Karl Runge: 8bpp handling now much better, single window also, many improvements

dscho 21 years ago
parent e66f28fcaa
commit 872405e698

@ -43,14 +43,12 @@
* Obtain the libvncserver package (http://libvncserver.sourceforge.net).
* As of 12/2002 this version of x11vnc.c is contained in the libvncserver
* CVS tree and released in version 0.5. For earlier releases (say
* libvncserver-0.4) this file may be inserted in place of the original
* x11vnc.c file.
* CVS tree and released in version 0.5.
* gcc should be used on all platforms. To build a threaded version put
* "-D_REENTRANT -DX11VNC_THREADED" in the environment variable CFLAGS
* or CPPFLAGS (e.g. before running configure). The threaded mode is a
* bit more responsive, but can be unstable.
* or CPPFLAGS (e.g. before running the libvncserver configure). The
* threaded mode is a bit more responsive, but can be unstable.
* Known shortcomings:
@ -64,10 +62,6 @@
* general audio at the remote display is lost as well unless one separately
* sets up some audio side-channel.
* Windows using visuals other than the default X visual may have their
* colors messed up. When using 8bpp indexed color, the colormap may
* become out of date (as the colormap is added to) or incorrect.
* It does not appear possible to query the X server for the current
* cursor shape. We can use XTest to compare cursor to current window's
* cursor, but we cannot extract what the cursor is...
@ -81,6 +75,17 @@
* big areas near the cursor. The mouse painting is in general a bit
* ragged and not very pleasant.
* Windows using visuals other than the default X visual may have
* their colors messed up. When using 8bpp indexed color, the colormap
* is attempted to be followed, but may become out of date. Use the
* -flashcmap option to have colormap flashing as the pointer moves
* windows with private colormaps (slow). Displays with mixed 8bpp and
* 24bpp visuals will incorrect display the non-default one.
* Feature -id <windowid> can be picky: it can crash for things like the
* window not sufficiently mapped into server memory, use of -mouse, etc.
* SaveUnders menus, popups, etc will not be seen.
* Occasionally, a few tile updates can be missed leaving a patch of
* color that needs to be refreshed.
@ -99,18 +104,21 @@
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <rfb/rfb.h>
/* X and rfb framebuffer */
Display *dpy = 0;
Visual *visual;
Window window, rootwin;
int subwin = 0;
int scr;
int bpp;
int button_mask = 0;
int dpy_x, dpy_y;
int off_x, off_y;
int subwin = 0;
int indexed_colour = 0;
XImage *tile;
@ -206,7 +214,12 @@ int cursor_x, cursor_y; /* x and y from the viewer(s) */
int got_user_input = 0;
int shut_down = 0;
int quiet = 0;
int use_threads = 1;
int use_threads = 0;
@ -263,9 +276,9 @@ void interrupted (int sig) {
if (sig == 0) {
printf("caught X11 error:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "caught X11 error:\n");
} else {
printf("caught signal: %d\n", sig);
fprintf(stderr, "caught signal: %d\n", sig);
* to avoid deadlock, etc, just delete the shm areas and
@ -308,7 +321,7 @@ void set_signals(void) {
void client_gone(rfbClientPtr client) {
if (connect_once) {
printf("viewer exited.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "viewer exited.\n");
@ -319,8 +332,8 @@ enum rfbNewClientAction new_client(rfbClientPtr client) {
if (connect_once) {
if (screen->rfbDontDisconnect && screen->rfbNeverShared) {
if (! shared && client_count) {
printf("denying additional client: %s\n",
fprintf(stderr, "denying additional client:"
" %s\n", client->host);
@ -771,9 +784,14 @@ void draw_mouse(int x, int y, int which, int update) {
cur_sy = cursors[which]->sy;
reverse = cursors[which]->reverse; /* reverse video */
if (indexed_colour) {
black = BlackPixel(dpy, scr) % 256;
white = WhitePixel(dpy, scr) % 256;
if (reverse) {
int tmp = black;
black = white;
white = 0;
white = tmp;
@ -924,7 +942,8 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
static int first = 1;
