You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

44 lines
796 B

/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 29 8 1",
" c Gray2",
". c Gray20",
"X c Gray32",
"o c Gray44",
"O c Gray56",
"+ c Gray69",
"@ c #d2d2d2",
"# c None",
/* pixels */
"####O O####++",
"####. #### o",
"###@ @### @",
"####. @#@X #",
"####O o#",
"#####+. X+.O#",
"############+ @#",
"############ o##",
"##+. X@####+ @##",
"#@ .####o.###",
"#O +### X###",
"#o +##+ O###",
"## oOX @###",
"##+ X####",
"###@oOOo+@ X####",
"#########+ @####",
"#########. #####",
"######### X#####",
"########+ O#####",
"########X @#####",
"######## .######",
"#######@ O######",
"#######X @######",
"####### @######",
"######@ X#######",