Christian Beier 13 years ago
commit abf6fad894

@ -140,7 +140,25 @@ typedef union _rfbCredential
struct _rfbClient;
* Handles a text chat message. If your application should accept text messages
* from the server, define a function with this prototype and set
* client->HandleTextChat to a pointer to that function subsequent to your
* rfbGetClient() call.
* @param client The client which called the text chat handler
* @param value ????
* @param text The text message from the server
typedef void (*HandleTextChatProc)(struct _rfbClient* client, int value, char *text);
* Handles XVP server messages. If your application sends XVP messages to the
* server, you'll want to handle the server's XVP_FAIL and XVP_INIT responses.
* Define a function with this prototype and set client->HandleXvpMsg to a
* pointer to that function subsequent to your rfbGetClient() call.
* @param client The client which called the XVP message handler
* @param version The highest XVP extension version that the server supports
* @param opcode The opcode. 0 is XVP_FAIL, 1 is XVP_INIT
typedef void (*HandleXvpMsgProc)(struct _rfbClient* client, uint8_t version, uint8_t opcode);
typedef void (*HandleKeyboardLedStateProc)(struct _rfbClient* client, int value, int pad);
typedef rfbBool (*HandleCursorPosProc)(struct _rfbClient* client, int x, int y);
@ -346,19 +364,123 @@ extern rfbBool ConnectToRFBServer(rfbClient* client,const char *hostname, int po
extern rfbBool ConnectToRFBRepeater(rfbClient* client,const char *repeaterHost, int repeaterPort, const char *destHost, int destPort);
extern void SetClientAuthSchemes(rfbClient* client,const uint32_t *authSchemes, int size);
extern rfbBool InitialiseRFBConnection(rfbClient* client);
* Sends format and encoding parameters to the server. Your application can
* modify the 'client' data structure directly. However some changes to this
* structure must be communicated back to the server. For instance, if you
* change the encoding to hextile, the server needs to know that it should send
* framebuffer updates in hextile format. Likewise if you change the dimensions
* of the framebuffer, the server must be notified about this as well. Call this
* function to propagate your changes to the local 'client' structure over to
* the server. These changes to the local 'client' structure must be followed
* by a call to SetFormatAndEncodings():
* @li Encoding type
* @li Framebuffer dimensions
* @li Pixel format
* @li Remote cursor support
* @param client The client in which the format or encodings have been changed
* @return true if the format or encodings were sent to the server successfully,
* false otherwise
extern rfbBool SetFormatAndEncodings(rfbClient* client);
extern rfbBool SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest(rfbClient* client);
* Sends a framebuffer update request to the server. A VNC client may request an
* update from the server at any time. You can also specify which portions of
* the screen you want updated. This can be handy if a pointer is at certain
* location and the user pressed a mouse button, for instance. Then you can
* immediately request an update of the region around the pointer from the
* server.
* @note The coordinate system is a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system with
* the Z axis (unused) pointing out of the screen. Alternately you can think of
* it as a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the Z axis pointing
* into the screen. The origin is at the upper left corner of the framebuffer.
* @param client The client through which to send the request
* @param x The horizontal position of the update request rectangle
* @param y The vertical position of the update request rectangle
* @param w The width of the update request rectangle
* @param h The height of the update request rectangle
* @param incremental ???
* @return true if the update request was sent successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(rfbClient* client,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
rfbBool incremental);
extern rfbBool SendScaleSetting(rfbClient* client,int scaleSetting);
* Sends a pointer event to the server. A pointer event includes a cursor
* location and a button mask. The button mask indicates which buttons on the
* pointing device are pressed. Each button is represented by a bit in the
* button mask. A 1 indicates the button is pressed while a 0 indicates that it
* is not pressed. You may use these pre-defined button masks by ORing them
* together: rfbButton1Mask, rfbButton2Mask, rfbButton3Mask, rfbButton4Mask
* rfbButton5Mask
* @note The cursor location is relative to the client's framebuffer, not the
* client's screen itself.
* @note The coordinate system is a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system with
* the Z axis (unused) pointing out of the screen. Alternately you can think of
* it as a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the Z axis pointing
* into the screen. The origin is at the upper left corner of the screen.
* @param client The client through which to send the pointer event
* @param x the horizontal location of the cursor
* @param y the vertical location of the cursor
* @param buttonMask the button mask indicating which buttons are pressed
* @return true if the pointer event was sent successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool SendPointerEvent(rfbClient* client,int x, int y, int buttonMask);
* Sends a key event to the server. If your application is not merely a VNC
* viewer (i.e. it controls the server), you'll want to send the keys that the
* user presses to the server. Use this function to do that.
* @param client The client through which to send the key event
* @param key A key which was pressed in UTF-8
* @param down true if this was a key down event, false otherwise
* @return true if the key event was send successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool SendKeyEvent(rfbClient* client,uint32_t key, rfbBool down);
* Places a string on the server's clipboard. Use this function if you want to
* be able to copy and paste between the server and your application. For
* instance, when your application is notified that the user copied some text
* onto the clipboard, you would call this function to synchronize the server's
* clipboard with your local clipboard.
* @param client The client structure through which to send the client cut text
* message
* @param str The string to send (doesn't need to be NULL terminated)
* @param len The length of the string
* @return true if the client cut message was sent successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool SendClientCutText(rfbClient* client,char *str, int len);
* Handles messages from the RFB server. You must call this function
* intermittently so libvncclient can parse messages from the server. For
* example, if your app has a draw loop, you could place a call to this
* function within that draw loop.
* @note You must call WaitForMessage() before you call this function.
* @param client The client which will handle the RFB server messages
* @return true if the client was able to handle the RFB server messages, false
* otherwise
extern rfbBool HandleRFBServerMessage(rfbClient* client);
* Sends a text chat message to the server.
