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232 lines
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232 lines
7.8 KiB
14 years ago
from qt import QVBox, QLabel, QLineEdit, QString, QPixmap, QPushButton, QColor, SIGNAL, QButtonGroup,\
QRadioButton, Qt, QWidget
from kdecore import KAccel, i18n
from kdeui import KAboutDialog, KAboutKDE, KBugReport, KColorDialog, KDialog, KDialogBase, KFontDialog,\
KPasswordDialog, KMessageBox, KLineEditDlg, KKeyDialog, KWizard
# despite what the docs say, there is no enum (in 2.1.1 anyway)
# that contains these values
QuestionYesNo = 0
WarningYesNo = 1
WarningContinueCancel = 2
WarningYesNoCancel = 3
Information = 4
Sorry = 5
Error = 6
# Python 2.2.2 supplies these, but they're duplicated here
# for backward compatibility
False = 0
True = 1
class CustomDlg (KDialog):
def __init__ (self, parent, name = "custom dlg", modal = False):
KDialog.__init__ (self, parent, name, modal)
x = 20
y = 10
rLbl = QLabel ("r", self)
gLbl = QLabel ("g", self)
bLbl = QLabel ("b", self)
self.rEd = QLineEdit ("64", self)
self.gEd = QLineEdit ("64", self)
self.bEd = QLineEdit ("64", self)
self.dlgBtn = QPushButton ("Set/Get Color", self)
self.okBtn = QPushButton ("OK", self)
self.canBtn = QPushButton ("Cancel", self)
rLbl.setGeometry (x, y, 25, 20)
gLbl.setGeometry (x + 30, y, 25, 20)
bLbl.setGeometry (x + 60, y, 25, 20)
y = y + 20
self.rEd.setGeometry (x, y, 25, 20)
self.gEd.setGeometry (x + 30, y, 25, 20)
self.bEd.setGeometry (x + 60, y, 25, 20)
y = y + 30
self.dlgBtn.setGeometry (x, y, 90, 22)
y = y + 30
self.okBtn.setGeometry (x, y, 40, 22)
self.canBtn.setGeometry (x + 50, y, 40, 22)
self.connect (self.dlgBtn, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.dlgClicked)
self.connect (self.okBtn, SIGNAL ("clicked ()"), self.okClicked)
self.connect (self.canBtn, SIGNAL ("clicked ()"), self.cancelClicked)
def dlgClicked (self):
# get some (numerical) color values from the original dialog
red = int (self.rEd.text ().latin1 ())
green = int (self.gEd.text ().latin1 ())
blue = int (self.bEd.text ().latin1 ())
# convert the numbers to a QColor
color = QColor (red, green, blue)
# invoke the dialog (getColor is a 'static' call)
# initialize with the colors from above (in color)
# color will also hold the new value chosen in the
# KColorDialog
result = KColorDialog.getColor (color, self)
# get the numerical color values back
red, green, blue = color.rgb ()
# update the QLineEdits in the original dialog
self.rEd.setText (str (red))
self.gEd.setText (str (green))
self.bEd.setText (str (blue))
def okClicked (self):
self.done (1)
def cancelClicked (self):
self.done (0)
class MessageDlg (KDialog):
def __init__ (self, parent, name = "message dlg", modal = False):
KDialog.__init__ (self, parent, name, modal)
buttons = ["QuestionYesNo", "WarningYesNo", "WarningContiueCancel", "WarningYesNoCancel",\
"Information", "Sorry", "Error"]
n = len (buttons)
grp = QButtonGroup (n, Qt.Vertical, "MessageBoxes", self, "button grp")
grp.setGeometry (10, 10, 200, 30*n)
for i in range (n):
QRadioButton (buttons [i], grp)
self.connect (grp, SIGNAL ("clicked (int)"), self.launch)
def launch (self, which):
if which == QuestionYesNo:
KMessageBox.questionYesNo (self, "This is a questionYesNo message box\nThere is also a list version of this dialog",\
elif which == WarningYesNo:
KMessageBox.warningYesNo (self, "This is a warningYesNo message box", "warningYesNo")
