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* filter_autotrack_rectangle.c
* /brief
* /author Zachary Drew, Copyright 2005
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "filter_motion_est.h"
#include "arrow_code.h"
#include <framework/mlt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define ROUNDED_DIV(a,b) (((a)>0 ? (a) + ((b)>>1) : (a) - ((b)>>1))/(b))
#define ABS(a) ((a) >= 0 ? (a) : (-(a)))
void caculate_motion( struct motion_vector_s *vectors,
mlt_geometry_item boundry,
int macroblock_width,
int macroblock_height,
int mv_buffer_width,
int method,
int width,
int height )
// translate pixel units (from bounds) to macroblock units
// make sure whole macroblock stay within bounds
int left_mb = ( boundry->x + macroblock_width - 1 ) / macroblock_width;
int top_mb = ( boundry->y + macroblock_height - 1 ) / macroblock_height;
int right_mb = ( boundry->x + boundry->w ) / macroblock_width - 1;
int bottom_mb = ( boundry->y + boundry->h ) / macroblock_height - 1;
int i, j, n = 0;
int average_x = 0, average_y = 0;
#define CURRENT ( vectors + j*mv_buffer_width + i )
for( i = left_mb; i <= right_mb; i++ ){
for( j = top_mb; j <= bottom_mb; j++ )
average_x += CURRENT->dx;
average_y += CURRENT->dy;
if ( n == 0 ) return;
average_x /= n;
average_y /= n;
n = 0;
int average2_x = 0, average2_y = 0;
for( i = left_mb; i <= right_mb; i++ ){
for( j = top_mb; j <= bottom_mb; j++ ){
if( ABS(CURRENT->dx - average_x) < 3 &&
ABS(CURRENT->dy - average_y) < 3 )
average2_x += CURRENT->dx;
average2_y += CURRENT->dy;
if ( n == 0 ) return;
boundry->x -= (double)average2_x / (double)n;
boundry->y -= (double)average2_y / (double)n;
if ( boundry->x < 0 )
boundry->x = 0;
if ( boundry->y < 0 )
boundry->y = 0;
if ( boundry->x + boundry->w > width )
boundry->x = width - boundry->w;
if ( boundry->y + boundry->h > height )
boundry->y = height - boundry->h;
// Image stack(able) method
static int filter_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
// Get the filter object
mlt_filter filter = mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
// Get the filter's property object
mlt_properties filter_properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(filter);
// Get the frame properties
mlt_properties frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(frame);
// Get the frame position
mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
// Get the new image
int error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, format, width, height, 1 );
if( error != 0 )
mlt_properties_debug( frame_properties, "error after mlt_frame_get_image() in autotrack_rectangle", stderr );
// Get the geometry object
mlt_geometry geometry = mlt_properties_get_data(filter_properties, "filter_geometry", NULL);
// Get the current geometry item
struct mlt_geometry_item_s boundry;
mlt_geometry_fetch(geometry, &boundry, position);
// Get the motion vectors
struct motion_vector_s *vectors = mlt_properties_get_data( frame_properties, "motion_est.vectors", NULL );
// How did the rectangle move?
if( vectors != NULL &&
boundry.key != 1 ) // Paused?
