You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

209 lines
6.0 KiB

#include "setdataform.h"
#include "chartform.h"
#include <qcolordialog.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qtable.h>
#include "images/pattern01.xpm"
#include "images/pattern02.xpm"
#include "images/pattern03.xpm"
#include "images/pattern04.xpm"
#include "images/pattern05.xpm"
#include "images/pattern06.xpm"
#include "images/pattern07.xpm"
#include "images/pattern08.xpm"
#include "images/pattern09.xpm"
#include "images/pattern10.xpm"
#include "images/pattern11.xpm"
#include "images/pattern12.xpm"
#include "images/pattern13.xpm"
#include "images/pattern14.xpm"
const int MAX_PATTERNS = 14;
SetDataForm::SetDataForm( ElementVector *elements, int decimalPlaces,
QWidget* parent, const char* name,
bool modal, WFlags f )
: QDialog( parent, name, modal, f )
m_elements = elements;
m_decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces;
setCaption( "Chart -- Set Data" );
resize( 540, 440 );
tableButtonBox = new QVBoxLayout( this, 11, 6, "table button box layout" );
table = new QTable( this, "data table" );
table->setNumCols( 5 );
table->setNumRows( ChartForm::MAX_ELEMENTS );
table->setColumnReadOnly( 1, TRUE );
table->setColumnReadOnly( 2, TRUE );
table->setColumnReadOnly( 4, TRUE );
table->setColumnWidth( 0, 80 );
table->setColumnWidth( 1, 60 ); // Columns 1 and 4 must be equal
table->setColumnWidth( 2, 60 );
table->setColumnWidth( 3, 200 );
table->setColumnWidth( 4, 60 );
QHeader *th = table->horizontalHeader();
th->setLabel( 0, "Value" );
th->setLabel( 1, "Color" );
th->setLabel( 2, "Pattern" );
th->setLabel( 3, "Label" );
th->setLabel( 4, "Color" );
tableButtonBox->addWidget( table );
buttonBox = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "button box layout" );
colorPushButton = new QPushButton( this, "color button" );
colorPushButton->setText( "&Color..." );
colorPushButton->setEnabled( FALSE );
buttonBox->addWidget( colorPushButton );
QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
QSizePolicy::Minimum );
buttonBox->addItem( spacer );
okPushButton = new QPushButton( this, "ok button" );
okPushButton->setText( "OK" );
okPushButton->setDefault( TRUE );
buttonBox->addWidget( okPushButton );
cancelPushButton = new QPushButton( this, "cancel button" );
cancelPushButton->setText( "Cancel" );
cancelPushButton->setAccel( Key_Escape );
buttonBox->addWidget( cancelPushButton );
tableButtonBox->addLayout( buttonBox );
connect( table, SIGNAL( clicked(int,int,int,const QPoint&) ),
this, SLOT( setColor(int,int) ) );
connect( table, SIGNAL( currentChanged(int,int) ),
this, SLOT( currentChanged(int,int) ) );
connect( table, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int,int) ),
this, SLOT( valueChanged(int,int) ) );
connect( colorPushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( setColor() ) );
connect( okPushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
connect( cancelPushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
QPixmap patterns[MAX_PATTERNS];
patterns[0] = QPixmap( pattern01 );
patterns[1] = QPixmap( pattern02 );
patterns[2] = QPixmap( pattern03 );
patterns[3] = QPixmap( pattern04 );
patterns[4] = QPixmap( pattern05 );
patterns[5] = QPixmap( pattern06 );
patterns[6] = QPixmap( pattern07 );
patterns[7] = QPixmap( pattern08 );
patterns[8] = QPixmap( pattern09 );
patterns[9] = QPixmap( pattern10 );
patterns[10] = QPixmap( pattern11 );
patterns[11] = QPixmap( pattern12 );
patterns[12] = QPixmap( pattern13 );
patterns[13] = QPixmap( pattern14 );
QRect rect = table->cellRect( 0, 1 );
QPixmap pix( rect.width(), rect.height() );
for ( int i = 0; i < ChartForm::MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i ) {
Element element = (*m_elements)[i];
if ( element.isValid() )
i, 0,
QString( "%1" ).arg( element.value(), 0, 'f',
m_decimalPlaces ) );
QColor color = element.valueColor();
pix.fill( color );
table->setPixmap( i, 1, pix );
table->setText( i, 1, );
QComboBox *combobox = new QComboBox;
for ( int j = 0; j < MAX_PATTERNS; ++j )
combobox->insertItem( patterns[j] );
combobox->setCurrentItem( element.valuePattern() - 1 );
table->setCellWidget( i, 2, combobox );
table->setText( i, 3, element.label() );
color = element.labelColor();
pix.fill( color );
table->setPixmap( i, 4, pix );
table->setText( i, 4, );
void SetDataForm::currentChanged( int, int col )
colorPushButton->setEnabled( col == 1 || col == 4 );
void SetDataForm::valueChanged( int row, int col )
if ( col == 0 ) {
bool ok;
double d = table->text( row, col ).toDouble( &ok );
if ( ok && d > EPSILON )
row, col, QString( "%1" ).arg(
d, 0, 'f', m_decimalPlaces ) );
else if ( !table->text( row, col ).isEmpty() )
table->setText( row, col, table->text( row, col ) + "?" );
void SetDataForm::setColor()
setColor( table->currentRow(), table->currentColumn() );
void SetDataForm::setColor( int row, int col )
if ( !( col == 1 || col == 4 ) )
QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(
QColor( table->text( row, col ) ),
this, "color dialog" );
if ( color.isValid() ) {
QPixmap pix = table->pixmap( row, col );
pix.fill( color );
table->setPixmap( row, col, pix );
table->setText( row, col, );
void SetDataForm::accept()
bool ok;
for ( int i = 0; i < ChartForm::MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i ) {
Element &element = (*m_elements)[i];
double d = table->text( i, 0 ).toDouble( &ok );
if ( ok )
element.setValue( d );
element.setValue( Element::INVALID );
element.setValueColor( QColor( table->text( i, 1 ) ) );
((QComboBox*)table->cellWidget( i, 2 ))->currentItem() + 1 );
element.setLabel( table->text( i, 3 ) );
element.setLabelColor( QColor( table->text( i, 4 ) ) );