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14 years ago
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
** This is a simple QGLWidget displaying a box
** The OpenGL code is mostly borrowed from Brian Pauls "spin" example
** in the Mesa distribution
#include <math.h>
#include "glbox.h"
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
#pragma warning(disable:4305) // init: truncation from const double to float
Create a GLBox widget
GLBox::GLBox( QWidget* parent, const char* name, const QGLWidget* shareWidget )
: QGLWidget( parent, name, shareWidget )
xRot = yRot = zRot = 0.0; // default object rotation
scale = 1.5; // default object scale
Create a GLBox widget
GLBox::GLBox( const QGLFormat& format, QWidget* parent, const char* name,
const QGLWidget* shareWidget )
: QGLWidget( format, parent, name, shareWidget )
xRot = yRot = zRot = 0.0; // default object rotation
scale = 1.5; // default object scale
Release allocated resources
Set up the OpenGL rendering state, and define display list
void GLBox::initializeGL()
qglClearColor( green ); // Let OpenGL clear to green
object = makeObject(); // Make display list
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
Set up the OpenGL view port, matrix mode, etc.
void GLBox::resizeGL( int w, int h )
glViewport( 0, 0, (GLint)w, (GLint)h );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glFrustum(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 200.0);
Paint the box. The actual openGL commands for drawing the box are
performed here.
void GLBox::paintGL()
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, -3.0 );
glScalef( scale, scale, scale );
glRotatef( xRot, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
glRotatef( yRot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glRotatef( zRot, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
glCallList( object );
Generate an OpenGL display list for the object to be shown, i.e. the box
GLuint GLBox::makeObject()
GLuint list;
list = glGenLists( 1 );
glNewList( list, GL_COMPILE );
GLint i, j, rings, sides;
float theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2;
float v0[03], v1[3], v2[3], v3[3];
float t0[03], t1[3], t2[3], t3[3];
float n0[3], n1[3], n2[3], n3[3];
float innerRadius=0.4;
float outerRadius=0.8;
float scalFac;
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
rings = 8;
sides = 10;
for (i = 0; i < rings; i++) {
theta1 = (float)i * 2.0 * pi / rings;
theta2 = (float)(i + 1) * 2.0 * pi / rings;
for (j = 0; j < sides; j++) {
phi1 = (float)j * 2.0 * pi / sides;
phi2 = (float)(j + 1) * 2.0 * pi / sides;
v0[0] = cos(theta1) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi1));
v0[1] = -sin(theta1) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi1));
v0[2] = innerRadius * sin(phi1);
v1[0] = cos(theta2) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi1));
v1[1] = -sin(theta2) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi1));
v1[2] = innerRadius * sin(phi1);
v2[0] = cos(theta2) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi2));
v2[1] = -sin(theta2) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi2));
v2[2] = innerRadius * sin(phi2);
v3[0] = cos(theta1) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi2));
v3[1] = -sin(theta1) * (outerRadius + innerRadius * cos(phi2));
v3[2] = innerRadius * sin(phi2);
n0[0] = cos(theta1) * (cos(phi1));
n0[1] = -sin(theta1) * (cos(phi1));
n0[2] = sin(phi1);
n1[0] = cos(theta2) * (cos(phi1));
n1[1] = -sin(theta2) * (cos(phi1));
n1[2] = sin(phi1);
n2[0] = cos(theta2) * (cos(phi2));
n2[1] = -sin(theta2) * (cos(phi2));
n2[2] = sin(phi2);
n3[0] = cos(theta1) * (cos(phi2));
n3[1] = -sin(theta1) * (cos(phi2));
n3[2] = sin(phi2);
t0[0] = v0[0]*scalFac + 0.5;
t0[1] = v0[1]*scalFac + 0.5;
t0[2] = v0[2]*scalFac + 0.5;
t1[0] = v1[0]*scalFac + 0.5;
t1[1] = v1[1]*scalFac + 0.5;
t1[2] = v1[2]*scalFac + 0.5;
t2[0] = v2[0]*scalFac + 0.5;
t2[1] = v2[1]*scalFac + 0.5;
t2[2] = v2[2]*scalFac + 0.5;
t3[0] = v3[0]*scalFac + 0.5;
t3[1] = v3[1]*scalFac + 0.5;
t3[2] = v3[2]*scalFac + 0.5;
// Create blue-black checkered coloring
if ( (i+j) % 2 )
qglColor( black );
qglColor( QColor( "steelblue" ) );
glNormal3fv(n3); glTexCoord3fv(t3); glVertex3fv(v3);
glNormal3fv(n2); glTexCoord3fv(t2); glVertex3fv(v2);
glNormal3fv(n1); glTexCoord3fv(t1); glVertex3fv(v1);
glNormal3fv(n0); glTexCoord3fv(t0); glVertex3fv(v0);
return list;
Set the rotation angle of the object to \e degrees around the X axis.
void GLBox::setXRotation( int degrees )
xRot = (GLfloat)(degrees % 360);
Set the rotation angle of the object to \e degrees around the Y axis.
void GLBox::setYRotation( int degrees )
yRot = (GLfloat)(degrees % 360);
Set the rotation angle of the object to \e degrees around the Z axis.
void GLBox::setZRotation( int degrees )
zRot = (GLfloat)(degrees % 360);
Sets the rotation angles of this object to that of \a fromBox
void GLBox::copyRotation( const GLBox& fromBox )
xRot = fromBox.xRot;
yRot = fromBox.yRot;
zRot = fromBox.zRot;