You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1513 lines
46 KiB

* producer_westley.c -- a libxml2 parser of mlt service networks
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited
* Author: Dan Dennedy <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// TODO: destroy unreferenced producers (they are currently destroyed
// when the returned producer is closed).
#include "producer_westley.h"
#include <framework/mlt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/parserInternals.h> // for xmlCreateFileParserCtxt
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#define STACK_SIZE 1000
#define BRANCH_SIG_LEN 4000
#define _x (xmlChar*)
#define _s (char*)
#undef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
extern xmlDocPtr westley_make_doc( mlt_service service );
enum service_type
struct deserialise_context_s
enum service_type stack_types[ STACK_SIZE ];
mlt_service stack_service[ STACK_SIZE ];
int stack_service_size;
mlt_properties producer_map;
mlt_properties destructors;
char *property;
int is_value;
xmlDocPtr value_doc;
xmlNodePtr stack_node[ STACK_SIZE ];
int stack_node_size;
xmlDocPtr entity_doc;
int entity_is_replace;
int depth;
int branch[ STACK_SIZE ];
const xmlChar *publicId;
const xmlChar *systemId;
mlt_properties params;
typedef struct deserialise_context_s *deserialise_context;
/** Convert the numerical current branch address to a dot-delimited string.
static char *serialise_branch( deserialise_context this, char *s )
int i;
s[0] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < this->depth; i++ )
int len = strlen( s );
snprintf( s + len, BRANCH_SIG_LEN - len, "%d.", this->branch[ i ] );
return s;
/** Push a service.
static int context_push_service( deserialise_context this, mlt_service that, enum service_type type )
int ret = this->stack_service_size >= STACK_SIZE - 1;
if ( ret == 0 )
this->stack_service[ this->stack_service_size ] = that;
this->stack_types[ this->stack_service_size++ ] = type;
// Record the tree branch on which this service lives
if ( that != NULL && mlt_properties_get( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( that ), "_westley_branch" ) == NULL )
char s[ BRANCH_SIG_LEN ];
mlt_properties_set( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( that ), "_westley_branch", serialise_branch( this, s ) );
return ret;
/** Pop a service.
static mlt_service context_pop_service( deserialise_context this, enum service_type *type )
mlt_service result = NULL;
if ( this->stack_service_size > 0 )
result = this->stack_service[ -- this->stack_service_size ];
if ( type != NULL )
*type = this->stack_types[ this->stack_service_size ];
return result;
/** Push a node.
static int context_push_node( deserialise_context this, xmlNodePtr node )
int ret = this->stack_node_size >= STACK_SIZE - 1;
if ( ret == 0 )
this->stack_node[ this->stack_node_size ++ ] = node;
return ret;
/** Pop a node.
static xmlNodePtr context_pop_node( deserialise_context this )
xmlNodePtr result = NULL;
if ( this->stack_node_size > 0 )
result = this->stack_node[ -- this->stack_node_size ];
return result;
// Set the destructor on a new service
static void track_service( mlt_properties properties, void *service, mlt_destructor destructor )
int registered = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "registered" );
char *key = mlt_properties_get( properties, "registered" );
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, key, service, 0, destructor, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "registered", ++ registered );
// Prepend the property value with the document root
static inline void qualify_property( deserialise_context context, mlt_properties properties, char *name )
char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, name );
if ( resource != NULL )
// Qualify file name properties
char *root = mlt_properties_get( context->producer_map, "root" );
if ( root != NULL && strcmp( root, "" ) )
char *full_resource = malloc( strlen( root ) + strlen( resource ) + 2 );
if ( resource[ 0 ] != '/' && strchr( resource, ':' ) == NULL )
strcpy( full_resource, root );
strcat( full_resource, "/" );
strcat( full_resource, resource );
strcpy( full_resource, resource );
mlt_properties_set( properties, name, full_resource );
free( full_resource );
/** This function adds a producer to a playlist or multitrack when
there is no entry or track element.
