ssvnc sync: connect_br.tcl socks4/5 http proxies, ss_vncviewer socks5 proxy. ssh 1st proxy. fix. on Darwin

runge 17 years ago
parent ecbd1a4902
commit e24cf9491c

@ -1,57 +1,4 @@
global env
set proxy1 ""
set proxy2 ""
set client_fh ""
set server_fh ""
set debug 0
if {$debug} {
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_DEST)]} {
set env(SSVNC_DEST) "haystack:2037"
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_PROXY)]} {
set env(SSVNC_PROXY) "haystack:2037"
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_LISTEN)]} {
set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) "6789"
set dest $env(SSVNC_DEST)
if [regexp {,} $env(SSVNC_PROXY)] {
set s [split $env(SSVNC_PROXY) ","]
set proxy1 [lindex $s 0]
set proxy2 [lindex $s 1]
} else {
set proxy1 $env(SSVNC_PROXY)
set s [split $proxy1 ":"]
set proxy1_host [lindex $s 0]
set proxy1_port [lindex $s 1]
if {$proxy2 != ""} {
set s [split $proxy2 ":"]
set proxy2_host [lindex $s 0]
set proxy2_port [lindex $s 1]
set lport $env(SSVNC_LISTEN)
set got_connection 0
set lsock [socket -myaddr -server handle_connection $lport]
if {1} {
wm withdraw .
button .b -text "CONNECT_BR" -command {destroy .}
pack .b
after 1000 check_callback
proc check_callback {} {
global debug
if {$debug} {
@ -61,41 +8,40 @@ proc check_callback {} {
after 1000 check_callback
proc getout {} {
global client_fh server_fh
set delay 50
catch {flush $client_fh}
after $delay
catch {close $client_fh}
after $delay
catch {flush $server_fh}
after $delay
catch {close $server_fh}
after $delay
destroy .
proc check_closed {} {
global client_fh server_fh debug
global got_connection
global got_connection debug
global client_fh server_fh
if {! $got_connection} {
set delay 100
if {$client_fh != "" && [eof $client_fh]} {
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "client_fh EOF"
catch {flush $client_fh}
after $delay
catch {close $client_fh}
after $delay
catch {flush $server_fh}
after $delay
catch {close $server_fh}
destroy .
if {$server_fh != "" && [eof $server_fh]} {
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "server_fh EOF"
catch {flush $server_fh}
after $delay
catch {close $server_fh}
after $delay
catch {flush $client_fh}
after $delay
catch {close $client_fh}
destroy .
@ -106,7 +52,7 @@ proc xfer_in_to_out {} {
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "xfer_in_to_out: $str"
if {$server_fh != ""} {
if {$server_fh != "" && $str != ""} {
puts -nonewline $server_fh $str
flush $server_fh
@ -121,7 +67,7 @@ proc xfer_out_to_in {} {
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "xfer_out_to_in: $str"
if {$client_fh != ""} {
if {$client_fh != "" && $str != ""} {
puts -nonewline $client_fh $str
flush $client_fh
@ -129,42 +75,14 @@ proc xfer_out_to_in {} {
proc handle_connection {fh host port} {
global proxy1_host proxy1_port
global proxy2_host proxy2_port
global proxy1 proxy2
global dest
global debug
global got_connection
if {$got_connection} {
catch {close $fh}
set got_connection 1
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "connection from: $host $port"
puts stderr "socket $proxy1_host $proxy1_port"
set sock [socket $proxy1_host $proxy1_port]
global client_fh server_fh
set client_fh $fh
set server_fh $sock
fconfigure $fh -translation binary -blocking 0
fconfigure $sock -translation binary -blocking 0
proc do_connect_http {sock hostport which} {
global debug cur_proxy
set con ""
if {$proxy2 != ""} {
append con "CONNECT $proxy2 HTTP/1.1\r\n"
append con "Host: $proxy2\r\n\r\n"
} else {
append con "CONNECT $dest HTTP/1.1\r\n"
append con "Host: $dest\r\n\r\n"
append con "CONNECT $hostport HTTP/1.1\r\n"
append con "Host: $hostport\r\n"
append con "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"
puts stderr "pxy=$which CONNECT $hostport HTTP/1.1 via $cur_proxy"
puts -nonewline $sock $con
flush $sock
@ -172,68 +90,413 @@ proc handle_connection {fh host port} {
set r ""
set cnt 0
while {1} {
incr cnt
set c [read $sock 1]
if {$c == ""} {
after 20
incr cnt
if {$debug} {
.b configure -text "A $cnt -- $c"
append r $c
if {[regexp "\r\n\r\n" $r] || [regexp "a--no--\n\n" $r]} {
if {$cnt > 3000} {
if {$cnt > 30000} {
if {! [regexp {HTTP/.* 200} $r]} {
puts stderr "did not find HTTP 200 #1"
if {1} {
destroy .
