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* mlt_tractor.c -- tractor service class
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited
* Author: Charles Yates <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "config.h"
#include "mlt_tractor.h"
#include "mlt_frame.h"
#include "mlt_multitrack.h"
#include "mlt_field.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/** Forward references to static methods.
static int producer_get_frame( mlt_producer this, mlt_frame_ptr frame, int track );
static void mlt_tractor_listener( mlt_multitrack tracks, mlt_tractor this );
/** Constructor for the tractor.
mlt_tractor mlt_tractor_init( )
mlt_tractor this = calloc( sizeof( struct mlt_tractor_s ), 1 );
if ( this != NULL )
mlt_producer producer = &this->parent;
if ( mlt_producer_init( producer, this ) == 0 )
mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );
mlt_properties_set( properties, "resource", "<tractor>" );
mlt_properties_set( properties, "mlt_type", "mlt_producer" );
mlt_properties_set( properties, "mlt_service", "tractor" );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "in", 0 );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "out", -1 );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "length", 0 );
producer->get_frame = producer_get_frame;
producer->close = ( mlt_destructor )mlt_tractor_close;
producer->close_object = this;
free( this );
this = NULL;
return this;
mlt_tractor mlt_tractor_new( )
mlt_tractor this = calloc( sizeof( struct mlt_tractor_s ), 1 );
if ( this != NULL )
mlt_producer producer = &this->parent;
if ( mlt_producer_init( producer, this ) == 0 )
mlt_multitrack multitrack = mlt_multitrack_init( );
mlt_field field = mlt_field_new( multitrack, this );
mlt_properties props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );
mlt_properties_set( props, "resource", "<tractor>" );
mlt_properties_set( props, "mlt_type", "mlt_producer" );
mlt_properties_set( props, "mlt_service", "tractor" );
mlt_properties_set_position( props, "in", 0 );
mlt_properties_set_position( props, "out", 0 );
mlt_properties_set_position( props, "length", 0 );
mlt_properties_set_data( props, "multitrack", multitrack, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_multitrack_close, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( props, "field", field, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_field_close, NULL );
mlt_events_listen( MLT_MULTITRACK_PROPERTIES( multitrack ), this, "producer-changed", ( mlt_listener )mlt_tractor_listener );
producer->get_frame = producer_get_frame;
producer->close = ( mlt_destructor )mlt_tractor_close;
producer->close_object = this;
free( this );
this = NULL;
return this;
/** Get the service object associated to the tractor.
mlt_service mlt_tractor_service( mlt_tractor this )
return MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( &this->parent );
/** Get the producer object associated to the tractor.
mlt_producer mlt_tractor_producer( mlt_tractor this )
return this != NULL ? &this->parent : NULL;
/** Get the properties object associated to the tractor.
mlt_properties mlt_tractor_properties( mlt_tractor this )
return MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( &this->parent );
/** Get the field this tractor is harvesting.
mlt_field mlt_tractor_field( mlt_tractor this )
return mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_TRACTOR_PROPERTIES( this ), "field", NULL );
/** Get the multitrack this tractor is pulling.
mlt_multitrack mlt_tractor_multitrack( mlt_tractor this )
return mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_TRACTOR_PROPERTIES( this ), "multitrack", NULL );
/** Ensure the tractors in/out points match the multitrack.
void mlt_tractor_refresh( mlt_tractor this )
mlt_multitrack multitrack = mlt_tractor_multitrack( this );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_MULTITRACK_PROPERTIES( multitrack );
mlt_properties self = MLT_TRACTOR_PROPERTIES( this );
mlt_events_block( properties, self );
mlt_events_block( self, self );
mlt_multitrack_refresh( multitrack );
mlt_properties_set_position( self, "in", 0 );
mlt_properties_set_position( self, "out", mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" ) );
mlt_events_unblock( self, self );
mlt_events_unblock( properties, self );
mlt_properties_set_position( self, "length", mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "length" ) );
static void mlt_tractor_listener( mlt_multitrack tracks, mlt_tractor this )
mlt_tractor_refresh( this );
/** Connect the tractor.
int mlt_tractor_connect( mlt_tractor this, mlt_service producer )
int ret = mlt_service_connect_producer( MLT_TRACTOR_SERVICE( this ), producer, 0 );
// This is the producer we're going to connect to
if ( ret == 0 )
this->producer = producer;
return ret;
/** Set the producer for a specific track.
int mlt_tractor_set_track( mlt_tractor this, mlt_producer producer, int index )
return mlt_multitrack_connect( mlt_tractor_multitrack( this ), producer, index );
/** Get the producer for a specific track.