static int add_producer( deserialise_context context, mlt_service service, mlt_position in, mlt_position out )
// Return value (0 = service remains top of stack, 1 means it can be removed)
int result = 0;
// Get the parent producer
enum service_type type;
mlt_service container = context_pop_service( context, &type );
int contained = 0;
if ( service != NULL && container != NULL )
char *container_branch = mlt_properties_get( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( container ), "_westley_branch" );
char *service_branch = mlt_properties_get( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ), "_westley_branch" );
contained = !strncmp( container_branch, service_branch, strlen( container_branch ) );
if ( contained )
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
char *hide_s = mlt_properties_get( properties, "hide" );
// Indicate that this service is no longer top of stack
result = 1;
switch( type )
case mlt_tractor_type:
mlt_multitrack multitrack = mlt_tractor_multitrack( MLT_TRACTOR( container ) );
mlt_multitrack_connect( multitrack, MLT_PRODUCER( service ), mlt_multitrack_count( multitrack ) );
case mlt_multitrack_type:
mlt_multitrack_connect( MLT_MULTITRACK( container ),
MLT_PRODUCER( service ),
mlt_multitrack_count( MLT_MULTITRACK( container ) ) );
case mlt_playlist_type:
mlt_playlist_append_io( MLT_PLAYLIST( container ), MLT_PRODUCER( service ), in, out );
result = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "Producer defined inside something that isn't a container\n" );
// Set the hide state of the track producer
if ( hide_s != NULL )
if ( strcmp( hide_s, "video" ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "hide", 1 );
else if ( strcmp( hide_s, "audio" ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "hide", 2 );
else if ( strcmp( hide_s, "both" ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "hide", 3 );
// Put the parent producer back
if ( container != NULL )
context_push_service( context, container, type );
return result;
/** Attach filters defined on that to this.
static void attach_filters( mlt_service this, mlt_service that )
if ( that != NULL )
int i = 0;
mlt_filter filter = NULL;
for ( i = 0; ( filter = mlt_service_filter( that, i ) ) != NULL; i ++ )
mlt_service_attach( this, filter );
attach_filters( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ), MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );
static void on_start_tractor( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
mlt_tractor tractor = mlt_tractor_new( );
mlt_service service = MLT_TRACTOR_SERVICE( tractor );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_tractor_close );
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ), (char*) atts[0], atts[1] == NULL ? "" : (char*) atts[1] );
mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_TRACTOR_PROPERTIES( tractor ), "global_feed", 1 );
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ) != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ), service, 0, NULL, NULL );
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_tractor_type );
static void on_end_tractor( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
// Get the tractor
enum service_type type;
mlt_service tractor = context_pop_service( context, &type );
if ( tractor != NULL && type == mlt_tractor_type )
// See if the tractor should be added to a playlist or multitrack
if ( add_producer( context, tractor, 0, mlt_producer_get_out( MLT_PRODUCER( tractor ) ) ) == 0 )
context_push_service( context, tractor, type );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid state for tractor\n" );
static void on_start_multitrack( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
enum service_type type;
mlt_service parent = context_pop_service( context, &type );
// If we don't have a parent, then create one now, providing we're in a state where we can
if ( parent == NULL || ( type == mlt_playlist_type || type == mlt_multitrack_type ) )
mlt_tractor tractor = NULL;
// Push the parent back
if ( parent != NULL )
context_push_service( context, parent, type );
// Create a tractor to contain the multitrack
tractor = mlt_tractor_new( );
parent = MLT_TRACTOR_SERVICE( tractor );
track_service( context->destructors, parent, (mlt_destructor) mlt_tractor_close );
type = mlt_tractor_type;
// Flag it as a synthesised tractor for clean up later
mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( parent ), "fezzik_synth", 1 );
if ( type == mlt_tractor_type )
mlt_service service = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_tractor_multitrack( MLT_TRACTOR( parent ) ) );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], atts[1] == NULL ? "" : (char*) atts[1] );
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ) != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, mlt_properties_get( properties,"id" ), service, 0, NULL, NULL );
context_push_service( context, parent, type );
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_multitrack_type );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid multitrack position\n" );
static void on_end_multitrack( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
// Get the multitrack from the stack
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
if ( service == NULL || type != mlt_multitrack_type )
fprintf( stderr, "End multitrack in the wrong state...\n" );
static void on_start_playlist( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_playlist_init( );
mlt_service service = MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
track_service( context->destructors, service, (mlt_destructor) mlt_playlist_close );
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], atts[1] == NULL ? "" : (char*) atts[1] );
// Out will be overwritten later as we append, so we need to save it
if ( xmlStrcmp( atts[ 0 ], _x("out") ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, "_westley.out", ( char* )atts[ 1 ] );