exit 1
destroy .
exit 1
proc do_connect_socks4 {sock hostport which} {
global debug cur_proxy
set s [split $hostport ":"]
set host [lindex $s 0]
set port [lindex $s 1]
set i1 ""
set i2 ""
set i3 ""
set i4 ""
set socks4a 0
if {$host == "localhost" || $host == ""} {
set i1 127
set i2 0
set i3 0
set i4 1
} elseif [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$} $host] {
set n [split $host "."]
set i1 [lindex $n 0]
set i2 [lindex $n 1]
set i3 [lindex $n 2]
set i4 [lindex $n 3]
} else {
set i1 0
set i2 0
set i3 0
set i4 3
set socks4a 1
if {$socks4a} {
puts stderr "pxy=$which socks4a connection to $host:$port via $cur_proxy"
} else {
puts stderr "pxy=$which socks4 connection to $host:$port via $cur_proxy"
set p1 [binary format ccScccc 4 1 $port $i1 $i2 $i3 $i4]
set p2 "nobody"
set p3 [binary format c 0]
puts -nonewline $sock $p1
puts -nonewline $sock $p2
puts -nonewline $sock $p3
if {$socks4a} {
puts -nonewline $sock $host
puts -nonewline $sock $p3
flush $sock
set r ""; set s ""; set i 0; set cnt 0
set ok 1
while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < 8} {
incr cnt
set c [read $sock 1]
if {$c == ""} {
after 20
binary scan $c c s
if {$i == 0 && $s != 0} {
puts stderr "socks4: $i - $s"
set ok 0
if {$i == 1 && $s != 90} {
puts stderr "socks4: $i - $s"
set ok 0
set r "$r,$s"
incr i
if {! $ok} {
puts stderr "socks4 failure: $r"
destroy .
exit 1
if {$proxy2 != ""} {
set con ""
append con "CONNECT $dest HTTP/1.1\r\n"
append con "Host: $dest\r\n\r\n"
proc do_connect_socks5 {sock hostport which} {
global debug cur_proxy
puts -nonewline $sock $con
flush $sock
set s [split $hostport ":"]
set host [lindex $s 0]
set port [lindex $s 1]
set p1 [binary format ccc 5 1 0]
puts -nonewline $sock $p1
flush $sock
set r ""; set s ""; set i 0; set cnt 0
set ok 1
while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < 2} {
incr cnt
set c [read $sock 1]
if {$c == ""} {
after 20
binary scan $c c s
if {$i == 0 && $s != 5} {
puts stderr "$i - $s"
set ok 0
if {$i == 1 && $s != 0} {
puts stderr "$i - $s"
set ok 0
set r "$r,$s"
incr i
if {! $ok} {
puts stderr "socks5 failure: $r"
destroy .
exit 1
set r ""
set cnt 0
while {1} {
set len [string length $host]
set p1 [binary format ccccc 5 1 0 3 $len]
set p2 $host
set n1 [expr int($port/256)]
set n2 [expr "$port - $n1 * 256"]
set p3 [binary format cc $n1 $n2]
puts stderr "pxy=$which socks5 connection to $host:$port via $cur_proxy"
puts -nonewline $sock $p1
puts -nonewline $sock $p2
puts -nonewline $sock $p3
flush $sock
set i1 ""; set i2 ""; set i3 ""; set i4 ""
set r ""; set s ""; set i 0; set cnt 0
set ok 1
while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < 4} {
incr cnt
set c [read $sock 1]
if {$c == ""} {
after 20
binary scan $c c s
if {$i == 0} {
set i1 $s
} elseif {$i == 1} {
set i2 $s
} elseif {$i == 2} {
set i3 $s
} elseif {$i == 3} {
set i4 $s
incr i
set r "i1=$i1,i2=$i2,i3=$i3,i4=$i4"
if {$i4 == 1} {
set n 6
} elseif {$i4 == 3} {
set c ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
set c [read $sock 1]
if {$c == ""} {
after 20
incr cnt
if {$debug} {
.b configure -text "B $cnt -- $c"
append r $c
if {[regexp "\r\n\r\n" $r] || [regexp "a--no--\n\n" $r]} {
if {$cnt > 3000} {
if {! [regexp {HTTP/.* 200} $r]} {
puts stderr "did not find HTTP 200 #2"
if {$c == ""} {
puts stderr "socks5 failure c: $r"
destroy .
exit 1
binary scan $c c s
set n [expr $s + 2]
} elseif {$i4 == 4} {
set n 18
} else {
puts stderr "socks5 failure x: $r"
destroy .
