You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

504 lines
16 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Designer.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "metadatabase.h"
#include "../interfaces/actioninterface.h" // for GCC 2.7.* compatibility
#include "../interfaces/editorinterface.h"
#include "../interfaces/templatewizardiface.h"
#include "../interfaces/languageinterface.h"
#include "../interfaces/filterinterface.h"
#include "../interfaces/interpreterinterface.h"
#include "../interfaces/preferenceinterface.h"
#include "../interfaces/projectsettingsiface.h"
#include "../interfaces/sourcetemplateiface.h"
#include "sourceeditor.h"
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include <private/qpluginmanager_p.h>
#include <qobjectlist.h>
class QToolBox;
class PropertyEditor;
class QWorkspace;
class QMenuBar;
class FormWindow;
class QPopupMenu;
class HierarchyView;
class QCloseEvent;
class Workspace;
class ActionEditor;
class Project;
class OutputWindow;
class QTimer;
class FindDialog;
struct DesignerProject;
class ReplaceDialog;
class GotoLineDialog;
class SourceFile;
class FormFile;
class QAssistantClient;
#include <qtoolbar.h>
class QToolBar;
class Preferences;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
enum LineMode { Error, Step, StackFrame };
MainWindow( bool asClient, bool single = FALSE, const QString &plgDir = "/designer" );
HierarchyView *objectHierarchy() const;
Workspace *workspace() const;
PropertyEditor *propertyeditor() const;
ActionEditor *actioneditor() const;
void resetTool();
int currentTool() const;
FormWindow *formWindow();
bool unregisterClient( FormWindow *w );
void editorClosed( SourceEditor *e );
QWidget *isAFormWindowChild( QObject *o ) const;
QWidget *isAToolBarChild( QObject *o ) const;
void insertFormWindow( FormWindow *fw );
QWorkspace *qWorkspace() const;
void popupFormWindowMenu( const QPoint &gp, FormWindow *fw );
void popupWidgetMenu( const QPoint &gp, FormWindow *fw, QWidget *w );
QPopupMenu *setupNormalHierarchyMenu( QWidget *parent );
QPopupMenu *setupTabWidgetHierarchyMenu( QWidget *parent, const char *addSlot, const char *removeSlot );
FormWindow *openFormWindow( const QString &fn, bool validFileName = TRUE, FormFile *ff = 0 );
bool isCustomWidgetUsed( MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w );
void setGrid( const QPoint &p );
void setShowGrid( bool b );
void setSnapGrid( bool b );
QPoint grid() const { return grd; }
bool showGrid() const { return sGrid; }
bool snapGrid() const { return snGrid && sGrid; }
QString documentationPath() const;
static MainWindow *self;
QString templatePath() const { return templPath; }
void editFunction( const QString &func, bool rereadSource = FALSE );
bool isPreviewing() const { return previewing; }
Project *currProject() const { return currentProject; }
FormWindow *activeForm() const { return lastActiveFormWindow; }
TemplateWizardInterface* templateWizardInterface( const QString& className );
QStringList sourceTemplates() const;
SourceTemplateInterface* sourceTemplateInterface( const QString& templ );
QUnknownInterface* designerInterface() const { return desInterface; }
QPtrList<DesignerProject> projectList() const;
QStringList projectNames() const;
QStringList projectFileNames() const;
Project *findProject( const QString &projectName ) const;
void setCurrentProject( Project *pro );
void setCurrentProjectByFilename( const QString& proFilename );
OutputWindow *outputWindow() const { return oWindow; }
void addPreferencesTab( QWidget *tab, const QString &title, QObject *receiver, const char *init_slot, const char *accept_slot );
void addProjectTab( QWidget *tab, const QString &title, QObject *receiver, const char *init_slot, const char *accept_slot );
void setModified( bool b, QWidget *window );
void functionsChanged();
void updateFunctionList();
void updateWorkspace();
void runProjectPrecondition();
void runProjectPostcondition( QObjectList *l );
void formNameChanged( FormWindow *fw );
int currentLayoutDefaultSpacing() const;
int currentLayoutDefaultMargin() const;
void saveAllBreakPoints();
void resetBreakPoints();
SourceFile *sourceFile();
void createNewProject( const QString &lang );
void popupProjectMenu( const QPoint &pos );
QObject *findRealObject( QObject *o );
void setSingleProject( Project *pro );
bool singleProjectMode() const { return singleProject; }
void showSourceLine( QObject *o, int line, LineMode lm );
void shuttingDown();
void showGUIStuff( bool b );
void setEditorsReadOnly( bool b );