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ) != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ), service, 0, NULL, NULL );
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_playlist_type );
static void on_end_playlist( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
// Get the playlist from the stack
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
if ( service != NULL && type == mlt_playlist_type )
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
mlt_position in = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" );
mlt_position out = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" );
// See if the playlist should be added to a playlist or multitrack
if ( add_producer( context, service, in, out ) == 0 )
context_push_service( context, service, type );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid state of playlist end\n" );
static void on_start_producer( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
// use a dummy service to hold properties to allow arbitrary nesting
mlt_service service = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_service_s ) );
mlt_service_init( service, NULL );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_dummy_producer_type );
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], atts[1] == NULL ? "" : (char*) atts[1] );
// Parse a SMIL clock value (as produced by Kino 0.9.1) and return position in frames
static mlt_position parse_clock_value( char *value, double fps )
// This implementation expects a fully specified clock value - no optional
// parts (e.g. 1:05)
char *pos, *copy = strdup( value );
int hh, mm, ss, ms;
mlt_position result = -1;
value = copy;
pos = strchr( value, ':' );
if ( !pos )
return result;
*pos = '\0';
hh = atoi( value );
value = pos + 1;
pos = strchr( value, ':' );
if ( !pos )
return result;
*pos = '\0';
mm = atoi( value );
value = pos + 1;
pos = strchr( value, '.' );
if ( !pos )
return result;
*pos = '\0';
ss = atoi( value );
value = pos + 1;
ms = atoi( value );
free( copy );
result = ( fps * ( ( (hh * 3600) + (mm * 60) + ss ) * 1000 + ms ) / 1000 + 0.5 );
return result;
static void on_end_producer( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
if ( service != NULL && type == mlt_dummy_producer_type )
mlt_service producer = NULL;
qualify_property( context, properties, "resource" );
char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" );
// Let Kino-SMIL src be a synonym for resource
if ( resource == NULL )
qualify_property( context, properties, "src" );
resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" );
// Instantiate the producer
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ) != NULL )
char temp[ 1024 ];
strncpy( temp, mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ), 1024 );
if ( resource != NULL )
strcat( temp, ":" );
strncat( temp, resource, 1023 - strlen( temp ) );
producer = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", temp ) );
// Just in case the plugin requested doesn't exist...
if ( producer == NULL && resource != NULL )
producer = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", resource ) );
if ( producer == NULL )
producer = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", "+INVALID.txt" ) );
if ( producer == NULL )
producer = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", "colour:red" ) );
// Track this producer
track_service( context->destructors, producer, (mlt_destructor) mlt_producer_close );
// Propogate the properties
qualify_property( context, properties, "resource" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "luma" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "luma.resource" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "composite.luma" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "producer.resource" );
// Handle in/out properties separately
mlt_position in = -1;
mlt_position out = -1;
// Get in
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "in" ) != NULL )
in = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" );
// Let Kino-SMIL clipBegin be a synonym for in
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "clipBegin" ) != NULL )
if ( strchr( mlt_properties_get( properties, "clipBegin" ), ':' ) )
// Parse clock value
in = parse_clock_value( mlt_properties_get( properties, "clipBegin" ),
mlt_producer_get_fps( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ) ) );
// Parse frames value
in = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "clipBegin" );
// Get out
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "out" ) != NULL )
out = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "out" );
// Let Kino-SMIL clipEnd be a synonym for out
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "clipEnd" ) != NULL )
if ( strchr( mlt_properties_get( properties, "clipEnd" ), ':' ) )
// Parse clock value
out = parse_clock_value( mlt_properties_get( properties, "clipEnd" ),
mlt_producer_get_fps( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ) ) );
// Parse frames value
out = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "clipEnd" );
// Remove in and out
mlt_properties_set( properties, "in", NULL );
mlt_properties_set( properties, "out", NULL );
// Inherit the properties
mlt_properties_inherit( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( producer ), properties );
// Attach all filters from service onto producer
attach_filters( producer, service );
// Add the producer to the producer map
if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "id" ) != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( context->producer_map, mlt_properties_get(properties, "id"), producer, 0, NULL, NULL );
// See if the producer should be added to a playlist or multitrack
if ( add_producer( context, producer, in, out ) == 0 )
// Otherwise, set in and out on...
