update java viewer and ssvnc.

runge 18 years ago
parent e6b592438b
commit e896f7b7f2

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ else
p2=`expr 5500 + $N`
connect="connect = localhost:$p2"
if [ "X$cert" = "X" ]; then
cat > $tcert <<END

@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ else
p2=`expr 5500 + $N`
connect="connect = localhost:$p2"
if [ "X$cert" = "X" ]; then
cat > $tcert <<END

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ exec wish "$0" "$@"
# ssvnc.tcl: gui wrapper to the programs in this
# package. Also sets up service port forwarding.
set version 1.0.17
set buck_zero $argv0
@ -422,6 +423,9 @@ proc help {} {
new X sessions if called repeatedly.
global version
set msg " SSVNC version: $version\n$msg"
.h.f.t insert end $msg
jiggle_text .h.f.t
@ -626,7 +630,38 @@ set msg {
enter a firewall) or if additional SSH port redirs are required
(CUPS, Sound, SMB tunnelling: See Advanced Options).
Reverse VNC connection: reverse (listening) VNC connections are possible.
Unix Username & Password: This is only available on Unix and when using
the SSVNC enhanced TightVNC viewer (it has been modified to
do Unix logins). It supports a login dialog with servers
doing something like x11vnc's "-unixpw" mode. After any
regular VNC authentication takes place (VNC Password), then
it sends the Unix Username, a Return, the Unix Password and
a final Return. This saves you from typing them into the
"login:" and "Password:" prompts in the viewer window.
Note that the x11vnc -unixpw login mode is external to the
VNC protocol, so you need to be sure the VNC server is in
this mode and will be waiting for the dialog. Otherwise the
username and password will be typed directly into the desktop
application that happens to have the focus!
When you select this option "Unix Username:" and "Unix
Password:" entry boxes appear on the main panel where you can
type them in. x11vnc has settings that can be specified after
a ":" in the Unix username; they may be used here as well.
(For example: username:3/4,nc for a smaller screen and -nocache)
If the Unix Username is not set when you click Connect, then
any SSH username@host is used. Otherwise the environment
variable $USER or $LOGNAME and finally whoami(1) is used.
Also Note that the Unix Password is never saved in a VNC
profile (so you have to type it each time). Also, the remote
x11vnc server is instructed to not echo the Username string
by sending an initial Escape. Set the SSVNC_UNIXPW_NOESC=1
environment variable to override this.
Reverse VNC Connection: reverse (listening) VNC connections are possible.
For SSL connections in the 'VNC Host:Display' entry box put in
the number (e.g. "0" or ":0") that corresponds to the Listening
@ -746,8 +781,8 @@ proc help_fetch_cert {} {
The above SSL Certificate has been retrieved from the VNC Server via the
"Fetch Cert" action.
It has merely been downloaded via the SSL Protocol: IT HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED
It has merely been downloaded via the SSL Protocol: **IT HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED
So, in principle, it could be a fake certificate being inserted by a bad
person attempting to perform a Man-In-The-Middle attack on your SSL connection.
@ -965,11 +1000,13 @@ proc set_defaults {} {
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
global ycrop_string use_listen
global ycrop_string use_listen use_unixpw unixpw_username
global include_list
set defs(use_viewonly) 0
set defs(use_listen) 0
set defs(use_unixpw) 0
set defs(unixpw_username) ""
set defs(use_fullscreen) 0
set defs(use_raise_on_beep) 0
set defs(use_bgr233) 0
@ -1029,11 +1066,13 @@ proc set_defaults {} {
set $var $defs($var)
global vncauth_passwd
global vncauth_passwd unixpw_passwd
set vncauth_passwd ""
set unixpw_passwd ""
ssl_ssh_adjust ssl
proc do_viewer_windows {n} {
@ -2068,7 +2107,7 @@ proc darwin_terminal_cmd {{title ""} {cmd ""} {bg 0}} {
global darwin_terminal_cnt
set tmp /tmp/darwin_terminal_cmd.[pid]
set tmp /tmp/darwin_terminal_cmd.[tpid]
if {! [info exists darwin_terminal_cnt]} {
set darwin_terminal_cnt 0
@ -2442,18 +2481,18 @@ proc fetch_cert {save} {
set on 0
