You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

5032 lines
130 KiB

# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish "$0" "$@"
# Copyright (c) 2006 by Karl J. Runge <>
# ssl_tightvncviewer.tcl: gui wrapper to the , etc. programs in this
# ssl_tightvncviewerpackage. Also sets up service port forwarding.
set buck_zero $argv0
proc center_win {w} {
set W [winfo screenwidth $w]
set W [expr $W + 1]
wm geometry $w +$W+0
set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo width $w]/2]
set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo height $w]/2]
wm geometry $w +$x+$y
proc apply_bg {w} {
global is_windows system_button_face
if {$is_windows && $system_button_face != ""} {
catch {$w configure -bg "$system_button_face"}
proc scroll_text {fr {w 80} {h 35}} {
global help_font is_windows
catch {destroy $fr}
frame $fr -bd 0
eval text $fr.t -width $w -height $h $help_font \
-setgrid 1 -bd 2 -yscrollcommand {"$fr.y set"} -relief ridge
apply_bg $fr.t
scrollbar $fr.y -orient v -relief sunken -command "$fr.t yview"
pack $fr.y -side right -fill y
pack $fr.t -side top -fill both -expand 1
focus $fr.t
proc scroll_text_dismiss {fr {w 80} {h 35}} {
global help_font
scroll_text $fr $w $h
set up $fr
regsub {\.[^.]*$} $up "" up
button $up.d -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $up"
bind $up <Escape> "destroy $up"
pack $up.d -side bottom -fill x
pack $fr -side top -fill both -expand 1
proc help {} {
catch {destroy .h}
toplevel .h
scroll_text_dismiss .h.f
center_win .h
wm title .h "SSL TightVNC Viewer Help"
set msg {
Enter the VNC host and display in the 'VNC Server' entry box.
It is of the form "host:number", where "host" is the hostname of the
machine running the VNC Server and "number" is the VNC display number;
it is often "0". Examples:
Then click on "Connect". When you do so the STUNNEL program will be
started locally to provide you with an outgoing SSL tunnel.
Once the STUNNEL is running, the TightVNC Viewer will be automatically
started directed to the local SSL tunnel which, in turn, encrypts and
redirects the connection to the remote VNC server.
The remote VNC server must support an initial SSL handshake before
using the VNC protocol (i.e. VNC is tunnelled through the SSL channel
after it is established). "x11vnc -ssl ..." does this, and any VNC
server can be made to do this by using, e.g., STUNNEL on the remote side.
Click on "Options ..." if you want to use an *SSH* tunnel instead of
SSL (then the VNC Server does not need to speak SSL or use STUNNEL).
Note that on Windows when the Viewer connection is finished you may
need to terminate STUNNEL manually from the System Tray (right click
on dark green icon) and selecting "Exit".
Proxies: If an intermediate proxy is needed to make the SSL connection
(e.g. web gateway out of a firewall), supply both hosts separated
by spaces (with the proxy 2nd):
host:number gwhost:port
E.g.: far-way.east:0
See the ssl_vncviewer description and x11vnc FAQ for info on proxies:
If you want to use a SSL Certificate (PEM) file to authenticate yourself
to the VNC server ("MyCert") or to verify the identity of the VNC Server
("ServerCert" or "CertsDir") import the certificate file by clicking
the "Certs ..." button before connecting.
Certificate verification is needed to prevent Man In the Middle attacks.
See the x11vnc documentation:
for how to create and use PEM SSL certificate files. An easy way is:
x11vnc -ssl SAVE ...
where it will print out its automatically generated certificate to
the screen and that can be safely copied to the viewer side.
To set other Options, e.g. to use SSH instead of STUNNEL SSL,
click on the "Options ..." button and read the Help there.
See these links for more information:
1) On Unix to get a 2nd GUI (e.g. for a 2nd connection) press Ctrl-N
on the GUI. If only the xterm window is visible you can press
Ctrl-N or try Ctrl-LeftButton -> New SSL_VNC_GUI. On Windows you
will have to manually Start a new one: Start -> Run ..., etc.
2) If you use "user@hostname cmd=SHELL" then you get an SSH shell only:
no VNC viewer will be launched. On Windows "user@hostname cmd=PUTTY"
will try to use putty.exe (better terminal emulation than plink.exe)
A shortcut for this is Ctrl-S.
.h.f.t insert end $msg
#raise .h
proc help_certs {} {
catch {destroy .ch}
toplevel .ch
scroll_text_dismiss .ch.f 90 33
center_win .ch
wm resizable .ch 1 0
wm title .ch "SSL Certificates Help"
set msg {
Only with SSL Certificate verification can Man In the Middle attacks be
prevented. Otherwise, only passive snooping attacks are prevented with SSL.
You can specify your own SSL certificate (PEM) file in "MyCert" in which case it
is used to authenticate you (the viewer) to the remote VNC Server. If this fails
the remote VNC Server will drop the connection.
Server certs can be specified in one of two ways:
- A single certificate (PEM) file for a single server
or a single Certificate Authority (CA)
- A directory of certificate (PEM) files stored in
the special OpenSSL hash fashion.
The former is set via "ServerCert" in this gui.
The latter is set via "CertsDir" in this gui.
The former corresponds to the "CAfile" STUNNEL parameter.
The latter corresponds to the "CApath" STUNNEL parameter.
See stunnel(8) or for more information.
If the remote VNC Server fails to authenticate itself with respect to the specified
certificate(s), then the VNC Viewer (your side) will drop the connection.
If "Use SSH instead" has been selected then SSL certs are disabled.
See the x11vnc and STUNNEL documentation for how to create and use PEM
certificate files:
.ch.f.t insert end $msg
#raise .ch
proc help_opts {} {
catch {destroy .oh}
toplevel .oh
scroll_text_dismiss .oh.f
center_win .oh
wm title .oh "SSL Viewer Options Help"
set msg {
Use SSH: Instead of using STUNNEL SSL, use ssh(1) for the encrypted
tunnel. You must be able to log in via ssh to the remote host.
On Unix the cmdline ssh(1) program will be run in an xterm
for authentication, etc. On Windows the cmdline plink.exe
program will be launched in a Windows Console window.
You can set the "VNC Server" to "user@host:disp" to indicate
ssh should log in as "user" on "host". On Windows you must
always supply the "user@" part (due to a plink deficiency). E.g.:
If a gateway machine must be used (e.g. to enter a firewall;
the VNC Server is not running on it), put something like this
in the "VNC Server" entry box:
workstation:0 user@gateway-host:port
ssh is used to login to user@gateway-host and then a -L port
redirection is set up to go to workstation:0 from gateway-host.
":port" is optional, use it if the gateway-host SSH port is
not the default value 22.
At the very end of the entry box, you can also append a
cmd=... string to indicate that command should be run via ssh
on the remote machine instead of the default "sleep 15". E.g.:
user@host:0 cmd=x11vnc -nopw -display :0
(if a gateway is also needed, put it just before the cmd=...)
Trick: If you use "cmd=SHELL" then you get an SSH shell only:
no VNC viewer will be launched. On Windows "cmd=PUTTY" will
try to use putty.exe (better terminal emulation than plink.exe)
Ctrl-S is a shortcut for this.
Use SSH and SSL: Tunnel the SSL connection through a SSH tunnel. Use this
if you want end-to-end SSL and must use a SSH gateway (e.g. to
enter a firewall) or if additional SSH port redirs are required
(CUPS, Sound, SMB tunnelling: See Advanced options).
Putty PW: On Windows only: use the supplied password for plink SSH logins.
Unlike the other options the value is not saved when 'Save
Profile' is used. This feature useful when options under
"Advanced" are set that require 2 SSH's: you just have
to type the password once in this entry box. The bundled
pagent.exe and puttygen.exe programs can also be used to avoid
repeatedly entering passwords (note this requires setting up
and distributing SSH keys). Start up pagent.exe or puttygen.exe
and read the instructions there.
ssh-agent: On Unix only: restart the GUI in the presence of ssh-agent(1)
(e.g. in case you forgot to start your agent before starting
this GUI). An xterm will be used to enter passphrases, etc.
This can avoid repeatedly entering passphrases for the
SSH logins (note this requires setting up and distributing
SSH keys).
View Only: Have VNC Viewer ignore mouse and keyboard input.
Fullscreen: Start the VNC Viewer in fullscreen mode.
Raise On Beep: Deiconify viewer when bell rings.
Use 8bit color: Request a very low-color pixel format.
Cursor Alphablending: Use the x11vnc alpha hack for translucent cursors
(requires Unix, 32bpp and same endianness)
Use XGrabServer: On Unix only, use the XGrabServer workaround for
old window managers.
Do not use JPEG: Do not use the jpeg aspect of the tight encoding.
Compress Level/Quality: Set TightVNC encoding parameters.
Save and Load: You can Save the current settings by clicking on Save
Profile (.vnc file) and you can also read in a saved one
with Load Profile.
Clear Options: Set all options to their defaults (i.e. unset).
Advanced: Bring up the Advanced options dialog.
.oh.f.t insert end $msg
#raise .oh
proc win_nokill_msg {} {
global help_font is_windows system_button_face
catch {destroy .w}
toplevel .w
eval text .w.t -width 60 -height 11 $help_font
button .w.d -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .w}
pack .w.t .w.d -side top -fill x
apply_bg .w.t
center_win .w
wm resizable .w 1 0
wm title .w "SSL Viewer: Warning"
set msg {
The TightVNC Viewer has exited.
You will need to terminate STUNNEL manually.
To do this go to the System Tray and right-click on the STUNNEL
icon (dark green). Then click "Exit".
You can also double click on the STUNNEL icon to view the log
for error messages and other information.
.w.t insert end $msg
#raise .w
proc win_kill_msg {pids} {
global terminate_pids
global help_font
catch {destroy .w}
toplevel .w
eval text .w.t -width 72 -height 19 $help_font
button .w.d -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .w; set terminate_pids no}
button .w.k -text "Terminate STUNNEL" -command {destroy .w; set terminate_pids yes}
pack .w.t .w.k .w.d -side top -fill x
apply_bg .w.t
center_win .w
wm resizable .w 1 0
wm title .w "SSL Viewer: Warning"
set msg {
The TightVNC Viewer has exited.
We can terminate the following still running STUNNEL process(es):
append msg " $pids\n"
append msg {
Click on the "Terminate STUNNEL" button below to do so.
Before terminating STUNNEL you can double click on the STUNNEL
Tray icon to view its log for error messages and other information.
Note: You may STILL need to terminate STUNNEL manually if we are
unable to kill it. To do this go to the System Tray and right-click
on the STUNNEL icon (dark green). Then click "Exit". You will
probably also need to hover the mouse over the STUNNEL Tray Icon to
make the Tray notice STUNNEL is gone...
.w.t insert end $msg
#raise .w
proc win9x_plink_msg {file} {
catch {destroy .pl}
global help_font win9x_plink_msg_done
toplevel .pl
eval text .pl.t -width 90 -height 26 $help_font
button .pl.d -text "OK" -command {destroy .pl; set win9x_plink_msg_done 1}
wm protocol .pl WM_DELETE_WINDOW {catch {destroy .pl}; set win9x_plink_msg_done 1}
pack .pl.t .pl.d -side top -fill x
apply_bg .pl.t
center_win .pl
wm resizable .pl 1 0
wm title .pl "SSL Viewer: Win9x Warning"
set msg {
Due to limitations on Window 9x you will have to manually start up
a COMMAND.COM terminal and paste in the following command:
set pwd [pwd]
regsub -all {/} $pwd "\\" pwd
append msg " $pwd\\$file\n"
append msg {
The reason for this is a poor Console application implementation that
affects many text based applications.
To start up a COMMAND.COM terminal, click on the Start -> Run, and then
type COMMAND in the entry box and hit Return or click OK.
To select the above command, highlight it with the mouse and then press
Ctrl-C. Then go over the the COMMAND.COM window and click on the
Clipboard paste button. Once pasted in, press Return to run the script.
This will start up a PLINK.EXE ssh login to the remote computer,
and after you log in successfully and indicate (QUICKLY!!) that the
connection is OK by clicking OK in this dialog. If the SSH connection
cannot be autodetected you will ALSO need to click "Success" in the
"plink ssh status?" dialog, the VNC Viewer will be started going
through the SSH tunnel.
.pl.t insert end $msg
wm deiconify .pl
proc mesg {str} {
set maxx 53
if {[string length $str] > $maxx} {
set str [string range $str 0 $maxx]
append str " ..."
.l configure -text $str
proc get_ssh_hp {str} {
set str [string trim $str]
regsub {[ ].*$} $str "" str
return $str
proc get_ssh_cmd {str} {
set str [string trim $str]
if [regexp {cmd=(.*$)} $str m cmd] {
set cmd [string trim $cmd]
regsub -nocase {^%x11vncr$} $cmd "x11vnc -nopw -display none -rawfb rand" cmd
regsub -nocase {^%x11vnc$} $cmd "x11vnc -nopw -display none -rawfb null" cmd
return $cmd
} else {
return ""
proc get_ssh_proxy {str} {
set str [string trim $str]
regsub {cmd=(.*$)} $str "" str
set str [string trim $str]
if { ![regexp {[ ]} $str]} {
return ""
regsub {^.*[ ][ ]*} $str "" str
return $str
proc set_defaults {} {
global mycert svcert crtdir
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
global compresslevel_text quality_text
global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt
global cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile
global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port
global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4
global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
set use_ssh 0
set use_sshssl 0
putty_pw_entry check
set use_viewonly 0
set use_fullscreen 0
set use_raise_on_beep 0
set use_bgr233 0
set use_alpha 0
set use_grab 0
set use_nojpeg 0
set use_compresslevel "default"
set use_quality "default"
set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $use_compresslevel"
set quality_text "Quality: $use_quality"
set mycert ""
set svcert ""
set crtdir ""
set use_cups 0
set use_sound 0
set use_smbmnt 0
set change_vncviewer 0
set change_vncviewer_path ""
set cups_manage_rcfile 0
set vncviewer_realvnc4 0
set additional_port_redirs 0
set additional_port_redirs_list ""
set cups_local_server ""
set cups_remote_port ""
set cups_local_smb_server ""
set cups_remote_smb_port ""
set smb_su_mode "su"
set smb_mount_list ""
set sound_daemon_remote_cmd ""
set sound_daemon_remote_port ""
set sound_daemon_kill 0
set sound_daemon_restart 0
set sound_daemon_local_cmd ""
set sound_daemon_local_port ""
set sound_daemon_local_start 0
set sound_daemon_local_kill 0
set use_port_knocking 0
set port_knocking_list ""
proc do_viewer_windows {n} {
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4
set cmd "vncviewer"
if {$change_vncviewer && $change_vncviewer_path != ""} {
set cmd [string trim $change_vncviewer_path]
regsub -all {\\} $cmd {/} cmd
if {[regexp {[ \t]} $cmd]} {
if {[regexp -nocase {\.exe$} $cmd]} {
if {! [regexp {["']} $cmd]} { #"
