You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
326 lines
10 KiB
326 lines
10 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (c) 2001 Phil Thompson <>
** Copyright (c) 2002 Germain Garand <>
** This file is part of TQt Designer.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
** 06/2002 : Initial release of puic, the PerlTQt User Interface Compiler,
** a work derivated from uic (the TQt User Interface Compiler)
** and pyuic (the PyTQt User Interface Compiler).
** G.Garand
#include "uic.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "widgetdatabase.h"
#include "domtool.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <globaldefs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define PUIC_VERSION "0.70"
void getDBConnections( Uic& uic, TQString& s);
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
PyIndent indent;
bool execCode = FALSE;
bool subcl = FALSE;
bool imagecollection = FALSE;
bool imagecollection_tmpfile = FALSE;
TQStringList images;
const char *error = 0;
const char* fileName = 0;
const char* className = 0;
TQCString outputFile;
TQCString image_tmpfile;
const char* projectName = 0;
const char* trmacro = 0;
bool nofwd = FALSE;
bool fix = FALSE;
TQApplication app(argc, argv, FALSE);
TQString uicClass;
for ( int n = 1; n < argc && error == 0; n++ ) {
TQCString arg = argv[n];
if ( arg[0] == '-' ) { // option
TQCString opt = &arg[1];
if ( opt[0] == 'o' ) { // output redirection
if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-2) ) {
error = "Missing output-file name";
outputFile = argv[++n];
} else
outputFile = &opt[1];
} else if ( opt[0] == 'e' || opt == "embed" ) {
imagecollection = TRUE;
if ( opt == "embed" || opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-2) ) {
error = "Missing arguments.";
projectName = argv[++n];
} else {
projectName = &opt[1];
if ( argc > n+1 && qstrcmp( argv[n+1], "-f" ) == 0 ) {
imagecollection_tmpfile = TRUE;
image_tmpfile = argv[n+2];
n += 2;
} else if ( opt == "nofwd" ) {
nofwd = TRUE;
} else if ( opt == "subimpl" ) {
subcl = TRUE;
if ( !(n < argc-2) ) {
error = "Missing arguments.";
className = argv[++n];
} else if ( opt == "tr" ) {
if ( opt == "tr" || opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-1) ) {
error = "Missing tr function.";
trmacro = argv[++n];
} else {
trmacro = &opt[1];
} else if ( opt == "version" ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"PerlTQt User Interface Compiler v%s for TQt version %s\n", PUIC_VERSION,
exit( 1 );
} else if ( opt == "help" ) {
} else if ( opt == "fix" ) {
fix = TRUE;
} else if ( opt[0] == 'p' ) {
uint tabstop;
bool ok;
if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-1) ) {
error = "Missing indent";
tabstop = TQCString(argv[++n]).toUInt(&ok);
} else
tabstop = opt.mid(1).toUInt(&ok);
if (ok)
error = "Invalid indent";
} else if ( opt == "x" ) {
execCode = TRUE;
} else {
error = TQString( "Unrecognized option " + opt ).latin1();
} else {
if ( imagecollection && !imagecollection_tmpfile )
images << argv[n];
else if ( fileName ) // can handle only one file
error = "Too many input files specified";
fileName = argv[n];
if ( argc < 2 || error || (!fileName && !imagecollection ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "PerlTQt user interface compiler.\n" );
if ( error )
fprintf( stderr, "puic: %s\n", error );
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [mode] <uifile>\n"
"\nGenerate implementation:\n"
" %s [options] <uifile>\n"
"Generate image collection:\n"
" %s [options] -embed <project> <image1> <image2> <image3> ...\n"
"\t<project>\tproject name\n"
"\t<image[0..n]>\timage files\n"
" %s [options] -embed <project> -f <file>\n"
"\t<project>\tproject name\n"
"\t<file>\t\ttemporary file containing image names\n"
"Generate subclass implementation:\n"
" %s [options] -subimpl <classname> <uifile>\n"
"\t<classname>\tname of the subclass to generate\n"
"\t-o file\t\tWrite output to file rather than stdout\n"
"\t-p indent\tSet the indent in spaces (0 to use a tab)\n"
"\t-nofwd\t\tOmit imports of custom widgets\n"
"\t-tr func\tUse func(...) rather than trUtf8(...) for i18n\n"
"\t-x\t\tGenerate extra code to test the class\n"
"\t-version\tDisplay version of puic\n"
"\t-help\t\tDisplay this information\n"
, argv[0], argv[0], argv[0], argv[0], argv[0] );
