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// This is the SIP interface definition for the tqt module of PyTQt.
// Copyright (c) 2007
// Riverbank Computing Limited <>
// This file is part of PyTQt.
// This copy of PyTQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// PyTQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
// details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// PyTQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
%Module PyTQt.tqt 2
%Plugin PyTQt3
%Include versions.sip
%Include copying.sip
const char *PYTQT_VERSION_STR;
static unsigned PYTQT_VERSION = 0x031201;
static const char *PYTQT_VERSION_STR = "3.18.1";
// Hook into the VendorID package if it is enabled.
%Feature VendorID
%If (VendorID)
#include <vendorid.h>
if (!vendorid_check())
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "PyTQt cannot be used with this Python interpreter");
%DefaultMetatype tqt.pytqtWrapperType
%DefaultSupertype tqt.pytqtWrapper
// Include the interface definitions for each class.
// These contain enum and type definitions that need to be defined before they
// are used so they do not seem to be classes.
%Include tqglobal.sip
%Include tqnamespace.sip
%Include tqwindowdefs.sip
%Include tqpen.sip
%Include tqpaintdevice.sip
%Include tqpixmap.sip
%Include tqbitmap.sip
%Include tqsize.sip
%Include tqsizepolicy.sip
%Include tqaccel.sip
%Include tqaction.sip
%Include tqapplication.sip
%Include tqassistantclient.sip
%Include tqbrush.sip
%Include tqbutton.sip
%Include tqbuttongroup.sip
%Include tqbytearray.sip
%Include tqcdestyle.sip
%Include tqcheckbox.sip
%Include tqclipboard.sip
%Include tqcolor.sip
%Include tqcolordialog.sip
%Include tqcolorgroup.sip
%Include tqcombobox.sip
%Include tqcommonstyle.sip
%Include tqcstring.sip
%Include tqcursor.sip
%Include tqdatastream.sip
%Include tqdatetime.sip
%Include tqdatetimeedit.sip
%Include tqdesktopwidget.sip
%Include tqdial.sip
%Include tqdialog.sip
%Include tqdir.sip
%Include tqdockarea.sip
%Include tqdockwindow.sip
%Include tqdragobject.sip
%Include tqdrawutil.sip
%Include tqdropsite.sip
%Include tqerrormessage.sip
%Include tqevent.sip
%Include tqeventloop.sip
%Include tqfile.sip
%Include tqfiledialog.sip
%Include tqfileinfo.sip
%Include tqfont.sip
%Include tqfontdatabase.sip
%Include tqfontdialog.sip
%Include tqfontinfo.sip
%Include tqfontmetrics.sip
%Include tqframe.sip
%Include tqgrid.sip
%Include tqgridview.sip
%Include tqgroupbox.sip
%Include tqhbox.sip
%Include tqhbuttongroup.sip
%Include tqheader.sip
%Include tqhgroupbox.sip
%Include tqiconset.sip
%Include tqiconview.sip
%Include tqimage.sip
%Include tqinputdialog.sip
%Include tqinterlacestyle.sip
%Include tqiodevice.sip
%Include tqkeysequence.sip
%Include tqlabel.sip
%Include tqlayout.sip
%Include tqlcdnumber.sip
%Include tqlibrary.sip
%Include tqlineedit.sip
%Include tqlistbox.sip
%Include tqlistview.sip
%Include tqlocale.sip
%Include tqmainwindow.sip
%Include tqmemarray.sip
%Include tqmenubar.sip
%Include tqmenudata.sip
%Include tqmessagebox.sip
%Include tqmetaobject.sip
%Include tqmime.sip
%Include tqmotifplusstyle.sip
%Include tqmotifstyle.sip
%Include tqmovie.sip
%Include tqmutex.sip
%Include tqmultilinedit.sip
%Include tqnetworkprotocol.sip
%Include tqobject.sip
%Include tqobjectcleanuphandler.sip
%Include tqobjectlist.sip
%Include tqpaintdevicemetrics.sip
%Include tqpainter.sip
%Include tqpair.sip
%Include tqpalette.sip
%Include tqpicture.sip
%Include tqpixmapcache.sip
%Include tqplatinumstyle.sip
%Include tqpoint.sip
%Include tqpointarray.sip
%Include tqpopupmenu.sip
%Include tqprintdialog.sip
%Include tqprinter.sip
%Include tqprocess.sip
%Include tqprogressbar.sip
%Include tqprogressdialog.sip
%Include tqptrlist.sip
%Include tqpushbutton.sip
%Include tqradiobutton.sip
%Include tqrangecontrol.sip
%Include tqrect.sip
%Include tqregexp.sip
%Include tqregion.sip
%Include tqscrollbar.sip
%Include tqscrollview.sip
%Include tqsemaphore.sip
%Include tqsessionmanager.sip
%Include tqsettings.sip
%Include tqsgistyle.sip
%Include tqsignalmapper.sip
%Include tqsimplerichtext.sip
%Include tqsizegrip.sip
%Include tqslider.sip
%Include tqsocketnotifier.sip
%Include tqsound.sip
%Include tqspinbox.sip
%Include tqsplashscreen.sip
%Include tqsplitter.sip
%Include tqstatusbar.sip
%Include tqstring.sip
%Include tqstringlist.sip
%Include tqstrlist.sip
%Include tqstyle.sip
%Include tqstylefactory.sip
%Include tqstylesheet.sip
%Include tqsyntaxhighlighter.sip
%Include tqtabbar.sip
%Include tqtabdialog.sip
%Include tqtabwidget.sip
%Include tqtextbrowser.sip
%Include tqtextcodec.sip
%Include tqtextedit.sip
%Include tqtextstream.sip
%Include tqtextview.sip
%Include tqthread.sip
%Include tqtimer.sip
%Include tqtoolbar.sip
%Include tqtoolbox.sip
%Include tqtoolbutton.sip
%Include tqtooltip.sip
%Include tqtranslator.sip
%Include tqurl.sip
%Include tqurlinfo.sip
%Include tqurloperator.sip
%Include tquuid.sip
%Include tqvalidator.sip
%Include tqvaluelist.sip
%Include tqvariant.sip
%Include tqvbox.sip
%Include tqvbuttongroup.sip
%Include tqvgroupbox.sip
%Include tqwaitcondition.sip
%Include tqwhatsthis.sip
%Include tqwidget.sip
%Include tqwidgetlist.sip
%Include tqwidgetstack.sip
%Include tqwindowsstyle.sip
%Include tqwindowsxpstyle.sip
%Include tqwizard.sip
%Include tqwmatrix.sip
%Include tqworkspace.sip
// The build file templates.
# The project file for the tqt module.
# Copyright (c) 2007
# Riverbank Computing Limited <>
# This file is part of PyTQt.
# This copy of PyTQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PyTQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# PyTQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
macx:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -framework Python