# hmmm, not following instructions, are they?
set cmd "\"$cmd\""
if {$use_viewonly} {
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " viewonly=1"
} else {
append cmd " /viewonly"
if {$use_fullscreen} {
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " fullscreen=1"
} else {
append cmd " /fullscreen"
if {$use_bgr233} {
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " lowcolourlevel=1"
} else {
append cmd " /8bit"
if {$use_nojpeg} {
if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " /nojpeg"
if {$use_raise_on_beep} {
if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " /belldeiconify"
if {$use_compresslevel != "" && $use_compresslevel != "default"} {
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " zliblevel=$use_compresslevel"
} else {
append cmd " /compresslevel $use_compresslevel"
if {$use_quality != "" && $use_quality != "default"} {
if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} {
append cmd " /quality $use_quality"
append cmd " localhost:$n"
mesg $cmd
set emess ""
set rc [catch {eval exec $cmd} emess]
if {$rc != 0} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message $emess -title "Error: $cmd"
proc get_netstat {} {
set ns ""
catch {set ns [exec netstat -an]}
return $ns
proc get_ipconfig {} {
global is_win9x
set ip ""
if {! $is_win9x} {
catch {set ip [exec ipconfig]}
return $ip
set file "ip"
append file [pid]
append file ".txt"
catch {[exec winipcfg /Batch $file]}
if [file exists $file] {
set fh [open $file "r"]
while {[gets $fh line] > -1} {
append ip "$line\n"
close $fh
catch {file delete $file}
return $ip
proc guess_nat_ip {} {
global save_nat last_save_nat
set s ""
if {! [info exists save_nat]} {
set save_nat ""
set last_save_nat 0
if {$save_nat != ""} {
set now [clock seconds]
if {$now < $last_save_nat + 45} {
return $save_nat
set s ""
catch {set s [socket "" 80]}
set ip "unknown"
if {$s != ""} {
fconfigure $s -buffering none
puts $s "GET / HTTP/1.1"
puts $s "Host:"
puts $s "Connection: close"
puts $s ""
flush $s
set on 0
while { [gets $s line] > -1 } {
if {! $on && [regexp {<HEAD>} $line]} {set on 1}
if {! $on && [regexp {<HTML>} $line]} {set on 1}
if {! $on && [regexp {<TITLE>} $line]} {set on 1}
if {! $on} {
if [regexp {([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*)} $line ip] {
close $s
if {$ip != "unknown"} {
set save_nat $ip
set last_save_nat [clock seconds]
return $ip
proc guess_ip {} {
global env is_windows
if {! $is_windows} {
set out ""
set out [get_hostname]
if {$out != ""} {
set hout ""
catch {set hout [exec host $out]}
if {$hout != ""} {
if [regexp {has address ([.0-9][.0-9]*)} $hout mvar ip] {
set ip [string trim $ip]
return $ip
return ""
} else {
set out [get_ipconfig]
set out [string trim $out]
if {$out == ""} {
return ""
foreach line [split $out "\n\r"] {
if {[regexp -nocase {IP Address.*:[ \t]*([.0-9][.0-9]*)} $line mvar ip]} {
set ip [string trim $ip]
if [regexp {^[.0]*$} $ip] {
if [regexp {127\.0\.0\.1} $ip] {
if {$ip != ""} {
return $ip
proc windows_start_sound_daemon {file} {
global env
global use_sound sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_start
regsub {\.bat} $file "snd.bat" file2
set fh2 [open $file2 "w"]
puts $fh2 $sound_daemon_local_cmd
puts $fh2 "del $file2"
close $fh2
mesg "Starting SOUND daemon..."
if [info exists env(COMSPEC)] {
exec $env(COMSPEC) /c $file2 &
} else {
exec cmd.exe /c $file2 &
after 1500
proc windows_stop_sound_daemon {} {
global env is_win9x
global use_sound sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_start
set cmd [string trim $sound_daemon_local_cmd]
regsub {[ \t].*$} $cmd "" cmd
regsub {^.*\\} $cmd "" cmd
regsub {^.*/} $cmd "" cmd
if {$cmd == ""} {
set output [get_task_list]
foreach line [split $output "\n\r"] {
if [regexp "$cmd" $line] {
if [regexp {(-?[0-9][0-9]*)} $line m p] {
set pids($p) $line
set count 0
foreach pid [array names pids] {
mesg "Stopping SOUND pid: $pid"
if {$is_win9x} {
catch {exec w98/kill.exe /f $pid}
} else {
catch {exec tskill.exe $pid}
if {$count == 0} {
after 1200
} else {
after 500
incr count
proc contag {} {
global concount
if {! [info exists concount]} {
set concount 0
incr concount
set str [pid]
set str "-$str-$concount"
proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
global is_win9x
global use_sshssl use_ssh putty_pw
set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp]
set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp]
set sshcmd [get_ssh_cmd $hp]
set vnc_host "localhost"
set vnc_disp $hpnew
regsub {^.*:} $vnc_disp "" vnc_disp
if {![regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $vnc_disp]} {
if {[regexp {cmd=SHELL} $hp]} {
} elseif {[regexp {cmd=PUTTY} $hp]} {
} else {
mesg "Bad vncdisp, missing :0 ?, $vnc_disp"
return 0
if {$vnc_disp < 200} {
set vnc_port [expr $vnc_disp + 5900]
} else {
set vnc_port $vnc_disp
set ssh_port 22
set ssh_host $hpnew
regsub {:.*$} $ssh_host "" ssh_host
if {$proxy != ""} {
set ssh_host $proxy
regsub {:.*$} $ssh_host "" ssh_host
set ssh_port $proxy
regsub {^.*:} $ssh_port "" ssh_port
if {$ssh_port == ""} {
set ssh_port 22
set vnc_host $hpnew
regsub {:.*$} $vnc_host "" vnc_host
if {![regexp {^[^ ][^ ]*@} $ssh_host]} {
mesg "You must supply a username: user@host..."
return 0
set verb "-v"
set pwd ""
if {$is_win9x} {
set pwd [pwd]
regsub -all {/} $pwd "\\" pwd
set use [expr $n + 5900]
global use_smbmnt use_sound sound_daemon_kill
set do_pre 0
if {$use_smbmnt} {
set do_pre 1
} elseif {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_kill} {
set do_pre 1
global skip_pre
if {$skip_pre} {
set do_pre 0
set skip_pre 0
set pw ""
if {$putty_pw != ""} {
if {! [regexp {"} $putty_pw]} { #"
set pw " -pw \"$putty_pw\""
set tag [contag]
set file_pre ""
set file_pre_cmd ""
if {$do_pre} {
set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts pre $tag]
if {$setup_cmds != ""} {
regsub {\.bat} $file "pre.cmd" file_pre_cmd
set fh [open $file_pre_cmd "w"]
puts $fh "$setup_cmds sleep 10; "
close $fh
regsub {\.bat} $file "pre.bat" file_pre
set fh [open $file_pre "w"]
set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port -m $file_pre_cmd $verb -t"
global smb_redir_0
if {$smb_redir_0 != ""} {
append plink_str " $smb_redir_0"
append plink_str "$pw $ssh_host"
if {$pw != ""} {
puts $fh "echo off"
puts $fh $plink_str
if {$file_pre_cmd != ""} {
puts $fh "del $file_pre_cmd"
puts $fh "del $file_pre"
close $fh
if {$is_win9x} {
set sleep 35
} else {
set sleep 20
set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts post $tag]
set do_shell 0
if {$sshcmd == "SHELL"} {
set setup_cmds ""
set sshcmd {$SHELL}
set do_shell 1
} elseif {$sshcmd == "PUTTY"} {
set setup_cmds ""
set do_shell 1
set file_cmd ""
if {$setup_cmds != ""} {
regsub {\.bat} $file ".cmd" file_cmd
set fh_cmd [open $file_cmd "w"]
set str $setup_cmds
if {$sshcmd != ""} {
append str " $sshcmd; "
} else {
append str " sleep $sleep; "
puts $fh_cmd $str
close $fh_cmd
set sshcmd $setup_cmds
if {$sshcmd == ""} {
set pcmd "echo; echo SSH connected OK.; echo If this state is not autodetected,; echo Go Click the Success button."
set sshcmd "$pcmd; sleep $sleep"
global use_sound sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_start
if {! $do_shell && ! $is_win9x && $use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_start && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {
windows_start_sound_daemon $file
set fh [open $file "w"]
if {$is_win9x} {
puts $fh "cd $pwd"
if {$file_pre != ""} {
puts $fh "echo Press Ctrl-C --HERE-- when done with the Pre-Command shell work."
puts $fh "start /w /c $file_pre"
global use_cups use_smbmnt
set extra_redirs ""
if {$use_cups} {
append extra_redirs [get_cups_redir]
if {$use_sound} {
append extra_redirs [get_sound_redir]
global additional_port_redirs
if {$additional_port_redirs} {
append extra_redirs [get_additional_redir]
set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -P $ssh_port $verb -L $use:$vnc_host:$vnc_port $extra_redirs -t"
if {$extra_redirs != ""} {
regsub {exe} $plink_str "exe -C" plink_str
if {$do_shell} {
if {$sshcmd == "PUTTY"} {
if {$is_win9x} {
set plink_str "putty.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs -t $pw $ssh_host"
} else {
set plink_str "start \"putty $ssh_host\" putty.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs -t $pw $ssh_host"
} else {
set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs -t $pw $ssh_host"
append plink_str { "$SHELL"}
} elseif {$file_cmd != ""} {
append plink_str " -m $file_cmd$pw $ssh_host"
} else {
append plink_str "$pw $ssh_host \"$sshcmd\""
if {$pw != ""} {
puts $fh "echo off"
puts $fh $plink_str
if {$file_cmd != ""} {
puts $fh "del $file_cmd"
puts $fh "del $file"
close $fh
catch {destroy .o}
catch {destroy .oa}
do_port_knock $ssh_host
if {$is_win9x} {
wm withdraw .
win9x_plink_msg $file
global win9x_plink_msg_done
set win9x_plink_msg_done 0
vwait win9x_plink_msg_done
} else {
global env
set com "cmd.exe"
if [info exists env(COMSPEC)] {
set com $env(COMSPEC)
if {$file_pre != ""} {
exec $com /c $file_pre &
set sl 0
if {$use_smbmnt} {
global smb_su_mode
if {$smb_su_mode == "su"} {
set sl [expr $sl + 15]
} elseif {$smb_su_mode == "sudo"} {
set sl [expr $sl + 15]
} else {
set sl [expr $sl + 3]
if {$pw == ""} {
set sl [expr $sl + 5]
set sl [expr $sl + 5]
set st [clock seconds]
set dt 0
global entered_gui_top
set entered_gui_top 0
while {$dt < $sl} {
after 100
set dt [clock seconds]
set dt [expr $dt - $st]
mesg "Click or Enter when done with 1st SSH $dt/$sl"
update idletasks
if {$entered_gui_top != 0 && $dt >= 3} {
mesg "Running 2nd SSH now ..."
after 1000
mesg "Running 2nd SSH ..."
wm withdraw .
exec $com /c $file &
after 1000
if {$do_shell} {
wm deiconify .
return 1
catch {destroy .plink}
toplevel .plink
wm title .plink "plink SSH status?"
set wd 37
label .plink.l1 -anchor w -text "Login via plink/ssh to the remote server" -width $wd
label .plink.l2 -anchor w -text "(supply username and password as needed)." -width $wd
label .plink.l3 -anchor w -text "" -width $wd
label .plink.l4 -anchor w -text "After ssh is set up, AND if the connection" -width $wd
label .plink.l5 -anchor w -text "success is not autodetected, please click" -width $wd
label .plink.l6 -anchor w -text "one of these buttons:" -width $wd
global plink_status
button -text "Failed" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status no}
button .plink.ok -text "Success" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status yes}
pack .plink.l1 .plink.l2 .plink.l3 .plink.l4 .plink.l5 .plink.l6 .plink.ok -side top -fill x
wm geometry .plink +700+500
wm deiconify .plink
set plink_status ""
set waited 0
set cnt 0
while {$waited < 30000} {
after 500
set ns [get_netstat]
set re ":$use"
append re {[ ][ ]*[0:.][0:.]*[ ][ ]*LISTEN}
if [regexp $re $ns] {
set plink_status yes
if {$plink_status != ""} {
catch {destroy .plink}
if {$waited == 0} {
wm deiconify .plink
set waited [expr "$waited + 500"]
incr cnt
if {$cnt >= 12} {
set cnt 0
#catch {wm deiconify .plink}
if {$plink_status == ""} {
vwait plink_status
if {$use_sshssl} {
global launch_windows_ssh_files
if {$file != ""} {
append launch_windows_ssh_files "$file "
if {$file_pre != ""} {
append launch_windows_ssh_files "$file_pre "
if {$file_pre_cmd != ""} {
append launch_windows_ssh_files "$file_pre_cmd "
regsub { *$} $launch_windows_ssh_files "" launch_windows_ssh_files
return 1
if {$plink_status != "yes"} {
wm deiconify .
} else {
after 1000
do_viewer_windows $n
wm deiconify .
mesg "Disconnected from $hp"
if {$file != ""} {
catch {file delete $file}
if {$file_pre != ""} {
catch {file delete $file_pre}
if {$file_pre_cmd != ""} {
catch {file delete $file_pre_cmd}
global sound_daemon_local_kill
if {! $is_win9x && $use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_kill && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {
return 1
proc check_ssh_needed {} {
global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
global cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile
global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port
global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list
global use_ssh use_sshssl
if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} {
set must 0
if {$use_cups} {
if {$cups_local_server != ""} {set must 1}
if {$cups_remote_port != ""} {set must 1}
if {$cups_local_smb_server != ""} {set must 1}
if {$cups_remote_smb_port != ""} {set must 1}
if {$cups_manage_rcfile != ""} {set must 1}
if {$use_sound} {
if {$sound_daemon_remote_cmd != ""} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_remote_port != ""} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_kill} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_restart} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_local_port != ""} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_local_kill} {set must 1}
if {$sound_daemon_local_start} {set must 1}
if {$use_smbmnt} {
if {[regexp {//} $smb_mount_list]} {set must 1}
if {$must} {
set use_sshssl 1
putty_pw_entry check
mesg "Enabling \"Use SSH and SSL\" mode for port redir"
after 4000
proc set_smb_mounts {} {
global smb_redir_0 smb_mounts use_smbmnt
set smb_redir_0 ""
set smb_mounts ""
if {$use_smbmnt} {
set l2 [get_smb_redir]
set smb_redir_0 [lindex $l2 0]
set smb_redir_0 [string trim $smb_redir_0]
set smb_mounts [lindex $l2 1]
proc xterm_center_geometry {} {
set sh [winfo screenheight .]
set sw [winfo screenwidth .]