mlt_producer mlt_tractor_get_track( mlt_tractor this, int index )
return mlt_multitrack_track( mlt_tractor_multitrack( this ), index );
static int producer_get_image( mlt_frame this, uint8_t **buffer, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
uint8_t *data = NULL;
mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( this );
mlt_frame frame = mlt_frame_pop_service( this );
mlt_properties frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );
mlt_properties_set( frame_properties, "rescale.interp", mlt_properties_get( properties, "rescale.interp" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "resize_alpha", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "resize_alpha" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "distort", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "distort" ) );
mlt_properties_set_double( frame_properties, "consumer_aspect_ratio", mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "consumer_aspect_ratio" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "consumer_deinterlace", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "consumer_deinterlace" ) );
mlt_properties_set( frame_properties, "deinterlace_method", mlt_properties_get( properties, "deinterlace_method" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "normalised_width", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "normalised_width" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "normalised_height", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "normalised_height" ) );
mlt_frame_get_image( frame, buffer, format, width, height, writable );
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "image", *buffer, *width * *height * 2, NULL, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "width", *width );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "height", *height );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "format", *format );
mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "aspect_ratio", mlt_frame_get_aspect_ratio( frame ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "progressive", mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "progressive" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "distort", mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "distort" ) );
data = mlt_frame_get_alpha_mask( frame );
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "alpha", data, 0, NULL, NULL );
return 0;
static int producer_get_audio( mlt_frame this, int16_t **buffer, mlt_audio_format *format, int *frequency, int *channels, int *samples )
mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( this );
mlt_frame frame = mlt_frame_pop_audio( this );
mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, buffer, format, frequency, channels, samples );
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "audio", *buffer, 0, NULL, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "frequency", *frequency );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "channels", *channels );
return 0;
static void destroy_data_queue( void *arg )
if ( arg != NULL )
// Assign the correct type
mlt_deque queue = arg;
// Iterate through each item and destroy them
while ( mlt_deque_peek_front( queue ) != NULL )
mlt_properties_close( mlt_deque_pop_back( queue ) );
// Close the deque
mlt_deque_close( queue );
/** Get the next frame.
TODO: This function needs to be redesigned...
static int producer_get_frame( mlt_producer parent, mlt_frame_ptr frame, int track )
mlt_tractor this = parent->child;
// We only respond to the first track requests
if ( track == 0 && this->producer != NULL )
int i = 0;
int done = 0;
mlt_frame temp = NULL;
int count = 0;
int image_count = 0;
// Get the properties of the parent producer
mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( parent );
// Try to obtain the multitrack associated to the tractor
mlt_multitrack multitrack = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "multitrack", NULL );
// Or a specific producer
mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "producer", NULL );
// The output frame will hold the 'global' data feeds (ie: those which are targetted for the final frame)
mlt_deque data_queue = mlt_deque_init( );
// Determine whether this tractor feeds to the consumer or stops here
int global_feed = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "global_feed" );
// If we don't have one, we're in trouble...
if ( multitrack != NULL )
// Used to garbage collect all frames
char label[ 30 ];
// Get the id of the tractor
char *id = mlt_properties_get( properties, "_unique_id" );
// Will be used to store the frame properties object
mlt_properties frame_properties = NULL;
// We'll store audio and video frames to use here
mlt_frame audio = NULL;
mlt_frame video = NULL;
mlt_frame first_video = NULL;
// Temporary properties
mlt_properties temp_properties = NULL;
// Get the multitrack's producer
mlt_producer target = MLT_MULTITRACK_PRODUCER( multitrack );
mlt_producer_seek( target, mlt_producer_frame( parent ) );
mlt_producer_set_speed( target, mlt_producer_get_speed( parent ) );
// We will create one frame and attach everything to it
*frame = mlt_frame_init( );
// Get the properties of the frame
frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( *frame );
// Loop through each of the tracks we're harvesting
for ( i = 0; !done; i ++ )