* @param client The client through which to send the message
* @param text The text to send
* @return true if the text was sent successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool TextChatSend(rfbClient* client, char *text);
* Opens a text chat window on the server.
* @param client The client through which to send the message
* @return true if the window was opened successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool TextChatOpen(rfbClient* client);
* Closes the text chat window on the server.
* @param client The client through which to send the message
* @return true if the window was closed successfully, false otherwise
extern rfbBool TextChatClose(rfbClient* client);
extern rfbBool TextChatFinish(rfbClient* client);
extern rfbBool PermitServerInput(rfbClient* client, int enabled);
@ -371,7 +493,28 @@ extern rfbBool SupportsServer2Client(rfbClient* client, int messageType);
/* client data */
* Associates a client data tag with the given pointer. libvncclient has
* several events to which you can associate your own handlers. These handlers
* have the client structure as one of their parameters. Sometimes, you may want
* to make data from elsewhere in your application available to these handlers
* without using a global variable. To do this, you call
* rfbClientSetClientData() and associate the data with a tag. Then, your
* handler can call rfbClientGetClientData() and get the a pointer to the data
* associated with that tag.
* @param client The client in which to set the client data
* @param tag A unique tag which identifies the data
* @param data A pointer to the data to associate with the tag
void rfbClientSetClientData(rfbClient* client, void* tag, void* data);
* Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given tag. See the
* the documentation for rfbClientSetClientData() for a discussion of how you
* can use client data.
* @param client The client from which to get the client data
* @param tag The tag which identifies the client data
* @return a pointer to the client data
void* rfbClientGetClientData(rfbClient* client, void* tag);
/* protocol extensions */
@ -406,12 +549,83 @@ extern rfbBool SetDSCP(int sock, int dscp);
extern rfbBool StringToIPAddr(const char *str, unsigned int *addr);
extern rfbBool SameMachine(int sock);
* Waits for an RFB message to arrive from the server. Before handling a message
* with HandleRFBServerMessage(), you must wait for your client to receive one.
* This function blocks until a message is received. You may specify a timeout
* in microseconds. Once this number of microseconds have elapsed, the function
* will return.
* @param client The client to cause to wait until a message is received
* @param usecs The timeout in microseconds
* @return the return value of the underlying select() call
extern int WaitForMessage(rfbClient* client,unsigned int usecs);
/* vncviewer.c */
* Allocates and returns a pointer to an rfbClient structure. This will probably
* be the first libvncclient function your client code calls. Most libvncclient
* functions operate on an rfbClient structure, and this function allocates
* memory for that structure. When you're done with the rfbClient structure
* pointer this function returns, you should free the memory rfbGetClient()
* allocated by calling rfbClientCleanup().
* A pixel is one dot on the screen. The number of bytes in a pixel will depend
* on the number of samples in that pixel and the number of bits in each sample.
* A sample represents one of the primary colors in a color model. The RGB
* color model uses red, green, and blue samples respectively. Suppose you
* wanted to use 16-bit RGB color: You would have three samples per pixel (one
* for each primary color), five bits per sample (the quotient of 16 RGB bits
* divided by three samples), and two bytes per pixel (the smallest multiple of
* eight bits in which the 16-bit pixel will fit). If you wanted 32-bit RGB
* color, you would have three samples per pixel again, eight bits per sample
* (since that's how 32-bit color is defined), and four bytes per pixel (the
* smallest multiple of eight bits in which the 32-bit pixel will fit.
* @param bitsPerSample The number of bits in a sample
* @param samplesPerPixel The number of samples in a pixel
* @param bytesPerPixel The number of bytes in a pixel
* @return a pointer to the allocated rfbClient structure
rfbClient* rfbGetClient(int bitsPerSample,int samplesPerPixel,int bytesPerPixel);
* Initializes the client. The format is {PROGRAM_NAME, [OPTIONS]..., HOST}. This
* function does not initialize the program name if the rfbClient's program
* name is set already. The options are as follows:
* <table>
* <tr><th>Option</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td>-listen</td><td>Listen for incoming connections</td></tr>
* <tr><td>-listennofork</td><td>Listen for incoming connections without forking
* </td></tr>
* <tr><td>-play</td><td>Unknown???</td></tr>
* <tr><td>-encodings</td><td>Set the encodings to use. The next item in the
* argv array is the encodings. Possible values are:</td></tr>
* <tr><td>-compress</td><td>Set the compression level. The next item in the
* argv array is the compression level as an integer. Possible values are:
* </td></tr>
* <tr><td>-scale</td><td>Set the scaling level. The next item in the
* argv array is the scaling level as an integer. Example:</td></tr>
* <tr><td>-qosdscp</td><td>Set the Quality of Service Differentiated Services
* Code Point (QoS DSCP). The next item in the argv array is the code point as
* an integer. Example:</td></tr>
* <tr><td>-repeaterdest</td><td>Set the ???. The next item in the argv array is
* the ???? as a string. Example:</td></tr>
* </table>
* The host may include a port number (delimited by a ':').
* @param client The client to initialize
* @param argc The number of arguments to the initializer
* @param argv The arguments to the initializer as an array of NULL terminated
* strings
* @return true if the client was initialized successfully, false otherwise.
rfbBool rfbInitClient(rfbClient* client,int* argc,char** argv);
/** rfbClientCleanup() does not touch client->frameBuffer */
* Cleans up the client structure and releases the memory allocated for it. You
* should call this when you're done with the rfbClient structure that you
* allocated with rfbGetClient().
* @note rfbClientCleanup() does not touch client->frameBuffer.
* @param client The client to clean up
void rfbClientCleanup(rfbClient* client);
#if(defined __cplusplus)