if ( in != -1 || out != -1 )
// Get the parent service
enum service_type type;
mlt_service parent = context_pop_service( context, &type );
if ( parent != NULL )
// Get the parent properties
properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( parent );
char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" );
// Put the parent producer back
context_push_service( context, parent, type );
// If the parent is a track or entry
if ( resource && ( strcmp( resource, "<entry>" ) == 0 ) )
mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "in", in );
mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "out", out );
// Otherwise, set in and out on producer directly
mlt_producer_set_in_and_out( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ), in, out );
// Otherwise, set in and out on producer directly
mlt_producer_set_in_and_out( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ), in, out );
// Push the producer onto the stack
context_push_service( context, producer, mlt_producer_type );
mlt_service_close( service );
static void on_start_blank( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
// Get the playlist from the stack
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_position length = 0;
if ( type == mlt_playlist_type && service != NULL )
// Look for the length attribute
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
if ( xmlStrcmp( atts[0], _x("length") ) == 0 )
length = atoll( _s(atts[1]) );
// Append a blank to the playlist
mlt_playlist_blank( MLT_PLAYLIST( service ), length - 1 );
// Push the playlist back onto the stack
context_push_service( context, service, type );
fprintf( stderr, "blank without a playlist - a definite no no\n" );
static void on_start_entry( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
mlt_producer entry = NULL;
mlt_properties temp = mlt_properties_new( );
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( temp, (char*) atts[0], atts[1] == NULL ? "" : (char*) atts[1] );
// Look for the producer attribute
if ( xmlStrcmp( atts[ 0 ], _x("producer") ) == 0 )
mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( context->producer_map, (char*) atts[1], NULL );
if ( producer != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( temp, "producer", producer, 0, NULL, NULL );
// If we have a valid entry
if ( mlt_properties_get_data( temp, "producer", NULL ) != NULL )
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
enum service_type parent_type = invalid_type;
mlt_service parent = context_pop_service( context, &parent_type );
mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( temp, "producer", NULL );
if ( parent_type == mlt_playlist_type )
// Append the producer to the playlist
if ( mlt_properties_get( temp, "in" ) != NULL || mlt_properties_get( temp, "out" ) != NULL )
mlt_playlist_append_io( MLT_PLAYLIST( parent ), producer,
mlt_properties_get_position( temp, "in" ),
mlt_properties_get_position( temp, "out" ) );
mlt_playlist_append( MLT_PLAYLIST( parent ), producer );
// Handle the repeat property
if ( mlt_properties_get_int( temp, "repeat" ) > 0 )
mlt_playlist_repeat_clip( MLT_PLAYLIST( parent ),
mlt_playlist_count( MLT_PLAYLIST( parent ) ) - 1,
mlt_properties_get_int( temp, "repeat" ) );
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( MLT_PLAYLIST( parent ), &info, mlt_playlist_count( MLT_PLAYLIST( parent ) ) - 1 );
entry = info.cut;
fprintf( stderr, "Entry not part of a playlist...\n" );
context_push_service( context, parent, parent_type );
// Push the cut onto the stack
context_push_service( context, MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( entry ), mlt_entry_type );
mlt_properties_close( temp );
static void on_end_entry( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
// Get the entry from the stack
enum service_type entry_type = invalid_type;
mlt_service entry = context_pop_service( context, &entry_type );
if ( entry == NULL && entry_type != mlt_entry_type )
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid state at end of entry\n" );
static void on_start_track( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
// use a dummy service to hold properties to allow arbitrary nesting
mlt_service service = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_service_s ) );
mlt_service_init( service, NULL );
// Push the dummy service onto the stack
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_entry_type );
mlt_properties_set( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ), "resource", "<track>" );
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ), (char*) atts[0], atts[1] == NULL ? "" : (char*) atts[1] );
// Look for the producer attribute
if ( xmlStrcmp( atts[ 0 ], _x("producer") ) == 0 )
mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( context->producer_map, (char*) atts[1], NULL );
if ( producer != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ), "producer", producer, 0, NULL, NULL );
static void on_end_track( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
// Get the track from the stack
enum service_type track_type;
mlt_service track = context_pop_service( context, &track_type );
if ( track != NULL && track_type == mlt_entry_type )
mlt_properties track_props = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( track );
enum service_type parent_type = invalid_type;
mlt_service parent = context_pop_service( context, &parent_type );
mlt_multitrack multitrack = NULL;
mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( track_props, "producer", NULL );
mlt_properties producer_props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );
if ( parent_type == mlt_tractor_type )
multitrack = mlt_tractor_multitrack( MLT_TRACTOR( parent ) );
else if ( parent_type == mlt_multitrack_type )
multitrack = MLT_MULTITRACK( parent );
fprintf( stderr, "track contained in an invalid container\n" );
if ( multitrack != NULL )
// Set producer i/o if specified
if ( mlt_properties_get( track_props, "in" ) != NULL ||
mlt_properties_get( track_props, "out" ) != NULL )