set gw 500
set gh 300
set x [expr $sw/2 - $gw/2]
set y [expr $sh/2 - $gh/2]
if {$x < 0} {
set x 10
if {$y < 0} {
set y 10
return "+$x+$y"
proc smbmnt_wait {tee} {
if {$tee != ""} {
set start [clock seconds]
set cut 30
while {1} {
set now [clock seconds]
if {$now > $start + $cut} {
if [file exists $tee] {
set sz 0
catch {set sz [file size $tee]}
if {$sz > 50} {
set cut 50
set g ""
catch {set g [exec grep vnc-helper-exiting $tee]}
if [regexp {vnc-helper-exiting} $g] {
after 1000
catch {file delete $tee}
} else {
global smb_su_mode
if {$smb_su_mode == "su"} {
after 15000
} elseif {$smb_su_mode == "sudo"} {
after 10000
proc do_unix_pre {tag proxy hp pk_hp} {
global env smb_redir_0 use_smbmnt
global did_port_knock
set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts pre $tag]
set c "ssl_vncviewer -ssh"
if {$proxy == ""} {
set pxy $hp
regsub {:.*$} $pxy "" pxy
set c "$c -proxy '$pxy'"
} else {
set c "$c -proxy '$proxy'"
if {$setup_cmds != ""} {
set env(SSL_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "$setup_cmds sleep 10"
if {$smb_redir_0 != ""} {
set c "$c -sshargs '$smb_redir_0'"
do_port_knock $pk_hp
set did_port_knock 1
if {$use_smbmnt} {
set title "SSL VNC Viewer $hp -- SMB MOUNTS"
} else {
set title "SSL VNC Viewer $hp -- Pre Commands"
set tee ""
if {$use_smbmnt} {
set tee $env(HOME)
append tee "/.tee-etv$tag"
set fh ""
catch {set fh [open $tee "w"]}
if {$fh == ""} {
set tee ""
} else {
close $fh
set c "$c | tee $tee"
exec xterm -geometry "80x25+100+100" \
-title "$title" \
-e sh -c "set -xv; $c" &
if {$use_smbmnt} {
smbmnt_wait $tee
} else {
after 2000
proc launch_unix {hp} {
global mycert svcert crtdir env
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4
global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list
global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt
global smb_redir_0 smb_mounts
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
set cmd ""
if [regexp {cmd=} $hp] {
if {! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} {
set use_ssh 1
global did_port_knock
set did_port_knock 0
set pk_hp ""
if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} {
if {$use_ssh} {
set cmd "ssl_vncviewer -ssh"
} else {
set cmd "ssl_vncviewer -sshssl"
set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp]
set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp]
set sshcmd [get_ssh_cmd $hp]
set hp $hpnew
if {$proxy != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -proxy '$proxy'"
set pk_hp $proxy
if {$pk_hp == ""} {
set pk_hp $hp
set do_pre 0
if {$use_smbmnt} {
set do_pre 1
} elseif {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_kill} {
set do_pre 1
global skip_pre
if {$skip_pre} {
set do_pre 0
set skip_pre 0
set tag [contag]
if {$do_pre} {
do_unix_pre $tag $proxy $hp $pk_hp
set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts post $tag]
if {$sshcmd == "SHELL"} {
} elseif {$setup_cmds != ""} {
set env(SSL_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "$setup_cmds$sshcmd"
} else {
if {$sshcmd != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -sshcmd '$sshcmd'"
set sshargs ""
if {$use_cups} {
append sshargs [get_cups_redir]
if {$use_sound} {
append sshargs [get_sound_redir]
if {$additional_port_redirs} {
append sshargs [get_additional_redir]
set sshargs [string trim $sshargs]
if {$sshargs != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -sshargs '$sshargs'"
if {$sshcmd == "SHELL"} {
if {$proxy == ""} {
set hpt $hpnew
regsub {:[0-9]*$} $hpt "" hpt
set cmd "$cmd -proxy '$hpt'"
set geometry [xterm_center_geometry]
if {$pk_hp == ""} {
set pk_hp $hp
if {! $did_port_knock} {
do_port_knock $pk_hp
set did_port_knock 1
exec xterm -geometry $geometry -title "SHELL to $hp" \
-e sh -c "$cmd" &
} else {
set cmd "ssl_tightvncviewer"
set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp]
set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp]
if {$mycert != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -mycert '$mycert'"
if {$svcert != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -verify '$svcert'"
} elseif {$crtdir != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -verify '$crtdir'"
if {$proxy != ""} {
set cmd "$cmd -proxy '$proxy'"
set hp $hpnew
if {$use_alpha} {
set cmd "$cmd -alpha"
if {$use_grab} {
set cmd "$cmd -grab"
set cmd "$cmd $hp"
if {$use_viewonly} {
set cmd "$cmd -viewonly"
if {$use_fullscreen} {
set cmd "$cmd -fullscreen"
if {$use_bgr233} {
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
set cmd "$cmd -lowcolourlevel 1"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd -bgr233"
if {$use_nojpeg} {
if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} {
set cmd "$cmd -nojpeg"
if {! $use_raise_on_beep} {
if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} {
set cmd "$cmd -noraiseonbeep"
if {$use_compresslevel != "" && $use_compresslevel != "default"} {
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
set cmd "$cmd -zliblevel '$use_compresslevel'"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd -compresslevel '$use_compresslevel'"
if {$use_quality != "" && $use_quality != "default"} {
if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} {
set cmd "$cmd -quality '$use_quality'"
if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} {
# realvnc4 -preferredencoding zrle
if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} {
set cmd "$cmd -preferredencoding zrle"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd -encodings 'copyrect tight zrle zlib hextile'"
if {$change_vncviewer && $change_vncviewer_path != ""} {
global env
set env(VNCVIEWERCMD) $change_vncviewer_path
} else {
set env(VNCVIEWERCMD) ""
catch {destroy .o}
catch {destroy .oa}
wm withdraw .
if {$sound_daemon_local_start && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {
mesg "running: $sound_daemon_local_cmd"
exec sh -c "$sound_daemon_local_cmd" >& /dev/null </dev/null &
after 500
if {$pk_hp == ""} {
set pk_hp $hp
if {! $did_port_knock} {
do_port_knock $pk_hp
set did_port_knock 1
set geometry [xterm_center_geometry]
set xrm1 "*.srinterCommand:true"
set xrm2 $xrm1
set xrm3 $xrm1
if {[info exists env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CMD)]} {
set xrm1 "*.printerCommand:env XTERM_PRINT=1 $env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CMD)"
set xrm2 "XTerm*VT100*translations:#override Shift<Btn3Down>:print()\\nCtrl<Key>N:print()"
set xrm3 "*mainMenu*print*Label: New SSL_VNC_GUI"
exec xterm -geometry $geometry -xrm "$xrm1" -xrm "$xrm2" -xrm "$xrm3" \
-title "SSL VNC Viewer $hp" \
-e sh -c "set -xv; $cmd; set +xv; echo; echo Done. You Can X-out or Ctrl-C this Terminal whenever you like.; echo; echo sleep 15; echo; sleep 15"
if {$sound_daemon_local_kill && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {
set daemon [string trim $sound_daemon_local_cmd]
regsub {^gw[ \t]*} $daemon "" daemon
regsub {[ \t].*$} $daemon "" daemon
regsub {^.*/} $daemon "" daemon
mesg "killing sound daemon: $daemon"
if {$daemon != ""} {
catch {exec sh -c "killall $daemon" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &}
catch {exec sh -c "pkill -x $daemon" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &}
wm deiconify .
mesg "Disconnected from $hp"
proc kill_stunnel {pids} {
global is_win9x env
set count 0
foreach pid $pids {
mesg "killing STUNNEL pid: $pid"
if {$is_win9x} {
catch {exec w98/kill.exe /f $pid}
} else {
catch {exec tskill.exe $pid}
if {$count == 0} {
after 1200
} else {
after 500
incr count
proc get_task_list {} {
global env is_win9x
set output1 ""
set output2 ""
if {! $is_win9x} {
# try for tasklist on XP pro
catch {set output1 [exec tasklist.exe]}
catch {set output2 [exec w98/tlist.exe]}
set output $output1
append output "\n"
append output $output2
return $output
proc note_stunnel_pids {when} {
global env
global is_win9x pids_before pids_after pids_new
if {$when == "before"} {
array unset pids_before
array unset pids_after
set pids_new {}
set pids_before(none) "none"
set pids_after(none) "none"
set output [get_task_list]
foreach line [split $output "\n\r"] {
if [regexp -nocase {stunnel} $line] {
if [regexp {(-?[0-9][0-9]*)} $line m p] {
if {$when == "before"} {
set pids_before($p) $line
} else {
set pids_after($p) $line
if {$when == "after"} {
foreach new [array names pids_after] {
if {! [info exists pids_before($new)]} {
lappend pids_new $new
proc del_launch_windows_ssh_files {} {
global launch_windows_ssh_files
if {$launch_windows_ssh_files != ""} {
foreach tf [split $launch_windows_ssh_files] {
if {$tf == ""} {
catch {file delete $tf}
proc launch_shell_only {} {
global vncdisplay is_windows
global skip_pre
set hp $vncdisplay
regsub {cmd=.*$} $vncdisplay "" hp
set hp [string trim $hp]
if {$is_windows} {
append hp " cmd=PUTTY"
} else {
append hp " cmd=SHELL"
set skip_pre 1
launch $hp
proc launch {{hp ""}} {
global vncdisplay env tcl_platform is_windows
global mycert svcert crtdir
global pids_before pids_after pids_new
global use_ssh use_sshssl
set debug 0
if {$hp == ""} {
set hp [string trim $vncdisplay]
if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $hp]} {
mesg "No host:disp supplied."
if {! [regexp ":" $hp]} {
if {! [regexp {cmd=} $hp]} {
append hp ":0"
mesg "Using: $hp"
after 600
if {$debug} {
mesg "\"$tcl_platform(os)\" | \"$tcl_platform(osVersion)\""
after 1000
if {! $is_windows} {
launch_unix $hp
if [regexp {cmd=} $hp] {
if {! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} {
set use_ssh 1
if {! $use_ssh} {
if {$mycert != ""} {
if {! [file exists $mycert]} {
mesg "MyCert does not exist: $mycert"
if {$svcert != ""} {
if {! [file exists $svcert]} {
mesg "ServerCert does not exist: $svcert"
} elseif {$crtdir != ""} {
if {! [file exists $crtdir]} {
mesg "CertsDir does not exist: $crtdir"
set prefix "stunnel-vnc"
set suffix "conf"
if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} {
set prefix "plink-vnc"
set suffix "bat"
# we avoid parsing netstat output on Windows (but I guess we do now elsewhere):
set file ""
set n ""
set file2 ""
set n2 ""
set now [clock seconds]
for {set i 30} {$i < 90} {incr i} {
set try "$prefix-$i.$suffix"
if {[file exists $try]} {
set mt [file mtime $try]
set age [expr "$now - $mt"]
set week [expr "7 * 3600 * 24"]
if {$age > $week} {
catch {file delete $file}
if {! [file exists $try]} {
if {$use_sshssl} {
if {$file != ""} {
set file2 $try
set n2 $i
set file $try
set n $i
if {! $use_sshssl} {
if {$file == ""} {
mesg "could not find free stunnel file"
global launch_windows_ssh_files
set launch_windows_ssh_files ""
set did_port_knock 0
if {$use_sshssl} {
set rc [launch_windows_ssh $hp $file2 $n2]
if {$rc == 0} {
catch {file delete $file}
catch {file delete $file2}
set did_port_knock 1
} elseif {$use_ssh} {
launch_windows_ssh $hp $file $n
if [regexp {[ ]} $hp] {
# proxy or cmd case (should not happen? yet?)
regsub {[ ].*$} $hp "" hp2
} else {
set list [split $hp ":"]
set host [lindex $list 0]
set disp [lindex $list 1]
set port [expr "$disp + 5900"]
set list [split $hp ":"]
set host [lindex $list 0]
set disp [lindex $list 1]
set port [expr "$disp + 5900"]
if {$debug} {
mesg "file: $file"
after 1000
set fh [open $file "w"]
puts $fh "client = yes"
puts $fh "options = ALL"
puts $fh "taskbar = yes"
puts $fh "RNDbytes = 2048"
puts $fh "RNDfile = bananarand.bin"
puts $fh "RNDoverwrite = yes"
puts $fh "debug = 6"
if {$mycert != ""} {
if {! [file exists $mycert]} {
mesg "MyCert does not exist: $mycert"
puts $fh "cert = $mycert"
if {$svcert != ""} {
if {! [file exists $svcert]} {
mesg "ServerCert does not exist: $svcert"
puts $fh "CAfile = $svcert"
puts $fh "verify = 2"
} elseif {$crtdir != ""} {
if {! [file exists $crtdir]} {
mesg "CertsDir does not exist: $crtdir"
puts $fh "CApath = $crtdir"
puts $fh "verify = 2"
puts $fh "\[vnc$n\]"
set port2 [expr "$n + 5900"]
puts $fh "accept = localhost:$port2"
if {$use_sshssl} {
set port [expr "$n2 + 5900"]
puts $fh "connect = localhost:$port"
} else {
puts $fh "connect = $host:$port"
puts $fh "delay = no"
puts $fh ""
close $fh
mesg "Starting STUNNEL on port $port2 ..."
after 600
note_stunnel_pids "before"
set pids [exec stunnel $file &]
after 1300
note_stunnel_pids "after"
if {$debug} {
after 1000
mesg "pids $pids"
after 1000
} else {
catch {destroy .o}
catch {destroy .oa}
wm withdraw .
if {! $did_port_knock} {
do_port_knock $host
set did_port_knock 1
do_viewer_windows $n
catch {file delete $file}
if {$debug} {
} else {
wm deiconify .
mesg "Disconnected from $hp."
if {[llength $pids_new] > 0} {
set plist [join $pids_new ", "]
global terminate_pids
set terminate_pids ""
win_kill_msg $plist
vwait terminate_pids
if {$terminate_pids == "yes"} {
kill_stunnel $pids_new
} else {
mesg "Disconnected from $hp."