bool areEditorsReadOnly() const { return editorsReadOnly; }
void toggleSignalHandlers( bool show );
bool showSignalHandlers() const { return sSignalHandlers; }
void writeConfig();
void openProject( const QString &fn );
void setPluginDirectory( const QString &pd );
QString pluginDirectory() const { return pluginDir; }
QAssistantClient* assistantClient() const { return assistant; }
void addRecentlyOpenedFile( const QString &fn ) { addRecentlyOpened( fn, recentlyFiles ); }
public slots:
void showProperties( QObject *w );
void updateProperties( QObject *w );
void showDialogHelp();
void showDebugStep( QObject *o, int line );
void showStackFrame( QObject *o, int line );
void showErrorMessage( QObject *o, int line, const QString &errorMessage );
void finishedRun();
void breakPointsChanged();
void currentToolChanged();
void hasActiveForm( bool );
void hasActiveWindow( bool );
void hasActiveWindowOrProject( bool );
void hasNonDummyProject( bool );
void formModified( bool );
void formWindowsChanged();
void formWindowChanged();
void projectChanged();
void editorChanged();
bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e );
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e );
public slots:
void fileNew();
void fileNewDialog();
void fileNewFile();
void fileClose();
void fileQuit();
void fileCloseProject(); // not visible in menu, called from fileClose
void fileOpen();
void fileOpen( const QString &filter, const QString &extension, const QString &filename = "" , bool inProject = TRUE );
bool fileSave();
bool fileSaveForm(); // not visible in menu, called from fileSave
bool fileSaveProject(); // not visible in menu, called from fileSaveProject
bool fileSaveAs();
void fileSaveAll();
void fileCreateTemplate();
public slots:
void editUndo();
void editRedo();
void editCut();
void editCopy();
void editPaste();
void editDelete();
void editSelectAll();
void editLower();
void editRaise();
void editAdjustSize();
void editLayoutHorizontal();
void editLayoutVertical();
void editLayoutHorizontalSplit();
void editLayoutVerticalSplit();
void editLayoutGrid();
void editLayoutContainerHorizontal();
void editLayoutContainerVertical();
void editLayoutContainerGrid();
void editBreakLayout();
void editAccels();
void editFunctions();
void editConnections();
SourceEditor *editSource();
SourceEditor *editSource( SourceFile *f );
SourceEditor *openSourceEditor();
SourceEditor *createSourceEditor( QObject *object, Project *project,
const QString &lang = QString::null,
const QString &func = QString::null,
bool rereadSource = FALSE );
void editFormSettings();
void editProjectSettings();
void editPixmapCollection();
void editDatabaseConnections();
void editPreferences();
void projectInsertFile();
void searchFind();
void searchIncremetalFindMenu();
void searchIncremetalFind();
void searchIncremetalFindNext();
void searchReplace();
void searchGotoLine();
void previewForm();
void previewForm( const QString& );
void toolsCustomWidget();
void toolsConfigure();
void helpContents();
void helpManual();
void helpAbout();
void helpAboutQt();
void helpRegister();
private slots:
void activeWindowChanged( QWidget *w );
void updateUndoRedo( bool, bool, const QString &, const QString & );
void updateEditorUndoRedo();
void toolSelected( QAction* );
void clipboardChanged();
void selectionChanged();
void windowsMenuActivated( int id );
void setupWindowActions();
void createNewTemplate();
void projectSelected( QAction *a );
void setupRecentlyFilesMenu();
void setupRecentlyProjectsMenu();
void recentlyFilesMenuActivated( int id );
void recentlyProjectsMenuActivated( int id );
void emitProjectSignals();
void showStartDialog();
void setupMDI();
void setupMenuBar();
void setupEditActions();
void setupProjectActions();
void setupSearchActions();
void setupToolActions();
void setupLayoutActions();
void setupFileActions();
void setupPreviewActions();
void setupHelpActions();
void setupRMBMenus();
void setupPropertyEditor();
void setupHierarchyView();
void setupWorkspace();
void setupActionEditor();
void setupOutputWindow();
void setupToolbox();
void setupActionManager();
void setupPluginManagers();
void enableAll( bool enable );
QWidget* previewFormInternal( QStyle* style = 0, QPalette* pal = 0 );
void readConfig();
void setupRMBProperties( QValueList<uint> &ids, QMap<QString, int> &props, QWidget *w );
void handleRMBProperties( int id, QMap<QString, int> &props, QWidget *w );
void setupRMBSpecialCommands( QValueList<uint> &ids, QMap<QString, int> &commands, QWidget *w );
void handleRMBSpecialCommands( int id, QMap<QString, int> &commands, QWidget *w );