int method = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "method" );
// Get the size of macroblocks in pixel units
int macroblock_height = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "motion_est.macroblock_height" );
int macroblock_width = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "motion_est.macroblock_width" );
int mv_buffer_width = *width / macroblock_width;
caculate_motion( vectors, &boundry, macroblock_width, macroblock_height, mv_buffer_width, method, *width, *height );
// Make the geometry object a real boy
boundry.key = 1;
boundry.f[0] = 1;
boundry.f[1] = 1;
boundry.f[2] = 1;
boundry.f[3] = 1;
boundry.f[4] = 1;
mlt_geometry_insert(geometry, &boundry);
if( mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "debug" ) == 1 )
init_arrows( format, *width, *height );
draw_rectangle_outline(*image, boundry.x, boundry.y, boundry.w, boundry.h, 100);
if( mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "obscure" ) == 1 )
mlt_filter obscure = mlt_properties_get_data( filter_properties, "_obscure", NULL );
mlt_properties_pass_list( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(obscure), filter_properties, "in, out");
// Because filter_obscure needs to be rewritten to use mlt_geometry
char geom[100];
sprintf( geom, "%d,%d:%dx%d", (int)boundry.x, (int)boundry.y, (int)boundry.w, (int)boundry.h );
mlt_properties_set( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( obscure ), "start", geom );
mlt_properties_set( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( obscure ), "end", geom );
if( mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "collect" ) == 1 )
printf( "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", (int)boundry.x, (int)boundry.y, (int)boundry.w, (int)boundry.h );
fflush( stdout );
return error;
static int attach_boundry_to_frame( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
// Get the filter object
mlt_filter filter = mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
// Get the filter's property object
mlt_properties filter_properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(filter);
// Get the frame properties
mlt_properties frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(frame);
// Get the frame position
mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
// Get the geometry object
mlt_geometry geometry = mlt_properties_get_data(filter_properties, "filter_geometry", NULL);
if (geometry == NULL) {
mlt_geometry geom = mlt_geometry_init();
char *arg = mlt_properties_get(filter_properties, "geometry");
// Initialize with the supplied geometry
struct mlt_geometry_item_s item;
mlt_geometry_parse_item( geom, &item, arg );
item.frame = 0;
item.key = 1;
item.mix = 100;
mlt_geometry_insert( geom, &item );
mlt_properties_set_data( filter_properties, "filter_geometry", geom, 0, (mlt_destructor)mlt_geometry_close, (mlt_serialiser)mlt_geometry_serialise );
geometry = mlt_properties_get_data(filter_properties, "filter_geometry", NULL);
// Get the current geometry item
mlt_geometry_item geometry_item = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof( struct mlt_geometry_item_s ) );
mlt_geometry_fetch(geometry, geometry_item, position);
mlt_properties_set_data( frame_properties, "bounds", geometry_item, sizeof( struct mlt_geometry_item_s ), mlt_pool_release, NULL );
// Get the new image
int error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, format, width, height, 1 );
if( error != 0 )
mlt_properties_debug( frame_properties, "error after mlt_frame_get_image() in autotrack_rectangle attach_boundry_to_frame", stderr );
return error;
/** Filter processing.
static mlt_frame filter_process( mlt_filter this, mlt_frame frame )
/* modify the frame with the current geometry */
mlt_frame_push_service( frame, this);
mlt_frame_push_get_image( frame, attach_boundry_to_frame );
/* apply the motion estimation filter */
mlt_filter motion_est = mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "_motion_est", NULL );
mlt_filter_process( motion_est, frame);
/* calculate the new geometry based on the motion */
mlt_frame_push_service( frame, this);
mlt_frame_push_get_image( frame, filter_get_image );
/* visualize the motion vectors */
if( mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "debug" ) == 1 )
mlt_filter vismv = mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "_vismv", NULL );
if( vismv == NULL )
vismv = mlt_factory_filter( "vismv", NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "_vismv", vismv, 0, (mlt_destructor)mlt_filter_close, NULL );
mlt_filter_process( vismv, frame );
if( mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "obscure" ) == 1 )
mlt_filter obscure = mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "_obscure", NULL );
if( obscure == NULL )
obscure = mlt_factory_filter( "obscure", NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "_obscure", obscure, 0, (mlt_destructor)mlt_filter_close, NULL );
mlt_filter_process( obscure, frame );
return frame;
/** Constructor for the filter.
mlt_filter filter_autotrack_rectangle_init( char *arg )
mlt_filter this = mlt_filter_new( );
if ( this != NULL )
this->process = filter_process;
// Initialize with the supplied geometry if ther is one
if( arg != NULL )
mlt_properties_set( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( this ), "geometry", arg );
mlt_properties_set( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( this ), "geometry", "100,100:100x100" );
// create an instance of the motion_est and obscure filter
mlt_filter motion_est = mlt_factory_filter( "motion_est", NULL );
if( motion_est != NULL )
mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(this), "_motion_est", motion_est, 0, (mlt_destructor)mlt_filter_close, NULL );
else {
mlt_filter_close( this );
return NULL;
return this;
/** This source code will self destruct in 5...4...3...