You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

378 lines
11 KiB

copyright : (C) 2002, 2003, 2006 by Jochen Issing
email :
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version *
* 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
* MA 02110-1301 USA *
#include <tbytevector.h>
#include <tstring.h>
#include "tlist.h"
#include "mp4itunestag.h"
#include "mp4file.h"
#include "boxfactory.h"
#include "mp4tagsproxy.h"
#include "mp4propsproxy.h"
#include "mp4audioproperties.h"
#include "itunesdatabox.h"
using namespace TagLib;
class MP4::File::FilePrivate
//! list for all boxes of the mp4 file
TagLib::List<MP4::Mp4IsoBox*> boxes;
//! the box factory - will create all boxes by tag and size
MP4::BoxFactory boxfactory;
//! proxy for the tags is filled after parsing
MP4::Mp4TagsProxy tagsProxy;
//! proxy for audio properties
MP4::Mp4PropsProxy propsProxy;
//! the tag returned by tag() function
MP4::Tag mp4tag;
//! container for the audio properties returned by properties() function
MP4::AudioProperties mp4audioproperties;
//! is set to valid after successfully parsing
bool isValid;
//! function to fill the tags with converted proxy data, which has been parsed out of the file previously
static void fillTagFromProxy( MP4::Mp4TagsProxy& proxy, MP4::Tag& mp4tag );
MP4::File::File(const char *file, bool , AudioProperties::ReadStyle )
:TagLib::File( file )
// create member container
d = new MP4::File::FilePrivate();
d->isValid = false;
TagLib::uint size;
MP4::Fourcc fourcc;
while( readSizeAndType( size, fourcc ) == true )
// create the appropriate subclass and parse it
MP4::Mp4IsoBox* curbox = d->boxfactory.createInstance( this, fourcc, size, tell() );
d->boxes.append( curbox );
for( TagLib::List<MP4::Mp4IsoBox*>::Iterator iter = d->boxes.begin();
iter != d->boxes.end();
iter++ )
if( (*iter)->fourcc() == MP4::Fourcc("moov") )
d->isValid = true;
//if( d->isValid )
//debug( "file is valid" );
//debug( "file is NOT valid" );
// fill tags from proxy data
fillTagFromProxy( d->tagsProxy, d->mp4tag );
TagLib::List<Mp4IsoBox*>::Iterator delIter;
for( delIter = d->boxes.begin();
delIter != d->boxes.end();
delIter++ )
delete *delIter;
delete d;
Tag *MP4::File::tag() const
return &d->mp4tag;
AudioProperties * MP4::File::audioProperties() const
d->mp4audioproperties.setProxy( &d->propsProxy );
return &d->mp4audioproperties;
bool MP4::File::save()
return false;
void MP4::File::remove()
TagLib::uint MP4::File::readSystemsLen()
TagLib::uint length = 0;
TagLib::uint nbytes = 0;
ByteVector input;
TagLib::uchar tmp_input;
input = readBlock(1);
tmp_input = static_cast<TagLib::uchar>(input[0]);
length = (length<<7) | (tmp_input&0x7F);
} while( (tmp_input&0x80) && (nbytes<4) );
return length;
bool MP4::File::readSizeAndType( TagLib::uint& size, MP4::Fourcc& fourcc )
// read the two blocks from file
ByteVector readsize = readBlock(4);
ByteVector readtype = readBlock(4);
if( (readsize.size() != 4) || (readtype.size() != 4) )
return false;
// set size
size = static_cast<unsigned char>(readsize[0]) << 24 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readsize[1]) << 16 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readsize[2]) << 8 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readsize[3]);
// type and size seem to be part of the stored size
if( size < 8 )
return false;
// set fourcc
fourcc =;
return true;
bool MP4::File::readInt( TagLib::uint& toRead )
ByteVector readbuffer = readBlock(4);
if( readbuffer.size() != 4 )
return false;
toRead = static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[0]) << 24 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[1]) << 16 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[2]) << 8 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[3]);
return true;
bool MP4::File::readShort( TagLib::uint& toRead )
ByteVector readbuffer = readBlock(2);
if( readbuffer.size() != 2 )
return false;
toRead = static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[0]) << 8 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[1]);
return true;
bool MP4::File::readLongLong( TagLib::ulonglong& toRead )
ByteVector readbuffer = readBlock(8);
if( readbuffer.size() != 8 )
return false;
toRead = static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[0])) << 56 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[1])) << 48 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[2])) << 40 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[3])) << 32 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[4])) << 24 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[5])) << 16 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[6])) << 8 |
static_cast<ulonglong>(static_cast<unsigned char>(readbuffer[7]));
return true;
bool MP4::File::readFourcc( TagLib::MP4::Fourcc& fourcc )
ByteVector readtype = readBlock(4);
if( readtype.size() != 4)
return false;
// set fourcc
fourcc =;
return true;
MP4::Mp4TagsProxy* MP4::File::tagProxy() const
return &d->tagsProxy;
MP4::Mp4PropsProxy* MP4::File::propProxy() const
return &d->propsProxy;
void fillTagFromProxy( MP4::Mp4TagsProxy& proxy, MP4::Tag& mp4tag )
// tmp buffer for each tag
MP4::ITunesDataBox* databox;
databox = proxy.titleData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setTitle( datastring );
databox = proxy.artistData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setArtist( datastring );
databox = proxy.albumData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setAlbum( datastring );
databox = proxy.genreData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setGenre( datastring );
databox = proxy.yearData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setYear( datastring.toInt() );
databox = proxy.trknData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to uint
TagLib::ByteVector datavec = databox->data();
if( datavec.size() >= 4 )
TagLib::uint trackno = static_cast<TagLib::uint>( static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[0]) << 24 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[1]) << 16 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[2]) << 8 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[3]) );
mp4tag.setTrack( trackno );
mp4tag.setTrack( 0 );
databox = proxy.commentData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setComment( datastring );
databox = proxy.groupingData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setGrouping( datastring );
databox = proxy.composerData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to string
TagLib::String datastring( databox->data(), String::UTF8 );
// check if string was set
if( !datastring.isEmpty() )
mp4tag.setComposer( datastring );
databox = proxy.diskData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to uint
TagLib::ByteVector datavec = databox->data();
if( datavec.size() >= 4 )
TagLib::uint discno = static_cast<TagLib::uint>( static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[0]) << 24 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[1]) << 16 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[2]) << 8 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[3]) );
mp4tag.setDisk( discno );
mp4tag.setDisk( 0 );
databox = proxy.bpmData();
if( databox != 0 )
// convert data to uint
TagLib::ByteVector datavec = databox->data();
if( datavec.size() >= 2 )
TagLib::uint bpm = static_cast<TagLib::uint>( static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[0]) << 8 |
static_cast<unsigned char>(datavec[1]) );
mp4tag.setBpm( bpm );
mp4tag.setBpm( 0 );
databox = proxy.coverData();
if( databox != 0 )
// get byte vector
mp4tag.setCover( databox->data() );