
set_connected no
after 500
destroy .
if {[value_is_string $item]} {
@ -1656,12 +1675,45 @@ proc disconnect_dialog {client} {
proc update_clients_and_repost {} {
global item_cascade menu_m menu_b
append_text "Refreshing connected clients list... "
query_all 1
set saw 0
set casc $item_cascade(current)
set last [$casc index end]
for {set i 0} {$i <= $last} {incr i} {
if {[$casc type $i] == "separator"} {
set name [$casc entrycget $i -label]
if {[regexp {^#} $name]} {
if {[regexp {^refresh-list} $name]} {
if {! $saw} {
append_text "\n"
set saw 1
append_text "client: $name\n"
if {! $saw} {
append_text "done.\n"
proc update_clients_menu {list} {
global item_cascade
set subm $item_cascade(current);
catch {destroy $subm}
menu $subm -tearoff 0
$subm add command
$subm add command -label "refresh-list" -command "update_clients_and_repost"
$subm add separator
set count 0
foreach client [split $list ","] {
@ -1762,7 +1814,16 @@ set v 0
set menu "$colf.menu$case.menu";
set menu_b($case) $menub
set menu_m($case) $menu
menubutton $menub -text "$case" -underline 0 \
set ul 0
foreach char [split $case ""] {
set char [string tolower $char]
if {![info exists underlined($char)]} {
set underlined($char) 1
incr ul
menubutton $menub -text "$case" -underline $ul \
-anchor w -menu $menu -background $fbg \
-font $bfont
pack $menub -side top -fill x
@ -2036,16 +2097,31 @@ MenuSelect>>
proc key_bindings {} {
global env
global env menus_disabled
if {[info exists env(USER)] && $env(USER) == "runge"} {
# quick restart
bind . <Control-KeyPress-c> {exec $argv0 $argv &; destroy .}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-p> {try_connect_and_query_all}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-u> {query_all 0}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-r> {query_all 0}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-d> {detach_from_display}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-a> {try_connect_and_query_all}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-p> { \
global menus_disabled; \
if {!$menus_disabled} {try_connect_and_query_all} \
bind . <Control-KeyPress-u> { \
global menus_disabled; \
if {!$menus_disabled} {query_all 0} \
bind . <Control-KeyPress-r> { \
global menus_disabled; \
if {!$menus_disabled} {query_all 0} \
bind . <Control-KeyPress-d> { \
global menus_disabled; \
if {!$menus_disabled} {detach_from_display} \
bind . <Control-KeyPress-a> { \
global menus_disabled; \
if {!$menus_disabled} {try_connect_and_query_all} \
proc stop_watch {onoff} {
@ -2337,7 +2413,7 @@ global env x11vnc_prog x11vnc_cmdline x11vnc_xdisplay x11vnc_connect;
global helpall helptext helpremote helplabel hostname;
global all_settings reply_xdisplay always_update
global max_text_height max_text_width
global menu_var unset_str
global menu_var unset_str menus_disabled
global bfont
global connected_to_x11vnc
global delay_sleep extra_sleep extra_sleep_split
@ -2345,6 +2421,7 @@ global cache_all_query_vars
set unset_str "(unset)"
set connected_to_x11vnc 0
set menus_disabled 0
set max_text_height 40
set max_text_width 90
set bfont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*;

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
" =RA update-all\n"
" =GA clear-all\n"
" --\n"
" =RA stop+quit \n"
" =GA Quit \n"