elif which == WarningContinueCancel:
KMessageBox.warningContinueCancel (self, "This is a warningContinueCancel message box", "warningContinueCancel");
elif which == WarningYesNoCancel:
KMessageBox.warningYesNoCancel (self, "This is a warningYesNoCancel message box", "warningYesNoCancel")
elif which == Information:
KMessageBox.information (self, "This is an information message box", "Information")
elif which == Sorry:
KMessageBox.sorry (self, "This is a 'sorry' message box", "Sorry")
elif which == Error:
KMessageBox.error (self, "No - this isn't really an error\nIt's an error message box\n", "Error")
def dlgKAboutDialog (parent):
dlg = KAboutDialog (parent, 'about dialog', False)
dlg.setLogo (QPixmap ("pytestimage.png"))
dlg.setTitle ("UISampler for PyKDE")
dlg.setAuthor ("Jim Bublitz", "", "",\
"\n\nPyKDE -- Python bindings\n\tfor KDE")
dlg.addContributor ("PyKDE list", "", QString.null, QString.null)
| ()
def dlgKBugReport (parent):
dlg = KBugReport (parent)
dlg.exec_loop ()
def dlgKAboutKDE (parent):
dlg = KAboutKDE (parent, "about kde", False)
| ()
def dlgKColorDialog (parent):
dlg = KColorDialog (parent, "color dlg", False)
| ()
def dlgKDialog (parent):
dlg = CustomDlg (parent)
| ()
def dlgKDialogBase (parent):
caption = "KDialogBase sample"
text_ = "This is a KDialogBase example"
dlg = KDialogBase (parent, "sample_dialog", False, caption,\
KDialogBase.Ok | KDialogBase.Cancel, KDialogBase.Ok, True )
page = dlg.makeVBoxMainWidget();
# making 'page' the parent inserts the widgets in
# the VBox created above
label = QLabel( caption, page, "caption" );
lineedit = QLineEdit(text_, page, "lineedit" );
# This tests some handwritten code in KDialogBase
label0 = QLabel ("Border widths", page)
a, b, c, d = dlg.getBorderWidths ()
labelA = QLabel ("Upper Left X: " + str (a), page)
labelB = QLabel ("Upper Left Y: " + str (b), page)
labelC = QLabel ("Lower Right X: " + str (c), page)
labelD = QLabel ("Lower Right Y: " + str (d), page)
| ()
def dlgKFontDialog (parent):
dlg = KFontDialog (parent, "font dlg", False, False)
| ()
def dlgKKeyDialog (parent):
# This really doesn't do anything except pop up the dlg
keys = KAccel (parent)
keys.insertItem( i18n( "Zoom in" ), "Zoom in", "+" );
KKeyDialog.configureKeys (keys)
def dlgKLineEditDlg (parent):
result, ok = KLineEditDlg.getText ("Enter text", "<Your input here>", parent)
print "result", result
print "ok", ok
# pop up another dlg to show what happened in the KLineEditDlg
if ok:
result = result.latin1 ()
KMessageBox.information (parent, "OK was pressed\nText: " + result, "KLineEditDlg result")
result = ""
KMessageBox.information (parent, "Cancel pressed\nText: " + result, "KLineEditDlg result")
def dlgKMessageBox (parent):
dlg = MessageDlg (parent)
| ()
def dlgKPasswordDialog (parent):
dlg = KPasswordDialog (KPasswordDialog.Password, "Enter password (just a test)")
dlg.exec_loop ()
def dlgKWizard (parent):
wiz = KWizard (parent)
page1 = QWidget (wiz)
p1Lbl = QLabel ("This is page 1", page1)
p1Lbl.setGeometry (20, 20, 100, 20)
page2 = QWidget (wiz)
p2Lbl = QLabel ("This is page 2", page2)
p2Lbl.setGeometry (50, 20, 100, 20)
page3 = QWidget (wiz)
p3Lbl = QLabel ("This is page 3", page3)
p3Lbl.setGeometry (80, 20, 100, 20)
wiz.addPage (page1, "Page 1")
wiz.addPage (page2, "Page 2")
wiz.addPage (page3, "Page 3")
| ()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Please run"