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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use blib;
package MyWidget;
use strict;
use TQt;
use TQt::isa qw(TQt::Widget);
use LCDRange;
use CannonField;
sub NEW {
my $quit = TQt::PushButton("&Quit", this, "quit");
$quit->setFont(TQt::Font("Times", 18, &TQt::Font::Bold));
TQt::app->connect($quit, TQT_SIGNAL('clicked()'), TQT_SLOT('quit()'));
my $angle = LCDRange(this, "angle");
$angle->setRange(5, 70);
my $force = LCDRange(this, "force");
$force->setRange(10, 50);
my $cannonField = CannonField(this, "cannonField");
$cannonField->connect($angle, TQT_SIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'), TQT_SLOT('setAngle(int)'));
$angle->connect($cannonField, TQT_SIGNAL('angleChanged(int)'), TQT_SLOT('setValue(int)'));
$cannonField->connect($force, TQT_SIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'), TQT_SLOT('setForce(int)'));
$force->connect($cannonField, TQT_SIGNAL('forceChanged(int)'), TQT_SLOT('setValue(int)'));
my $shoot = TQt::PushButton('&Shoot', this, "shoot");
$shoot->setFont(TQt::Font("Times", 18, &TQt::Font::Bold));
$cannonField->connect($shoot, TQT_SIGNAL('clicked()'), TQT_SLOT('shoot()'));
my $grid = TQt::GridLayout(this, 2, 2, 10);
$grid->addWidget($quit, 0, 0);
$grid->addWidget($cannonField, 1, 1);
$grid->setColStretch(1, 10);
my $leftBox = TQt::VBoxLayout;
$grid->addLayout($leftBox, 1, 0);
my $topBox = TQt::HBoxLayout;
$grid->addLayout($topBox, 0, 1);
package main;
use TQt;
use MyWidget;
my $a = TQt::Application(\@ARGV);
my $w = MyWidget;
$w->setGeometry(100, 100, 500, 355);
exit $a->exec;