@ -292,6 +293,10 @@
"a -Q query. Examples: \\\"zero:20,20,100,100\\\", \\\"Q:ext_xfixes\\\" \n"
" set helptext(stop+quit) \"\n"
"Send the stop command to the x11vnc server, then terminate the tkx11vnc gui.\n"
" set helptext(Quit) \"\n"
"Terminate the tkx11vnc gui. Any x11vnc servers will be left running.\n"
@ -784,10 +789,16 @@
"proc menus_enable {} {\n"
" global menus_disabled\n"
" menus_state \"normal\"\n"
" set menus_disabled 0\n"
"proc menus_disable {} {\n"
" global menus_disabled\n"
" set menus_disabled 1\n"
" menus_state \"disabled\"\n"
@ -1189,6 +1200,8 @@
" set query_result_list [split_query $query]\n"
" foreach q $query_result_list {\n"
" # XXX following will crash if $item is not a good regexp\n"
" # need to protect it \\Q$item\\E style...\n"
"# if {[regexp \"^$item:\" $q]} {\n"
"# set found $q\n"
"# }\n"
@ -1415,6 +1428,12 @@
" } elseif {$item == \"all-settings\"} {\n"
" show_all_settings\n"
" return\n"
" } elseif {$item == \"stop+quit\"} {\n"
" push_new_value \"stop\" \"stop\" 1 0\n"
" set_connected no\n"
" update\n"
" after 500\n"
" destroy .\n"
" }\n"
" if {[value_is_string $item]} {\n"
@ -1662,12 +1681,45 @@
" }\n"
"proc update_clients_and_repost {} {\n"
" global item_cascade menu_m menu_b\n"
" append_text \"Refreshing connected clients list... \"\n"
" query_all 1\n"
" update\n"
" set saw 0\n"
" set casc $item_cascade(current)\n"
" set last [$casc index end]\n"
" for {set i 0} {$i <= $last} {incr i} {\n"
" if {[$casc type $i] == \"separator\"} {\n"
" continue\n"
" }\n"
" set name [$casc entrycget $i -label]\n"
" if {[regexp {^#} $name]} {\n"
" continue\n"
" }\n"
" if {[regexp {^refresh-list} $name]} {\n"
" continue\n"
" }\n"
" if {! $saw} {\n"
" append_text \"\\n\"\n"
" }\n"
" set saw 1\n"
" append_text \"client: $name\\n\"\n"
" }\n"
" if {! $saw} {\n"
" append_text \"done.\\n\"\n"
" }\n"
"proc update_clients_menu {list} {\n"
" global item_cascade\n"
" set subm $item_cascade(current);\n"
" catch {destroy $subm}\n"
" menu $subm -tearoff 0\n"
" $subm add command\n"
" $subm add command -label \"refresh-list\" -command \"update_clients_and_repost\"\n"
" $subm add separator\n"
" set count 0\n"
" foreach client [split $list \",\"] {\n"
@ -1768,7 +1820,16 @@
" set menu \"$colf.menu$case.menu\";\n"
" set menu_b($case) $menub\n"
" set menu_m($case) $menu\n"
" menubutton $menub -text \"$case\" -underline 0 \\\n"
" set ul 0\n"
" foreach char [split $case \"\"] {\n"
" set char [string tolower $char]\n"
" if {![info exists underlined($char)]} {\n"
" set underlined($char) 1\n"
" break\n"
" }\n"
" incr ul\n"
" }\n"
" menubutton $menub -text \"$case\" -underline $ul \\\n"
" -anchor w -menu $menu -background $fbg \\\n"
" -font $bfont\n"
" pack $menub -side top -fill x\n"
@ -2042,16 +2103,31 @@
"proc key_bindings {} {\n"
" global env\n"
" global env menus_disabled\n"
" if {[info exists env(USER)] && $env(USER) == \"runge\"} {\n"
" # quick restart\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-c> {exec $argv0 $argv &; destroy .}\n"
" }\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-p> {try_connect_and_query_all}\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-u> {query_all 0}\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-r> {query_all 0}\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-d> {detach_from_display}\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-a> {try_connect_and_query_all}\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-p> { \\\n"