mlt_producer cut = mlt_producer_cut( MLT_PRODUCER( producer ),
mlt_properties_get_position( track_props, "in" ),
mlt_properties_get_position( track_props, "out" ) );
mlt_multitrack_connect( multitrack, cut, mlt_multitrack_count( multitrack ) );
mlt_properties_inherit( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( cut ), track_props );
track_props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( cut );
mlt_producer_close( cut );
mlt_multitrack_connect( multitrack, producer, mlt_multitrack_count( multitrack ) );
// Set the hide state of the track producer
char *hide_s = mlt_properties_get( track_props, "hide" );
if ( hide_s != NULL )
if ( strcmp( hide_s, "video" ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set_int( producer_props, "hide", 1 );
else if ( strcmp( hide_s, "audio" ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set_int( producer_props, "hide", 2 );
else if ( strcmp( hide_s, "both" ) == 0 )
mlt_properties_set_int( producer_props, "hide", 3 );
if ( parent != NULL )
context_push_service( context, parent, parent_type );
mlt_service_close( track );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid state at end of track\n" );
static void on_start_filter( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
// use a dummy service to hold properties to allow arbitrary nesting
mlt_service service = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_service_s ) );
mlt_service_init( service, NULL );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_dummy_filter_type );
// Set the properties
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] );
static void on_end_filter( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
enum service_type parent_type = invalid_type;
mlt_service parent = context_pop_service( context, &parent_type );
if ( service != NULL && type == mlt_dummy_filter_type )
mlt_service filter = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_filter( mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_service" ), NULL ) );
mlt_properties filter_props = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( filter );
track_service( context->destructors, filter, (mlt_destructor) mlt_filter_close );
// Propogate the properties
qualify_property( context, properties, "resource" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "luma" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "luma.resource" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "composite.luma" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "producer.resource" );
mlt_properties_inherit( filter_props, properties );
// Attach all filters from service onto filter
attach_filters( filter, service );
// Associate the filter with the parent
if ( parent != NULL )
if ( parent_type == mlt_tractor_type )
mlt_field field = mlt_tractor_field( MLT_TRACTOR( parent ) );
mlt_field_plant_filter( field, MLT_FILTER( filter ), mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "track" ) );
mlt_filter_set_in_and_out( MLT_FILTER( filter ),
mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "in" ),
mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "out" ) );
mlt_service_attach( parent, MLT_FILTER( filter ) );
// Put the parent back on the stack
context_push_service( context, parent, parent_type );
fprintf( stderr, "filter closed with invalid parent...\n" );
// Close the dummy filter service
mlt_service_close( service );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid top of stack on filter close\n" );
static void on_start_transition( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
// use a dummy service to hold properties to allow arbitrary nesting
mlt_service service = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_service_s ) );
mlt_service_init( service, NULL );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
context_push_service( context, service, mlt_dummy_transition_type );
// Set the properties
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, (char*) atts[0], (char*) atts[1] );
static void on_end_transition( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
enum service_type parent_type = invalid_type;
mlt_service parent = context_pop_service( context, &parent_type );
if ( service != NULL && type == mlt_dummy_transition_type )
mlt_service effect = MLT_SERVICE( mlt_factory_transition(mlt_properties_get(properties,"mlt_service"), NULL ) );
mlt_properties effect_props = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( effect );
track_service( context->destructors, effect, (mlt_destructor) mlt_transition_close );
// Propogate the properties
qualify_property( context, properties, "resource" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "luma" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "luma.resource" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "composite.luma" );
qualify_property( context, properties, "producer.resource" );
mlt_properties_inherit( effect_props, properties );
// Attach all filters from service onto effect
attach_filters( effect, service );
// Associate the filter with the parent
if ( parent != NULL )
if ( parent_type == mlt_tractor_type )
mlt_field field = mlt_tractor_field( MLT_TRACTOR( parent ) );
if ( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "a_track" ) == mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "b_track" ) )
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "b_track", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "a_track" ) + 1 );
mlt_field_plant_transition( field, MLT_TRANSITION( effect ),
mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "a_track" ),
mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "b_track" ) );
mlt_transition_set_in_and_out( MLT_TRANSITION( effect ),
mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "in" ),
mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "out" ) );
fprintf( stderr, "Misplaced transition - ignoring\n" );
// Put the parent back on the stack
context_push_service( context, parent, parent_type );
