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#ifndef _X11VNC_XRANDR_H
#define _X11VNC_XRANDR_H
/* -- xrandr.h -- */
extern time_t last_subwin_trap;
extern int subwin_trap_count;
extern XErrorHandler old_getimage_handler;
extern int xrandr_present;
extern int xrandr_width;
extern int xrandr_height;
extern int xrandr_rotation;
extern Time xrandr_timestamp;
extern Time xrandr_cfg_time;
extern void initialize_xrandr(void);
extern int check_xrandr_event(char *msg);
extern int known_xrandr_mode(char *s);
#define XRANDR_SET_TRAP_RET(x,y) \
if (subwin || xrandr) { \
trapped_getimage_xerror = 0; \
old_getimage_handler = XSetErrorHandler(trap_getimage_xerror); \
if (check_xrandr_event(y)) { \
trapped_getimage_xerror = 0; \
XSetErrorHandler(old_getimage_handler); \
return(x); \
} \
#define XRANDR_CHK_TRAP_RET(x,y) \
if (subwin || xrandr) { \
if (trapped_getimage_xerror) { \
if (subwin) { \
static int last = 0; \
subwin_trap_count++; \
if (time(NULL) > last_subwin_trap + 60) { \
rfbLog("trapped GetImage xerror" \
" in SUBWIN mode. [%d]\n", \
subwin_trap_count); \
last_subwin_trap = time(NULL); \
last = subwin_trap_count; \
} \
if (subwin_trap_count - last > 30) { \
/* window probably iconified */ \
usleep(1000*1000); \
} \
} else { \
rfbLog("trapped GetImage xerror" \
" in XRANDR mode.\n"); \
} \
trapped_getimage_xerror = 0; \
XSetErrorHandler(old_getimage_handler); \
check_xrandr_event(y); \
return(x); \
} \
#endif /* _X11VNC_XRANDR_H */