global is_win9x use_sound sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_cmd
if {! $is_win9x && $use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_kill && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {
proc get_idir {str} {
set idir ""
if {$str != ""} {
if [file isdirectory $str] {
set idir $str
} else {
set idir [file dirname $str]
if {$idir == ""} {
global env
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc/certs"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set idir $t
if {$idir == ""} {
set idir [pwd]
return $idir
proc set_mycert {} {
global mycert
set idir [get_idir $mycert]
if {$idir != ""} {
set mycert [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $idir]
} else {
set mycert [tk_getOpenFile]
catch {wm deiconify .c}
proc set_svcert {} {
global svcert crtdir
set idir [get_idir $svcert]
if {$idir != ""} {
set svcert [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $idir]
} else {
set svcert [tk_getOpenFile]
if {$svcert != ""} {
set crtdir ""
catch {wm deiconify .c}
proc set_crtdir {} {
global svcert crtdir
set idir [get_idir $crtdir]
if {$idir != ""} {
set crtdir [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $idir]
} else {
set crtdir [tk_chooseDirectory]
if {$crtdir != ""} {
set svcert ""
catch {wm deiconify .c}
proc getcerts {} {
global mycert svcert crtdir
global use_ssh use_sshssl
catch {destroy .c}
toplevel .c
wm title .c "Set SSL Certificates"
frame .c.mycert
frame .c.svcert
frame .c.crtdir
label .c.mycert.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "MyCert:"
label .c.svcert.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "ServerCert:"
label .c.crtdir.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "CertsDir:"
entry .c.mycert.e -width 32 -textvariable mycert
entry .c.svcert.e -width 32 -textvariable svcert
entry .c.crtdir.e -width 32 -textvariable crtdir
button .c.mycert.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_mycert; catch {raise .c}}
button .c.svcert.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_svcert; catch {raise .c}}
button .c.crtdir.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_crtdir; catch {raise .c}}
frame .c.b
button .c.b.done -text "Done" -command {catch {destroy .c}}
bind .c <Escape> {destroy .c}
button -text "Help" -command help_certs
pack .c.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left
foreach w [list mycert svcert crtdir] {
pack .c.$w.l -side left
pack .c.$w.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack .c.$w.b -side left
bind .c.$w.e <Return> ".c.$w.b invoke"
if {$use_ssh} {
.c.$w.l configure -state disabled
.c.$w.e configure -state disabled
.c.$w.b configure -state disabled
pack .c.mycert .c.svcert .c.crtdir .c.b -side top -fill x
center_win .c
wm resizable .c 1 0
focus .c
proc get_profiles_dir {} {
global env is_windows
set dir ""
if {$is_windows} {
set t [file dirname [pwd]]
set t "$t/profiles"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set dir $t
} elseif [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set dir $t
set s "$t/profiles"
if {! [file exists $s]} {
catch {file mkdir $s}
if {$dir != ""} {
} elseif [info exists env(SSL_VNC_BASEDIR)] {
set dir $env(SSL_VNC_BASEDIR)
} else {
set dir [pwd]
if [file isdirectory "$dir/profiles"] {
set dir "$dir/profiles"
return $dir
proc load_profile {} {
global env
global mycert svcert crtdir vncdisplay
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
global compresslevel_text quality_text
global use_smbmnt use_sound
global use_cups cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile
global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port
global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list
global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4
global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
global profdone
set dir [get_profiles_dir]
set file [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension ".vnc" \
-initialdir $dir -title "Load VNC Profile"]
if {$file == ""} {
set profdone 1
set fh [open $file "r"]
if {! [info exists fh]} {
set profdone 1
while {[gets $fh line] > -1} {
if [regexp {^disp=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set vncdisplay $val
} elseif [regexp {^ssh=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_ssh $val
} elseif [regexp {^sshssl=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_sshssl $val
} elseif [regexp {^viewonly=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_viewonly $val
} elseif [regexp {^fullscreen=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_fullscreen $val
} elseif [regexp {^belldeiconify=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_raise_on_beep $val
} elseif [regexp {^8bit=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_bgr233 $val
} elseif [regexp {^alpha=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_alpha $val
} elseif [regexp {^grab=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_grab $val
} elseif [regexp {^nojpeg=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_nojpeg $val
} elseif [regexp {^compresslevel=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_compresslevel $val
set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $val"
} elseif [regexp {^quality=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_quality $val
set quality_text "Quality: $val"
} elseif [regexp {^mycert=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set mycert $val
} elseif [regexp {^svcert=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set svcert $val
} elseif [regexp {^crtdir=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set crtdir $val
} elseif [regexp {^use_smbmnt=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_smbmnt $val
} elseif [regexp {^use_sound=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_sound $val
} elseif [regexp {^use_cups=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_cups $val
} elseif [regexp {^cups_local_server=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set cups_local_server $val
} elseif [regexp {^cups_remote_port=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set cups_remote_port $val
} elseif [regexp {^cups_local_smb_server=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set cups_local_smb_server $val
} elseif [regexp {^cups_remote_smb_port=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set cups_remote_smb_port $val
} elseif [regexp {^cups_manage_rcfile=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set cups_manage_rcfile $val
} elseif [regexp {^smb_mount_list=(.*)$} $line m val] {
regsub -all {%%%} $val "\n" val
set smb_mount_list $val
} elseif [regexp {^smb_su_mode=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set smb_su_mode $val
} elseif [regexp {^port_knocking_list=(.*)$} $line m val] {
regsub -all {%%%} $val "\n" val
set port_knocking_list $val
} elseif [regexp {^use_port_knocking=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set use_port_knocking $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_remote_cmd=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_remote_cmd $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_remote_port=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_remote_port $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_kill=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_kill $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_restart=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_restart $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_local_cmd=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_local_cmd $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_local_port=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_local_port $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_local_start=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_local_start $val
} elseif [regexp {^sound_daemon_local_kill=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set sound_daemon_local_kill $val
} elseif [regexp {^change_vncviewer=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set change_vncviewer $val
} elseif [regexp {^change_vncviewer_path=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set change_vncviewer_path $val
} elseif [regexp {^vncviewer_realvnc4=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set vncviewer_realvnc4 $val
} elseif [regexp {^additional_port_redirs=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set additional_port_redirs $val
} elseif [regexp {^additional_port_redirs_list=(.*)$} $line m val] {
set additional_port_redirs_list $val
close $fh
set profdone 1
putty_pw_entry check
proc save_profile {} {
global env is_windows
global mycert svcert crtdir vncdisplay
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
global profdone
set dir [get_profiles_dir]
set disp [string trim $vncdisplay]
if {$disp != ""} {
regsub {[ ].*$} $disp "" disp
if {$is_windows} {
regsub -all {:} $disp "_" disp
set file [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension ".vnc" \
-initialdir $dir -initialfile "$disp" -title "Save VNC Profile"]
if {$file == ""} {
set profdone 1
set fh [open $file "w"]
if {! [info exists fh]} {
set profdone 1
set h [string trim $vncdisplay]
set p $h
regsub {:.*$} $h "" h
set host $h
regsub {[ ].*$} $p "" p
regsub {^.*:} $p "" p
if {$p == ""} {
set p 0
if {$p < 200} {
set port [expr $p + 5900]
} else {
set port $p
set h [string trim $vncdisplay]
regsub {cmd=.*$} $h "" h
set h [string trim $h]
if {! [regexp {[ ]} $h]} {
set h ""
} else {
regsub {^.*[ ]} $h "" h
if {$h == ""} {
set proxy ""
set proxyport ""
} else {
set p $h
regsub {:.*$} $h "" h
set proxy $h
regsub {[ ].*$} $p "" p
regsub {^.*:} $p "" p
if {$p == ""} {
set proxyport 0
} else {
set proxyport $p
puts $fh "\[connection\]"
puts $fh "host=$host"
puts $fh "port=$port"
puts $fh "proxyhost=$proxy"
puts $fh "proxyport=$proxyport"
puts $fh "disp=$vncdisplay"
puts $fh "\n\[options\]"
puts $fh "ssh=$use_ssh"
puts $fh "sshssl=$use_sshssl"
puts $fh "viewonly=$use_viewonly"
puts $fh "fullscreen=$use_fullscreen"
puts $fh "belldeiconify=$use_raise_on_beep"
puts $fh "8bit=$use_bgr233"
puts $fh "alpha=$use_alpha"
puts $fh "grab=$use_grab"
puts $fh "nojpeg=$use_nojpeg"
puts $fh "compresslevel=$use_compresslevel"
puts $fh "quality=$use_quality"
puts $fh "mycert=$mycert"
puts $fh "svcert=$svcert"
puts $fh "crtdir=$crtdir"
global use_smbmnt use_sound
puts $fh "use_smbmnt=$use_smbmnt"
puts $fh "use_sound=$use_sound"
global use_cups cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile
global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port
puts $fh "use_cups=$use_cups"
puts $fh "cups_local_server=$cups_local_server"
puts $fh "cups_remote_port=$cups_remote_port"
puts $fh "cups_local_smb_server=$cups_local_smb_server"
puts $fh "cups_remote_smb_port=$cups_remote_smb_port"
puts $fh "cups_manage_rcfile=$cups_manage_rcfile"
global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4
global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list
puts $fh "change_vncviewer=$change_vncviewer"
puts $fh "change_vncviewer_path=$change_vncviewer_path"
puts $fh "vncviewer_realvnc4=$vncviewer_realvnc4"
puts $fh "additional_port_redirs=$additional_port_redirs"
puts $fh "additional_port_redirs_list=$additional_port_redirs_list"
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
puts $fh "sound_daemon_remote_cmd=$sound_daemon_remote_cmd"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_remote_port=$sound_daemon_remote_port"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_kill=$sound_daemon_kill"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_restart=$sound_daemon_restart"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_local_cmd=$sound_daemon_local_cmd"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_local_port=$sound_daemon_local_port"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_local_kill=$sound_daemon_local_kill"
puts $fh "sound_daemon_local_start=$sound_daemon_local_start"
global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list
set list $smb_mount_list
regsub -all "\n" $list "%%%" list
puts $fh "smb_su_mode=$smb_su_mode"
puts $fh "smb_mount_list=$list"
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
set list $port_knocking_list
regsub -all "\n" $list "%%%" list
puts $fh "use_port_knocking=$use_port_knocking"
puts $fh "port_knocking_list=$list"
close $fh
set profdone 1
proc set_ssh {} {
global use_ssh use_sshssl
if {! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} {
set use_ssh 1
putty_pw_entry check
proc expand_IP {redir} {
if {! [regexp {:IP:} $redir]} {
return $redir
if {! [regexp {(-R).*:IP:} $redir]} {
return $redir
set ip [guess_ip]
set ip [string trim $ip]
if {$ip == ""} {
return $redir
regsub -all {:IP:} $redir ":$ip:" redir
return $redir
proc get_cups_redir {} {
global cups_local_server cups_remote_port
global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port
set redir "$cups_remote_port:$cups_local_server"
regsub -all {['" ]} $redir {} redir; #"
set redir " -R $redir"
if {$cups_local_smb_server != "" && $cups_remote_smb_port != ""} {
set redir2 "$cups_remote_smb_port:$cups_local_smb_server"
regsub -all {['" ]} $redir2 {} redir2; #"
set redir "$redir -R $redir2"
set redir [expand_IP $redir]
return $redir
proc get_additional_redir {} {
global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list
if {! $additional_port_redirs || $additional_port_redirs_list == ""} {
return ""
set redir [string trim $additional_port_redirs_list]
regsub -all {['"]} $redir {} redir; #"
set redir " $redir"
set redir [expand_IP $redir]
return $redir
proc get_sound_redir {} {
global sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_local_port
set loc $sound_daemon_local_port
if {! [regexp {:} $loc]} {
set loc "localhost:$loc"
set redir "$sound_daemon_remote_port:$loc"
regsub -all {['" ]} $redir {} redir; #"
set redir " -R $redir"
set redir [expand_IP $redir]
return $redir
proc get_smb_redir {} {
global smb_mount_list
set s [string trim $smb_mount_list]
if {$s == ""} {
return ""
set did(0) 1
set redir ""
set mntlist ""
foreach line [split $s "\r\n"] {
set str [string trim $line]
if {$str == ""} {
if {[regexp {^#} $str]} {
set port ""
if [regexp {^([0-9][0-9]*)[ \t][ \t]*(.*)} $str mvar port rest] {
# leading port
set str [string trim $rest]
# grab: //share /dest [host[:port]]
set share ""
set dest ""
set hostport ""
foreach item [split $str] {
if {$item == ""} {
if {$share == ""} {
set share [string trim $item]
} elseif {$dest == ""} {
set dest [string trim $item]
} elseif {$hostport == ""} {
set hostport [string trim $item]
regsub {^~/} $dest {$HOME/} dest
# work out the local host:port
set lhost ""
set lport ""
if {$hostport != ""} {
if [regexp {(.*):(.*)} $hostport mvar lhost lport] {
} else {
set lhost $hostport
set lport 139
} else {
if [regexp {//([^/][^/]*)/} $share mvar h] {
if [regexp {(.*):(.*)} $h mvar lhost lport] {
} else {
set lhost $h
set lport 139
} else {
set lhost localhost
set lport 139
if {$port == ""} {
if [info exists did("$lhost:$lport")] {
# reuse previous one:
set port $did("$lhost:$lport")
} else {
# choose one at random:
for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
set port [expr 20100 + 9000 * rand()]
set port [expr round($port)]
if { ! [info exists did($port)] } {
set did($port) 1
if {$mntlist != ""} {
append mntlist " "
append mntlist "$share,$dest,$port"
if { ! [info exists did("$lhost:$lport")] } {
append redir " -R $port:$lhost:$lport"
set did("$lhost:$lport") $port
regsub -all {['"]} $redir {} redir; #"
set redir [expand_IP $redir]
regsub -all {['"]} $mntlist {} mntlist; #"
set l [list]
lappend l $redir
lappend l $mntlist
return $l
proc ugly_setup_scripts {mode tag} {
set cmd(1) {
if [ "X$USER" = "X" ]; then
findpid() {
touch $FLAG
if [ "X$TOPPID" = "X" ]; then
while [ $i -lt $back ]
try=`expr $TOPPID - $i`
if ps $try 2>/dev/null | grep sshd >/dev/null; then
echo SSHD_PID=$try
i=`expr $i + 1`
wait_til_ssh_gone() {
if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "X$uname" != "XLinux" -a "X$uname" != "XSunOS" ]; then
if [ "X$try_perl" = "X1" ]; then
# try to avoid wasting pids:
perl -e "while (1) {if(! -e \"/proc/$SSHD_PID\"){exit} if(! -f \"$FLAG\"){exit} sleep 1;}"
while [ 1 ]
ps $SSHD_PID > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
if [ ! -f $FLAG ]; then
sleep 1
rm -f $FLAG
if [ "X$DO_SMB_WAIT" = "X1" ]; then
rm -f $smb_script
set cmd(2) {
update_client_conf() {
mkdir -p $cups_dir
if [ -f $cups_cfg ]; then
cp -p $cups_cfg $cups_cfg.back
touch $cups_cfg.back
sed -e "s/^ServerName/#-etv-#ServerName/" $cups_cfg.back > $cups_cfg
echo "ServerName $cups_host:$cups_port" >> $cups_cfg
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "The CUPS $cups_cfg config file has been set to:"
cat $cups_cfg
echo "If there are problems automatically restoring it, edit or"
echo "remove the file to go back to local CUPS settings."
echo "A backup has been placed in: $cups_cfg.back"
echo "See the help description for more details on printing."
echo "done."