return 1;
if ( imagecollection_tmpfile ) {
TQFile ifile( image_tmpfile );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream ts( &ifile );
TQString s =;
s = s.simplifyWhiteSpace();
images = TQStringList::split( ' ', s );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it )
*it = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
TQFile fileOut;
if ( !outputFile.isEmpty() ) {
fileOut.setName( outputFile );
if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
qWarning( "puic: Could not open output file '%s'", );
return 1;
} else {
| IO_WriteOnly, stdout );
TQTextStream out( &fileOut );
if ( imagecollection ) {
out.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Latin1 );
Uic::embed( out, projectName, images );
return 0;
out.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
TQFile file( fileName );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
qWarning( "puic: Could not open file '%s' ", fileName );
return 1;
TQDomDocument doc;
TQString errMsg;
int errLine;
if ( !doc.setContent( &file, &errMsg, &errLine ) ) {
qWarning( TQString("puic: Failed to parse %s: ") + errMsg + TQString (" in line %d\n"), fileName, errLine );
return 1;
TQDomElement e = doc.firstChild().toElement();
if ( e.hasAttribute("version") && e.attribute("version").toDouble() > 3.2 ) {
qWarning( TQString("puic: File generated with too recent version of TQt Designer (%s). Recent extensions won't be handled."),
e.attribute("version").latin1() );
return 1;
DomTool::fixDocument( doc );
if ( fix ) {
out << doc.toString();
return 0;
if ( !subcl ) {
out << "# Form implementation generated from reading ui file '" << fileName << "'" << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# Created: " << TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << endl;
out << "# by: The PerlTQt User Interface Compiler (puic)" << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!" << endl;
out << endl;
out << endl;
out << "use strict;" << endl;
out << "use utf8;" << endl;
out << endl;
out << endl;
Uic uic( fileName, outputFile, out, doc, subcl, trmacro ? trmacro : "trUtf8", className, nofwd, uicClass );
if (execCode) {
out << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "package main;" << endl;
out << endl;
out << "use TQt;" << endl;
out << "use " << (subcl ? TQString::fromLatin1(className) : uicClass) << ";" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "my $a = TQt::Application(\\@ARGV);" << endl;
TQString s;
getDBConnections( uic, s);
out << s;
out << indent << "my $w = " << (subcl? TQString::fromLatin1(className) : uicClass) << ";" << endl;
out << indent << "$a->setMainWidget($w);" << endl;
out << indent << "$w->show;" << endl;
out << indent << "exit $a->exec;" << endl;
if ( fileOut.status() != IO_Ok ) {
qWarning( "uic: Error writing to file" );
if ( !outputFile.isEmpty() )
remove( outputFile );
return 0;
void getDBConnections( Uic& uic, TQString& s)
int num = 0;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = uic.dbConnections.begin(); it != uic.dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty()) {
TQString inc = (num ? TQString::number(num+1) : TQString::null);
s += "\n# Connection to database " + (*it) + "\n\n";
s += "my $DRIVER" + inc + " =\t\t'TQMYSQL3';" + (inc?"":" # appropriate driver") + "\n";
s += "my $DATABASE" + inc + " =\t\t'foo';" + (inc?"":" # name of your database") + "\n";
s += "my $USER" + inc + "=\t\t'john';" + (inc?"":" # username") + "\n";
s += "my $PASSWORD" + inc + "=\t\t'ZxjGG34s';" + (inc?"":" # password for USER") + "\n";
s += "my $HOST" + inc + "=\t\t'localhost';" + (inc?"":" # host on which the database is running") + "\n";
s += "\n";
s += "my $db" + inc + " = TQt::SqlDatabase::addDatabase( $DRIVER" + inc;
if (inc)
s+= ", '" + (*it) + "'";
s += " );\n";
s += " $db" + inc + "->setDatabaseName( $DATABASE" + inc + " );\n";
s += " $db" + inc + "->setUserName( $USER" + inc + " );\n";
s += " $db" + inc + "->setPassword( $PASSWORD" + inc + " );\n";
s += " $db" + inc + "->setHostName( $HOST" + inc + " );\n";
s += "\n";
s += "if( !$db" + inc + "->open() )\n";
s += "{\n";
s += " TQt::MessageBox::information( undef, 'Unable to open database',\n";
s += " $db" + inc + "->lastError()->databaseText() . \"\\n\");\n";
s += " exit 1;\n";
s += "}\n";
s += "\n";