static XColor color[NCOLOR], prev[NCOLOR];
Colormap cmap;
int i, diffs = 0;
Visual *vis;
int i, ncells, diffs = 0;
if (first) {
screen->colourMap.count = NCOLOR;
@ -935,7 +954,6 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
for (i=0; i < NCOLOR; i++) {
color[i].pixel = i;
prev[i].red = color[i].red;
prev[i].green = color[i].green;
prev[i].blue = color[i].blue;
@ -944,6 +962,24 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy, scr);
ncells = CellsOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr));
vis = visual;
if (subwin) {
XWindowAttributes attr;
if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, window, &attr)) {
cmap = attr.colormap;
vis = attr.visual;
ncells = vis->map_entries;
if (first && ncells != NCOLOR) {
fprintf(stderr, "set_colormap: number of cells is %d"
" instead of %d.\n", ncells, NCOLOR);
screen->colourMap.count = ncells;
if (flash_cmap && ! first) {
XWindowAttributes attr;
@ -953,11 +989,13 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
c = window;
while (c && tries++ < 16) {
/* XXX this is a hack, XQueryTree probably better. */
/* XQueryTree somehow? */
XQueryPointer(dpy, c, &r, &c, &rx, &ry, &wx, &wy, &m);
if (c && XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, c, &attr)) {
if (attr.colormap && attr.map_installed) {
cmap = attr.colormap;
vis = attr.visual;
ncells = vis->map_entries;
} else {
@ -965,12 +1003,32 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
if (ncells > NCOLOR) {
fprintf(stderr, "set_colormap: big problem: ncells=%d > %d\n",
ncells, NCOLOR);
if (vis->class == TrueColor || vis->class == DirectColor) {
* Kludge to make 8bpp TrueColor & DirectColor be like
* the StaticColor map. The ncells = 8 is "8 per subfield"
* mentioned in xdpyinfo. Looks OK... likely fortuitously.
if (ncells == 8) {
ncells = NCOLOR;
for (i=0; i < ncells; i++) {
color[i].pixel = i;
color[i].pad = 0;
XQueryColors(dpy, cmap, color, NCOLOR);
XQueryColors(dpy, cmap, color, ncells);
for(i=0; i < NCOLOR; i++) {
for(i=0; i < ncells; i++) {
screen->colourMap.data.shorts[i*3+0] = color[i].red;
screen->colourMap.data.shorts[i*3+1] = color[i].green;
screen->colourMap.data.shorts[i*3+2] = color[i].blue;
@ -983,7 +1041,7 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
if (diffs && ! first) {
rfbSetClientColourMaps(screen, 0, NCOLOR);
rfbSetClientColourMaps(screen, 0, ncells);
first = 0;
@ -993,6 +1051,7 @@ void set_colormap(void) {
* initialize the rfb framebuffer/screen
void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb) {
int have_masks = 0;
screen = rfbGetScreen(argc, argv, fb->width, fb->height,
fb->bits_per_pixel, 8, fb->bits_per_pixel/8);
@ -1001,17 +1060,20 @@ void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb) {
screen->rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel = fb->bits_per_pixel;
screen->rfbServerFormat.depth = fb->depth;
screen->rfbServerFormat.trueColour = (uint8_t) TRUE;
have_masks = (fb->red_mask|fb->green_mask|fb->blue_mask != 0);
if ( screen->rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel == 8
if ( ! have_masks && screen->rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel == 8
&& CellsOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(dpy,scr)) ) {
/* indexed colour */
printf("using 8bpp indexed colour\n");
if (! quiet) fprintf(stderr, "using 8bpp indexed colour\n");
indexed_colour = 1;
} else {
/* general case ... */
printf("using %dbpp depth=%d true colour\n", fb->bits_per_pixel,
if (! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "using %dbpp depth=%d true colour\n",
fb->bits_per_pixel, fb->depth);
/* convert masks to bit shifts and max # colors */
screen->rfbServerFormat.redShift = 0;
@ -1135,7 +1197,7 @@ void shm_create(XShmSegmentInfo *shm, XImage **ximg_ptr, int w, int h,
xim = XShmCreateImage(dpy, visual, bpp, ZPixmap, NULL, shm, w, h);
if (xim == NULL) {
rfbErr( "XShmCreateImage(%s) failed.\n", name);
rfbErr("XShmCreateImage(%s) failed.\n", name);
@ -1199,7 +1261,7 @@ void initialize_shm() {