" global menus_disabled; \\\n"
" if {!$menus_disabled} {try_connect_and_query_all} \\\n"
" }\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-u> { \\\n"
" global menus_disabled; \\\n"
" if {!$menus_disabled} {query_all 0} \\\n"
" }\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-r> { \\\n"
" global menus_disabled; \\\n"
" if {!$menus_disabled} {query_all 0} \\\n"
" }\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-d> { \\\n"
" global menus_disabled; \\\n"
" if {!$menus_disabled} {detach_from_display} \\\n"
" }\n"
" bind . <Control-KeyPress-a> { \\\n"
" global menus_disabled; \\\n"
" if {!$menus_disabled} {try_connect_and_query_all} \\\n"
" }\n"
"proc stop_watch {onoff} {\n"
@ -2343,7 +2419,7 @@
"global helpall helptext helpremote helplabel hostname;\n"
"global all_settings reply_xdisplay always_update\n"
"global max_text_height max_text_width\n"
"global menu_var unset_str\n"
"global menu_var unset_str menus_disabled\n"
"global bfont\n"
"global connected_to_x11vnc\n"
"global delay_sleep extra_sleep extra_sleep_split\n"
@ -2351,6 +2427,7 @@
"set unset_str \"(unset)\"\n"
"set connected_to_x11vnc 0\n"
"set menus_disabled 0\n"
"set max_text_height 40\n"
"set max_text_width 90\n"
"set bfont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*;\n"

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
.TH X11VNC "1" "December 2004" "x11vnc " "User Commands"
x11vnc - allow VNC connections to real X11 displays
version: 0.7pre, lastmod: 2004-12-20
version: 0.7pre, lastmod: 2004-12-23
.B x11vnc

@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ static int xdamage_base_event_type;
/* date +'lastmod: %Y-%m-%d' */
char lastmod[] = "0.7pre lastmod: 2004-12-20";
char lastmod[] = "0.7pre lastmod: 2004-12-23";
/* X display info */
@ -732,13 +732,21 @@ int pick_windowid(unsigned long *num) {
if (screen && screen->clientHead) {
/* they may be doing the pointer-pick thru vnc: */
int nfds;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = msec * 1000;
FD_SET(fileno(p), &set);
if (select(fileno(p)+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 0) {
/* note that rfbPE takes about 30ms too */
nfds = select(fileno(p)+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (nfds == 0 || nfds < 0) {
* select timedout or error.
* note this rfbPE takes about 30ms too:
rfbPE(screen, -1);
@ -12585,7 +12593,7 @@ static void check_user_input3(double dt, int tile_diffs) {
int spun_out, missed_out, allowed_misses, g, g_in;
double spin, spin_max, tm, to, dtm, rpe_last;
static int rfb_wait_ms = 2;
static double grind_spin_time = 0.30, dt_min = 0.075;
static double grind_spin_time = 0.30, dt_cut = 0.075;
static double quick_spin_fac = 0.65, spin_max_fac = 2.0;
static double rpe_wait = 0.15;
int grinding, gcnt, ms, split = 200;
@ -12593,12 +12601,13 @@ static void check_user_input3(double dt, int tile_diffs) {
if (first) {
char *p = getenv("SPIN");
if (p) {
sscanf(p, "%lf,%lf,%lf", &grind_spin_time, &dt_min, &quick_spin_fac);
sscanf(p, "%lf,%lf,%lf", &grind_spin_time, &dt_cut, &quick_spin_fac);
first = 0;
* Try for some "quick" pointer input processing.
