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26 lines
603 B

all: ckpasswd.o xmalloc.o messages.o ckpass.o ckpasswd smartauthmon
ckpass.o: ckpass.c
gcc ckpass.c -c
ckpasswd.o: ckpasswd.c
gcc ckpasswd.c -c
xmalloc.o: xmalloc.c
gcc xmalloc.c -c
messages.o: messages.c
gcc messages.c -c
smartauthmon.o: smartauthmon.cpp
g++ -I/usr/include/tqt -I/usr/include/qt3 smartauthmon.cpp -c
ckpasswd: ckpasswd.o
gcc ckpasswd.o xmalloc.o messages.o -o ckpasswd -lpam -lcrypt
smartauthmon: smartauthmon.o ckpass.o
gcc smartauthmon.o ckpass.o xmalloc.o messages.o -o smartauthmon -lqt-mt -ltqt -lpam -lcrypt
rm -f ckpasswd.o xmalloc.o messages.o ckpasswd