foreach line [split $cert_text "\n"] {
if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----} $line] {
set on 1
incr on
if {! $on} {
if {$on != 1} {
append text "$line\n"
if [regexp -- {-----END CERTIFICATE-----} $line] {
set on 0
set on 2
global is_windows
set tmp "/tmp/cert.hsh.[pid]"
set tmp "/tmp/cert.hsh.[tpid]"
if {$is_windows} {
# VF
set tmp cert.hsh
@ -2472,8 +2511,9 @@ proc fetch_cert {save} {
if [regexp -nocase {SHA. Finger[^\n]*} $info mvar] {
set cert_text "$mvar\n\n$cert_text"
set cert_text "$cert_text\n\n----------------------------------\nOutput of x509 -text -fingerprint:\n\n$info"
set cert_text "SSL Certificate from $hp\n\n$cert_text"
set cert_text "==== SSL Certificate from $hp ====\n\n$cert_text"
if {! $save} {
@ -2693,7 +2733,7 @@ proc check_accepted_certs {} {
if {$i > 4} {
if [regexp {^SSL Certificate from (.*)} $line mv str] {
if [regexp {^==== SSL Certificate from (.*) ====} $line mv str] {
set from [string trim $str]
if [regexp -nocase {Fingerprint=(.*)} $line mv str] {
@ -2943,9 +2983,113 @@ proc check_accepted_certs {} {
return 0
proc tpid {} {
global is_windows
set p ""
if {!$is_windows} {
catch {set p [exec sh -c {echo $$}]}
if {$p == ""} {
set p [pid];
append p [clock clicks]
return $p
proc fini_unixpw {} {
global named_pipe_fh unixpw_tmp
if {$named_pipe_fh != ""} {
catch {close $named_pipe_fh}
if {$unixpw_tmp != ""} {
catch {file delete $unixpw_tmp}
proc init_unixpw {hp} {
global use_unixpw unixpw_username unixpw_passwd
global named_pipe_fh unixpw_tmp env
set named_pipe_fh ""
set unixpw_tmp ""
if {$use_unixpw} {
set name $unixpw_username
set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) ""
if {$name == ""} {
regsub {^.*://} $hp "" hp
set hptmp [get_ssh_hp $hp]
if [regexp {^(.*)@} $hptmp mv m1] {
set name $m1
if {$name == ""} {
if [info exists env(USER)] {
set name $env(USER)
if {$name == ""} {
if [info exists env(LOGNAME)] {
set name $env(LOGNAME)
if {$name == ""} {
set name [exec whoami]
if {$name == ""} {
set name "unknown"
set tmp "/tmp/unix.[tpid]"
catch {file delete $tmp}
if {[file exists $tmp]} {
mesg "file still exists: $tmp"
catch {exec mknod $tmp p}
set fh ""
if {! [file exists $tmp]} {
catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]}
} else {
catch {set fh [open $tmp "r+"]}
set named_pipe_fh $fh
catch {exec chmod 600 $tmp}
if {! [file exists $tmp]} {
mesg "cannot create: $tmp"
if {$named_pipe_fh != ""} {catch close $named_pipe_fh}
#puts [exec ls -l $tmp]
set unixpw_tmp $tmp
puts $fh $name
puts $fh $unixpw_passwd
if {$named_pipe_fh != ""} {
flush $fh
} else {
close $fh
exec sh -c "sleep 60; /bin/rm -f $tmp" &
if {$unixpw_passwd == ""} {
set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) "."
} else {
set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) "rm:$tmp"
} else {
if [info exists env(SSVNC_UNIXPW)] {
set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) ""
proc launch_unix {hp} {
global smb_redir_0 smb_mounts env
global vncauth_passwd
global vncauth_passwd use_unixpw unixpw_username unixpw_passwd
@ -2971,7 +3115,7 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set skip_ssh 0
set do_direct 0
if [regexp {vnc://} $hp] {
set skip_ssh 1
set do_direct 1
@ -3166,9 +3310,8 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
if {$change_vncviewer && $change_vncviewer_path != ""} {
set path [string trim $change_vncviewer_path]
if [regexp {^["'].} $path] { # "
set tmp "/tmp/vncspacewrapper."
set tmp "/tmp/vncspacewrapper.[tpid]"
set do_vncspacewrapper 1
append tmp [clock clicks -milliseconds]
catch {file delete $tmp}
if {[file exists $tmp]} {
catch {destroy .c}
@ -3232,7 +3375,7 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set passwdfile ""
if {$vncauth_passwd != ""} {
global use_listen
set passwdfile "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vncauth_tmp.[pid]"
set passwdfile "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vncauth_tmp.[tpid]"
catch {exec vncstorepw $vncauth_passwd $passwdfile}
catch {exec chmod 600 $passwdfile}
if {$use_listen} {
@ -3364,6 +3507,9 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set did_port_knock 1
init_unixpw $hp
wm withdraw .
