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283 lines
6.7 KiB
283 lines
6.7 KiB
use Getopt::Long;
use nacro;
"script:s" => \$output,
"listen:i" => \$listen_port,
"timing" => \$timing,
"symbolic" => \$symbolic,
"compact" => \$compact,
"compact-dragging" => \$compact_dragging,
) || $#ARGV!=0) {
print STDERR "Usage: $ARGV0 [--script output_name] [--listen listen_port] [--timing]\n\t[--symbolic] [--compact] [--compact-dragging] server[:port]\n";
exit 2;
if ($timing) {
eval 'use Time::HiRes';
$timing=0 if $@;
if ($symbolic) {
eval 'use X11::Keysyms qw(%Keysyms)';
$symbolic=0 if $@;
%sym_name = reverse %Keysyms;
if($server=~/^(.*):(\d+)$/) {
if($2<100) {
if($listen_port<100) {
# do not overwrite script
if(stat("$")) {
print STDERR "Will not overwrite $\n";
exit 2;
# start connection
if($vnc<0) {
print STDERR "Could not initialize $server:$port\n";
exit 1;
open OUT, ">$";
print OUT "#!/usr/bin/perl\n";
print OUT "\n";
if ($symbolic) {
print OUT "use X11::Keysyms qw(\%sym);\n";
print OUT "use nacro;\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\$x_origin=0; \$y_origin=0;\n";
print OUT "\$vnc=nacro::initvnc(\"$server\",$port,$listen_port);\n";
$x_origin=0; $y_origin=0;
sub writetiming () {
if ($timing) {
if ($starttime>0) {
print OUT "nacro::process(\$vnc," . ($now - $starttime) . ");\n";
$last_button = -1;
sub handle_mouse {
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $buttons = shift;
if(nacro::sendmouse($vnc,$x,$y,$buttons)) {
$x-=$x_origin; $y-=$y_origin;
print OUT "nacro::sendmouse(\$vnc,\$x_origin"
. ($x>=0?"+":"")."$x,\$y_origin"
. ($y>=0?"+":"")."$y,$buttons);\n";
sub toggle_text {
my $text = shift;
if ($text eq "Timing") {
return $text . " is " . ($timing ? "on" : "off");
} elsif ($text eq "Key presses") {
return $text . " are recorded " . ($symbolic ? "symbolically"
: "numerically");
} elsif ($text eq "Mouse moves") {
return $text . " are recorded " . ($compact ? "compacted"
: "verbosely");
} elsif ($text eq "Mouse drags") {
return $text . " are recorded " . ($compact ? "compacted"
: "verbosely");
return $text . ": <unknown>";
$menu_message = "VisualNaCro: press 'q' to quit,\n"
. "'i' to display current settings,\n"
. "'c', 'r' to toggle compact mouse movements or drags,\n"
. "'d' to display current reference image,\n"
. "or mark reference rectangle by dragging";
while(1) {
if($result==0) {
# server went away
close OUT;
exit 0;
if($mode eq "passthru") {
if($result&$nacro::RESULT_KEY) {
if(nacro::sendkey($vnc,$keysym,$keydown)) {
if ($symbolic and exists $sym_name{$keysym}) {
print OUT 'nacro::sendkey($vnc,$sym{'.$sym_name{$keysym}."},$keydown);\n";
} else {
print OUT "nacro::sendkey(\$vnc,$keysym,$keydown);\n";
if($keysym==0xffe3 || $keysym==0xffe4) {
if (!$keydown) {
# Control pressed
if ($magickey > 1) {
$magickey = 0;
$mode = "menu";
$menu_message, 10);
} else {
if($result&$nacro::RESULT_MOUSE) {
if ($buttons != $last_buttons) {
if (!$buttons && $compact_dragging) {
handle_mouse($x, $y, $last_buttons);
$last_buttons = $buttons;
} else {
if (($buttons && $compact_dragging) ||
(!$buttons && $compact)) {
handle_mouse($x, $y, $buttons);
if ($result & $nacro::RESULT_TEXT_CLIENT) {
my $text = nacro::gettext_client($vnc);
if (nacro::sendtext($vnc,$text)) {
print OUT "nacro::sendtext(\$vnc, q(\Q$text\E));\n";
print "got text from client: $text\n";
if ($result & $nacro::RESULT_TEXT_SERVER) {
my $text = nacro::gettext_server($vnc);
if (nacro::sendtext_to_server($vnc,$text)) {
print OUT "nacro::sendtext_to_server(\$vnc, q(\Q$text\E));\n";
print "got text from server: $text\n";
} else {
if($result&$nacro::RESULT_KEY) {
if($keysym==ord('q')) {
# shutdown
close OUT;
exit 0;
} elsif ($keysym == ord('d')) {
$pnm=$output.($image_counter - 1).".pnm";
$res = nacro::displaypnm($vnc, $pnm,
$x_origin, $y_origin, 1, 10);
#0, 0, 1, 10);
if ($res == 0) {
nacro::alert($vnc, "Error displaying "
. $pnm, 10);
} elsif ($keysym == ord('i')) {
nacro::alert($vnc, "Current settings:\n"
. "\n"
. "Script: $output\n"
. "Server: $server\n"
. "Listening on port: $port\n"
. toggle_text("Timing") . "\n"
. toggle_text("Key presses") . "\n"
. toggle_text("Mouse moves") . "\n"
. toggle_text("Mouse drags"), 10);
} elsif ($keysym == ord('c')) {
$compact = !$compact;
toggle_text("Mouse moves"), 10);
} elsif ($keysym == ord('r')) {
$compact_dragging = !$compact_dragging;
toggle_text("Mouse drags"), 10);
} else {
nacro::alert($vnc,"Unknown key",10);
if($result&$nacro::RESULT_MOUSE) {
if(($buttons&1)==1) {
print STDERR "start draggin: $x $y\n";
nacro::rubberband($vnc, $x, $y);
if($start_x==$x && $start_y==$y) {
# reset
print OUT "\$x_origin=0; \$y_origin=0;\n";
} else {
if($start_x>$x) {
$dummy=$x; $x=$start_x; $start_x=$dummy;
if($start_y>$y) {
$dummy=$y; $y=$start_y; $start_y=$dummy;
if(!nacro::savepnm($vnc,$pnm,$start_x,$start_y,$x,$y)) {
nacro::alert($vnc,"Saving $pnm failed!",10);
} else {
nacro::alert($vnc,"Got new origin: $x_origin $y_origin",10);
print OUT "if(nacro::visualgrep(\$vnc,\"$pnm\",999999)) {\n"
. "\t\$x_origin=nacro::getxorigin(\$vnc);\n"
. "\t\$y_origin=nacro::getyorigin(\$vnc);\n}\n";