import os, time
from qt import TQImage, TQLabel, TQPixmap, TQPushButton, SIGNAL, TQColor, TQValidator
from tdeui import KMessageBox, KDateValidator, KFloatValidator, KIntValidator, KLineEdit, KLed
class Page3:
def __init__ (self, parent):
self.page = parent.addPage ()
x = 10
y = 15
green = TQColor (0, 255, 0)
yellow = TQColor (255, 255, 0)
red = TQColor (255, 0, 0)
ivLbl = TQLabel ("KIntValidator", self.page)
ivLbl.setGeometry (x, y, 100, 20)
ivLbl.show ()
self.iv = KLineEdit (self.page)
self.iv.setGeometry (x, y + 20, 100, 20)
self.iv.show ()
self.page.connect (self.iv, SIGNAL("textChanged (const TQString &)"), self.ivChanged)
self.ivVal = KIntValidator (self.page)
self.ivVal.setRange (20, 50)
ivRngLbl = TQLabel ("Range is 20 - 50", self.page)
ivRngLbl.setGeometry (x, y + 45, 100, 20)
ivRngLbl.show ()
ivAccLbl = TQLabel ("Acceptable", self.page)
ivAccLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y + 45, 85, 20)
ivAccLbl.show ()
ivInterLbl = TQLabel ("Intermediate", self.page)
ivInterLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y + 20, 85, 20)
ivInterLbl.show ()
ivInvalLbl = TQLabel ("Invalid", self.page)
ivInvalLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y - 5, 85, 20)
ivInvalLbl.show ()
self.ivInvalLed = KLed (red, KLed.Off, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.ivInvalLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y - 5, 18, 18)
self.ivInvalLed.show ()
self.ivInterLed = KLed (yellow, KLed.Off, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.ivInterLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y + 20, 18, 18)
self.ivInterLed.show ()
self.ivAccLed = KLed (green, KLed.On, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.ivAccLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y + 45, 18, 18)
self.ivAccLed.show ()
y = y + 100
fvLbl = TQLabel ("KFloatValidator", self.page)
fvLbl.setGeometry (x, y, 100, 20)
fvLbl.show ()
self.fv = KLineEdit (self.page)
self.fv.setGeometry (x, y + 20, 100, 20)
self.fv.show ()
self.page.connect (self.fv, SIGNAL("textChanged (const TQString &)"), self.fvChanged)
self.fvVal = KFloatValidator (self.page)
self.fvVal.setRange (10.0, 40.0)
fvRngLbl = TQLabel ("Range is 10.0 - 40.0", self.page)
fvRngLbl.setGeometry (x, y + 45, 100, 20)
fvRngLbl.show ()
fvAccLbl = TQLabel ("Acceptable", self.page)
fvAccLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y + 45, 85, 20)
fvAccLbl.show ()
fvInterLbl = TQLabel ("Intermediate", self.page)
fvInterLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y + 20, 95, 20)
fvInterLbl.show ()
fvInvalLbl = TQLabel ("Invalid", self.page)
fvInvalLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y - 5, 85, 20)
fvInvalLbl.show ()
self.fvInvalLed = KLed (red, KLed.Off, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.fvInvalLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y - 5, 18, 18)
self.fvInvalLed.show ()
self.fvInterLed = KLed (yellow, KLed.Off, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.fvInterLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y + 20, 18, 18)
self.fvInterLed.show ()
self.fvAccLed = KLed (green, KLed.On, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.fvAccLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y + 45, 18, 18)
self.fvAccLed.show ()
y = y + 100
dvLbl = TQLabel ("KDateValidator", self.page)
dvLbl.setGeometry (x, y, 100, 20)
dvLbl.show ()
self.dv = KLineEdit (self.page)
self.dv.setGeometry (x, y + 20, 100, 20)
self.dv.show ()
# self.page.connect (self.dv, SIGNAL("textChanged (const TQString &)"), self.dvChanged)
self.dvVal = KDateValidator (self.page)
# self.dvVal.setRange (10.0, 40.0)
# dvRngLbl = TQLabel ("Range is 10.0 - 40.0", self.page)
# dvRngLbl.setGeometry (x, y + 45, 100, 20)
# dvRngLbl.show ()
dvBtn = TQPushButton ("Validate", self.page)
dvBtn.setGeometry (x, y + 45, 60, 22)
dvBtn.show ()
self.page.connect (dvBtn, SIGNAL ("clicked ()"), self.dvChanged)
dvNoteLbl = TQLabel ("Format is locale dependent\nShort date only\nTry DD-MM-YY", self.page)
dvNoteLbl.setGeometry (x, y + 70, 150, 60)
dvNoteLbl.show ()
dvAccLbl = TQLabel ("Acceptable", self.page)
dvAccLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y + 45, 85, 20)
dvAccLbl.show ()
dvInterLbl = TQLabel ("Intermediate", self.page)
dvInterLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y + 20, 85, 20)
dvInterLbl.show ()
dvInvalLbl = TQLabel ("Invalid", self.page)
dvInvalLbl.setGeometry (x + 125, y - 5, 85, 20)
dvInvalLbl.show ()
self.dvInvalLed = KLed (red, KLed.Off, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.dvInvalLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y - 5, 18, 18)
self.dvInvalLed.show ()
self.dvInterLed = KLed (yellow, KLed.Off, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.dvInterLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y + 20, 18, 18)
self.dvInterLed.show ()
self.dvAccLed = KLed (green, KLed.On, KLed.Sunken, KLed.Circular,self.page)
self.dvAccLed.setGeometry (x + 215, y + 45, 18, 18)
self.dvAccLed.show ()
def ivChanged (self):
self.ivInvalLed.off ()
self.ivInterLed.off ()
self.ivAccLed.off ()
state, i = self.ivVal.validate (self.iv.text ())
if state == TQValidator.Acceptable:
self.ivAccLed.on ()
elif state == TQValidator.Intermediate:
self.ivInterLed.on ()
self.ivInvalLed.on ()
def fvChanged (self):
self.fvInvalLed.off ()
self.fvInterLed.off ()
self.fvAccLed.off ()
state, i = self.fvVal.validate (self.fv.text ())
if state == TQValidator.Acceptable:
self.fvAccLed.on ()
elif state == TQValidator.Intermediate:
self.fvInterLed.on ()
self.fvInvalLed.on ()
def dvChanged (self):
self.dvInvalLed.off ()
self.dvInterLed.off ()
self.dvAccLed.off ()
state, i = self.dvVal.validate (self.dv.text ())
if state == TQValidator.Acceptable:
self.dvAccLed.on ()
elif state == TQValidator.Intermediate:
self.dvInterLed.on ()
self.dvInvalLed.on ()
class PageNotImpl:
def __init__ (self, parent):
self.page = parent.addPage ()
x = 10
y = 10
niLbl = TQLabel ("Nothing is currently implemented for this widget", self.page)
niLbl.setGeometry (x, y, 300, 20)
niLbl.show ()
def miscKAlphaPainter (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKCModule (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKColor (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKColorDrag (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKCommand (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKCommandHistory (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKDockWindow (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKFloatValidator (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = Page3 (parent)
def miscKDateValidator (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = Page3 (parent)
def miscKIntValidator (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = Page3 (parent)
def miscKPixmapIO (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKSharedPixmap (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscKSystemTray (parent):
KMessageBox.information (parent, "See the systray.py example in the templates/ subdirectories")
def miscKThemeBase (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
def miscQXEmbed (parent):
parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl (parent)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Please run uisampler.py"