fprintf( stderr, "transition closed with invalid parent...\n" );
// Close the dummy filter service
mlt_service_close( service );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid top of stack on transition close\n" );
static void on_start_property( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
char *value = NULL;
if ( service != NULL )
// Set the properties
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
if ( xmlStrcmp( atts[ 0 ], _x("name") ) == 0 )
context->property = strdup( _s(atts[ 1 ]) );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( atts[ 0 ], _x("value") ) == 0 )
value = _s(atts[ 1 ]);
if ( context->property != NULL )
mlt_properties_set( properties, context->property, value == NULL ? "" : value );
// Tell parser to collect any further nodes for serialisation
context->is_value = 1;
context_push_service( context, service, type );
fprintf( stderr, "Property without a service '%s'?\n", ( char * )name );
static void on_end_property( deserialise_context context, const xmlChar *name )
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
if ( service != NULL )
// Tell parser to stop building a tree
context->is_value = 0;
// See if there is a xml tree for the value
if ( context->property != NULL && context->value_doc != NULL )
xmlChar *value;
int size;
// Serialise the tree to get value
xmlDocDumpMemory( context->value_doc, &value, &size );
mlt_properties_set( properties, context->property, _s(value) );
xmlFree( value );
xmlFreeDoc( context->value_doc );
context->value_doc = NULL;
// Close this property handling
free( context->property );
context->property = NULL;
context_push_service( context, service, type );
fprintf( stderr, "Property without a service '%s'??\n", (char *)name );
static void on_start_element( void *ctx, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext = ( struct _xmlParserCtxt* )ctx;
deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context )( xmlcontext->_private );
//printf("on_start_element: %s\n", name );
context->branch[ context->depth ] ++;
context->depth ++;
// Build a tree from nodes within a property value
if ( context->is_value == 1 )
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode( NULL, name );
if ( context->value_doc == NULL )
// Start a new tree
context->value_doc = xmlNewDoc( _x("1.0") );
xmlDocSetRootElement( context->value_doc, node );
// Append child to tree
xmlAddChild( context->stack_node[ context->stack_node_size - 1 ], node );
context_push_node( context, node );
// Set the attributes
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
xmlSetProp( node, atts[ 0 ], atts[ 1 ] );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("tractor") ) == 0 )
on_start_tractor( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("multitrack") ) == 0 )
on_start_multitrack( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("playlist") ) == 0 || xmlStrcmp( name, _x("seq") ) == 0 || xmlStrcmp( name, _x("smil") ) == 0 )
on_start_playlist( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("producer") ) == 0 || xmlStrcmp( name, _x("video") ) == 0 )
on_start_producer( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("blank") ) == 0 )
on_start_blank( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("entry") ) == 0 )
on_start_entry( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("track") ) == 0 )
on_start_track( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("filter") ) == 0 )
on_start_filter( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("transition") ) == 0 )
on_start_transition( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("property") ) == 0 )
on_start_property( context, name, atts );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("westley") ) == 0 )
for ( ; atts != NULL && *atts != NULL; atts += 2 )
mlt_properties_set( context->producer_map, ( char * )atts[ 0 ], ( char * )atts[ 1 ] );
static void on_end_element( void *ctx, const xmlChar *name )
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext = ( struct _xmlParserCtxt* )ctx;
deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context )( xmlcontext->_private );
//printf("on_end_element: %s\n", name );
if ( context->is_value == 1 && xmlStrcmp( name, _x("property") ) != 0 )
context_pop_node( context );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("multitrack") ) == 0 )
on_end_multitrack( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("playlist") ) == 0 || xmlStrcmp( name, _x("seq") ) == 0 || xmlStrcmp( name, _x("smil") ) == 0 )
on_end_playlist( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("track") ) == 0 )
on_end_track( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("entry") ) == 0 )
on_end_entry( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("tractor") ) == 0 )
on_end_tractor( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("property") ) == 0 )
on_end_property( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("producer") ) == 0 || xmlStrcmp( name, _x("video") ) == 0 )
on_end_producer( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("filter") ) == 0 )
on_end_filter( context, name );
else if ( xmlStrcmp( name, _x("transition") ) == 0 )
on_end_transition( context, name );
context->branch[ context->depth ] = 0;
context->depth --;
static void on_characters( void *ctx, const xmlChar *ch, int len )
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext = ( struct _xmlParserCtxt* )ctx;
deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context )( xmlcontext->_private );
char *value = calloc( len + 1, 1 );
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
if ( service != NULL )
context_push_service( context, service, type );
value[ len ] = 0;
strncpy( value, (const char*) ch, len );
if ( context->stack_node_size > 0 )
xmlNodeAddContent( context->stack_node[ context->stack_node_size - 1 ], ( xmlChar* )value );
// libxml2 generates an on_characters immediately after a get_entity within
// an element value, and we ignore it because it is called again during
// actual substitution.