// Get a frame from the producer
mlt_service_get_frame( this->producer, &temp, i );
// Get the temporary properties
temp_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( temp );
// Check for last track
done = mlt_properties_get_int( temp_properties, "last_track" );
// Handle fx only tracks
if ( mlt_properties_get_int( temp_properties, "fx_cut" ) )
int hide = ( video == NULL ? 1 : 0 ) | ( audio == NULL ? 2 : 0 );
mlt_properties_set_int( temp_properties, "hide", hide );
// We store all frames with a destructor on the output frame
sprintf( label, "_%s_%d", id, count ++ );
mlt_properties_set_data( frame_properties, label, temp, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_frame_close, NULL );
// We want to append all 'final' feeds to the global queue
if ( !done && mlt_properties_get_data( temp_properties, "data_queue", NULL ) != NULL )
// Move the contents of this queue on to the output frames data queue
mlt_deque sub_queue = mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( temp ), "data_queue", NULL );
mlt_deque temp = mlt_deque_init( );
while ( global_feed && mlt_deque_count( sub_queue ) )
mlt_properties p = mlt_deque_pop_back( sub_queue );
if ( mlt_properties_get_int( p, "final" ) )
mlt_deque_push_back( data_queue, p );
mlt_deque_push_back( temp, p );
while( mlt_deque_count( temp ) )
mlt_deque_push_front( sub_queue, mlt_deque_pop_back( temp ) );
mlt_deque_close( temp );
// Now do the same with the global queue but without the conditional behaviour
if ( mlt_properties_get_data( temp_properties, "global_queue", NULL ) != NULL )
mlt_deque sub_queue = mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( temp ), "global_queue", NULL );
while ( mlt_deque_count( sub_queue ) )
mlt_properties p = mlt_deque_pop_back( sub_queue );
mlt_deque_push_back( data_queue, p );
// Pick up first video and audio frames
if ( !done && !mlt_frame_is_test_audio( temp ) && !( mlt_properties_get_int( temp_properties, "hide" ) & 2 ) )
// Order of frame creation is starting to get problematic
if ( audio != NULL )
mlt_deque_push_front( MLT_FRAME_AUDIO_STACK( temp ), producer_get_audio );
mlt_deque_push_front( MLT_FRAME_AUDIO_STACK( temp ), audio );
audio = temp;
if ( !done && !mlt_frame_is_test_card( temp ) && !( mlt_properties_get_int( temp_properties, "hide" ) & 1 ) )
if ( video != NULL )
mlt_deque_push_front( MLT_FRAME_IMAGE_STACK( temp ), producer_get_image );
mlt_deque_push_front( MLT_FRAME_IMAGE_STACK( temp ), video );
video = temp;
if ( first_video == NULL )
first_video = temp;
// Ensure that all frames know the aspect ratio of the background
mlt_properties_set_double( temp_properties, "output_ratio",
mlt_properties_get_double( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( first_video ), "aspect_ratio" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( temp ), "image_count", ++ image_count );
image_count = 1;
// Now stack callbacks
if ( audio != NULL )
mlt_frame_push_audio( *frame, audio );
mlt_frame_push_audio( *frame, producer_get_audio );
if ( video != NULL )
mlt_properties video_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( first_video );
mlt_frame_push_service( *frame, video );
mlt_frame_push_service( *frame, producer_get_image );
if ( global_feed )
mlt_properties_set_data( frame_properties, "data_queue", data_queue, 0, NULL, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( video_properties, "global_queue", data_queue, 0, destroy_data_queue, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "width", mlt_properties_get_int( video_properties, "width" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "height", mlt_properties_get_int( video_properties, "height" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "real_width", mlt_properties_get_int( video_properties, "real_width" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "real_height", mlt_properties_get_int( video_properties, "real_height" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "progressive", mlt_properties_get_int( video_properties, "progressive" ) );
mlt_properties_set_double( frame_properties, "aspect_ratio", mlt_properties_get_double( video_properties, "aspect_ratio" ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( frame_properties, "image_count", image_count );
destroy_data_queue( data_queue );
mlt_frame_set_position( *frame, mlt_producer_frame( parent ) );
mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( *frame ), "test_audio", audio == NULL );
mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( *frame ), "test_image", video == NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( *frame ), "consumer_lock_service", this, 0, NULL, NULL );
else if ( producer != NULL )
mlt_producer_seek( producer, mlt_producer_frame( parent ) );
mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, mlt_producer_get_speed( parent ) );
mlt_service_get_frame( this->producer, frame, track );
fprintf( stderr, "tractor without a multitrack!!\n" );
mlt_service_get_frame( this->producer, frame, track );
// Prepare the next frame
mlt_producer_prepare_next( parent );
// Indicate our found status
return 0;
// Generate a test card
*frame = mlt_frame_init( );
return 0;
/** Close the tractor.
void mlt_tractor_close( mlt_tractor this )
if ( this != NULL && mlt_properties_dec_ref( MLT_TRACTOR_PROPERTIES( this ) ) <= 0 )
this->parent.close = NULL;
mlt_producer_close( &this->parent );
free( this );