exit 1
#puts "n=$n --- $r"
set i 0; set cnt 0
while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < $n} {
incr cnt
set c [read $sock 1]
if {$c == ""} {
after 20
incr i
if {$i1 != 5 || $i2 != 0 || $i3 != 0} {
puts stderr "socks failure $r"
destroy .
exit 1
proc do_connect {sock type hostport which} {
if {$type == "http"} {
do_connect_http $sock $hostport $which
} elseif {$type == "socks"} {
do_connect_socks4 $sock $hostport $which
} elseif {$type == "socks5"} {
do_connect_socks5 $sock $hostport $which
proc handle_connection {fh host port} {
global proxy1_host proxy1_port proxy1_type
global proxy2_host proxy2_port proxy2_type
global proxy3_host proxy3_port proxy3_type
global proxy1 proxy2 proxy3 dest
global debug cur_proxy
global got_connection
if {$got_connection} {
catch {close $fh}
set got_connection 1
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "connection from: $host $port"
puts stderr "socket $proxy1_host $proxy1_port"
set rc [catch {set sock [socket $proxy1_host $proxy1_port]}]
if {$rc != 0} {
puts stderr "error connecting"
catch {close $sock}
destroy .
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "got sock: $sock"
global client_fh server_fh
set client_fh $fh
set server_fh $sock
fconfigure $fh -translation binary -blocking 0
fconfigure $sock -translation binary -blocking 0
fileevent $fh readable xfer_in_to_out
fileevent $sock readable xfer_out_to_in
set cur_proxy $proxy1
if {$proxy2 != ""} {
do_connect $sock $proxy1_type $proxy2 1
set cur_proxy $proxy2
if {$proxy3 != ""} {
do_connect $sock $proxy2_type $proxy3 2
set cur_proxy $proxy3
do_connect $sock $proxy3_type $dest 3
} else {
do_connect $sock $proxy2_type $dest 2
} else {
do_connect $sock $proxy1_type $dest 1
proc proxy_type {proxy} {
if [regexp -nocase {^socks://} $proxy] {
return "socks"
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^socks4://} $proxy] {
return "socks"
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^socks4a://} $proxy] {
return "socks"
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^socks5://} $proxy] {
return "socks5"
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^http://} $proxy] {
return "http"
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^https://} $proxy] {
return "http"
} else {
return "http"
global env
set proxy1 ""
set proxy2 ""
set proxy3 ""
set client_fh ""
set server_fh ""
set debug 0
if {$debug} {
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_DEST)]} {
set env(SSVNC_DEST) "haystack:2037"
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_PROXY)]} {
set env(SSVNC_PROXY) "haystack:2037"
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_LISTEN)]} {
set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) "6789"
} else {
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_DEST)]} {
destroy .; exit;
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_PROXY)]} {
destroy .; exit;
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_LISTEN)]} {
destroy .; exit;
set dest $env(SSVNC_DEST)
if [regexp {,} $env(SSVNC_PROXY)] {
set s [split $env(SSVNC_PROXY) ","]
set proxy1 [lindex $s 0]
set proxy2 [lindex $s 1]
set proxy3 [lindex $s 2]
} else {
set proxy1 $env(SSVNC_PROXY)
set proxy1_type [proxy_type $proxy1]
regsub {^[A-z0-9][A-z0-9]*://} $proxy1 "" proxy1
set s [split $proxy1 ":"]
set proxy1_host [lindex $s 0]
set proxy1_port [lindex $s 1]
set proxy2_type ""
set proxy2_host ""
set proxy2_port ""
set proxy3_type ""
set proxy3_host ""
set proxy3_port ""
if {$proxy2 != ""} {
set proxy2_type [proxy_type $proxy2]
regsub {^[A-z0-9][A-z0-9]*://} $proxy2 "" proxy2
set s [split $proxy2 ":"]
set proxy2_host [lindex $s 0]
set proxy2_port [lindex $s 1]
if {$proxy3 != ""} {
set proxy3_type [proxy_type $proxy3]
regsub {^[A-z0-9][A-z0-9]*://} $proxy3 "" proxy3
set s [split $proxy3 ":"]
set proxy3_host [lindex $s 0]
set proxy3_port [lindex $s 1]
set lport $env(SSVNC_LISTEN)
set got_connection 0
set rc [catch {set lsock [socket -myaddr -server handle_connection $lport]}]
if {$rc != 0} {
puts stderr "error listening"
destroy .
if {1} {
wm withdraw .
button .b -text "CONNECT_BR" -command {destroy .}
pack .b
after 1000 check_callback

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
rm -rf ./src/tmp/* || exit 1
cd .. || exit 1
