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* producer_kino.c -- a DV file format parser
* Copyright (C) 2005 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited
* Author: Charles Yates <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "producer_kino.h"
#include <framework/mlt_frame.h>
#include <framework/mlt_deque.h>
#include <framework/mlt_factory.h>
#include "kino_wrapper.h"
/* NB: This is an abstract producer - it provides no codec support whatsoever. */
#define FRAME_SIZE_525_60 10 * 150 * 80
#define FRAME_SIZE_625_50 12 * 150 * 80
typedef struct producer_kino_s *producer_kino;
struct producer_kino_s
struct mlt_producer_s parent;
kino_wrapper wrapper;
static int producer_get_frame( mlt_producer parent, mlt_frame_ptr frame, int index );
static void producer_close( mlt_producer parent );
mlt_producer producer_kino_init( char *filename )
kino_wrapper wrapper = kino_wrapper_init( );
if ( kino_wrapper_open( wrapper, filename ) )
producer_kino this = calloc( sizeof( struct producer_kino_s ), 1 );
if ( this != NULL && mlt_producer_init( &this->parent, this ) == 0 )
mlt_producer producer = &this->parent;
mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );
double fps = kino_wrapper_is_pal( wrapper ) ? 25 : 30000.0 / 1001.0;
// Assign the wrapper
this->wrapper = wrapper;
// Pass wrapper properties (frame rate, count etc)
mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "length", kino_wrapper_get_frame_count( wrapper ) );
mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "in", 0 );
mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "out", kino_wrapper_get_frame_count( wrapper ) - 1 );
mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "real_fps", fps );
mlt_properties_set( properties, "resource", filename );
// Register transport implementation with the producer
producer->close = ( mlt_destructor )producer_close;
// Register our get_frame implementation with the producer
producer->get_frame = producer_get_frame;
// Return the producer
return producer;
free( this );
kino_wrapper_close( wrapper );
return NULL;
static int producer_get_frame( mlt_producer producer, mlt_frame_ptr frame, int index )
producer_kino this = producer->child;
uint8_t *data = mlt_pool_alloc( FRAME_SIZE_625_50 );
// Obtain the current frame number
uint64_t position = mlt_producer_frame( producer );
// Create an empty frame
*frame = mlt_frame_init( );
// Seek and fetch
if ( kino_wrapper_get_frame( this->wrapper, data, position ) )
// Get the frames properties
mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( *frame );
// Determine if we're PAL or NTSC
int is_pal = kino_wrapper_is_pal( this->wrapper );
// Pass the dv data
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "dv_data", data, FRAME_SIZE_625_50, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_pool_release, NULL );
// Update other info on the frame
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "width", 720 );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "height", is_pal ? 576 : 480 );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "top_field_first", is_pal ? 0 : ( data[ 5 ] & 0x07 ) == 0 ? 0 : 1 );
mlt_pool_release( data );
// Update timecode on the frame we're creating
mlt_frame_set_position( *frame, mlt_producer_position( producer ) );
// Calculate the next timecode
mlt_producer_prepare_next( producer );
return 0;
static void producer_close( mlt_producer parent )
if ( parent != NULL )
// Obtain this
producer_kino this = parent->child;
// Close the file
if ( this != NULL )
kino_wrapper_close( this->wrapper );
// Close the parent
parent->close = NULL;
mlt_producer_close( parent );
// Free the memory
free( this );