else if ( context->property != NULL && context->entity_is_replace == 0 )
char *s = mlt_properties_get( properties, context->property );
if ( s != NULL )
// Append new text to existing content
char *new = calloc( strlen( s ) + len + 1, 1 );
strcat( new, s );
strcat( new, value );
mlt_properties_set( properties, context->property, new );
free( new );
mlt_properties_set( properties, context->property, value );
context->entity_is_replace = 0;
free( value);
/** Convert parameters parsed from resource into entity declarations.
static void params_to_entities( deserialise_context context )
if ( context->params != NULL )
int i;
// Add our params as entitiy declarations
for ( i = 0; i < mlt_properties_count( context->params ); i++ )
xmlChar *name = ( xmlChar* )mlt_properties_get_name( context->params, i );
xmlAddDocEntity( context->entity_doc, name, XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY,
context->publicId, context->systemId, ( xmlChar* )mlt_properties_get( context->params, _s(name) ) );
// Flag completion
mlt_properties_close( context->params );
context->params = NULL;
// The following 3 facilitate entity substitution in the SAX parser
static void on_internal_subset( void *ctx, const xmlChar* name,
const xmlChar* publicId, const xmlChar* systemId )
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext = ( struct _xmlParserCtxt* )ctx;
deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context )( xmlcontext->_private );
context->publicId = publicId;
context->systemId = systemId;
xmlCreateIntSubset( context->entity_doc, name, publicId, systemId );
// Override default entities with our parameters
params_to_entities( context );
// TODO: Check this with Dan... I think this is for westley parameterisation
// but it's breaking standard escaped entities (like &lt; etc).
static void on_entity_declaration( void *ctx, const xmlChar* name, int type,
const xmlChar* publicId, const xmlChar* systemId, xmlChar* content)
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext = ( struct _xmlParserCtxt* )ctx;
deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context )( xmlcontext->_private );
xmlAddDocEntity( context->entity_doc, name, type, publicId, systemId, content );
// TODO: Check this functionality (see on_entity_declaration)
static xmlEntityPtr on_get_entity( void *ctx, const xmlChar* name )
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext = ( struct _xmlParserCtxt* )ctx;
deserialise_context context = ( deserialise_context )( xmlcontext->_private );
xmlEntityPtr e = NULL;
// Setup for entity declarations if not ready
if ( xmlGetIntSubset( context->entity_doc ) == NULL )
xmlCreateIntSubset( context->entity_doc, _x("westley"), _x(""), _x("") );
context->publicId = _x("");
context->systemId = _x("");
// Add our parameters if not already
params_to_entities( context );
e = xmlGetPredefinedEntity( name );
// Send signal to on_characters that an entity substitutin is pending
if ( e == NULL )
e = xmlGetDocEntity( context->entity_doc, name );
if ( e != NULL )
context->entity_is_replace = 1;
return e;
/** Convert a hexadecimal character to its value.
static int tohex( char p )
return isdigit( p ) ? p - '0' : tolower( p ) - 'a' + 10;
/** Decode a url-encoded string containing hexadecimal character sequences.
static char *url_decode( char *dest, char *src )
char *p = dest;
while ( *src )
if ( *src == '%' )
*p ++ = ( tohex( *( src + 1 ) ) << 4 ) | tohex( *( src + 2 ) );
src += 3;
*p ++ = *src ++;
*p = *src;
return dest;
/** Extract the filename from a URL attaching parameters to a properties list.
static void parse_url( mlt_properties properties, char *url )
int i;
int n = strlen( url );
char *name = NULL;
char *value = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
switch ( url[ i ] )
case '?':
url[ i++ ] = '\0';
name = &url[ i ];
case ':':
case '=':
url[ i++ ] = '\0';
value = &url[ i ];
case '&':
url[ i++ ] = '\0';
if ( name != NULL && value != NULL )
mlt_properties_set( properties, name, value );
name = &url[ i ];
value = NULL;
if ( name != NULL && value != NULL )
mlt_properties_set( properties, name, value );
// Quick workaround to avoid unecessary libxml2 warnings
static int file_exists( char *file )
char *name = strdup( file );
int exists = 0;
if ( name != NULL && strchr( name, '?' ) )
*( strchr( name, '?' ) ) = '\0';
if ( name != NULL )
FILE *f = fopen( name, "r" );
exists = f != NULL;
if ( exists ) fclose( f );
free( name );
return exists;
mlt_producer producer_westley_init( int info, char *data )
xmlSAXHandler *sax = calloc( 1, sizeof( xmlSAXHandler ) );
struct deserialise_context_s *context = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct deserialise_context_s ) );
mlt_properties properties = NULL;
int i = 0;
struct _xmlParserCtxt *xmlcontext;
int well_formed = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if ( data == NULL || !strcmp( data, "" ) || ( info == 0 && !file_exists( data ) ) )
return NULL;
context = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct deserialise_context_s ) );
if ( context == NULL )
return NULL;
context->producer_map = mlt_properties_new();
context->destructors = mlt_properties_new();
context->params = mlt_properties_new();
// Decode URL and parse parameters
mlt_properties_set( context->producer_map, "root", "" );
if ( info == 0 )
filename = strdup( data );
parse_url( context->params, url_decode( filename, data ) );
// We need the directory prefix which was used for the westley
if ( strchr( filename, '/' ) )
char *root = NULL;
mlt_properties_set( context->producer_map, "root", filename );
root = mlt_properties_get( context->producer_map, "root" );
*( strrchr( root, '/' ) ) = '\0';
// If we don't have an absolute path here, we're heading for disaster...