set_fs_factor(1024 * 1024);
if (! fs_factor) {
printf("warning: fullscreen updates are disabled.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "warning: fullscreen updates are disabled.\n");
@ -1870,7 +1932,8 @@ void ping_clients(int tile_cnt) {
if (rfbMaxClientWait <= 3000) {
rfbMaxClientWait = 3000;
printf("reset rfbMaxClientWait to %d ms.\n", rfbMaxClientWait);
fprintf(stderr, "reset rfbMaxClientWait to %d ms.\n",
if (tile_cnt) {
last_send = now;
@ -2094,6 +2157,7 @@ void watch_loop(void) {
if (got_user_input && cnt % 10 != 0) {
/* every 10-th drops thru to code below... */
@ -2121,7 +2185,24 @@ void watch_loop(void) {
void print_help() {
char help[] =
"x11vnc options:\n"
"x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays.\n"
"Typical usage is:\n"
" Run this command in a shell on the remote machine \"far-host\":\n"
" x11vnc -display :0\n"
" Then run this in another window on the machine you are sitting at:\n"
" vncviewer far-host:0\n"
"Once x11vnc establishes connections with the X11 server and starts\n"
"listening as a VNC server it will print out a string: PORT=XXXX where\n"
"XXXX is typically 5900 (the default VNC port). One would next run something\n"
"like this on the local machine: \"vncviewer host:N\" where N is XXXX - 5900.\n"
"-display disp X11 server display to connect to, the X server process\n"
" must be running on same machine and support MIT-SHM.\n"
@ -2135,6 +2216,14 @@ void print_help() {
"-many keep listening for more connections rather than exiting\n"
" as soon as the first clients disconnect.\n"
"-q be quiet by printing less informational output.\n"
"-bg go into the background after screen setup.\n"
" something like this could be useful in a script:\n"
" port=`ssh $host \"x11vnc -display :0 -bg\" | grep PORT`\n"
" port=`echo \"$port\" | sed -e 's/PORT=//'`\n"
" port=`expr $port - 5900`\n"
" vncviewer $host:$port\n"
"-modtweak handle AltGr/Shift modifiers for differing languages\n"
" between client and host (default %s).\n"
"-nomodtweak send the keysym directly to the X server.\n"
@ -2150,10 +2239,8 @@ void print_help() {
" to cut down on load (default %d).\n"
"-nap monitor activity and if low take longer naps between\n"
" polls to really cut down load when idle (default %s).\n"
"-threads whether or not to use the threaded libvncserver\n"
"-nothreads algorithm [rfbRunEventLoop] (default %s).\n"
"-fs f if the fraction of changed tiles in a poll is greater\n"
" than f, the whole screen is updated (default %.2f).\n"
@ -2210,9 +2297,11 @@ char *choose_title(char *display) {
title[0] = '\0';
if (display[0] == ':') {
char host[MAXN];
if (gethostname(host, MAXN) == 0) {
strncpy(title, host, MAXN - strlen(title));
strncat(title, display, MAXN - strlen(title));
if (subwin) {
@ -2231,6 +2320,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int i, ev, er, maj, min;
char *use_dpy = NULL;
int dt = 0;
int bg = 0;
/* used to pass args we do not know about to rfbGetScreen(): */
int argc2 = 1; char *argv2[100];
@ -2241,10 +2331,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-display")) {
use_dpy = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-id")) {
/* expt to just show one window. XXX not finished. */
if (sscanf(argv[++i], "0x%x", &subwin) != 1) {
if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &subwin) != 1) {
printf("bad -id arg: %s\n", argv[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "bad -id arg: %s\n",
@ -2298,12 +2388,21 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")
|| !strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-q")) {
quiet = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bg")) {
bg = 1;
} else {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-desktop")) {
dt = 1;
/* otherwise copy it for use below. */
printf("passing arg to libvncserver: %s\n", argv[i]);
if (! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "passing arg to libvncserver: %s\n",
if (argc2 < 100) {
argv2[argc2++] = argv[i];