void setupRMBSpecialCommands( QValueList<uint> &ids, QMap<QString, int> &commands, FormWindow *w );
void handleRMBSpecialCommands( int id, QMap<QString, int> &commands, FormWindow *w );
bool openEditor( QWidget *w, FormWindow *fw );
void rebuildCustomWidgetGUI();
void rebuildCommonWidgetsToolBoxPage();
void checkTempFiles();
void addRecentlyOpened( const QString &fn, QStringList &lst );
QString whatsThisFrom( const QString &key );
private slots:
void doFunctionsChanged();
bool openProjectSettings( Project *pro );
struct Tab
QWidget *w;
QString title;
QObject *receiver;
const char *init_slot, *accept_slot;
PropertyEditor *propertyEditor;
HierarchyView *hierarchyView;
Workspace *wspace;
QWidget *lastPressWidget;
QWorkspace *qworkspace;
QMenuBar *menubar;
QGuardedPtr<FormWindow> lastActiveFormWindow;
bool breakLayout, layoutChilds, layoutSelected;
QPoint grd;
bool sGrid, snGrid;
bool restoreConfig;
bool backPix;
bool splashScreen;
QString fileFilter;
QMap<QAction*, Project*> projects;
QAction *actionEditUndo, *actionEditRedo, *actionEditCut, *actionEditCopy,
*actionEditPaste, *actionEditDelete,
*actionEditHLayout, *actionEditVLayout, *actionEditGridLayout,
*actionEditSplitHorizontal, *actionEditSplitVertical,
*actionEditSelectAll, *actionEditBreakLayout, *actionEditFunctions, *actionEditConnections,
*actionEditLower, *actionEditRaise, *actionInsertSpacer;
QActionGroup *actionGroupTools, *actionGroupProjects;
QAction* actionPointerTool, *actionConnectTool, *actionOrderTool, *actionBuddyTool;
QAction* actionCurrentTool;
QAction *actionHelpContents, *actionHelpAbout, *actionHelpAboutQt, *actionHelpWhatsThis;
QAction *actionHelpManual;
#if defined(QT_NON_COMMERCIAL)
QAction *actionHelpRegister;
QAction *actionToolsCustomWidget, *actionEditPreferences;
QAction *actionWindowTile, *actionWindowCascade, *actionWindowClose, *actionWindowCloseAll;
QAction *actionWindowNext, *actionWindowPrevious;
QAction *actionEditFormSettings, *actionEditAccels;
QAction *actionEditSource, *actionNewFile, *actionFileSave, *actionFileExit;
QAction *actionSearchFind, *actionSearchIncremetal, *actionSearchReplace, *actionSearchGotoLine;
QActionGroup *actionGroupNew;
QPopupMenu *rmbWidgets;
QPopupMenu *rmbFormWindow;
QPopupMenu *customWidgetMenu, *windowMenu, *fileMenu, *recentlyFilesMenu, *recentlyProjectsMenu;
QPopupMenu *toolsMenu, *layoutMenu, *previewMenu;
QToolBar *customWidgetToolBar, *layoutToolBar, *projectToolBar, *customWidgetToolBar2, *toolsToolBar;
QToolBar *commonWidgetsToolBar;
QPtrList<QToolBar> widgetToolBars;
Preferences *prefDia;
QMap<QString,QString> propertyDocumentation;
bool client;
QString templPath;
ActionEditor *actionEditor;
Project *currentProject;
QPluginManager<ActionInterface> *actionPluginManager;
QPluginManager<EditorInterface> *editorPluginManager;
QPluginManager<TemplateWizardInterface> *templateWizardPluginManager;
QPluginManager<InterpreterInterface> *interpreterPluginManager;
QPluginManager<PreferenceInterface> *preferencePluginManager;
QPluginManager<ProjectSettingsInterface> *projectSettingsPluginManager;
QPluginManager<SourceTemplateInterface> *sourceTemplatePluginManager;
QPtrList<SourceEditor> sourceEditors;
bool previewing;
QUnknownInterface *desInterface;
QStringList recentlyFiles;
QStringList recentlyProjects;
OutputWindow *oWindow;
QValueList<Tab> preferenceTabs;
QValueList<Tab> projectTabs;
bool databaseAutoEdit;
QTimer *updateFunctionsTimer;
QTimer *autoSaveTimer;
bool autoSaveEnabled;
int autoSaveInterval;
QLineEdit *incrementalSearch;
QGuardedPtr<FindDialog> findDialog;
QGuardedPtr<ReplaceDialog> replaceDialog;
QGuardedPtr<GotoLineDialog> gotoLineDialog;
Project *eProject;
bool inDebugMode;
QObjectList debuggingForms;
QString lastOpenFilter;
QGuardedPtr<QWidget> previewedForm;
QPopupMenu *projectMenu;
QString menuHelpFile;
bool singleProject;
QToolBox *toolBox;
int toolsMenuId, toolsMenuIndex;
uint guiStuffVisible : 1;
uint editorsReadOnly : 1;
uint savePluginPaths : 1;
QAssistantClient *assistant;
bool shStartDialog;
QString pluginDir;
bool sSignalHandlers;
QString lastSaveFilter;
QPtrList<QAction> toolActions;
QPtrList<QAction> commonWidgetsPage;
class SenderObject : public QObject
SenderObject( QUnknownInterface *i ) : iface( i ) { iface->addRef(); }
~SenderObject() { iface->release(); }
public slots:
void emitInitSignal() { emit initSignal( iface ); }
void emitAcceptSignal() { emit acceptSignal( iface ); }
void initSignal( QUnknownInterface * );
void acceptSignal( QUnknownInterface * );
QUnknownInterface *iface;