if ( root[ 0 ] != '/' )
char *cwd = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
char *real = malloc( strlen( cwd ) + strlen( root ) + 2 );
sprintf( real, "%s/%s", cwd, root );
mlt_properties_set( context->producer_map, "root", real );
free( real );
free( cwd );
// We need to track the number of registered filters
mlt_properties_set_int( context->destructors, "registered", 0 );
// Setup SAX callbacks
sax->startElement = on_start_element;
sax->endElement = on_end_element;
sax->characters = on_characters;
sax->cdataBlock = on_characters;
sax->internalSubset = on_internal_subset;
sax->entityDecl = on_entity_declaration;
sax->getEntity = on_get_entity;
// Setup libxml2 SAX parsing
xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault( 1 );
// This is used to facilitate entity substitution in the SAX parser
context->entity_doc = xmlNewDoc( _x("1.0") );
if ( info == 0 )
xmlcontext = xmlCreateFileParserCtxt( filename );
xmlcontext = xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt( data, strlen( data ) );
// Invalid context - clean up and return NULL
if ( xmlcontext == NULL )
mlt_properties_close( context->producer_map );
mlt_properties_close( context->destructors );
mlt_properties_close( context->params );
free( context );
free( sax );
free( filename );
return NULL;
xmlcontext->sax = sax;
xmlcontext->_private = ( void* )context;
// Parse
xmlParseDocument( xmlcontext );
well_formed = xmlcontext->wellFormed;
// Cleanup after parsing
xmlFreeDoc( context->entity_doc );
free( sax );
xmlcontext->sax = NULL;
xmlcontext->_private = NULL;
xmlFreeParserCtxt( xmlcontext );
xmlMemoryDump( ); // for debugging
// Get the last producer on the stack
enum service_type type;
mlt_service service = context_pop_service( context, &type );
if ( well_formed && service != NULL )
// Verify it is a producer service (mlt_type="mlt_producer")
// (producer, playlist, multitrack)
char *type = mlt_properties_get( MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service ), "mlt_type" );
if ( type == NULL || ( strcmp( type, "mlt_producer" ) != 0 && strcmp( type, "producer" ) != 0 ) )
service = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
xmlDocPtr doc = westley_make_doc( service );
xmlDocFormatDump( stdout, doc, 1 );
xmlFreeDoc( doc );
service = NULL;
if ( well_formed && service != NULL )
char *title = mlt_properties_get( context->producer_map, "title" );
// Need the complete producer list for various reasons
properties = context->destructors;
// Now make sure we don't have a reference to the service in the properties
for ( i = mlt_properties_count( properties ) - 1; i >= 1; i -- )
char *name = mlt_properties_get_name( properties, i );
if ( mlt_properties_get_data( properties, name, NULL ) == service )
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, name, service, 0, NULL, NULL );
// We are done referencing destructor property list
// Set this var to service properties for convenience
properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( service );
// Assign the title
mlt_properties_set( properties, "title", title );
// Optimise for overlapping producers
mlt_producer_optimise( MLT_PRODUCER( service ) );
// Handle deep copies
if ( getenv( "MLT_WESTLEY_DEEP" ) == NULL )
// Now assign additional properties
if ( info == 0 )
mlt_properties_set( properties, "resource", data );
// This tells consumer_westley not to deep copy
mlt_properties_set( properties, "westley", "was here" );
// Allow the project to be edited
mlt_properties_set( properties, "_westley", "was here" );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "_mlt_service_hidden", 1 );
// Return null if not well formed
service = NULL;
// Clean up
mlt_properties_close( context->producer_map );
if ( context->params != NULL )
mlt_properties_close( context->params );
mlt_properties_close( context->destructors );
free( context );
free( filename );
return MLT_PRODUCER( service );