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
reset_client_conf() {
cp -p $cups_cfg $cups_cfg.tmp
grep -v "^ServerName" $cups_cfg.tmp | sed -e "s/^#-etv-#ServerName/ServerName/" > $cups_cfg
rm -f $cups_cfg.tmp
cupswait() {
trap "" INT QUIT HUP
# if [ "X$DONE_PORT" != "X" ]; then
# if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# perl -e "use IO::Socket::INET; \$SIG{INT} = \"IGNORE\"; \$SIG{QUIT} = \"IGNORE\"; \$SIG{HUP} = \"INGORE\"; my \$client = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 5, LocalAddr => \"localhost\", LocalPort => $DONE_PORT, Proto => \"tcp\")->accept(); \$line = <\$client>; close \$client; unlink \"$smb_script\";" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
# if [ $? = 0 ]; then
# have_perl_done="1"
# fi
# fi
# fi
set cmd(3) {
smbwait() {
trap "" INT QUIT HUP
do_smb_mounts() {
if [ "X$smb_mounts" = "X" ]; then
echo > $smb_script
echo "echo" >> $smb_script
for mnt in $smb_mounts
smfs=`echo "$mnt" | awk -F, "{print \\\$1}"`
dest=`echo "$mnt" | awk -F, "{print \\\$2}"`
port=`echo "$mnt" | awk -F, "{print \\\$3}"`
dest=`echo "$dest" | sed -e "s,__USER__,$USER,g" -e "s,__HOME__,$HOME,g"`
if [ ! -d $dest ]; then
mkdir -p $dest
echo "echo SMBMOUNT:" >> $smb_script
echo "echo smbmount $smfs $dest -o uid=$USER,ip=,port=$port" >> $smb_script
echo "smbmount \"$smfs\" \"$dest\" -o uid=$USER,ip=,port=$port" >> $smb_script
echo "echo; df \"$dest\"; echo" >> $smb_script
dests="$dests $dest"
set cmd(4) {
echo "(" >> $smb_script
echo "trap \"\" INT QUIT HUP" >> $smb_script
if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "X$uname" != "XLinux" -a "X$uname" != "XSunOS" ]; then
if [ "X$try_perl" = "X" ]; then
echo "while [ -f $smb_script ]" >> $smb_script
echo "do" >> $smb_script
echo " sleep 1" >> $smb_script
echo "done" >> $smb_script
echo "perl -e \"while (-f \\\\\"$smb_script\\\\\") {sleep 1;} exit 0;\"" >> $smb_script
for dest in $dests
echo "echo smbumount $dest" >> $smb_script
echo "smbumount \"$dest\"" >> $smb_script
echo ") &" >> $smb_script
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
if [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "0" ]; then
echo "We now run the smbmount script as user $USER"
echo sh $smb_script
sh $smb_script
elif [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "1" ]; then
echo "We now run the smbmount script via su(1)"
echo "The first \"Password:\" will be for that of root to run the smbmount script."
echo "Subsequent \"Password:\" will be for the SMB share(s) (hit Return if no passwd)"
echo SU:
echo "su root -c \"sh $smb_script\""
su root -c "sh $smb_script"
elif [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "2" ]; then
echo "We now run the smbmount script via sudo(8)"
echo "The first \"Password:\" will be for that of the sudo(8) password."
echo "Subsequent \"Password:\" will be for the SMB shares (hit enter if no passwd)"
echo SUDO:
echo sudo sh $smb_script
sudo sh $smb_script
set cmd(5) {
if [ "$rc" = 0 ]; then
if [ "X$have_perl_done" = "X1" -o 1 = 1 ] ; then
echo "Your SMB shares will be be unmounted when the VNC connection"
echo "closes. If that fails follow these instructions:"
echo "To unmount your SMB shares make sure no applications are still using"
echo "any of the files and no shells are still cd-ed into the share area,"
echo "then type:"
echo " rm -f $smb_script"
echo "(to avoid a 2nd ssh, try to do this before terminating the VNC Viewer)"
echo "In the worst case run: smbumount /path/to/mount/point for each mount."
if [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "1" ]; then
echo "su(1) to run smbmount(8) failed."
elif [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "2" ]; then
echo "sudo(8) to run smbmount(8) failed."
rm -f $smb_script
echo "done."
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
set cmd(6) {
setup_sound() {
if type pgrep >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
dpid=`pgrep -U $USER -x $d | head -1`
dpid=`env PATH=/usr/ucb:$PATH ps wwwwaux | grep -w $USER | grep -w $d | grep -v grep | head -1`
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Setting up Sound: pid=$dpid"
if [ "X$dpid" != "X" ]; then
dcmd=`env PATH=/usr/ucb:$PATH ps wwwwaux | grep -w $USER | grep -w $d | grep -w $dpid | grep -v grep | head -1 | sed -e "s/^.*$d/$d/"`
if [ "X$DO_SOUND_KILL" = "X1" ]; then
echo "Stopping sound daemon: $sound_daemon_remote_prog $dpid"
echo "sound cmd: $dcmd"
kill -TERM $dpid
echo "done."
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
reset_sound() {
if [ "X$DO_SOUND_RESTART" = "X1" ]; then
echo "Restaring sound daemon: $d $a"
$d $a </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
soundwait() {
trap "" INT QUIT HUP
if [ $DO_SMB = 1 ]; then
if [ $DO_CUPS = 1 ]; then
cupswait </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
if [ $DO_SOUND = 1 ]; then
soundwait </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
if [ $DO_SMB_WAIT = 1 ]; then
if [ $waiter != 1 ]; then
smbwait </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
echo "--vnc-helper-exiting--"
rm -f $0
exit 0
set cmdall ""
for {set i 1} {$i <= 6} {incr i} {
set v $cmd($i);
regsub -all "\n" $v "%" v
set cmd($i) $v
append cmdall "echo "
if {$i == 1} {
append cmdall {TOPPID=$$%}
append cmdall {'}
append cmdall $cmd($i)
append cmdall {' | tr '%' '\n'}
if {$i == 1} {
append cmdall {>}
} else {
append cmdall {>>}
append cmdall {$HOME/.vnc-helper-cmd__PID__; }
append cmdall {sh $HOME/.vnc-helper-cmd__PID__; }
regsub -all {vnc-helper-cmd} $cmdall "vnc-helper-cmd-$mode" cmdall
if {$tag == ""} {
set tag [pid]
regsub -all {__PID__} $cmdall "$tag" cmdall
set orig $cmdall
global use_cups cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile
if {$use_cups && $cups_manage_rcfile} {
if {$mode == "post"} {
regsub {DO_CUPS=0} $cmdall {DO_CUPS=1} cmdall
regsub {cups_port=NNNN} $cmdall "cups_port=$cups_remote_port" cmdall
global use_smbmnt smb_su_mode
if {$use_smbmnt} {
global smb_mounts
if {$smb_mounts != ""} {
set smbm $smb_mounts
regsub -all {%USER} $smbm "__USER__" smbm
regsub -all {%HOME} $smbm "__HOME__" smbm
if {$mode == "pre"} {
regsub {DO_SMB=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB=1} cmdall
if {$smb_su_mode == "su"} {
regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=1} cmdall
} elseif {$smb_su_mode == "sudo"} {
regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=2} cmdall
} elseif {$smb_su_mode == "none"} {
regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=0} cmdall
} else {
regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=1} cmdall
regsub {smb_mounts=} $cmdall "smb_mounts=\"$smbm\"" cmdall
} elseif {$mode == "post"} {
regsub {DO_SMB_WAIT=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_WAIT=1} cmdall
global use_sound
if {$use_sound} {
if {$mode == "pre"} {
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
if {$sound_daemon_kill} {
regsub {DO_SOUND_KILL=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND_KILL=1} cmdall
regsub {DO_SOUND=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND=1} cmdall
if {$sound_daemon_restart} {
regsub {DO_SOUND_RESTART=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND_RESTART=1} cmdall
regsub {DO_SOUND=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND=1} cmdall
set sp [string trim $sound_daemon_remote_cmd]
regsub {[ \t].*$} $sp "" sp
set sa [string trim $sound_daemon_remote_cmd]
regsub {^[^ \t][^ \t]*[ \t][ \t]*} $sa "" sa
regsub {sound_daemon_remote_prog=} $cmdall "sound_daemon_remote_prog=\"$sp\"" cmdall
regsub {sound_daemon_remote_args=} $cmdall "sound_daemon_remote_args=\"$sa\"" cmdall
if {"$orig" == "$cmdall"} {
return ""
} else {
return $cmdall
proc cups_dialog {} {
catch {destroy .cups}
toplevel .cups
wm title .cups "CUPS Tunnelling"
global cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile
global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port
scroll_text .cups.f
set msg {
CUPS Printing requires SSH be used to set up the Print service port
redirection. This will be either of the "Use SSH instead" or "Use
SSH and SSL" modes under "Options". Pure SSL tunnelling will not work.
This method requires working CUPS software setups on both the remote
and local sides of the connection.
(See Method #1 below for perhaps the easiest way to get applications
to print through the tunnel; it requires admin privileges however).
You choose an actual remote CUPS port below under "Use Remote CUPS
Port:" (6631 is just our default and used in the examples below).
Note that the normal default CUPS server port is 631.
The port you choose must be unused on the VNC server machine (n.b. no
checking is done). Print requests connecting to it are redirected to
your local machine through the SSH tunnel. Note: root permission is
needed for ports less than 1024 (this is not recommended).
Then enter the VNC Viewer side (i.e. where you are sitting) CUPS server
under "Local CUPS Server". E.g. use "localhost:631" if there is one
on the viewer machine, or, say, "my-print-srv:631" for a nearby CUPS
print server.
Several methods are now described for how to get applications to
print through the port redirected tunnel.
Method #0: Create or edit the file $HOME/.cups/client.conf on the VNC
server side by putting in something like this in it:
ServerName localhost:6631
based on the port you selected above.
NOTE: For this client.conf ServerName setting to work with lp(1)
and lpr(1) CUPS 1.2 or greater is required. The cmdline option
"-h localhost:6631" can be used for older versions. For client.conf to
work in general (e.g. Openoffice, Firefox), a bugfix found in CUPS 1.2.3
is required. Two Workarounds (Methods #1 and #2) are described below.
After the remote VNC Connection is finished, to go back to the non-SSH
tunnelled CUPS server and either remove the client.conf file or comment
out the ServerName line. This restores the normal CUPS server for
you on the remote machine.
Select "Manage ServerName in the $HOME/.cups/client.conf file for me" to
attempt to do this editing of the CUPS config file for you automatically.
Method #1: If you have admin permission on the VNC Server machine you
can likely "Add a Printer" via a GUI dialog, wizard, lpadmin(8), etc.
This makes the client.conf ServerName parameter unnecessary. You will
need to tell the GUI dialog that the printer is at, e.g., localhost:6631,
and anything else needed to identify the printer (type, model, etc).
Method #2: Restarting individual applications with the IPP_PORT
set will enable redirected printing for them, e.g.:
"env IPP_PORT=6631 firefox"
Windows/SMB Printers: Under "Local SMB Print Server" you can set
a port redirection for a Windows (non-CUPS) SMB printer. E.g. port
6632 -> localhost:139. If localhost:139 does not work, try IP:139,
etc. or put in the IP address manually. Then at the least you can
print using the smbspool(8) program like this:
smbspool smb://localhost:6632/lp job user title 1 ""
You could put this in a script, "myprinter". It appears on the the URI,
the number of copies ("1" above) and the file itself are important.
(XXX this might only work for Samba printers...)
If you have root permission you can configure CUPS to know about this
printer via lpadmin(8), etc. You basically give it the smb:// URI.
For more info see:
.cups.f.t insert end $msg
if {$cups_local_server == ""} {
set cups_local_server "localhost:631"
if {$cups_remote_port == ""} {
set cups_remote_port "6631"
if {$cups_local_smb_server == ""} {
global is_windows
if {$is_windows} {
set cups_local_smb_server "IP:139"
} else {
set cups_local_smb_server "localhost:139"
if {$cups_remote_smb_port == ""} {
set cups_remote_smb_port "6632"
frame .cups.serv
label .cups.serv.l -text "Local CUPS Server: "
entry .cups.serv.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_local_server
pack .cups.serv.l -side left
pack .cups.serv.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .cups.port
label .cups.port.l -text "Use Remote CUPS Port:"
entry .cups.port.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_remote_port
pack .cups.port.l -side left
pack .cups.port.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .cups.smbs
label .cups.smbs.l -text "Local SMB Print Server: "
entry .cups.smbs.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_local_smb_server
pack .cups.smbs.l -side left
pack .cups.smbs.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .cups.smbp
label .cups.smbp.l -text "Use Remote SMB Print Port:"
entry .cups.smbp.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_remote_smb_port
pack .cups.smbp.l -side left
pack .cups.smbp.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
checkbutton .cups.cupsrc -anchor w -variable cups_manage_rcfile -text \
"Manage ServerName in the remote \$HOME/.cups/client.conf file for me"
button .cups.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .cups; if {$use_cups} {set_ssh}}
bind .cups <Escape> {destroy .cups; if {$use_cups} {set_ssh}}
button .cups.guess -text "Help me decide ..." -command {}
.cups.guess configure -state disabled
pack .cups.done .cups.guess .cups.cupsrc .cups.smbp .cups.smbs .cups.port .cups.serv -side bottom -fill x
pack .cups.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
center_win .cups
proc sound_dialog {} {
global is_windows
catch {destroy .snd}
toplevel .snd
wm title .snd "ESD/ARTSD Sound Tunnelling"
scroll_text .snd.f 80 30
set msg {
Sound daemon tunnelling requires SSH be used to set up the service
port redirection. This will be either of the "Use SSH instead" or "Use
SSH and SSL" modes under "Options". Pure SSL tunnelling will not work.
This method requires working Sound daemon (e.g. ESD or ARTSD) software
setups on both the remote and local sides of the connection.
Often this means you want to run your ENTIRE remote desktop with all
applications instructed to use the sound daemon's network port. E.g.
esddsp -s localhost:16001 startkde
esddsp -s localhost:16001 gnome-session
and similarly for artsdsp, etc. You put this in your ~/.xession,
or other startup file. This is non standard. If you do not want to
do this you still can direct *individual* sound applications through
the tunnel, for example "esddsp -s localhost:16001 soundapp", where
"soundapp" is some application that makes noise (say xmms or mpg123).
Also, usually the remote Sound daemon must be killed BEFORE the SSH port
redir is established (because it is listening on the port we want to use
for the SSH redir), and, presumably, restarted when the VNC connection
One may also want to start and kill a local sound daemon that will
play the sound received over the network on the local machine.
You can indicate the remote and local Sound daemon commands below and
how they should be killed and/or restart. Some examples:
esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port 16001 -tcp -bind
artsd -n -p 7265 -F 10 -S 4096 -n -s 5 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f
or you can leave some or all blank and kill/start them manually.
For convenience, a Windows port of ESD is provided in the util/esound
directory, and so this might work for a Local command:
esound\esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port 16001 -tcp -bind
NOTE: If you indicate "Remote Sound daemon: Kill at start." below,
So you may need to supply TWO SSH PASSWORDS, unless you are using
something like ssh-agent(1), the Putty PW setting, etc.
You will also need to supply the remote and local sound ports for the
SSH redirs (even though in principle the could be guessed from the
daemon commands...) For esd the default port is 16001, but you can
choose another one if you prefer.