@ -2316,22 +2415,26 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (waitms < 0) {
waitms = 0;
printf("viewonly: %d\n", view_only);
printf("shared: %d\n", shared);
printf("conn_once: %d\n", connect_once);
printf("mod_tweak: %d\n", use_modifier_tweak);
printf("loc_curs: %d\n", local_cursor);
printf("mouse: %d\n", show_mouse);
printf("root_curs: %d\n", show_root_cursor);
printf("defer: %d\n", defer_update);
printf("waitms: %d\n", waitms);
printf("take_naps: %d\n", take_naps);
printf("threads: %d\n", use_threads);
printf("fs_frac: %.2f\n", fs_frac);
printf("gaps_fill: %d\n", gaps_fill);
printf("grow_fill: %d\n", grow_fill);
printf("tile_fuzz: %d\n", tile_fuzz);
printf("use_hints: %d\n", use_hints);
if (! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "viewonly: %d\n", view_only);
fprintf(stderr, "shared: %d\n", shared);
fprintf(stderr, "conn_once: %d\n", connect_once);
fprintf(stderr, "mod_tweak: %d\n", use_modifier_tweak);
fprintf(stderr, "loc_curs: %d\n", local_cursor);
fprintf(stderr, "mouse: %d\n", show_mouse);
fprintf(stderr, "root_curs: %d\n", show_root_cursor);
fprintf(stderr, "defer: %d\n", defer_update);
fprintf(stderr, "waitms: %d\n", waitms);
fprintf(stderr, "take_naps: %d\n", take_naps);
fprintf(stderr, "threads: %d\n", use_threads);
fprintf(stderr, "fs_frac: %.2f\n", fs_frac);
fprintf(stderr, "gaps_fill: %d\n", gaps_fill);
fprintf(stderr, "grow_fill: %d\n", grow_fill);
fprintf(stderr, "tile_fuzz: %d\n", tile_fuzz);
fprintf(stderr, "use_hints: %d\n", use_hints);
} else {
if (use_dpy) {
@ -2343,20 +2446,21 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (! dpy) {
printf("XOpenDisplay failed (%s)\n", use_dpy);
fprintf(stderr, "XOpenDisplay failed (%s)\n",
use_dpy ? use_dpy:"null");
} else if (use_dpy) {
printf("Using display %s\n", use_dpy);
if (! quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Using display %s\n", use_dpy);
} else {
printf("Using default display.\n");
if (! quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Using default display.\n");
if (! XTestQueryExtension(dpy, &ev, &er, &maj, &min)) {
printf("Display does not support the XTest extension.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Display does not support XTest extension.\n");
if (! XShmQueryExtension(dpy)) {
printf("Display does not support XShm extension"
fprintf(stderr, "Display does not support XShm extension"
" (must be local).\n");
@ -2384,7 +2488,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
window = (Window) subwin;
if ( ! XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, window, &attr) ) {
printf("bad window: 0x%x\n", window);
fprintf(stderr, "bad window: 0x%x\n", window);
dpy_x = attr.width;
@ -2394,17 +2498,18 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* show_mouse has some segv crashes as well */
if (show_root_cursor) {
show_root_cursor = 0;
printf("disabling root cursor drawing for subwindow\n");
fprintf(stderr, "disabling root cursor drawing for "
fb = XGetImage(dpy, window, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
printf("Read initial data from display into framebuffer.\n");
if (! quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Read initial data from display into framebuffer.\n");
if (fb->bits_per_pixel == 24) {
printf("warning: 24 bpp may have poor performance.\n");
if (fb->bits_per_pixel == 24 && ! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: 24 bpp may have poor performance.\n");
if (! dt) {
@ -2430,7 +2535,38 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("screen setup finished.\n");
if (screen->rfbPort) {
fprintf(stdout, "PORT=%d\n", screen->rfbPort);
if (! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "screen setup finished.\n");
if (bg) {
int p, n;
if ((p = fork()) > 0) {
} else if (p == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not fork\n");
if (setsid() == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "setsid failed\n");
n = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
dup2(n, 0);
dup2(n, 1);
dup2(n, 2);
if (n > 2) {