@ -3406,6 +3552,8 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} {
do_port_knock $pk_hp finish
proc kill_stunnel {pids} {
@ -5154,14 +5302,14 @@ proc save_cert {hp} {
set on 0
foreach line [split $cert_text "\n"] {
if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----} $line] {
set on 1
incr on
if {! $on} {
if {$on != 1} {
append text "$line\n"
if [regexp -- {-----END CERTIFICATE-----} $line] {
set on 0
set on 2
global save_cert_text
@ -5459,6 +5607,7 @@ proc load_profile {{parent "."} {infile ""}} {
set profdone 1
putty_pw_entry check
proc sync_use_ssl_ssh {} {
@ -8273,7 +8422,7 @@ proc ssh_agent_restart {} {
mesg "could not find ssh-add in PATH"
set tmp $env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc-sa[pid]
set tmp $env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc-sa[tpid]
set fh ""
catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]}
if {$fh == ""} {
@ -8388,6 +8537,18 @@ proc listen_adjust {} {
proc unixpw_adjust {} {
global is_windows use_unixpw darwin_cotvnc
if {$is_windows || $darwin_cotvnc} {
if {$use_unixpw} {
pack configure .fu -after .f1 -fill x
} else {
pack forget .fu
proc set_options {} {
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
@ -8413,6 +8574,12 @@ proc set_options {} {
set iss $i
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_unixpw -text \
"Unix Username & Password" -command {unixpw_adjust}
if {$is_windows} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled}
if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled}
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_listen -text \
"Reverse VNC Connection (-listen)" -command {listen_adjust; if {$vncdisplay == ""} {set vncdisplay ":0"}}
#if {$is_windows} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled}
@ -8727,6 +8894,9 @@ set did_listening_message 0
global accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress
set accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress 0
global fetch_cert_filename
set fetch_cert_filename ""
label .l -text "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer" -relief ridge
set wl 21
@ -8738,32 +8908,42 @@ if {$multientry} {
label .f0.l -anchor w -text "VNC Host:Display" -relief ridge
entry .f0.e -width $we -textvariable vncdisplay
pack .f0.l -side left
pack .f0.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f0.e <Return> launch
pack .f0.l -side left
pack .f0.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f0.e <Return> launch
frame .f1
label .f1.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "VNC Password:" -relief ridge
entry .f1.e -width $we -textvariable vncauth_passwd -show *
pack .f1.l -side left
pack .f1.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f1.e <Return> launch
pack .f1.l -side left
pack .f1.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f1.e <Return> launch
frame .fu
label .fu.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "Unix Username:" -relief ridge
entry .fu.e -width 14 -textvariable unixpw_username
label .fu.m -anchor w -text "Unix Password:" -relief ridge
entry .fu.f -textvariable unixpw_passwd -show *
pack .fu.l -side left
pack .fu.e .fu.m -side left
pack .fu.f -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .fu.f <Return> launch
frame .f2
label .f2.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "Proxy/Gateway:" -relief ridge
entry .f2.e -width $we -textvariable vncproxy
pack .f2.l -side left
pack .f2.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f2.e <Return> launch
pack .f2.l -side left
pack .f2.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f2.e <Return> launch
frame .f3
label .f3.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "Remote SSH Command:" -relief ridge
entry .f3.e -width $we -textvariable remote_ssh_cmd
pack .f3.l -side left
pack .f3.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack .f3.l -side left
pack .f3.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
.f3.l configure -state disabled
.f3.e configure -state disabled
bind .f3.e <Return> launch
bind .f3.e <Return> launch
set remote_ssh_cmd_list {.f3.e .f3.l}

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
rm -rf ./src/tmp/* || exit 1
cd .. || exit 1