@ -12615,8 +12624,8 @@ static void check_user_input3(double dt, int tile_diffs) {
* should continue, if we do so we say we are "grinding"
if (dt < dt_min) {
dt = dt_min; /* this is to try to avoid early exit */
if (dt < dt_cut) {
dt = dt_cut; /* this is to try to avoid early exit */
/* max spin time in 1st pass, comparable to last dt */
spin_max = quick_spin_fac * dt;
@ -12723,8 +12732,167 @@ static void check_user_input3(double dt, int tile_diffs) {
drag_in_progress = 0;
/* quick-n-dirty copy of check_user_input3, merge later... */
static void check_user_input4(double dt, int tile_diffs) {
int spun_out, missed_out, allowed_misses, g, g_in;
double spin, spin_max, tm, to, dtm, rpe_last;
static int rfb_wait_ms = 2;
static double grind_spin_time = 0.30, dt_cut = 0.075;
static double quick_spin_fac = 0.65, spin_max_fac = 2.0;
static double rpe_wait = 0.15;
int grinding, gcnt, ms, split = 200;
static int first = 1;
int Btile = tile_x * tile_y * bpp/8;
double Ttile;
double screen_rate = 5000000.; /* 5 MB/sec */
double client_rate = 80 * 100000.; /* 20 KB/sec @ 80X compression */
static double Tfac = 1.0;
static double dt_min = -1.0, dt_max = -1.0;
if (first) {
char *p = getenv("SPIN");
if (p) {
sscanf(p, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &grind_spin_time,
&dt_cut, &quick_spin_fac, &Tfac);
first = 0;
if (dt_min < 0 || dt < dt_min) {
dt_min = dt;
if (dt_max < 0 || dt > dt_max) {
dt_max = dt;
* when we first enter we require some pointer input
if (!got_pointer_input) {
drag_in_progress = 0;
Ttile = Btile * (1.0/screen_rate + 1.0/client_rate);
Ttile = Tfac * Ttile;
if (dt < dt_cut) {
dt = dt_cut; /* this is to try to avoid early exit */
/* max spin time in 1st pass, comparable to last dt */
spin_max = quick_spin_fac * dt;
grinding = 0; /* 1st pass is "not grinding" */
spin = 0.0; /* amount of time spinning */
spun_out = 0; /* whether we spun out of time */
missed_out = 0; /* whether we received no ptr input */
allowed_misses = 3; /* number of ptr inputs we can miss */
gcnt = 0;
tm = 0.0; /* timer variable */
rpe_last = to = tm; /* last time we did rfbPE() */
g = g_in = got_pointer_input;
while (1) {
int got_input = 0;
if (grinding) {
if (gcnt >= split) {
usleep(ms * 1000);
if (button_mask) {
drag_in_progress = 1;
if (show_multiple_cursors && tm > rpe_last + rpe_wait) {
rfbPE(screen, rfb_wait_ms * 1000);
rpe_last = tm;
} else {
rfbCFD(screen, rfb_wait_ms * 1000);
dtm = dtime(&tm);
spin += dtm;
if (spin > spin_max) {
/* get out if spin time over limit */
spun_out = 1;
} else if (tile_diffs > 200 && spin > Ttile * tile_diffs) {
/* XXX not finished. */
/* we think we can push the frame */
} else if (got_pointer_input > g) {
/* received some input, flush to display. */
got_input = 1;
g = got_pointer_input;
} else if (--allowed_misses <= 0) {
/* too many misses */
missed_out = 1;
} else {
/* these are misses */
int wms = 0;
if (! grinding && gcnt == 1 && button_mask) {
* missed our first input, wait for
* a defer time. (e.g. on slow link)
* hopefully client will batch them.
wms = 1000 * (0.5 * (spin_max - spin));
} else if (button_mask) {
wms = 10;
if (wms) {
usleep(wms * 1000);
if (spun_out && ! grinding) {
/* set parameters for grinding mode. */
grinding = 1;
if (spin > grind_spin_time || button_mask) {
spin_max = spin +
grind_spin_time * spin_max_fac;
} else {
spin_max = spin + dt * spin_max_fac;
ms = (int) (1000 * ((spin_max - spin)/split));
if (ms < 1) {
ms = 1;
/* reset for second pass */
spun_out = 0;
missed_out = 0;
allowed_misses = 3;
g = got_pointer_input;
gcnt = 0;
} else if (spun_out && grinding) {
/* done in 2nd pass */
} else if (missed_out) {
/* done in either pass */
drag_in_progress = 0;
static int check_user_input(double dt, int tile_diffs, int *cnt) {