For "Local Sound Port" you can also supply "host:port" instead of just
a numerical port to specify non-localhost connections, e.g. to another
For more info see:
.snd.f.t insert end $msg
global sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_cmd
if {$sound_daemon_remote_port == ""} {
set sound_daemon_remote_port 16001
if {$sound_daemon_local_port == ""} {
set sound_daemon_local_port 16001
if {$sound_daemon_local_cmd == ""} {
global is_windows
if {$is_windows} {
set sound_daemon_local_cmd {esound\esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port %PORT -tcp -bind}
} else {
set sound_daemon_local_cmd {esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port %PORT -tcp -bind}
regsub {%PORT} $sound_daemon_local_cmd $sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_cmd
frame .snd.remote
label .snd.remote.l -text "Remote Sound daemon cmd: "
entry .snd.remote.e -width 40 -textvariable sound_daemon_remote_cmd
pack .snd.remote.l -side left
pack .snd.remote.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .snd.local
label .snd.local.l -text "Local Sound daemon cmd: "
entry .snd.local.e -width 40 -textvariable sound_daemon_local_cmd
pack .snd.local.l -side left
pack .snd.local.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .snd.rport
label .snd.rport.l -text "Remote Sound Port: "
entry .snd.rport.e -width 40 -textvariable sound_daemon_remote_port
pack .snd.rport.l -side left
pack .snd.rport.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .snd.lport
label .snd.lport.l -text "Local Sound Port: "
entry .snd.lport.e -width 40 -textvariable sound_daemon_local_port
pack .snd.lport.l -side left
pack .snd.lport.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
checkbutton .snd.sdk -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_kill -text \
"Remote Sound daemon: Kill at start."
checkbutton .snd.sdr -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_restart -text \
"Remote Sound daemon: Restart at end."
checkbutton .snd.sdsl -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_local_start -text \
"Local Sound daemon: Run at start."
checkbutton .snd.sdkl -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_local_kill -text \
"Local Sound daemon: Kill at end."
button .snd.guess -text "Help me decide ..." -command {}
.snd.guess configure -state disabled
global is_win9x
if {$is_win9x} {
.snd.local.e configure -state disabled
.snd.local.l configure -state disabled
.snd.sdsl configure -state disabled
.snd.sdkl configure -state disabled
button .snd.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .snd; if {$use_sound} {set_ssh}}
bind .snd <Escape> {destroy .snd; if {$use_sound} {set_ssh}}
pack .snd.done .snd.guess .snd.sdkl .snd.sdsl .snd.sdr .snd.sdk .snd.lport .snd.rport \
.snd.local .snd.remote -side bottom -fill x
pack .snd.f -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
center_win .snd
# Share ideas.
# Unix:
# if type smbclient
# first parse smbclient -L localhost -N
# and/or smbclient -L `hostname` -N
# Get Sharenames and Servers and Domain.
# loop over servers, doing smbclient -L server -N
# pile this into a huge list, sep by disk and printers.
# WinXP:
# parse "NET VIEW" output similarly.
# Have checkbox for each disk. Set default root to /var/tmp/${USER}-mnts
# Let them change that at once and have it populate.
# use //hostname/share /var/tmp/runge-mnts/hostname/share
# Printers, hmmm. Can't add to remote cups list... I guess have the list
# ready for CUPS dialog to suggest which SMB servers they want to redirect
# to...
proc get_hostname {} {
global is_windows is_win9x
set str ""
if {$is_windows} {
if {1} {
catch {set str [exec hostname]}
regsub -all {[\r]} $str "" str
} else {
catch {set str [exec net config]}
if [regexp -nocase {Computer name[ \t]+\\\\([^ \t]+)} $str mv str] {
} else {
set str ""
} else {
catch {set str [exec hostname]}
set str [string trim $str]
return $str
proc smb_list_windows {smbhost} {
global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host
global is_win9x
set dbg 0
set domain ""
if {$is_win9x} {
# exec net view ... doesn't work.
set smb_this_host "unknown"
set this_host [get_hostname]
set This_host [string toupper $this_host]
set smb_this_host $This_host
if {$smbhost == $smb_this_host} {
catch {set out0 [exec net view]}
regsub -all {[\r]} $out0 "" out0
foreach line [split $out0 "\n"] {
if [regexp -nocase {in workgroup ([^ \t]+)} $line mv wg] {
regsub -all {[.]} $wg "" wg
set domain $wg
} elseif [regexp {^\\\\([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)} $line mv host comment] {
set smb_local($smbhost:server:$host) $comment
set out1 ""
set h "\\\\$smbhost"
catch {set out1 [exec net view $h]}
regsub -all {[\r]} $out1 "" out1
if {$dbg} {puts "SMBHOST: $smbhost"}
set mode ""
foreach line [split $out1 "\n"] {
if [regexp {^[ \t]*---} $line] {
if [regexp -nocase {The command} $line] {
if [regexp -nocase {Shared resources} $line] {
if [regexp -nocase {^[ \t]*Share[ \t]*name} $line] {
set mode "shares"
set line [string trim $line]
if {$line == ""} {
if {$mode == "shares"} {
if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)$} $line mv name type comment] {
if {$dbg} {
puts "SHR: $name"
puts "---: $type"
puts "---: $comment"
if [regexp -nocase {^Disk$} $type] {
set smb_local($smbhost:disk:$name) $comment
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^Print} $type] {
set smb_local($smbhost:printer:$name) $comment
set smb_local($smbhost:domain) $domain
proc smb_list_unix {smbhost} {
global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host
set smbclient [in_path smbclient]
if {[in_path smbclient] == ""} {
return ""
set dbg 0
set this_host [get_hostname]
set This_host [string toupper $this_host]
set smb_this_host $This_host
set out1 ""
catch {set out1 [exec smbclient -N -L $smbhost 2>@ stdout]}
if {$dbg} {puts "SMBHOST: $smbhost"}
if {$smbhost == $this_host || $smbhost == $This_host} {
if {$out1 == ""} {
catch {set out1 [exec smbclient -N -L localhost 2>@ stdout]}
set domain ""
set mode ""
foreach line [split $out1 "\n"] {
if [regexp {^[ \t]*---} $line] {
if [regexp {Anonymous login} $line] {
if {$domain == "" && [regexp {Domain=\[([^\]]+)\]} $line mv domain]} {
if {$dbg} {puts "DOM: $domain"}
if [regexp {^[ \t]*Sharename} $line] {
set mode "shares"
if [regexp {^[ \t]*Server} $line] {
set mode "server"
if [regexp {^[ \t]*Workgroup} $line] {
set mode "workgroup"
set line [string trim $line]
if {$mode == "shares"} {
if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)$} $line mv name type comment] {
if {$dbg} {
puts "SHR: $name"
puts "---: $type"
puts "---: $comment"
if [regexp -nocase {^Disk$} $type] {
set smb_local($smbhost:disk:$name) $comment
} elseif [regexp -nocase {^Printer$} $type] {
set smb_local($smbhost:printer:$name) $comment
} elseif {$mode == "server"} {
if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)$} $line mv host comment] {
if {$dbg} {
puts "SVR: $host"
puts "---: $comment"
set smb_local($smbhost:server:$host) $comment
} elseif {$mode == "workgroup"} {
if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$} $line mv work host] {
if {$dbg} {
puts "WRK: $work"
puts "---: $host"
if {$host != ""} {
set smb_local($smbhost:master:$work) $host
set smb_local($smbhost:domain) $domain
proc smb_list {} {
global is_windows smb_local smb_local_hosts
global smb_host_list
set smb_local(null) ""
if {! [info exists smb_host_list]} {
set smb_host_list ""
if [info exists smb_local] {
unset smb_local
if [info exists smb_local_hosts] {
unset smb_local_hosts
set this_host [get_hostname]
set this_host [string toupper $this_host]
if {$is_windows} {
smb_list_windows $this_host
} else {
smb_list_unix $this_host
set did($this_host) 1
set keys [array names smb_local]
foreach item [split $smb_host_list] {
if {$item != ""} {
set item [string toupper $item]
lappend keys "$this_host:server:$item"
foreach key $keys {
if [regexp "^$this_host:server:(.*)\$" $key mv host] {
if {$host == ""} {
set smb_local_hosts($host) 1
if {! [info exists did($host)]} {
if {$is_windows} {
smb_list_windows $host
} else {
smb_list_unix $host
set did($host) 1
proc smb_check_selected {} {
global smbmount_exists smbmount_sumode
global smb_selected smb_selected_mnt smb_selected_cb smb_selected_en
set ok 0
if {$smbmount_exists && $smbmount_sumode != "dontknow"} {
set ok 1
set state disabled
if {$ok} {
set state normal
foreach cb [array names smb_selected_cb] {
catch {$cb configure -state $state}
foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] {
catch {$en configure -state $state}
proc make_share_widgets {w} {
set share_label $w.f.hl
catch {$share_label configure -text "Share Name: PROBING ..."}
set saw_f 0
foreach child [winfo children $w] {
if {$child == "$w.f"} {
set saw_f 1
catch {destroy $child}
set w1 47
set w2 44
if {! $saw_f} {
set wf $w.f
frame $wf
label $wf.hl -width $w1 -text "Share Name:" -anchor w
label $ -width $w2 -text " Mount Point:" -anchor w
pack $wf.hl $ -side left -expand 1
pack $wf -side top -fill x
.smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w
global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host smb_selected smb_selected_mnt
global smb_selected_host smb_selected_name
global smb_selected_cb smb_selected_en
global smb_host_list
if [info exists smb_selected] {array unset smb_selected }
if [info exists smb_selected_mnt] {array unset smb_selected_mnt}
if [info exists smb_selected_cb] {array unset smb_selected_cb}
if [info exists smb_selected_en] {array unset smb_selected_en}
if [info exists smb_selected_host] {array unset smb_selected_host}
if [info exists smb_selected_name] {array unset smb_selected_name}
set hosts [list $smb_this_host]
lappend hosts [lsort [array names smb_local_hosts]]
set smb_host_list ""
set i 0
global smb_mount_prefix
set smb_mount_prefix "/var/tmp/%USER-mnts"
foreach host [lsort [array names smb_local_hosts]] {
if [info exists did($host)] {
set did($host) 1
append smb_host_list "$host "
foreach key [lsort [array names smb_local]] {
if [regexp {^([^:]+):([^:]+):(.*)$} $key mv host2 type name] {
if {$host2 != $host} {
if {$type != "disk"} {
set wf $w.f$i
frame $wf
checkbutton $wf.c -anchor w -width $w1 -variable smb_selected($i) \
-text "//$host/$name" -relief ridge
if {! [info exists smb_selected($i)]} {
set smb_selected($i) 0
entry $wf.e -width $w2 -textvariable smb_selected_mnt($i)
set smb_selected_mnt($i) "$smb_mount_prefix/$host/$name"
set smb_selected_host($i) $host
set smb_selected_name($i) $name
set smb_selected_cb($wf.c) $i
set smb_selected_en($wf.e) $i
set comment $smb_local($key)
bind $wf.c <Enter> "$share_label configure -text {Share Name: $comment}"
bind $wf.c <Leave> "$share_label configure -text {Share Name:}"
$wf.c configure -state disabled
$wf.e configure -state disabled
pack $wf.c $wf.e -side left -expand 1
pack $wf -side top -fill x
incr i
if {$i == 0} {
global is_win9x
#.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\nNo SMB Share Hosts were found!\n"
$share_label configure -text {Share Name: No SMB Share Hosts were found!}
if {$is_win9x} {
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n(this feature does not work on Win9x you have have to enter them manually: //HOST/share /var/tmp/mymnt)\n"
} else {
$share_label configure -text "Share Name: Found $i SMB Shares"
proc smb_help_me_decide {} {
global is_windows
global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host smb_selected smb_selected_mnt
global smb_selected_host smb_selected_name
global smb_selected_cb smb_selected_en
global smb_host_list
catch {destroy .smbwiz}
toplevel .smbwiz
set title "SMB Filesystem Tunnelling -- Help Me Decide"
wm title .smbwiz $title
set id " "
scroll_text .smbwiz.f 100 40
set msg {
For now you will have to verify the following information manually.
You can do this by either logging into the remote machine to find the info or asking the sysadmin for it.
if {! $is_windows} {
.smbwiz.f.t configure -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
.smbwiz.f.t insert end $msg
set w .smbwiz.f.t.f1
frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow}
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "1) Indicate the existence of the 'smbmount' command on the remote system:\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id"
global smbmount_exists
set smbmount_exists 0
checkbutton $w.smbmount_exists -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_exists \
-text "Yes, the 'smbmount' command exists on the remote system." \
-command smb_check_selected
pack $w.smbmount_exists
.smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n"
set w .smbwiz.f.t.f2
frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow}
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "2) Indicate your authorization to run 'smbmount' on the remote system:\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id"
global smbmount_sumode
set smbmount_sumode "dontknow"
radiobutton $ -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value dontknow \
-text "I do not know if I can mount SMB shares on the remote system via 'smbmount'" \
-command smb_check_selected
pack $ -side top -fill x
radiobutton $ -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value su \
-text "I know the Password to run commands as root on the remote system via 'su'" \
-command smb_check_selected
pack $ -side top -fill x
radiobutton $w.sudo -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value sudo \
-text "I know the Password to run commands as root on the remote system via 'sudo'" \
-command smb_check_selected
pack $w.sudo -side top -fill x
radiobutton $ -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value none \
-text "I do not need to be root on the remote system to mount SMB shares via 'smbmount'" \
-command smb_check_selected
pack $ -side top -fill x
.smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w
global smb_wiz_done
set smb_wiz_done 0
button .smbwiz.done -text "Done" -command {set smb_wiz_done 1}
pack .smbwiz.done -side bottom -fill x
pack .smbwiz.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
wm protocol .smbwiz WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set smb_wiz_done 1}
center_win .smbwiz
wm title .smbwiz "Searching for Local SMB shares..."
wm title .smbwiz $title
global smb_local smb_this_host
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n"
set w .smbwiz.f.t.f3
catch {destroy $w}
frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow}
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "3) Select SMB shares to mount and their mount point on the remote system:\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n${id}"
make_share_widgets $w
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n(%USER will be expanded to the username on the remote system and %HOME the home directory)\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "You can change the list of Local SMB hosts to probe and the mount point prefix here:\n"
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id"
set w .smbwiz.f.t.f4
frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow}
set wf .smbwiz.f.t.f4.f
frame $wf
label $wf.l -text "SMB Hosts: " -anchor w
entry $wf.e -textvariable smb_host_list -width 60
button $wf.b -text "Apply" -command {make_share_widgets .smbwiz.f.t.f3}
bind $wf.e <Return> "$wf.b invoke"
pack $wf.l $wf.e $wf.b -side left
pack $wf
pack $w
.smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id"
set w .smbwiz.f.t.f5
frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow}
set wf .smbwiz.f.t.f5.f
frame $wf
label $wf.l -text "Mount Prefix:" -anchor w
entry $wf.e -textvariable smb_mount_prefix -width 60
button $wf.b -text "Apply" -command {apply_mount_point_prefix .smbwiz.f.t.f5.f.e}
bind $wf.e <Return> "$wf.b invoke"
pack $wf.l $wf.e $wf.b -side left
pack $wf
pack $w
.smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w
.smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n"
.smbwiz.f.t see 1.0
.smbwiz.f.t configure -state disabled
vwait smb_wiz_done
catch {destroy .smbwiz}
if {! $smbmount_exists || $smbmount_sumode == "dontknow"} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -message "Sorry we couldn't help out!\n'smbmount' info on the remote system is required for SMB mounting" -title "SMB mounting -- aborting"
catch {raise .oa}
global smb_su_mode
set smb_su_mode $smbmount_sumode
set max 0
foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] {
set i $smb_selected_en($en)
set host $smb_selected_host($i)
set name $smb_selected_name($i)
set len [string length "//$host/$name"]
if {$len > $max} {
set max $len
set max [expr $max + 8]
set strs ""
foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] {
set i $smb_selected_en($en)
if {! $smb_selected($i)} {
set host $smb_selected_host($i)
set name $smb_selected_name($i)
set mnt $smb_selected_mnt($i)
set share "//$host/$name"
set share [format "%-${max}s" $share]
lappend strs "$share $mnt"
set text ""
foreach str [lsort $strs] {
append text "$str\n"
global smb_mount_list
set smb_mount_list $text
proc apply_mount_point_prefix {w} {
global smb_selected_host smb_selected_name
global smb_selected_en smb_selected_mnt
set prefix ""
catch {set prefix [$w get]}
if {$prefix == ""} {
mesg "No mount prefix."
foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] {
set i $smb_selected_en($en)
set host $smb_selected_host($i)
set name $smb_selected_name($i)
set smb_selected_mnt($i) "$prefix/$host/$name"
proc smb_dialog {} {
catch {destroy .smb}
toplevel .smb
wm title .smb "SMB Filesystem Tunnelling"
global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list
global use_smbmnt
global help_font
scroll_text .smb.f
set msg {
Windows/Samba Filesystem mounting requires SSH be used to set up the SMB
service port redirection. This will be either of the "Use SSH instead"
or "Use SSH and SSL" modes under "Options". Pure SSL tunnelling will
not work.
This method requires a working Samba software setup on the remote
side of the connection (VNC server) and existing Samba or Windows file
server(s) on the local side (VNC viewer).
The smbmount(8) program MUST be installed on the remote side.
This evidently limits the mounting to Linux systems. Let us know
of similar utilities on other Unixes. Mounting onto remote Windows
machines is currently not supported (our SSH mode only works to Unix).
Depending on how smbmount is configured you may be able to run it
as a regular user, or it may require running under su(1) or sudo(8)
(root password or user password required, respectively). You select
which one you want via the checkbuttons below.
In addition to a possible su(1) or sudo(8) password, you may ALSO
need to supply passwords to mount each SMB share. This is an SMB passwd.
If it has no password just hit enter after the "Password:" prompt.
The passwords are supplied when the 1st SSH connection starts up;
be prepared to respond to them.
LIKE ssh-agent(1) or the Putty PW setting.
To indicate the Windows/Samba shares to mount enter them one per line
in either one of the forms:
//machine1/share ~/Desktop/my-mount1
//machine2/fubar /var/tmp/my-foobar2
1139 //machine3/baz /var/tmp/baz [...]
The first part is the standard SMB host and share name //hostname/dir
(note this share is on the local viewer-side not on the remote end).
A leading '#' will cause the entire line to be skipped.
The second part, e.g. /var/tmp/my-foobar2, is the directory to mount
the share on the remote (VNC Server) side. You must be able to
write to this directory. It will be created if it does not exist.
A leading character ~ will be expanded to $HOME. So will the string
%HOME. The string %USER will get expanded to the remote username.
An optional part like is used to specify the real
hostname or IP address, and possible non-standard port, on the local
side if for some reason the //hostname is not sufficient.
An optional leading numerical value, 1139 in the above example, indicates
which port to use on the Remote side to SSH redirect to the local side.
Otherwise a random one is tried (a unique one is needed for each SMB
server:port combination). A fixed one is preferred: choose a free
remote port.
The standard SMB ports are 445 and 139. 139 is used by this application.
Sometimes "localhost" will not work on Windows machines for a share
hostname, and you will have to specify a different network interface
(e.g. the machine's IP address). If you use the literal string "IP"
it will be attempted to replace it with the numerical IP address, e.g.:
//machine1/share ~/Desktop/my-mount1 IP
VERY IMPORTANT: Before terminating the VNC Connection, make sure no
applications are using any of the SMB shares (or shells are cd-ed
into the share). This way the shares will be automatically umounted.
Otherwise you will need to log in again, stop processes from using
the share, become root and umount the shares manually ("smbumount
/path/to/share", etc.)
For more info see:
set msg2 {
To speed up moving to the next step, iconify the first SSH console
when you are done entering passwords, etc. and then click on the
main panel 'VNC Server' label.
global is_windows
if {! $is_windows} {
regsub { *%WIN} $msg "" msg
} else {
set msg2 [string trim $msg2]
regsub { *%WIN} $msg " $msg2" msg
.smb.f.t insert end $msg
frame .smb.r
label .smb.r.l -text "smbmount(8) auth mode:" -relief ridge
radiobutton .smb.r.none -text "None" -variable smb_su_mode -value "none"
radiobutton -text "su(1)" -variable smb_su_mode -value "su"
radiobutton .smb.r.sudo -text "sudo(8)" -variable smb_su_mode -value "sudo"
pack .smb.r.l .smb.r.none .smb.r.sudo -side left -fill x
label -text "Supply the mounts (one per line) below:" -anchor w -relief ridge
eval text .smb.mnts -width 80 -height 5 $help_font
.smb.mnts insert end $smb_mount_list
#apply_bg .smb.mnts
button .smb.guess -text "Help me decide ..." -command {destroy .smb; smb_help_me_decide}
#.smb.guess configure -state disabled
button .smb.done -text "Done" -command {if {$use_smbmnt} {set_ssh; set smb_mount_list [.smb.mnts get 1.0 end]}; destroy .smb}
bind .smb <Escape> {if {$use_smbmnt} {set_ssh; set smb_mount_list [.smb.mnts get 1.0 end]}; destroy .smb}
pack .smb.done .smb.guess .smb.mnts .smb.r -side bottom -fill x
pack .smb.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
center_win .smb
proc help_advanced_opts {} {
catch {destroy .ah}
toplevel .ah
scroll_text_dismiss .ah.f
center_win .ah
wm title .ah "Advanced Opts Help"
set msg {
These Advanced settings are experimental options that may require extra
software installed on the VNC server-side (the remote server machine)
and/or on the VNC client-side (where this gui is running).
The Service redirection options, CUPS, ESD/ARTSD, and SMB will require
that you use SSH for tunneling so that the -R port redirection will
be enabled for each service. I.e. "Use SSH instead" or "Use SSH and SSL"
These options may also require additional configuration to get them
to work properly. Please submit bug reports if it appears it should
be working for your setup but is not.
Brief descriptions:
CUPS Print tunnelling: redirect localhost:6631 (say) on the VNC
server to your local CUPS server.
ESD/ARTSD Audio tunnelling: redirect localhost:16001 (say) on
the VNC server to your local ESD, etc. sound server.
SMB mount tunnelling: redirect localhost:1139 (say) on the VNC
server and through that mount SMB file shares from your local
server. The remote machine must be Linux.
Change vncviewer: specify a non-bundled VNC Viewer (e.g.
UltraVNC or RealVNC) to run instead of the bundled TightVNC Viewer.
Extra Redirs: specify additional -L port:host:port and
-R port:host:port cmdline options for SSH to enable additional
Port Knocking: for "closed port" services, first "knock" on the
firewall ports in a certain way to open the door for SSH or SSL.
About the CheckButtons:
Ahem, Well...., a klunky UI: you have to toggle the CheckButton
to pull up the Dialog box a 2nd, etc. time... your settings will
still be there.
.ah.f.t insert end $msg
#raise .ah
proc set_viewer_path {} {
global change_vncviewer_path
set change_vncviewer_path [tk_getOpenFile]
catch {raise .chviewer}
proc change_vncviewer_dialog {} {
global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4
catch {destroy .chviewer}
toplevel .chviewer
wm title .chviewer "Change VNC Viewer"
global help_font
eval text .chviewer.t -width 90 -height 16 $help_font
apply_bg .chviewer.t
set msg {
To use your own VNC Viewer (i.e. one installed by you, not included in this
package), e.g. UltraVNC or RealVNC, type in the program name, or browse for
the full path to it. You can put command line arguments after the program.
Note that due to incompatibilities with respect to command line options
there may be issues, especially if many command line options are supplied.
You can specify your own command line options below if you like (and try to
avoid setting any others in this GUI).
If the path to the program name has any spaces it in, please surround it with
double quotes, e.g. "C:\Program Files\My Vnc Viewer\VNCVIEWER.EXE"
Since the command line options differ between them greatly, if you know it
is of the RealVNC 4.x flavor, indicate so on the check box.
.chviewer.t insert end $msg
frame .chviewer.path
label .chviewer.path.l -text "VNC Viewer:"
entry .chviewer.path.e -width 40 -textvariable change_vncviewer_path
button .chviewer.path.b -text "Browse..." -command set_viewer_path
checkbutton .chviewer.path.r -anchor w -variable vncviewer_realvnc4 -text \
"RealVNC 4.x"
pack .chviewer.path.l -side left
pack .chviewer.path.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack .chviewer.path.b -side left
pack .chviewer.path.r -side left
button .chviewer.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .chviewer; catch {raise .oa}}
bind .chviewer <Escape> {destroy .chviewer; catch {raise .oa}}
pack .chviewer.t .chviewer.path .chviewer.done -side top -fill x
center_win .chviewer
wm resizable .chviewer 1 0
focus .chviewer.path.e
proc port_redir_dialog {} {
global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list
catch {destroy .redirs}
toplevel .redirs
wm title .redirs "Additional Port Redirections"
global help_font
eval text .redirs.t -width 80 -height 35 $help_font
apply_bg .redirs.t
set msg {
Specify any additional SSH port redirections you desire for the
connection. Put as many as you want separated by spaces. These only
apply to SSH and SSH+SSL connections, they do not apply to Pure SSL
-L port1:host:port2 will listen on port1 on the local machine (where
you are sitting) and redirect them to port2 on
"host". "host" is relative to the remote side
(VNC Server). Use "localhost" for the remote
machine itself.
-R port1:host:port2 will listen on port1 on the remote machine
(where the VNC server is running) and redirect
them to port2 on "host". "host" is relative
to the local side (where you are sitting).
Use "localhost" for this machine.
Perhaps you want a redir to a web server inside an intranet:
-L 8001:web-int:80
Or to redir a remote port to your local SSH daemon:
-R 5022:localhost:22
etc. There are many interesting possibilities.
Sometimes, especially for Windows Shares, you cannot do a -R redir to
localhost, but need to supply the IP address of the network interface
(e.g. by default the Shares do not listen on localhost:139). As a
convenience you can do something like -R 1139:IP:139 (for any port
numbers) and the IP will be attempted to be expanded. If this fails
for some reason you will have to use the actual numerical IP address.
.redirs.t insert end $msg
frame .redirs.path
label .redirs.path.l -text "Port Redirs:"
entry .redirs.path.e -width 40 -textvariable additional_port_redirs_list
pack .redirs.path.l -side left
pack .redirs.path.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
button .redirs.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .redirs}
bind .redirs <Escape> {destroy .redirs}
pack .redirs.t .redirs.path .redirs.done -side top -fill x
center_win .redirs
wm resizable .redirs 1 0
focus .redirs.path.e
proc find_netcat {} {
global env is_windows
set nc ""
if {! $is_windows} {
set nc [in_path "netcat"]
if {$nc == ""} {
set nc [in_path "nc"]
} else {
set try "netcat.exe"
if [file exists $try] {
set nc $try
return $nc
proc pk_expand {cmd host} {
global tcl_platform
set secs [clock seconds]
set msecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set user $tcl_platform(user)
if [regexp {%IP} $cmd] {
set ip [guess_ip]
if {$ip == ""} {
set ip "unknown"
regsub -all {%IP} $cmd $ip cmd
if [regexp {%NAT} $cmd] {
set ip [guess_nat_ip]
regsub -all {%NAT} $cmd $ip cmd
regsub -all {%HOST} $cmd $host cmd
regsub -all {%USER} $cmd $user cmd
regsub -all {%SECS} $cmd $secs cmd
regsub -all {%MSECS} $cmd $msecs cmd
return $cmd
proc backtick_expand {str} {
set str0 $str
set collect ""
set count 0
while {[regexp {^(.*)`([^`]+)`(.*)$} $str mv p1 cmd p2]} {
set out [eval exec $cmd]
set str "$p1$out$p2"
incr count
if {$count > 10} {
return $str
proc read_from_pad {file} {
set fh ""
if {[catch {set fh [open $file "r"]}] != 0} {
return "FAIL"
set accum ""
set match ""
while {[gets $fh line] > -1} {
if [regexp {^[ \t]*#} $line] {
append accum "$line\n"
} elseif [regexp {^[ \t]*$} $line] {
append accum "$line\n"
} elseif {$match == ""} {
set match $line
append accum "# $line\n"
} else {
append accum "$line\n"
close $fh
if {$match == ""} {
return "FAIL"
if {[catch {set fh [open $file "w"]}] != 0} {
return "FAIL"
puts -nonewline $fh $accum
return $match
proc do_port_knock {hp} {
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
global is_windows
if {! $use_port_knocking} {
if {$port_knocking_list == ""} {
set default_delay 0
set host [string trim $hp]
regsub {^.*@} $host "" host
regsub {:.*$} $host "" host
set host0 [string trim $host]
if {$host0 == ""} {
mesg "No host: $hp"
if [regexp {PAD=([^\n]+)} $port_knocking_list mv padfile] {
set tlist [read_from_pad $padfile]
set tlist [string trim $tlist]
if {$tlist == "" || $tlist == "FAIL"} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \
-message "Failed to read entry from $padfile" \
-title "Error: Padfile $padfile"
regsub -all {PAD=([^\n]+)} $port_knocking_list $tlist list
} else {
set list $port_knocking_list
set spl ",\n\r"
if [regexp {CMD=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"}
if [regexp {CMDX=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"}
if [regexp {SEND=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"}
if [regexp {SENDX=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"}
set i 0
set pi 0
foreach line [split $list $spl] {
set line [string trim $line]
set line0 $line
if {$line == ""} {
if [regexp {^#} $line] {
if [regexp {^sleep[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)} $line mv sl] {
mesg "sleep: $sl"
after $sl
if [regexp {^delay[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)} $line mv sl] {
mesg "delay: $sl"
set default_delay $sl
if [regexp {^CMD=(.*)} $line mv cmd] {
mesg "CMD: $cmd"
eval exec $cmd
if [regexp {^CMDX=(.*)} $line mv cmd] {
set cmd [pk_expand $cmd $host0]
mesg "CMDX: $cmd"
eval exec $cmd
if [regexp {`} $line] {
#set line [backtick_expand $line]
set snd ""
if [regexp {^(.*)SEND=(.*)$} $line mv line snd] {
set line [string trim $line]
set snd [string trim $snd]
regsub -all {%NEWLINE} $snd "\n" snd
} elseif [regexp {^(.*)SENDX=(.*)$} $line mv line snd] {
set line [string trim $line]
set snd [string trim $snd]
set snd [pk_expand $snd $host0]
regsub -all {%NEWLINE} $snd "\n" snd
set udp 0
if [regexp -nocase {/udp} $line] {
set udp 1
regsub -all -nocase {/udp} $line "" line
set line [string trim $line]
regsub -all -nocase {/tcp} $line "" line
set line [string trim $line]
set delay 0
if [regexp {^(.*)[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)$} $line mv first delay] {
set line [string trim $first]
if {[regexp {^(.*):(.*)$} $line mv host port]} {
} else {
set host $host0
set port $line
set host [string trim $host]
set port [string trim $port]
if {$host == ""} {
set host $host0
if {$port == ""} {
mesg "No port: $line0"
set nc ""
if {$udp || $snd != ""} {
set nc [find_netcat]
if {$nc == ""} {
mesg "UDP: netcat(1) not found"
after 1000
if {$snd != ""} {
global env
set pfile "payload$pi.txt"
if {! $is_windows} {
set pfile "$env(HOME)/.$pfile"
set pfiles($pi) $pfile
incr pi
set fh [open $pfile "w"]
puts -nonewline $fh "$snd"
close $fh
mesg "SEND: $host $port"
if {$is_windows} {
if {$udp} {
catch {exec $nc -d -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &}
} else {
catch {exec $nc -d -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &}
} else {
if {$udp} {
catch {exec $nc -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &}
} else {
catch {exec $nc -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &}
catch {after 50; file delete $pfile}
} elseif {$udp} {
mesg "UDP: $host $port"
if {! $is_windows} {
catch {exec echo a | $nc -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" &}
} else {
set fh [open "nc_in.txt" "w"]
puts $fh "a"
close $fh
catch {exec $nc -d -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < "nc_in.txt" &}
} else {
mesg "TCP: $host $port"
set s ""
set emess ""
set rc [catch {set s [socket -async $host $port]} emess]
if {$rc != 0} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message $emess -title "Error: socket -async $host $port"
set socks($i) $s
# seems we have to close it immediately to avoid multiple SYN's.
# does not help on Win9x.
catch {after 30; close $s};
incr i
if {$delay == 0} {
if {$default_delay > 0} {
after $default_delay
} elseif {$delay > 0} {
after $delay
if {0} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
set $s $socks($j)
if {$s != ""} {
catch {close $s}
for {set j 0} {$j < $pi} {incr j} {
set f $pfiles($j)
if {$f != ""} {
if [file exists $f] {
after 100
catch {file delete $f}
if {$is_windows} {
catch {file delete "nc_in.txt"}
proc port_knocking_dialog {} {
catch {destroy .pk}
toplevel .pk
wm title .pk "Port Knocking"
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
global help_font
scroll_text .pk.f 85
set msg {
Port Knocking is where a network connection to a service is not provided
to just any client, but rather only to those that immediately prior to
connecting send a more or less secret pattern of connections to other
ports on the firewall.
Somewhat like "knocking" on the door with the correct sequence before it
being opened (but not necessarily letting you in yet). It is also possible
to have a single encrypted packet (e.g. UDP) payload communicate with the
firewall instead of knocking on a sequence of ports.
Only after the correct sequence of ports is observed by the firewall does
it allow the IP address of the client to attempt to connect to the service.
So, for example, instead of allowing any host on the internet to connect
to your SSH service and then try to login with a username and password, the
client first must "tickle" your firewall with the correct sequence of ports.
Only then will it be allowed to connect to your SSH service at all.
This does not replace the authentication and security of SSH, it merely
puts another layer of protection around it. E.g., suppose an exploit for
SSH was discovered, you would most likely have more time to fix/patch
the problem than if any client could directly connect to your SSH server.
For more information and
Tip: if you just want to use the Port Knocking for an SSH shell and not
for a VNC tunnel, then specify something like "user@hostname cmd=SHELL"
(or "user@hostname cmd=PUTTY" on Windows) in the VNC Server entry box
on the main panel. This will do everything short of starting the viewer.
A shortcut for this is Ctrl-S.
In the text area below put in the pattern of "knocks" needed for this
connection. You can separate the knocks by commas or put them one per line.
Whitespace is trimmed.
Each "knock" is of this form:
[host:]port[/udp] [delay]
In the simplest form just a numerical port, e.g. 5433, is supplied.
The packet is sent to the same host that the VNC (or SSH) connection will
be made to. If you want it to go to a different host or IP use the [host:]
prefix. It can be either a hostname or numerical IP.
TCP is assumed by default.
If you need to send a UDP packet, the netcat (aka "nc") program must be
installed on Unix (tcl/tk does not support udp connections). Indicate this
with "/udp" following the port number (you can also use "/tcp", but since
it is the default it is not necessary). For convenience a Windows netcat
binary is supplied.
Because an external program must be launched for each packet udp knocking will
be somewhat slower and less reliable. ICMP (ping) is currently not supported.
The last field is the number of milliseconds to delay before continuing.
5433,12321,1661, 12321/udp 3000,1661 2000
12321/udp 3000
1661 2000
Alternate actions: If the string in the text field contains anywhere the
strings "CMD=", "CMDX=", or "SEND=", then splitting on commas is not done:
it is only split on lines.
Then, if a line begins CMD=... the string after the = is run as an
external command. The command could be anything you want, e.g. it could
be a port-knocking client that does the knocking, perhaps encrypting the
"knocks" pattern somehow or using a Single Packet Authorization method such
Extra quotes (sometimes "'foo bar'") may be needed to preserve spaces in
command line arguments because the tcl/tk eval(n) command is used. You
can also use {...} for quoting strings with spaces.
If a line begins CMDX=... then before the command is run the following
tokens are expanded to strings:
%IP Current machine's IP address (NAT may make this not useful).
%NAT Try to get effective IP by contacting
%HOST The remote host of the connection.
%USER The current user.
%SECS The current time in seconds (platform dependent).
%MSECS Platform dependent time having at least millisecond granularity.
Lines not matching CMD= or CMDX= are treated as normal port knocks but with
one exception. If a line ends in SEND=... (i.e. after the [host:]port,
etc., part) then the string after the = is sent as a payload for the tcp
or udp connection to [host:]port. netcat is used for these SEND cases
(and must be available on Unix). If newlines (\n) are needed in the
SEND string, use %NEWLINE. Sending binary data is not yet supported;
use CMD= with your own program.
CMD=port_knock_client -pass wombat33
CMDX=port_knock_client -pass wombat33 -host %HOST -src %NAT SEND=ASDLFKSJDF
More tricks:
To temporarily "comment out" a knock, insert a leading "#" character.
Use "sleep N" to insert a raw sleep for N milliseconds (e.g. between
CMD=... items or at the very end of the knocks to wait).
If a knock entry matches "delay N" the default delay is set to
N milliseconds.
One Time Pads:
If the text contains a (presumably single) line of the form:
then that file is opened and the first non-blank line not beginning
with "#" is used as the knock pattern. The pad file is rewritten
with that line starting with a "#" (so it will be skipped next time).
The PAD=... string is replaced with the read-in knock pattern line.
So, if needed, one can preface the PAD=... with "delay N" to set the
default delay, and one can also put a "sleep N" after the PAD=...
line to indicate a final sleep. One can also surround the PAD=
line with other knock and CMD= CMDX= lines, but that usage sounds
a bit rare. Example:
delay 1000
PAD=C:\My Pads\work-pad1.txt
sleep 4000
.pk.f.t insert end $msg
label -text "Supply port knocking pattern:" -anchor w -relief ridge
eval text .pk.rule -width 80 -height 5 $help_font
.pk.rule insert end $port_knocking_list
#apply_bg .pk.rule
button .pk.done -text "Done" -command {if {$use_port_knocking} {set port_knocking_list [.pk.rule get 1.0 end]}; destroy .pk}
bind .pk <Escape> {if {$use_port_knocking} {set port_knocking_list [.pk.rule get 1.0 end]}; destroy .pk}
pack .pk.done .pk.rule -side bottom -fill x
pack .pk.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
center_win .pk
proc set_advanced_options {} {
global env
global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt
global change_vncviewer
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
catch {destroy .o}
catch {destroy .oa}
toplevel .oa
wm title .oa "Advanced options"
set i 1
checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_cups -text \
"Enable CUPS Print tunnelling" \
-command {if {$use_cups} {cups_dialog}}
incr i
checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_sound -text \
"Enable ESD/ARTSD Audio tunnelling" \
-command {if {$use_sound} {sound_dialog}}
incr i
checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_smbmnt -text \
"Enable SMB mount tunnelling" \
-command {if {$use_smbmnt} {smb_dialog}}
incr i
checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable change_vncviewer -text \
"Change VNC Viewer" \
-command {if {$change_vncviewer} {change_vncviewer_dialog}}
incr i
checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable additional_port_redirs -text \
"Additional Port Redirs" \
-command {if {$additional_port_redirs} {port_redir_dialog}}
incr i
checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_port_knocking -text \
"Port Knocking" \
-command {if {$use_port_knocking} {port_knocking_dialog}}
incr i
for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
pack .oa.b$j -side top -fill x
frame .oa.b
button .oa.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .oa}
bind .oa <Escape> {destroy .oa}
button -text "Help" -command help_advanced_opts
pack .oa.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left
pack .oa.b -side top -fill x
center_win .oa
wm resizable .oa 1 0
focus .oa
proc in_path {cmd} {
global env
set p $env(PATH)
foreach dir [split $p ":"] {
set try "$dir/$cmd"
if [file exists $try] {
return "$try"
return ""
proc ssh_agent_restart {} {
global env
set got_ssh_agent 0
set got_ssh_add 0
set got_ssh_agent2 0
set got_ssh_add2 0
if [in_path "ssh-agent"] {set got_ssh_agent 1}
if [in_path "ssh-agent2"] {set got_ssh_agent2 1}
if [in_path "ssh-add"] {set got_ssh_add 1}
if [in_path "ssh-add2"] {set got_ssh_add2 1}
set ssh_agent ""
set ssh_add ""
if {[info exists env(USER)] && $env(USER) == "runge"} {
if {$got_ssh_agent2} {
set ssh_agent "ssh-agent2"
if {$got_ssh_add2} {
set ssh_add "ssh-add2"
if {$ssh_agent == "" && $got_ssh_agent} {
set ssh_agent "ssh-agent"
if {$ssh_add == "" && $got_ssh_add} {
set ssh_add "ssh-add"
if {$ssh_agent == ""} {
mesg "could not find ssh-agent in PATH"
if {$ssh_add == ""} {
mesg "could not find ssh-add in PATH"
set tmp $env(HOME)/.vnc-sa[pid]
set fh ""
catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]}
if {$fh == ""} {
mesg "could not open tmp file $tmp"
puts $fh "#!/bin/sh"
puts $fh "eval `$ssh_agent -s`"
puts $fh "$ssh_add"
puts $fh "SSL_VNC_GUI_CHILD=\"\""
puts $fh "export SSL_VNC_GUI_CHILD"
global buck_zero
set cmd $buck_zero
if [info exists env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CMD)] {
set cmd $env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CMD)
#puts $fh "$cmd </dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &"
puts $fh "nohup $cmd &"
puts $fh "sleep 1"
puts $fh "#rm -f $tmp"
close $fh
wm withdraw .
catch {wm withdraw .o}
catch {wm withdraw .oa}
exec xterm -geometry +200+200 -title "Restarting with ssh-agent/ssh-add" -e sh $tmp &
after 10000
destroy .
proc putty_pw_entry {mode} {
if {$mode == "check"} {
global use_sshssl use_ssh
if {$use_sshssl || $use_ssh} {
putty_pw_entry enable
} else {
putty_pw_entry disable
if {$mode == "disable"} {
catch { configure -state disabled}
catch { configure -state disabled}
} else {
catch { configure -state normal}
catch { configure -state normal}
proc set_options {} {
global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233
global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality
global compresslevel_text quality_text
global env is_windows
catch {destroy .o}
toplevel .o
wm title .o "Set SSL VNC Viewer options"
set i 1
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_ssh -text \
"Use SSH instead" \
-command {if {$use_ssh} {set use_sshssl 0}; putty_pw_entry check}
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_sshssl -text \
"Use SSH and SSL" \
-command {if {$use_sshssl} {set use_ssh 0}; putty_pw_entry check}
set iss $i
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_viewonly -text \
"View Only"
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_fullscreen -text \
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_raise_on_beep -text \
"Raise On Beep"
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_bgr233 -text \
"Use 8bit color (-bgr233)"
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_alpha -text \
"Cursor alphablending (32bpp required)"
set ia $i
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_grab -text \
"Use XGrabServer"
set ix $i
incr i
checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_nojpeg -text \
"Do not use JPEG (-nojpeg)"
incr i
menubutton .o.b$i -anchor w -menu .o.b$i.m -textvariable compresslevel_text
set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $use_compresslevel"
menu .o.b$i.m -tearoff 0
for {set j -1} {$j < 10} {incr j} {
set v $j
set l $j
if {$j == -1} {
set v "default"
set l "default"
.o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_compresslevel \
-value $v -label $l -command \
{set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $use_compresslevel"}
incr i
menubutton .o.b$i -anchor w -menu .o.b$i.m -textvariable quality_text
set quality_text "Quality: $use_quality"
menu .o.b$i.m -tearoff 0
for {set j -1} {$j < 10} {incr j} {
set v $j
set l $j
if {$j == -1} {
set v "default"
set l "default"
.o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_quality \
-value $v -label $l -command \
{set quality_text "Quality: $use_quality"}
incr i
for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
pack .o.b$j -side top -fill x
if {$is_windows} {
.o.b$ia configure -state disabled
.o.b$ix configure -state disabled
if {$is_windows} {
label -text "Putty PW:"
entry -width 10 -show * -textvariable putty_pw
pack -side left
pack -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack -side top -fill x
putty_pw_entry check
} else {
button -text "Use ssh-agent" -command ssh_agent_restart
pack -side top -fill x
button .o.s_prof -text "Save Profile ..." -command {save_profile; raise .o}
button .o.l_prof -text " Load Profile ..." -command {load_profile; raise .o}
button .o.advanced -text "Advanced ..." -command set_advanced_options
button .o.clear -text "Clear Options" -command set_defaults
pack .o.s_prof -side top -fill x
pack .o.l_prof -side top -fill x
pack .o.clear -side top -fill x
pack .o.advanced -side top -fill x
frame .o.b
button .o.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .o}
bind .o <Escape> {destroy .o}
button -text "Help" -command help_opts
pack .o.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left
pack .o.b -side top -fill x
center_win .o
wm resizable .o 1 0
focus .o
set is_windows 0
set help_font "-font fixed"
if { [regexp -nocase {Windows} $tcl_platform(os)]} {
cd util
set help_font ""
set is_windows 1
if {[regexp -nocase {Windows.9} $tcl_platform(os)]} {
set is_win9x 1
} else {
set is_win9x 0
set putty_pw ""
wm title . "SSL VNC Viewer"
wm resizable . 1 0
set skip_pre 0
set vncdisplay ""
label .l -text "SSL TightVNC Viewer" -relief ridge
frame .f
label .f.l -text "VNC Server:" -relief ridge
entry .f.e -width 40 -textvariable vncdisplay
pack .f.l -side left
pack .f.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x
bind .f.e <Return> launch
frame .b
button -text "Help" -command help
button .b.certs -text "Certs ..." -command getcerts
button .b.opts -text "Options ..." -command set_options
button .b.conn -text "Connect" -command launch
button .b.exit -text "Exit" -command {destroy .; exit}
pack .b.certs .b.opts .b.conn .b.exit -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack .l .f .b -side top -fill x
if {![info exists env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CHILD)] || $env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CHILD) == ""} {
center_win .
focus .f.e
#raise .
global system_button_face
set system_button_face ""
foreach item [ configure -bg] {
set system_button_face $item
global env
if {[info exists env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CMD)]} {
set env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CHILD) 1
bind . <Control-n> "exec $env(SSL_VNC_GUI_CMD) &"
bind . <Control-q> "destroy .; exit"
bind . <Shift-Escape> "destroy .; exit"
bind . <Control-s> "launch_shell_only"
global entered_gui_top
set entered_gui_top 0
bind . <Enter> {set entered_gui_top 1}